everything has changed.

  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lennon Wright

    Jughead Jones III

    Sabrina Spellman

    Archie Andrews
    July 3rd, 2017 at 12:08pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Sabrina had known her entire life that there was something about her that separated her from everyone else. Whatever it was made it hard for her to make friends, which made it hard to really fit in, which kind of made her a loner from an early age, she did make a friend eventually, which she was thankful for, but even then Sabrina Spellman was still to everyone else a weirdo. Of course on her 14th birthday and her mother sat her down and told her she was a witch she laughed because it sounded so insane. It wasn't though. And now two years later she's turned 16 and moving in with her aunts in Riverdale so they can help her with her magic. Mostly because well her mom doesn't know the first thing about it anymore. Not since she gave up her magic long ago anyways. And well her father had died when she was little so he couldn't teach her anything, and her stepdad didn't even know the truth about magic so Aunt Zelda and Aunt Hilda it was.

    Honestly, Sabrina was kind of excited to be going somewhere new where people didn't know anything about her. They could classify her as a freak if they wanted since she was new, but there was a small glimmer of hope that they wouldn't. She was getting to start over, and now that she knew the truth and was slowly but surely starting to get a grip on her powers she might just come off as normal even though she wasn't. So when her Aunt Zelda woke her up for school she was more excited than she'd been in a really long time.
    Jughead knew that it was a total jerk move of him to ignore Lennon the way he had all summer after everything. But in all honesty, he'd had a lot going on. Plus he wouldn't tell anyone that he was homeless because then they'd pitty him probably, but well-being homeless didn't exactly make it easy to keep in touch with people. He had to keep a low profile given he was staying at the school, and he knew that if he wasn't careful someone would find out. Because well not everyone at the school was an idiot who couldn't put two and two together. Sure so far he was good, but he still didn't have a lot of room for error.

    So like every other morning he got out the clothes he was going to wear for the day then went to the locker room to take a shower leaving everything else behind like always. It was still early, the sun wasn't even shining through the windows yet so he had about an hour or so before people would start to file into the school. Or at least based on the time people usually got there he had an hour, so he had to hope no one decided to change up their morning routine.
    July 3rd, 2017 at 09:38pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lennon had never been the type to get nervous before the first day of school, but she had never had any reason to be nervous until now. She had spoken to pretty much everyone in her little friend group at some point over the summer except for the one person she had really wanted to talk to. Jughead Jones might have been a loner and a little bit of a weirdo, but, Lennon had a little bit of weird in her too, and that was why they meshed so well together. They had been practically inseparable from a very young age, and although they also hung out with Betty Cooper and Archie Andrews, the two were practically joined at the hip regardless of whether they were with their other two friends or not. They just understood each other in ways that other people didn't, and that was why it honestly hurt Lennon knowing that Jughead was kind of ghosting her all summer. She knew that things weren't going to be the same after everything that had happened the night before she left to spend the summer with her paternal grandparents in England, but she hadn't expected for them to go from talking or hanging out literally every single day since second grade to complete radio silence either. Needless to say, that was why she was nervous about school starting back up. She just didn't know what to expect when she saw him again.

    "I can't believe you and Juggie didn't talk once this summer. That's not like you two at all." Betty said, shaking her head in disbelief. "Yea, I thought you two were a weird package deal or something." Kevin chimed in. Lennon shrugged her shoulders as she dropped her lipstick into her purse. She and Kevin had stayed over at Betty's the night before. Normally, she would have spent it having one last action movie marathon with a certain raven-haired boy, but she supposed that things were going to be different this year. "Yea, well, Archie said he hasn't talked to him much this summer either, so who knows what's going on. Am I little hurt that he chose to ghost me for the last two months? Yes, but did I let it stop me from having a kickass time in the UK? Absolutely not." She said. "You've been home almost a week, and I still feel like I know nothing about what you did the last two months. I want all of the juicy details, Len. All of them!" Kevin said, causing the petite brunette to laugh. "What makes you think that there are juicy details to spill, Kev? I was spending the summer with my grandparents, remember?"
    The summer between freshman and sophomore year turned out to be anything but like Archie Andrews had expected. He had planned on spending most of it helping his dad out with his construction business, hanging out with Jughead, and skyping with Lennon whenever he had the chance to do so, but only two of those three things had actually ended up occurring. Maybe it was kind of a dick move to for him to cancel that road trip with Jughead super last minute, but he wasn't exactly complaining about how he had spent the eve of the fourth of July instead. Nor was he complaining about how he had spent that summer in general. In the last two months, Archie felt as though he had truly found himself. It left him torn between two things now, music and football, but if he hadn't spent his summer doing what he was doing, he didn't think he would have reached that crossroads at all. Things were already pretty different this summer, and he had a feeling that they were going to continue down that path now that school was starting back up as well. Despite everything, he was looking forward to seeing his friends that he hadn't seen most of the summer and catching up. He knew Jughead was probably still a little bit pissed at him, but he was hoping to mend their friendship as well. "I'll see you later, boy." He said, scratching Vegas' ears as he walked past the Labrador retriever and slung his backpack over one shoulder. "See you tonight, dad!" He called as he walked out the front door.
    July 4th, 2017 at 05:22am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Jughead had finished getting ready for the day in what felt a record time for him, but that was a good thing because it meant that his secret would be safe for another day. And maybe he should just tell someone what was going on with him, like Betty, Archie, or better yet like Lennon, but he just couldn't. He didn't exactly have the guts to tell them what had been going on all summer with him to start with, he wasn't really sure where to start secondly, and lastly he was pretty sure he knew what was going to happen. He'd tell one of them then he'd let himself get talked into staying with them and he most likely end up feeling like a burden, or worse, a charity case. And the last thing that Jughead wanted was for his friends to treat him like a charity case. So instead he stuck to what he was doing now, doing what he had to.

    Not long after he was ready for the day to really start off people started to file into the hallways for the first day of classes. And that meant that soon enough his friends would all be arriving, and he was both excited to see them and nervous because he'd have to see Lennon. And he hadn't exactly talked to her all summer, mostly because there had been a lot going on that kind of kept him distracted. But he knew it wasn't exactly an excuse. Plus he didn't really know where to start, because after everything that had happen right before she left he didn't even know where they stood anymore. Did she like him as more than friends? Did he like her as more than friends? Would they really be good as a couple? Is that even what they wanted? There were just a lot of unanswered questions, and honestly maybe they'd be better to take care of in person face to face rather than over the phone thosands of miles apart.
    Sabrina tugged on her sweater out of a nervous habit she had as she walked into Riverdale high for her first day, which she knew it was everyone's first day back since summer but it was her first day ever, and she was a little nervous all of a sudden. She was still super excited to be here, somewhere new where she no one knew her or wouldn't talk to her because of a label she'd had since she was younger. But it was also somewhere new where she didn't know anyone, she had no friends here, and there was a part of her that felt like maybe this was going to go right to hell. She didn't let herself think like that for long though, because she had to have hope that the people here would be nice enough to get to know her before they just wrote her off as some weird new girl.

    "Where can I find the office?" She asked biting her lip as she'd walked right up to a guy standing alone. "I'm new and not exactly sure where anything is, and I'm supposed to meet to pick something up and then meet someone named Betty who's going to be showing me around. But I don't know where the office is," she said mentally hitting herself for rambling like an idiot.

    "If you go down this hallway it's the last door on the left, and um welcome to Riverdale," Jughead told the new girl pretty sure it was smart to welcome her to the school. But he wasn't exactly on the welcoming commite so he didn't usually do that.

    "Thanks," Sabrina said smiling at him before she headed in the direction he'd told her.
    July 5th, 2017 at 05:23am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Under zero circumstances was Lennon going to mention what had happened between her and Jughead the night before she left for the UK. She still had no freaking clue what any of it meant, and she didn't want anyone knowing about it until she did. Sure, she could probably trust Betty and Kevin to keep it on the QT for the time being, but if when she finally did talk to Jughead about it, and she was going to talk to him about it, things went south, well, she didn't want everyone knowing why. She also knew that Jughead was kind of a private person at times, and she figured that he probably wouldn't want anyone knowing about what had happened considering she was pretty sure that they both didn't know what it meant for either of them.

    "So there weren't any cute British guys over there like at all? Don't tell me you spent the whole summer sipping tea and eating crumpets with your grandma, Lennon. I will be beyond disappointed in you if you did." Kevin said as they walked into the school. Lennon let out a laugh, and shook her head slightly at her friend's words. Kevin could be so dramatic sometimes, that was why she loved hanging out with him. "Okay, firstly it's normally scones, not crumpets, and secondly I didn't sit around sipping tea with my grandmother all summer. I did a lot of exploring in Oxford, took a couple of day trips into London, my grandparents took Jenny and I to Stonehenge, that was really cool, oh and I got to see a couple of places where they filmed Harry Potter, but there weren't any cute guys, Kev, I'm sorry." There might have been, but I was kind of too busy thinking about one back home to really notice. "Well, I'd hate to cut the conversation short, but I'm supposed to be showing a new girl around today. I want to hear all about your trip and see pictures and everything during lunch though, Len!" Betty said with a smile before heading towards the main office. "And I want to get the lowdown on said new girl, so I'll see you later too, Len. I'm not buying this no cute guys thing either, so you'd best have details to spill at lunch later." Kevin said, causing Lennon to laugh once more. "See you guys at lunch." She said before making her way towards her locker.
    Archie probably should have tried harder to keep in touch with his friends that summer. Well, he should have tried harder to keep in tough with Jughead anyway. His friend hadn't bothered keeping in touch with him though either, and it wasn't like Riverdale was a big town or anything, though apparently he wasn't the only one who had been ghosted. He had run into Lennon a couple of days ago on his way to Pop's to pick up dinner for him and his dad and had been pretty damn surprised to find out that the brunette hadn't spoken to their beanie-wearing friend once that summer. Archie had always been close to Jughead, but Lennon was always the closest to him. Those two were with each other practically 24/7. If he couldn't get in touch with one of them, chances were that he'd find them with each other. Needless to say the fact that Lennon hadn't spoken to Jughead once that summer was definitely a surprise. He was pretty sure that the Atlantic Ocean couldn't keep those two apart, but he had assured her, nevertheless, that it was probably just Jughead being Jughead and that she probably didn't have anything to worry about.

    When he walked into school that morning, he couldn't help thinking that maybe there was more to what was going on though, and maybe he shouldn't have pulled such a dick move and left his friend high and dry the night before they left on their road trip, but he knew Jughead wasn't likely to tell him anything. He was probably still pissed at him, and if he was going to tell anyone, if something was going on, he was probably going to tell Lennon anyway. As he put some of his things away in his locker, he couldn't help noticing Betty and Kevin walking out of the main office with another blonde in tow. His eyebrows furrowed slightly as he watched the two girls. He had never seen the other girl before, and it wasn't every day that they got a new student at Riverdale High either. After closing his locker, he headed over towards the trio. "Hey, Betty, Kevin." He greeted them with a smile.
    July 6th, 2017 at 01:23am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Jughead sighed and ran his fingers through his hair quickly before he pulled his beanie on and made his way down the halls towards Lennon's locker. He knew that she was probably pissed at him for ghosting her all summer. And while he did have a good reason he wasn't going to tell her and make things weird. He'd honestly rather have her mad at him than tell her the truth. Which he knew that it was possible the truth about him being homeless would likely come out eventually, but he also hoped that it wouldn't come out until maybe when it wasn't true anymore. Either way, he did feel like he should try and talk to her now that school was back in session and she was home from Europe. And when he saw her alone near her locker he figured it was perfect timing. Betty and Kevin were probably off showing the new girl around, Archie had probably spotted them and would be introducing himself, which meant that Jughead had a little bit of time before classes to talk to Lennon without any of them butting in.

    He'd never been so nervous in his entire life. He'd also never been nervous to talk to Lennon, ever. But things were weird now. And honestly, he wasn't sure if she would even want to talk about what had happened back before she'd left. But he supposed if she did want to talk about it, it'd be with him over everyone else. "Hey, did you have a good time in Europe?" Jughead asked as soon as he'd made it to her locker just kind of waiting to see how this all unfolded.
    Sabrina followed Betty and Kevin out of the office and back into the main hallway ready to get to know the school the best she could, though she wasn't sure how much she'd actually remember. At least she knew that if she did get lost she could just ask Betty or Kevin and they'd help her. "Hi Archie," Betty said returning his smile. "So Sabrina this is Archie Andrews, one of my best friends. And probably the sweetest guy you'll meet here," Betty gushed smiling at Sabrina next as to not make things too awkward.

    "Well it's nice to meet you, Archie," Sabrina said also smiling at him. "I'm sure you put together that I'm Sabrina and I'm new," she said mentally hitting herself for probably sounding like an idiot for the second time that day already and it wasn't even lunch. "So Sabrina where are you from?" Kevin asked trying to keep the ball rolling. He did want to know as much about the new girls as possible after all. Because it wasn't every day that they got new students. "I'm from Grovehill. It's not terribly far from here just a couple of hours,"
    July 6th, 2017 at 06:57am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lennon was sure that Jughead expected her to be pissed at him, and she most definitely was. She knew that there were very few people that he associated with in Riverdale, and she had always been one of them. Though he and Archie had always been close, they had always been a little bit closer. The raven-haired boy was one of her best friends, and she told him pretty much everything and vice-versa. That's why she didn't really understand why he hadn't reached out to her once that summer. She had texted him a couple of times to see if they could Skype and he never got back to her. Truthfully, she stopped trying after a while. She wasn't going to let Jughead Jones ruin her summer, and she hadn't. Now that she was back in Riverdale though, she couldn't help feeling hurt. She knew that they never had a chance to talk about what happened just before she left for the UK, and maybe it was a conversation that should happen in person anyway, but that didn't mean that she was any less hurt that he had completely ghosted her that summer.

    Needless to say, when said raven-haired boy approached her at her locker, and acted like nothing was wrong she was pretty taken aback and a little pissed off to say the least. "It was great, thanks." She said, refusing to look at him. "I sent you a couple of pictures, but I guess your phone must be broken since you never got back to me."
    "I'm not sure about the sweetest guy here, Bets, but it's nice to meet you Sabrina." Archie smiled. "You're in good hands, Betty knows more about this school than anyone I know." He was still pretty surprised that they had a new girl at school. It didn't happen all that often and, now that he thought about it, they actually had two. He and Betty had met Veronica Lodge two nights ago at Pop's. Riverdale never really got newcomers, and very few people passed through, but they seemed to have a couple of new faces this year. He wondered what that said about the new school year and what was to come.

    "Why'd you move to Riverdale if you don't mind me asking?" Archie asked curiously. He was definitely curious about the blonde, partially because she was new and partially because she was pretty. If there was one thing that Archie Andrews was it was a sucker for a pretty face. "We don't get a lot of new people here like, well, ever really." He said with a slight laugh.
    July 6th, 2017 at 03:02pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Jughead sighed and found himself readjusting his beanie even though he didn't need to. He didn't want to tell her that he'd been living here at the school all summer, or that his mom and up and left with Jellybean, or that this was all because his dad had lost his job and spent the entire summer getting drunk instead of getting back on his feet. Jughead also didn't want to tell her that he hadn't actually ignored her on purpose but given that he was homeless and all he'd just had a lot of other things on his mind. He also didn't want to tell her that in a way he thought it would be good for them to take a break from one another and think things over. Because he knew that telling her these things would end in her probably being more pissed off, and then once she got over all that she'd force him to stay with her. And as much as he cared about his friends, he didn't want to burden them with this. He also kind of wanted to try and figure things out himself because Jughead would love to stay at home with his dad again. But that wasn't going to happen until his dad got his life together.

    "I don't think I ever got them actually," he said literally trying to remember if he'd gotten any pictures from her all summer. Though he had been so distracted he could've gotten them and forgotten. "My phone has been messing up a lot lately, and I just haven't had the time or extra money to fix it," he said knowing that it was a perfectly plausible explanation. Or at least he thought so. After all, he had to pay his own phone bill and he didn't exactly make a lot of money or have a rich family, phones were expensive, so he could've spent the whole summer working so he could save money to fix it. "So I know it seems like I've been ignoring you all summer, but I promise I didn't mean to. I just had a lot going on,"
    Sabrina smiled at Archie already feeling more welcomed here than she ever had back at Grovehill. "Well I'm glad that they assigned you to be my guide then," she told Betty also with a smile almost overjoyed to have already met such nice people. And sure she knew that just because they were being nice to her now didn't mean they were nice people or whatever, but she got the feeling that they were. And even if they weren't at least so far her first day had been good, even if it was only the first small chunk it was better than nothing.

    "I don't mind," Sabrina told him tucking her hair behind her ear. She knew that she couldn't come out and tell them that she'd moved there because she was a witch and aunts were going to take her under their wings and teach her everything she needed to know because her mom couldn't. But they also hadn't exactly gone over what she was supposed to say if this question ever came up, so she decided to tell them the best thing that she could come up with, which she wasn't lying exactly. "My mom is taking a job in London and didn't want to uproot my entire life too much by moving me pretty much across the world so she worked out an arrangement with my aunt's who live here in Riverdale to let me finish out high school. So I'm living with them until they kick me out really,"
    July 6th, 2017 at 11:11pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lennon wanted to be angry at him, but for some reason her anger seemed to dissipate soon after he started talking to her. She shouldn't have been surprised. The few times that she had been pissed off at Jughead during their years of friendship she could never really stay mad at him for too long. Sure, she was still kind of hurt seeing as she hadn't heard from him once all summer, especially after what had happened just before she had left for Europe, but the second he started explaining why he hadn't texted her back all summer she found her anger towards the raven-haired boy disappearing little by little.

    "I'll have to show them to you later then." She said, sort of avoiding mentioning the elephant in the room. She wanted to talk about what had happened that night in June, but she also sort of wanted to avoid talking about it completely. "Everything's okay though, right?" She asked, somewhat concerned when he said that he'd had a lot going on. She knew that a lot could happen in two month's time, and seeing as this was the first time she'd spoken to him since the end of June, well, she wouldn't really know if something had happened. She only heard about Jason Blossom when she got home just last week, and if something like that could happen she could only imagine what could happen with some of her own friends.
    Archie didn't know if it was because they didn't really get newcomers in Riverdale, but he already wanted to know as much about Sabrina as he could. There was something about her that just seemed different. He couldn't quite place what it was about her that was different, but there was definitely something that set her apart from anyone he had ever met in Riverdale before. He hoped that he had a few classes with her, and if she had the same lunch period as the rest of them he would definitely offer to let her sit with them. "Well, I don't know much about Grovehill, but I do know that Riverdale is definitely less of a change than London." He said with a slight laugh. "And like I said, Betty's probably the best tour guide in the school, so you're in good hands."

    For the first time since July 3rd, Geraldine wasn't on his mind. She was the reason why he hadn't spent much time, if any, with his friends over the summer, and she was also the reason why he developed such a keen interest for playing the guitar, but right now he wasn't thinking about her. Right now he was thinking about the possible ways he could see Sabrina during the school day. Just so that she knew a friendly face though, of course. Riverdale High was small, but he was sure that being new could be pretty overwhelming regardless of the size of the school. "Do you have your schedule yet? We might have a couple of classes together."
    July 7th, 2017 at 03:59am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Yes, everything is fine. It was just a little crazy during this summer is all. But I'm sure now that school's starting back up it'll calm down," Jughead told her hoping that was true. He wanted nothing more really than for his dad to get back on his feet so they could go about fixing everything. So maybe his mom and Jellybean would come home, so he could move back in so that he didn't have to keep such a huge secret anymore. He, of course, wasn't sure any of that was going to happen, but he wanted it to so badly.

    Jughead nodded his head. "You will, I can't wait to see them. And hear all about how much fun you had this summer," he told her glad that his best friends seemed to have had the best summer. Yea he hated that his own summer had sucked and their hadn't, especially given he was supposed to have gone on a trip with Archie but hadn't because he'd been ditched. But he was kind of just happy they were happy. Yet another reason he couldn't possibly tell them about what was going on with him. He'd bring them down from their happiness, and then what if in the process of them helping him something happened and they ended up resneting him or he ended up resneting them? There were just some things he couldn't bring himself to do.
    "Believe me there's not really much to know about Grovehill. It's small, and you should just never visit," Sabrina replied wishing still that she'd had a better experience given it's where she'd spent most of her life up to this point. But she hadn't and she couldn't change it now, all she could do was be happy to be here at Riverdale and move forward no matter what it took. "And yes this if most certainly a smaller change than London so I'm glad to here rather than an ocean away from here," she added honestly more and more excited about getting to live with Zelda and Hilda. Because again, not only did she get to learn her magic, she'd discovered Salem a talking black cat, she was getting to start fresh in a new school with new people, honestly what more could she ask for?

    As soon as Archie mentioned her schedule she opened up her folder to pull it out. "I should probably look this over just to see where all I'm supposed to be," she said hanging it to Archie. "Here, you can check and see if we have any classes togeher if you want," she said silently hoping she'd have at least one with him or even Betty or Kevin. At this point any of their faces in class would make the day slightly better because it'd be a friendly face. But it'd be so much fun to study groups or something else lame and school related with friends for a change.
    July 7th, 2017 at 04:34am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "You're sure?" Lennon asked slowly. It wasn't that she didn't believe him per say, it was just that he was her best friend and she cared about him, and if something was going on she hoped that he would feel like he could tell her. "Because you can tell me if something is going on, Jug. You can tell me anything, you know that." She wasn't trying to be pushy or nosey or anything, she just cared a lot about him, maybe even more than she cared to admit at times. She hoped that everything was alright and that he didn't feel like he had to keep anything from her.

    She smiled at his later words. "Well, there are plenty of photos for me to show you and I have plenty to tell you about, so I hope you're ready to listen to me talk for a while." She said with a quiet laugh. Even though she had been pissed at him earlier, and she was still kind of hurt about him not talking to her at all this summer, she had missed him, and she was glad to be back in Riverdale so that they could see each other all the time again. "I missed you."
    "Moving in the middle of high school sucks regardless, but I think you'll find it to be a lot easier to adjust to live here than you would in a completely different country." Archie said with a smile. He knew he was kind of monopolizing the entire conversation right now, and Betty was supposed to be giving her a tour of the school so that she knew where she was going and everything, but he was curious and wanted to know about Sabrina. It wasn't every day that they got a new student at Riverdale High, so he couldn't help being at least a little bit curious. "One of our friends actually spent most of the summer over there, but I don't think she was staying in London."

    When she handed him her schedule, he looked it over to see if they had any classes together. "You have science and lunch with all three of us and a few of our other friends, math with Betty and I, history with Kevin and I and English with our friend Lennon. She's awesome, so I think you two will get along." He said, handing her schedule back to her once he had finished giving it a quick once-over.
    July 7th, 2017 at 10:21pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Jughead nodded his head, "I'm sure. And yes I know I can tell you anything," he told her knowing that he could tell her anything; like that, he was homeless and had been all summer. However, he didn't want to tell her, not because he didn't trust her but because he just didn't want to drag her into the whole mess. What he wanted really was for his dad to fix things. He was pretty sure what wouldn't happen though, but he was going to do his best to have hope. Even just a little bit.

    "Of course, I'm always ready to listen to you talk for awhile. I mean I have listened to many of your tangents about well everything really. And if I can handle those, then I can most certainly handle hearing all about your summer with your grandparents in Europe," Jughead told Lennon before he draped his arm over her shoulder, like he'd done for as long as he could remember, and smiled at her. "I've missed you too," he told her glad she was home. He was hoping that they could go back to normal now that summer was over and she was home. Of course, he knew they'd have to talk about what had happened between them. They'd have to figure out what it meant to them, but he didn't want it to mean they couldn't be friends anymore. Honestly, he wanted to just ignore it, pretend it didn't exist, and just be normal, but he knew that wasn't possible.
    Sabrina bit her lip. "I was actually pretty excited to be coming to a new school. Just because I had a pretty bad experience. And it was helpful that it was at the beginning of the school year too because it kind of makes things easier to transition into. It means I'm not behind for the year and it's not as weird being the new girl at the start of the year as it is the middle of the year. Plus you've all already been super nice which is a total step up from my last school," Sabrina told them knowing they'd probably want to know what had happened, or they'd feel bad that she'd had a bad experience, but oh well. She wasn't going to lie about everything, and she certainly wasn't going to pretend that she missed Grovehill at all, because she didn't.

    "Would it be wrong of me to claim one of you as a lab partner now since we have science together? Because well it is my favorite subject and a good lab partner is everything when it comes to science," she said mostly because she'd hate it if she had to work with someone who was insufferable which Archie, Betty, and Kevin didn't seem bad so any of them would work. They all also seemed like the type of people who would pull their own weight on group projects, which was always a win. "Oh, do you guys have a boring history teacher here? I know it's a weird question, but some history teachers make it fun but others well don't. Like at Grovehill our history teacher didn't really teach history in a fun way. Instead, he played a lot of boring documentaries, made way too many sports references to everything, and then coached the basketball team more than he actually taught us. But they used to have a good one who made the class fun with like games, and intersting class projects and what not." She said just trying to get a feel for some of the things about Riverdale high.
    July 8th, 2017 at 04:54am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lennon smiled. "Alright, just making sure." She said. She didn't know if she fully believed him when he said that everything was fine, but she wasn't going to push the issue or anything like that. She knew that probably wouldn't solve anything and likely wouldn't get her anywhere anyway. Jughead could be pretty damn stubborn when he wanted to be, and if something really was going on that he didn't want her to know about then he wasn't going to tell her about it. Nothing stayed a secret forever in Riverdale, so she had a feeling she would figure things out on her own eventually. Whether he wanted her to or not.

    "Hey! You make it sound like my tangents are a bad thing." She joked, sticking her lower lip out in a slight pout as she looked up at the raven-haired boy. She really had missed him, and she realized it even more when he threw his arm over her shoulders like he always used to. Of course, she never used to think very much about that gesture, they had always just been really close friends, but now she couldn't help thinking there was possibly more to it after what had happened at the end of the school year between them. "We should probably talk later..." She finally uttered the words she'd been contemplating whether or not she should say practically all summer long.
    Archie kind of wanted to ask why she had such a bad experience at her old school but, as curious as he was, he figured that might be a little bit invasive. She seemed as though she hadn't minded his other questions, but he didn't want her to talk too much about something that probably didn't bring back too many great memories. Of course, he didn't know why she had such a bad experience at her old school, but if she was saying that it had been bad then he figured he was probably better off not asking her at all just to stay on the safe side. "Well, hopefully you'll have a better experience here than you did at Grovehill." He said with a smile.

    "I mean, I don't mind being your lab partner." Normally, he and Jughead were lab partners, but seeing as Jughead wasn't really talking to him right now he figured he was probably better off finding a different lab partner anyway. He was pretty sure Lennon was in their science class anyway, so he was sure they would end up being lab partners anyway. "Mr. Anderson isn't too bad, but he can be a little boring at times."
    July 12th, 2017 at 10:56pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Jughead smiled glad that for the time being at least Lennon was dropping asking him if there was something going on. Because he really just didn't want to tell her. And deep down he knew that probably made him a bad best friend, but at the same time what could she really do to make the situation better? Because he was pretty sure the answer was nothing. After all, the more people who knew the more likely someone higher up would find out, which would mean he'd have a high chance of being put in the system or something which could mean he'd have to leave Riverdale and stay with a foster family. Which he didn't want to happen. So the longer he could keep this to himself to give himself time to figure out what to do the better.

    "Have you heard your tangents?" He joked with her rolling his eyes playfully at her pout. There really wasn't anything Jug wanted more right now than for things to stay like they were right now. With him and Lennon being in what felt like a good place, joking around, as if nothing had happened before she'd left for England. But as much as he wanted it to stay like that forever, he knew it wouldn't, and couldn't. "You're right, we should," he said biting his own lip now. "You wanna meet at Pops after school? Or would you rather meet somewhere a bit more secluded?" He asked her not really sure if Lennon wanted to be somewhere public where everyone usually went and anyone might be able to hear them, or if she'd rather go somewhere like the drive in or her house or something where it'd just be between them. "Because I'm fine with whatever,"
    Sabrina was already having a much better experience here at Riverdale than she'd ever had in her years at Grovehill. Probably because so far the people here were nice and hadn't totally written her off as some weird new girl. They also hadn't just assumed she was weird just because. Which she would admit she had been a little worried that would happen since everyone in Grovehill usually avoided her, and she still wasn't sure why. Of course, she knew that she was a witch now, but she hadn't always known and surely the rest of the town didn't know before her. Maybe she gave off a vibe or something, she'd probably never really know, and honestly, she wasn't going to spend any more of her time trying to figure that place out.

    "Awesome, I think I'm really going to like it here," Sabrina said with a smile. She didn't only think that because so far people were being nice to her. She said it because for once she felt normal even though she knew that she wasn't. Because people were being nice to her, someone had agreed to be her lab partner already, and the day was just setting up to be a success.
    July 13th, 2017 at 05:01am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Lennon wasn't going to badger Jughead about the happenings of his summer right now, though she wasn't entirely finished asking him either. Things were somewhat strained with them to begin with already, and she didn't want to make matters worse by bugging him to the point that she became annoying. For the time being she was just going to have to accept the fact that her raven-haired best friend would tell her if something big had happened to him over the course of the two and a half months that she hadn't seen him. "They aren't that bad!" She argued with a laugh, punching his arm lightly. Despite everything, she really had missed him, and she was honestly glad to be back in Riverdale. "Pops is fine. You owe me like fifty milkshakes for unintentionally ignoring me all summer anyway." She smiled slightly.
    Archie was definitely intrigued by Sabrina. He was surprised that they had gotten two new people at Riverdale High this year. Being that it was such a small town, normally there weren't very many new kids, but now they had Sabrina and also Veronica Lodge. He had met the latter briefly at Pop's the other night, and although he had found her rather interesting as well, there was something else about Sabrina. Something truly different that set her apart from everyone else. Archie just couldn't figure out what that something was quite yet though. "Well, like I said before, you're in good hands with Betty showing you around today, but if I can help you with anything just let me know, alright?"
    October 3rd, 2017 at 03:55am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ don't know if you'd like to keep this one and maybe the other Riverdale RP we had going but I figured I'd post on here and see... here's the link... Shifty ]

    Jughead readjusted his beanie and nodded his head. "You're totally right I do," he said knowing that he would do whatever it took to make it all up to her. Lennon was his best friend after all, and while this summer had been the worst one of his life probably, he knew it would've been better if he hadn't ignored her all summer. Things were just rough with him right now and he hadn't known how to tell her everything, just like he still didn't know how to tell her. Of course, how does one go about telling their best friend that they're actually homeless and have been living in a closet under some stairs at their high school as if he were Harry Potter or something, though at least Harry lived in a house and people knew about it? Life was just weird right now and Jughead didn't even know how to deal with anything himself so the last thing he wanted was to drag someone else into his mess. "I'll do almost anything necessary to make it up to you,"
    Sabrina nodded her head, "thanks Archie, that means a lot actually," she told him with a genuine smile. She knew it was only her first day here but it was already so much more welcoming than her previous school. Everyone seemed a lot nicer and accepting of new people coming along. Of course, she supposed it helped in her case that no one knew her, or had ever heard anything about her. At least to her knowledge no one knew anything. Grovehill was a bit away from Riverdale though and luckily word didn't seem to travel that far. Sabrina really was excited to start a new life for herself here at Riverdale. One with friends, and her aunts, one where she felt like she could be as close to normal as a teenage witch can feel.
    June 22nd, 2018 at 05:53am