Nights of Fascination

  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Rikki scuttled down the street, not realizing how bad her feet hurt from dancing last night until she had to walk. Running down a taxi, she hopped in and gave her address. While in the taxi, she checked her phone. Her mouth dropped open at the message, and she giggled so loudly the taxi driver looked back at her questioningly. "Sorry." She apologized, typing away. WTF? I need details Addie! Jace Evans? How did I miss him :( She shut her phone off, mad at herself for not paying attention. She had never met a celebrity or whatever he was before. The taxi driver showed her the amount, before bidding her farewell. Rikki got out and went up to her apartment, and once she opened the door Mr. Whiskers meowed loudly. Rikki picks him up giving him a hug and a kiss. "Hi, mister." She instantly takes off her shoes with one hand, the other holding onto her cat letting out a sigh of relief she was home.

    After eating, Jace cleaned up as he told Adora to take a week off and spend time for herself. Washing his hands clean, scrubbing on every crevice of his rough hands, Jace finally finishes up. Heading into the garage to take his pick, he ends up picking his Porsche. Headed out, the security gate opens automatically from a sensor, and closes as he leaves. Hank should be back anytime now to ensure his property is secure. Jace drives down the city towards Evan Corporations, rolling down the windows slightly as he played some music and put on his sunglasses. His vehicle and mostly him turned heads as he drove, and tired of the attention he decides to roll his windows back up so the tinted windows could do their duty. Once at the office, Jace goes right through security and into the elevator to Amelia's floor. She was running around her office frantically, organizing papers in a huge drawer. "Amelia, what's the rush?" James leans on her desk and laughs. She glares at him. "I'm a busy women, Mr. Evans. Speaking of; I need to attend some business. Here. Sign these. More papers concerning the gallery." She hands him a stack. "Oh, and they need you on floor 15. They want your confirmation on a design." She says, before click clacking away from her office. Amelia holds more files in her hands as she heads down to the creativity office section. She finds Adeline Laurent into the system and her office room. Knocking, Amelia politely walks in. "Good morning, Ms. Laurent. Glad to see you made it on time." She smiles professionally. "I am Mr. Evans assistant, you can call me Amelia." She extends a hand towards her, and after they shake she hands over the files. "More paperwork." She offers a apologetic look. "We require a criminal record check and fingerprints. Mr. Evans also requires a contract where you agree that any development that you see may not be exposed generally speaking. It's for the security of his company." She explains. "We have had lots of patent problems this coming year, and Mr. Evans is a very careful man. You won't see him much, most of the people on this floor haven't even met him personally. Each floor has a general manager, who you can also consider your "boss"." Amelia explains. "Anyhow, here is a welcome packet. Take your time settling in, it will feel more like home later. And your first assignment." She hands a yellow envelope. "This art gallery is very important to Mr. Evans. He wants you to..." Amelia is interrupted by the door opening. "Ms. Laurent, Amelia." Jace turns to both of them. "You are dismissed, Amelia. Go do your thing." He says, as Amelia scuttles out. He stands in quiet, and walks over to her desk sitting down at the chair in front of it. "So? How are you liking your office, Adaline?" he says smoothly, her name rolling off his tongue in a way that was perfectly sexy.

    @ Jinx...
    June 8th, 2017 at 08:55am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie smiled as she got Riki's text just before the elevator doors opened. She texted her quickly. We'll do lunch or dinner some time this week and talk. Got to work now love bye! Addie switched off her phone. When she heard a knock on the door before she even made it out the door she smiled and opened the door seeing a very beautiful woman. Addie stepped back and smiled at her. "It is nice to meet you Amelia. Thank you." she said taking the papers. "Not to worry I understand." she said and sat starting to fill things out as they talked knowing efficiency was key. "Oh yes Mr. Evans explained a lot of this in the interview." she smiled at the very kind woman who was it seemed kind of concerned that she might be overwhelmed but Addie was good at handling quick paced situations. She finished the paperwork as Amelia finished telling her about the apartment lead and she smiled knowing she would need to meet this apartment lead as soon as she could. Addie handed her the folder back with all her paperwork and consent forms and what not inside of it rubbing off the ink from her fingers with he little wipe that had been inside the packet. "Thank you." she said excited to begin. "I am really excited to be here." she said. Amelia started to talk about her first assignment and her eyes widened in excitement but then her eyes turned to Jace as he walked in the door. Her eyes widened in surprise at the sight of him then curiosity and a little glee. Addie bid farewell to Amelia and then turned towards Jace as the door closed. He had said to stay away and here he was in her office and sitting in her chair. She smiled and walked over to her desk setting down her packet and then looked out at the scenery she could see outside of her office. Addie glanced back at him her belly quivering with satisfied by the way her name sounded on his tongue. "Well Mr. Evans I think I will have to add some personal touches but otherwise I am very pleased thank you Sir. I think I will start by getting a mini fridge." she said her eyes twinkling with delight as she looked down at him in her chair. "I am actually glad to have a meeting with you this morning Mr. Evans. I wanted to thank you again for your assistance last night in seeing me home. I do hope Hank wasn't to uncomfortable." she said softly. "Now Amelia was about to tell me about my first assignment?" she asked him changed the subject because as much as she liked to hint and tease she was at work and wanted to keep a professional relationship with him. Addie took the envelope opening it and pulling out the papers. "I'm very excited to get started." she set them down and looked back at him. "My apologies Mr. Evans. But now that I think of it, a man as busy as yourself didn't just come down to see how I am settling in so what can I do for you Sir?" she asked him tilting her head softly to one side. Addie remembered how he tried to put walls up between them on more than one olfaction and she would have to remind herself that when at work she needed to be purely business. On that note she stopped leaning against her desk and stood walking over to the bookshelf across the room needing the distance to help her think and to also show that she too could step back and focus on the things that needed to be accomplished. Addie pretended to look at the bookcase as if memorizing it. She counted the shelves and made a gentle note about it before turning back to him smiling professionally her eyes guarded as she waited for him to talk to her about why he was here.
    June 8th, 2017 at 09:33am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Do you like the view, Ms. Laurent?" He tilts his head to the side watching her check out the beautiful window. "Wait till you check out mine." Jace pushes himself off the desk, pondering around her office seeing a small box of her things. He turned to her at the suggestion of a mini fridge and gave her the smallest smile, rare and beautiful. "Very funny." he says sarcastically. "This isn't a meeting." He clarified. "This is time out of my own day to make sure you have settled in. You are welcome, Hank is just fine." Jace looks at her, his look so daunting but dignified. As sharp of a man he was, his eyes were dull. "I've also come to give you your first assignment. Here are some honourable websites." He hands her a list of websites. "It has a gallery, over millions of pieces from local artists and famous artists. Prices ranging from anything you could imagine. I want you to find some starting pieces for the gallery. The construction should be done soon, so you can have a look for yourself when I give the go." He challenged, as she stepped towards the bookshelf. Curiously, he watched her. "Why are you walking away from me?" He said furrowing his eyebrows. "Adaline?" At the call of her name, she turns around and he took a breath. Not realizing it, Jace had been avoiding really looking at her, everything about her. "Don't walk away from me. I don't like it." He said bluntly, seeing a look of surprise on her. "I would prefer looking at your face and not your back." He explains, his eyes a mix of darkness and something that couldn't be extinguished. Jace looks at her neck, the necklace that she wore during their interview missing of the intertwined hearts. "Where is your necklace?" He exclaims. "The one you wore to your interview. It was silver." He says with precise detail.

    @ Jinx...
    June 9th, 2017 at 01:05am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    "I do like the view Mr. Evans." she said and smiled at him. Addie chuckled. "I would like to see the view from your office more some time." she said softly and grinned as he found her little pike at the mini fridge amusing. His smile stopped her heart then made it race really fast. It was an amazing smile and she wished she could see it more. She was surprised he was taking time to see her honestly after how adamant about them staying away from each other last night. She took the list looking through them and set them to the side. She would look through them as well but she wanted the perfect items and would not be limited to the list. She looked at him as he asked why she was walking away and she blushed. She didn't want to tell him she needed the space to think in her official capacity. He said her name and looked at her hurt making her really confused and she frowned her eyes looking into his. He told her not to walk away from him and she tilted her head to the side. "Okay I'm sorry Sir." she said looking into his now dangerous eyes. She bit her bottom lip lightly and then raised her eyebrow in surprise as he asked where her necklace was. She took a deep breath. "I.." she blinked confused as he talked about her gold heart necklace. "It was a gift from her mother many years ago." She frowned. "It didn't go with the outfit." she blushed. "Mr. Evans I'm afraid I don't understand." she said and shook her head. She stepped back towards him then stopped in the middle of the room and bit her bottom lip. She didn't know what to say or do around him. She was just trying to remain professional and like a rug he yanked it from under her feet. Now she looked up at him wondering what he was going to do next. Addie watched him. Behind his touch don't touch me facade was a man that needed something more than what he was finding with those other women Hank was mentioning. Her grey-blue eyes looked into his storming eyes as she waited.
    June 9th, 2017 at 01:57am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Maybe you will someday. My office is my getaway." He blinks, his blue eyes clear but still somehow having a dark edge. His eyes drifted to her lip that she was biting, then to the pink blush sweeping over her apple cheeks. "Ms. Laurent, you really must stop that lip biting." He says with a look of anguish, relishing every time she called him sir. He takes a daring step forward, and see's her body tensing as she freezes. Satisfied at her reaction, he stands close to her and runs his thumb along her bottom lip until her teeth released it. Oh, how badly he wanted to put that lip in his mouth and bite it for himself. "Your blushing, Ms. Laurent." he says quietly in a amused tone, and as if on cue, her cheeks burned redder. Jace runs the knuckles of his fingers over his cheek, before clearing his throat and stepping back in shock. "Wait, your mother?" He says in an astonished tone. "Well, Adaline, I thought it was from a lover." He looks pleased, his eyes blistering with appeal, but he still knew there was a boundary. As badly as he wanted to fuck her on the desk until she screamed, he knew it wasn't ethical. It was clear as day; it was not what she was and it was not what he needed for his purposes. "Adaline, I... I just assumed. I am glad to hear you don't have attachments to another man." He said, before regaining his composure from that revelation. His body tenses, his muscles tightening beneath the immaculate suit. "Adaline." He says. "Your still biting your lip." He grinds his teeth, and takes 5 slow deep breaths as his therapist had taught him. "Would you like some brunch? You should eat after your night of drinking. It's beneficial for your liver." Not waiting for a response, he calls for a clerk, who rushes in immedietly. Her face goes pale as she see's Mr. Evans standing in the womens office. Jealousy wretched at her stomach, but she barely held on to keep a professional state. "Bring Ms. Laurent some brunch and water." He ordered. The clerk blinks a few times, and mumbles glumly. "Yes, Mr. Evans. Right on it." Before closing the door, her sleek ponytail floundering behind her.

    @ Jinx...
    June 9th, 2017 at 02:40am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie gasped softly seeing him step step towards her his steps purposeful. She looked down until his hand came up and touched her lip as she looked up at him. Her mouth opened as she shuttered under his touch. Just as she felt she was getting comfortable around Jace he went and touched her making her feel like a puddle of water at his feet. She blushed as if he had commanded it. His knuckles ran gently over her cheek and she closed her eyes. He pulled away and and asked her about the necklace. She chuckled. "Yes my mother Mr. Evans." she said still really confused. "I told you last night I live alone. I don't have a boyfriend otherwise you wouldn't have even stepped foot into my home. And I wouldn't have been dancing with another." she said and bit her lip. He told her he was glad and she didn't know why. "Why?" she asked and then dropped her slightly swollen lip from her mouth. "Brunch?" she asked him. "I really shouldn't. I had breakfast earlier and I have work to do..." she said falling off as he called out for someone and she stepped back from Jace as someone walked into her office. Addie frowned. Oh great she was going to be the talk of the break room. "Mr. Evans I appriciate your concern but I am quite capable oof taking care of myself." Addie straightened her back as she looked at him. "Now I really do appreciate seeing you this morning but I am already behind today on the things I need to do. As I said I have work to do." she walked over to the door and opened it looking at him. She felt bad having to kick him out but as much as she wanted to stay and banter some more and to feel her heart racing she had work to do that was was very passionate about and was much less confusing than he was.
    June 9th, 2017 at 04:38am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Hmm." He said humbly at her response ignoring her question. "Yes, brunch. Very well, but your lunch break is at 12 and I expect you go eat lunch." He said, frustrated at her denial to eat brunch. She was small, and he was concerned she was under a healthy weight and without being sure if she was, eating was always healthier than not. Jace bit his tongue back as she opened the door for him, holding back some words he didn't think was appropriate to say at the time. His muscles tightened, and he clenched his jaw a furious look in his eyes. It was cold and menacing, his patience tested. If she belonged to him and pulled off a stunt like that, he would ensure the punishment she received would promise no return of that behavior. "You never cease to surprise me, Adaline." he says instead, walking out the door leaving the air smelling of him; sex and cologne. She was capable of containing her emotions, but deep down he knew that she felt it too. Jace goes up to his office, and once there he pours himself a drink. Swishing a drink, he stands at the view before him and takes it in closing his eyes trying to keep his dick from throbbing after seeing her. He had never wanted a women like that, someone so vulnerable and innocent. Everything about her was untouchable, and he couldn't contaminate that kind of innocence with... what he was. Everything about it was wrong, and in the end he would hurt her. He had to stay away.
    June 9th, 2017 at 07:39am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie watched him walk out and she sighed closing her eyes as she closed the door. She stood there a moment taking in the lingering sent of him that sent shivers through her body and a ball of hot needy energy in her belly. She pressed a hand to her stomach and took a few deep breaths before opening her eyes and gathering all her paperwork. She sat at her desk and organized everything before opening her work laptop that had been sitting on her desk when she got in and getting to work. She started with the things she had gotten form Jace knowing he had good reasoning to give the paperwork to her. She then moved on to the other things and went on from there. She printed out a few things and stepped out of her office to go collect them at the printer and stoped frowning as she looked at the woman staring at her. Jace had stared up a lot of talk for her on her first day. She raised her head and walked to the printer collecting her papers then to the employee break room for their floor. She opened the fridge and took one of the waters there and smiled at one of the girls talking with her softly. It was a pleasant little conversation about nothing of real importance. She went back to her office and set down her things then straightened herself out and went to find the floor lead, her other boss. She figured it was right before lunch so it would be a good time to see who it was she was working under and make a good impression. Addie found the door and knocked softly. She stood at the door waiting to be let it or be called in. Addie bit her lip nervously and it shot hot need into her belly making her drop it remembering Jace's hands on her. She tucked a piece of her hair behind her ear and walked in as she heard the voice call to her.
    June 9th, 2017 at 08:08am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    George was an average height man, aged in the late 20's. He had jet black hair slicked backwards, and a stubble as dark as his hair. His brown eyes were warm and his nose was sharp. At the arrival of his new employee, he smiled broadly showing a straight set of teeth. The knock was short, and right away he called out "Come in!" As she stepped in, he noticed the tight skirt and he knew that he would like her immediately. "Good morning, you must be Adaline Laurnet, correct?" He said. "I'm George Oswell, I am the floor supervisor." He stands up and offers a hand. "I think a first name basis is appropriate, we are coworkers and most coworkers are friends. Now, we have a few unwritten rules. You can take a mental break whenever, but if you see there is no more coffee, make a new pot. Any ideas must go through me before they go to Mr. Evans, and be respectful of each other and everyone. See, not so bad." he laughs. "So, how is your first day? It is a pleasure to meet you." George stands up and goes towards her in front of his desk, half sitting on it supported by his hands on either end of the desk. "Tell me a little about yourself." he says. "I would love to hear it." he crosses his arms. His attire was still professional, he wore a dress shirt and a tie but not near anything as formal as Jace did. Tucking his hands into his dress pants, George licks his lips. She sure was pretty, a nice change of scenery for him compared to the recent additions to the firm. "Come on, follow me." He said, walking beside her and placing a gentle hand on her back. "So, this here is the planning room. You can come here if you need some space or a place to make lists and decisions. The digital board was actually designed by our very own here." He exclaimed. "This is a public room. If you use it for your planning, all photos and information must be cleared for the next employee. And make sure to put on the occupied sign to avoid interuption." He leads her to another room now. "This is the bathroom, they are all very sanitary and cleaned daily. Not to mention, they are pretty nice!" he smiles. "There is 6 bathrooms on this floor, a bathroom per/ section. You are part of the creative section." He explains, as he finishes the rest of the tour 20 minutes later.

    @ Jinx...
    June 9th, 2017 at 08:52am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie walked in to see a handsome man look her over and smile. She smiled and relaxed a little as she closed the door and smiled at him. "Yes." she said and sat down as he offered the seat to her. "Nice to meet you Mr. Oswell." she said and shook his hand blushing as he suggested first name basis. She listened tot he rules and only one bothered her but she understood the reason for it. If everything went to Jace first he would heave no time for anything else. George's laugh as light and fun. She found herself smiling with him. "So far so good. I thought I should come in here before lunch but I really was to excited this morning to come in I wanted to get started. I think I am organized finally so I will be able to pick right back up after lunch." she said as she stood and followed him around. Addie was a little surprised at where his hand was but she shrugged it off to him being one of those kind of men that was touchy and sweet. She smiled as he gave her a tour and they stopped back at her office. "Thank you George for the tour." she said and smiled at him. She looked at the time. She had 15 more minutes until Jace had ordered her to take her lunch. She smiled at George. "Would you like to see some of the prices I am thinking about for the gallery?" she asked really excited to show someone. She stepped into her office and opened a folder putting it on slideshow and showing him her favorite piece so far. "This piece is by Destiny Womack she calls it Whimsy though honestly I find it much stronger than that and if we where to get this piece I would ask her to reconsider the name." she said and smiled gently up at George. "What do you think? So far it's been a bit of a difficulty trying to pick pieces as we don't yet had a dedicated client base. Or at least one I am not aware of." she said softly.
    June 9th, 2017 at 09:21am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Nicer to meat you, Adaline. I like the sound of your name." He grins flirtatiously. "Oh good! Yes, this will be a good job for you. And fresh out of school, lucky you. Most people in here are either interns or on the verge of retirement. Except for the office ladies, of course." He listened to her speak, finding her very bubbly and sweet. Suddenly, a idea popped into his head at the suggestion of lunch. Suppose he would ask her later? George gave her a warm look. "Of course, anything for the pretty new girl. I would love to see it, I bet you got great taste!" He said, as he followed her to her office. "Wow, and you get a pretty spiffy office." He said, looking around. "Almost as good as mine." He said with a playful laugh. "Oh, that's a good one." He said, pointing to Whimsy. You do have a good eye. I think Mr. Evans picked you perfectly." He said, leaning beside her to look at her pieces. "I don't know damn about art, I actually run creativity designs for the technology but this is a nice change of pace. It's very appealing to the eye. I just get to make blueprints and approve designs all day." he said jokingly. "But the pay is excellent and I am good at what I do." He said, placing a hand on a shoulder. "Tell you what, how about you tell me more about your first day over lunch. it's on me. I would be honored to hear about it." He said, looking at her in the eye. And perhaps she might want something more. "Lunch is in a hour, I can show you how to log off and sign out of the building for lunch. Let me show you the ropes. C'mon, what do you say?" He said with a gleaming grin.

    @ Jinx...
    June 10th, 2017 at 08:48am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie blushed softly about to ask him to call her Addie but something in her gut told her not to. She shook her head. "I normally just go by Addie." she said and smiled gently. She was being foolish. Jace wouldn't hire anyone but the best. She blushed and smiled. "Yes Mr. Evan was very generous to give me a chance but I am determined to prove myself and to show her was right to put his faith in me on this." she said and beamed. She blushed as he called her pretty and almost made it seem like a favor to look at her work so far. As she sat and talked with George she had the feeling more and more he really knew nothing about true art. She frowned not liking more and more that she would have to go to him before taking the items to Jace. She smiled gently. "I do much more than just see pretty art." she said softly feeling like he was making her job seem so small when she really had a huge job and from the sounds of it she was the first of her kind in the building. "Oh well I didn't notice really." she blushed at the mention of her office. She would later think about how it was fitting because she really was about to be doing a lot of work for Jace and the company to get this art gallery up and running with he right pieces to show the meaning of the gallery on opening day. George asked her to go to lunch with him and she blushed. "Oh umm well I mean I guess so. We're just two coworkers going out to lunch, and I guess you kind of are the closest thing to a mentor here so yeah why not?" she said and smiled at him brightly. She stood and walked him back to her office door. "Well it was really nice to meet you and I guess I will see you for lunch then." she said and bit her lip. She had been wanting to go home and grab a few things but perhaps it would be better to hang out with one of her coworkers and get to know him better and talk about work. It was kind of like a business lunch. She had always wanted to have one of those. Addie left her door open as she spent the last hour before lunch picking out a few more pieces with a few of the hottest buyers in mind. She would make a mental note to send an email to Jace about his client list for the gallery. She figured if he didn't have one yet or any in mind then she could easily and happily come up with that as well and then if he didn't mind she could come up with a few ideas about how to get them interested and set it up with an event. Addie wanted to have her hands in every aspect of the gallery if she could. Addie looked up at the knock on her door and smiled at George. "Is it that time already?" she asked him and stood. She grabbed her purse and a cleverly hidden notepad then walked out into the hall with him. They got into the elevator and headed out as George taught her how to punch in and out for lunch and all that.
    June 10th, 2017 at 09:13am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    “Yes, well I am gracious he picked you.” He said. “Addie. I like that too. I wish I had a shorter nickname to go by, but I’m just George.” He laughed and shrugged at her. “Oh, you will do that just fine. Don’t worry about him, he is hardly around. He’s a busy man. I have hardly seen him in my whole year working here.” George said. “I believe you, pretty and with brains! It’s just hard to find these days, you know?” George said, being very forward with her. “You know, Addie. You are special, and I already know that. Something about you just gives off such a happy feeling. I’m glad you came to introduce yourself.” He said, smiling showing his straight teeth as he runs a hand over his light stubble. “Hey, that’s the spirit!” He said when Addie agreed to go for lunch with him. “Exactly. Just two coworkers, and maybe friends later.” He said, laughing quietly. “I’d like to get to know you, Addie.” He said. “And as much as I want to stay in this office, I have got a few things to get done so we can go for lunch.” He said. “Talk to you later?” he confirmed, and at her nod he closed her door and went back to his office.

    Later on at their lunch break, George made his way through the offices and to Addies. Knocking gently, he opens the door. “Hey, busy art lady.” He teased, adjusting the tie on his dress shirt. “You ready?” He chuckles at her response. “Yes! Time flies when you work hard. “ He said, leading her out. His hand rests on the small of her back briefly as he leans over to the press the button down on the elevator. Once at the security headquarters, George takes her to the check out computers. “You click here, select lunch, and it will automatically fill in the time. Then click confirm. When you return, just check back in exactly how we check out. It just logs in so we that the boss man can see who’s showing up for work and our hours for our paycheck.” He explains. “Follow me this way! I heard of a lovely café just down the street. We should check it out.” He suggested.

    Jace sits in his office casually, tapping a pen against his mahogany desk and thinking. Amelia knocks, and he lets her in. “We have a gallery meeting in 15 minutes, Mr. Evans.” She reminds. Jace nods, the meeting the last thing on his mind. He looks at his personal phone lying on his desk, seeing a few messages from his women. He had been restrained from sex for over 3 days, unusual for him. Opening the top drawer on his desk, he tosses in his personal phone and heads to the meeting room where him and other partners of his company were all gathered and the heads of the construction crew for the gallery. Bottles of water were handed out, and small bags of pretzals. “I call this meeting to order.” Jace says. “Where is my progress report?” He demands, as papers are handed to him. After about half an hour, the meeting is finished. Jace walks out, Amelia following him. “You did excellent, Mr. Evans!” She exclaimed proudly. “You should go take a rest. You’ve been working all morning. But don’t forget to come back. The accountant will be here at 5 as usual for the bi weekly pay check.” She said. Jace thanked her and headed back up to his office, looking over at the updated photos of his gallery. Pleased, he then opened up the minute logs. He spotted her name instantly. Adaline Laurent. Curious, he opens it to see she had logged out at the exact same time as George Oswell.

    @ Jinx...
    June 10th, 2017 at 09:55am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie smiled as they walked out. "Sure." she said and walked with him down the street towards this cafe he was telling her about. She smiled as they walked and talked. She was finding out just how touchy and how much of a flirt George Oswell really was. He kept complimenting her and his steady hand on her back was both warm and a bit unnerving. She couldn't tell what it was that was making her feel so antsy but she was really trying to get it back under control. Addie smiled as he asked her about her work. "Well I'm not sure how much you already know but I was hired on as a finder of sorts, an art collector." she said and smiled glancing at him. "So since the gallery is pretty much starting over from what I am assuming use to be the Piazzo gallery we will need to create a new clients list and entice the old list of clients to continue with us. So this first art show is really important. I'm hoping to talk to Mr. Evans about what he is wanting to do with the client list since we don't really have one. It will be easier to find art when I know my audience. And I would really like to be hands on about that list and host an event if necessary to ensure the success of the gallery." she said and pulled her hair to one side. "Meanwhile I am collecting art possibilities until I can get a look at the space and make some decisions about which should be put into the showing first and what not. Of course my final draft will have to go through you and Mr. Evans before anything is played out or purchases though I was hoping you would help me with a surprise for Mr. Evans. I read up that his mother is really into art and her birthday will be right around the time we are scheduled to open the gallery and I have a piece in mind that I would love to put in the showing for her." she said and smiled at George. "That is just what people will see. Really there are a bunch of hours I have to log on the computer combing through cite after cite and page after page of art to find the right pieces that will speak deeply to someone and most often to more than one person. It all depends on how Mr. Evans would like to run the gallery. I am really excited to meet the staff he picks for the gallery." she said and beamed. Addie could talk about art and the gallery for ages. "But listen to me I am just chatting away and being quite rude. You where telling me you work with blueprints? What are they for?" she asked wondering if he was a part of the architecture for the building Jace bought and revamped. She blushed suddenly remembering another business Jace had purchased recently with heir chance meeting. She wondered if he hadn't meet her there would he have hired her here? She really hoped he would have. Addie opened up a way for him to tell her about his job.
    June 10th, 2017 at 10:25am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "So as I was told. I think you are truly one of a kind in that building. Evan Corporations focuses on mostly technological advances. We build things like computer software, laptops, televisions, and find ways to make faster processing systems that take less space and what not." George raises his eyebrow when she talks about the new art gallery. "Wow. I heard rumors about Jace Evans buying out a bar franchise, and now an art gallery? He really is quite the man. I can barely remember to feed my fish sometimes." he says, surprised. "Sooner or later, we will need another building!" He jokes. "Well, with the art gallery I'm sure you will get to see the buildling. I bet it's under some reconstruction or he must have some kind of plans for it. Mr. Evans is a super perfectionist, he almost didn't get me the job as the floor leader when he realized that I wore socks of different colors." He smiles. "No, really! I'm serious Addie, he is a freak. It was pretty terrifying, I'm glad that I barely run into that man. He hides in his office and does the occasional walk through. It's quite strange. I heard his office is huge, like basically a house. I mean, a whole floor for one office. Really?" he complains. "Well then again, he is the CEO. It's his building." George realizes and laughs. "Oh, nice." He says at her comment on the art pieces, pretending to really understand what she was saying. "Well, most people working on behalf of the gallery I heard from the staff room are working on the reconstruction of the building. It's difficult because they didn't want to damage the exterior architecture but wanted to re finish the inside. If it makes you any more excited, I have 2 more employees tomorrow, also working on the gallery. I believe they are doing something with the decorations and descriptions and getting public attention or some crap like that?" George waves his hands in denial. "No, don't worry Addie! I love listening to you speak. You are o passionate." He orders a BLT quickly as the waiter comes over. "I do lots of blueprints for the computer industry. I was once a engineer, found it wasn't for me, but didn't let my talent of drawing 3-D images go to waste. So i design exteriors. I have a couple fellow co workers who work on the interiors. In fact, Evan Corporations is partnered with Microsoft Windows. We get a percentage of profits made. It's really quote a fancy way of saying I design computers." He says. "Most people on our floor design, draw, and do anything creativity related. We have a floor on wiring, a floor on television development, a floor on communicative signals and radios, and many more things. That's why the corporation is so successful, is that we strive to create the best from just a simple blueprint. Mr. Evans started this whole company with a single blueprint, and boy am I thankful that his business took off or I would still be stuck as an engineer. I am much happier then I've ever been. And successful."

    @ Jinx...
    June 10th, 2017 at 10:59am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie smiled as he talked about the two new employees. She would be thrilled to meet with them. The would probably be the ones she would be talking to about the client list and giving them a few pieces to start their media campaign with. Addie thought that this project could really use a project manager who would organize it all other than Jace or George. "Thanks." Addie said as he said he could listen to her forever because she was passionate. "I always wanted to do something with art. I dabbled in art for a while but I knew I couldn't make a living from it so I instead decided to be a finder." She bit her lip and looked up at the waiter who stopped moving as he looked at her. She had hardly noticed he was there until George spoke. She got so distracted with her passions. Addie smiled softly. "Oh umm the Ruben please with a salad." she said and smiled sending the obviously shell shocked man away. Addie had no idea how she affected people around her. Addie smiled as he talked about his work and she was impressed even more with the business Jace had created. "Mr. Evans really is extraordinary." she said and blushed. "Don't tell him I said so though, he has a large enough ego as is." she chuckled and shook her head. "It is really exciting that you could get into the carrier you want George." she said softly and smiled at him. "It almost seems though that it's really hard not to be successful at Evan Corporations. Sometimes I think he did that on purpose." she said and shook her head blushing as she talked about Jace. She bit her lip then sipped her water. Addie really needed to stop having these weird needy feelings for an unobtainable man. Jace was young, successful and absolutely out of her ledge besides he had made it clear he wanted space from her though his body language was still saying something different overtime they where near though she wasn't sure what he was saying instead. "So George how did you convince Mr. Evans that despite your mismatched socks you should be department head?" she asked him and giggled softly. It would bee just like Jake to nit pick something like two different socks just as he had told her her home wasn't safe enough.
    June 10th, 2017 at 11:20am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Your welcome." George takes a sip of his water, the ice cubes against his lip. When he sets the cup down, he licks the leftover water off. "Well, I think this job will be perfect for you. Everything about you is perfect." He flirts, giving her a sly smile. "No kidding, right!" George chimes in agreement at her comment about his ego. "That man has too much power, and it seriously does a thing to him. I guess when you just hop into the business world from having no help or anything to start and conquer it like it was nothing, that really does do a thing to the ego. Enough about him though, I want to hear about you." he smirks. "I am lucky I am here and have such a well paying job." He laughs. "Oh man, you don't even know Addie. It was nearly impossible. I'm pretty sure he was not in a good mood, or is he ever?" He says sarcastically. "Anyways, he glared at me the whole time and asked me if I would like to take up the floor leader position since the last one just recently retired. I, of course, said yes. Then, he started telling me things I was doing wrong, and it included my mis-matched socks that day! “ he points at his shoes and laughs. “To this day I wear matched socks. He said in order to get the job, I would have to improve. I agreed. And here I am!” He said as she giggled. “I like when you giggle. It’s not me doing that, is it?” he teases, just as the waiter brings out there food. He picks up his sandwich and takes a bite, setting it down and spooning a bite of soup.

    @ Jinx...
    June 10th, 2017 at 09:01pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie blushed and chuckled nervously as he talked about Jace. It all sounded off to her like the man in front of her was jealous of the man what he worked for. It wasn't so abnormal for that to happen but a truly confident man didn't need to be jealous of another's success when he could go out and make his own success. Addie bit her lip and blushed as he said her giggling was cute and asked if he was doing that. She pressed a hand to her lap to smooth out her skirt. Just then the waiter brought their food and she sighed thankful. "Thank you." she said to the man then started to eat her salad. "So George tell me what do you love about your work?"s he asked him trying to stay on work issues and yet get him to talk about himself. She really didn't want to talk about herself and since he was her boss it seemed more appropriate to stay on business since as much as George wanted to be friends she thought a business relationship would be better and safer. Addie of course knew no other way to say that then to try and stay on work topics. She ate silently as she listened to him talk trying to keep her mind on what he was talking about but her mind kept wondering to Jace. Would he have checked to make sure she went to lunch as he told her to? It seemed like something he would do but she hardly knew him and yet she felt like she knew Jace a lot better than she knew the open and friendly George in front of her. In fact Jace made her feel safe even though he had this dangerous edge about him and the opposite was true with George. She would have to talk to Rikki about it later and see why the very charismatic man was putting her on edge.
    June 10th, 2017 at 10:46pm
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    George blows on his soup, and looks up at her. "Well, I love what I do. I get a good budget to experiment and develop things, I like having a flexible schedule as the floor leader, and I most certainly love meeting new people. I am very open man, and I use it to my advantage. I know I can be forward, but it's better then holding back. That's one thing that this job has taught me. Take risks, and do new things, because in the end, we only have one life." he smiles at her. "Sorry, am I putting on edge?" He said, noting her silence. "Tell you what. If you want, we can head back to my place after lunch and relax. If not, I totally get it. We can do it another time." He said, assuming she wanted to spend more time with him. She was attractive, he was attractive, so what was the big deal? George finished his lunch, stretching back and gulping down his water as he waited patiently. "So, are you single? I am assuming you are, because you did agree to come to this lunch with me. I am very lucky to have the best guest ever, but I don't want to intrude in your relationship. That's not why I have my eye on you, Adaline. You are special, and though I have known you for such a short time, I think we will get along." His lips turned up again, as he kindly asked the waiter for the bill. He could see her go to grab her wallet, but he insisted. "This lunch is on me. What kind of gentleman am I if I don't pay?" He laughs, taking the portable machine from the waiter as he plugged in his card and filled in the tip section. "Thank you." He said politely as he took his card back and tucked a receipt into his wallet.

    @ Jinx...
    June 11th, 2017 at 04:17am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie blushed as George pointed out what she was feeling. "Oh well you see I'm not really a people person. I much rather spend my time with art and talking about things that inspire the soul over meeting new people. So you'll just have to excise me if my social etiquettes are inadequate." she said and smiled gently. Honestly she found him quite boring and honestly even though he was so friendly and open she couldn't find a single authentic thing about him. She bit her lip as he asked her back to his place after lunch. He was being quite forward and she was not going to go there. "I usually like to take a walk through the park once a day and since I will be working late to catch up on my late start I would really like to go after this..." she blushed. "But of course you are welcome to join me." she said hoping he would decline. She finished her for and he asked about her relationship status. That was the second time in a day someone had asked if she was involved. "Umm no I'm not really the kind of women men fall for. But yes I do agree we could be good friends." she said trying to emphasize the word friend without making it seem rude. When the waiter brought the bill she went to reach for her wallet and he refused to let her pay and she blushed. "Oh why thank you." she said and pulled her hair to the other side and played with the ends. Once they finished she stood and took her things holding them close to her body. "This was really nice George. I really enjoyed getting to meet you." she said. "I will see you back at work then yes?" she asked and looked at the time knowing she had about another 20 minutes to roam the park near the office. She had never really been on this side of town often so the park would be new to her. She might even get some time to doodle if she could find a nice bench.
    June 11th, 2017 at 05:15am