Abusing Authority

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian listened to her questioned before he stopped in front of the marketing door. Placing his hand on the door he stopped and looked at her, "I'm showing you." He informed her, before opening the door. Letting her walk in before himself. The first thing seen on the wall opposite of the door is three large canvases, each one of them holding a different design on them. "This is marketing." He smiled at her. "They are the brains behind selling merch." He informed her. "But we're here for that." He pointed at the three canvases. "We not only have to decided what one fits the cd, but catches the customers eyes, and also cost efficient." He informed her. "Its just part of making the album come to life." He informed her.
    Lexie frowned before entering the school, she could feel her high fading as her nerves were getting the best of her. She was trying to play it off that everything was fine. But since Matt had kissed her yesterday she was on edge. She didn't know if today she could keep up with the façade of outcast. Tugging on her sweater she entered Mr. Sanders classroom. She knew that if she looked at him her resolve would crumble. She'd practically ran out of here yesterday, so it was a feet in its self to come back. Keeping her eyes from his she watched as he passed out the test from the other day. Hearing Mr. Sanders questioned she knew he was in for a shit storm today. "Yeah." Mel said, "how did Lexi get a hire grade than me when I copied her answers." She said, before laughing. Lexie looked at her friend, before laughing knowing that their was no way she'd copied her answers. Mel was just trying to start shit for him. Lexie peaked up at Mr. Sanders. She knew his attention would be on Mel.
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:19am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Luna bit her bottom lip lightly as he opened the door. She walked inside with him, listening to what he said. She looked at the canvases in front of then, "Do you have an idea of which one you prefer?" She asked, looking back at him. Her eyes were already drifting to the one in the middle the most, but she wanted to see if Brian had different ideas. "Personally, I like the one in the middle." She said, standing in front of him. She let her eyes look over the others as well. She never even considered this part of the job, but she liked it. Luna still found herself looking at the one in the middle.

    Matt looked at Lexie's friend, "Well if you want to openly admit to cheating i can always make your grade worse." He said, seeing the girl stare at the ground. Matt looked over, seeing Lexie was looking at him. He probably traumatized the poor girl. Matt looked at the class, "Alright let's move on." He said before starting the next lesson. When class ended he sat at his desk and sighed as he ran his hand over his face. He looked over as Lexie gathered her thing, "Lexie, can i talk to you please?" He asked. He waited til they were alone and stood up, walking over to her. "I just want to make sure you are okay after yesterday." He said.
    June 18th, 2017 at 05:00pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian smiled at her, "my opinion doesn't matter." He informed her after listening to her opinion. "These are the three top picked by the band, so any of them will please them." He smiled at her, he knew her opinion was important because she was the age of their target customer. Granted they might not all like the same stuff, but it drew her eye in. He watched her admire the artwork, it was almost like she was his artwork. "Thank you." He smiled at one of the guys who handed him a report. "So going over these numbers, you'll find the one on the left will save us the most money to make." He showed her the paper. "The one on the right will not only lose us money but it's costly. Though the one in the middle will make us the most profit but still its costly to make as well." He told her, "so my question to you is, should we risk the investment and go with the one in the middle or play it safe with the left one?" He asked her, because music taste changes daily, on moment a band is at the top of its game the next it's who are they? With bands that have been around a long time its safer to put the investment into, so really asking her this question there wasn't a wrong answer. He just wondered if she'd take the risk.
    Lexie cursed under her breath hearing him call her out again. She'd managed to sit through his class with out making smartass remarks like always. So she wasn't getting detention from him today, it would be nice to get out on time and do something with her friends. Making her trek to his desk she paused watching the others leave the classroom, almost wincing when the door slammed shut. Lifting her eyes she wished her high hadn't wore off as quickly as it did. "I'm fine Mr. Sander." She told him, it was just a kiss yet he was treating it like they'd fucked or something. Though the thought did cross her mind what would have happened if neither of them stopped it. It kept her up most of the night, thinking of how his lips would feel all over her body. She'd woken up bothered and wondering if getting detention today would be worth it, but she figured since he told her to leave that he hadn't wanted it. So now she'd just leave it alone, and admire him from a far.
    June 18th, 2017 at 09:45pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Luna looked at the paper in his hands as he explained everything about the album covers. She looked back at them, “I would go with the one in the middle.” She said, looking at him. It was more eye catching than the other two. She figured if it was her that was the one she would grab. “Is that the one you like?” She asked him. She was very curious about what he thought about them. She knew most of this was a test, but it was fun. It was better than anything else she could have been doing. Luna had to assume that they also had a way to promote the band’s new album as well. She looked at the paper in his hand, then looked up at him. She couldn’t get over how attractive he was. He just had eyes that you could get lost in. The fact that he was older just made him more appealing to Luna. She had never liked guys her own age.
    Matt sighed, “It’s not that I didn’t like it.” He said, “You are just…you’re my student and I could get in a lot of trouble.” He said, looking at her. In that moment, he kind of felt like it was worth getting in trouble. There was something about her nervousness that made him want her more. He looked over at the door, knowing they had about five minutes. He looked back at her then placed his hand on her cheek and kissed her roughly again. His arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her body against his. His mind was screaming for him to stop, but his body had other ideas. He pulled away, looking down at her. He ran his fingers through her hair, “You are going to be late for class.” He said as he stepped back from her.
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:09pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian smiled down at her, his eyes locking with hers. Nodding to the door, he quickly exited. Holding the door for her to follow him. He chose to ignore her question, just as he had before. It wasn't that he was a private man, he was more business than personal so he's opinion on the covers didn't matter. Pressing the button to call the elevator he turned looking down at her. "You asked me early what I do beside recording, is that because you're interested in me or the job?" He asked, it said great thing about some one when they could differences the person from the job. But at the same time, this was his life. He didn't do a lot out side of work, and he knew that if he told her that she wouldn't believe him. He didn't have a girl friend and event were the only social life he chose to have. When he felt the need to get laid he'd go find someone, but those weren't conversations he was having with this young beautiful girl. Licking over his lips he motioned her into the elevator. Knowing it was going to be hell making it to the top floor.
    Lexie's head jerked up when he confessed he'd like kissing her, listening to him ramble she shrugged not caring if it could get him in trouble or not. She wasn't forcing this on him, he'd kissed her. And honestly she was scared shitless someone would walk through the door and catch them discussing this. Though it was like he'd read her mind, he's eyes trailed to the door. Watching him she wondered if it was okay to leave, he'd confessed to liking kissing her. It wasn't like he was down on one knee confessing his undying love for her. It wouldn't happen. She froze when he pinned her with his gaze, his hand coming up to cup her face. She felt like all the air had been sucked from her lung the moment his lips met hers. He wasn't allowing her any time to think as his kiss was rough and demanding. She felt her bag slip off her shoulder, hitting the ground she didn't pay any attention to it, as he hands slid up his chest. Getting lost in the kiss and he pulled her to him. It was something she thought would never happen again. And this time she wasn't about to let it pass with out enjoying every second of it. Though it ended to soon. Licking over her lips she grabbed her bag hearing him tell her to get to class. "Yes sir." She whispered softly, almost purring at him.
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:29pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna followed him to the elvator, "I mean I guess a little of both." She answered. "If im working with you i should probably know something about you." She said smiling as they walked into the elevator. She watched as he hit the button to go to the top floor..She wondered what else he had to show her. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she felt him looking at her.


    Matt smirked and walked with her to the door. He opened the door and let her leave. He sighed as the next class started to file in. He sat at his desk and began class once everyone was seated. He couldnt get his mind off of Lexie as his day went on. He started to gather his things once the school day was over. He put his things in a bag and sighed

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:43pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brain listen to her explain what her thoughts were. It was weird having a young woman put him on his toes. But who was he kidding any woman could put him on his toes if she did just the right things. Say bending over him in a short skirt would work. His mind was still riveting over that. He couldn't help but look at her as they rode the elevator in silences. Was it just him or did she feel the tension building in the small box, it was electrifying. His thoughts were a jumbled mess of wanting to fuck her against the wall. But he knew the cameras would catch everything and he couldn't afford that footage to leak. Licking over his lips he cleared his throat before forcing himself to look away. "This job is really all I do." He informed her, he liked going surfing and sailing but those were only once every blue moon. Or if he had a good reason to do so.
    Lexie drummed her pencil on her desk waiting for class to end, she'd managed to go an entire day without getting detention. Tate had bet her that she couldn't' do it after she'd left Mr. Sanders class. So now he had to pay up, he owed her a fat doobie. Hearing the bell she grabbed her bag and darted out of the door. Moving down the hall way to her locker. Smirking when she ran into Tate. "Pay up bitch." She smirked at him. Watching him roll his eyes, he handed her a five dollar bill. Smirking she new that the folded bill was just a mask for the joint inside. "Come on let hit lot." She said before pocketing the money and joint. She was wanted to get high, and figured she'd be a good friend and share. "Can't I got detention with Mr. Carver." He told her closing his locker door. "Fuck you suck." She said shaking her head, before exiting the building. She moved around the school her eyes searching the crowds of people leaving. She was looking for Mel, since Ally was sick today. Frowning she wondered where friend had went. Sighing she darted back inside, she wondered if she'd gotten detention and she didn't know it. Moving through the building she frown turning down an empty hall. She wasn't their either.
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:59pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Luna looked at him, "There is nothing wrong with that. You clearly enjoy your job." She said as she heard the ding of the elevator. Luna walked out with him and followed him to the next place. She was so happy because she had went into this job expecting to be getting coffee. Instead she was working with Brian.


    Matt got up and walked out of his room, surprised to see Lexie. "Shouldnt you be going home?" He teased her. Matt looked at her a moment, "Is something wrong?" He asked, noticing that she looked worried. Matt looked her over for a moment, wanting to kiss her again.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:16pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian brought her his office, setting down the paperwork from the album cover. "So we've recorded," they'd yet to finish the last song. "Art cover." He looked at her. "The next thing is to put it all together." He informed. "The booklet," he gave insight on what he meant. Sitting at his desk he, patted the wooden surface next to him. He wanted to show her really what all went into making a cd. He turned to his computer, before signing in and opening the right program he'd need.
    Lexie let out a soft gasp hearing his voice. Looking up at him she offered him a soft smile. "I was looking for Mel." She informed him, knowing that it wasn't that big of an issue to get a teacher involved. "She was suppose to meet me in the parking lot." She said, shrugging it off. She felt a bit awkward, not knowing how to act around him in public.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:41pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Luna moved over to where he was and leaned against his desk as she watched him work on the compute. She frowned when she heard a really annoying knock on the door. She rolled her eyes and walked over to the door. Luna opened and smiled as Emily looked at her, “He’s busy.” She said, watching as Emily stood there speechless. “Bye.” She said before she shut the door. She walked back over to Brian, “So what all do you have to do for this?” She asked him, going on with what they were doing. Something about Emily was just really annoying lately.
    Matt nodded, “Okay well I guess I will talk to you tomorrow.” He said. He stopped for a second, “Come with me.” He said, leading her back into his room. He walked in and shut his door. “Um…If this makes you uncomfortable just say so.” He said as he took her bag from her and set it down. He kissed her again then picked her up and set her on his desk. He moved between her legs and kissed along her neck. He didn’t really care in that moment if he got caught. He just wanted her.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:52pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian let out an annoyed sound hearing the knock though he sat there speechless when Luna handle the situation for him. Blinking he watched her return to her spot beside him. "You might want to make yourself comfortable." He informed her, "this program take a while to load." He said, watching as she perched herself on the edge of his desk. Licking over his lips, he turned looking down at the time on the screen of his computer, it was well after hours. "This program, once the fucker loads, will put all the lyrics and everything the booklet will need credit wise." He started explaining. "The job now is to pick a back ground, or just spruce it up a bit." He said turning his chair so he could face her, in the process his hand brushed her thigh.
    Lexie was shocked that Matt would even have the balls to try this in school. They'd kissed but nothing like this, a soft moan left her lip when he found a sweet spot on her neck. Her body arched into his touch, letting her hip roll into his. She closed her eyes allowing the moment to pull her in, nothing but his hands and lips were on her mind. Ever small touch or kiss had her aching for more. Moving her hands into his hair she pulled his lips up to her. Putting herself out there in the kiss, letting him know that she was okay with what ever this was, or where it was going.
    June 19th, 2017 at 12:07am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Luna sat on his desk, smiling as his hand brushed her thigh. She looked at his computer, seeing that it wasn't even close to being done. "I think we have some time to kill." She said laughing softly. She looked at him, her eyes meeting his. She was surprised that he was so close to her. "I really am enjoying this." She told him. She didn't think there was any way to express how thankful she was.


    Matt groaned as he felt her roll her hips against his. He knew he had to make this quick so he unbuttoned her shorts and pulled them down to her ankles. He kissed her again, his hand slipping into her panties and teasing her clit. "Fuck you are so hot." He moaned against her lips. He pulled her panties down and then unbuttoned his jeans. He pulled his dick out then laid her back, pulling her to the end of the desk. Matt ran his hands over her body then pushed her shirt up, exposing her bra. He kissed her chest, pulling her bra down, smirking as her breasts spilled out. He nipped at her nipples, then teased her again. Matt looked down at her before he thrust into her. "Fuck." He moaned as he felt how tight she was. He began to thrust faster once she got use to his size. Matt thrust harder, causing his desk to shake. He moaned as he gripped her hips.
    June 19th, 2017 at 03:47am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian smirked up at her, leaning further back in his chair. Her words running though his head, he was really enjoying this too. From where he was he could see right up her skirt, no it hadn't been his plan to perv on her while they were working. It just happened to work in his favor. "It seem like we do." He said, before crossing his arms over his chest. "You know somethings been bugging me since yesterday." He told her before leaning forward a bit. "How old are you?" He asked her, he watched as her face changed in shock.
    Lexie leaned back on her hand letting them gripped his desk. She smiled when started to undress her, she even arched into his touch letting out a moan from the pleasure. His lips finding her as if he was trying to keep her quite. Nibbling on her lip she watched as him as she laid back, her eyes taking in his size she was worried more about the pain it would cause. Feeling his lips on her skin soon had him forgetting she was even worried. Until he thrust in her, a loud hiss leaving her lips as she arched into him. She never felt so full, and he was stretching her to her limit. Her hands flew up to around his much larger frame, her nails clawing at the back of his shirt. Gripping at it tightly she rolled her hips to meet his thrust, earning a moan from him. She bit her lip harder as he started to pick up his pace, her eyes closing as she felt him all over her. Not being able to hold it back any more she arched off the desk letting soft moans leave her lips. She didn't want to be caught, but she felt to good to keep it bottle up. She knew that if he kept this up she'd cum, something she'd never done out side of doing it herself.
    June 19th, 2017 at 04:38am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Luna looked at him when he asked how old she was. "I'm eighteen, i will be nineteen in october." She said smiling at him. She couldn't help but get lost in his gaze. He just had a way of making her feel like he was focused on her and nothing else. "Why do you ask?" She asked him, tilting her head slightly. She liked that he was taking an interest in her. Luna let her hands rest in her lap as they talked.
    Matt moaned as he watched her body arch off the desk. He rubbed her clit as he began to thrust a little faster. "Cum for me baby." He breathed as he thrust. He kissed her roughly as  her orgasm washed over her. He wanted to make sure she wasn't so loud that someone would hear her. He moaned as he felt himself getting closer. He pulled out of her as he felt his climax getting closer. He stroked himself, moaning as he came on her stomach. He bit his bottom lip to keep quiet. "Fuck." He said, looking at her. He grabbed some napkins from his desk that he had and cleaned her off. He fixed his jeans, "Damn that was good." He said as he helped her up. He kissed her, placing his hands on her cheeks.
    June 19th, 2017 at 04:55am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian shook his head, smiling lightly, he leaned forward, putting himself closer to her. His breath washing over her legs as he looked up at her. "I'm curious," he smirked knowing his answer wouldn't satisfy her need to know the reason. He wondered how the hell a 18 year old knew half the things he did. He was shock, she definitely had a career here if she wanted it, he'd just have to open a spot. Though he wondered if she was really interested in the job or him. Both wouldn't be a bad thing. He just didn't know if sleeping with her would be a bad decision in the long run or not. Dropping his gaze he noticed her nervously playing with her skirt, placing his hand on top of hers he didn't even think. Once the contact was made he lifted his hooded gaze, taking in her looks. Moving his hand up into her hair he pulled her lips down to meet his. They way she sat on his desk and presented herself had him hard.
    Lexie moaned into Matt mouth feeling her body convulse, as he orgasm washed over her body. A soft gasp leaving her lips feeling a warm sensation hit her stomach. Looking down she noticed his semen sprayed across her body. Raising a brow she wondered why he didn't just ask to cum inside. She knew she was young but that didn't mean she wasn't on birth control. Her parent didn't want any little bastards running around. She didn't blame them she wasn't ready either. Panting she laid there feeling him cleaning her off. "Satisfied?" She questioned him, knowing this quickie might just be a hold over. She didn't like the idea of him fucking her then going and finding someone else. It was just how her brain worked. With his help she stood up, her body hurt in places she didn't know existed. Quickly fixing herself she licked over her lip, perching herself back on the edge of his desk. She wanted to know what the fuck was going on but she didn't even know where to begin.
    June 19th, 2017 at 05:17am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Luna paused when she felt his hand on hers. She kissed him back when he kissed her. She closed her eyes as she lost herself in the feeling of his lips on hers. She scooted a little closer to him, then pulled away looking at him. She looked down for a moment, seeing that he was hard  Luna got off the desk then moved to stand between his legs and kissed him again. She straddled his lap as her fingers moved through his hair. She moaned as she moved her hips against his. Luna had always been one to take guys when she wanted them.


    Matt looked at her and nodded, "Yea that was great." He said. He kissed her once more, running his fingers through her hair. "You really should get going." He said. Matt grabbed his bag, not wanting to get caught like this. He grabbed his keys, then opened his door when she was ready. He smirked as he looked down at her before they left. "I will see you tomorrow Lexie." He said, looking her body over once more.
    June 19th, 2017 at 05:25am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brian groaned out into the kiss when she sat on his lap. His hands moving down to her hips gripping them as he trusted up into them. He was so turned on by her it wasn't even fun. He didn't know what the fuck had come over him either, he knew the stupid skirt she was wearing was partly to blame for that. Nibbling on her lip he stood them up before, pushing the key board on his desk back, placing her ass down where it had been. Letting his hands glide up her legs he decided it would be too much work undressing her. Breaking the kiss he smirk at her, pulling her off the desk, her turned and bent her over it. It wasn't ideal but they both still got what they needed, moving his hands up her thighs he pushed her skirt up. He wasn't in the mood to play and she had proven she'd wanted this. He quickly unzipped his pants and pulled himself free, his thoughts strictly on fucking her. Reaching between her legs he pushed her underwear aside, lining himself up before burying himself in her. A moan leaving his lips as his thighs hit her ass.
    Lexie nodded her head, "yeah." She said softly, before clearing her throat. She quickly grabbed her bag, before exiting his classroom. "See you tomorrow Mr. Sanders." She told him before turning to leave the building, she shoved her hands in her back pocket as she walked. Furrowing her brow she pulled the five out of her pocket, smirking down at a smashed joint. It was almost worth the sex she'd just had. Though she couldn't tell any one. Moving to the lot she noticed Tate was getting into his car. "Hey loser." She called out before running towards him. She waded the bill up hoping to persevere the weed inside her fist. "Why are you still here?" He asked rolling his eyes. "I went looking for Mel and got distracted." She shrugged, before motioning to her lips like she was taking a hit. Hoping he'd buy the fact she got high, and time got away from her.
    June 19th, 2017 at 05:54am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Luna gasped as he picked her up, smiling as she bent her over his desk. Luna moaned as he pushed into her, letting her hands rest on the desk. "Fuck me." she moaned as she pushed back against his thrusts. Luna bit her bottom lip lightly, trying not to be too loud. He felt even better than she had imagined. She knew one thing for sure, they were killing time in the best way possible.


    The next day Matt walked into his classroom and set his things down. He couldn't get Lexie off his mind. Matt sat down at his desk and got some papers ready to hand out for his first class. He looked up as some of the first students came through the door. He got to his feet and moved to the door, standing in the hallway, watching the students.
    June 19th, 2017 at 06:04am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ RomanSky
    Brain moaned out hearing her talk dirty. He love the way she looked so young, cute, and innocent but yet here she was fucking his dick. Moving her hips to meet his thrust, he loved it. Running his hand up her spine he tangled it into her hair, tugging it back as he fucked her harder. His actions quickly getting carried away, he didn't know anything about her sexually, and he didn't want to hurt her. "You like that?" He growled out, keeping a fast pace, His thoughts were to dominate her, but he couldn't push her into things she didn't like. After all she was only 18, and she might not have had men treat her this way before.
    Lexie woke the next day getting dressed with care, she didn't want another incident like yesterday. So she prepared for it better. Grabbing her bag she headed out the door to school, she knew she was running a bit late but she didn't care. Mr. Sanders could give her detention, she wouldn't care. Smirking at the thought she wondered what she could do to make him give her detention if being late didn't work. Nibbling on her lip she entered the classroom, she sent him a quick sly smile before making her way to her desk. He'd just started talking about their book reports that were due. She knew that last night she'd stayed up to write her. Though it wasn't one on any of the book for his reading list. No it in fact was on the box that started all of their fun, Fifty shades of Grey. Really it was less about the book and more about sex, she'd even stapled a tissue to it just in case he needed it. She was only being a smart ass.
    June 19th, 2017 at 06:55am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Luna felt the goosebumps rise on her skin as she felt his hand move up her back. She moaned as she felt him pull her hair. “Yes I love it.” She moaned out as she let her fingers wrap around his desk. She moved against him, feeling herself getting closer. She bit her bottom lip lightly, holding back a loud moan that was threatened to spill from between her lips. Luna felt her orgasm getting closer, so she used her hand to muffle the sound of her scream as she came. She moved her hand away, “Fuck.” She breathed as her hand landed back on his desk.
    Matt stood there, watching the class. He frowned as Lexie came in late and he knew she was doing it on purpose. Once he finished with his lesson he sat down, “Make sure you turn in your papers to me before you leave today.” He told them. The bell rang and he watched as people laid their papers on his desk. He looked at Lexie, handing her a detention slip, “Next time don’t be late.” He said, watching as she laid her paper down. He leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms.
    June 19th, 2017 at 07:04am