A Heart on the Line

  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    "Business, you?" I asked him back, wondering if it was just me or if he was admiring my body. It was something I prided myself on. Being a chunky kid in high school was hard, so once college hit and I lost all the weight I was more than happy to keep it off. Turning to move towards the pool I threw a smile back at him, "coming?"

    Smiling at her thoughts on the media I laugh. "Shut your mouth they are the holy grail of information." I teased her, it was hard to keep from laughing. But I like talking to her. "I don't know we got as far as swimming." I smiled shrugging.
    June 18th, 2017 at 09:51pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    "Just needed to get away from my home life for a while." I said. I figured if she didn't recognize me yet, I wasn't going to tell her who I was. I smiled and got up, following her into the pool. Normally I would dive right in but I decided to be a polite gentlemen and follow her suit of going down the ladder.



    I smiled. "Well, if you want, I can show you guys around later." I said, bringing a hand up to tuck some loose hairs behind my ears. "To some bars or clubs, if you're into that kind of thing I mean." I smirked.
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:20pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    "Problem with the misses?" I asked teasingly, it was my way to see if he was single or not. I didn't see a wedding ring but that didn't mean he wasn't married. Most men in Vegas were married. This was the town everyone came to leave their problems at home. She wasn't any different. Even thought it was taboo to flirt with a taken man she still did it, because what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.

    I looked at her, this beauty couldn't been twenty one, there was no way. "You're old enough for clubs?" I asked, knowing there was some places that did the eighteen and older scene but that wasn't what he was looking for. He didn't know anything about this girl other than she was a fan. He'd never got her name either so he was just being cautious, he didn't need another Johnny in the group.
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:40pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    "Something like that, yeah." I chuckled as I got into the pool with her. "We're going through a lot right now." I admitted. I wasn't even sure if I was single or still in a relationship with Gena but at this point I didn't care. Like Matt said, it was about us, not our ladies.



    I smirked. "I'm 25, don't worry. I'll be 26 soon, but I know, the baby face makes everyone think I'm younger than I really am." I said. I realized I hadn't even told him my name and sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose, "you know what...I haven't even introduced myself...wow...my names Rylie, by the way." I said.
    June 18th, 2017 at 10:48pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    I bit back a frown, at least he was honest right? I knew that I was wrong for me to want to continue the flirting. But those eyes, every time I looked into them it was like he'd never said anything about a girlfriend. "To bad." I said softly, it was kind of a warning that nothing would happen with us tonight. Though I didn't know, he'd have to get me really drunk for me to forget that I was helping him cheat. But apart of me thought over the moto, and it still just felt wrong, I wouldn't want my man doing that to me.

    "Baby face?" I asked her playfully, "fuck you look 17." I told her honestly, loving that even now I wouldn't been hitting on a minor. "Matt, as you know." I smirked at her. "So Rylie any thoughts of what we should do to night." He inform her. "Just know I don't dance." He was informing her, the club scene really wasn't for him.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:07pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    I smiled, it was a sad smile though. She seemed so upset that I was honest and told her the truth. Hell, I could have lied and said I was single but I knew from past experience that it would come back to bite me in the ass if I were to lie about something like that. "We can still hang out though," I said, swimming beside her, "maybe go out for some drinks and dinner?" I suggested.



    I giggled. I don't know what it was but I loved the way he said 'fuck'. I smirked, "I bet if I got a couple of drinks in you, you'd forget about not knowing how to dance and just let loose...but we can always go to a bar down the street...it's within walking distance of the hotel." I said, swimming closer to him. My hand brushed against his, was it on purpose, maybe. I didn't see a wedding ring so I didn't see any problems with flirting with him.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:13pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    I smiled softly liking the idea of hanging out with him. It made me feel better to hang out with him then go off by myself. I knew he didn't owe me any thing, but he'd at least notice if I was gone. "That actually sounds like a good idea." I smiled at him, before swimming a bit of a ways away from him. Laying back in the water letting my body float to the surfaces, relaxing a bit. There wasn't any need to rush anything. I didn't want thing to get awkward before we started drinking.

    I smirked at her before shaking my head. "You'd be surprised how many people have tried." He chuckled before feeling her brush his hand. Lifting a brow he wondered if she was playing a game with him. Or if she was really trying to get into his pants. He wouldn't mind either way. "I don't care really where we go as long as there is drinks." He smirked at her, knowing they could go to his room. The mini fridge was stocked with little bottles of alcohol. He decided not to elaborate to much on it. Since she didn't 'work' at a hotel she'd knew where he was hinting at.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:26pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    I couldn't help but look at her body as it floated to the surface. Who could blame me though? I was a man and we naturally looked at a woman, especially if they had a good body and Aubrey had a hell of a body that I was definitely enjoying in my sight right now. "So, what kind of food do you like?" I asked, copying her movements.



    I smirked, "well if you really like beer, the bar down the street has great beer but also if you like mixed drinks, they make really great ones." I said and looked at him. "I'll let you know right now though, I can be a very flirtacious drunk, so hopefully that doesn't bother you." I said. Now that I thought about it, it made me sound like a whore or that I was just trying to sleep with him but that wasn't true at all. If it ended up happening, oh well, but I didn't want him to think I was just trying to sleep with him because he was famous.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:34pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    I smiled at Zacky, "I like all food really." I informed him. "Well what I've tried anyways." I chuckled, knowing that there was still quite a few dishes I hadn't had, but I was open to eating anything. I loved food, but that's why I worked out as much as I did to keep my weight down.

    Letting out a laugh I smirked at her. "I'm always flirtatious so you wont get a complaint from me." I chuckled before sending her a wink just to further prove my point. "Besides even if its not going any where, feeling wanted it always a nice thing." He informed, knowing that he always tried to make people feel better about themselves.
    June 18th, 2017 at 11:49pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    "Well I've been craving Chinese so maybe we can find something before we go get some drinks tonight." I chuckled as we swam around. I pretty much hung around Aubrey, letting Matt talk with the girl from the front desk whose name I didn't even know. I eventually got tired of swimming, "I think I'm going to get out and dry off." I told her.



    I nodded and smiled, "you're right." I said. I swam a little bit more before looking at Matt. "I don't know about you but I'm starting to get hungry so that's usually my cue to stop swimming and go in search of food." I said, hoping he got the hint. "Maybe you can join me?" I asked.
    June 19th, 2017 at 12:33am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    I smiled at Zacky, "Chinese sounds wonderful." I whispered out. It really had been a long time she'd I'd had Chinese food, so hopefully there was a place close by that we didn't have to stray to far to. I hated traveling to much, it wasted time. "Aw already?" I pouted lightly, I knew that pool sex was out of the question, but I always loved to be in the pool. "Well I guess I will need a shower before we go out."

    "I'd love to." Throwing a look over my shoulder I wondered if Zacky would want to join or if he and his mystery woman would be happy left alone. He knew it was rare to fine women that were interested in them and not their money. He knew that even in Vegas there was always a get rich quick scheme.
    June 19th, 2017 at 04:43am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    I chuckled as Aubrey joined me, "maybe we can come back for another dip before I head back home." I said, wiping my face. I looked at her, "how many more days are you here for?" I asked. Hell, Matt and I didn't even know how many days we were planning on staying but I wanted to see as much of Aubrey as I could.



    I looked at him, "maybe it could just be us...Zacky seems very interested in Aubrey." I said. I only knew her name because I had to check her in earlier today and she had signed the sheet, the one Matt and Zacky didn't sign, which was totally understandable now that I knew who they were. "I'm going to go home and shower, I can meet you back over here in about thirty minutes?" I said.
    June 19th, 2017 at 05:16am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    "I'm here through the weekend." I smiled at him, knowing that this might just turn into a weekend of fun. I knew that he had someone at home waiting for him. So it would be something I'd have to take in strides. It was hard enough having been cheated on before. But then again I didn't know this woman and her man didn't seem to care too much about her, so where they really even together

    Nodding I looked over at Zack, "how about I meet you in the lobby." I asked, meeting back at the pool would only make me wasn't to get her wet all over again. "See you in a bit." I said before heading up to my room. If Zacky wanted to talk before I went out he'd have to catch me. But he seemed more into that girl then me so maybe it was best if we went our separate ways. He didn't know anything he couldn't say anything, same for me.
    June 19th, 2017 at 08:00am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    I smiled as I listened to her talk. "Well, I'm not sure how long Matt and I will be here but I'm definitely going to enjoy spending time with a pretty lady." I winked. I suppose I should get up and go shower and get ready so we could go get some food.



    "Sounds good to me." I smiled, drying off and slipping my shirt and flip flops back on before walking out of the pool area. I walked back across the street to my house and headed upstairs to take a shower.
    June 19th, 2017 at 08:04am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    I smirked hearing his words. "Is that so?" I questioned enjoy his flirting back. Smiling I shook my head not waiting for him to respond. "You know where my room is, when your ready let yourself in." I informed him, not caring how that made me sound. I just new I'd take a bit longer than him.

    Leaving the pool area I rushed up stairs to take a quick shower and get dressed for the night. It didn't take me that long to finish, I knew she needed the full thirty minutes to make herself look pretty so until the time to meet her I'll watch some tv.
    June 19th, 2017 at 08:16am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    I was shocked when she said I could let myself in but I wouldn't say no to that. "Alright, I'll definitely do that." I said, getting my things. "I'll see you in a few minutes." I said, before walking out of the pool area and taking the elevator back upstairs.

    I went into my room and quickly showered before getting dressed. I figured I'd give her a bit of time to at least get her shower in before I walked in on her. I sat on my bed, watching t.v. and checked my phone.



    I quickly showered and then went back to my room. I knew it was going to take me a few minutes to find the perfect outfit. I wanted to look pretty but not too slutty. I didn't want Matt thinking I was easy.

    After many outfit changes, I finally decided on one. I curled my hair and applied some makeup before making sure I had everything and headed back to the hotel.
    June 19th, 2017 at 08:31am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    I stepped from the shower, wrapping a towel around my body. Moving into the adjoined bedroom, frowning. I was shocked to see that Zacky was there. He didn't seem like a high matetaince man. Shrugging it off I grabbed the first dress out my bag, I knew I'd packed things that showed off my assets. Moving into the bathroom I quickly dressed. Then moved to fixing my makeup.

    I looked at the time and cursed myself, grabbing my room key, phone and wallet. Moving out of my room I headed down stair, I wasn't waiting on the Elevator and making her wait on me. Walking into the lobby I sighed out when I didn't see her standing there. Smiling I didn't mind waiting, it might have been wrong of me to look forward to seeing a girl that wasn't my girlfriend. It bothered me that that it didn't feel like cheating.

    [sorry for the slow posting I've gotten a job so I'll be posting now when I can.]
    June 21st, 2017 at 04:32am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    I waited for a few minutes before going across the hall to Aubrey's room. I knocked on the door before opening it. "Aubrey?" I called out as I walked in. It was clear she had already taken her shower.



    I walked into the hotel, smiling when I saw Matt. I walked over. "Hi handsome." I said, tapping him on his shoulder since he had his back to me.
    June 21st, 2017 at 05:08am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ c0ntemptress

    I'd just finished my eyeliner when I heard Zacky voice ring out. Stepping from the bathroom I smiled at him, "hey." I said softly, moving to grab a pair of pumps from my bag and slipping them on. "Ready?" I asked, running my friends through my damp hair.

    Turning around I smiled taking in her appearances, "well hello beautiful." I greeted her back. I felt at ease as we bantered back and forth. "Ready to get something to eat?" I asked her.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 02:57am
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles


    "Wow, you look amazing." I said, taking in her outfit and the pumps. I couldn't help glancing at her flawless features. "I don't know about you but I'm hungry, if you're ready to go?" I said, slipping my room key in my pants pocket.



    "I'm definitely ready to go get something to eat." I smiled. "Let's head out...do you know what you want to eat?" I asked you as we walked out of the hotel.
    June 22nd, 2017 at 03:14am