Nights of Fascination

  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Jaces lips turn up slightly, a small smile forming. "That was unintentional. No, I won't punish you for that. I just don't like to be touched, ever." He says, quickly dismissing the topic and moving on. Jaces eyes widened in concern as she started to shake, and her face drained of any color. He stood up and reached for her, but she had already bolted to the patio balcony. "I... I need some air." She says quietly, and he nods in understanding. He leans against the wall from the open large double balcony doors, and observes her giving her the space she probably needed but still keeping an eye on her. He was so tempted to go out and scold her for not taking her cardigan, but she wasn't his and she was probably not interested in any scolding right now. After a while of watching, with Adaline only moving to sit down on his chair. He sighs, not knowing what he would do with her. Even discussing it was already taking a toll on her mentality, and he was worried she would break. Now, he wasn't sure it was such a good idea to taint her and regret started flowing from him. Jace reminded himself that she hadn't made a decision, and the decision was still going to be hers. Eventually, Jace quietly stands behind her as her long brown hair flows against the gentle breeze. He places his jacket around her shoulders, and when she looks up and speaks he is taken aback by her hurt eyes. "I know, Adaline." he says gently, though he wasn't totally convinced she wasn't going to run. She could bolt at any minute, and he wouldn't be surprised. It was too much for a girl like her. He doesn't sit like she asks, but instead leans against the door beside her inhaling the salty ocean air. "Seriously, are you okay? If you would prefer, we can go back to Portland. You need to rest, you look exhausted." He turns to her and can't resist putting his hand in her hair gently brushing away the hair caught in the wind. "Come inside. I don't want you to get ill." He says, taking her hand as he stood up out of his relaxed lean. It was truly a mystery how he could be such a tender gentle man but also the man he really was.
    July 10th, 2017 at 02:03am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie chuckled as he asked if she was okay. "I'm alright, or at least I will be. This is just a lot more than I have ever felt with before. But I'm not afraid at least probably not the way you think I would be. I'm more afraid I'll try it and then never be the same. It seems like a life changing kind of deal for someone like me." she said. "I don't want to go back yet. I'm not sure I'm ready to be alone." She sighed as he told her to come inside. She guessed she would have to get use to it if she was thinking about this contract. She stood and pulled his jacket closer. "I won't get ill from being a little cold for a while." she said as she went inside. She sat in her chair again. "So I'm guessing since you told me you have a room for me, that means you also don't sleep with other people." she said confirming her hypothesis and she sighed. She shrugged off his jacket and replaced it with her cardigan then handed his jacket back to him. "I do think I will need more than a week to look this over. It is quite a bit to take in for me. "But I would like to see your umm what did you call it, playroom?" she asked and frowned not liking he sound of it. "But perhaps not tonight. Perhaps next weekend once I have a chance to look some of these things over and get a better idea of what this all is talking about." she said and looked at him wondering if he could give her that. She knew their night was coming to a close because she needed to take a break from this.
    July 10th, 2017 at 02:50am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "It's a possibility. It can take a toll on someone not made for the role." Jace says, glad that she was considering the potential consequences and being realistic. It was better then breaking her the moment she agreed with no idea what being a submissive was really about. "Being cold can compromise your immune system. I don't want to take that risk; not when I'm going to be biting that lip soon." he says so casually, as if he wasn't talking about literally biting her lip. Waiting, Jace closes the door behind him as he follows her inside the pretty island house as she takes a seat again, the contract still splayed open on the table. "No, I don't sleep with people. I only make an exception when someone who goes by the name Adaline Laurent calls me completely intoxicated." His lips turn up into a wryly smirk. "But no." He says, back to being himself. "You will have your own room. You can decorate it, stay in it, and do whatever you like with it. It will be your room, and it is where you will stay when you are with me or need space." he explains, as the concept of having a different room from him was just part of the job. He didn't like to sleep with other people, not with his restless nights and background. He can't hide his disappoitment when she says she will need more then a week. "Very well, Ms. Laurent. Don't hesitate to ask me questions throughout the week." he reminds with a glowering look. All he wanted was to have her for himself, but without an agreement she still had her complete free will and could do as she pleased. Jace nodded, and glanced at his watch noting the time with a frown and a look of speculation. "Whenever you are ready, Ms. Laurent." He says, and cocks his head to the side putting his hand up against his lips as he leans back comfortably.

    @ Jinx...
    July 10th, 2017 at 03:18am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie chuckled softly and shook her head. "I know it's not what you want and you will say no but I don't want my own room." she said not saying any more eon it because it wasn't necessary. She wouldn't win that argument. He agreed to giving her more than a week though she could tell it was begrudgingly. "Thank you." she said and sighed. "So when can I see your room you are telling me about?" she asked wanting to be sure he had availability for her and it would be nice to see him again as soon as she could even if it was for something that might scare her. "I would like to see this so I can have a better understanding of what I am agreeing too, the sooner the better, what I don't have to learn about online and can learn from you is better because I know the internet though vast can show you really inaccurate representations." Addie said trying to make her case. Addie knew he probably would want to wait until the weekend but she didn't want to and the faster he showed her the faster she would be able to come up with an answer, in theory of course. "I will ask questions when they come up but I honestly think it will take me seeing it and it being explained for me to understand." she said softly. "I think we might want to negotiate some of these points as well." she said and bit her bottom lip. She didn't know what it would take for this man to give in a little on some of these issues but she was oping that at least they would be able to on some things, she was sure if it didn't make him uncomfortable he would.
    July 10th, 2017 at 05:13am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Jace gives her a puzzled look. "No." he says, exactly as Adaline predicted. "Where will you stay when you are with me?" He says, not sure where she was getting at. Jace takes a moment to think, his eyes drifting out the window. The sun was starting to be less blaring and calm down as cloudiness took over. His narrowed blue eyes turn back to her, as she seems nervous asking about his playroom. Soon she would open up to thing she never imagined. "After we discuss the fine details, I will show you." He says. She had enough of surprise for the day he imagined, and by the time they get to Portland it would be late. Not that he minded. "I don't want to overhwhelm you with... me." He says with a shrug. "But, take this copy with you. Read it over, ask me questions, and I will show you my playroom. Tonight, if you are ready. If not, I will make time in my schedule for you tomorrow afternoon." he says, giving her his word. He would make the necessary effort to make this work, because as difficult as it was he needed a taste of her. "What is there to negotiate?" Jace says. "Is there anything in particular that is a hard limit for you." He says. "If there are things you are unsure about, we can discuss it." He says, with a patient attitude. Jace had to imagine how difficult it was for her to be here, listening to him list off punishments to her. "I can't wait to taste you." He says. the patience suddenly wearing off. "So please do consider the contract." Jace looks into her eyes, trying to reach the part of her that wanted him too. He knew it was there, because why would she ever consider something as out of her element as this contract he had given her tonight?
    July 11th, 2017 at 01:30am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    "No your other room, the playroom. I think that is a really terrible name for that room." Addie said and chuckled. She sighed as he said only after they discussed everything. "I know you're worried about that but honestly I need to have all the information." she said and ran a hand through her hair. "Tomorrow would probably be better."Addie smiled softly in acknowledgment of how hard this was for him. "Well not only some of these umm punishments, not only do I know what they are but the factor of not knowing what you could use on me is pretty intimidating and I don't think I am okay with you punishing me just for your own pleasure. If we are going to renegotiating in three months anyways then I don't see why at least for this contract you can't keep the punishments down to a minimum." she said and shook her head. "Besides I think since I am so new to this is I agree three months is to long. There are just little things. I want to go through it all and dress every issue and negotiate like we did with my apartment, some where I give more and some where you do. But there are a lot of terminology I am not ready to get into tonight so let me gather all my thoughts and see what I can give on and then we can come together and go over it and maybe you will change my mind about things on some points." she said and then shivered as he said he couldn't wait to taste her. She had no idea what that meant but it made her body come to life with desire and she looked up at him as he asked her to consider what he was asking and she nodded. "I will." she said gently knowing that this was perhaps the hardest thing she could decide to do. Either she could decide to pass on a moment with the most amazing and interesting mans he had ever known or she could give into his desires and see where things lead her. She would have to be virulent and aware of how much she was giving him knowing he could take from her until she had nothing left to give if she forgot to watch out for herself.
    July 11th, 2017 at 08:39am