Pull Apart at the Seams || Closed

  • salander.

    salander. (150)

    United States
    You’re dripping like a saturated sunrise
    You’re spilling like an overflowing sink

    The Youth
    Clara Garner & Jeremy Gilbert

    You’re ripped at every edge but you’re a masterpiece
    And now i’m tearing through the pages and the ink

    The Old Souls
    Birna 'Penelope' Rolvsson & Damon Salvatore
    March 29th, 2017 at 11:04pm
  • salander.

    salander. (150)

    United States
    Jeremy looked up at Mystic Falls High in disdain, the grey, cloudy morning doing nothing to quell his distaste for the place. He supposed high school was hard on anyone in normal circumstances, but even harder for him. It seemed the people in his life just kept slipping away; starting with his parents, then Vicki, and, lastly, Anna. What probably hurt the worst with Anna was that his own uncle was the mastermind behind her killing. She had been a friend, a light in a dark time of his life, and now he felt like he was being plunged back into darkness again. No, he wouldn't start drinking or using again, but he sure felt like it at times. Looking up at Mystic Fall High School was definitely one of those times.

    However, he told his Aunt Jenna he'd try harder and that's just what he'd do. Well, he'd at least show up. He didn't really have to try hard to make good grades, but he didn't see himself putting too much time into studying to do any better. Jeremy hooked his thumb under the single strap on his book bag and brushed his other hand through his hair, the ring his uncle gave him catching a bit on the dark brown strands. He frowned for a moment as he looked down at it. It was a bit...gaudy for his tastes, but he figured he'd humor his uncle, even if the jerk had skipped town after his little "cutting" accident.

    As he stepped toward the front doors of the school, he glanced around the parking lot for a moment. This particular morning, he was trying to avoid Elena, her friends, and more importantly either one of the Salvatore brothers. Once he saw no sign people he wanted to dodge at all costs, he stepped into the school just as it started to sprinkle. Thankfully, he made it inside before the deluge of students flooded the hallways to avoid the rain. He got to his locker without having to fight too much through a sea of people and conveniently didn't run into any of Elena's friends. He had enough time to take it easy and not have to rush, but he kinda just wanted to get the day over with.
    If there was ever a moment in which Birna felt old, it was this moment. She was sitting behind the wheel of an 80's model, pitch black Mustang that, while looked in mint condition on the outside, had a bad habit of having things go bad in a sort of domino effect. She was sitting in the back of the parking lot of Mystic Falls High School, where a farm used to be and a meeting place before that. Birna had traveled to Mystic Falls three times in her long life. Once with a group of Norwegian vikings when she was little, once in the 1800's at the turn of a war, and only recently with the Garner family. She had seen this place when it was nothing, then again when it was just blossoming into something, and now it was unbelievable the growth that had occurred in over a century. If she thought far enough back, the place held nothing but pleasant memories, but now...now this place was urging her to turn it all off and shut it all out. She hadn't seen anything but the Garner household up until this point, but being in public and seeing old sights that brought back painful memories made her want to flip her switch. She knew she couldn't do that though, no matter how much she wanted to.

    With a heavy sigh, she glanced over to Clara in the passenger seat, masking her emotions so the girl wouldn't have anything to worry about. Instead, she forced a small smile on her lips as she lifted an insulated cup of warmed blood to her lips and took a sip of it. She swallowed before speaking, knowing she would have to choose her words wisely. The loss of Clara's father had been hard on both of them, but something only Birna knew as necessary. If there was anything a vampire had to learn, it was to be able to put on a convincing act. "Remember, we can always back out of this if you want to," she said, with her particular way of speaking. It edged on a proper British accent, but there was something more there, something older. It was one of the few things she hadn't assimilated away about herself. "But I think it'll be good for you to get out with kids your age. I'm not exactly the most hip of company," she continued with a wry grin. Her bright grey-blue eyes twinkled as she glanced over the girl. "Though, you say the word and we'll leave, alright? This is more for you than it is for me...even if I've never had any sort of formal education. I'm the best moral support there ever has been or will be." A huff of a laugh left the redhead as she shook her head a bit.

    Birna glanced in her mirrors at the students enter the school before a loud rattling and whining resounded from under the hood of her car. She turned suddenly and watched as steam(or smoke) billowed up from beneath the hood. She hissed a curse as she let her head fall back against the headrest and let her eyes slip shut in frustration. The car died with another rattle and Birna shot a glance over to Clara. "Give it at least today. If you...don't want to go back, we'll take a few more days to regroup. You go ahead inside. Better one of us late than both of us. It's probably just a thrown belt or something," she told her, shooting the blonde another grin before tying her wavy, red hair back into a ponytail and popping the hood. She opened the door and was about to round the vehicle, but paused for a moment. "And don't call me Birna in front of anyone. It's too old a name and bound to raise a few eyebrows. Just call me Penelope. It's something I used to go by when people weren't too accepting of outsiders." He used to call you Penelope, her mind hissed as she closed the car door and rounded it, pushing the hood up and propping it up.

    Clara had helped her pick out something more fashionable to wear that morning; ripped up jeans, a plain black tank top, and a deep-purple plaid over shirt to cover up the few tattoos she had on her arms to make her look more like a teenager. Her combat boots jingled as she took a step back from the engine as it billowed up smoke. Once it cleared, she used the hood as a barrier from the rain, leaning on the front edge of the car as she tried to suss out what was wrong with the car this time.
    March 30th, 2017 at 12:23am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    It had been a confusing and painful time for Clara and she honestly didn’t know what to do with herself, losing her father so suddenly was heart breaking but it wasn’t just that. Clara wasn’t entirely certain but she felt like her mom was keeping something hidden from her, she could only assume that it was about her dad’s death. Either in the way it happened or the reason why it happened, he had always lived a healthy lifestyle but he died from a heart attack. Clara wasn’t allowed to see her father while he was at the morgue, her mother Tess, had refused saying that it would only hurt Clara more. Now she was grieving and had to move from her home, leave the few friends she did have just to start over again in a small town. She knew she would always have Birna there by her side, but she would still be the new girl and would have to start over. She wouldn’t have any friends, she wouldn’t know anyone, she was in a secret place and her dad wasn’t there.

    Glancing over her eyes landed on her best friend, Clara usually forgot that Birna was a vampire because she didn’t act like she was one. And her family had never treated Birna any different, the Garner family were witches after all. It had been Clara’s great great great great Grandma that first found Birna, quickly a friendship was formed and they started to protect each other. Which in turn gave Birna a family who loved her, growing up Clara always saw Birna as a sister and a big part of her family. “If I don’t go in there than it’ll only give Mom another thing to worry about,” And Clara didn’t want that, her mom already worried enough about her as it was. “You know that I’d take your company over most people’s, but I guess you’re somewhat right.” A small grin formed on her lips as she did know it would be good for her to spend some time with kids her own age, instead of a vampire who was hundreds of years old.

    Her attention was captured by the steam that was now rising into the air from under the hood of Birna’s car, “You really need to buy a new car, at least one that isn’t constantly breaking down on us.” Clara looked at Birna before she grabbed her backpack and climbed out of the car, “I know the drill. I’ll see you later, Penelope.” She spoke before shutting the car door and jogging across the carpark, once she made it inside the school she headed straight into the reception. “Hi, my name’s Clara Garner. It’s my first day here,” She told the lady who was sitting behind the desk, her raven hair was tied into a bun and was beginning to slowly grey. She stayed silent as the lady handed over her class schedule and a map of the school, Clara thanked her as she stepped back into the hallway in search of her locker. She wished at times like this Birna would have been there beside her, she could feel eyes on her so she lowered her head and walked until she found her locker. Opening the door she emptied her backpack so it wasn’t so heavy on her shoulders, grabbing the text books she needed Clara checked the room number that she was meant to go to. “Excuse me, could you tell me where I can find English 3B?” She asked the boy next to her quietly, her bluey green eyes looked at the boy. He was gorgeous, dark hair and warm dark eyes gave him a slight air of mystery about him.
    Damon was bored being cooped up inside all day long, Stefan had already left for school even though he had no idea why his brother even bothered going. He knew it was to keep up the appearance of them being normal human beings, but he couldn’t care less about that and hearing what he already knew over and over again would drive him crazy. Which is why he decided to leave the Salvatore house because being there alone without anything to do was annoying him, he went on foot as it was easier for him to get around that way. He made his way towards the town centre as he thought he might visit the Mystic Grills, have some drinks and play some pool. But on his way there, a scent hit his senses and it caused his body to freeze. It was a familiar scent to him, one that he hadn’t thought he’d ever smell again but here it was. Clear as day and it was coming from the High School which is impossible, a frown settled onto his face as he turned to head in that direction. Confusion filling his mind as he couldn’t work out what was going on, it couldn’t possibly be Penelope not after all this time.

    Stepping closer, Damon stayed behind a tree for a second as he wanted to see this person with his own eyes. A black car was parked with the hood up, clearly something had broken but none of that matter to Damon. Because there she was. Her fiery red locks moving ever so lightly in the breeze that brought a chill to the air, it was Penelope but she wasn’t human. No, she was a vampire. “I never thought I’d ever see you again,” He spoke as he leaned his shoulder against the tree trunk, his arms folded over his chest as his eyes stayed focused on her. Why was she even there in Mystic Falls again? Had she known what had happened to him? Had she been turned into a vampire before she even met him? He wanted answers to all of the questions that ran through his mind, and yet Damon held his tongue as there was a time and place for that. Right now he just wanted to see her beautiful face again.
    March 31st, 2017 at 11:18am
  • salander.

    salander. (150)

    United States
    Jeremy flipped through his books and pulled out his English book and the corresponding notebook he had for the class. He hung his book bag up on a hook in his locker, letting out a heavy sigh as he rested a hand on his locker door. Just as he was about to close it, a thought struck him that had him pausing all together. He wondered if his life would have never become so complicated if Elena had never started dating Stefan. Sure, the death of his parents had started his downward spiral, but the word vampire would have never been a part of his vocabulary had the Salvatore brothers not showed up in town. Sighing heavily, he shook his head and closed his locker door with a bit more force than maybe he meant to and it rattled a bit. Then again, Stefan made Elena happy and had pulled her out of the state of mind she'd been in since their parents had died. Did her happiness evenly balance out everything that had happened to him? Would he constantly have to sacrifice people or things to help her maintain that happiness?

    The teenager was snapped out of his thoughts by a voice to the side of him and he turned to face the owner. For a moment, he saw a flash of blonde hair and immediately thought it was Caroline, but he was pleasantly surprised when he was met with someone who was definitely not Caroline. More than pleasantly surprised, really, because he was gobsmacked by just how beautiful the girl that stood beside him was. What could have been considered a sour expression on his features quickly dissolved to a slight state of awe; her slightly upturned nose, her full lips, her flowing blonde hair, and her clear blue-green eyes caused his mind to go completely blank for a few moments. There was something different about her, more different than any of the other girls in the school. He was sure of it. Though, he could see something else in her eyes, something a bit deeper and more hollow; a look worn by someone who'd lost someone close to them. He recognized it easily because he frequently saw the look in his eyes staring back at him from a mirror.

    "Uh-uh...um..." Jeremy started. Smooth, dude, he chastised himself mentally as his mouth struggled to form words. He closed his eyes for a moment and shook his head a bit, as if trying to clear his mind of the momentary stupor he'd been put in. A sheepish grin curled his lips as he finally brought his gaze back up to meet the girl's. "Sorry, I'm a bit slow this morning," he explained. "You must be new here, right?" He questioned curiously, with a slight tilt of his head to the side. His eyes darted between hers for a moment, mind threatening to go blank once more but he forced himself to keep grounded. "English 3B is actually my first class of the day. I could walk you to class if you wanted me to," he said, offering her a small smile before nodding his head down the hallway, in the direction of the classroom. "It's just a hallway or two away from here."
    Birna's eyes followed Clara as she jogged inside, a small smile curling her lips as she watched the young girl. The attachment she had to the girl bounced between maternal and sister; she showed her the ropes and got up to what Tess would call trouble with her, but she also was fiercely protective of her. After all, she'd had a great part in raising Clara. Now was one of those times she wanted to just be her shield, to absorb any sort of negativity or judgement that could be passed to her in a new place. Teenagers could be mean, unrightfully so, and Clara was the kind of beauty that garnered unwarranted jealousy from other girls. It was then Birna realized that there were more important things than mean girls in high school to protect Clara from and she turned her attention back to the engine in front of her.

    Soon enough, she was plucking around beneath the hood, her fingertips covered in grease and soot from the machinery, but no culprit to be found as to why her car had just died on her. With a sigh, she rested her hands against the front of the car, bracing her weight against it as she stared cluelessly down at the engine. Maybe Clara was right. Maybe it was time for her to suck it up and get a new car. Birna figured this time she may splurge on one, especially with the somewhat sour mood Mystic Falls had put her in. She heard footsteps leading up behind her, but just figured it was some high school student who had stolen to the woods to get high or something. It wasn't until she heard a voice, one that for more than a hundred years had haunted her, that she turned to see who was behind her.

    When her eyes finally met his, she stared back at him like a deer in headlights; her eyes were wide and watery and her mouth had parted slightly to draw in quick, shaky breaths of air. For a moment, Birna thought this was some sort of trick and that he was just a mirage. At the mere sight of him, the cracks she could feel chipping away at her foundation--one she had rebuilt slowly since the last time she had left Mystic Falls--suddenly shattered and all she could do was stare. The only man she had ever loved was standing behind her; not as a human, but a vampire. She turned away from him for a moment and bowed her head, her shaking hands clenching into fists as she fought to keep her emotions hidden. Sadness was quickly slipping away to anger; anger for how she had been treated before leaving Mystic Falls last--like nothing. Had Damon been so quick to forget? Once she felt strong enough to face him again, she righted herself, standing to her full height, and turned to walk toward him. She pulled her hair from the ponytail it was in and shook it loose, not wanting it to crease before she got to classes for the day. Just as Birna stopped in front of him, the sky opened up and the rain poured down in buckets around them, though they were partially blocked from the deluge by the tree they were under. She fixed him with a cool stare, brow slightly furrowed and mouth tense.

    "I'm surprised you remembered who I am given how...enamored of Katherine you were when I left," she responded sharply. She paused for a few moments, blue-grey eyes wandering his features for a moment before they narrowed slightly. "I suppose I have Katherine to thank for your current condition," she said, the woman's name leaving her through a tight jaw. She didn't wait for an answer before saying, "How is she, by the way? I'd dearly love to catch up." She wore a forced, sharp smile that spoke volumes where Birna did not.
    March 31st, 2017 at 11:12pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Damon’s sky blue orbs watched Birna closely as he didn’t dare look away from her, he was afraid that if he did look away even for a split second then she would disappear and he’d never see her again. He hadn’t expected to see her again after how he had treated her centuries ago, which is why he was surprised to see her standing there. Why had she returned to a town that she should despise? “Of course I remember you, I could never forget about you.” He spoke to her honestly, he had treated her in the worse possible way. He broke her heart and didn’t even notice, his better judgement was clouded with the lust he felt for Katherine. He wished that he could take it all back, go back in time and change things but he couldn’t. Sadly, he couldn’t.

    “I wouldn’t know how Katherine is, I haven’t seen her since before I died. And I don’t plan on seeing her again, unless I’m ripping her head from her shoulders.” Damon wanted to reach out and touch her, he knew that he had missed her more than his human life. But he hadn’t fully realised just how deep that went, seeing her standing there in front of him once again brought back the pain of losing her the first time. His pain wouldn’t come close to the pain Birna would have felt, he had taken her heart and squeezed it dry before tearing it into a million pieces. “What brought you back to Mystic Falls?” He asked her as he found it strange, this town had only caused Birna pain so why would she even consider returning.
    Clara couldn’t help but smile, a slightly flush even tinted her cheeks. He was gorgeous but there was something else about him, he was different then the boys back at her old school. He didn’t seem to be interested in sports or dating the popular girls, she could just tell. He gave off a mysterious air about him, something which could easily draw her in and want to know more about him. His dark eyes were filled with emotions, not all of the emotions were good ones which intrigued Clara. “That would be great, thank you.” She looked at him with a sweet smile on her features, she just hoped that she would be getting in his way or bothering him if he did show her to her first class in this new high school.

    “I am new, moved here a few days ago actually. I’m Clara,” She told him as she shut her locker door, her arms holding her books to her chest. She was nervous although she was trying to cover how she was feeling, being in a new town and in a new school was a feeling she hoped she wouldn’t have to feel again. Especially when she had the same friends since she was a child, she never had to deal with making new friends until now. “The lady at the office gave me a map of the school, but I’m still horrible at directions.” She chuckled softly as she shook her head lightly, Birna often teased her about how easily she could get lost. She hadn’t seen Birna yet, was she still outside trying to fix her car? Classes were about to begin shortly and even through Clara knew Birna didn’t actually need to attend school, Clara assumed she was so she could keep an eye on her. Make sure she wasn’t breaking down over her father’s death, fitting in with people her own age or making sure that her control over her magic didn’t slip up like it has done in the past.
    April 3rd, 2017 at 11:37am
  • salander.

    salander. (150)

    United States
    Jeremy watched the blonde closely, the smile he wore only widening when he noticed the flush to her cheeks. It made her look even more beautiful, in his opinion. It seemed she was still proving herself different than the rest of the girls at Mystic Falls, as he'd never seen any one of them blush before. "Don't mention it," he replied to her after she'd thanked him. He paused for a moment as she smiled up at him, lost for a moment in the way her eyes twinkled as she looked up at him. Mentally shaking himself again, he looked away and began to lead them toward the English class. What was with him all of a sudden? This wasn't the first pretty girl he'd talked to, or who had talked to him, but there was something about her that was just...different. He wondered if she was aware of it and if she used it to her advantage. A good part of him decided that she was genuine sweet though, but he could have been mistaken.

    "I'm Jeremy," he introduced himself, finding that the name 'Clara' fit her well. He glanced over his shoulder at her, forging a way for the two of them through the throngs of students talking amongst themselves before classes started. "Nice meeting you, Clara," he told her as they turned to walk down another hallway. A soft laugh left him as she spoke of a map of the school and being directionless. "Ah, that's alright. I won't judge you for it," he told her, shooting her a crooked, joking grin for a moment. "It doesn't help this place being a maze anyways," he added with a shrug of his shoulders. "If you wanted me to, I could help you get your bearings for a while. I practically know this place like the back of my hand." He stopped as they reached their classroom, turning to her and nodding toward the open door. "This is us," he said with a grin. He paused again, watching her for a few moments in silence. He noted Tyler Lockwood stepping through the hallway and was reminded of the house party that had been planned while Tyler's mom was away on business. Jeremy's dark eyes shifted back to Clara and he considered inviting her for a few moments, before he decided he'd go out on a limb. The worst she could do would be laugh in his face.

    "Look, feel free to shoot me down," he told her, feeling remarkably brave for how awestruck he'd been of her, "but there's a party tonight at the Lockwoods. I figure since you're new, it may be a good chance to meet people. And I'll be there...for how ever much that's worth." He let out a soft laugh, lifting a hand to brush through his hair once more. "You can't really get to know people too much in classes, you know." The bell rang and he winced a bit at the sound before glancing over at her. It was just the warning bell, meaning they had five minutes to get to class, but it caused a good amount of the students to start making their way to respective classrooms. "Think on it and let me know so I can give you directions," he told her with a nod before turning to enter the classroom.
    Birna stared up at Damon harshly, but the more she looked into his eyes and read him, the more her expression relaxed. While she didn't absolve him completely of what he did, she began to feel like maybe Katherine was more to blame than he was. He was an impressionable young man and she was a vampire with her immortal charms and ways. Though, Birna was far older than Katherine and she and Damon had been in love...at at least she had thought they had been in love. Had Birna really done so much different than Katherine; getting attached to a human? He didn't even know her real name, how old she was, and--up until this point--what she truly was. When he first spoke, coupled with the look in his eyes, she felt her strong exterior slipping and her eyes start to burn with tears once more. She felt as weak as she had the night she'd decided to leave Mystic Falls. "But you did," she whispered, voice quivering slightly with emotion. "I nearly shut myself down because of it."

    She suddenly stepped forward and reached her hands out to cup his jaw in her palms. The moment her fingertips brushed against his skin, she drew in a sharp, quiet intake of air. The feeling was still there, one she had missed for more than a century; like a cool breeze brushing across fevered skin or goosebumps rising in reaction to beautiful music. Her teary eyes locked on his, leaning into him as she closed the distance between the two of them as if she were in some sort of trance. All the emotions she had forced herself suppress for the sake of protecting the line of Garner witches and for herself came flooding back. She'd thought him dead for all these years, but having him in front of her made her realized how she never really got over him, never really forgot the grip he had on her heart. Maybe it was this rush of emotions that was clouding her judgement and had her intent on pressing her lips against his.

    His last question had her stiffening and pausing slightly, just as her lips were about to meet his. She was back in Mystic Falls for a very important reason, probably more important than the last time she had been in the small Virginian town. If word got out she had fallen into an old path, one that had gotten her in trouble before, she could find herself dead or, worse still, it could end up with Clara or Damon dead, depending on who took advantage of such a distraction. Birna would rather drive a stake through her own heart than have anyone hurt because of an indiscretion like love. She closed her eyes for a brief moment, breathing out a heavy sigh as she rested her forehead against Damon's and made her decision. "I can't do this again," she breathed, pulling away from him altogether and shaking her head as she looked up at him. "It was a mistake the first time and I'm sorry you were involved. Goodbye, Damon," she continued in a much more resolute tone. She turned from Damon without another word, starting the walk back out into the rain and toward her broke-down car. Maybe if she hurried, she'd wouldn't be too late for the first class of the day.
    April 3rd, 2017 at 11:42pm
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Damon wished that he could take all the pain that Penelope felt, the pain that he had caused her, away. He felt ashamed that he had hurt her so much, that she had even considered flipping the switch on her humanity. Of course he couldn’t take any of that pain away nor could he change how he had acted when Katherine waltzed into the once sleepy town, his vibrant blue orbs watched as Penelope’s hand reached forward and she pressed her palm to his jaw. A sharp intake of his breath flowed through his slightly parted lips when the connection was made, the familiar warmth began to quickly fill his entire being much like it did when he had been human. It was the feeling that he craved, the feeling of knowing that he belonged and was wanted. A feeling he now knew he craved from Penelope and only her, she had this way of making everything better for Damon because she understood him.

    His mind went blurry as she leaned in closer to him and all he wanted was to feel her soft pink lips press against his, once again. But at the last second, it was like she remembered something and she was pulling away from him. “Why can’t you? I’m right here, Pen.” He spoke desperately, he had lost her before and had thought she was dead for all these years. When she hadn’t been, she had obviously been a vampire when he first laid eyes on her. If only he had known that then, he would have searched for her until she was in his life again. Hearing her smooth voice tell him that their love had been a mistake, felt like a hand was slowly ripping his heart out from his chest. Damon stood there under the shade of a tree as he watched Penelope turn before she walked away from him, she was heading back towards her broken down car but Damon knew that wasn’t going to be weak this time. He had been weak in allowing Katherine into his life and letting Penelope slip away from him, but he was stronger now and he still held a burning love for the beautiful redhead.

    So he followed her, however he moved quickly. He was behind her in a second, his hands easily finding her waist as he spun her around to face him. “You aren’t getting away that easily, not again.” He murmured to her in a whisper as he kept her between his body and the front bumper of her car, it felt right holding her. Which made him close the gap as he pressed his own lips to her full ones, he kissed her like he has wanted to since he woke up as a vampire. Her plump lips were intoxicating, no other woman has ever made him feel like Penelope does. He has never wanted to kiss someone so badly before, she was just as addicting to him as she had been when they first met in the small town. “And I certainly don’t give up that quickly, when I want someone.” His voice was low as he broke the kiss, his forehead resting on hers as he cherished being so close to her.
    Clara followed Jeremy closely as she dreaded the thought of getting lost in the school on her first day, she had even been nervous to ask anyone for help but so far she was glad that she had asked for Jeremy’s help. He seemed really nice and he wanted to help, he could have easily turned to her and told her to get lost or to stop bothering him. But here he was, showing her to her first class of the day and offering to help her find her feet in the new school. “Only if you want to, you’re already doing more than I could have asked for.” She didn’t want to over step a line or have him feel like she was hanging around when she wasn’t welcome, which is part of the reason why she didn’t want to move in the first place. She had friends back at her old school, not many but they had still been there for her. None of them knew that she was a witch or her entire family on her mother’s side were witches, she trusted her friends but she knew there was a risk at putting them in danger if they did know her secret.

    Once they reached the classroom, Clara stopped outside as she wasn’t ready to go in just yet. The nerves were still making her stomach twist into knots, she still hadn’t seen Birna and that was beginning to make her worried. What if something happened outside? Birna had parked towards the back of the parking lot, maybe someone had found her. Her worry for her best friend wasn’t helping her nerves settle, which Clara knew could get her into a bad situation. Ever since her father died, Clara’s emotions have been all over the place and that has already caused a few incidents where her magic has been set off. But then Jeremy was asking if she wanted to go to a party tonight, normally she would have made up an excuse for her not to go and she would have stayed home. But she could tell that was getting on Birna’s last nerve, being the new girl was something out of Clara’s comfort zone and so was attending a party where she didn’t know anyone besides one guy.

    But Jeremy said he would be there, and she did want to get to know him better if he also wanted to know her more. But she didn’t get the chance to answer him as the warning bell rang, Clara wanted to get a desk and be inside the classroom before the teacher arrived. In hopes that would cease any embarrassing introductions that the teacher felt was necessary. Stepping inside Clara’s eyes scanned the room out of habit before she chose a desk near Jeremy’s, there were only a handful of other students already there. Sitting down Clara placed her books onto the desk and grabbed her pen, “A party sounds great.” She smiled as she looked at Jeremy who was sitting beside her, she might as well try to make friends which would keep her mom and Birna happy. Besides if she didn’t enjoy the party then she would just leave, her attention was captured when a rush of students filled the room just as another bell rang and a few seconds later the teacher arrived to start the day of learning off.
    April 19th, 2017 at 12:44pm
  • salander.

    salander. (150)

    United States
    Jeremy knew that he’d probably have no luck focusing on his classes today, but maybe this was just the distraction he needed. Again, he was reprimanding himself mentally. He was going to say or do something and Clara would end up thinking him some sort of weirdo and never talk to him again. Maybe it was just the fact she was a new face in a town where sometimes faces started to blend together, or there were faces that he outright did not want to see. Yeah, that had to have been the reason why she was pulling him in so much. “No, its cool,” he told her, “I don’t mind helping at all. Breaks up the monotony that is Mystic Falls and Mystic Falls High.” He offered her a grin and a shrug. “Though, if you want to sit with me at lunch, you’re going to have to be nice to me,” he added with enough jest in his tone to let her know he was completely joking.

    As he stepped into the classroom, he walked over to the seat he normally sat in and put his book and notebook on the desk. First class of the day and the teacher still wasn’t in yet. He ran a hand through his hair and glanced out the window at the cloudy weather outside before turning to watch Clara as she walked into the room. A small grin curled his lips before he glanced back down to his desktop for a moment before she spoke again. His dark brow eyes shot up to meet hers when she agreed to go to the party and he offered her a bright smile. “Awesome. Let me know if you needed a ride or anything and we work something out,” he said with a nod. His eyes darted between hers for a moment and he pulled his bottom lip between his teeth. “And if you think the party is lame, we can always find something else to do…if parties really aren’t your thing. Mystic Falls has a couple of cool spots and places for people to pass time.”

    As the flood of students entered the room, he leaned over to Clara and spoke in a quiet voice. “Just to warn you, this teacher’s a doozy. But if you do your homework and at least act like you’re actively participating and you should be okay.” He straightened himself back up and flipped open his notebook to at least look like he was taking notes. Instead, he began to draw whatever came to his mind on the blank page before him. He could just tell, judging from the way the teacher entered the room and the look on the teacher’s face that this class was just going to drag on, only compounded by the fact that Clara had agreed to go to the party. He would have liked nothing more than to get to know her a little better outside of a school setting. Normally, he used parties as an excuse to let loose a little bit and drink beers, but, for whatever reason, he felt like the party tonight may be a little bit different. He didn’t want to drink too much and end up being an ass around Clara before he truly got a chance to know her.

    "Jeremy Gilbert," the teacher called and Jeremy's head shot up, "what is your opinion on last night's reading material?" Jeremy paused for a moment, not really remembering what he'd read last night for homework.

    "Uh...it was good," he answered before cleaning his throat. "I enjoyed it." The teacher gave him a disapproving look before continuing on with the lesson. Jeremy sighed heavily before shaking his head and returning to doodling in his notebook.
    Every step that Birna took from Damon broke her spirit more and more and she forced herself to shove those unwanted emotions further back into the recesses of her mind. While Mystic Falls had brought back terrible memories, she never imagined she would have been reunited with the man who had ruined the small town for her. While she would have liked nothing more than allow herself to fall for him again, she was protecting him by walking away. Maybe she was protecting herself in some way too, since she wasn’t sure if she completely trusted him again. He’d been swayed by Katherine so easily before. Who was to say that couldn’t happen again? Then again, the look in his eyes clearly said that he felt sorry, whether it was for what he did or if he felt sorry for her, she’d never be able to tell.

    When she heard him run up behind her, she could have run away, but she didn’t. When he spun her around and put his hands on her waist, she could have easily broken both of his arms, but she didn’t. When he pinned her between him and her car, she could have easily plunged her hand into his chest, rip his heart out, and watch him wither and grey before her eyes, but she didn’t. And when he spoke about how he wasn’t going to let her get away, she easily could have slipped out of his grasp, but she didn’t. It had always been like that with Damon. She knew she should fight her feelings for him, to push him away and break him, but there was something in her that just couldn’t.

    His hands on her hips had her melding her body back against his and the look in his bright blue eyes, that cut into her like icy blue flames, had her breath catching in the back of her throat. Instead of trying to push him away, her hands had rested on on his forearms. When his mouth found hers, a surprised noise vibrated in the back of her throat as he sent every nerve ending in her body on fire. She kissed him back without a second thought, mouth melding against his like she’d never left him, and her hands flew to the front of his shirt. She fisted the fabric in her hands, trying to pull him as close to her as possible. He broke the kiss much too soon for her liking, but she used the time to catch her breath. Her knees felt weak and her lips were trembling from the rush of emotions and urges that pulsed through her; she blamed her vampire instincts. “What are you doing to me?” She breathed, tilting her chin forward as if she meant to reattach their lips, but thought twice. Kissing him like she had could only lead to her ripping his shirt off in the high school parking lot and throwing him into the backseat of her car; again, she blamed her vampire instincts.

    Instead, she pulled her forehead back from his slightly​, looking up at him with hazy grey-blue eyes and kiss-swollen lips. It was clear that she had fallen back under whatever spell he was capable of putting on her. Relinquishing the grip she had on his shirt, one of her hands slipped to rest on his ribs and the other found his jaw once more. “You deserve to know me—the real me,” she said softly, a small smile curling her lips, “and after these long years…I deserve to be able to have you.” She drew in a deep breath of air, glancing toward the school for a moment and wondering if Clara would be alright without her for a portion of the day. She turned back to Damon, eyes slipping between both of his. She could text Clara and let her know something had come up and that if she needed her, she could be there quickly. So, she did just that and pulled her phone from her back pocket and quickly typed a message to Clara.

    ‘Minor setback on my formal education starting today, so I won’t be in my first few classes. I’ll be back by lunchtime, hopefully. If you need me, call me and I’ll come get you.’ “Do you know someplace we can go to talk freely? Let our guards down for a moment?” She questioned Damon before sending the text and slipping the phone into her back pocket. She looked up at him expectantly, willing to open herself up like a book to him if that’s what he wished. Of course, there were certain names, faces, and events she’d never tell him for his own sake, but anything else she share with him gladly. He deserved that much.
    April 20th, 2017 at 03:59am