We'll Take It All

  • Breezeblocks

    Breezeblocks (100)

    United States
    Oberyn Martell played by Varkatzas.
    Thalia Dayne played by Breezeblocks

    Vengeance waits
    Fury reigns
    With all at stake
    And so it begins

    July 1st, 2017 at 08:09am
  • Breezeblocks

    Breezeblocks (100)

    United States
    Thalia Dayne | House Dayne, "Fallen and Reborn"

    The sea was ferocious tonight. The winds battered the Martel's ship, causing the thing to creak and groan; to pitch and rock in the vicious winds of the open ocean. The stench of salt and tide had seemingly woven itself into all that was aboard the boat and didn't help to calm Thalia Dayne's sea-sickness. The noblewoman was a picture of misery. Hunched over a small bucket on her lap, the contents of Thalia's stomach rolled with each rock of the ship. This was the third night that the small convoy of ships had been out at sea; their destination? King's Landing, for a wedding between the houses Lannister and Tyrell. Originally Doran Martell, the eldest brother of Oberyn Martell and Thalia's husband, was supposed to have gone. However, the ruling prince of Drone's health was fragile and he sent Oberyn in his stead. After some convincing, Doran agreed to allow Thalia to accompany her husband to King's Landing.

    "Keep him out of trouble." Doran had remarked to Thalia as they were disembarking on their journey, and though he smiled Thalia doubted that Doran was joking. Her husband could be... Impulsive. It was no secret in Dorne that the Red Viper had a dislike for the Lannisters. The family which according to rumors had ordered the death of Oberyn and Doran's sister and her children in the same Rebellion that had claimed the lives of Thalia's older siblings. As much as Doran may wish against it, Thalia had an inkling Oberyn had been so eager to go not simply because of the Lannister boy's wedding. Rather that he had other intentions, ones she was sure the ruling prince of Dorne was worried about. The ship pitches violently to the right, and Thalia is jolted from her thoughts as the bucket in her lap falls to the floor of the room she and Oberyn were staying in on the boat. Thankfully it had been emptied recently, leaving nothing to spill from it as it rolled beneath the bed.

    The prospect of having to crawl beneath the bed to retrieve the damned thing was not exactly tantalizing. So with a soft sigh Thalia gets to her wobbly feet looking a bit paler than usual. The air in the empty bedroom is stale, and the dark haired woman decides that a bit of fresh air may do her good. And if she needed to vomit, it was easier to do so over the side of the boat. It's not an easy journey for the woman as she gets up, making her way to the stairs of the bedroom which led to the decks. But Thalia Dayne is nothing if not a determined woman. Without falling she makes it out of the cabin, into the cool night air. A good portion of the crew is asleep below deck and the only sound to be heard is the wailing wind and the waves breaking against the side of the boat. While she would of preferred the sweet and familiar air of Sunspear, the salted air of the sea does calm her stomach a little. The only light is the weak, watery light of the stars and moon above. They cast Thalia in a pale light, softening her sharp, angular features as she makes her way to the side of the boat.

    There's nothing to see of course, she had overheard some of the crew saying they wouldn't be in King's Landing until tomorrow evening, though it doesn't stop the woman from looking. She doesn't know how the Ironborn enjoy being out at the ocean like this; it makes her feel so impossibly small. This was her first time leaving Dorne, and Thalia was sorely hoping the rest of this expedition would be better once they made landing. Wrapped once more in her own thoughts, as she often was, Thalia failed to notice the figure which had joined her. Not until he cleared his throat making the woman jump skittishly, her sharp gaze falling upon Oberyn. It was late, but since she hadn't seen him in their bedroom, she figured he too had been above deck. A small polite smile touches the edge of her lips, though she's not sure it's visible beneath the weak light of the stars and moon. For most of her life Thalia Dayne knew she would marry Oberyn Martell. Their marriage was supposed to preserve the good relationship their houses already had.That didn't mean he was little more than a stranger to Thalia. For as long as she could remember him, Oberyn had been something of a free spirit.

    While Doran was back in Dorne, Oberyn sailed to different places. Saw foreign lands, learned things while Thalia was at Sunspear. The pair had only been married a short couple of months ago- but still she felt they hadn't gotten any closer. He always treated her with respect... But she still felt distanced from Oberyn. While they shared a bed Oberyn had a habit of coming to their chambers late, and leaving early in the morning. The only time they had even consummated the relationship was the night of their wedding. Still she was determined to be a good wife to the man. "M'lord." The greeting is gentle, spoken just loudly enough to be heard over the shrieking winds. Shivering a bit as she was used to the mild, warmer climates of Dorne. "It's late. Is everything okay?" This entire trip Thalia Dayne hadn't been able to pay much mind to Oberyn due to her sea-sickness. But while this was her first time out of Dorne, this was Oberyn's first time seeing the family that supposedly ordered the death of Elia and her children. She was sure he wasn't exactly excited to see the Lannisters again.
    August 31st, 2017 at 03:11am