Follow Without Pride

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harper opened her mouth to rebuttal his words, but she shut it knowing there was no arguement she could give that would be vaild. She had worked herself up yesterday, and she would have never given him the time of day. "So what if I do or don't, forcing me isn't going to make me like you it's going to make me despise you." She shook her head. "And anyone can get turned on by someone they find unattractive, so don't falter yourself." She rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
    Namjoon smirk down at her before leaning his head in, shifting before there lips meet. "I would never think poorly of you." He whispered softly into her ear. "I know you don't even know him, also I don't see a ring so as far as I can tell you're fair game." He chuckled softly, before placing a kiss behind her ear. It was up to her if she really wanted to play this game with him, he would enjoy her company even if it didn't revolve around sex.
    April 27th, 2017 at 06:30pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Did I ever say that I worked you up? I think you worked yourself up in an attempt to tease me," Yoongi said with a small shrug before he leaned forward a bit. "But, I don't think you would work yourself up if you weren't the least bit interested, regardless of whether you're consciously aware of that or not."
    Marie's breathing hitched for a moment but she couldn't help but to be basically hooked on his words. Feeling him kiss behind her ear caused her fingers to curl against his shoulders and she chewed on her lip before she offered a small nod in response. "Then, I don't see anything wrong with it," she murmured quietly as she peered up at him.
    April 27th, 2017 at 08:46pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Rolling her eyes she sighed, standing she moved to her bed. "Whatever I'm not going to argue with you, if you have nothing for me to do, or what ever, then shut or leave." She told him before picking back up her laptop, she sat down on the bed next to him. And start back up her show. She was rather uncomfortable with the sitting position she was in, but she decided she'd suck it up since leaning against the head board was out of the options. He was blocking her access to it.
    "Then get in the car." He told her, releasing her, and opening the car door for her. He really didn't know what she'd agreed to, but he was all for pushing his limits. He waited till she was seated to close the door and jog around to the drivers side. Sliding himself in he smiled at her, before moving the car out, driving to the destinations. Nibbling on his lip, he reached over placing his hand on her bare thigh, "not chickening out are you?" He teased, letting his fingers gently rub across her inner thigh.
    April 27th, 2017 at 11:36pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I kind of want to stick around, though," Yoongi said with a small shrug. "It's, what? 5:30am, maybe 5:45? There's not much to do and you're probably the only person who's awake." He didn't bother checking his phone for the time, since the time didn't really matter to him; he just didn't really want to leave. There wasn't much that could keep him occupied this early in the morning, after all. "What are you watching?"
    Marie didn't really waste time in getting in the car and she buckled up before she relaxed. She arched a brow, though, when she felt Namjoon's hand on her thigh and she glanced over at him. "Do I look like I'm going to chicken out?" she asked, though to emphasize her words, she shifted a little to enjoy his touch more.
    April 27th, 2017 at 11:46pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harlyn nibbled on her lip ignoring his words on staying, lifting her attention from the show. "Naruto." She told him, she was an anime geek by heart, and the only time she could watch it was when no one was around. Shifting uncomfortably she opted out of asking him to scoot over so she could rest up against the headboard. It wouldn't sit them both side by side, so he'd miss the show if he was interested in seeing it.
    Namjoon smirked hearing her words, "just checking." He informed her, feeling her legs shift. Licking over his lips he let his fingers glide across her smooth skin, his touch slowly creeping up her leg, disappearing under her dress, before sliding back down lower. He didn't that a few time, making sure his movements were nice and slow always going higher and higher, but never quite reaching her underwear.
    April 28th, 2017 at 12:06am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "Never thought you'd be the type to be interested in anime," Yoongi mentioned simply in response, but he was sure she was on an episode he had already watched, so he mostly just listened. It wasn't like he could see the show how they were, anyways, so listening was his only real option.
    Marie shuddered with the feeling, chewing harshly on her lower lip in hopes of distracting herself from getting too worked up with his actions. He knew what he was doing, that was for sure, and she couldn't help but to enjoy it, her eyes closing over slightly as she attempted to deal with his teasing.
    April 28th, 2017 at 12:12am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harlyn looked over at him furrowing her brow. "What do I have to look like or seem like to be the anime type?" She questioned him, wondering why people put labels on things. She didn't know a single person out there that didn't like on form of anime or another. "We are all introduced to anime as children some just never grow out of it." She shrugged, before pausing her show. Setting the laptop down she from stretching her body ached and was soar from sitting on the bed. "This isn't working, my back is killing me." She informed him, wanting him to move. Watching a smirk played on his face, he shifted. Moving himself on the bed, her eyes watched him as he got comfortable up against her head board. His smirked got bigger as he motioned for her to come to him. Biting her lip she grabbed her laptop, before moving up to him. Settling her self down in between his legs. His chest touching her back as she leaned into him. Turning her attention to the screen of her laptop she tried not to focus on the man behind her.
    Namjoon smirked feeling her shudder under his touch, he enjoyed her reaction his movement. Letting his hand move higher this time he felt the fabric he'd been trying to avoid. He hopped to get her frustrated before he set off on his pursuit of entraining her. A soft chuckled left his lips as he pulled his hand way. "We're here." He informed her parking the car.
    April 28th, 2017 at 12:31am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Yoongi shifted, placing his hands on her shoulders as he began to massage her shoulders lightly. She'd said her back was hurting, after all, and he figured he could work his way down to her back to help her. But, at least, with this position, he could watch the show with her and he could perhaps get some teasing in as well. "I don't know," he mentioned with a small shrug. "I see most people who are really into anime have buttons or keychains or even anime-oriented phone cases, I guess."
    Marie wanted to announce her neediness at that point, but at the same time, she didn't want him to know just how much his teasing was affecting her. She was sure he could see it in her expression; voicing it would only fuel his ego, she was sure. When he pulled his hand away, she couldn't help but to pout, though she nodded slightly to his words. "Alright," she muttered, finding it hard to find any other words in that moment.
    April 28th, 2017 at 12:39am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harlyn shrugged, knowing he had a point, but she decided that she wasn't in the mood to talk. Relaxing into his touch she realized this might not be a bad idea. She could get things out of this just as much as he could. She really wasn't one to date so her friends wouldn't believe this. Nibbling on her she tuned into her thoughts more than watching the show.
    Namjoon exited the car before moving around to her side, helping her out. Smiling at her he lead her into the building, it didn't look like most movie theaters. The inside was laid out with black carpets, and a stand just like most though things sold there was unique. Stopping at the gate they were greeted by a elder gentleman, "group or private session?" The older gentleman questioned to two of them. Namjoon turned to her letting her allow what to pick. He'd never done a group session though he heard the people in there was just their for a show, or wanting people to out do them.
    April 28th, 2017 at 01:42am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Yoongi let his hands continue to rub her shoulders, though he began to move his hands down to her back, massaging there. She didn't seem to be complaining, plus she seemed to be relaxing into his touch, so he figured it wouldn't be so bad. He continued to massage her back for a bit before his arms eventually encircled her and he held her close but didn't make any further moves while he waited for her reaction.
    Marie thought over the options for a moment but looked to Namjoon for a moment. "A private session would probably be best," she mentioned after a moment. For the most part, she felt that having a group session would be too risky; if her father found out she was even thinking about getting sexually involved with somebody who wasn't her fiancé, he'd lock her down until the wedding.
    April 28th, 2017 at 01:50am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harlyn arched her back allowing him access to her lower back. She was a bit surprised when his hands slipped around her waist. Biting her lip she stopped herself from squirming or moving. She didn't want to make him mad, since they were suppose to be dating. Allowing him to rest his arms on lower abdomen.
    Namjoon smiled at her, glad she of her pick. "Here," he told the guy before handing him is card. Turning to her he grabbed her hand, "still not to late to back out." He informed her, pulling her body flush to his. He was starting to get excited, just the thoughts of touching her was causing his penis to twitch. "Your card sir." Said the gentlemen behind the counter. "To late." Namjoon chuckled taking the card, and pulling her towards an available door.
    April 28th, 2017 at 03:13am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Yoongi shifted, resting his head on her shoulder as he allowed himself to relax. "Does your back still hurt?" he asked her quietly, though he'd made sure to allow his breath to hit the skin of her ear while he spoke. He smirked slightly, hoping to get some sort of response out of her.
    Marie stared up at him, her fingers curling into his shoulders once again. When he began pulling her to the room, she couldn't help but to smirk slightly and she tilted her head slightly in response as she followed. "I'm not backing out," she promised quietly as she chewed on her lip, though she was pretty eager herself.
    April 28th, 2017 at 03:20am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harlyn felt his breath on her ear, making her body shiver involuntary. "No." She whispered out, knowing what he was trying to do. He trying to get her interested in him. "You know," she said back, "two can play this game." She warned him. She knew she'd stop him before anything would happen.
    Opening the rather heavy door he allowed her to enter, before closing the door and locking it. Placing his hand on her back he escorted her into the room. "Where would you like to sit?" He questioned, before stopping her from answer, "why don't we sit in front." The place wasn't that big but it still allowed for at least a twenty people to partake.
    April 28th, 2017 at 04:58am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Yoongi arched a back to her words. "Oh? What game?" he asked with faint amusement. "Do share how two can play it. I'm plenty interested in how you think it would work at this point." Plus, he was more than a little curious over whether she would actually do anything or not; he was a little doubtful of it, though.
    Marie glanced back at him, though she offered a small nod. "I guess the front works," she hummed out, though she shifted, taking his hand in hers before she began tugging him towards the front of the room herself.
    April 28th, 2017 at 05:02am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harlyn sighed, "you know very well what I mean." She told him shifting so she could look at him. "You don't need me to tell you how to play when you've already started." She shook her head, "you'd only lose, and have blue balls." She smirked. "Because if your girlfriend isn't putting out who will?" She rhetorically asked, throwing his own words back at him.
    Namjoon smiled before sitting down beside her, his eyes turning to the front. "These things are pretty good." He informed her, knowing they can have the room as long as they'd like. "They don't have that I'm here to clean your pool, I don't have a pool shit." He chuckled, "but I don't think your interested in the show." He chuckled. Before sitting back and letting his eyes gauge her, wondering if she was still feeling the effect from the car.
    April 28th, 2017 at 05:10am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Yoongi arched a brow in response to her words. "Considering you got yourself worked up just be being in cold air, I don't think you're really one to talk," he mentioned casually as he took her in. "It'd take more than perky nipples to give me blue balls, though, and that seemed to be your only tactic last night."
    Marie looked over at him as she leaned back in her seat, watching him quietly for a few moments. "Oh? Then what kind of plots do they have?" she asked with curiosity, though she tilted her head slightly. "It's not my immediate interest, no, especially after being teased in the car," she murmured with a pout.
    April 28th, 2017 at 05:16am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harlyn placed her laptop down ignoring it. "So are you trying to reverse psychology on me?" She questioned, turning in his arms. "I am interested in a challenge but you already know that." She smirked at him, "but I only teased you in class yesterday because you were so rude when you ran into me, so if you weren't expecting a little payback then don't play the game." She informed him.
    Namjoon smirked over at her, before leaning closer to her. "We can pick up where we left off, if you'd like." He offered her, before placing his hand back on her bare thigh. "Though we can start all over again, too." He teased, letting his thumb run circles on her thigh.
    April 28th, 2017 at 05:28am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    "I think I made up for being rude to you by giving you my sweater," Yoongi pointed out simply, "And, even with the sweater, you went through the trouble of working yourself up by making yourself cold. Does that make much sense to you? It all but baffles me." He lifted his shoulders in a slight shrug.
    Marie watched him, maintaining eye contact while he was teasing her, though she couldn't help but shudder once again with the teasing. Her eyes fell to his lips and she eventually murmured, "I suppose either option would work to your favor, right?"
    April 28th, 2017 at 05:33am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Harper chuckled, "well I've you side tracked." She teased, "the best way to gain ground on a man is start a pointless argument." She said before running her hand up his chest. "You're right, it is baffling." She smirked at him, wondering if he was catching on to her game yet.
    Smiling at her, he leaden over pressing a soft kiss to her temple. "I think the first one works best for me." He whispered out, before allowing his lips to trail down to her ear, "I can make you squirm more." His hand slid higher, tongue shot out grazing her lobe. "Or I can speed things up," his hands sliding under her dress, his knuckles brushing her clothed core. "Make you mine." He whispered out before placing a kiss to her neck. Slowly allowing his fingers to move across the fabric of her panties.
    April 28th, 2017 at 05:51am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Yoongi snorted quietly. "Side tracked? Hardly," he told her before he shrugged. "I am still very aware of the point of all of this. I just like making valid points as rebuttal to your words." He smirked, though, dropping his gaze to her and lifted his hands to run along her form. "But, if you're going to try to tease me, then everything's fair game, yes?"
    Marie couldn't help the needy whine that escaped her when his teasing progressed and her eyes closed over as she shifted to his touch, clearly craving more. Lifting her hand, she ran her fingers over his face before they trailed down to his torso. "I can't say I'd complain to any of that," she breathed out.
    April 28th, 2017 at 06:00am