Afterlife || Closed.

  • mariquinn;

    mariquinn; (100)

    United States
    June 28th, 2017 at 02:59pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Aviana moved swiftly through the heavy wooded area. Her feet carrying her further away from her home. She sighed stopping and slumping against the nearest tree, her body slowly relaxing as she leaned. Basking in the breeze her eyes closed, enjoying the peace and serenity. Pulling in a lung full of air she released it, tasting a bit of saltiness on her tongue. She needed to feed soon, but at the moment she could careless about her hunger. Her mind soon consumed with thoughts of her father's demands on her picking a husband. She knew he'd picked a few suitor for her but none of them fit her. She knew it was an impossible task finding a man that excited her and made her dead heart beat. Listening to the sounds in the distances she knew she'd evaded her father's guard, a soft smile consumed her lips. Standing she slowly started to venture further into the depths of the forest. It wasn't safe they said, men will take advantage of you, they said. But all the times she'd been wondering around these parts not once did anything but a deer cross her path. It was peaceful and even though she wasn't considered living she still stopped to take in the beauty of all creations around her. It better than the same old dreary halls she was used to.
    Brian moved through the corridor his eyes shifting though the faces that past him. He felt like anyone at any moment would stab him in the back. He hated being involved in all the peace treaties, but it was his job being the best friend of a royal's son. He knew his place beside the family would be noticed but he didn't like the feeling of his life on the line. They were so set on keeping peace but he knew that they were plotting to kill him. He knew that for a fact because his mind was shifting over the same things. A soft sigh left his lips as he enter the carriage that would take him back to his village. He would be glad to get as far away from here as he could. Letting his eyes close she sighed relaxing back into the fabric cushion that had been made into a make shift seat. It was better than running at least he could rest his tired mind, he couldn't wait till morning. But he wasn't looking forward to a cold lonely bed. Nibbling on his lip he knew he'd have to feed soon or he'd become insatiable. Shifting tiredly he laid back knowing it would be at less an hour before he arrived.
    June 29th, 2017 at 04:19am
  • mariquinn;

    mariquinn; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    [Sorry I seriously thought I replied.]
    Matt made his way from his father's caste. It wasn't odd for Matt to take a walk especially when his father annoyed him. He continued to walk until he started to realize that he was heading into Veradna territory. Veradna clan was a rival clan that his clan didn't get along with. He was known for starting shit with the Veradna clan. Now that he was aware of where he was, he continued to walk. He looked around the woods as he walked. Maybe I can find something to eat or atleast something to play with. Most of his fights with his father were about him not taking anything seriously. His thoughts were interupted when he smelled something which caused him to stop and look around. He then spotted a woman who waswearing the Veradna colors. The woman wasn't a human, she was a vampire. He made his way over to her and immediately recognized her. A smirk appeared on his face when he noticed that Aviana didn't have her father's guards around her. Even though he wouldn't admit it out loud, Aviana was gorgeous. Both clans had rules about marriage outside of their clans especially since Shadows and Veradna clan were enemies. He had snuck up behind the woman trying to get the upper hand. "Daddy's guards not around?" He said asked a smirk. He knew that if he captured the daughter of Veradna clan his father would be happy.
    Willow sat in a room that was inside of a castle that was her new home. Her previous home was in the country side not very far from the village that the Shadow's clan ruled over. When she was first taken, she was told that she would work in the kitchen. It wasn't until she got to the castle that she learned of her fate. The king had picked her to be his personal feeder. No one else could feed from her and no one could touch her, not even humans. Being the king's feeder, she had guards on her at all times even when she was in her room. The other feeder's had to share a room but she had her own. Her eyes wandered around the room as she looked at her new prison. It was a very gorgeous room but it was a still a prison. Her life now belong to the king who could decide at any moment that her life didn't matter anymore. The king would come in once a day and feed from her, after they would have her eat and rest. She didn't know how long she had been there but it already felt like forever. The only thing that made it slightly tolerable was that she was allowed to go the library. With a sigh, she got up and made her way to the door and opened it. "May I goto the library?" She asked the guard. Relief washed over her when the guard said she could. She followed the guards as they began to walk. Once they reached the library, she went to the bookshelves and grabbed a book before taking a seat in one of the large chairs. She silently began to read the book as the guards stood outside.
    July 9th, 2017 at 11:05pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ NightStar;
    Aviana felt the chill run down her back before his words ever left his lips. Turning slowly her eyes widened at the site of a strange man. She knew it had been dangerous roaming alone with out her guard, but never had she thought that a man she'd never seen before would be on their land. Moving quickly to put space between them, she gasped when she had no luck. His hand having moved to stop her almost like he knew she'd try and flee. Though that was what she wanted, grasping his hand she quickly twisted herself out of his grasped and slipped herself over his shoulder. The one thing she prided herself on was the abilities to evade people. Though she knew if it came down to a physical fight between the two she'd lose, his size was showed his obvious strength. Catching her footing she jetted off leading him away from her home, knowing that her guard was still searching for her she'd just have to find them. Moving through the trees she felt the wind leave her lungs as her body jolted being knocked from it courage. Though she didn't have a chance to move feeling her body pinned to a tree. Though she wasn't about to allow the brute stop her, she wouldn't allow him to anything.
    Brian yawned stepping from the stage coach, he's time spent wishing he could sleep but he felt as if something was off. It came from being part of the guard for so long, they relied on their intuition. He was well know for his, having know when ambushes were planned, or knowing when an enemy was close by. It was things he body just picked up on, it also came from being a very old vampire. Moving though the grounds he headed straight into the castle, his lord would want an update on his latest terms of the appending treaties. Having been a war with several of them he knew that ties could be cut the moment someone show weakness. They themselves had found several allies, most of them just biding their time until the great house of Veradna fell, others hoping to take a part in the fall. Though the latest was the about a clan to the North, they were allies with the Veradna clan. But all was not as happy as it seemed. There seemed to be some angst with the North, they felt almost betrayed with the last princess of the Veradna's refused a proposal from the eldest son. It seemed they were quick in changing loyalties. But Brian was certain that they were treacherous snakes who shouldn't be trusted. But that didn't mean they couldn't be used in the down fall. Moving through the castle he noticed his lord wasn't in the throne room, so making his way up the grand stairs he noticed his majesties guards standing post. Moving quickly to them he entered the library, not bothering to announce himself. His lord was particularly fond of Brian due to his friendship with Matthew. Brian frowned his eyes landing on a young woman, his majesty no where in site. "You girl." He snapped wondering why she was being heavily guarded. "Where's the king?" He demanded of her, blinking he was taken back when she looked at him. The wafting of her hair cause the atmosphere in the room to change. Her scent invaded his mind, making him realize this was the kings personal feeder. He was stepping in dangerous territory right now. But he was frozen to the spot as this beauty stared up at him, her bright blue eyes staring up at him, fear laced behind her gaze. He knew that she was terrified he might take a taste. There really was nothing she could do if he so desired her. Though Brian wasn't too fond of feeders he knew the king couldn't leave as he pleased and he deserved the best. But here before him was something that no man or vampire should ever hurt nor feed off of. He knew that his demands had made him seem like an asshole. Smiling softly he quickly rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm Brian." He wondered if she'd talk to him if he'd make her feel less afraid.
    July 10th, 2017 at 02:52am
  • mariquinn;

    mariquinn; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Matt smirked when the girl turned around and looked around. He almost laughed when she tried to run away, blocking her with his arm. The girl was very gorgeous and if she hadn't been the princess of the Veranda clan, he would probably have an interest in her. His smile faded though when she grabbed his arm that was blocking her and flipped over his shoulder. Normally no-one ever evaded him due to his size, strength and fighting skills. He reacted quickly though, running after the girl as soon as she started running. A smirked appeared on his face when he finally caught up with her. "Well look what I got here" he said as he looked the girl up and down, keeping her pinned to the tree. He heard the Verandna guards getting closer to them but he stayed, not letting the girl go. "The only thing now is to figure out what I want to do with you since you are my family's enemy" he added.
    Willow sat in the library quietly reading the novel she picked out. That was one good thing about this place. The library was large and extensive with over five hundred books in many different languages. Not many women around these parts knew how to read. It was something my mother made sure I learned. Her reading was interupted when a man walked in and demanded to know where the king was. Looking up from her book, she looked up at the man. There was something strange about him but the one thing that she did know was that he was a vampire like her new master. Fear washed over when the realization hit her that this man could hurt her or worse kill her. She was about to answer him when he spoke. The fear slowly went away when he smiled and his tone went soft. "Hello Brian. I am Willow" she said softly as her eyes met his.
    July 12th, 2017 at 07:09am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ NightStar;
    Feeling his hands on her body made her tense, she knew that things could turn bad really quick. But some part of her prayed her guard would show up in time, but from the sounds of them they weren't heading towards them. She could scream and get their attention but at what cost, he could end her life in seconds. "Enemies." She said, chewing over the words like it was poison, "you can kill me." She told him, knowing it would do nothing to benefit him. He'd just start a war, same as if he captured her, but he'd win props from his clan. "You can ravish me." She told him, knowing that was always an option, men choosing to follow their penis. She'd hoped he'd not be like that. "Or we can part here and no one has to know." She didn't want to face war just as much as the next person. But they were stepping on some lines here. She didn't have much options as he had her pined but she knew if she could talk him off the ledge they might be able to part amicably. Though she had a feeling that things wouldn't happen that easily.
    "Willow." Brian smiled it suited her, he turned his head from her. "It was nice to meet you." He said to her, before turning his attention to the door. Stopping her threw a look over his shoulder at her, before her moved himself at inhuman speed, placing himself behind her. He could hear her heart beat fast, "oh, and I'd never hurt you." He whispered out over her ear. "You have nothing to fear." He smirked before standing and leaving the room, her scent still invading his nostrils. He could say he was addicted, and those eyes. He honestly didn't believe she'd ever been bedded by a man before. This day and age people valued their women pure. He knew she'd be leaving this castle in a body bag or turned. It was just how the king was. If she was lucky she'd be turned and be able to live as a servant. But at least she'd live. He didn't like either of those options, but there wasn't much he could do. He knew that he was threading on thin ice. He left the area knowing it he lingered to long it would be noted. The king wouldn't like her being to friendly with any one. Brian knew that if he wished to see her he'd have to do so sneakily.
    July 13th, 2017 at 05:08am
  • mariquinn;

    mariquinn; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Matt had the girl exactly where he wanted her. He looked down at her when she spoke, listening to her words. Killing her would be satisfying but it wouldn't do him any good. He wanted to the do right by his clan. The girl was precious to her clan and he knew that if he captured her; Shadows clan would have the upper hand. The second option she said was kind of endearing to him. Ravish Her? he though to himself as he watched her. She was a very beautiful woman and he was sure she was a virgin since she had never been married off. "That is a very tempting option" He said with a smirk as as his slid down her body. For now, he decided against ravishing her. He then laughed when she said they could part their ways. "That isn't going to happen" he said to her. She was to precious of a prize to be let go. He then turned around when he heard guards approaching them, figuring it was hers he turned around. "Well this is interesting" He said before moving, bringing her with him. They pulled weapons on both of them. "I am the Prince of the Shadows clan put down your weapons. No harm will come to her" he said. The guards didn't put down their weapons, aiming it at the girl. "Our King said to kill any members of the Veradna clan on site" Leader of the guard said. "And I am telling you put your weapons down, she is my prisoner" He said standing in front of Aviana. He decided that he was going to to protect her from his own guards. He didn't let go of her as he stood right in front of her. No one was going to harm this girl as long as Matt was around.
    Willow watched the man as he stood in front of the table. "Its nice to meet you too" She said softly. He was a very handsome man and he didn't seem to terrible. The king was the only other vampire that she interacted with.Her heart began to beat fast when he suddenly appeared behind her and whispered in her ear. She was unsure what he was going to do. Relaxing a bit, she nodded when he told her that he was going to hurt her. Her eyes followed him as he left the room. She wondered why he would speak to her, knowing he had to know who she belonged to. The rules were made very clear to her and she did her best not break them. She hadn't done anything to get herself in trouble yet. Her thoughts were interupted when a guard spoke to her, telling her it was time to leave the library. "Alright" she said softly, getting up and following them out of the library. Once she was put back in her room, she began reading the novel again. The other good thing is that she was allowed to bring books to her room. She wondered if she would see Brian again as she read.
    July 22nd, 2017 at 11:52pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ NightStar;
    Aviana let out a gasp as more of his men approached, her fate slowly sinking in. She would suffer from the hands of these men. They wouldn't allow her to escape and she knew she'd be hunted and killed at that point. So when he pulled her into him she didn't put up a fight. Hearing that he was the prince caused her eyes to widen as she peered up at him. Her eyes taking in his features as she way very aware of their closeness. It wasn't until the guards defining words did she feel her mind start to work. Turning her attention to them she frowned, why would they disobey the prince. Unless he wasn't really, just trying to see if he could smooth talk his way out of it. Feeling the tenseness of situation she frowned feeling his body shift, as he placed himself in front of her. Looking around she wondered if she could make a run for it or if it would only end badly. Then she looked back at the guards seeing the looks in their eyes. She knew she couldn't leave him to fight the three of them, he maybe her enemy but he was shielding her from them. He felt the need to protect her why? It wasn't like they could have any options once this was done. He'd never be able to show his face amongst his people, even being the prince. Killing ones subjects without cause, or for the enemy's life, would only bring his family dishonor and no one wanted to sever a disloyal royal. Putting her guard up she readied herself for the fight she knew was fixing to take place. Because he couldn't take them all at once, she was after all their target.
    A soft sigh escaped his mouth as he left the kings side, running his hand across his face he tried to rub the stress of the day away. Looking around he found himself in front of the feeder's quarters. Most of them were prisoners, other's had been the kings personal feeder before he'd gotten a new one. But Brian knew that no matter how much he wanted to sink his fangs into the beauty he'd met in the library he knew that would never be allowed. So picking one he motioned for her to follow him back to his room. Only a few people were allowed to use the feeders, some used them for more than just quenching their thirst. But not Brian he'd lost the want to enjoy female company, until today. Her eyes still burned behind his closed eyes and her smell still invaded his senses. He knew this girl would only satisfy his hunger for blood but he'd be less likely to attack the kings personal feeder when he had a full stomach.
    July 23rd, 2017 at 05:33am
  • mariquinn;

    mariquinn; (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Matt stood his guard in front of the girl. He wasn't going to let anything happen to her. The guards started to move in on them, getting closer to Matt and the girl. He thought the guards were stupid to cross him; The son of the king. "I will give you one last chance to put down your weapons and leave us be before things start to turn ugly" he said in a warning tone. He knew that he could take down the three men that were in front of him. The guards didn't budge but they did stop. Matt then sensed something behind them, turning around to see that Veradna's guards were behind them with weapons drawn on them as well. "Well this is just great" he said, knowing that in reality he was probably going to have to fight all six from his own guard and the enemy's. He was sure that Aviana wasn't going to defend him since he was the one that was going to take her as his prisoner. With one swift movement, he took out his own guard and grabbed a weapon. He then grabbed the girl as he pointed the weapon at the Veradna guards. There were only three of them. "So they sent three to come save their princess?" he said. He noticed there was a weapon pointed at the girl. "Why do you have a weapon pointed at her?" He asked the guards out of curiosity. He saw an advisor of the shadows clan out of the corner of his eye run towards the castle. He knew there was going to be a war about to be broken out.
    Willow read her book until the king came to visit her after his meeting. The king had undressed her and began to feed from her. Thoughts began to run trough her mind about the man she met at the Library. There was something about him that she couldn't ignore. Sure he was a vampire like the king but he seemed different, kinder in a way at-least towards her in that moment. The thoughts helped her to get through the pain of being fed from. The king liked inflicting pain on humans so when he fed, he was never gentle about it. Once he was done, he then looked at her and told her to remove her undergarments. She started to and then there was a knock at the door. Relief washed over her when she heard the knock, stopping her movements. The king went to the door and was told by his guards that his son had protected the Veradna princess and that he was still protecting her. With a loud yell, the king left and closed the door behind her. She then got dressed as she then heard people going all over the castle yelling about a war about to out. Willow stayed in her room, feeling scared to come out of it unsure of what was going on.
    August 16th, 2017 at 11:33pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Quinn;
    Aviana let out a soft gasp as she noticed her own guard readying to attack her, she could hear the shock in his voice. "They're staging a coup." She stated, her soft voice caring. She watched at the guys shifted their holds on their weapons, she could tell she'd struck a nerve. If it was one thing she hated it was treason. If her father got wind of this then he'd slay their families and any precious person to them. But first she had to get the word to him. Quickly leaping forward she knocked on of the guards to the ground, having caught unprepared. She knew that it was her only chance if she wished to save this world from war. Her hands quickly grasped his head and spun it, the cracking noise that filled the air was satisfying. She didn't even notice the fighting going on behind her as he leap to her protection. She lifted the guys shirt and quickly carved a message into his abdomen. She knew he father would be the only one who understood the meaning. If he never got it then it would have been for nothing, but she had hope. Quickly pulling his shirt down to cover her work she got to her feet her eyes taking in the man standing with his back to her. Two bodies at his feet, at that moment she wondered if she could run or if he'd catch her again. "What now?" She questioned him, knowing that both of them could very well be seen as traitors. Even if he did now take her to his father. She prayed that they didn't have the problem of facing torture. It was one thing she knew she'd never survive, after all she didn't know anything about her father's plans. He made sure she was far away from it at all cost. She was his pride and joy, but he made it where she was less of a target. Though she still could be used as leverage.
    Brian couldn't believe the words that were circling the castle, Matt would never betray his father. But then again if love was involved with this then anything a possible. Brian slipped through the halls, doing his best to hide himself from anyone looking for him. The last thing he wanted was to be lumped together with his best friend. After all it had been almost a week since he'd laid eyes on the man. They had grown apart some what. But he knew Matt better than anyone. He just needed to wait and see if it was true, though until then he needed to hide. Grasping the door knob he pulled the door open before slipping in side. He senses being taken over with the lush smell, he could tell she was in here and she was scared. "You can come out, I won't hurt you." He wondered if she'd hid because she was scared of him entering or the ruckus going on out side. Her normal guards weren't even at post. He just shrugged it off, though he smiled when he noticed her small frame emerge from her closet door. His eyes taking in the lack of clothing she wore, he could tell she dressed in a hurry. It was alluring to him, but he knew best than to mess with the kings girl. He could see that bruise on the side of her neck, a frown taking over his feature. Though he knew that what ever had happened earlier had be interrupted, as her body wasn't covered in more. She was lucky, and he hated the man that harmed her. Moving towards her, "go change, dress warmer, and something easy to move in." He knew that with all that was going on, his majesty wouldn't miss her yet. Since he'd just fed he wouldn't send for her for at least another day or two. By then they could have fled, and with all this war talk and chaos he knew they could flee.
    September 6th, 2017 at 06:12am