no prince charming.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Eleanor Rousseau

    Adam Villeneuve

    Eloise Devereux

    May 25th, 2017 at 05:04am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ sam winchester.
    Eloise, Ellie to some of her friends, sighed as she ran a hand through her hair and walked into her first class of the day. It was her second year at her university, and she couldn't wait to get it started. She was a member of the top sorority on campus, and was also a returning member of the cheerleading team for football. She had been a cheerleader for most of her life, but only recently got into social things like sororities. Eloise was studying photography in hopes to work for a big magazine or have her own photography company. She had been taking pictures for as long as she could remember, whether it be taking her mother's old polaroid up to getting her own legit professional camera, she was always taking pictures. Her first class, however, had nothing to do with what she was majoring in at all, for it was History. It was an elective that for some reason was on Eloise's academic plan. She didn't question it, but instead sucked it up and made sure to pay attention in the class.


    Adam groaned as he rolled over as his alarm went off. He shut it off before looking up at the ceiling and glaring at it, though there was really nothing there to glare at. He was dreading starting this school year. Before this year was fine because it was just his general education classes and he didn't have to worry about taking the classes he knew he didn't want to in order to one day take over his father's company, a company that Adam didn't want. Business didn't interest Adam at all, but of course, he could never admit that to his father. Adam was more interested in literature, another fact that Adam could never tell his father. He knew that if his mother were still alive, she would tell Adam to do whatever his heart wanted him to do, but his father had never been like that, at least not after she died. Everything was always about Adam one day taking over the family business, which is why Adam was majoring in business management instead of literature. The only good thing about this year being that Adam was able to get in an upper level literature class to his schedule and passed it off to his father that it was one last general education class he needed that the university didn't tell him about last year. That class would be the only thing that kept Adam sane throughout the semester.
    June 16th, 2017 at 04:31pm