Short Change Hero

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    I can't see where you comin' from
    But I know just what you runnin' from:
    And what matters ain't the "who's baddest" but
    The ones who stop you fallin' from your ladder, baby

    Meara Sullivan & Scott Lang played by King of Lions
    Loki Laufeyson & Elodie Wyatt played by Laylapetrovana
    March 19th, 2017 at 07:53pm
  • Small hands played with the singular leaf in her hand, a small smile passing her lips. Meara never went outside in fear of harming people, but three months from any incidents, she built up courage to go outside. Of course, it was the dead of night - it would take her a while before she went out in the daylight.

    Tearing her gaze from the leaf, she looked up at the sky. It was clear, not a cloud in sight. The moon shined, stars sparkled, and the air was clear and crisp. A sign she was calm... Having the ability to manipulate the weather had its costs; the main one being the fact that it changed with her mood.

    However, she was relaxed - so there was no risk of a sudden thunderstorm.

    Briefly, she heard footsteps in the distance, but chose to ignore it. Drawing her attention back to the leaf, she traced her thumb over the intricate details and lines of it. She must of looked weird - standing outside a closed coffee shop mesmerized by a leaf... But the last time she went outside was winter; and it was so nice to see leaves not withered and dead.
    Ever since Scott slipped into the 'Ant-Man' suit, life had been difficult. He never thought having a secret to keep would be so hard. His focus, however, has been on Cassie completely. She was his ray of sunshine, and he would do anything to keep her safe from harm.

    Cassie was invited to a birthday party, and he was so pleased that she was socializing and making friends at school. On the invite she was given, it said for the parents to stick around for a social chit-chat, which Scott planned on doing.

    "Are you gonna' stay?" Cassandra asked with pouted lips at the doorway of the birthday kid's house, and Scott just crouched down and messed up her hair with his hand.

    "Of course, princess." Holding her hand, he stood back up and knocked on the door, Cassie eagerly bouncing on her heels.

    ((Eloide could be the parent of the birthday kid Wink ))
    March 19th, 2017 at 08:23pm
  • Loki Laufeyson | God

    Loki Laufeyson was a god. He had been confident in his abilities, in his magic when he'd first tried to conquer Midgard. After all, compared to him the natives of Midgard were about as powerful as ants. But it had been this cocky thinking which had been his downfall. Loki had never taken the Avengers seriously. Not at first. He'd not taken them seriously until he was defeated on the floor of Stark Towers. That had been two years ago. Two years since his... Until Thor had brought him back to Asgard. It'd been two years since punishment was passed down to him. Confinement. Imprisonment. Two years since he'd been left to rot in Asgardian prison with other common criminals. A lesser being perhaps would of broken under such circumstances. Fractured into a thousand pieces, allowed themselves to be beaten like a stray dog.

    But Loki was no lesser being. He was meant to be a king, and if he could not rule over Asgard, he'd rule over Midgard. So he had spent a year planning. A year waiting for the perfect opportunity to break out of the prison he'd been confined to. But of course, his idiot brother had messed up, needed his help. And Loki agreed, knowing this was his chance to escape. In fact, even as Thor had brought him along his quest to save his little Midgardian, Loki had earned his trust. Faked his own death and Thor had bought every bit of it. Drank his lies; declared Loki dead. And no one looks for a dead man. So it'd been easy for Loki to slip back to Midgard, eager to settle his score with the Avengers. And he had the advantage They would not be expecting him, wouldn't be looking for him. And this time? Loki would not underestimate his foes.

    If nothing more than spite, the Avengers would fall to his hand. But, it would be a fool's errand to attack them head on once again. So the god had devised a plan. Watch them fall from the inside. When they were weak, divided, he'd swoop in to deal the final blow. But that meant he would need help. Loki would need a man on the inside. And of course none of the original members of the Avenger's would dream of helping him, and without the staff gifted to him mind-control just simply wasn't an option. But again fortune smiled upon Loki. It took only a few weeks of observing the team to note how it's numbers had grown. All Loki needed to do was find the right person, and together they could cause the fall of an empire. It's those plans for domination that lead Loki to the small hole-in-the-wall coffee joint, a few blocks away from the tower. In it sat his target, Meara Sullivan.

    She was the newest member of the Avengers, and on top of that Loki had noted from his brief time observing her a few key things. She was powerful, a mutant that could effect the weather with her moods. And then of course her newness to the Avengers meant that she likely hadn't time to form sentimental attachments. She'd be more likely to join his cause, and his enemies would fall. Currently she hadn't noticed him from across the coffee shop yet, her face turned towards the window. The smell of coffee grinds and various pastries saturated the late-night air and Loki figured it was now or never. It doesn't take much effort to cast a spell that renders both himself and Meara to be undetectable to the few other patrons of the shop. That would give them privacy and time to talk. With a serpentine grace Loki gets up, sliding into the chair across from Meara a cat's grin on his thin lips. It takes her a moment to notice him, though before she can speak Loki cuts to the point. ''Meara Sullivan? By the expression on your face I assume you know who I am, and what I'm capable of. Don't bother shouting for help, the people here cannot see nor hear us. But don't be alarmed- I come with a proposition.''

    Elodie Wyatt | Civilian

    Elodie Grace Wyatt had worked her fingers to the bone to make her daughter's eighth birthday party perfect. She'd gotten the Captain America cake that she'd begged for, put in extra hours at work to get Olivia the bike she'd been talking about for months, apparently her little girl was ready to begin how to ride a two-wheeler. And finally, today Elodie had gotten up with the crack of dawn to clean their little suburban house top to bottom so it'd be ready for the birthday party that Olivia had requested. And it was almost perfect. Nearly all of Olivia's little friends had come to the event, most of them outside in the Wyatt's backyard. The cake was ready for cutting, and the pizza was supposed to be arriving shortly. The only thing that kept this party from being perfect, was Olivia's father and Elodie's recently divorced husband, William.

    He had promised Olivia the last time he picked her up from school that he would be there. But like clockwork, an hour into the party and Olivia was still asking Elodie where her father was. Elodie had no answer for her daughter. As of now 'Livy was in the backyard with her friends playing some sort of game, and as of now was seeming to have a good time minus her father's absence. Elodie was trying to balance her time between keeping an eye on the kids running wild in her backyard, and socialize with the other parents. It was a lot of work. This was the first year that Elodie was running a birthday party on her own. Normally, Will was there to help Elodie, and it didn't seem so overwhelming. As of now, Elodie was in the kitchen hiding from the party-goers for a little while. She just needed a quick break, and everything seemed to be going fine. The slender brunette is in the middle of checking her phone when she faintly hears the door.

    It's against common sense, hoping that it was Will. That he'd shown up for his daughter just this once so Ellie didn't have to see the look on Olivia's face when she realized that once again, her father was a no-show. Running a hand through her hair she sets for the doorway, praying to a god she doesn't believe in that it's William. Perhaps she shouldn't of felt so disappointed when she opened the door to reveal Cassandra Lang, one of her daughter's good friends along with a male she'd never seen with Cassie before. He had dark hair, and blue eyes that held notes of warmth. If Ellie had to guess, it was Cassie's father. Feeling her smile falter for just a moment Ellie waves aside her disappointment over William's absence and beams at Cassie. ''Hi Cassie, we're so glad you could make it! Olivia's in the backyard if you wanna go say hi. I know she's been waiting for you.'' The small girl glances up at her father as if asking permission.

    Once he nods she grins, barreling into the home and making her way to the backyard. Turning her attention back to the male she steps aside, holding the door open for him. ''I don't think we've met before. I'm Elodie Wyatt, Olivia's mom. I'm guessing you're Cassie's father?'' Her hazel gaze sweeps back to the male's as she shuts the door behind him. ''The house is kind of chaotic right now, but most of the parents are in the living room. There are snacks and pizza should be on the way. But can I get you anything in the meantime, we have coffee, tea, or soda?'' Elodie speaks as she leads the way to her house, gesturing towards the living room where a few of the more social parents have gathered. She pauses and adds in a rather amused tone, ''Though if you get tired of listening to the other parents bragging about their children, I could always use some help putting together more snack trays.''
    March 19th, 2017 at 11:27pm
  • ((so sorry I thought this posted yesterday!!! OMG NO! ))

    Her gaze lifted from her hands when she heard a voice; and raised a quizzical brow when a seemingly random person sat in front of her. Meara was almost about to ask them to leave - but when he spoke, she froze. That voice... Those eyes... The unpleasant but strong aura around him.. This wasn't any random man.

    This was Loki... A god. Meara's body tensed up, eyes widened when she realized. Ready to call for help, she paused again when she couldn't hear anyone that wasn't the god in-front of her. She'd heard of his trickery - but never knew it was this powerful... Then again, she hadn't met a god before; Thor wasn't in the Tower the times she went.

    Gulping down her nerves, her grip on her drink tightened until her knuckles went white. "A proposition?" Her voice was wavering with nerves and uncertainty - the last thing she wanted was to make a god pissed. Part of Meara wanted to run, but the other part wanted to listen. If he hated Earth and all the people in it, why wasn't she dead yet? The question ran around her mind as to why he came to her, of all people in the world.

    Then something flashed along her mind; a reason why he could be back.

    Scott smiled as Cassie ran off to find Olivia; a small breath of relief passed his lips before he drew his attention to the woman speaking. "I'm Scott Lang, Cassie's father. Nice to meet you, Elodie.. I'll have a soda, if that's alright." Shaking her hand with a smile, Scott looked into the room of all the parents whom didn't bat an eyelid at him; before looking back at Elodie.

    "Can I let you in on a secret?" Scott mumbled, briefly looking back at the living room. "As childish as it sounds; they judge me, and I'd rather not converse with them." With a genuine smile and a shrug of his shoulders, Scott placed Cassie's pink bag by the door, before walking into the kitchen with Elodie. "Is the name French or something? Your name is much cooler than mine; I'm just Scott... Sounds like an old-man's name." With a chuckle, he placed his hands in his pockets.

    Scott looked out the window, and smiled at Cassie and Olivia; and all the other kids having fun. "I'm so glad she's made friends; means she doesn't have to put makeup on me all the time." Smiling at fond memories, he looked at Elodie. "So, snack trays?"
    March 21st, 2017 at 07:58pm