
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled at her laugh. He wanted to hear more of it and he didn't know how to make that happen. She brought up the past and he sighed. He really wish there was something he could do to make this easier. He couldn't go back but he could go forward, it just seemed so hard to when she kept going backwards.Just as he thought they where making progress she slinked away from him and he let his hand fall. "You know you don't have to figure it out alone though right?" he asked her and smiled gently. He knew he might not be her most ideal person to have on her side throughout her life but he could make anythings he wanted happen and he would love her fiercely, sometimes to much so.
    Abigail smiled at the kiss on her head. She blushed softly realizing she really had probably been a mess as of late but wasn't she entitled to loose her perfect facade a little after all her and Carter had been through together. She swallowed and slowed down. When she finished her food she pulled her legs up into her chair and looked at Carter. "I know you don't know Alex very well but we need help Carter. We need money and cloths to start with but we need help. I know you're worried but you don't have to worry you're under my protection just as I am under yours. My family name has power and we know powerful people. "We should get out of the city as soon as possible but they are not going to come after you Carter. "I think if you wanted to see your sister though we will need to go see her today or tomorrow before we leave." she said and bit her lip. "I really should call Alex and set up a rondeau point for him to meet us at. We need his help." she said hoping Carter understood what she was there to help him and would take care of him no matter what. She reached over and touched his hand. "I never did think you for saving me last night." she said softly.
    August 10th, 2017 at 10:16pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper turned her attention from the items laid out back to him, "I know." She smiled softly. Knowing that he'd already been helping her, even if he didn't realize it. After all the kiss earlier, disappointing, was still helpful. She'd never known that things could be so feeling-less, and it made her curious of what else was out there. It made her want to try again, but did she want that with him. After all he was the only person she'd ever get to be with. He'd never allow her to be someone's else. So she did have to get used to dealing with him. "I still believe we have a bit more to learn about each other." She told him, before picking up another thing and looking it over. "And it maybe better to focus on that instead of what I want to do with my life, later in the future." She suggested. After all she did find him attractive, so he had that going for him. But forcing her into this situation was a bit of a kill joy, though they had to find common ground to enjoy each other's company.
    Carter nodded knowing she was telling the truth, "I understand." He informed her, "but I think we both just need some time away from everyone." He suggested. Before sitting himself down on the bed. Patting the spot next to him he motioned with he's head for her to join him. Once she was seated beside him he pulled her into his arms, cradling her to his chest. "You've been though a lot the last few days, maybe we should rest for a little while longer." He offered, not really wanting to deal with anyone at the moment. And after they returned they'd never get a chance to be like this again. Her family and Alex would make sure. He'd actually been looking forward to spending more time together with her. Since last night they'd kissed and wanted to be alone in the garden but that plan failed. "And you never have to thank me for ever protecting you." He whispered out, gently stroking her cheek.
    August 16th, 2017 at 05:38am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled. "You're right as usual." he smiled and chuckled. "I would like you to get to know my passionate side, my goofy side and all the things that will make you see that I might be selfish in someways but I really to like you. Logan smiled. "I know I have a lot to learn about you but none the less I really do care for you." he said and rubbed the back of his neck hoping that she could believe him. He knew that she didn't quite trust or believe him but he really couldn't blame her, he had done it to himself in a way and defiantly to her too. He really did want to know her better but he was able to relax and open up more when he was doing things and she seemed to open up more when there was nothing to do be wondered if that was going to work out alright or become an issue.
    Abigail moved over and sat next to him. She laid her head against his chest and sighed. He was right she had been through a lot and if she had been through it with anyone else she wouldn't ever be able to handle it like she was. Abigail looked up at him and smiled softly. "Actually I was thinking that we might need more time like this especially if any heat comes down form last night. Alex is the best as leading others off my scent and your job was to protect me and I can say that you have done that in more ways than they had anticipated. So I think they will continue to be happy with you taking care of me despite your methods. We are well enough off that it will be no big deal for them to take care of this for you. Besides I told you I would take care of you too and I meant it." she said and cupped his cheek. "I want to." she said and stroked his hair back gently to distract from her desire to just touch him. The only problem though was that Carter needed to see his sister before they left because Abigail didn't know how long they would be gone and unreachable after this.
    August 16th, 2017 at 07:11am
  • @ Jinx...
    Placing the item in her hand down she turned and moved away from that booth to, before entering into a boutique. Her eyes roamed around the store before she moved through the spacious store. Her eyes roaming over the clothing racks that laid out before her. She was wondering why he thought to bring her here when most of the stuff he himself wouldn't purchase. But she'd forgotten just how the actually businesses around the market were more for high end fashion. It had always made her feel uncomfortable coming into the store and not being able to afford things. But now with him encouraging her to shop, she was feeling a bit relaxed. She would be able to actually enjoy the shopping experience. Turning to look up at him, she smiled. "So what kind clothing do you like?" She questioned him, wondering if he'd help her with any fashion. She had no idea what she'd even wear, and she knew that she had a closet full of stuff back at the mansion. But this felt different, maybe she could actually see what he liked her to wear.
    Carter nodded, before letting a small sigh escape his mouth. "I know you're right." He told her. "I just feel so confided when Alex's around, like I have a baby sitter or have more than one person to protect." He shook his head. Knowing that his reasoning was childish, but he also wanted to be able to spend time with her by themselves. After they shared kisses last night, it made him very aware that they'd never be a true couple. And it really bummed him out, he kind of wanted that normal life. Though he'd never be normal. It didn't stop him from wanting some sort of normal. Reaching over to her cell that had been powered off last night, he handed it to her. "Call him and arraign a meet." He told her, knowing that he'd leave it in her hands, if she choose to head back now then he'd except that she never really wanted to spend the time with him. He would just have to have faith in her.
    August 29th, 2017 at 08:31am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan chuckled as she asked him about cloths. "Umm well I don't particularly care what you wear Harper. Those cloths are mostly to help you blend into the crowd and feel comfortable. But I guess I like it best when you wear something that says we going to do something fun. But there is so much to do that is fun that really changes depending." he said and shrugged moving around the shop. "Here why don't you try this one on?" he asked and reached into a pile of dresses and brought out a beautiful evening dress.
    Abigail frowned and looked at her phone then set it back down. "Later. Let's just have a day to ourselves." she said really just wanting a day to feel normal and not have people telling her what to do and when to do. She wanted just a moment with Carter to really take in everything. "But the deal is if any trouble comes up we call Alex right away." she said doubting there would be any trouble if they just blended into the city for a day. "Deal?" she asked Carter and smiled as she stood holding her hand out to him as if offering to help him up. Abigail smiled as he agreed to her one rule. "Alright then what are we going to do with no money and a day to ourselves in the city?" she asked. Abigail really didn't know what was around them to do that didn't require something other than climbing trees but that really wasn't inconspicuous. Then again this was what Carter was for. He would know something better than she would.
    August 31st, 2017 at 09:54am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper smiled at him knowing that he wasn't trying to be all controlling over her outfit. "I know that, but I still want to know what you like." She informed him, beaming at him when he handed over a dress. "Thank you." She was doing her best to try and not make a fool of both of them. She knew that he'd wanted her to at least try as they agreed. And after earlier events she really wanted to show him a different side of her. Entering the dressing room she peeling her clothing off, before slipping into the dress. It wasn't something she'd have ever picked for herself. And a part of her wondered if he did it just to get her to shut up. Because she didn't think the dress flattered her at all. Stepping from the room she pulled a face at him, knowing that it just wasn't her. But if her really loved it then she'd wear for him some time. "Excuse me miss." A soft sweet voice rang out, pulling her attention from Logan to a sale representative. She was caring a couple of dresses her arm out stretched to keep them from dragging. "I think these would better suit your skin tone and style." She said, before ushering Harper back into the dressing room following her before closing the door behind the both of them. She hung the dresses up before helping her take the dress off, allowing her to slip into a different one. Before exiting the room, she reappeared moments later letting her hands tangle in the Harpers hair pulling it to the side and pinning it. "There perfect." She smiled before allowing her to exit the room, feeling a bit timid though she felt quite beautiful even though so little had been done.
    Carter smiled at her feeling warmth spread through him, knowing that she chose to put all her worries aside to spend the day with him. He couldn't help beaming up at her as she offered him her hand. Taking it he gently tugged her, making her stumble into his arms, and then laying back on the bed. Having her cradled to his chest. "I know what I want to do," he told her softly. Before lifting his hand and brushing her hair away from her face, then pulling her lips down to meet his. He knew that his words could be taken the wrong way, but he'd merely just wanted a kiss. If she could possible believe that. He gently stroked her cheek as he relaxed and enjoyed the kiss. His thoughts were jumbled, and a mess. Though he really had no clue on what they could do with their day. No money tended to be a problem, even when he and Harper had went out they still had some money for food and drinks. He was really racking his brain on the things they could do.
    September 11th, 2017 at 04:00am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan didn't know much about dresses but he knew some things about women and when she came out int hat dress he knew. He new first off she hated it and second she was right. It was all wrong for her. But thankfully a woman who knew so much more than him came over and solved the situation. He sighed and sat back waiting. This time when Harper came out of the dressing room he felt floored. He was silent a long time with his mouth hanging open as he tried not to ogle at her. When she demanded him to say something with her eyes he rubbed the back of his neck a blush on his cheeks. "Yeah.... No I mean..." he stood and walked over to her taking her hand. "You look stunning." he said and then without really thinking about what he was doing he placed the kind of kiss her first kiss should have been. The kind that took the thought out of it and made all the ladies in the store blush. Logan pulled back as it hit him what he was doing and he stepped back rubbing his neck. "Umm I think that's a keeper." he said and then dared to take a look at Harper.
    Abigail smiled seeing his smile. So much had changed in just a couple of days from when he had first arrived until now. Now he wanted to be around her, now he wanted to protect her. Abigail gasped as he tugged her hand so she went flying into him. She gasped and laughed as they fell back into the bed. "Carter!" she said and then blushed at his words when suddenly his lips took hers. She melted into him kissing him back. His hand moved over the skin on her cheeks and she kissed him nothing on her mind except kissing this man right now. He was pretty amazing to her and he hardly knew a thing about her. Abigail trusted Carter with everything so she wasn't worried about the day she guessed they would do something simple and she would probably love it.
    September 11th, 2017 at 06:43am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper nibbled on her lips as she looked at him waiting for his opinion on her outfit. Once he didn't seemed to answer she felt unsure of herself. The feeling she felt earlier fading as she started to feel self conscious. Watching him she wondered just what his thoughts were. Though she was taken back when a blush took over his features. Her body froze when he grabbed her hand, feeling her own cheeks heating up with a blush. She knew that they'd been toying around with feelings and that she did want to please him. But when his lips connected with hers she couldn't help but letting her eyes flutter closed, a feeling she couldn't explain took over her. Starting with the tingling on her lips, and a mixture of his taste numbed her senses. Feeling the loss of his lips she blinked up at him, wondering what this feeling was. "Should I wrap it up for you or would you like to wear it out?" Questioned the woman from before, she was pleased with the out come of her work. It wasn't often that she got to witness a happy couple enjoying her work.
    Carter smiled feeling her melt into him, he was glad she hadn't pulled away from him. It made him happy that she was excepting his affection. "Well we've got a few option." He told her breaking their kiss. "We can stay here and cuddle, and maybe do a bit more of this." He said before placing a gently peak to her lips. "Or we can take our chances on doing some sight seeing, maybe stroll through the park." He knew there wasn't much to offer unless you had money. But once they left the room the surrendered it to the next guest. So if they were going to go out and roam then they needed to have a plan so they weren't out there aimlessly and waiting too long for someone to pick them up.
    September 13th, 2017 at 04:43am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled and looked at Harper. "Probably wrap it up." he said and smiled at Harper. "What do you think?" He asked and smiled gently at her still looking a little embarrassed that he had just done that. It had been so uncontrolled and unplanned and yet Harper wasn't yelling at him, in fact if he thought about it she actually looked pleased if not a little surprised. Logan went and paid for the dress trying to think of the best night activities he could get her back into that dress in. "We'll take the hair pin too." he said and looked around something sparkly catching his eyes. He smiled and had the woman add that to the bag too. Once he got it all paid for and packed up he walked with Harper back out and looked at her. "Would you like to see is there are any birds on the lake?" he asked her and smiled feeling really good about things for now.
    Abigail smiled as she curled into Carter. She listened to him as he told her the options. "Well then why don't we rest here a while longer." she said wanting her time with him although she felt a little antsy to move. She never liked to stay still to long. Abigail ran er hand up his chest and closed her eyes her head on his shoulder. "Carter why did you decide to stay?" she asked him. "You could have easily left if you wanted to." she said softly. "I wouldn't have blamed you for wanting to leave." she whispered to him knowing he could easily hear her.
    September 16th, 2017 at 07:21am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper smiled nodding before moving into the changing room, she did feel that the dress was a bit to much for everyday wear. But she wouldn't deny the way it made her feel and how he reacted. She could feel her cheeks tinted with a blush, having the woman help her from her dress she smiled politely at her. "You know if you ever need help picking out something else again just give me a call or come and see me." She smiled at her, before placing her business card down and then exited with the dress. She closed the door behind her allowing for Harper to dress in peace. Nibbling on her lip she exited the room feeling less powerful. She couldn't explain it, the way the women reacted to her presences she knew that the feelings were almost loathing, and envious. She had something they wanted and seeing her dressed that way they understood why she had him, but dressed as she was it seemed like they could woo him over. Ignoring the thoughts she linked her arm with his as she smiled timidly up at him. "That sounds fine." She wasn't sure what seeing birds on the lake could really do for them but she wasn't apposed to sending time with him out and about.
    Carter frowned at her hearing her question, shifting lightly to hold her tightly, but being able to look at her. "Well I would never leave a woman who'd been drugged defenseless." He shook his head, "but yesterday something happened, and I know I wasn't the only one that felt it." He informed her talking about their feeling and how they had felt when they kissed. "And honestly I wouldn't mind finding out more about this." He told her before gently brushing some of her hair from her face so he could look at her. "And I know that even if I left these feelings wouldn't go away and I'd always be thinking about you." He told her truthfully, knowing that even if it made him sound week or even pathetic he could careless.
    September 17th, 2017 at 04:53am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled and walked with her to the lake. They leaned against the railing and looked down at the swans swimming in the lake. "I have always liked swans. They move so gracefully through the water." he said and smiled at her. "They are just mere birds but have taken such on so much more that they have become the symbols of beauty and love." Logan said looking at her. He believed that with time Harper could be the same. She was just herself but she could be seen by others as so much more and he hoped that she would be as his wife.
    Abigail smiled and kissed him again. "I am glad that you stayed even before that." she said and ran her hands over his chest. "I felt it too when we kissed and I want to know what this is or could be." she said softly and grinned. "I know it probably won't be easy and my mom defiantly won't like it but she will have to deal with it because you are the only one that has been able to protect me like the others can't." she said and smiled. "Besides she only wants me to be happy. And that right now is you." she said and kissed him again and giggled as she wrapped her arms around him.
    September 18th, 2017 at 03:23am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper stared down at the birds raising her brow as he called them a symbol. "Why would anyone believe a bird is a symbol?" She questioned him, not seeing much grace and beauty from them. "I wonder if the person who thought that was a simple person, someone that had time to see the grace in them." She thought out loud, knowing that what ever he was seeing she just didn't grasp. She knew that they came from two different worlds but her never included birds that weren't food. Shifting under his gaze she lifted her eyes to him, wondering why he felt the need to stare. She could feel a blush creep up on her cheeks. Their shared kiss earlier taking over her mind. What made him so bold as to kiss her like that, and would he do it again? These thoughts consumed her more than some bird.
    Carter smiled feeling her kiss, her happiness was very contagious. He could feel the swell of happiness building in his chest. He knew that they weren't the ideal match, and her mother had already warned him. But she was right it was her life to live not Alex's or her mothers. "You'll have to get Alex on your side with this you know that right." He informed her, knowing she cared deeply for Alex, and he seemed more like a parent then her own. "But I'm glad I can make you happy, though I have done nothing but tease you." He joked, though their dinner last night felt more like a date. He knew it wasn't though, even if he willed it to be. Lifting his hand he gently stroked her hair. "All of that aside, do you have any thoughts of where we will be going?" He questioned her, knowing that even though he'd get to see his sister, he still wondered if he'd ever get that chance again.
    September 20th, 2017 at 05:40am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan chuckled as she said she didn't get that and who ever came up with it had to much time. "You know you're probably right." he said and placed a gentle hand on her back. "Still they are nice to look at." he shrugged. "You ready to head back?" he asked her. They needed to get ready for his final surprise of the night. "We have a couple hours before my surprise tonight." he said and grinned. He hoped she would like it and see the beauty in it unlike these swans. Logan smiled to himself of course Harper wouldn't see Swans like he did, it just fit to well for her not to.
    Abigail smiled. "I don't see why not. Alex will probably think it's a phase or something but if he is going to blame anyone it would be my mom." She shook her head. Abigail chuckled. "You listen a lot more than you realize and I have never had someone just listened to me like you do." she explained. She closed her eyes grinning as he stroked her hair. He asked her where they where going and she nodded. "It's a town without a name on the map. It's a little rustic cottage with 15 archers of land and what they use to call the ground keepers hut. We'll take the main house and Alex will take the hut. Out of all the maids only my lady will be with us and she also has her own place as well but further into the land. I could point it out to you on a map but as far as what it's called that I don't know." she said and shrugged.
    September 20th, 2017 at 06:45am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper smiled hearing his laugh, knowing it was rare to pull from him. Nibbling on her lip she looked at him, "surprise?" She asked wondering just what he was trying to do. Was it something for the two of them or more for her. Great now her mind was all over the place and she couldn't focus on what he question was. Nodding she figured it was best to allow him some sort of answer to go for of, even if she wasn't sure what she was agreeing too. She was so wrapped up in the word surprise. Since she never knew what he was thinking, it could be a wide range of thing. "Is it anything like the picnic?" She wondered out loud, wondering if he wanted her to dress up for it.
    Carter chuckled hearing her say it was just a phase, knowing Alex's would defiantly agree with that. Though he could tell that this was something more, even if it was brought on by the sense of danger. Nodding he listened to her speak of the place. "Well if we're off map then I'd like to see what our options are as far as get aways." He knew it wasn't what he wanted to discuss with her, but he wasn't about to let any harm come to her. After all her own aunt had tried to kill her, who knows who else was in on it to. Or why she was being targeted that was the big question on his mind, but he'd be instructed to never ask. He didn't need to know in order to protect her, he just had to act. And he didn't intend to allow his personal wants to interfere with her personal needs. And the main need was keeping her alive.
    September 20th, 2017 at 07:01am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan thought about it. "Well not really, it's public and classy and loud and inside. Kind of the opposite. It is defiantly my culture but none the less I hope you enjoy it. If you wear your new dress you will be the most beautiful woman there and all the boys will want to sit beside you." he said and smiled with a chuckle. "Or you can wear something similar and still be beautiful as you are." he said smiling gently as he lead her back to the limo. He opened her door for her then got in his side once she was safely inside. How had this day turned out like this? He wasn't quite sure but none the less he was glad for it.
    "Yeah sure. Well go over all that before we go so if anything happens as soon as we get there you won't have to worry about it but it's much easier to explain with maps." she said and rested her head on his cheek. "Can we go back to personal things and not business?" she asked felling like it was all business with her safety. Abigail looked up at him and smiled gently. "I know you're always on high alert but for just one afternoon let's have some time not thinking bout who is gonna try and kill me or hurt me next. I'm so tired of it I need a break, just a little one." she said softly.
    September 20th, 2017 at 07:35am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper furrowed her brows at him, she didn't understand where he was taking her. But at least she knew he'd like for her to wear that dress again. But at the mention of it her cheeks lit up with embarrassment, remember his reaction to her standing before him in it. Nibbling on her lip she nodded, "you won't tell me where we are going will you?" She questioned him, knowing that the word surprise held meaning. But she still hoped that it wasn't something she'd embarrass herself at. She listened to him talk about how beautiful she was and it warmed her body. She didn't know how he could make her feel like this. Slipping into the limo she fidgeted with her hands in her lap. The thought of a surprise was weighing on her, it wasn't ever something she was custom to.
    Carter nodded listening to her concerns and wants. "Sure, personal." He smiled at her, before lifting his hand and tucking some hair behind her ear. "So what do you actually do for fun?" He asked her, not knowing if she really ever got to enjoy life outside of her castle. Nibbling on his lip he watched her closely, wondering how a beauty like her could ever be interested in him. He after all was a meta, and she should even dream of conversing with him. But here she was laying on top of him, and he knew that if her mother could see her now there'd be hell to pay. Leaning forward he captured her lips, not caring if she'd been speaking. He was so enticed by her that he wanted nothing more than to please her. And well he couldn't get enough of her either.
    September 20th, 2017 at 11:22pm
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan smiled at her. "That would ruin the surprise part of the night. I will give you a hint though, we have talked about this before." he said knowing they talked about so much. They got in the limo and he watched her get antsy. "It will be fine, you probably will like it too. Please do not worry so." he said. Once they got back to the house he helped her out and then smiled. "Dinner will be served where we are going before hand." he said and took her hands in his. "Trust me you are ready for this." he said and kissed her hands each in turn then turned and left her to get ready. He would present the necklace to her later.
    Abigail bit her lip thinking about it. "Well mostly I go outside. If I can spend any time in the forest it is a plus and if I get a moment to myself then I am in heaven. Although..." she was surprised when he kissed her and she slowly melted into his kiss having lost all that she had been about to say. Abigail wrapped her arms around him kissing him back. When he broke the kiss finally she giggled. "What was that for?" she asked him grinning happily. It felt a mazing to be kissed like that.
    September 21st, 2017 at 08:02am
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper nodded hearing his words, though meant to calm her, did anything but. "I can't help but be antsy." She informed him, "I've never had someone try and surprise me before." She knew that even if they did, it would never be anything like what Logan did. He was in a league of his own and could take her places others couldn't. Exiting the vehicle she grasped his hand tightly, knowing that it was the only time they ever touched. But since their earlier kiss still lingered on her lips she was craving his touch. Nibbling on her lip she watched as he took her hands before placing kisses on them. The action set her heart into over drive, and allowed a blush to creep up on her cheeks. "Okay." She managed to squeak out before turning to her room to get herself ready. She smiled when she noticed the dress she'd just bought laid out on her bed already. While they were having their moment one of the maids must have been busy to ensure she had what she needed. Stepping into the bathroom she decided that she'd start there given that she had two hours she didn't feel she would need. As she knew he was taken with the dress so she just had to figure out what she could do with her hair and makeup. Stepping from the shower she started to pull on some of the undergarments that were placed on the bed. Who ever had laid her dress out had made sure she had all items she'd need for getting into the dress. All that was left was for her to do her hair, make-up and find shoes and accessories. She was thankful for the help it meant she could spend more time fiddling with her hair and makeup. Though once she was done she was content with her look. Having used almost the entire two hours, she stood from the vanity in her room, before slipping into her shoes. Nibbling on her lip she opened the door preparing herself to head downstairs to meet Logan.
    Carter smiled pulling back, he shrugged his shoulders knowing that he didn't need a reason to want to kiss her. "Because I wanted to." He told her honestly. Lifting his hand he cupped her cheek, gently caressing the skin with his thumb. Nibbling on his lip he looked up at her, "so you've never been to an amusement park or carnival?" He asked, knowing that she wasn't allowed to do much, since protecting her was a bit tedious. He didn't have the problem the other did. But he knew now that it was best to at least talk instead of just assume she'd been locked away all her life. After all he knew so little of her, and he knew the subject of why she was on a hit list was off the table. But it didn't stop him for wondering why did she need his protection. He wasn't an amateur. And he'd already had to put his skills to use twice now. And he didn't like it. He hated being cage just as much as he didn't like being apart from Harper. Though this he could always fix the problem, if he knew the cause. He wondered if she'd ever tell him why she was being hunted.
    September 22nd, 2017 at 07:11am
  • @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Logan was dressed in his normal suit for this occasion. He wore this suit a lot and his blue one. But today he knew he would need to keep up with Harper. Logan was waiting for Harper and smiled hearing someone coming down the stairs. He turned and stopped looking at the most beautiful woman in the world come toward him. He grinned and held out his hand to help her down the last few stairs. He grinned kissed her hand. "You look absolutely stunning. "I'm not sure how I will keep my eyes off of you." he said and then reached over and grabbed a velvet box. "I thought you might be missing something so I got you this." he said and opened the box to show her the necklace he got her. "What do you think?" he asked and smiled. "Would you like me to put it on for you?" he asked and smiled at her. Logan really was in awe wit the beauty this woman was. She would be the most stunning woman there and people where bound to talk and he was alright with this.
    Abigail giggled and smiled. She leaned her head into his hand. This felt good. He asked about carnivals and amusement parks. She shook her head. "No I have never been. I mean there was a block party once that I went to but I was a freshman in high school." she said and shrugged. "I was kept away from a lot of things because it let my family look more exclusive. So I only went to the best private schools and a social life was pretty much out of the question." she said and frowned thinking of the man that should have been her friend but wasn't. "The most I got time to do in the city was shop or go to brunch but I didn't do that often." she said and shrugged. "I normally do a lot of studying and talk with whatever maids or Alex that are available. I am pretty sure they had a rotating schedule for talking with me." she said and laughed.
    September 22nd, 2017 at 06:11pm
  • @ Jinx...
    Harper felt the blush creep onto her skin as his eyes traveled her body, before settling on her face. She knew that he'd rather enjoyed this dress and honestly wore it to please him. But she wasn't expecting him to openly drool over him. Taking his hand she descended the last few steps. She felt her heart leap into her throat as his lips meet her skin, she would never get used to that feeling. "Thank you." She managed to peep out, knowing that she was still getting used to the compliments he loved to dish out. Though her thoughts on his behavior halted when he pulled out a box. "You shouldn't have." She informed him, eyeing the box. She knew that with the size it was an necklace. "Wow." She whispered breathlessly, she wasn't to pleased with it. After all it must have cost him a fortune. "It's beautiful." She informed him gently touching it, not wanting to break it. She knew that what ever her bought would be real so wonder if she could do the jewelry justices. Lifting her eyes to meet his as she chew on her lip. Could she really wear something so valuable.
    Carter scoffed hearing her talk about her block parties. "Your parents sucked." He shook his head, he knew he shouldn't put them down. But a child should be allowed to have fun. He on the other hand had to grow up fast to take care of Harper. So he got to do all the fun things as an adult while he got to enjoy her reaction to them as well. "You know what." He told her as he listened to how pitiful her life had been. Rolling them over, he hovered over her. "I have an idea." He smirked down at her, before leaning and placing a kiss on her lips. "Get up." He told her, as he sprang to his feet. He was now determined to make to day fun. Moving over to her discarded cell he pick it up before dialing an all to familiar number. Listening to it ring before hearing a groggy voice fill the speaker. "Jimmy, it's Carter, I need a favor." He smirked over at the beauty before him. Really it wasn't a favor, Carter had saved Jimmy's life a few years back. And the man promised to pay him back someday. Though Carter had swore he'd never cash it in, he was going back on his word and today he needed his friends help. And it just so happened that Jimmy's father ran a local carnival. And even though it was extremely wrong to ask, he knew that Jimmy wouldn't refuse. Chuckling out he heard Jimmy's frantic and excited voice. "Hey calm down, I'll text you the details." He shook his head, before hanging up and then quickly texting the man. Knowing that he was asking a lot. But Jimmy wouldn't fail him. Hearing a ding he looked down at the phone smiling as the words 'you got it' displayed in the text. "So he'll be picking us up in a few." He smiled at her before quickly packing up their stuff. Knowing they wouldn't be returning.
    September 24th, 2017 at 04:31am