LGBT+ Visibility: Be Seen and Heard

  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States

    LGBT+ Visibility
    Be Seen and Heard

    What's Going On?

    In keeping with LGBT+ Pride Month, the Mibba Magazine's theme for June's issue is LGBT+ Visibility - and we'd like you to participate by writing and submitting articles of your own!

    How Do I Submit an Article?

    If you'd like to submit an article to the Mibba Magazine under June's theme - LGBT+ Visibility - here's what you do:
    • Come up with an idea - you can do this all on your own or you can brainstorm with other Mibbians and the MM's staff to cultivate an article idea that works for our theme
    • When you're sure of your topic, send a private message to one of the organizers listed below. Let them know what your article topic/title is and a little about it. Once the organizer has received and read your message, they'll either give you the go-ahead to get started or help you tweak your idea to make sure it's appropriate for our theme.
    • Write your article.
    • After your article is complete, contact an editor (also listed below), and they'll steer you through the editing process - providing proofreading and editing.
    • The last step is submitting your piece to the article section, and you'll be notified when your article is fit into the publishing schedule.
    The Mibba Magazine Sub-Categories

    Since you'll be submitting your articles to the Mibba Magazine, you should probably know a little about the MM's sub-categories. Any article you write for this theme, should be able to fit under one of these categories:
    • Wide World of Writing: Informative articles about writing and authorship, as well as writing tips and inspiration.
    • Recs and Reviews: Articles recommending or reviewing works by Mibbians and published authors.
    • Mibba Life: Articles about Mibba users and the things that affect their lives.
    Some Topic Ideas

    The focus of all articles must be on the LGBT+ community. Here are some broad topic ideas, if you're looking for a place to start:
    • Review/Recommendation of a Mibbian's story or poem that focuses, features, or is created by the LGBT+ community or a member of the LGBT+ community
    • Review/Recommendation of published novels, film, television, or other content that focuses on, features, or is created by the LGBT+ community or a member of the LGBT+ community
    • An article about an important event or location
    • An article or biography about a person who is important in the community or history
    • News or current events
    • Tutorials or how-to guides
    This MM issue will not only be about LGBT+ Visibility, but about LGBT+ positivity,
    so any articles submitted that attempt to degrade or otherwise insult the LGBT+ community, will not be published.


    May 24th, 2017 at 10:28pm
  • Audrey T

    Audrey T (6730)

    United States
    Article Claims
    May 24th, 2017 at 10:34pm