Fable Community

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Cassidy Stone & Kim Namjoon
    Fable Community

    Min Yoongi & Brielle Stone
    May 28th, 2017 at 12:56am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cassidy already wasn't a fan of this place. Who lived in gated communities, anyways? And what gated communities had schools and shopping areas and, basically, everything a normal city would have? Why would anybody want to spend all of their time in this place? She missed the city; she missed the parties, the trouble, the excitement. But, this gated community just seemed so boring. With a sigh, she entered the school and glanced around, a small frown on her features. She and her sister would be the new kids and she didn't like that idea, either; it meant they'd have unwanted attention on them. While she liked having attention on herself, having it because she was a new kid didn't seem fun at all.
    Yoongi had invisibly watched the new family move into his home, though it was mostly because he was curious about them. He'd watched the girls with their father, heard how strict their father was, and had mostly tried to focus on keeping an eye on them in hopes of making sure they didn't learn about what this community was really meant for. Why humans were here in the first place was beyond him - was the community that desperate for a sheriff? Or maybe they were just eager to have fresh meat around if they wanted to take out their frustrations. Regardless, when it was time to go to school, he'd followed the girls while invisible, only becoming visible when he deemed it necessary, upon entering the school. Nobody knew that he could turn invisible yet and he wanted to keep it that way, even if it meant he had to mostly use the ability when he was in the house.
    May 28th, 2017 at 01:52am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Namjoon sighed entering the building, his thoughts were scrambled. He'd spent most of last night with a new werewolf, having transformed for the first with a full moon. He'd been so focused on helping his pack and the community he hadn't even heard the rumor of new people being in town. Moving through the hall ways, he blinked a few times trying his best to rid himself of tiredness. "Sup." He greeted a few of his "friends", people he didn't give the time or day outside these four walls. Stopping at his locker as he grabbed the books he'd need for his lectures for lesson. Before moving towards his homeroom.
    Brielle nibbled on her lip as she tugged at the sleeve of her jacket. Unlike her sister she was excited for the day to start, just meant it was over faster. She didn't mind the first day, but it was a pain in the ass having to switch schools. Looking down at the paper in her hand she wondered where they got this schedule from. She hadn't ever seen anything this complex. It was like they were preparing their students for advanced college coursers. Frowning she knew that passing her classes now would mean she'd have to put forth hard work and not slide by. "See you at lunch?" She questioned her sister, before moving away to go to her first class. She wasn't ready for any of this, just hoping to get it over as quick as she could.
    May 28th, 2017 at 06:55am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cassidy offered a small nod in response as her attention went to Brielle for a moment. "Yeah, we can meet here or something, when lunch comes," she suggested - mostly because it'd be awkward walking into the cafeteria alone when attention would fall on either of them. She watched Brielle leave before she sighed and dropped her gaze to her own slip of paper, her brows furrowing slightly as she scanned over the classroom number for her first class. Lifting her gaze, she began her search for the room, though she hoped that it would it would be easier to find the classroom than it was to read the schedule.
    Yoongi already knew that Brielle had a few classes with him, including the first class. His eyes followed her while she walked and a part of him wanted to approach her immediately, but he worried it might throw her off. He didn't really know anything about humans, after all. While he could approach the creatures in the school without too much of a concern - even if he didn't, because he preferred not to involve himself in their business - he wasn't sure if he could do the same with humans. So, instead, he gathered his things and quietly began his way to class; at least he knew the only empty seat in the first class was next to him.
    May 28th, 2017 at 06:01pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Namjoon heard the whispers the moment the humans enter the school. He furrowed his brows before dropping himself down into his assigned chair. His homeroom teacher was the only one that believed in assigned. He moved kids the moment he felt they were struggling or failing to meet classroom rules. He was lucky in being easily looked over. But still with the class being smallish he still found himself sitting in the third row. The empty chairs behind him rarely used. Leaning over his desk he rested both his arms on it, leaning his weight onto them. His ears perked listening to all the rumors already flying around the school. Shaking his head he rolled his eyes, of course they needed humans in this place. He knew it would be a mistake but he wasn't one to make things change, it was out of his hands.
    Brielle bit down on bottom lip before entering the her homeroom classroom. Her steps flattering as all eyes landed on her, even the teacher seemed intrigued by her. Ignoring their looks she headed for an empty seat in the back, settling down into it. Her eyes lifting noticing she was still center of attention. They acted as if they'd never had someone new before. Rolling her eyes she turned her gaze towards the board. Hoping the teacher would snap out of it and start there lesson. She didn't mind attention but she was getting annoyed by the fact they openly stared like she was some kind of unique creature. Hearing a clear of a throat she was glad the teacher started taking role call.
    May 31st, 2017 at 11:09pm
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    For a few moments, Cassidy thought about turning and leaving the school, ditching the first day, but she decided against it. While she wasn't the best daughter, she did prefer to be the best sister that she could be and she wasn't going to leave Brielle hanging. She couldn't just bail on her sister on their first day, no matter how much she wanted to. So, with a sigh, her gaze dropped to the door that had her class number above it and she stared at it for a few bit, unsure of how this would go. The first class of the day would likely make her decide whether her day would go poorly or not - if the first class was good, surely her day would be fine. But, if it was bad, she'd be in a rotten mood for the rest of the day. Entering the room, she didn't bother glancing around and only moved to the back of the class to sit down in hopes that nobody was sitting there yet. If it was already somebody else's seat, she'd just deal with that later.
    Yoongi watched Brielle's movements, though he was well aware that most of the class - or, well, the entire class, actually - was doing the exact same thing. A human in the community was completely unheard of, much less an entire family. It was odd, and even Yoongi would admit to that. But, for now, he figured that it would take some getting used to for the community - otherwise, some members might lash out and that would only serve to cause trouble for everybody. Sighing, he leaned back in his seat once Brielle had sat down, and his gaze went to the front in hopes of avoiding her getting uncomfortable with so many stares. He doubted the fact that he wasn't watching her would help much at all, since everybody else still was, but at least she wouldn't have to feel like absolutely everybody was going to be watching her every move. Besides, maybe the fact that he wasn't watching her would catch her attention.
    June 1st, 2017 at 12:59am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Namjoon shifted sitting up his head cocking to the side, he could hear a rapid heart beat. Furrowing his eyes he looked towards the door, watching as it opened. A soft whine left his lips. His hands grasping the desk table, he could feel his claws growing. Closing his eyes softly he breathed in the smell that hit him. It was lulling almost too sweet. Opening his eyes he watched as the girl quickly headed for the back of the room. Her head ducked as she tried to avoid all gazes. He breathed in a deep lung full as she brushed past him. He could feel it crawling up his spine almost like a cool breeze. He knew that it was just her scent, but it still made him wonder just what she was hiding behind that fountain of hair. Licking over his lips he relaxed into his chair, this human might not be too bad to have around after all. Even if it was just her scent he enjoyed.
    Brielle felt her body slowly start to relax when the teacher called for attention. It was kind of refreshing to listen to the lecture for the day. The teacher was very well educated and she was shocked that she was actually learning something, yet at the same time understanding better the things she'd already know. English was her favorite subject, so this was a first. Shifting back in her seat, she rolled her eyes as the person in front of her looked back at her for the umpteenth time. Avoiding his gaze she looked beside her thinking distracting her self with the wall would help, but she was only met with another student. Though she was surprised that he wasn't staring at her too. She felt odd when she looked over the pink haired boy, almost relieved. At least some people had the decency not to stare, thinking that she smirked before turning to look forward again. Here she was bitching about staring and she was just doing the same thing.
    June 2nd, 2017 at 05:04am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cassidy tried to ignore the odd behavior of those around her. While she'd expected some people to watch her, just as most people would when a new student showed up, she hadn't expected almost everybody to watch her. She tried to ignore the entire thing and it was easier to do when she hadn't been paying attention to anybody while moving to her seat, but, once she was sitting down, she had to look up and so many people were looking at her that it was unnerving. Sighing, she tried not to let it bother her and she leaned back in her seat in an attempt to at least seem calm and to act like she didn't care about the attention. Before long, class started, but Cassidy didn't really bother paying much attention to it.
    Yoongi could feel somebody's gaze on him, but he did his best to ignore it. For a moment or so, he was sure it was one of the other poltergeists in the room, but then he realized that pretty much everybody else in the class would be focused on keeping their attention on the new girl, the human, so they wouldn't bother watching him. Upon realizing this, he came to the realization that it could only really be one other person and he glanced over at her for a moment, just in time to see her turn her attention ahead. Amusement flashed across his features, but he brushed it aside and allowed himself to turn his own attention ahead and relaxed in his seat while he began to take notes over the lecture.
    June 3rd, 2017 at 02:02am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Namjoon sat through class with his eyes turned to the board, though the majority of it was spent trying to decipher the smell he was inhaling. His thoughts were far from the lesson being taught, and he knew it was only a matter of time before they were excused. But he still couldn't pull himself to care, he knew that curiosity was getting the best of him and he wanted to know what this human really looked like. But since the teacher was still droning on he didn't want to risk being caught staring at her. Class would end shortly and they could run into each other then. If he had to initiate it then he would. "Good Morning Students." He groaned softly hearing the Gargoyle's gruff voice seep out through the static intercom. "This year we will be holding the annual fall dance, date and time will be determined by the student council. Any input must be discussed with the student body president, and not staff, that is all." The shrill that ended the announcement had Namjoon wincing and a soft whine leaving his lips. He knew his ear were super sensitive to high pitch noises.
    Brielle shifted in her chair for the millionth time, she honestly wanted class to end. The time was drawing nearer, but that still didn't change the fact she had another class to go to with a whole new group of people staring. She was so ready to get this day over with already. A soft frown formed on her lips when a voice came on over the intercom. She wondered if the thing was broken or if the person just had a really annoying voice. She listened over the message, glad that people actually turned their attention towards some thing else. Furrowing her brow she wondered what kind of dance this would be. But the thoughts were short lived, feeling eyes turned back to her she sighed. Tucking her head down she nibbled on her lip as she hoped the class would end.
    June 4th, 2017 at 07:58am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cassidy was mildly surprised when the announcement came on all of a sudden. She listened to it intently, mostly because it got attention off of her, but she wasn't sure how to feel about the mention of the dance. It didn't really help that the voice sounded fairly odd, to say the least. Shrugging the thought aside, she was willing to ignore the voice in favor of hoping that the attention wouldn't return to her the moment the announcement ended. However, her attention got caught when she heard a noise - a pained one, it sounded like. Looking towards the source, her brows furrowed slightly as she eyed the guy. "Hey," she called out quietly, "Are you okay?" She wasn't sure if he'd know that she was talking to him, but she could try.
    Yoongi's attention focused in on the announcement, though it wasn't really anything that he hadn't expected. The school often had annual dances - and the community itself had annual celebrations and events. His eyes went to Brielle for a moment and, idly, he wondered if she'd be up to going to the dance with him. Then again, he was sure her father would somehow cause trouble or not allow the option in general. Regardless, he leaned back in his seat and turned his attention back ahead. He'd come up with some way to get her to agree to going to the dance with him, he hoped. For now, it might be best to try to be as casual as possible about getting close to her. He'd have to figure out the best time to approach her to start the process, though.
    June 4th, 2017 at 11:39pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Namjoon closed his eyes hoping to get that irritating sound out of his head. It was like once it was in there it just bounced around until something else drove it away. Opening his eyes he furrowed his brow hearing a voice he'd never heard before. Turning he looked behind him, wondering if she'd been the one to say something. Halting all movement when his eyes connected with hers', his jaw slacking slightly. He couldn't believe his eyes, it was almost like something inside him shut his brain off. There was no way to describe what was happening. All his heighten senses seemed to fail him now, like none of them mattered either. Gulping lightly he stared openly at this beauty, wondering why all of a sudden he didn't feel like himself anymore. A warmth crawling up his body and settling in his heart, blinking slowly lick over his lip. What the hell was happening to him and why. He felt something tugging at his heart when his eyes took in her smile. Did she feel this too or was it just him. Clearing his throat, "I'm perfect," he smiled at her. His brain finally deciding to pull him out of his lovesick stare and put his head back on.
    Shifting in her seat she frowned hearing a noise that apparently signaled the end of class. Grabbing her new text book she placed her bag on her shoulder before grabbing her itinerary from her pocket. She knew that she'd memorized her schedule already, but her room placements and things like that still evaded her. Standing from her seat she slowly exited the room, glad she was one of the few last people left. Though she felt her it wasn't a good idea to have left the room at all. Since the moment she exited the room all eyes were back on her. It was like they expected her to explode or something. She knew she didn't have three heads, but it sure seemed like they thought she did.
    June 6th, 2017 at 06:05am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    (Since Cass is a human, I'm going to say that she doesn't really feel what's going on, since her senses aren't heightened like creatures' are.)

    Cassidy watched him idly, concern filling her for a moment. He seemed pretty out of it and she wondered if maybe he was feeling sick or something. When he spoke, though, she offered a small smile, her body easing a bit as the tension from her concern ebb away. Nodding, she murmured a quiet, "Okay," before she settled back into her seat. Something about him caught her attention, perhaps it was his smile? Or the way he looked at her? It was way different compared to everybody else's attention. Ducking her head, she waited for class to end and, once it ended, she went ahead to pack up so that she could go to her next class.
    Yoongi waited patiently for class to end, though he mostly spent his time trying to think up the ways he could ask Brielle to go to the dance with him. Eventually, when class did end, he went ahead to pack up and he stood up, though he watched a few other students leave. His gaze went over to Brielle and he paused, debating on what he should do. He wasn't sure approaching her so soon would be the best idea - what if she thought he was like all the other students in the school who were only watching her with curiosity and surprise, as if they were looking at her in a museum? "Hey," he greeted eventually, "Do you need help finding your next class?"
    June 6th, 2017 at 06:15am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Namjoon furrowed his brow hearing her response to him before she tucked her head. His eyes took in her body language, it was almost like she wanted to disappear. Had she not felt it, blinking he turned in his seat. He stared down at his desk, what the hell. What was wrong with him why all of a sudden did this girl matter. It felt like she'd punched him in the gut when she looked away from him. Hearing the bell signaled the end of class he sat the motionless, his ears picking up movement as everyone seemed to be hurrying to their next class. He on the other had wasn't bothered to much about moving. He knew he needed to talk to someone about this but who could he talk to about what he was feeling. It wasn't like he'd heard stories like this or even hearing it happen to his pack.
    Brielle had taken her second turn looking for her classroom before she heard someone's greeting. Turning to face him she smiled softly. "Yes." She said almost to eager, her last school was half the size of this one. And she knew that memorizing it was going to be hell but she would take any help she could get. Taking in the guys appearances she realized he was the guy she was sitting next to in class. The one who wasn't constantly staring at her. She felt a bit of relief wash through her, knowing that he would actually treat her like a human and not an alien.
    June 6th, 2017 at 07:13am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    It took Cassidy a few moments to notice that the guy hadn't moved yet. Her brows furrowed and she paused in packing up for a moment before she finished and made her way over. "Um, you do know the bell just rang, don't you?" she asked with curiosity. "It's just... You haven't really budged and I doubt there's much time between classes." She wasn't sure, of course, but she figured it was better to be ready to move onto the next class and, well, he hadn't packed up at all.
    Yoongi offered a small smile and nodded once. "Alright. What room is your next class in?" he asked with curiosity. Of course, he already knew, but he couldn't really say that when it might make her suspicious of him. After all, if she was suspicious of him, she wouldn't want to be around him at all and he didn't want that; he wanted to be able to spend time with her. "I'm Min Yoongi, by the way. You're clearly a new student, so I'm sure you'll get a lot of attention from everybody else. We don't get new students often."
    June 6th, 2017 at 07:20am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Hearing her soft voice interrupting his thoughts he turned looking up at her. His eyes taking in her beauty again, it took him a moment of staring before he answered. "I um," he cleared his throat. "I actually have my next class here." He smiled softly, "but thanks for the warning anyways." He chuckled softly. He knew she was right that they didn't have much time to get to their next class, though he'd been lucky to have his homeroom class as his second period room too. Watching her finish packing he knew he didn't want to be in the way of her getting to class on time but he couldn't help himself. "I'm Namjoon." He told her sweetly, feeling like this mystery girl name was something he didn't want to let slip, and now was his chance to get it.
    Brielle smiled softly handing him her schedule, she hoped that she wasn't keeping him from his class. "I'm Brielle." She said softly, knowing that his words had already been in affect. Even now the eyes of the others were still on them. She wondered why he even bothered to approach her. Everyone else seemed stand offish. "Yeah I noticed." She said feeling liking she wanted the ground to swallow her up. Lifting her eyes to meet his, surprised when she seen just how kind his eyes were. She didn't know anything about this guy yet she felt drawn to him. He didn't seemed to mind the stares, and she wondered why that was. But right now she'd settle for just his help with finding her next classroom before being late.
    June 7th, 2017 at 06:23am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cassidy blinked but offered a small nod in response before she offered a smile. "I see," she told him quietly, "Lucky you, in that case." She, on the other hand, would probably have to spend most of the break between classes searching for her next class. She knew it would take a while to find it, since she wasn't used to this school's layout. Even now, she was thinking about skipping. "I'm Cassidy," she introduced herself. "It's nice to meet you, Namjoon."
    Yoongi nodded in response, though he hoped that all of the staring wouldn't bother her too much. He knew that everybody would keep their attention on her as often as possible, because she was not only new, but she was also a human. It was odd enough for there to be a new student or a new member of the community, but it was extra odd when it was a human, too. Looking down at her schedule, his eyes ran over it for a moment. "It seems your next class is right across from mine. You want me to walk with you?" he asked.
    June 7th, 2017 at 06:30am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Namjoon smiled picking up on her distress. "Cassidy." He rolled the name off his tongue liking it. "Any thoughts on going to your next class?" He teased noticing that she wasn't to keen on leaving, he'd hoped that she was wanting to spend time with him. But he didn't think that was the case, being new sucked. With all the rumor and people staring, that on top of being in a new place. It made everything worse when it was something you didn't want to do in the first place. And he had a feeling that she didn't want to move. He grabbed his stuff before standing up, "come on." He said knowing that she wasn't feeling it today. So he'd show her some places that she'd be more apt to relax.
    Brielle smiled before taking her schedule from him, "you wouldn't mind?" She asked feeling uncertain. She knew he was headed that way, but she didn't want to impose on him. She knew that finding new friends was hard, but it seemed impossible here. If he hadn't have offered to help her then she didn't think anyone would even be willing to talk to her. It was bother some to move to a new place, and since she got her she'd felt like she was being watched. But now it she found out it was just everyone here was constantly staring. She figured that was why she felt uneasy last night, is she knew she'd have to face all of this today.
    June 10th, 2017 at 08:59am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cassidy blinked with confusion as she watched him for a moment. "Didn't you say your next class is in here, though?" she asked with an arched brow. She knew she needed to get to her next class, but part of her wondered if he was planning to skip. If she ended up skipping, she knew she'd have to at least come back for lunch, so that she would be able to meet up with her sister.
    "I don't mind at all," Yoongi assured her with a small smile, though he knew that, if she decided to try to find her class on her own, he'd just follow her to make sure she got to her class properly. "Come on, let's go," he told her before he began to lead the way. He figured he'd let her follow him if she wanted and, if not, he'd just turn invisible and follow her when he got the chance.
    June 11th, 2017 at 06:11am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.

    Namjoon smirked at her, "you don't seem really all that enthused about class." He could almost read her like a book, feeling the pull to her. Noticing her hesitation he reached down and took her hand. A soft gasp left his lips feeling the fire that ignited under her touch. Choosing to ignore it he tugged her gently out of the classroom. He turned offering her a smile before moving them towards the closest exit. His ears perked up hearing the conversation of teachers. He knew that they'd send them back into the school if they caught them. Turning he changed directions moving away from them, "we're going to take a bit of a detour." He informed her. Letting her know that it would be more of a walk now. Leading her off school grounds he headed towards a lightly forest area. There was a bit of a culvert before the wood cleared and opened to brook, it was a place his pack hung out at. But since it was day time they were all at work of school.
    Brielle flashed him a smiled, "thank you." She said following him, she wanted to tell him just how much she appreciated his help. It hadn't been easy for it to be her first day. She'd been stared at so much that she thought she'd never have anyone help her. Her sister was no help being in a different grade. So she really was glad and thankful he'd decided to break ground and talk to her, even if he was just offering help. Nibbling on her lip she watched him as he moved through the crowds, smiling she used it as an excuse to stare at him. She took in his features, smiling liking what she saw.
    June 14th, 2017 at 07:24am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Cassidy was mildly surprised to feel him take her hand, but she couldn't really say she was complaining. Something about it felt almost... natural, instinctual, even. She followed him quietly, though she found herself wondering where they were going. When they got to the destination, though, she found herself staring around in wonder at the area. "Wow," she breathed out quietly, though a small grin formed on her features. "How'd you manage to find a place like this?" It seemed way out of the way and she doubted that anybody could just wander around and find themselves there.
    Yoongi couldn't help but to stare at her smile, finding it a nice view. The sight of her smiling made him smile in return, his happiness filling him in that moment, because he liked seeing her smile. "You don't have to thank me," he assured her as he turned his attention ahead, though he did occasionally glance at her, unable to help himself. "So, where'd you move here from? Or would a better question be why did your family move here?" he asked with curiosity, though he already knew the answers. He'd listened in on the family's conversations several times. But, he wanted to talk to her. He wanted to get to know her while she knew who he was.
    June 14th, 2017 at 08:17am