
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan sat there watching her. "Harper are you okay?" he asked gently and caressed her cheek. She hadn't said anything and he was worried he had gone to far. He smiled softly. "Tell me what did you think of your first kiss? Usually kisses are more intense but I wanted to start off sweet. It's not so complicated when it's sweet." he said and dropped his hands into hers. He held her hand gently and wondered if she would tell him what is going on in her mind. She had been so quiet since her told him she wanted to know what it was like to be physical. He was glad she felt safe enough to experiment with him but he knew that was a pretty bug deal.
    Abigail smiled and laughed as he spun her. She gasped softly as she felt him pull her back into his front. She could hear him in her ear and she nodded. "It's good." she said his hands on her making her shutter as she moved her hips in time with the music. He pressed her back into him and she wrapped her hand up around the back of his neck keeping him close to her. She felt her heart hammering and she looked at him over her shoulder. She blushed gently. Never before had she felt this shook up to be so near someone. Abigail smiled softly not noticing all the people watching them. She wouldn't know why when they where just like everyone else, perhaps it had to do with jealousy though because she and Carter seemed to be in their own world. Abigail smiled at him as she rested her head back on his shoulder her hand coming away from him and down her body as she danced her body pressing into his in all the right ways.
    July 13th, 2017 at 06:52pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper looked up at him, wondering how she could tell him what she felt during her kiss. "I'm fine." She informed him, really what happened between them didn't make her feel any different. It was nice sure, but she wasn't convinced that it was something she would want to do a lot of. "It was fine." She told him, understanding that he was taking her feeling into consideration by not rushing things. Though she could tell that he really didn't want to stop there. She felt that if she said to much she might just talk herself right out of trying anything more than that. "I don't see any big deal about it." She informed him, knowing that you had to have feeling or it was just pointless. He'd just said so, by keeping it sweet it was just flesh meeting flesh.
    Carter smiled as he felt her move against him, at first it was just fun and they were enjoying themselves. But once he started hearing her heart beating wild, he knew that she too was feeling what he was. "Relax." He whispered out over her ear, he leaned forward burring his face in her neck. He really wanted to kiss her skin, but he was unsure if that would be pushing thing to far. After all they were suppose to be dating, so it wouldn't be out of the ordinary if they touched and kissed on each other. Deciding that he'd face the consequence later he placed a gently kiss at the base of her ear. They'd been dancing a while and the way her body was moving against his was making him very aware of a situation, which he in turn wasn't helping. Making a move on her now wouldn't benefit him at all, it would only prolong his suffering. But he didn't want to let this opportunity pass.
    July 14th, 2017 at 02:20am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan chuckled. "Yes it was probably better for me than you but there are ways that kissing can tonight feelings even if you don't truly care for the other person. It is just a lot more than I wanted to give you for your first kiss." he said and took her hand gently. "You see physical affection can make you feel real good but it is always better when you care for the other person." He said hoping he was explaining this right and not scaring her off as he talked. Logan then returned to eating feeling he wanted to giver her a little while to think on all of that before trying it again maybe if she was still up for it.
    Abigail looked up at him as he told her to relax and she face burned with a blush. She hadn't meant for him to know but she should have guessed he would figure out what he was doing to her. She felt her pulse quicken as his face hurried in her neck. She took deep breaths trying to relax as his lips touched her neck she lost any hope of trying to relax tonight. She moaned softly knowing he was the only one that could hear her but she just couldn't stop it as her body came to life with things she had never experienced before. She knew they should take a break because if they continued she would loose more than her mind tonight. She turned and took his hand. "Let's get a drink I'm thirsty." she said and pulled him over to the bar where she could feel him embracing her to keep others off her which she really appreciated. Abigail caught the eye of the bartender and ordered them some waters leaning back into Cater.
    July 18th, 2017 at 08:13am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper listened to him before frowning. "So you're telling me you denied me those feeling for my first kiss." She didn't know what he was thinking the whole point of asking him to show her was to understand the feelings. So unless she felt absolutely nothing for him then she'd just given her first kiss away and it meant nothing. She would have rather given it to someone who made her feel something, even if it wasn't love. Shaking her head she turned her attention back to her food. Deciding that it was best not to push this matter further, she didn't feel like it was something she should have asked for now.
    Carter frowned when she pulled away from him to lead him away from the floor. He frowned feeling like she'd not liked what he did. Granted he could red her body loud and clear but that didn't mean her mind followed. Once they reached the bar, he was a little confused at what he should do. But he knew they were pretending to date, so placing his arms around her waist he pulled her into his chest. Once they got their drinks he took his sipping on it, before looking down at her. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that." He apologized to her, feeling like someone had punch a hole in his chest. But he knew this could happen and he'd agreed to it willingly.
    July 18th, 2017 at 06:41pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan frowned. He hadn't even thought of it that way. "But there is another side to it too Harper. If you don't want to be that intimate with someone it can feel like a violation and I didn't want to make you feel like I was violating your personal space and desires." he said and sighed. "But if you feel you are ready to give it a try I will make sure it is everything you could hope for." he said and smiled at her gently. He hoped she understood what he was saying. He really didn't want to make her feel like he wasn't considering it all. He wanted her yes but be also wanted her to want him. Logan sighed as he finished his food. He really felt like he couldn't do anything right for Harper.
    Abigail got her water and downed it. She set the empty glass down as Carter apologized. She frowned and turned looking at him. "Carter. Oh Carter no it's not that. I was really just thirsty." she said notioning to her empty glass. She put her hands on his chest and shook her head. "That has nothing to do with this. Really I was just thirsty. We've been dancing for over and hour." she said and leaned up into him her hands moving up his chest and behind his neck. "I really like you Carter." she whispered into his ear and then returned to her normal size as she sat back looking up at him. "You mike my heart thump so fast and it's hot in here. I just needed some water but what you did was..." she blushed. "It felt nice, really nice." she said not knowing what else to say. She didn't want him to worry about her not liking him but they had a delicate situation here and she knew that. Abigail cupped his cheek so he would look at her. "Please believe me Carter, you are one hell of a catch and I hope maybe one day you might want to share yourself with me." she said softly.
    July 18th, 2017 at 08:25pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper watched as he look like defeat took over him, nibbling on her lip she reached over her hand gently taking his. "Should we go?" She asked him, wondering if their time eating was done. But she knew their day together had just started, unless he was still planning on leaving her to browse. She knew that her time would be spent just walking around being bored, she'd never drop his name and buy something. It wasn't what she wanted and he knew it. But she didn't know if it would changed his want to continue with his plans.
    Carter smiled down at her, loving the feeling of her touch on him. Gripping her waist and pulling her closer, he dipped his head down. He claimed her lips, losing himself in the kiss. Relaxing, his hands moved up to cradle her face, as he poured his feeling into their kiss. He knew that she hadn't been lying to him, her body gave her away when it happed. He was relieved that she'd felt the same way he did. He was happy that things might progress. Even thought they might be crossing lines here, with him being a meta. He just wished neither of them regret this.
    July 18th, 2017 at 10:53pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled as she took his hand. "Yeah we'll go." he said and then smiled at her then cleaned everything up. He took the basket back to the limo his body guard suddenly appearing as they headed towards the parking lot. Once they where back in the car they drove to the market where Logan got out with her and offered her his arm. It was common for couples walking here to be close like this. Logan would buy her a few things then they would go to the surprise he had made for them both.
    Abigail gasped as he pulled her into him. She looked up at him and gasped her lips meeting his. She moaned softly her eyes fluttering closed as she kissed him back her arms wrapping around his neck. She moved up onto her tip toes as he cupped her cheeks and she kissed him harder. She could feel the emotions swarming within her. She pulled back when her head swarmed and made her dizzy. She smiled panting as she put her hand on his chest to keep herself straight. She blinked open and smiled. "Wow." she said and giggled. Abigail laid her head on his chest and closed her eyes again. "Let's go outside for a little while." she said and took his hand and walked them outside into the fresh air where the music wasn't as loud and people sat drinking and making out. She walked past them all into the garden with the beautiful flowers. She smiled and held Carter's hand as they walked.
    July 18th, 2017 at 11:15pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper frowned as she followed him back to the car, she was more confused. She didn't understand him, he wanted her to love him, yet he still acts as if she's breakable. She appreciates how he carefully he handles her being a virgin, but she wished he would let go a bit and allow things to progress. Then she'd truly be able to make up her mind about him. His want of her really only showed by his words. Sure she felt safe, but he didn't really make her feel wanted. He was to busy tiptoeing around her, he wasn't allowing her to get to know the real him. She'd been lost in her thoughts that when car came to a stop she looked up. Following him out of the car she was shocked, they were actually back in the square where they first met. Nibbling on her pursed lips, she did her best to hide her smile. Placing her hand on his arm she allowed him to lead her through the small crowd.
    Carter smiled at the small distraction she caused, going out to get some fresh air was a good idea. He felt different being in the house, maybe it was the prying eyes. But now he could feel his cheeks tinting, filling flustered. He knew what he felt for her could be summed up as lust. But he'd never known it to effect someone so. They'd both voiced their want for the other, but really could it work. Would the heartache be worth it in the end. He didn't get to far into his thoughts when a voice put him on alert. "Why are you guys out here? The party's inside." His words were slurred but not enough to think he was drunk. Carter's eyes narrowed at the sight of Ronald, drinks in his hands. "Look I brought you guys something to drink." He almost sang out. Laughter falling from his lips as he stumbled a bit.
    August 1st, 2017 at 07:20am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled at Harper. "Recognize this place?" he asked her and smiled. "I spotted you through a crowd twice this size and I just knew I had to meet you." he said and smiled as they walked around the booths and he watched her looking at things. "It was after I met you that I realized I needed to see more of you and I spent my time trying to woo you." he said and smiled. He knew he was getting all sentimental and hoped she would see it as him trying rather than him pressuring her. Logan never knew how she was going to take anything. "While we're here I really would like for you to get some things to fill your room with." he said softly. "Anything you see that you like I will get for you." he said and smiled at her.
    Abigail smiled as she walked with Carter. She blushed feeling like her heart was pounding out of her chest still. Perhaps it was anticipation or was it just the memory of her, no their, first kiss that had her so messed up. Abby looked up at Carter wondering if he liked his first kiss as much as she liked his. She hadn't thought about it until just a little bit ago. She was about to ask him when she heard Ronald call to them. She blushed and looked over at Ronald. "We where taking a moment to be alone together." she said and looked up at Carter. He didn't look happy to see Ronald. Abigail looked back to Ronald as he said he brought them drinks. "Oh thanks." she said not wanting to be rude. She frowned looking Ronald over. "Let's have a seat." she said and got them all seated nearby. She thanked Ronald as he handed her the drink and frowned her cheeks flaring as his hand touched hers a little to friendly as he handed the drink to her. Abigail looked up at Carter and then down at the drink then back at Ronald. "So Ronald how are you liking the party so far. Have you taken Jessica for a dance yet?" she asked him as he handed the other drink to Carter.
    August 1st, 2017 at 07:04pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper nodded to his question as her eyes searched over the places. Her mind being taken over with memories. The times her and her brother would spend hours just walking around this place, browsing. Normally they weren't interested in buy anything, they'd just laugh and have fun. He brother doing stupid stuff such as try on women's accessories, the stupid voices he'd make as he pretended to be a woman. Smiling softly to herself she turned and looked up at him. "I clearly remember you running into me, are you trying to tell me that you did that on purpose?" She asked him, knowing that he was very determined to make her his. So even though she questioned him about it, the she didn't it was that far fetched for him to do that. "Really so what ever I want?" She questioned, "wouldn't it be pointless to decorate a room that I won't be living in for long?" She questioned him, knowing that sooner or later she'd be sleeping in his room. And it was already fully decorated and suited him well.
    Cater took the offered drink from Ronald, his eyes peering down into the liquid wondering what the other man could possible be giving him. He shrugged it off not really caring, nodding his thanks to the man, he shifted lightly pulling Abigail closer and wrapping his arm around her waist. He didn't like this man on bit and knew that his jealous was only getting the better of him. After all this man was one of Abigail's friends he didn't have to like him, he just had to tolerated him. And even though it was easier said than done, he just shrugged it off, ignoring the conversation that was accruing between the two of them. He could careless about anything that happened in Ronald or Jessica's lives, just as long as they didn't hinder Abigail's. Taking a sip of his drink he let his hand lazily run up and down her side, making her very much aware that he was still there, even if it wasn't for the conversation.
    August 3rd, 2017 at 06:47am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan chuckled. "Not quite. I was actually so focused on you that I bumped into someone else and when I turned to apologize then I bumped into you and made a huge mess." he said and chuckled at the memory. Logan smiled and nodded. "Yes anything Harper. I think it is important for you to feel comfortable in your room besides your room will eventually become your studio or whatever you like and there is plenty of room in the house to move your things to if you wanted to make the space yours too. Besides my room is not so filled that there is not room for you and if that where the case I would make room for you." Logan said and smiled. "So please get anything that appeals to you. I would really like to get you classes so you can write your brother letters too. I know I haven't been very supportive of you r relationship in the past but now I can see it's necessary." he admitted and hoped she could see he meant it.
    Abigail smiled as Cater pulled her closer to him on the bench. She put her hand on his back turned into him as she talked with Ronald. She took a gulp of the drink. Ronald was talking about what he had been doing during the party and how hard it was to find her. "I really was hoping to get that dance with you." he said and Abigail nodded. "Oh I see. Well Ronald as much as I would like to it just really isn't a good time. Cater and I really just needed a moment to ourselves." she asked and smiled up at him having been feeling his hand moving over her side. She had completely been ignoring Ronald angry glances towards her side where Carter was touching her. Abigail took another drink of the drink and then frowned. "Mmm I don't feel so good." she said and set it down and stood up too quickly suddenly unsteady on her feet. She gasped and was thankful for the arms that encased her. She shook her head. "I'm sorry I think I just need some more water. I must be dehydrated." she tried to sooth Carter's worry.
    August 3rd, 2017 at 09:12am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper smiled at his account of what happened when they meet. She knew that he'd liked her but for him to actually be so engrossed with her that he ignored the people around him. It actually made her happy, for so odd reason. Knowing that even at the moment all he saw was her, it made her heart beat faster. "Okay." She nodded up at him, not going to fight him on this any more. "Why don't we look over there first." She said point to the closest booth, really most of the stuff on the square was accessories and clothing. The shops around them however held the more expensive and larger things. She knew that she wouldn't be buy much from anywhere really, but it didn't hurt to look. And maybe she could get Logan to let loose a bit. Tugging on his arm gently she pulled him over to the booth, looking over the purses and handbags.
    Carter frowned hearing her words, before he could stop her she was on her feet, unsteady. Quickly acting her stood wrapping his arms around her waist. "Babe." He whispered in her ear, knowing that she'd put on a front. "If that's what you need then come on." He told her before leading her back into the house. His brows furrowed when he felt a sharp pain in his stomach. Swallowing the salvia that built in his mouth, he pulled her closer feeling her body sag a bit. "How about we get you laid down." He said to her, holding her up, and making his way up the stairs with her. He knew that something wasn't right. She wasn't acting right for someone dehydrated. Opening the door to a bedroom, he flipped on the light before moving to the bed and setting her down. Then heading into the bathroom. Leaning over the counter he groaned feeling the pain in his stomach intensify. He'd never felt this way before, was he sick. Had they eaten something bad at the restaurant. He couldn't wrap his head around it. But pulling in a lung full of air he pulled himself together the best he could. Before getting a glass of water and taking it out to her. "Here sip on this." He told her helping her take a drink, it seemed like all her strength was leaving her. He didn't know what could be happening.
    August 4th, 2017 at 09:41pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled at her and walked with her to the first booth. The booth owner immediately recognized him. "Mr. Hart it's an honor." he said and Logan smiled at him. "Hello it's nice to see you again. We'll just be looking around today, Harper here is looking for things to fall in love with and I am just here for moral support." he said and chuckled. The booth man laughed a little to hard. Logan rubbed the back of his neck. "I'll see you around." he said and the booth man looked scared a moment then left them to look around. Logan sighed looking distressed before he smiled back at Logan. He didn't like how his position and the family money made him the target of everyone's focus. He rubbed Harper's arm gently. "So what do you think?" he asked and smiled at her hoping to move past this.
    Abigail nodded as Carter suggested she lay down. She walked with him feeling him carry more and more of her weight. Abigail laid on the bed as the world spun around her. She blinked having a hard time keeping her eyes open. She tried to sit up as Carter came in but he had to help her. She sipped the water. "Thank you." she whispered feeling like she was straining to speak. Abigail looked up at Carter. "Carter you don't look so good. You should sit down." she said and grabbed his shirt trying to make him listen to her. She was worried about him. "I... I think I know what this is but I don't know how we could have gotten it." she said quietly feeling like she could be screaming and using the same energy but she could only whisper. When Carter pressed her she frowned. "These are normal side affects for a date rape drug that runs at parties like this. It's called Rubbalon. It starts by making the person that takes it weak and the quiet. So they can't fight back or get help. It often leave the victim not remembering most of what happened but I don't know how we could have gotten it and it shouldn't be affecting me like this. I...." she looked away. "I have a fast immune system." she said after a while and she forced herself with great effort to roll over and put her hand on Carter's chest. She was worried about him. In order for this drug to work on her she would have been given a pretty much lethal amount. Either someone was trying to kill her again, someone who didn't know she was special, or a complete amateur who had never used the drug before.
    August 4th, 2017 at 10:44pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Nibbling on her lips she raised a brow at the greeting from the owner of the booth. Shifting she moved along the displays of items, not really carrying about what was in front of her. Her eyes were taking in items but not really enjoying any of the experience of shopping. In fact her attention was on the Logan and how uncomfortable. Shaking her head she moved back over to the two conversation. She jumped lightly feeling his hand on her arm, smiling up at him she shook her head. "Nothing I can't live with out." She told him, before wrapping her arm back around his and pulling him to a different booth. She smiled up at him, "is that something I should expect from this shopping trip, or will they leave us the fuck alone?" She asked kind of loud hoping that people at the next booth understood she wasn't interested in spending money, she just wanted time together with him. If they bother her she damn sure wouldn't spend a dime buying their things.
    Carter sat the cup down before he placed himself down beside her, she was pale. Listening to her explanation of what she could of thought this was. "Ronald," he muttered out, knowing that the only out source besides the paid bartender was Ronald. He knew better than to drink the things people gave him, but he never thought one of her friends out drug him and her. Laying back he closed his eyes thinking over the reason why he could want to drug them. Did he know that Carter was Abigail's bodyguard. Was he the new hit man, or had he been paid off. His thoughts were interrupted by a strong pain in his stomach, causing him to groan out. Feeling the pain slow subside, he wondered why he was feeling things different than her, she was actually showing signs. He how ever was dealing with stomach pains and sweating. He wondered if he could use this to his advantage, wait until she was passed out and then seek them out the back. No one would know.
    August 6th, 2017 at 11:08pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan frowned. "That's a common occurrence." he said softly and only to her but none the less he was glad she had said something because at the next booth there was a simple head nod and he smiled softly back walking with Harper enjoying their time together. "I never really thought of you as a woman to hold your tongue but I never really thought about the kind of situations that that would present." he said and chuckled. "I must say it is much more amusing." he said softly and grinned.
    Melody frowned. She didn't want to believe it but it was most likely the reason they both where pretty messed up right now. The only problem was that it seemed Carter was having a reaction to whatever he was given and instead of it hitting him like it was her it was making him ill it seemed. She frowned and took his hand. It wasn't long before the door opened and Ronald slipped in the room. "Damn you two are hard customers. I thought I put enough in there to make you two pass out on the lawn but I guess that stuff isn't as strong as they say." he said and walked over towards Abigail. "I guess this will have to do though." he said and saw Abigail look at him and he stopped a moment before walking towards her again. "I'm sorry love but I didn't know when I would have another chance and you are all I think about." he said.
    August 7th, 2017 at 01:34am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper frowned up at Logan, "the fact that I had to say something, shows just how much class they have." She shook her head. "If they really want to sale something to you, then they need to step the fuck back and let their products doing the talking, because really they their set up in the middle of a square, and not in a store front." She told him. "If they need sponsors then they need to go and find some, and not bombard their costumers with their stupid lame ass sales pitch." She shrugged. "It ruins a shopping experiences and if I can't shop peacefully then why the fuck would I invest in a place." She shrugged, she knew he wasn't here to buy their business, but there for her. And really she just wanted to have fun like she did with her brother. But it seemed almost impossible with him, unless people left them alone. And right now she was all for speaking her mind. It in fact was something she learned while working around here.
    Carter laid there listening to him talk and the more he said the madder Carter got. But for some reason he couldn't move, it was like his body was made out of lead. But he knew that if he didn't do something then there was no telling what that bastard would do to Abigail. But in the back of his mind he knew just what that fucker wanted from her. And Carter wasn't about to allow that to happen. He heard Abigail whimper, and that set a fire blazing in him. He could feel his heart racing faster and his anger grew. Opening his eyes they locked on Ronald, his hands trailing over her thighs, pushing her dress up higher. Carter clenched his jaw, before he growled out. His eyes closing for a moment, before opening back up. The weight that seemed to hold him down was gone, flying off the bed he tackled Ronald to the floor. The amount of force he used to knock him down, had the man's eyes rolling back in his head. Thought Carter just saw red, and he started hitting the man over and over again. His anger taking hold of him. Though he heard feet and voices on the stairs and he knew that if he was caught there was no telling what would happen. Pulling away from the bloody mess of a man, he rushed over to Abigail before picking her up and placing her over his shoulder. Exiting the room quickly, and moving down that hallway, doing his best to avoid people. He would be killed if they found out he was a Meta, even if he was protecting her. Looking out a window he seen a clear drop, even though they were on the second floor he'd still manage it. Opening the window he slipped out, with a bit of difficultly, having her on his shoulder, but he stood on the aweing of the roof. Steading himself before jumping down, his knees buckled and hit the ground but that didn't stop him from forcing himself up and taking off into the forest. He needed to find a place for them, fast. They would be searching for them, and he couldn't risk that. After running for what felt like forever, he stopped at looked around at the town. Setting her down on a bench out side a motel, he grabbed her purse and pulled out some cash. Before heading inside to get a room, paying cash they'd be able to slip under everybody's notice for a little while. Exiting with a room key he headed back over to the dosing beauty before picking her up and taking her to their room.
    August 7th, 2017 at 08:27pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled at Harper and nodded. "You are very smart about business. Is that something you would like to do in the future?" he asked her as they looked around the next booth and they continued their shopping. He smiled feeling them start to get into a rhythm. He wanted to know her deeper and more fully than he did now and he liked to listen to her talk. She always said the kind of things he hardly heard around those in his circle. Logan was just enjoying walking and talking with her. He hadn't thoughts hoping could ever be this much fun but it was turning out to be a pretty perfect day.
    Abigail started to shake as Ronald started to touch her. She closed her eyes and whimpered shaking her head lightly. She looked away from him and over at Cater fear in her eyes. She didn't want it to be like this. Carter would never see her the same way if this happened like this, hell she would never be the same. She had been through so much but it never had been like this. She closed her eyes again not wanting Carter to see the fear and pain in her eyes. She gulped and then she heard Carter growl and she watched as he kept over her and tackled Ronald. She had to look away and a tear slid down her cheek. She would ave stopped him if she could have, not for Ronald's sake but for Carter because she knew it would be in his head forever. She looked up at Cater as he came towards her and then closed her eyes as he picked her up. He was a mess and he had no idea. She wanted to sooth him and clean him up but she couldn't even move. They moved out of the room and down the hall. She gasped as he left from the second floor not because she didn't believe he normally could without any problem but because of the state that they where in and how dangerous it could be like this. She watched as they slipped into he forest then she slipped into an odd state where she could ear everything but wasn't able to do anything about it. She was fighting so hard against the drug and yet she could do nothing. All the panic was gone. Cater had her and she trusted him so there was no reason to fight it even though she wanted so badly to take care of him right now in the state he was in. She felt him leave and then come back before she felt the bed under her. She didn't realize it but she needed up falling asleep. She woke in the morning and groaned feeling sick. She got up only to fall to the floor. She looked around and crawled tot he bathroom throwing up into the toilet. She groaned and sat back against the wall and then looked around. She felt better now that it was all out of her. She shivered remembering the night before. She stood and stripped off climbing into the shower and turning it on hotter than she normally did and scrubbing herself down. She ended up just sitting there crying quietly until the shower ran cold then she stood and cleaned herself up then got out and wrapped herself in the towel and walked out of the bathroom. She realized she didn't have any other cloths and sighed putting on her old cloths and trying to do something with her hair with he things in the hotel. She sat on the bed her belly rumbling. Abigail looked around for Carter panic flooding her. Was he okay?
    August 8th, 2017 at 07:21pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper smiled up at Logan, "I don't know, it's just something I picked up here and there." She shrugged it off. Moving through the booths, stopping she grabbed a scarf, something that was hideous. Moving over to him she wrapped it around his neck, "suits you." She teased him, laughing. Usually her brother would start with the ugly things and flaunt it trying to make her laugh. Though Logan was completely different, and just enjoyed her company. Though she had a feeling that he didn't get to spend much time having fun. He seemed like he had a similar up bringing she did, though he more than likely never wanted for anything.
    Carter groaned as he sat against the wall, having done his best to clean himself up. He'd allowed himself to doze, but it didn't help him any with the worry that was coursing through him. She'd been a sleep for a while now and he didn't know if he should get help or not. His head lifted when he heard her mumble in her sleep. Smiling he stood and move over her, his ears picked up her heart beat, slowing to its normal speed. Sighing out thankfully he wondered if she'd be waking up soon. Deciding that it be best to go and grab them something to eat. Grabbing the key to their room, he exited. Moving quickly along the streets not wanting her to wait for him to return. Stopping into a store he pick them up some change of clothing, and then went to the closest food place and getting them something to hold them over. Before making his way back to her quickly, he couldn't risk her being alone for to long. Entering the room he noticed she was on the bed, a smile coming to his face. "Morning." He said softly moving to her, and placing the bags in his hands down beside her. "Sorry I left, but I figured you'd be hungry when you woke." He informed her, before starting to dig the food out. "Also I didn't know what you liked so I got a variety of stuff, and some clothing for you to change into." He felt happiness creep up on him, this reminded him of how he used to take care of Harper.
    August 9th, 2017 at 01:42am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan chuckled as she tease him. He made a pose and actually pulled it off. If he wanted to he could do anything he wanted. Logan smiled and chuckled. "Yeah I think I could make it pretty fashionable for men." he said with a wink. Logan smiled and took it off and set it down moving closer to her his hand resting gently on her lower back. "You have a world of possibilities now open to you. I know you have to much to consider before you decide what you want. But just so you know what ever it is I will support you in it." he said and grinned. Logan was so glad to have her in his life now.
    Abigail flet her heart soar seeing Carter come into the room. She bit her lip and watched as he set down all the things and went through a speech and what not. She tossed her arms around him and hugged him sighing. She had been so worried he had left her, had been worried he was hurt somewhere and needed her and she had no way of helping him, not that she knew of anyways. She smiled and picked up the cloths and the little toiletries he got. She took them to the bathroom and changed and brushed her teeth putting on whatever made her feel more human before she came out and smiled at him. She took the food he handed her sitting crosslegged in the chair and snarfing it down. She sighed feeling better. "Thanks." she said finally and relaxed. She had no idea what they where going to do now. She knew she should call Alex and tell him where to pick them up but as she looked at Carter would he feel safe doing that. She knew what he was thinking. First thing they had to find out was about Ronald.
    August 9th, 2017 at 11:59am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper placed her hand over her mouth to cover the loud laugh that left it. She knew that he was joking, which made her happier than anything at this moment. He'd finally shown her a different side of him. "I bet you could." She teased him, shaking her head as they moved to a different booth. She felt his hand on her and she tensed lightly, still not used to intimacy they'd been showing toward one another, no matter how small. Turning to look up at him as he spoke she frown. "I know, but I was happy being a nobody." He told him. "So you're right I do have a lot to think about." She agreed, knowing that she had a lot of stuff she needed to figure out for this life ahead of her.
    Carter smiled feeling her arms encase him, he was happy that she was alright. But more than anything he thrilled that she held him dear enough to worry about him. He watched her as she dug through the things in the bags, he however turned to the food. Pulling out things to eat so that he wasn't in her way while she changed. He knew that she must not feel comfortable in the dress she'd wore last night. After everything that happened he hoped that she forgot. Sitting on the bed he started to eat his food while he waited on her. Once she exited the bathroom he grabbed the bag and walked in changing into a plain white tee and a pair of jeans. He didn't get anything special. Exiting the bathroom he smiled as he noticed her eating, rather unladylike. "You're welcome." He smiled moving over to her. Leaned down he placed a kiss on top of her head. Even if they'd been drunk the night before he was still certain that they felt the same. He didn't want her to worry about anything that was going on out side. He knew that Ronald had transported to the hospital but there wasn't any news on his well being. He knew that it could really effect his ability to protect her. Because Ronald being a privileged child his parents would want to press charges. And no matter what happened next, Carter would be in extreme trouble.
    August 10th, 2017 at 07:07am