Abusing Authority

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian gave his wine order before ordering himself a plate of ravioli, he wasn't to terribly hungry. But he knew he could use something to take the edge off. "Do you want to stay at my place?" He asked her, as the waitress poured them both a glass of wine. "We can stop in and check on your sister, of course." He smiled knowing that Luna wouldn't want to go anywhere with out checking on Lexie first. Being sick and pregnant wasn't a good combination, and it did have Luna worried.
    Lexie nodded, "okay I'll try and do appointments after school, that way people won't get suspicion of us both being out." She knew there was a lot more grief heading her way. She was pregnant with her teacher's child. If anyone found out he'd go to prison. And she couldn't bare that. Even if they weren't together, she could never handle taking care of their baby alone.
    July 23rd, 2018 at 12:49am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna nodded when he mentioned going to his house, "Yea we can do that." She said. She knew that he had to be missing being at his house. He had stayed with her a lot lately. "After we check on Lexie, and I need to get some of my stuff." She said. She continued to eat the bread-stick she had. Once their food came she was glad. She was surprisingly really hungry. She noticed that Brian really wasn't eating a lot, "Are you okay?" She asked him. "You normally don't pick are your food and I of all people have eaten more than you have." She said, laughing a little.
    Matt nodded, "Yea I think that is a good idea." He said. He looked at his hands, "So are you going to stay with your sister once you have the baby? Is she going to be okay with that?" He asked. He didn't really know much about her older sister, but she knew that she didn't take shit from anyone.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    July 23rd, 2018 at 12:59am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Brian nodded at her response just happy she was agreeing to spend the night with him now. He smiled as the food arrived, he watched as she tucked into it. He slowly ate, not to hungry. "Nah I've just got a lot on my mind." He informed her, before taking a bite of his food. If he didn't finish he'd take it with him, though he'd probable let her have it later.
    Lexie looked up at Matt as he spoke. "I don't know." She told him, shrugging. "Oh god, I haven't eve though of all these things." She shook her head. Standing up she started to pace, "I have no idea what to do." She told him honestly. There was her getting a job, child care on top of it, then food, clothing. She knew it was still too early but she wasn't even prepared. And unless Brian could hire her she wouldn't make any decent kind of money.
    July 23rd, 2018 at 01:19am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Luna nodded, "Okay if you say so." She said. Once she finished she put her leftovers away and waited for him to do the same. She let him pay then got up and took his hand as they walked out. She got in his car, then relaxed as he drove back to her apartment. She got out, leaving her leftovers with his in the car because she knew that she would probably eat it later at his house. She walked to her apartment, walking in to find Matt and Lexie. She stared at her sister, "I'm going to stay with Brian tonight." she told her before she walked to her room. She really didn't feel like dealing with Matt because she had nothing nice to say to the guy. Luna gathers her clothes to sleep in and her stuff for the next day.
    Matt frowned when he panicked her, "Hey, It's going to be okay." He said as he took her hands. "I can help you with all of that." He told her. He looked over as the door opened, seeing Luna and Brian. Though Luna was quick to walk away. He was pretty sure that she hated him a lot more than she did in the beginning.

    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    July 23rd, 2018 at 01:31am