Abusing Authority

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian nodded as he read things over, he sat back on his couch looking over things. Agreed He informed her, before thinking that they'd have to communicate some how. So I guess I'll text you when I'm ready to talk then? He asked her, unsure of what she would want to do. He didn't know if this would work or not, but he was willing to try as he felt the need to make things right. He knew he'd been an ass to her, and it was all because he was afraid of losing her but in fact he pushed her way. He needed to get his head on straight.
    Lexie smiled at him as she opened the door, "she's not totally approving, but she did tell me to be careful and make sure no one knows about us." She said to him, before smiling at him. "I know she just broke up with her boy friend, but I so happy that she knows now." She frowned, "I feel bad for feeling this way though." She told him, before picking up the pizza menu. Trying to distract her mind from what was going on around her. "I haven't ordered yet." She informed him. "I like supreme pizza." She looked at him, "what did you want?"
    December 5th, 2017 at 04:50am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna smiled at his text, Yes, though you are going to probably have to talk to me at work because that whole silent treatment thing isn't going to work. Luna was glad he was willing to work on their relationship. She knew that she just wanted to be with Brian. She'd do anything to stay with him.
    Matt looked at the menu, "Supreme pizza works for me. Maybe a side of bread-sticks too." He said, smiling. He let her call and order, then looked around her apartment. "This place is nicer than mine." He said, laughing softly. He looked over at her, "Is your sister okay?" He asked her, knowing that Luna seemed really upset.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 04:55am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian sighed reading her message, he knew he wasn't going to subject her to have to deal with him. Maybe it's best if you pick up a different project, give us the space we need. He wasn't going to do anything with out her say so, but he sure the hell wasn't going to let her work with that ass hat that made a pass at her. He had half a mind to cancel their groups session. But he figured he'd drop them down a floor or to, hand them off to someone else so they wouldn't be in his hair either. That group I had you listen to still needs an answer, and if you're willing to take them on then you'll have an entire cd to make from cover to cover. He didn't like texting it made him feel like a teenager. He wanted people to hear his voice and know what he was feeling at the time.
    Lexie nodded before picking up the phone and ordering two supreme pizzas and bread sticks. She didn't know what kind of pizza her sister liked. But she could pick the topping off if she didn't like them. Smiling over at Matt she smirked, "they just redid, Brian got us in the day after they finished." She informed him, "friends in high places." She scoffed not liking that man right now. "She'll be fine." She informed him, "we've been through worse than breakups before." She sighed, "though I hate seeing her cry over and ass hole." She looked at him. "Though she managed to talk to me about us and seemed like she wanted the best for us, even told me to invite you over." She shrugged it off.
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:06am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna sighed as she read the text, Okay then will take them on and you can finish up this one. She wasn't going to argue with him about work. After all he was still her boss and she did have to do what he said at work. She hated that they didn't get to go on their date and they were taking time apart. She didn't even like being apart before and that was only for a few hours at a time.
    Matt shook his head, "He seems like an ass." He said. He smiled at her, "Well at least we won't have to hide in our own homes." He teased her. He walked over, wrapping his arms around her. He kissed her softly, "Now I can see you pretty much any time I want." He said as he hugged her. He held her close, relaxing in her arms.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:09am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Alright, their information will be on your desk first thing in the morning, you'll have to contact them and give the the good news, also inform them that I send my regards but I won't have anyone but you working on their cd. He knew it seemed like he was kissing her ass, but she was skilled and he knew that she could handle this. Beside they were an up coming band, so he didn't want to waste his time on them. When he knew that Luna could handle them.
    Lexie smiled up at him, "I told you he grilled me like I was wanted for murder." She chuckled, before leaning up and kissing him. "I like that, now I don't have to come up with lies about where I'm going or what I'm doing with my sister." She chuckled, "just my friends." She shook her head. "I like the sound of that." She informed him loving that she got to see him any time she wanted.
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:29am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Okay. I guess I will talk to you later. Goodnight Brian She texted him one last time before she laid back on her bed. She held her phone, hoping they would be able to work everything out with Brian. She closed her eyes, thinking about him.
    Matt shook his head, "Sounds like a control freak." He said. He kissed her, "I like the idea of you not having to lie. I hate that you have to keep this giant secret." He said. He felt bad for putting all this pressure on her. He just wanted her to be happy.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:37am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian looked over his phone, typing Goodnight baby. Before quickly deleting baby, then sending the message. He knew that even though they were taking a break calling her names of endearment could cross some like she'd drawn in the sand. And he didn't want that. Standing he locked the door before heading up stair to bed, he figured that in the morning he'd have a lot of work cut out for him. He might as well get some sleep.
    Lexie ran her hands up his chest, "I know I didn't like it either." She informed him, "but I'm willing to do what I need to to protect you and our relationship." She smiled up at him, before pressing a kiss to his cheek. "It's been worth it." She chuckled before hearing a knock at the door. Heading over she opened it to find the pizza guy. Pulling out the money she handed it to him before kicking the door close in his face. She didn't care if he was checking her out or not. She had her man waiting in the kitchen for her.

    [if you'd like we can skip]
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:44am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States

    Luna sat in the car that Brian had sent for her. She really didn't know what he was planning for their date, but she was hoping they could go the whole night without fighting. She watched as the car stopped, then got out of the car. She was surprised to be a dock. She walked out seeing Brian. "So why did you bring me to a place with a bunch of boats?" She teased him, smiling. She looked up at him, missing the time they spent together. She knew he had spoken of liking to sail, but she hadn't heard much about it since then.
    Matt walked into the hotel room with Lexie, setting their bags down. "Well what do you think?" He asked as he wrapped his arms around her. He had gotten them a pretty decent hotel. I know it's not extremely fancy, but we are alone and we can go out in public here." He said, kissing her softly. He held her close, not wanting to let her go. "Do you want to get dinner in a half an hour?" He asked.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:09am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian stood fidgeting as he waited for Luna to arrive. He knew it wouldn't belong before she actually showed. The drive had sent him a message saying he'd picked her up already. Smiling he notice the sleek black car slow down and come to a stop. Stepping from the car he smiled as she joined him at the docks. "I thought we could go swimming." He teased back taking in her attire. He offered her his hand, before he slowly lead her down the wooden path. "You look lovely." He told her, throwing her a glance over his shoulder, a soft smile placing on his lips. He then came to a stop in front of his boat. Allowing her to walk on before him, he quickly lead her down the path way to the back of the boat, before motioning for her to take a seat.
    Lexie stepped into the room smiling back at him, "it perfect." She told him, before setting her bag down next to the dresser. She nodded hearing he question. "Yeah that gives me time to get ready." She looked down at her traveling clothes. A tee and a pair of sweats, she knelt down in front of her back before pulling out something to wear and her make up bag. Before walking into the bathroom.
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:35am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna smiled at him, "We both know that isn't happening." She teased him. She took his hand, stepping onto the boat with him. She was amazed at how beautiful it was. She looked at him, "You are planning to take me out and kill me aren't you?" She joked. She smiled, "I'm just kidding. It's amazing. Thank you." She said, kissing him softly. She sat with him, glad that everything seemed to be going well so far. She hated fighting with Brian and she was glad they could have moments like this together.
    Matt sat on the edge of the bed, turning on the tv. He figured it would take her way longer to get ready than him. He looked at his phone, before laying back on the bed. He found something good to watch while he waited for her.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:40am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian smiled down at her, before opening a bottle of champagne. "No I have no plans on moving the boat." He informed her, pouring her a glass. "Unless this goes smoothly then we may take it out for sail." He said handing her a glass. "I thought it would be best if we remained docked in case things heat up." He explained better before placing himself down beside her. He turned smiling at her, raising his glass to her before taking a sip of his drink. "I'd like to thank you for coming out with me." He told her draping his arm along the back of the seat they were in. Turning his body so it was facing her better.
    Lexie heard the tv click on as she started to get ready, she was actually happy that Matt had decided to stay in the other room and allow her a chance to change in piece. She didn't know if they would have made it out of their room tonight if she let him see her now. Standing in front of the mirror doing her make up in her bra and garter set. She put the finishing touches on her make up before sliding her dress up over her legs. Then started to play with her hair, she didn't know where Matt was going to take her, but she felt like this was their first real date, and she wanted to look nice. After pinning back her hair she sprayed it with hair spray then slipped into her shoes. Stepping out of the bathroom she looked over his frame sprawled out on the bed. "Are you ready to go?" She questioned him.
    December 5th, 2017 at 07:23am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna smiled at him, "Well i mean hot guy on a boat...you dont usually say no to that." She said, kissing him softly. Luna looked at him, "Thanks for putting this together." She told him. She was so glad that he had took the time to do something like this.


    Matt looked at her, "Damn baby." He said. He got uo, "Yea im ready." He said. He went over and kissed her softly. "Lets go eat." He said, grabbing their room key and his car keys. He took her hand as they walked to the car.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 07:35am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian smiled at her, nodding softly. He'd gone through time and time again in his head what he had wanted to say to her. But everything escaped him in the moment. All he could do is sit and stare at her, wanting nothing more than to pull he into his arms and show her how much he'd missed her. Yes he'd been an ass and over reacted. He'd apologized a hundred times to her now. But he knew they were still broken and didn't know if his words could fix it.
    Lexie felt a blush pull at her cheeks she was happy he liked it. When he kiss her she reached up and whipped the little smug of lipstick from his mouth. It was suppose to be long lasting and smudge proof, though she did just put it on. Walking out the door with him, she felt his grip on her hand tighten. And she couldn't help but smile, he was very protective of her. It was really one of the only reason Luna let her leave with him.
    December 5th, 2017 at 07:42am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna looked at him, feeling him stare at her. "What's wrong?" She asked. He seemed liked he was in deep thought. She couldn't believe she was on his boat. It was even nicer than she imagined. Luna was glad they were able to work everything out.


    Matt smiled as he walked with her. "I made reservations at this restuarant." He said. He got in the car, driving to the restuarant with her. Matt walked in with her and got their table. He sat down with her, looking over the menu. Matt looked at Lexie, "You look so beautiful." He said.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:17pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian shook his head, "nothing is wrong." He told her, smiling before bring his hand up and brushing her cheek with his finger. It was almost like he couldn't believe she was sitting in front of him. "I'm sure you have some things you want to talk about." He said softly, really not wanting to open them up for a fight. But he did want to hear what she had to say to him. Even if it was laying down the law. This past week having only been able to text her really hurt him, knowing that she didn't want to see him. Because after the first day he was wanting to run right back to her and get on his knees and apologize. He knew that she needed space and he respected that, and gave it to her. So having her before him now all he could think about was never letting her go.
    Lexie looked around the restaurant it was extremely nice, though the prices on the food wasn't to bad. She lifted her eyes from the menu to him. "Thank you." She smiled at him. She'd always felt awkward receiving compliments. She didn't like feeling like she was obligated to say it back. With Matt though he was always giving her that kind of attention and didn't get butt hurt when she didn't say something back to him. Though she was plenty vocal about her thoughts on him. And he knew it. She damn near got into a fight with a girl at school over him. She had to play it off as if she thought that the girls advances on Matt could lose him his job and send him to jail. Of course she felt like a hypocrite, but she couldn't have the girl putting move on her man.
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:01pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna looked at him, "I do, but I don't want to fight with you." She said. She scooted closer to him, taking his hands. "Brian I dont want you to not trust me." She said as she laced her fingers with his. "You cant just have a meltdown everytime I mess up. You also need to learn to let me explain myself. I cant be perfect all the time. Obviously i am not." She said, laughing softly. "I only want to be with you." She said.


    Matt looked over the menu, "What are you thinking about getting?" He asked. He was going to get the steak and potatoes. Matt looked over as the waitress joined them. He ordered himself a glass of water then set his menu down.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:13pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian nodded listening to her, before bring her hand up and pressing a kiss to it. "I know and I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I'm trying to change you." He smiled, before turning serious again. "Though I expect you to be a law abiding citizen." He told her knowing that she liked to go out to the club and drink. But he couldn't allow it. Sure he'd done it as a teenager but lets face it she was an adult and she needed to start acting like one. And you don't always get to do what you want. He lifted his free hand to cup her cheek, "And I've spent the last week beating myself up for ever doubting you, it's not that I don't trust you." He sighed, knowing she knew about his past. "I was just scared it will happen again if I let my guard down, and this past week I've done a lot of thinking. And I know you'd never hurt me like that."
    Lexie smiled as he addressed her issue, what was she going to get. "I think I want the chicken fried chicken with a baked potato." She told him, before noticing the waitress. She had been so used to them having their own bubble that when someone else joined it was still new and exciting. She quickly ordered herself a sweet tea, then smiled at Matt. Her cheeks starting to hurt from the amount of smiling she did. She'd never been this happy before, and it was all thanks to him.
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:28pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna smiled at him, "Okay okay no breaking laws." She said, before listening to him. She was glad that he did trust her. "I would never hurt you on purpose." She said. She leaned in, kissing him softly. She felt like she hadnt kissed him so long and she had missed him. She pulled away from him, looking at him. She didnt think she could ever care about someone like she did Brian.


    Matt looked at her, when she stared at him. "What?" He said, smirking. He looked back as the waitress came and ordered his food after Lexie did. Matt smiled at her, taking her hand in his, "I am so glad we are able to do this." He said as he kissed her hand. He wished they could spend all their time like this.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:39pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian smiled as her lips touched his, he placed his hands on her hips desperately wanting to pull her closer. But he knew it was rushing it, and they both agreed they'd take it slower this time. She was the one in control through. Pulling his bottom lip into his mouth so he could taste her still. Keeping his eyes locked on hers he wanted so much more than what was being offered and he needed a distraction. "Are you hungry?" He asked, waiting for her answer before waving over the chef. Him caring their appetizers in his hands, before placing it on the table. "We'll take our dinner." He told the man, watching as he walked off to go prepare their food. Pulling the lid back from the tray, plated before them was stuffed strawberries. "I figured we could have a bit of sweetness before our meal." He informed her, "it pairs well with the champagne."
    Lexie smiled at him, shaking her head. She looked at the the waitress before ordering, then turned her attention back to Matt. Her hand gently squeezing his, before she nodded. "Yeah I agree." She told him, "was there anything else you wanted to do after this?" She asked him. Wondering if he had made plans for their entire evening. Not that she minded, she could spend all night doing what ever he wanted.
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:55pm
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna looked at the food in front of them, "Those look really good." She said. She ate a few of the strawberries with Brian. It was nice to just be enjoying themselves. She wasnt aware of how spoiled she actually was by Brian until now. She looked at him, kissing him softly.


    Matt looked at her, "Not really. i figured we would enjoy our dinner, maybe go down to the lake and relax. Nothing to extreme." He explained. He really just wanted to spend time with her. He didnt want to spend it all in the room though because they didnt get to go out like this.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    December 5th, 2017 at 07:50pm