Nights of Fascination

  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Awe, thanks Add. I want you to meet him soon! I think you'll like him. He's so cute." Rikki said, feeling so full of love for her friend and the unconditional support they always gave each other no matter what the problem was. It didn't matter, they would always be there. Rikki nods, understanding. Sometimes you just needed freedom and space, and it was okay. Addie would tell her when she was ready. "Once it's over with, it'll hurt and you'll want it everyday of your life. It's awesome Addie and totally worth it!" She said, speaking openly about her sexual past. Rikki was a true advocator for the slogan of only living once, and she was never going to turn down a good opportunity. Once up at the club, Rikki links her arm with Addie and walk into the club. The loud music pours out, the party a little slow. It wouldn't be long give or take 1-3 hours for the whole floor to be covered. Already feeling the energy, Rikki follows Addie to get a shot. "Good idea." Rikki says, always handing over her card. "To being the coolest fucking hottest independent women to live!" She shouts over the music, clinking her class with Addie too as they pour the shot back. It burned, and Rikki made a twisted face as she burst into her famous infectious laugh. As Addie takes her hand, Rikki follows her onto the floor where they dance together. Rikki swings her hips and throws her arms to the music, enjoying the light buzz of the couple shots. It was only 8, and the party was just getting started.

    @ Jinx...
    June 22nd, 2017 at 07:27am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie giggled as Rikki laughed. They danced together enjoying each other. After a few dances they go back to the bar and eat some bar food needing it for the night ahead. A few more rounds and the dance floor was jumping and the place was packed. Addie suddenly remembered why she didn't like to go clubbing but as she drowned another shot feeling like the world was spinning and it was only 10 o'clock she giggled feeling brave enough to go for another dance. It wasn't long before they where out on the dance floor and living it up men and women all over them as they where all over everyone else. Addie laughed as she danced her body moving so sensually it was hard to believe she was still that innocent girl that everyone loved. Addie stayed close to Rikki as Rikki did to Addie because Rikki knew Addie was uncomfortable here despite how much fun they where having and besides Addie was already pretty off her normal game. This was the most loose Addie had ever been though and so when a man asked her to dance she agreed but didn't venture to far from Rikki even as she danced with some other girls at the club. Addie wrapped her arms around the very attractive man's neck as her body pressed to his and they danced Addie was still innocent and the man didn't seem to mind it. He was actually very kind as she enjoyed dancing with him. "Hi I'm Kole." he said and Addie smile. "I'm Addie!" she said and he smiled. "Nice to meet you!" he said and she smiled at him. "Excuse me a second. I have to use the facilities." she said and then headed over that way. She stood in the line at the woman room smiling. She didn't need Jace Evans to take care of her. She was doing just fine on her own. She opened her phone bored as she stood in the longest line ever. She sighed scrolling through her phone and pausing as she came upon Jace's name. She was nearly in the bathroom now. It was quite here but the bathrooms the thud of the music still vibrating through the walls though. She giggled and hit talk off a whim. She would just leave a voice message. It was late he wouldn't be awake. And in the morning he would see just how much she didn't need a relationship to him. Addie gasped as Jace answered the phone and she bit her lip. "Jace..." she paused and then it all came spilling out. "You don't know what you want do you?" she asked him and didn't wait for an answer. "You like to order me around and take care of me but you don't want me getting close well that's just fine. I'm having fun on my own you see so you don't need to concern yourself with me again." she said and smiled. When he started to talk her eyes got wide. He asked something and at this point she sort of blacked out and before she knew it she was stumbling out of the bathroom. She felt awful and needed to get some air. Addie walked out into the patio where there was hardly anyone and she leaned up against the wall. She didn't know how long it had been but she heard her name. "Addie." she turned to see Kole. "Oh hey." she said relaxing. He walked over towards her. "Hey so it seemed like we where really hitting it off in there and..." he pulled her against him and put his back towards the wall as she pushed at his chest gently. "So I was thinking why don't we see where tonight can lead?" he suggested and started to lean forwards. "I... No. Look that's nice but no we're drunk and that's not a good idea." she said and he wasn't stopping.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 08:03am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Rikki stayed close to Addie, dancing mostly with girls and avoiding the handsy men in the bar unlike she usually was. She knew it would upset Aiden, and she really liked him for more then what most men offered. She seen Addie hitting it off with a handsome guy, and she smiled and winked at Addie across the floor waving her arm grinning like a dork. Not long after, Rikki is swept into the crowd as she looks for Addie. Last she seen, Addie was headed towards the bathroom. "Excuseeee me!" Rikki slurs and giggles, pushing through the crowd. "Adaline Laurent!" She calls in the bathroom, looking in the stalls. When it appears empty, she is concerned once again. She goes outside, feeling naesous. Seeing Adaline at a distance, Rikki stumbles and sits near a bush as she closes her eyes for a second to recoup.


    Jace is on the phone, talking away to the construction leader Dole of the gallery. "Yes, I understand, but I am paying you good money and for the wall to be streaky was not on the to do list. Mmhm." Jace ponders to his beautiful leather sectional, dressed comfortably in some grey sweatpants and a fitted black tee. Sitting down, he glares into the phone. "No. Yup. That's right, 2 of them." he replies, completely absorbed in the call. The sound of another ringing phone fills the room as he is still in conversation with Dole. "Yes, I can do that." He says, walking to grab his personal phone. Her name was across the screen, and his eyes narrow at it. Adaline Laurent. Jace stares at it, losing focus with Dole. "Dole, I will have to call you back. An emergency came up. Yes. Thank you. Take care." He hangs up on Dole, tossing his work phone on the glass coffee table as he picks up his second phone. "Jace Evans." He says, but is quickly interrupted by an angry slur. "Adaline?" He says with confusion as she continues to rant at him. "Adaline, slow down." he says calmly. Her voice floods back to him. "... you don't need to concern yourself with me again!" She yells in a drunken garble. "Adaline..." He sounds infuriated, his voice a low growl. "Are you drunk? Where are you." he demands, already getting up and shrugging on a coat. "Tell me where you are." He orders with extreme exasperation.


    Kole buries his lips into her neck, trailing gentle kisses up it. "So? Were both drunk. I know how to have a good time." He lifts up his head, his alcohol ridden breath strong. "Just." He lands a sloppy kiss on her collarbone. "Say." His arm holds her face up. "Yes." He breathes out, putting a kiss on her jaw. "Say yes, and I will guarantee you a good time." he pins her harder against the wall.

    @ Jinx...
    June 22nd, 2017 at 08:25am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie was starting to feel really sick as Kole kissed her neck and over other parts of her body. He wanted to sleep with her and get her to to agree to it when she was saying no. "Stop this. I said no Kole." She said and pushed as his shoulders and twisting her body away from him. She whimpered as he pushed her against the brick wall harder. It was to hard and so was he. She shook her head. She didn't want him and suddenly she felt the panic rising up inside of her. It was then that the man was ripped off of her and she felt herself fall into the hard and yet comforting body of the mans he hadn't though she would see. "Jace." she gasped and looked at him as he glowered. Kole ended up running off and she was completely in a drunk state until she leaned over and it all came out. She felt her hair bing pulled back from her face and she blushed. Those where expensive shoes. She frowned. "Oh my god." she whispered completely mortified as she started to stand his helpful arms helping her and she looked at him feeling completely confused. "Oh no Rikki." she looked around seeing her friend. "I need to be sure she get's home." she said but didn't even attempt to move from Jace's arms knowing her body would fall if she even tried. Addie looked up at him feeling mortified and ashamed of herself. She had really screwed up now and he was most likely to fire her or something. He wouldn't want someone like her in charge of probably anything.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 08:44am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Jace is just in time, seeing a man pin Adaline against the wall. He goes over, and grabs him by the collar pulling him off. "She said no." He glowers. "Get the fuck out of here!" He warns, taking Addie into the safety of his arms as he waits for Kole to walk away. When he does, Jace looks at Adaline. "What?" He says gently, as she bends over and starts to retch on the ground. He instantly grabs her hair, holding it back in a safe makeshift ponytail and holds her in a crouch near the ground as all her mistakes come flooding back in the form of vile. "I got you." He says, holding her steady. "If you need to throw up again, do it now." Jace waits a moment as she catches her breath, then holds her up as she is finished. "It's okay, I already got Rikki. I called her friend Aiden." Jace comforts, pulling her to his side wrapping his arm around her to keep her steady with him as they walked back inside. She seemed confused, but he took her to the bar and helped her up on the stool. The bartender comes over immediately, fluttering eyelashes and all things flirty. She is ready to get his order despite the line growing a few meters away. "A big glass of ice water, please. And a napkin." He says, as she comes back in just mere seconds with a iced water. He hands her the napkin to wipe her mouth. "Drink." He said, putting the glass in her hand. "You will think me in the morning." He watches her like a hawk as he demands she drink. She takes a small sip, and he shakes his head. "All of it." He says cooly.

    @ Jinx...
    June 22nd, 2017 at 04:17pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie looked up at him and nodded. He had it taken care of and was taking her inside. She was confused as to why they where sitting at the bar. She looked over at him. He handed her the napkin and she blushed. "Thank you." she said and cleaned up her face. When he handed her the water she wrinkled her nose and took a sip setting it down but Jace stood there and told her to drink it all. She frowned not sure she could hold all that in right now. She took small sips until she was feeling able to drink more. She looked up at him about halfway through. "Why did you come?" she asked and blushed. It all just came out she wasn't able to stop herself from talking. "I'm really sorry about your shoes." she said and looked back into her glass and then set to finish it. Addie realized Rikki had been right. She should have been out drinking. She had even less control now than before and because of Jace's good heart he was here making sure she drank water and that she was going to be alright and she had no idea why. She finished the water and bit her lip as she set the glass down. Addie was probably a mess right now and yet she could feel the hot stare of Jace beside her. She didn't know what was next as she sat there waiting for Jace to say something. She had been so wrong to call him like that and she wouldn't be surprised if he fire her for breaking his confidentiality for doing so on a none business matter.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 05:47pm
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Because you called me in a drunken stupor." He replied, watching with satisfaction as she slowly drank the water. His eyes are on fire, and he is clearly furious but the actions he does say otherwise. He tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear, and gets up. He takes her hand and lifts her up, and when she can't stand steadily he lifts her up again. "Close your eyes. You will spin if you don't." he says, cradling her with little work. "I would punish you, but I think your morning tomorrow is going to be punishment enough." He says, taking her outside and going to his vehicle that was parked quite convenietly close. He holds her up with one arm, and uses his free hand to open the passenger door as he lays in her tenderly. "I'm going to grab your purse. Did you have a jacket?" She shakes her head dizzily. He frowns at her, but lets it go as he runs inside and grabs it setting it in the back. Once they were in the vehicle, he goes to his stunning three story mansion. She was pretty tired, and it wouldn't be long until she zonked out. It would be good, she needed rest. Leaving her clutch, he tucks his keys in his pockets and picks her up again holding her up as he opened the door. Slipping off his dirtied shoes before he got in, Jace carries her up the stairs. He didn't allow people, especially women to enter his home. That was what his pad was for, but he takes her into his room and sets her on his massive bed as he undoes her heels. "Sit up." He orders, and when she obeys still foggily he unzips the back of her dress and pulls it up. "Put your arms up." He says, pulling it over her head leaving her in just her undergarments. He sets her shoes and her dress in a bag, as he takes off his stained clothing from split booze as well to put in the bag. Hank would have to take that to the dry cleaners tomorrow early in the morning. Jace grabs his dress shirt from this morning that was strewn on his bed. Taking it, he slips it over her back and when she puts her arms through the sleeve he starts to button it up to give her some sense of modesty. He looks down at her, and notices her watching him. "We will talk in the morning. Go to bed." he says, opening the covers to invite her to lay down.

    @ Jinx...
    June 22nd, 2017 at 08:00pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie stands as he takes her hand. She never realized before what big hands he had until they where on her. She wobbles and he picks her up into his arms bridal style. She blushes again and lays her head on his shoulder listening to him as he instruct her to close her eyes but unlike most times he gives her a reason. Addie looks at him as he said he would punish her but regrets opening her eyes and closes them again the dizzy feeling disputing. She had no idea what he was talking about and she was sure in the morning she would feel it. Addie looked up at Jace as he sets her in the car and then runs back for her purse. She struggles to buckle in before finally getting it in the right whole and she sighs resting back in his car watching as he came back. She watched out the window as sky risers pass by as they drive. The city was beautiful. They stopped in front of a building that was particularly impressive. He parked in a spot and got out picking her up again. When in the elevator she listened to his heart beating as they got to their stop. He then walked in and slipped off his shoes. She closes her eyes as she feels him take her up the stairs and she feels the comfort of the bed under her. She felt his fingers on her ankles taking off her heels then he tells her to sit up and she looks up at him. Slowly Addie sits up and she shivers as his hand trails down her zipper. She closes her eyes but her eyes pop open and widen as he starts to pull her tight fitting dress off her. She blushes as she puts her hands in the air. He strips off the dress and then watches as he moves about undressing. He really was a gorgeous as he seemed. She watches as Jace putts her slowly into his shirt. She looks down at his hands as he starts to button her up. She bits her lip and then looks up at him as he said they would talk in the morning. She nodded sure he was going to scold her then. He opens the sheets and she slips into them feeling the softness of them on her bare legs and she squirms a moment before she is complexly comfortable. Her hair fans out over the pillow and she closes her eyes as she tucks a hand under the pillow the other laying on her hip. She was suddenly asleep the comfort of the bed having pulled her into it. Addie slept like a log until the morning sun peeked through the cracks in the curtains and shinned on her face. She groaned and rolled over burying her face in the pillow. She stretched out before rolling over again and sat up. She looked around blinking and blushed. She was not i her own bed and it wasn't Rikki's bed so that meant it had to be true. Jace had come and picked her up last night and took care of her. She looked around and saw two aspirins on the beside beside her and some orange juice. She reached over and took both sipping the orange juice and sighing as she finished half of it before setting it down. It felt wonderful to drink orange juice. Her head was pounding and she had to shield her eyes from the sun a little but she was actually feeling much better than she expected.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 08:29pm
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Adaline, when are you ever going to stop tempting me with that lip?" he whispers, as she bites her lip and lays down snuggling in comfortably in the large bed. He pulls the incredibly soft white satin sheet on top of her small body in comparison to the size of the bed, and he stays for a moment after she closes her eyes before cleaning up and putting on some pajama pants. He goes over to his nightstand, being quiet as he opens it. Throwing a few pills in his palms, he takes them with a glass of water that stood on the dresser. Her body was so still, her chest rising and falling as she was sound asleep. Jace debates on sleeping in the spare room, but decides against it. He hadn't slept with a women since he was a child in the same bed, and the thought was so abnormal to him. He lifts open the covers on the other side, the high ceiling and enormously sized room suddenly appearing even larger with her small body against the interior. Getting in, he turns away from her and reaches over to use the light panel by his nightstand that automatically turned off the lights in the entire house, as it would take much too long to individually turn off the lights in each room. Closing his eyes, he shivers at the thought of another nightmare that was as restless as the one he had the night before. Slowly, he drifts into unconsciousness.


    It doesn't take long for Jace to awaken in the middle of the night. The clock on his nightstand reads 6:23. He lays in bed for a moment, and can hear soft breathing beside him. He hadn't slept for 6 hours straight without disturbance in at least 2 years. Jace rolls over, and watches her. Her lips were parted as she breathed, and her hair flattened against the pillow.He blinks, finding the sight of her sleeping so fascinating. Carefully, he rolls out of bed and brushes a stray strand from her cheek. Hopping into the shower in the bathroom across the hall rather then his shower in fear of waking her, he cleans up as usual and looks as dashing as he always did. Jace runs his hands through his hair ruffling it until he liked it, before changing into a classic navy blue suit that complimented his eyes. Jace heads back into his room, and seeing she was still asleep, he left some aspirin and a juice for her. Going down the stairs, Jace brings out a frying pan and starts to fry some eggs and bacon as he starts a pot of coffee.

    @ Jinx...
    June 23rd, 2017 at 12:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie looks around and then slowly sits up. She looked down at the shirt she was in noticing she was practically naked. It was more than anyone saw unless she was getting in the pool but that was different. She blushed hardly remembering last night but a few things stood out in her mind. She remembered Jace's fantastic body and how he buttoned up her shirt. She wondered if anything happened but doubted it did. The night was foggy at best but Jace her been there and had been really sweet to her. She blushed as she got up. She walked into the bathroom and looked around. Her eyes widened as she took in the amazing bathroom attached to the stunning bedroom. Addie took care of her necessities in the bathroom and used a little dixi cup to use some of the mouthwash because she was feeling pretty gross. When she came out she felt a lot better and she walked down the stairs her hair still damp. she hoped he didn't mind she cleaned up a little. She had rested peaking around knowing he liked his privacy but she had needed to find a spare towel not wanting to use his. Once she came dow the stairs to see him all dressed in his suit she wondered if he ever had a day off. Addie walked up silently and slipped into one of the chairs so when Jace turned he saw her and she blushed as his eyes landed on her. "Hello." she said softly and smiled at him. She was feeling pretty amazed to be in what she assumed was Jace's apartment, if that was even the right word for it. His apartment seemed more like some kind of a house stuck at the top of a sky scraper. Addie didn't realize it was nearly 8:30 and she was sitting down before him just as the food and everything was done. She smiled gently at him. "Jace... I'm sorry Mr. Evans thank you again for taking care of me last night and I am really sorry about my behavior." she said and looked down. Addie was still in his shirt not having seen a change of cloths and she felt a little exposed. Yet she was also really comfortable around Jace.
    June 23rd, 2017 at 10:44am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Jace puts the bacon and eggs on two white plates, and when he turned around to set it on the large rectangular island she was sitting in one of his bar stools. He looks at her, and sets down the plate. "Good morning, Adaline." He says in a low tone. "How are you feeling? I'm hoping you took the aspirin I left for you." he says, the anger of last night seeming to be gone as he was just Jace again, always calm and polite and so contained. It was both a surprising change of atmosphere and also a little daunting. "Did you eat after I dropped you off before you went to get wasted?" He says accusingly. "You need to eat breakfast." He says, using a fork to put a couple eggs and some back on it. He slides it over to her with the fork on the side of the plate. "Eat." He orders, putting some on another plate for himself as he watches her. "I don't think sorry will bring me new shoes." He says with an wry barely visible smile, wondering if she remembered it. His eyes are twinkling with humor, but it fades when he realizes her hair is wet. "Did you shower? You need to dry your hair." He says with charge. "Wet hair can cause you to get sick." He says.

    @ Jinx...
    June 24th, 2017 at 01:03am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    "Good morning. I'm feeling better than I deserve." Addie said and blushed. "I did take them and drank most the orange juice too thank you." she said. He asked if she ate after he dropped her off and she shrugged. "A little throughout the night." she said knowing if he knew exactly what she ate and how much he would be pissed, well more pissed. He seemed upset she was drunk. He set the food in front of her and she smiled. "Thank you." she said feeling starving. She took a bite as he ordered her to and she sat back looking up at him. He looked like he was teasing her but the fact was she probably couldn't afford his kind of new shoes. "Sorry." she said between bites. When he looks at her hair she frowned. He was always so worried about her. Maybe if she had wet hair for a week and it compromised her body temperature she would get sick but her hair was only damp and would dry soon anyways. "I did, I towel dried it." she said and blushed. "It will dry soon, please don't worry. "This is really good." she said and took another bite and sighed feeling relaxed there in his kitchen still half naked and him bugging her about her hair. She thought it was almost normal, except nothing about this really was. Addie took a bite out of her bacon and groaned softly her eyes fluttering. There was something about bacon when you had a hangover, even as slight a one as she had.
    June 24th, 2017 at 07:26am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "Good." he said, grabbing a dishtowel and wiping down the counter as he set the pans in a fancy contraction that resembled a strange but expensive looking dishwasher. "You need to have a full meal. Especially if you plan to go out drinking." Jace puts the towel in the sink as he turns around to face her. "Which I hope you don't do again anytime soon." he gives her a glowering look, one that scolded her without him having to physically express it. "I hope you are more then sorry, not about my shoes but about how you endangered your life last night. You were barely conscious, Adaline. Something could have happened to you." he said, displeasure in his voice as he spoke to her. "After that performance you put on, you are lucky that I am only scolding you." He says with a dark look, his handsome face seeming much more clean cut in the light. He walks over to her as he stands in front of, and he notices the blush on her face. "What is it this time?" He says with bewilderment, running the back of his fingertips down her cheek gently feeling the heat of them before he grabs a strand of her hair slowly, and feels that it is slightly damp. "There is a blow dryer in the top middle drawer of the bathroom. Come with me." He says. "You can finish your food after. I don't want you to get ill." He takes her hand without her consent, holding it softly in his large one as she follows him. He takes her up the beautiful grand staircase, and into the main bathroom rather then the master one. Knowingly, he opens the top drawer and pulls out a hairdryer. "Sit here." He says, patting on the Jacuzzi bathtubs edge. His eyes looked down her legs and back up to her eyes, and he gives her a soft rare smile liking the way the oversized shirt fit on her. "That looks much better on you." He compliments.
    June 24th, 2017 at 09:21am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie blushed. "It's not something I do often." she said and looked down and then took another bite of her food. She sighed as he continued to punish her for her actions last night. "I know it could have ben very bad if you hadn't showed up. I got lucky and I won't do that again." she said. He said she was lucky he was only scolding her and she frowned. "You've said that more than once, what are you talking about?" she asked him softly her head tilted slightly as she tried to understand. When he comes over and points out her blush it only makes her blush harder and she bit her lip a second before she answered. "I was feeling sheepish telling you about my showering habits." she said. It was normal for her to let her hair air dry. Jace told her to come with him and she looked at her food and he told her to go back to it later. She sighed and took a piece of bacon walking with him. She finished the bacon my the time they got to the bathroom and he told her where to sit. She blushed and sat down looking up at him with he hair dryer. Jace stood in front of her and looked her over. She blushed as he complimented her. "I don't know you fill it out quite well yourself." she said and blushed not believing that had actually just come out of her mouth and she looked down grinning. Addie smiled up at him softly. She wondered what he was going to do now. He had that silly blowdryer in his hand and yet he was looking at her like it wasn't a blowdryer he wanted to be using on her with completely perplexed her.
    June 24th, 2017 at 07:45pm
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    June 24th, 2017 at 08:48pm
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Jace gives her a mysterious look, not wanting her to know. She had no right to know, and he didn't want to scare her. "I mean what I said." he replies. "You are lucky you aren't mine." Jace brushes off her questions as he always does so naturally, and runs his fingers through her hair separating any small knots before he takes off his jacket leaving him in his linen shirt and collar as he pulls up the cuffs. "You are only in a shirt. Your wet hair can compromise your immune system when you are cold." He says, turning on the hair dryer as he waves it around her head the hair losing moisture from the heat. When he is satisfied, he turns off the dryer, unplugs it and rolls the wire around the head of the dryer as he sets it back in the top drawer. His eyes smile. "Are you trying to buy some points from that compliment, Ms. Laurent?" He says playfully with a hint of a tease. "I can't say it's not working." Jace offers his hand again. "Come on. You should finish your breakfast. Hank should be back soon, he is going to get you some clean garments." Jace says, finding her so fucking enchanting. She held such a inspiring virtue that he just couldn't stay away from, and she was so that he didn't want to taint her integrity with whatever hew as. As much as he would like to whisp her away and have her for himself, he knew it was wrong of him. And if he couldn't stay away, then she would have to. They enter back into the kitchen, and Jace finishes his breakfast before checking in on her. "You need to finish your breakfast." he reminds.

    @ Jinx...
    June 24th, 2017 at 08:54pm
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie shook her head. "That's not for you to decide." she said under her breath. When Jace runs his hand through her hair she shivers with delight and closes her eyes. He takes of his jacket and rolls up his sleeves and she smiled watching him. There was something sexy about a man with his sleeves rolled up. She looked up at him as he scolds her none the less on her damp hair. When he plays with her hair to get it all dry under the dryer she smiles gently as she rests there letting him make her hair dry. This was sweet and amazing, she couldn't explain why it touched her so much. His smiling eyes made her feel easy and light. He asks if she trying to score brownie points and she chuckles not answering. She had only intended to say the true but she would take any bonuses with him especially after last night. "Oh thank you." she said and stood following him down to the kitchen. She didn't know how they would get into her apartment though. What she didn't know was that Hank was getting her new cloths. Addie followed him back to the kitchen and sat down and popped some more eggs into her mouth and took a sip of the coffee he offered her. She made a funny face and giggled. "Do you have any creamer?" she asked him liking her coffee sweet and creamy. Addie grinned as he told her she needed to finish everything he had dished her. "Yes Sir." she said sarcastically watching his eyes darken and it sent her stomach twisting with delight. She quickly shoved another bite into her mouth. It wasn't much longer until she had finished everything feeling pretty full. She pressed a hand to her stomach. "Wow." she said and shook her head. "You gave me a little to much." she said and then stretched out her legs seeming to go for miles from under the shirt. "Mr. Evans you really are a conundrum. I am usually very good at reading people but you change like the wind." she said and smiled at him. "But you like it that way don't you? It keeps people away from you." she said and giggled softly. "The only problem is you seem to have run into someone that likes the challenge of a good mystery." she said and shook her head blushing.
    June 25th, 2017 at 03:59am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    Jace looks in the direction of his fancy fridge when she asks for creamer. "It depends on if Adora has restocked it." He says, getting up as he opens the fridge. He ponders the inside of it, looking for some creamer. "I'm afraid my girlfriend hasn't had the chance to buy some more. We have milk if you would like some." he says, a playful spark in his eye referring to her previous misunderstanding that Adora was his girlfriend. "Adora must be too busy with girlfriend duties to fill the fridge." he says with all seriousness and no sarcasm that it was hard to find it not funny. Jace takes out a container of milk, and sets it on the table as he refills his cup with his dark roast coffee. Taking a sip of it, he sits back down in front of her. At his reminder to finish her meal, he is surprised of her compliance that didn't follow with a comment or regard to how independent she was. Jace looks down at her, satisfied. The sound of her saying 'sir' was just as exhilarating the first time she said it, and he didn't even try to hide his veneration as his eyes darken and muscles tensed. Fuck, she did things to him and he hated that he couldn't stay away. She made him want to throw everything away, all the rules he had made to himself and everything that he had ever pledged to. But he doesn't. And instead, he takes her plate and sets it in the sink as he puts a few items away in the fridge. Walking back to her with a natural dominant strut, he sits back in front of her and focuses on the details of her face enjoying her company. He bites his tongue to refrain from wanting to slip it into her pretty mouth. He imagined her tasting so sweet. Then, she speaks and every word she says is so right. "I could say the same about you, Ms. Laurent. You give nothing away. I am captivated by your mystery." Jace is still watching her, and when she blushes he gives her a content look. "That is why I like it when you blush and look at me. It gives me an indication of what you are thinking." Jace quirks an eyebrow at her as she speaks of him. "I am a private person, Ms. Laurent." He says intelligibly. "And I would prefer to keep it that way."

    @ Jinx...
    June 25th, 2017 at 09:43am
  • Jinx...

    Jinx... (100)

    United States
    Addie giggled as he made a joke. "Why Mr. Evans it seems you do have some humor." she said pleasantly surprised. She chuckled and nodded as he suggested milk. "And sugar please." she said and thanked him as he set both in front of her. She fixed her coffee up and then sighed as she relaxed watching him take away her plate. She could tell by the way he was standing something she had said got to him. When he walked towards her she felt her breath inhale with desire then she relaxed until he looks at her with such intensity. When he said she was just as mysterious she giggled. ""Nothing Mr. Evans? I think that I am pretty much an open book, all you have to do is ask and one way or another I am pretty sure you will find the answers you are looking for." she said and smiled gently at him glad that he liked to look at her. She smiled gently. "I am glad that I can help you to understand me." Addie said and sighed as he reminded her about his privacy. "Yes Mr. Evans I know but as I have already signed your nondisclosure agreement from work I don't think that you have anything to worry about from me. Besides I do believe I know something about you that no one else in your entire building at Evan Corporations would ever be able to ever guess at in a million years with three hints." she said and blushed. "Of course that's our secrete." she said and crossed her legs. She was more than a little feisty this morning even as she was being accommodating. Addie looked up at him. "I'm sorry Sir but you don't scare me like you do nearly everyone else. I think you know that and it scares you. You won't scare me off, I don't scare easy." she said and looked up at him wondering if she scared him with all her big talk.
    June 25th, 2017 at 10:10am
  • bubblybee

    bubblybee (100)

    United States
    "No, Adaline. You are a mystery, and despite the blushing and eye rolling you don't give much away about yourself. I like the way you hold your morality." he explains, seeing the desire in her eyes. She looks back at him feircely, and Jace has to stop and count to ten in his head to try and stay focused. "I'm working on it. But I do think you need to stop searching for me." Jace says, realizing her motives. "Some things are rather kept private then spoken. That non disclosure agreement is for work related business. We are not at work." Jace feels a sense of threat as she says she knows something about him. He narrows his eyes at her in irritation. She didn't think he could scare her away? "Adaline. Please be careful about what you say." He says with concern. Jace shakes his head at her with genuine distress. "You need to keep your distance from me. I have nothing that you could possibly ever want. And because I can't stay away, you need to." Jace parts his lips, looking so torn and wounded. His eyes are gleaming in the light. The quiet still silence is interrupted by his vibrating phone. Jace pulls it out, and snaps it out angrily. Looking at the name, Jace instantly collects himself. "Hank." He greets, as Hank's voice floods out. "Yes, thank you. Just leave it at the door." Jace hangs up the phone, as he heads towards the front door away from view. When he comes back, he is holding an shopping bag. "A package for you." He says, setting the bag on the table standing over her. Her hair smelled of a mix of his expensive shampoo and her scent. Jace lets out a breath, and the proximity of them is so short that everything they inhaled was shared. "You smell of me." He says.
    June 25th, 2017 at 10:48am