Office Romance

  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Tim grinned, pulling Johanna to him. This day had finally happened, on Christmas Eve. He kissed her softly on the lips, then a little deeper, not wanting to break apart. However, he knew that they couldn't get too carried away. He pulled back and smiled, hearing everyone congratulate them.

    Ellie clapped and cheered when Jimmy pronounced Johanna and Tim husband and wife. "Congrats guys!" She said with a smile as she stood next to Jethro. She looked to Jethro and smiled, kissing him once more. She couldn't believe that they were married too.

    Tim smiled, "Thank you." He said to Ellie then looked to everyone.

    "Should we start to open presents?" Ducky then asked as he walked over to Tim and Johanna. He hugged Tim and kissed Johanna's cheek. He then walked over to Ellie and Jethro, congratulating them once more as well before walking back into the Family Room to the Christmas Tree.

    Tim looked to Johanna, he just smiled. "Mrs. McGee." He grinned as he brushed some hair away from her face and kissed her on the lips.

    @ severide;
    April 6th, 2018 at 06:41pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro walked with Ellie and smiled holding her close. Rubbing her lower back tonight could have not went any better. Smiling he made his way with his new wife to the family room. Sitting with her he smiled wrapping his arm around her and keeping her close as he kissed the side of her head.
    Smiling at Tim, Johanna couldn't help the smile from growing. "I love hearing that." Johanna told her husband now as she smiled. She held to his hand going into the family room with him and sitting down with the rest of their team but most important, family.
    April 7th, 2018 at 09:09pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie smiled at her new husband as she walked to the the couch with him. Carefully sitting down with him, Ellie leaned up against him, feeling his arm wrapped around her arm. Watching Abby as she eagerly started to pass out presents, Ellie just smiled. She was really glad to be here with everyone...her family. Looking at Jethro as Abby handed him a box the was nearly wrapped.

    "I saw this and just knew that you would love this." Abby said with a small squeal as she went back to the tree. Ellie laughed at Abby's excitement, then got up to go grab some presents from the tree. The baby was being a little restless, so she figured moving around would be a good thing for her.

    Tim smiled, kissing her softly on the lips once more. "I know you do." He grinned. Putting a hand on her back, Tim led her into the Family Room, sitting down on the small couch for them. When Abby walked over to them handed them each a gift, Tim nodded and smiled to her. "Thank you Abs." He grinned as he handed Johanna her gift from Abby. He then started to open the present from Abby and smiled, seeing it was a book collection he had been wanting, just hadn't bought yet. "Thank you Abby." He said as he turned to Johanna, waiting to see what Abby got his new wife.

    @ severide;
    April 7th, 2018 at 11:28pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro opened it seeing the coffee mug and read what it had on it. He smiled at Abby nodding his head, "Thank you Abs. This is amazing." Jethro smiled at her as he set it aside and smiled.

    Johanna opened her present and smiled seeing the cooking book that Abby had gotten her. "Awe, Abby thank you. I've been wanting this one for a while." She smiled at her laying it beside of her.
    April 8th, 2018 at 02:49am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie smiled as Jethro thanked Abby for his gift. She walked over to Ducky handed him a box, "Merry Christmas Ducky.' She said with a smile, bending over to kiss his cheek. "Thank you Eleanor." He chuckled as he kissed her cheek and hugged her. Ellie then went back to the tree to get Johanna and Tim's gifts. She walked over to them. "Johanna, this is for you." She said, handing her a medium size box. "I know it's something you've really been wanting." She then handed Tim his gift, and smiled.

    Tim nodded at Ellie and smiled, opening the present. "This is nice." He said with a grin as he pulled out the writers set. "Ellie, this is perfect." He said, getting up to hug her. "How did you know.' Ellie laughed, "I just knew." She winked and kissed his cheek with a smile. Tim grinned and sat down next to Johanna again. He kissed Johanna, "What did Ellie get you?"

    Ellie made her rounds with Tony, Abby, Senior, Jimmy, and then walked over to Gibbs with a couple of boxes. "I know I probably went a little overboard." She handed him a small box first. It was a nice Rolex watch with something engraved on the back. The watch read: To my darling husband, I will always love you. XOXO Ellie. She started to slowly to sit back down, rubbing her belly.

    @ severide;
    April 8th, 2018 at 03:03am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro smiled at Ellie as he opened his present. He stared at the watch and looked at her, "Thank you baby. I love it." He flipped it over reading the writing and smiled even more. "You truly are amazing." He said leaning over and kissing her lips softly smiling at her.

    Johanna took and opened the box staring at the cake kit and smiled, "Thank you Ellie." She smiled setting it at her feet. "I don't know how you knew, but thank you." She smiled beamingly glad she'd gotten it as she got up and walked over hugging her friend. She smiled going to the tree and getting everyone gifts. She handed Ellie the huge box and smiled brightly at her. She then handed her uncle the huge box as well. It might not had been something fancy, or something new. It was something that was dear to the two of them.

    Watching him open it and his reaction she smiled. "I figured that'd be something special you could hang in your home of you two." Johanna smiled seeing him pulling the other huge picture frame out. It was a picture of him and her when she was young she smiled. "And that one was just something extra." She smiled at him hugging him tightly and Ellie. She'd gotten Ellie a neat three wheel jogging stroller for her and the baby, and some cute outfits for after the baby was born along with some books she knew Ellie had been mentioning.

    Johanna smiled walking over to Tim as she slid the large box with Abby's help to her husband. "I truly hope you like this. It took me forever to find it." She lent in kissing his lips before sitting down. She grinned knowing he'd love it. It was an antique type write, the one he'd been wanting and hinting around for a few months.

    Jethro smiled as he looked at Ellie, "Well your presents are at home not here love." Jethro whispered kissing her lips lightly smiling, tonight had been truly amazing.
    April 8th, 2018 at 03:39am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    @ Lil Miss Writer
    April 15th, 2018 at 12:49am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie smiled at Jethro and kissed him softly on the lips. "I'm glad you like your present." She winked as she sat on his lap this time instead of next to him on the couch. She put a hand of hers on her belly as she sat there, just watching as everyone enjoyed their gifts and such. "The rest of your presents are at home as well." She said with a sweet smile, looking back to Jethro once more. "I just wanted to give you the watch while we were here." She spoke as she stayed on his lap.

    Tim smiled at Johanna, almost wanting to cry. This Christmas present was absolutely perfect and he couldn't believe that she got this for him. "Johanna, honey, I love you so much." He said with a bright smile, pulling himself closer to her so that he could kiss her. Letting his lips captivate hers, Tim kept Johanna close to him as he kissed her deeply on the lips. "You are truly wonderful." He said as he kissed her. "Thank you for this gift." He said as he looked to her. He then handed her a box, knowing that it would be very sentimental to her.

    @ severide;
    April 15th, 2018 at 03:31am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro smiled at her and nodded his head, "So are yours. The watch is perfect thank you baby." He told her kissing her lips. He placed his hand on her stomach and smiled watching everyone interact with one another.
    Johanna smiled as she took and opened it. She smiled at the small photo album and flipped through it. Smiling she took and saw the last picture, it was the very first time her and Tim had met nearly eight years ago. Smiling she looked at Tim, "This is so perfect." She whispered leaning over and kissing his lips deeply.
    April 15th, 2018 at 03:57am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie smiled as she watched everyone. This was absolutely perfect. Looking at Jethro once more, Ellie then looked down at her hand. She still couldn't believe that she was married...let alone married to her boss. She couldn't help but giggle a little as she thought more about that.

    Just then Vance walked over to Jethro and Ellie, handing each of them a Christmas box. "Also, since you two are newlyweds, I wanted you to know that you have the next week off, Christmas as well." He said with a smile. Ellie got off Jethro's lap long enough to hug Vance, thank him, and kiss his cheek. Vance just chuckled, "You're welcome, Mrs. Gibbs." He then looked to Gibbs. "Now, Gibbs, I'm expecting that I shouldn't have any trouble from you if I keep your wife on your team." He said sternly.

    Tim smiled at Johanna, and kissed her on the lips. "This is just something small. Everything else I have picked is at home." He spoke as he put a hand on her cheek. "I just didn't want to bring everything here." He said with a grin.

    @ severide;
    April 15th, 2018 at 04:11am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro laughed, "It won't be a problem, Leon." Jethro assured his friend and smiled. He kept his arm around Ellie and admired the view before him with the family and his newly wedded wife. Smiling even more he kissed the side of her head and adored her.

    As the night went on, Johanna began to feel more sick and tired. She kept lent into Tim and felt him rubbing her back lightly. "I hate to, but do you think we could head on home?" Johanna whispered to Tim staring up at her husband.
    April 15th, 2018 at 04:58pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie couldn't help but smile a little as Jethro kissed the side of her head. She smiled up at Leon and nodded in agreement with her newly wedded husband. "It won't be a problem, Sir." She said with a bright smile as she brought one of her hands up to her rounded belly. The baby had been starting to kick a little more than she was wanting, so she was going to work on calming the little boy down.

    Tim smiled as Johanna rubbed his back lightly. He leaned into her tough, smiling bigger and brighter than before. Hearing her ask if they could go home, Tim nodded. He wanted nothing more than to spend some alone time with his newly wedded wife. "Of course baby. Lets go make our rounds of saying bye to everyone." He grinned as he spun around to kiss her softly on the lips.

    @ vengeance;
    May 1st, 2018 at 03:26am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ zacky vee.
    May 12th, 2018 at 06:24am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gibbs smiled at Leon seeing everyone slowly starting to disappear. "So are you ready to head home dear?" Gibbs smiled at Ellie as he lent over kissing her lips lightly. He rubbed her lower back smirking a little bit at her.
    Johanna nodded her head and smiled. She made her way to everyone and one by one began telling everyone good bye so she could head home with her husband.
    May 13th, 2018 at 02:43am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie looked at her husband, a bright smile still on her face. "That sounds like the perfect idea." She said as she allowed her lips to be captured by his once more. As she felt his hand rub her lower back, Ellie took this moment to grab onto Jethro and pull herself up from the couch.
    Tim smiled as she watched everyone start getting ready to go. Taking this time, he went to say good bye to everyone, wish them Merry Christmas once more, and then walked out the door with Johanna. "How did you enjoy Christmas...Mrs. McGee?" He asked with a bright grin.

    @ zacky vee.
    May 14th, 2018 at 04:34am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Gibbs smiled at her and kissed her head. He told everyone goodbye as they headed home. It wasn't long till they were home as he smiled. "I have a surprise." He said leading her slowly up the stairs and to the nursery revealing the nursery she'd wanted and the hand crafted bassinet and crib he'd made for their child. "Merry Christmas." He smiled at Ellie.
    "I enjoyed it. It's one i'll never forget." Johanna smiled at Tim leaning in and kissing his lips. "It was beyond amazing. Marrying you and getting to spend the rest of my life with you. It's very well worth it." Johanna whispered to him.
    May 14th, 2018 at 05:08am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Tears filled the young blonde eyes when Gibbs opened the door. "Honey..." She said, blinking away the tears. "This is beautiful....amazing...I love it!" She said as she could not longer stop the tears from coming. Slowly wiping the tears away from her soft cheeks, Ellie stepped up to her husband and kissed him softly on the lips. "This is the best Christmas present ever." She said against his lips. "Aside from marrying you." She giggled softly, looking at their newly ringed-hands. Looking at Gibbs, Ellie smiled at her. "That watch wasn't the only present for you." She said as she winked at him.
    Tim smiled, kissing her on the lips. "Everything was worth it." He whispered softly as he placed a hand on her flat stomach. "We're married...and we're going to have a baby." He said with a cheeky grin. He brought his lips closer to hers and kissed her once again. "So, how does it feel to be a married woman, Mrs. McGee?" He laughed lightly.

    @ zacky vee.
    May 15th, 2018 at 03:06am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Jethro stared at her and smiled, "Anything for my beautiful wife." He whispered leaning down kissing her lips lightly. He saw her admiring the room as he admired her. Smiling he heard her mention that the watch wasn't his only present. "Is that so?" Jethro grinned at Ellie.
    "It feels very amazing to be married to the love of my life." Johanna lent in kissing his lips. She smiled at her husband cupping his cheek. "I can't wait for us to get home. Cuddle, and spend the remainder of the Holiday together as man and wife." She smiled kissing him one more time.
    May 16th, 2018 at 01:58am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Ellie smiled at her husband, nodding to his words. "Yes." She said as she wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling herself closer to him. "I have a couple of things I wanted to give you." She winked as she slipped out of his arms. Quickly walked to the other room, Ellie grabbed a wrapped present. She smiled as she carried the big box to him. Handing him the big box, Ellie sat down on the edge of their bed, a hand on the bottom of her belly. Inside the box was new tools for Gibbs, once that he had been wanting. Along with that, she also included some little daddy gifts. The finally thing in the bottom of the box was a letter to him. The letter was about how much she loved him. How she was glad destiny pulled them together. How she was excited to be his wife, and how she knew how much of an amazing he was going to be as this baby's father and such. She sat there, waiting for him to go through the entire box.
    Tim nodded and kissed his softly on the lips. "I love you." He said against her lips before starting the car. He then started to drive to their apartment. When they got there, Tim quickly parked the car then got out. Quickly walking over to Johanna's side of the car, Tim opened her door and smiled at her. "Hello my dear." He winked as he leaned down and kissed her. He helped her out of the car, wrapping his arm around her waist. He walked with her up to the apartment floor, then unlocked the door once they were there. "We are home, my dear wife." Hr grinned.

    @ zacky vee.
    May 16th, 2018 at 06:13am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ havoc.
    May 23rd, 2018 at 06:19pm