Restless Nights

  • @ never sleep.
    Tae nodded thankful he had such a great friend like Yoongi. It wasn't like the man needed him by any means. It was just that he needed someone he could trust. And this sign of good faith was far more than Taehyung could ever hoped for. He had to not only thank Aria but he also had to make sure he showed Yoongi he was a friend to trust. Even if he did decided to give up the dream of running his own business in the future. And work full time for the man before him. But it was something he was open to just didn't really want to do so just quite yet.

    "Well it depends she might have lured you into the marriage," he shrugged knowing that it was possible. Knowing Yoongi he reeked of money so she could have targeted him to marry her and now she'd refuse to divorce him without some type of compensation. "But you won't know until you find her." He told him. "I just still can't believe you're married. And you didn't invite me to the wedding." He teased.
    November 1st, 2020 at 12:30am
  • Yoongi listened to Taehyung’s words, but he shook his head slightly. “I don’t think that’s the case,” he said, “Otherwise, she wouldn’t have let me leave the room so easily. She was completely knocked out, though.” He leaned back against his seat, thinking for a moment. “Hopefully it won’t be too difficult to find her and I can get this handled and over with, so I don’t have to worry about it.” But, when Taehyung teased him, he reached to shove his friend. “Chances are, you would have been blackout drunk enough to get married, too, if you’d been there.”
    November 1st, 2020 at 03:42am
  • @ never sleep.
    Tae shook his head and laughed lightly.  "That could have just been a ploy." He told him. "And all you have to do is call the chapel and request a copy of your marriage license." He told his friend knowing it wasn't that hard to find someone if you just knew where to start looking. "Fuck that I'd have been passed out in the pew, probably cried myself to sleep." He chuckled. Knowing that when he got drunk the only woman on his mind was the one he couldn't have.
    November 2nd, 2020 at 01:25am
  • “Easier said than done when I don’t even know what chapel we got married at,” Yoongi said, shaking his head a bit. “I’ll probably have to call all of them until I find the right one.” Or he’d just have his assistant or lawyer handle that. It’d probably be smarter to handle it himself or leave it to his lawyer - his assistant might ask too many questions and he didn’t feel like dealing with that. “In that case, you would have been kicked out of the wedding. Nobody likes the people who cry at weddings,” he joked lightly.
    November 2nd, 2020 at 01:30am
  • @ never sleep.
    Tae shrugged, "it shouldn't be that hard." He told him. Yoongi had people who could do the work for him. "You're an ass. I'll remember that when your mom cries at your next wedding." He chuckled. "I can see it now. Sorry Miss Min but we're going to have to ask you to leave. You broke the no crying rule." He chuckled. Knowing they were just being shits right now and just joking.
    November 2nd, 2020 at 02:10am
  • Yoongi nodded slightly, but he couldn’t help but laugh. “You do that and she’ll be the one throwing your ass out,” he said with amusement, aware his mom wouldn’t take Tae’s warnings to heart. “She’s gonna be so pissed if she finds out I got married already. Then she’ll cry.” He made a face, not really liking that. He’d have to make sure his mom didn’t find out at the very least.
    November 2nd, 2020 at 02:24am
  • @ never sleep.
    Letting out a laugh at the thought of Yoongi's mother kicking his ass out of the wedding. It would be iconic. Shaking his head he looked at his friend. "The disappointment, man." He frowned knowing it was all just a laughing matter right now. "Cus man you got legit married." He sighed. "I can't believe that you of all people would get married. That some Namjoon level of shit." He laughed out.
    November 2nd, 2020 at 03:45pm
  • Yoongi couldn’t help but laugh and he shrugged, grinning slightly. “One of us had to eventually,” he pointed out, though he could admit this definitely wasn’t how he imagined getting married. Still, he tried not to think about it too much and leaned back, running his hand through his hair as he sighed. “Don’t you dare bring this up to Namjoon, though. I think I’ll include this in the NDA even.” He was mostly joking, but he also knew Namjoon would never shut up about it.
    November 2nd, 2020 at 04:37pm
  • @ never sleep.
    Tae let out a laugh, he knew his ass wasn't getting married anytime soon. "Yeah, but not like this." He chuckled. Shaking his head he frowned. "One it's not my business to tell." He told him, "two it could help your friendship if he knew that you fuck up too." He added. "But you don't ever have to worry about me spreading your shit out in the open. You know this." He told him. Knowing that Yoongi was the only man he every trusted with his deep dark secrets so he wanted to be the same type of friend. "Beside you've got plenty of dirt on me." He chuckled.
    November 9th, 2020 at 01:12am
  • Yoongi nodded in agreement. "You're right, I do," he said with amusement. "I suppose it comes with the territory, with having known each other for so long." But, he knew it was important in their friendship - after all, knowing so much about each other seemed to keep them close. Regardless, he shook his head and pulled out his phone, texting his lawyer to find out who the woman was from last night. He figured his lawyer would speak with the Vegas chapels to see who he'd married, at the very least, and hopefully they'd get answers quickly and easily. "Namjoon doesn't need to know I fuck up, though. Let him think I'm perfect."
    November 9th, 2020 at 01:30am
  • @ never sleep.
    "None of us are prefect." He shook his head. "I mean I tried to push up on my sister." He sighed knowing he had his own fucked up shit going on. Though he knew it wasn't as bad as marrying some unknown woman in Vegas. But his wants for her hadn't waned. He still had those same feelings.
    November 9th, 2020 at 01:50am
  • Yoongi blinked but laughed. "What? When did that happen?" he asked, unable to help but to find it amusing. He felt bad for Tae and his situation, he did, but he was sure his friend would have moved on by now. It'd been years, after all. "No, no, you're not perfect, but nobody ever thought you were perfect," he joked lightly, shrugging, "It's better for Namjoon to think I am, though. The last thing I need is for him to stir up trouble." He scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Besides, he has no proof that I'm not perfect, either."
    November 9th, 2020 at 01:57am
  • @ never sleep.
    Letting out a laugh he shook his head. "Last night." He sighed. Kicking back more on the couch. "We shared our old room and she started her shit about not masterbating. But we got into it and I made her want me. But her mom interrupted." He sighed. "And fuck you, I'm closer to prefect then either of you." He smirked knowing that it wasn't the truth.
    November 9th, 2020 at 02:23am
  • Yoongi laughed with the mention of it. “She called you out on masturbating?” he asked, finding great amusement in it, because he couldn’t imagine being in a situation like that with somebody he couldn’t have. Hell, he couldn’t imagine not being able to have anybody, anyway, and that made him glad he wasn’t in Tae’s situation. “Oh, man, that sucks. Poor you, with the blue balls and all. You were probably just imagining that she wanted you.” He grinned jokingly but shook his head. “You wish. You can’t even touch me when it comes to perfection.” Smirking slightly, he shrugged, though it was nice to be able to just relax and talk like this with his friend. It felt like it had been forever since they could be like this. “You and Namjoon are both low on the totem pole, just accept it already.”
    November 9th, 2020 at 02:28am
  • @ never sleep.
    Taehyung shook his head, "she didn't really tell me not to, just that I better not be thinking about her." He trailed off. He was trying to summarize the night with out getting to much into details or bring up the fact they'd mention him several times. "Leave my blue balls out of this." He growled at his friend. "I get by fine. And beside I masterbate in shower and she knows this." He threw out with out thinking. "Sure man whatever helps you sleep at night. I'm sure the new wife wouldn't agree."
    November 10th, 2020 at 12:27pm
  • Yoongi arched a brow with the mention of it. “Wait how does she even know that you masturbate in the shower?” he asked, snorting quietly, wondering if maybe he shouldn’t have even bothered to ask the question. Shaking his head, he leaned back in his seat, making a face before he scoffed. “If we’re leaving your blue balls out of this, then we’re leaving my new wife out of it, too. Besides, you’re just jealous because I’m right. I’m perfect."
    November 10th, 2020 at 08:25pm
  • @ never sleep.
    Taehyung raised a brow, wondering how Yoongi could be that daft. "We shared a room for years." He hinted. "And she never once caught me jerking it. So where else would I do it at?" He told him. Knowing that his sister was rather smart even if she was a smartass. "Right a perfect person doesn't get married to someone they don't know." He threw back. It was pointless to argue but he knew that none of them was perfect even if the tried to play it off. Though he did miss this. Just being able to relax and enjoy his friends company with out all the drama.
    November 11th, 2020 at 03:58am
  • “She could have easily assumed you just do it when she’s not around or when she spent the night at friends’ houses,” Yoongi pointed out easily in response, shrugging. But, hearing his friend’s later words, he snorted quietly. “At least I got married at all,” he shot back easily, though jokingly, and he lifted his shoulders in another shrug before his gaze went to his phone. He hadn’t gotten any news from his lawyers yet, so he sighed and shifted to stand up. “I should get going. I need my lawyers to find my wife. And to draw up that NDA. I’ll bring it by when it’s ready.” He didn’t normally do things like that in-person, but he supposed it would give him an excuse to just hang out with his friend again.
    November 11th, 2020 at 04:03am
  • @ never sleep.
    Tae rolled his eyes at the comment his friend made. Both Yoongi and Aria think so little of Taehyung's sex drive. He just wasn't as vocal about his sexual encounters as his friends. And he honestly didn't enjoy the tiresome chase that girls felt that they needed to put on before putting out. If he was going to chase someone he wanted more than just a night exploring all his options with that person. "Ight. Give her my best." He chuckled jokingly knowing he'd never meet this woman let alone bring this up again. Once Yoongi took care of the divorce they'd go back to acting like it never happened. "I'll look for it, also we should do a family get together. Dinner sometime." He suggested, knowing that they'd have to do something here but at least it would give his father and step mom a chance to see all the kids again.
    January 3rd, 2021 at 12:44am
  • In the weeks that had passed, Yoongi’s lawyers had managed to find the woman he’d married, Raelynn. From there, a court date had been set up to try to get divorced. Unfortunately, the judge had ruled against the divorce, so Yoongi was walking out with his lawyers now, though his eyes caught sight of Raelynn and he couldn’t help but watch her for a moment. Despite that things hadn’t gone the way he’d hoped, he could admit to himself that she was beautiful, and he knew they had a lot to figure out. Eventually, he excused himself from his lawyers and made his way over to Raelynn. “Raelynn?” he asked, offering a weak smile as he watched her, “Hi, I was hoping we could talk? I think there’s a lot that we should discuss.”
    A few weeks had passed and Aria decided she could use some time to relax. Their parents had gone to a bigger city for an appointment; their aunt had come to get them, since she was heading there anyway for a shopping trip, so it was just Aria and Tae home. Deciding to take this chance to just enjoy herself, she headed outside to step into the pool. She didn’t think she could handle being in the house alone with Tae right now because it had gotten harder and harder to ignore her feelings for him. So, for now, she enjoyed the way the cool water and the warm rays of the sun felt against her skin and she closed her eyes, breathing carefully as she floated on the surface.
    January 3rd, 2021 at 02:26pm