Of Our Fates

  • "My father is a murderer," he mumbled as he shook his head, "Everyones talking about it," he said to her.

    "I don't know how to be a wife," she said as she looked at him, "I basically raised myself, my mother died when I was very young," she said to him.
    June 4th, 2017 at 03:30pm
  • "Oh," She said before continuing to walk. "Well that's a shame, you've probably experienced a lot of sadness and difficulties from that," She said to him.
    "I don't know how to be a husband, in fact I found I was expected to be a husband just a few days ago," He shrugged. "So I have no expectations from you whatsoever."
    June 4th, 2017 at 03:39pm
  • The day of the wedding Lily was dressed in a lace white dress, and her hair was pinned up with flowers adorning it, his mother fawned over her and it was foreign to her to feel this kind of warm affection from someone. "It's time," his younger sister giggled, and just like that she became a wife - fifteen minutes at an alter speaking vows to a man she'd just met and suddenly she was his wife. Lily was sat at a table with Jinyoung by her side, his mother had filled her in the night before about the consummation ritual - and she wasn't naive she knew about intimacy between men and women; but she didn't ever expect it to happen to her. She sipped her wine then looked to him, "It's a lot louder than I anticipated,"
    Chanyeol sighed as he instructed the movers to put the bunk beds two to a room," Just down the hall - bring the mattresses in last," he said as he pushed some hair off his forehead. He walked over opening the windows to let some wind in then smiled. "It was perfect.
    June 4th, 2017 at 03:55pm
  • Mariana walked by the building that Chanyeol had told her about days before. She was on the way to the market but she figured she would look to see what was happening inside. She took a few steps toward the door when a window opened and Chanyeol looked out. "Oh, hello," She smiled, waving a bit. I see you've been busy,"
    Jinyoung sighed. "My family invited the entire town no doubt they'll be loud,"He sighed. He wasn't sure what to make of any of this. He didn't know her and he knew what they were expected to do that night but he didn't really want to. The entire situation was foreign to him.
    June 4th, 2017 at 03:59pm
  • She nodded a little, "Hm, seems like a bit of ale is being passed around - but I don't suspect they need a wedding as a reason to drink maybe to drink for free though," she said thoughtfully as she laughed a little then sipped her wine.

    He smiled a little, "Come in, check the place out it's almost done," he said as he motioned for her to come on up. He moved from the window and jogged down the stairs to the main lobby area.
    June 4th, 2017 at 04:07pm
  • She walked into the building, stepping to the side as two men carried mattresses by her. She looked up as he came over, smiling a bit. "Well I'm quite impressed, it's almost a new building," She said to him as she looked around.
    He groaned and rubbed his face. He felt powerless and it bothered him, of course at no ones fault but his parents. He wished he could have found and courted someone on his own but even thay was taken from him.
    June 5th, 2017 at 03:09am
  • She sighed a little as she looked at her hands then chewed on her lip - soon enough people started leaving and her nerves were on edge. Lily didn't want the night to end, and not in a good way either - she didn't want to lay in bed with a man who didn't want her, a man she knew practically nothing about.
    He smiled a little as he looked at her, "The first floor can house about eight children and twenty infants to toddlers," he said as he looked around, "the kitchen is well equipped and I've made deals with local farmers to help with getting them started on their own crops. "Ten percent discount on shipping,"
    June 5th, 2017 at 03:53am
  • "And Mr. Darber? No doubt he wasn't happy about this, how will you convince him to let the children go?" She asked curiously. "It's amazing, those children will have a brand new life to live in here."
    He stood and turned to her. "We should leave," He said, noticing a look from his parents. "The carriage is outside for us."
    June 5th, 2017 at 04:21am
  • "Not giving him a choice, threatened to sick my mother on him with the details of the care the children have. " he sighed, "and I kind of had a friend take care of him... hes not dead dont worry just.. not here," he laughed a bit then sighed.

    Looking to him she nodded a little then stood from her seat, "Of course," she murmured gently and looked to him, the party was over much too soon for her liking.
    June 5th, 2017 at 04:25am
  • She looked at him for a second. "Chanyeol, should I be afraid of you?" She asked curiously. She asked one of her close friends what she knew about him and what she thought and she heard things she wasn't sure about.
    He headed out and held his hand out to help her into the carriage. He wasn't looking forward to what was to come and he was scared if he was being honest. He had never had to do this, now he had a wife he was married to.
    June 5th, 2017 at 05:08am
  • She took his hand and climbed into the carriage, she couldn't even bring herself to look at him - was this how every marriage begun? Both not wanting to consummate their marriage? It happened without realizing but she wiped her eyes then let out a breath. "Will they know if we don't?" she asked him softly.
    He laughed again, "No no, I'm harmless really," he said to her smiling a little, "I was wondering if your family was willing to part with any cuttings from your orchard - planting them here would sustain them with some fruit in a couple of years,"
    June 5th, 2017 at 01:24pm
  • "No they won't because we will lie." He said softly. "They can force us to marry but there are somethings I will not be forced to do. I won't force myself on a woman ever, and I think we'll both be more comfortable sleeping the same way we woke up."
    She nodded. "I don't see why not, I can ask my father and I'm sure he would be happy to help support the orphanage," She smiled a little.
    June 5th, 2017 at 01:38pm
  • She nodded a little as she let out a breath of relief before looking at her hands. Her night got a little better but she knew eventually that they would expect a child to come of their activities.

    He nodded a little and smiled, "That would be fantastic, the sooner they can become self sustaining the better - it'll teach the kids work ethic as well," he said to her smiling a bit, "I'll be over seeing it for the most part - making sure they're not treated badly," he said sighing.
    June 5th, 2017 at 01:42pm
  • She nodded. "Of course, I'll ask tonight," She said to him. "I'm sure my father would be happy to help you," She said as she began to walk around. It looked like a new building. "So I'm excited to see how the children react."
    He sighed as he began to drive up the hill to their new home. He lead the horse to the mini stable and sighed, climbing out and turning to her. "Come along, you can take one of the spare rooms if you're comfortable," He said softly.
    June 7th, 2017 at 02:36am
  • Lily nodded a little as she looked at him,"That is fine," she said gently as she wrapped her arms around herself then looked to him, "Do you prefer anything particular for breakfast?"

    He smiled a little, "Thats great, it'll help a lot," he said as he sighed, "I'm hoping to make a difference, make them adoptable for one," he said to her sighing.
    June 7th, 2017 at 02:43am
  • "I plan to wake early, I can prepare breakfast for us," He said softly. "It's been a long day we should rest," He said to her. "Is there anything you need?"
    "You're a good man, what you're doing for these children is amazing," She smiled a little. "Do you happen to know any of the children personally?"
    June 7th, 2017 at 02:59am
  • She shook her head a little as she smiled weakly, "Goodnight Jinyoung," she said to him lightly as she looked down for a moment - she wondered if she'd ever be truly happy. Would they come to love one another one day? OR would they live in separate rooms forever?
    He smiled a little and nodded,"I know a few of them," he said to her lightly, "this way I can make sure they get good homes,"
    June 7th, 2017 at 03:02am
  • She stood out in the field in front of her home, noticing Chanyeol coming up to the house. "Hello, Chanyeol. Are you here to pick up more fruit?" She asked curiously. Her father was more than willing to help the orphanage but was hesitant of the reason behind Chnyeols interest in it. He didn't entirely trust him and he made it clear to her. She didn't care however, she enjoyed speaking to him when he came around.
    Jinyoung sighed, stirring the pot on the fire and toasting the bread. He was tired, he didn't sleep much if at all for reasons he didn't understand. He wanted to get a head start on the work he needed to do with the animals, since they now jeeeed to grow their own food.
    June 7th, 2017 at 03:32am
  • Lily walked out of her room and pushed a hand through her hair as she sighed a bit, "Good morning," she murmured as she inhaled the smell of food.

    He nodded a little and smiled,"The kids really enjoyed the fruit the last time so I'm excited to bring them more I might be by weekly," he said to her honestly.
    June 7th, 2017 at 03:36am
  • "My father will be pleased to hear it," She smiled a little. "I'm happy things are working well I know this meant a lot to you."
    He nodded and quickly made plates for the both of them. "I hope you like it, its beef stew," He explained.
    June 7th, 2017 at 03:58am