I'll Be Right Beside You

  • Bangarang!

    Bangarang! (120)

    @ sugarplum.
    "Oh, that's weird he seemed pretty aggressive toward you, especially if he thought you were someone else." Tyler said. He listened to her speak. "Oh nice a garage, let me guess you go and help him? I could see you doing that kind of thing," and he wasn't joking he honestly could see her doing that kind of thing. He could see her bent over the front of a car checking everything over and rolled under it working away covered in grease and old clothes.

    The music changed and become upbeat so he grabbed her hand, "Come on let's dance, it's a party after all," with that he pulled her onto the dance floor with him and he let himself go to the booze and loud music.
    "Oh, my dorm is just up here," that was a sudden question, she walked toward the room fishing the key out of her bag and opening the door for the two of them. She knew this was a open building so he didn't have to be invited in. Instead she held the door allowing him to enter first.

    Suddenly now that the two of them were in the dorm room together it was becoming very real and Isla could feel herself becoming very shy and unsure of herself. She wasn't sure if she really wanted to have this conversation.

    No she must do it. She wants to know more about why Maggie had fallen in love with him.

    "So you knew my aunt, Maggie James... I want to know more about you, how the two of you met, why you let her go? She really loved you." the questions were suddenly tumbling out of her mouth she had to bite her tongue to stop herself. She looked up at the male and waited for his answers.
    November 23rd, 2017 at 04:38am
  • sugarplum.

    sugarplum. (100)

    Enzo stepped into the dorm room and walked around, his eyes lingering over all of the possessions. He only stopped walking when he heard Isla tell him that Maggie did love him, it still hurt him to hear that. Even after all the years, he hadn’t truly let Maggie go. Not from his memory, he thought about her all the time.

    “We met when I was locked up, she was the only person inside that awful house that was nice to me. I don’t know why, but she took care of me.” Enzo spoke in his thick accent, he kept his back to Isla as he thought about her aunt.

    Finally, he turned around to look at the young girl, “I let her go because I loved her. She deserved much better than anything I could offer her, I wanted her to get married and have a family of her own… I didn’t think she would search for answers,” It was a sore spot for him, he knew Maggie had searched for answers after the fire and that was why she had been killed. She died because of him.
    Evie hoped that he would drop the whole thing with Maxfield, as she couldn’t tell him much more than she already had. “I did help him,” She had loved being at the garage, it was a place where she grew up from a young child. She learned at an early age how to work on a car, she liked getting her hands dirty and fixing something.

    That all stopped when her family were murdered while out hunting, she still had the garage but it never opens for business now.

    She smiled when Tyler pulled her over to the makeshift dance floor, her body started to sway to the beat of the music as she started to relax and enjoy herself. The alcohol in her system was helping with that as well, it wasn’t long before she moved closer to Tyler. Partly because more people seemed to be dancing around them, but also because she wanted to be closer to him.
    November 28th, 2017 at 09:48am