Nights of Fascination

  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    George raises an eyebrow at her, now irritated that she still hadn't agreed to go to dinner with him. "Not fair to anyone to start something new? What the hell does that mean? You didn't even answer my question." He said, raising his voice slightly and still being awfully persistent. "Of course it's flattering, but lunch yesterday did not give me the impression that you only wanted to be 'friends'. If I would have known you had a boyfriend, I would have never pursued you." George accuses. "So have you been lying to me this whole time that you're already been fucking somebody?" He says, now mad. Despite his anger, he still kept his distance and held his stance. "Whatever." He says, standing up from his chair. She didn't exactly confirm she was taken which was frustrating, but if she was going to act coy then he was not going to wait for her because it wouldn't be worth it. He watched her his face holding no sense of pleasantness, giving her one last chance.

    @ Jinx...
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:26pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie felt her stomach drop at his town and she sat there her eyes wide and frowning as he nearly yelled at her. Saying the most awful things. She waited until he was done walking and was glaring at her angrily. "I think you should leave now." she said and stood from her own chair her back up straight and her eyes cautious of him. She watched him storm out and she sank into her char looking at the door and she shook her head. She couldn't work like this. She slipped into her shoes grabbed her keys, her notepad and her phone then locked her office and walked out to the elevator. She stood there trying to keep it together while she waited for it. Once it opened she walked into it and watched the doors close. Once she was alone in the elevator the tears came. She pushed at them angrily as she nearly ran out of the building the security guard Leo was calling out after her. Addie got to her car an sat there a while then started it up only thinking of one place that she could go right now. Addie started to drive until she came to the gallery. By this time she had collected herself and talked herself into the work she wanted to get done at the site. She would talk to the construction lead and go up into the space she had wanted to the night before. Addie walked in all eyes turning towards her. She smiled softly and took one of the hard hats handed to her. "Here you go Ms." She walked tall with purpose until she found the man with the blue prints. "Hello I'm Adaline Laurent. Mr. Evans wanted me to help with the second level and I really need to be in the space to flesh out my ideas. Is it safe for me to proceed up there?" she asked him and he looked her over and nodded shell shocked. "Yes Ms. Laurent." he said and she thanked him then walked up the stairs hearing the boss call to get everyone back to work. She sighed as she slipped into the space and turned around. Addie smiled as she took out her note pad and started to sketch what it was she wasvisualizing and making some variations wanting to get them made up properly and okay them with Jace.

    Leo nervously dialed the number Mr. Evans had given him in case any of his female workers ran out looking in emotional distress. Mr.Evans liked to be sure his employees had the help and support they needed and that work was being run in a professional manner and if it wasn't he liked to get to the bottom of it. Leo waited as the line was picked up. It was Amelia on the other line and he sighed in relief. "Ms. Amelia..." he said always insisting on calling her that despite her telling him to call her Amelia. "This is Leo at security and Ms. Laurent just rushed out of the building rather unconsolable. I'm afraid I wasn't able to keep her in the building ma'am to talk her down and get a report. I thought I should report it right away. She is a real kind woman Ms. Amelia, I really do hope that she will be okay." he said and ended the conversation with her after giving her all the information from the start of the report he had made.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:16pm
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    George opens the door rather furiously. "Yeah. I can't stand to be in this room with you, you slut." he gives her a hard look and slams the door after he leaves. Going to his office, he collects a few of his things. He knew that it wouldn't be long until he was reported, as the offices were close and everything was at risk of being heard no matter where you were on the floor. He grabs his brief case, and heads out to the door.


    Jace stops at a red light, cussing under his breath. Traffic was particularly awful today with the lunch rush. His phone vibrates in his pocket, and he accepts the call on his steering wheel. "Jace Evans." He says in a low voice. Amelias voice flows through the speakers of his vehicle. "Hi." She says, the fumbling of papers in the background as she scurries. "Leo just called me, I think something happened at the office. Security is on there way to go check it." Amelia says, her heels clicking as she scurries to the other side of the floor as she presses her phone against her shoulder while holding a stack of documents neatly organized in folders. Jace sighs, and accelerates as the light turns green. "Okay, send the report to me after it's made. Who was a part of the dispute and where is there location?" he asks. Amelia responds, not ready for how he would react. "Amelia Laurent and George, the creative floor leader. Both have left the building without logging out, Leo told me." She says. Jace slams on his brakes and pulls over. "Fuck!" He mumbles as a bit of gravel on the side of the road hits his windshield. Amelia gasps. "Mr. Evans! Is everything okay?" She says, the sound of him cursing scaring her to the point where she dropped some files on the floor. Jace takes a deep breath. "Yes, every things fine. Thank you for alerting me. Send me the report when it's ready." He shuts off his phone without even a goodbye, and goes through his contacts, finally dialing a number. "Hank, I need you to track a location for me." He says.
    June 19th, 2017 at 12:10am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie smiled as she finishes her sketches. She sighs feeling calmer now as she stands in the middle of the construction the sounds of people working around her as she works on the things she needed to in a place she felt much safer at than the the creative floor at Evan Corporation. Addie looked up seeing the construction lead. "Do you have everything you need Ms. Laurent?" he asked and she smiled. "Yes thank you. I'm sorry I was so excited to get up here I didn't catch your name." she said. "My name's Dole." he said and she grinned. "It's nice to meet you Dole." she said and he nodded. "You as well Ms. If you don't mind me being frank you seemed upset when you came in." he said and she frowned. "It's nothing just a bully not getting what he wants." she said and chuckled. "You know I could really use a few empty scrolls of paper if you have them. I'm looking for someone t make a blueprint off my sketches and it might be easier if they are on something bigger than my notepad." she said and he smiled. "Indeed but unfortunately I don't have any paper for ya ma'am." he said and she nodded. "Thant's fine, in harm in asking. If you don't mind I'm going to sty up here just a little longer to get the feel of the space more." she said and he nodded. "Sure thing ma'am and I look forward to be the one working on your designs." he said and she smiled. "Thank you that means a lot to me." she said and he nodded then headed off back to work.
    June 19th, 2017 at 01:04am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Jace is angry, what was she doing at the gallery? He whips a u turn at the next intersection dangerously, and turns the other direction towards his gallery. He arrives not long after a bit of speeding, and pulls up away from all the large machinery and people at work. He gets out, slamming his door and walks with an arrogant swagger that just naturally gave off a superior vibe. People outside fixing the sidewalk to the door are kneeled down but look up at the sound of footsteps, there hard hats being tipped back so they could see. "Mr. Evans!" The man says surprisingly. "I've never met you before. Congratulations on your purchase, we will fix this place right up!" Jace nods his head, but gives no time to the man. He goes in through the door, everyone looking up at him surprised to see him here. He had never actually been there during construction before. He goes through without a moments hesitation, and beasts through with a frigid vibe. Once at the second floor, his eyes scan the room until he sees her, sitting alone with a notepad. "Adaline! What in the hell are you doing?" He barks, clearly angry. His eyes are blazing, and Dole, the construction leader is startled at the sound of a voice and looks up in fear. Jace goes over to her and grabs her hand, pulling her up and away from the bustle of the construction workers. "You shouldn't be here, you are putting your life at risk. There are machines, sawdust and chemicals that you are not in a state to inhale." He gives the cold eye to Dole. "Who let her up here?" he says. Dole points at himself. "It was me, sir. She said that she is here to look at the second level for you, Mr. Evans." he says, clearly confused. Jace nods, letting him off the hook knowing Dole just misunderstood. "Alright, Dole. Thank you for giving her a hard hat." He says, as Dole offers a small smile and walks away back to work. Jace grits his teeth together, and takes off her hat setting it on a work table. He takes her hand, and leads her out. "Come, Adaline. Don't test my patience." He says, sounding so calm but threatening at the same time.

    @ Jinx...
    June 19th, 2017 at 02:31am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie looked up hearing her name on Jace's voice. She glares as she turned towards him. "Working. I needed to get into the field." she said her tone crips but professional. "What can I do for you Mr. Evans?" she asked looking him over in his perfect suit. After the morning she had with George was was not willing to take Jace's shit so if he didn't fix his tone she was going to make sure he knew what he was doing was inappropriate. She rolled her eyes as he told her she shouldn't be up there. "What state would that be Mr. Evans? I'm not pregnant for heavens sake!" she said and walked past him down the stairs pretty much done there anyways. She rolls her eyes as he gets ready to bark at the workers and she puts a hand on her hip. She was content as he let it go though and she sighed. He was suddenly standing above her. He was a tall man. He took off her hard hat and set it down making her belly jump which only made her all the more angry because there was nothing she could do about it. He took her hand and marched her out of the building expecting her to follow a long like a good girl. Once they where outside she pulled her hand from his. "Don't test your patience?" she asked him waiting for him to turn on her. She looked at him her eyes challenging and dark with pint up emotions. She was obviously upset. "I'm sorry Mr. Evans but I don't have the patience today to deal with your confusing concern and such. So if you will excuse me I think I will go down to Marrow Street and walk the art to see if there is anything there." she said and ran a hand through her hair frustrated. She looked stiff and yet deflated at the same time. She was really hurt by what had happened earlier and yet not about to say a thing. Addie was not in the mood to deal with him though because he made her to emotional and confused and she was already feeling that way there was no reserves left. Addie put her keys in her car. This was the first time he would see her old reliable car too.
    June 19th, 2017 at 06:17am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "No you don't. You work for me, and you didn't ask for permission to go on a field trip." He tensed, but kept his cool even as she ripped her hand out. Did she even know who she was looking at? He was not one to take orders, and he was most certainly not going to let her endanger herself like that. If only she was his, he would make sure she never went out of her way to piss him off again. She rolls her eyes at him, and he narrows his at her. As infuriating as she was and stubborn as a horse, he couldn't help but worry about her safety. Jace feels much more assured once they are outside of the construction zone. "Yes, Ms. Laurent. My patience, because I am your boss. And trust me when I say I have been more patient then most towards you." he admits, as she storms away like a rain cloud in a sunny sky. He hated to end the conversation this way, but she clearly didn't want anything to do with him. Jace watches as she goes towards a basically broke down blue 2 door car. He can feel his mouth open in shock as she gets in, and suddenly he felt like they were back in the construction zone. He opens her door even though she is still angry, and he looks into those blue eyes that drove him insane. "Adaline, I don't want you driving in this." he says sternly, with a surprising amount of concern, though his tone was still blunt and cold after their dispute. "Come on, I'll take you home." he says. He made sure to sent a quick text to Amelia about making sure George was absolutely gone, and that his contract was liquidated. "I won't let George step foot near anything I own, or you again. I'm sorry to have put you on the floor with him. You don't need to talk about it." He says. "I understand if you don't. But I really would like it if you would come with me. Ill take you home." he says, learning down so he could really look at her face. She was so innocent and sweet, and he hadn't been this close to her before.

    @ Jinx...
    June 19th, 2017 at 06:47am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie was at her wits end with this confusing man. He said he wouldn't have time for her but he spent the most time with her and yet here he was saying he had the most patience for her. "Well then stop spending so much time with me and you will need less." she said as she got in her car and closed the door about to put her key in the hole as Jace opened her door. She glared up at him daring him to say something. "Oh yes because why would my car be good enough for you if my home isn't? So tel me Mr. Evans what should I drive?" she asked him and crossed her arms. He said he would take her home and she shook her head. "No. I want to work." she said not wanting to be home and alone. Suddenly his tone changed as he hit the real issue and her eyes teared up looking like lakes under a stormy sky. She looked away from him silent and defeated. She looked back at him as he said he would like her to come with him and she sniffled. Addie looked into his eyes. He was so close and her body was reacting with the desire that was there. "I don' want to go home. I don't want to be alone." she whispered as she looked into his eyes able to smell him and feel the heat of him so close. She wished she could just press her face into the crook of his neck and rest there while his strong arm comforted her but got the feeling he was not the comforting kind of man. George hadn't even touched her and yet she felt so completely violated. Her space had been intruded with possessiveness and fear and anger. It was the feeling of being trapped that had her panicked the most and for him to call her names was low. "Please don't make me go home." she whispered and set her hands from the steering wheel into her lap. She really didn't know what to do with herself right now.
    June 19th, 2017 at 07:05am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "I can't stay away." he says, as her glares turned to something sad. "I can get you anything to drive. What do you want?" he asks, pleading her with his eyes to not ask him to leave. He didn't think leaving her was the best choice right now, considering her emotions. He had learned what emotions could do to a person, and so he had learned to retain them at a very early age. "I don't think you have the right state of mind to work right now, I want you content and focused. Drowning yourself in work isn't gonna make your feelings go away. I get that feeling, Adaline. Come with me." He says, taking her hands gently. When she doesn't pull away from him, he helps her out of the car and pulls the key out of her ignition sticking them in his pocket. "Would you like to go to Rikki's?" He asks calmly. "Would a coffee or tea help? Breathe, Adaline." he puts his hand on her cheek, and runs his thumb on the bottom of her eye collecting a few tears. She sniffles, and he is just glad that she is breathing. When he panics or has an anxiety attack, he has to take an epidural to breathe because his throat closes. Leading her to his vehicle, he opens the door and basically carries her in setting her in the seat gently. Reaching over, he tenderly clips her seat belt in.

    @ Jinx...
    June 19th, 2017 at 07:37am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Jace said he couldn't stay away and she smiled softly. "I don't you too." she said and sighed as he said he could get her anything and she shook her head. "I don't want you to buy me a car. My car works fine. Please I'm to tired to argue about this." she said and looked up at him. "Can we talk about this some other time?" she asked him. He told her she didn't have the right state of mind to work now and perhaps he was right. Any art she picked out sight now would be edgy at best. "Okay." she said and nodded. "You're right." she said and let him take her hands then draw her out of the car. He pocketed her keys and she looked dup as he mentioned Rikki and she shook her head. "She asks to many questions." she said. He offered Tea and she nodded. "Some tea might help." she said and took a breath as he told her too. She watched as he nearly carried her to his car and slipped her in buckling her in. She looked up at him. There was something very sweet about him right now, something that screamed that he could take care of her and she relied upon that for just this moment. She closed her eyes as he walked around to his side of the car. She was still holding onto the things from her car she needed and sighed as she set them down. Addie knew she was taking up his valuable time but she needed his support right now and she wasn't capable of suffering on her own at this moment not when he was offering his shoulder for however long here was here for. "Jace... Thank you... I'm sorry." she said her voice catching as she said sorry.
    June 19th, 2017 at 07:51am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    He nodded at her in agreement. "Okay. We will discuss it another time." He says, knowing she was pretty exhausted after such a long day. He offered a soft look when she said that he was right, and was grateful that they wouldn't have to argue over this one. "So no Rikki." he says, as he pulls up to a coffee shop nearby. Turning off his vehicle, he looks over at her. She was so small and unimpeachable, and he wondered what she would taste like. Probably sweet. He wasn't used to women like her, he always got women running to him in every corner and it was never such an internal fight to take them to his pad. They always agreed to what he needed, but he felt like Adaline was so far from what he needed but at the same time everything he has desired. "What are you sorry for, Adaline? We have all spoken words we didn't mean." he blinks, and runs his hand through his hair messing it up. The look was strange in contrast to his perfect suit. "Lets go." He says. Once outside, he didn't know if he was overstepping but he didn't think she wanted space right now. He had told her that he was not what she needed, but she didn't seem to be angry at him anymore. He takes her small looking hand in his, and opens the door as they go in together. "Sit here. I'll get you a tea. How do you like it?" He says, having to let go of her hand to stand in line.

    @ Jinx...
    June 19th, 2017 at 08:31am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie frowned. "For taking your time, for being so rude." she said and bit her lip looking at him and dropped it. She looked at his messy hair and smiled softly. It was amazing and perfect. She could tell there was something more to him that anyone could see that he hid well behind his coldness like he knew that others usually didn't deserve it and one day he would find someone to bestow his gift upon. She really wanted to see it but only he could decide to give it. He told her let's go and she got out slowly. He took her hand and sighed feeling her bruised and raw places soothed by his touch. He walked her inside where everyone turned looking at them. She knew why they where staring but she never thought they would also be staring at her too. She sat in the chair he designated and he asked her how she liked her tea. "Umm cinnamony with honey and milk." she said softly and set her hands in his lap and watched him go with a gentle smile on her face. This man was amazing and she wondered if he saw it. Addie ran her hand through her hair and looked down at her hands. Was she leading George on when she went to lunch with him? She thought she had made it clear it was just as friends, just as coworkers.
    June 19th, 2017 at 06:30pm
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Don't be. I forgive you." he gives her a sincere look as he pulls out his wallet and goes up to order. "One chai tea, with honey and milk. And a coffee; black, please." He says, handing over a $20 bill. "Keep the change." He says, walking away as he tucks his wallet back into his pocket feeling her keys as he does so. She certainly was not going to get them back, it made him feel like she was in danger. "Order 5!" The barista shouts. Jace grabs the two mugs, walking back towards her with such grace his broad shoulders and fit physique that it was hard not to look. He sets the chai tea in front of her, a package of tea and a spoon on a small plate as he sits across the table and takes a cautious drink of his coffee with a imprint of a milk cream swirl in it. After he sets his cup down, he watches her. "Tell me about your family." He asks after enjoying the moments pleasure of chatter and scuttle of people carrying on with there day. "I don't know much about you, Ms. Laurent." He says with a hint of curiosity. She looks up, as breathtaking as always. How was it that she wasn't already snatched up by somebody?
    June 20th, 2017 at 12:50am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie sighed as Jace left to get the tea. He came back and set the tea in front of her. She opened the bag and dipped it in then added the honey and stirred. She waited a moment and then poured in her milk staring again then taking a sip. She set her glass down as Jace asked her a question. She smiled softly at his curiosity. "Oh well my father was never really in my life but my stepfather was and still is to this day though he lives in Louisiana now. As for my mom she died when I was 17. An inoperable tumor." she said and sighed as she took a sip of her drink. "Other than that I don't have any siblings though I have some distant family from my step father but that's really it." she said softly. "And I really wish you would at least stop calling me by my last name when we're not out of work." she said and shook her head. "But you're the boss, do what you want." she said and chuckled softly. "So since you asked me a personal question do I get to ask one in return or is that not something you do either?" she asked him some of her clear whit coming back.
    June 20th, 2017 at 06:19am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    He watches intently as she prepares her tea. When he speaks, she smiles and he wonders what is on her mind. She speaks of her mother, and he has a concerned look on his face just briefly. "I'm sorry to hear that." He says quietly, wrapping his masculine hands around the small coffee cup as it is partially hidden beneath his palms. "It's never easy losing a parent." His lips are set in a straight line, as he gives nothing away his dark eyes not giving any indication of what he was feeling. "What is your stepfather's name? Do you keep in regular contact?" He probes, taking a drink of his coffee as she does likewise with her tea. A amused grin temps his lips as she asks him to call her by her first name. "Very well, Adaline." He says, emphasizing her name his husky voice says it. "It's not something I do, to be completely honest." He shrugs. "I am not particularly earnest of talking about myself." He says, offering a small explanation. "What would you like to know?" He says, clearly not very deep into his personal life.

    @ Jinx...
    June 20th, 2017 at 06:57am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    "Thanks. But it's something I have learned to live with." she said softly. "His name is Ollie Laurent. He was my mother's second actual husband? She had many lovers and she actually divorced him two years before her death but be was still legally my guardian so I went to live with him. We keep in contact. I call him about two or three times a month. He's not a big talker but that's okay neither am I on the phone." she said and smiled affectionately. She chuckled and smiled as he played with her name in the sultry voice of his. "Careful how you use your tone Mr. Evans someone might think you where flirting with me." she chuckled and shook her head. He told her he normally didn't share about his life and she nodded. "I can understand that." she said. He asked what she would like to know and she smiled. "I bet there are at least a thousand people that would kill to have you answer just one question for them Mr. Evans. It seems like a big deal." she said and sat back and sipped her tea crossing her legs as she thought about it. She really wanted to know why he was taking care of her, why he seemed so possessive and worried about her but she doubted he would answer that and she was not going to waist one question. She looked down into her tea as she thought really hard about what she wanted to ask of him. Addie looked up at him as it came to her. "Alright Mr. Evans I have one for you..." she smiled enjoying the moment where his full focus was on her while he waited for her to question him with his guarded and sexy eyes. "What is your favorite thing in the entire world?" she asked him curious having no idea that it could be such a dark answer that he would never tell her. She didn't know that side of him.
    June 20th, 2017 at 07:17am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    He looks down into his coffee, noticing it was half empty already. Her presence made him thirsty, and he craved a caffeine buzz that would possibly tone down other instincts he had in him. "I'm glad to hear that you have been able to look past it." He says. "Oh? So you do keep in touch." He notes. "You seem very affectionate towards him. Has he been a part of your life since very young?" Jace asks with no restraint. Her small chuckle warms him, a wicked smile playing on his lips, his eyes gleaming with frolic. His lips perk to show a perfect set of teeth, his smile daring and heart wrenching everywhere and turning eyes even at a distance. "Suppose I better be careful to avoid people from thinking that." he says sarcastically. He can see her mind whirring as she thinks very thoughtfully of a question for him. She looks around as her thoughts ponder, and he finds a mystery to her that was so awing. He would give anything to know what was on her mind in that moment where her lips were slightly open and her eyes filled with thought. "Not intending to sound conceited, but it does take a pretty penny to buy a question from me to say the least. I am not fond of interviews." he answers honestly. "I have done the odd one here and there, but I like to keep my personal life personal." He sits back with supremacy, waiting for her reply and still curious to see what she would ask. Her question makes him raise an eyebrow at her, surprised that it was what she would ask. Most women would say, "Are you single?", or "What is your worth?". He runs his fingers down his jaw line deep in thought, clenching it as he thinks. "My favorite thing would be being fortunate enough to be able to express myself and not have to hinder the person I am without judgement." he says. It was so vague but deep, likewise himself.

    @ Jinx...
    June 20th, 2017 at 07:46am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    "Yeah we talk. He's been in my life since I was eight and my mother was married to him for 5 years. She sure made him wait and sadly it would have been better for him if they never married because she really wasn't sure about him, she did it because it seemed like the right and proper thing to do after three years." she said and shook her head. Addie grinned watching his smile spread over his face. She loved every ounce of it. She chuckled and shook her head. "Indeed Mr. Evans you have a reputation as the hottest bachelor to keep up, or so I'm told." she said and shook her head. "Well don't think of this as an interview, think of it as a friendly conversation." she said. When she asked her question and he told her what others might ask and she chuckled. "But you see I don't care bout those things. "If you have a secret girlfriend then you will keep your distance from me and make her very happy once you see me settled into the work. As far as money I really don't care. It means nothing to me. I value different things." she said before he answered her question after much thought. She smiled glad he gave her question so much thought. When he answered she grinned. Addie grinned and blushed remembering how they meat. She didn't know if that had anything to do with it but she was sure he held many secrets. "You know I think that is probably one of the best answers I have ever gotten tot hat question..." she said knowing she didn't really ask that question a lot anyways but Jace was so interesting to her. "You know Mr. Evans you are like many of the paintings I look at. You have secrets, you're mysterious and yet you bring out something in those around you just by being in the same room. It's inspiring and..." she paused blushing looking down into her tea then looked back at him. "Wonderful." she said and then sipped her tea. She found she had finished half her tea and sighed not wanting this time with him to end. She thought of trying to be friends with Jace and just could stomach it. He was everything she wanted. He was challenging, caring, strong willed, intelligent and deep. She looked at him and blushed. She could never be just fiends with him and even at the price of loosing him she would rather that than have to smile as she watched him with someone more on his level than she.
    June 20th, 2017 at 08:23am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "I do?" He asked, pretending to seem surprised at her remark about being the hottest bachelor alive. "Is that what you think, or what the media thinks? Or possibly People magazine. They are addicted to writing about me.." he says with a hint of annoyance at the thought of People magazine. The endless calls and the repetitive letters were just getting out of hand. Amelia had learned to toss them away at any request of an interview or word with Jace Evans. Leaning forward, Jace crosses his hands on the cafe table. "I am gratified to hear that." he says, looking at her with a gaze that was so him; dark and sexy. "I don't consider myself inspiring, therefore wonderful." He is taken aback by what she saw in him. He was nothing at his core, the money and luxurious lifestyle meant nothing when the person you are is not who you wanted to be. Of course, he would never explain why he couldn't accept that compliment that she was unknowingly giving. He didn't deserve to hear words of such integrity in his perspective. "Adaline." He says, as her eyes drift into her tea in thought still. "Look at me." He says, watching her. She looks up at the sound of her name, and he can see the scarlet flush across her cheeks. It complimented her fair skin, giving it a hint of color. "Tell me something. Why are you always blushing?" He asks. All he wanted was to pick at her mind and see what she was thinking. "It is a frequent reaction with you, and I have to admit it's quite intriguing to me. You give nothing away as to why. Of course, I wish I knew what you were blushing about."

    @ Jinx...
    June 20th, 2017 at 08:55am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie smiled as he shared about the constant hunt for an interview from people magazine. "I wouldn't know I don't read magazines. It think they are a waste of paper and money." she shrugged. He said he was grateful to hear that she didn't find value or concern in what others might. She frowned as he rejected her compliment. "I am sorry to hear that Jace." she said softly her voice gentle. They drifted into a small silence and she sipped her tea looking at it and he said her name and then ordered her to look at him and her eyes snapped up. Something about the way he spoke her here was not cruel as he tried to make it but caused her stomach to tighten and flip in delight. She licked her bottom lip gently and looked into his eyes. He then asked her next question and she chuckled blushing harder. "Oh." she said and pulled her hair to one side revealing her delicate neck with it's soft skin. "Well I guess I blush for many reasons. "Sometimes it's out of embarrassment, or being startled. Sometimes it's because of a thought or feeling. Sometimes it's a desire." she blushed hard and rushed on. "Then I suppose it's because of others and how they look at me or something someone says, because honestly like you Jace I don't take compliments well. I don't see what others see in me. I'm average." she shrugged and looked into her tea. It was hard to look him in the eyes when she was telling him the bare truth that somehow seemed to slip out around him not that she even meant to tell him but if felt right to.
    June 20th, 2017 at 09:09am