Office Romance

  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie maneuvered herself around the kitchen, helping her husband to get the things on the table. Once all the food had been placed on the table, the young blonde walked over to Jethro, putting a hand on his back. "And how are you feeling with everything?" She asked, her hand moving slowly up and down his back.
    Tim nodded, smiling as he watched her smile once more. He loved watching her smile. It made him happy and even happier when she was happy and smiling. "I think it'll be okay if we're a little late." He chuckled.

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 04:18am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro looked at her and smiled, "Good." Jethro told her smiling. "Are you feeling ok baby?" Jethro questioned his wife.
    Johanna looked at him and smiled softly, "Not with my uncle." Johanna she pecked his cheek slowly making her way towards the door as she grabbed her purse from the side table as she walked out with him and they headed to their car.
    July 1st, 2019 at 08:00pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    "I'm alright." Ellie said with a smile. "Just ready for him to be here." She admitted as she moved one of Jethro's hands onto the lower part of her back. "This pregnancy has been wonderful and perfect, but definitely time to end." She laughed lightly. She had been having back pain all day and it was just getting to the point where it was nothing but pure annoyance.
    Tim laughed lightly, knowing that Johanna was right. "You know what, you're right. We can't be late. Not with Gibbs." He grabbed his keys, making his way out of the house with her. Watching her get in the car, Tim got in driver's side and then started driving over to Gibbs' pace.

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 09:47pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    "I am ready to meet our little man as well." Jethro smiled at his wife. "Ellie, are you alright? You seem pained." Jethro told her as he stared at his wife wondering if everything was ok or not.
    Once they arrived, Johanna slowly got out of the car. Fixing her dress. She took and looked towards Tim who was smiling ear to ear. Shaking her head lightly she got the bowl of pasta salad she'd made for tonight. Walking to meet Tim, she felt his hand go to her small bump. Smiling she pecked his lips. As they made their way to the door she rung the bell and looked at Tim smiling.
    July 1st, 2019 at 09:59pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie nodded. "My back is killing me." She spoke as she moved a little. "I'm alright though." She reassured him. She glanced over at the time, wondering what time Tim and Johanna were going to be over. Just as she pulled out her phone to text Johanna, Ellie heard the door bell. "I'll get it." She kissed Jethro once before waddling over to the door.

    She opened the door once here, smiling at Johanna and Tim. "Perfect timing." She said as she pulled her friend into a hug. "Look at you. You're looking so cute." She squealed as she pulled back to take a good look at Johanna. "How are you feeling?" She glanced over to Tim real quick. "Hello Timothy." She laughed, hugging him.

    Tim smiled at Ellie and hugged her. "Hey Ellie." He grinned.

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 10:17pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Johanna smiled at Ellie as she returned the hug to her friend. "I feel fat." Johanna admitted. "This was the only dress I had in my closet to wear." She frowned feeling the tears. "Then Timothy bit back a laugh." Johanna shook her head and smiled. "I am ok though. How are you feeling? Still having the pains you mentioned earlier." Johanna frowned at her patting her arm lightly.

    Jethro made his way out and greeted his niece with a hug and kiss to her head. Before patting Tim's back and taking the bowl as he led Tim into the house. "So how has your evening been?" Jethro questioned him.
    July 1st, 2019 at 10:46pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    "Oh Joanna." Ellie said, seeing her friend get teary eyed. "Do you want to borrow some of my maternity clothes?" She asked as she walked inside with her, closing the door. "I'm sure Tim didn't mean to laugh." She reassured her. When she asked how she was feeling, Ellie smiled. "I'm okay. Still having some pains, but nothing I can't handle."
    Tim looked to his boss. "It's been good." He said, looking over to Johanna for a moment. "I think I screwed up with Johanna today, boss." He said, glancing over to Gibbs again. He frowned. "She couldn't find anything to wear and I didn't laugh at her, but she has it in her head that I did...I feel awful...what do I do? How did you handle Ellie? Or how have you been handling Ellie while she's been pregnant?"

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 11:05pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Johanna smiled at Ellie as she shook her head, "I am going shopping tomorrow to find some things." She assured Ellie. "Thank you though." She smiled softly as they walked. "Still having them. Do you think it could be time?" She questioned pushing the door up and hanging her things on the coat rack at the door as she talked with her.
    Jethro looked at Tim and grinned. "The hormones are horrible." Jethro admitted smiling at him. "I always tell her she's right, and comfort her every way I can. It has done me good and came a long way." Jethro told him smiling.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 12:35am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie looked to Johanna. "you know it's getting close to where it could be time, I just don't want to freak myself or Jethro out." She said as she walked with her towards the Dining Room. "I mean we are more than ready for him to come, if I am being honest." A small laugh escaped her lips. "But I am not going to rush him...not yet." She then looked to Johanna. 'Well if you need someone to go with you to find clothes or you need suggestions on where all the cute maternity clothes are, just let me know."
    Tim nodded. "Good advice. I'll be sure to remember that." He said with a small smile. He then looked over to Ellie and Johanna. "Boss, when is Ellie going to have that baby though? She literally looks as if she could pop any second." He commented, a little concerned. Clearly Johanna being pregnant was going to be a long process for him alone.

    @ requiem;
    July 2nd, 2019 at 12:46am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro smiled at Tim, "I am thinking any time. She has been having back pain. I remember when Kelly was pregnant. She had back labor days before she actually had our daughter. So I am thinking that is how it's going to be with Ellie as well. But we're prepared." Jethro told Tim smiling.
    Johanna looked over at Ellie smiling, "Thank you." She told her friend giving her a light hug. Smiling at the two men she stared at them, "So shall we eat? Because I am starving." Johanna smiled hearing her uncle laugh as she giggled softly.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 12:50am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    "How long have you guys been prepared?" Tim asked as he began making mental notes of things to be aware of. He looked over to Johanna for a second, then back to Gibbs once again.
    Ellie nodded with a small smile. "Of course, let me just go get the boys." She laughed as she moved into the kitchen to find Jethro and Tim talking. "Hey you two, dinner is going to get cold and Lil Miss Johanna is hungry." She said.

    Tim nodded. "Yeah, lets eat." He walked over to the table, kissing the top of Johanna's head before sitting down next to her.

    Ellie went to move to get the pitcher of tea from the fridge when she felt another shot of pain. "Ouch." She mumbled, placing a hand on her back. "Oooh."

    @ requiem;
    July 2nd, 2019 at 01:14am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    "How long have you guys been prepared?" Tim asked as he began making mental notes of things to be aware of. He looked over to Johanna for a second, then back to Gibbs once again.
    Ellie nodded with a small smile. "Of course, let me just go get the boys." She laughed as she moved into the kitchen to find Jethro and Tim talking. "Hey you two, dinner is going to get cold and Lil Miss Johanna is hungry." She said.

    Tim nodded. "Yeah, lets eat." He walked over to the table, kissing the top of Johanna's head before sitting down next to her.

    Ellie went to move to get the pitcher of tea from the fridge when she felt another shot of pain. "Ouch." She mumbled, placing a hand on her back. "Oooh."

    @ requiem;
    July 2nd, 2019 at 01:14am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Watching his wife double over in pain, he took and rushed to her side. "Ellie, my dear." Jethro whispered as he looked at her. "Are you alright?" He questioned her.
    Johanna looked at Tim and smiled softly, "What were you two talking about?" She asked her husband smiling.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 02:07am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie breathed in and out, catching her breath for a second. The baby just kicked her right in the rib on top of the back pain. "I'm alright. Your son just found my rib...again." She put a smile on her face. "I'm okay." She breathed, holding onto the fridge's door for a brief moment.
    Tim looked to Johanna. "Oh just guy stuff." He said looking to her and smiling. "What were you two talking about?"

    @ requiem;
    July 2nd, 2019 at 04:29am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ Lil Miss Writer

    Jethro nodded his head and smiled at his wife, "Alright honey. You had me worried for a second." Jethro told her smiling as he took and held to her. Kissing the side of her head he helped her towards the table.
    "Oh, Ellie offered to let me use some of her maternity clothes." Johanna smiled. "But I told her I was going to try and get some tomorrow." She smiled at Tim.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 04:41am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ requiem;

    Ellie nodded with a sweet smile. She walked towards the table with him, holding onto his hand as they walked. She stood at the table, not sitting down for a second. "Ouch." She gasped softly.
    "That's very nice of her." Tim smiled. "But yes we can go shopping tomorrow if you would like."
    July 2nd, 2019 at 04:56am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro looked to his wife, "Are you alright sweetie?" Jethro questioned her.

    Seeing the reaction and the way Ellie was. She stared at her best friend a second, "Ellie, I think it's time." Johanna told her rising to her feet slowly staring at the other woman.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 04:58am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie breathed, looking to Jethro. "No, I'm alright." She shook her head. "We are going to enjoy this meal. I am fine. He is just kicking my ribs." She squeezed Jethro's hand.

    Tim looked to her, concerned. he then looked to Johanna, saying nothing. He knew not to argue with a pregnant woman.

    @ requiem;
    July 2nd, 2019 at 05:20am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Johanna stared at Ellie knowing she was lying, raising an eyebrow at her best friend. "Eleanor." Johanna stared at her a second.

    Jethro looked at his wife kissing the side of her head. "If you're sure, honey." Jethro whispered hearing his niece speak to his wife. He grinned knowing the two knew each other better than anyone.
    July 3rd, 2019 at 12:16am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie nodded to her husband and smiled. She then frowned when she heard her best friend call her out, using her full first name. "Johanna." She stared at her. "I. Am. Okay." She breathed as she slowly sat down at the Dining Room Table. "He's just kicking me in the ribs." She didn't let up on staring at the young girl.

    Tim didn't say anything, just looked over to Gibbs. "Boss." He whispered. "What are you going to do?"

    @ requiem;
    July 3rd, 2019 at 12:57am