we could drown this love drought.

  • slumflower

    slumflower (100)

    United States
    @ dead upon arrival

    Stiles rounded the perimeter of the closest art piece and crossed his arms, bringing one hand to his chin and lips, almost chewing at them. He hummed thinking about the outfit on Derek, and nodding, seeing how formal and proffesorial Derek would look with the change in apparel. Stiles broke his pensive look and nodded with a cheeky grin, "Yeah, I guess you could pick up the persona and look good in it too and I'm sure Core would find a way to make you regret that choice in action," Stiles pointed out with a raised eyebrow.

    Maybe Stiles was getting it wrong because if there was anyone who should be able to fend off Cora when it came to pranks it should be her brother but something told Stiles that even Derek didn't have a good defense against the whirlwind of attacks that Cora could issue. "Although I think a light work piece would be cool," Stiles said, looking across the room at where it led to another piece that utilized machines and different colored lights and holograms floating about - Stiles couldn't make out exactly since there were people crowding around the plaque with the descriptions, but it was cool.
    September 7th, 2017 at 06:44am
  • past the time

    past the time (100)

    United States
    Derek hummed as he looked to Stiles."And as your favorite Hale sibling, I would expect you to tell her that I'm growing as a person or finding myself or whatever spin sounds nice if one day I decide to exchange my leather jacket for tweed. Maybe blame it on mid-life crisis or something." He gave Stiles a smile as he browsed another sculpture piece.

    He looked over to where Stiles was eyeballing."In theory it would be cool but where would you put something like that? It might living up your childhood bedroom though, give it some ambiance or something." He snorted as he nudged Stiles' hip with the back of his hand."Let's go get a closer look."

    @ slumflower
    September 7th, 2017 at 06:46pm
  • slumflower

    slumflower (100)

    United States
    @ dead upon arrival

    Stiles raised an eyebrow, scoffing at Derek's thought that he was Stiles' favorite sibling, but didn't verbally protest because Derek would've easily heard the lie in his heartbeat, especially with how quiet the art museum was. "Yeah, we can call that your mid-life crisis and not any of the other death defying parts of your life, I'm on board with that," Stiles snorted, quieting when Derek clearly brought reason to Stiles' slightly buzzed desire for all these art pieces to just live in his room.

    "Yeah, well that childhood room is pretty much given up on, I'll decorate my apartment off campus next year well and I'll make sure to get your opinions," Stiles responded, shaking his head at the room he had spent all of his life in until he went off to college. He was distracted by the holograms from the same light display until he felt Derek's hand lightly touch his hip, a sudden warmth exploding over his skin. Stiles scratched the back of his head in confusion at himself and the feelings that continued bubbling up from his stomach and into his throat, no matter how many times he was denying it to himself. He followed after Derek, moving closer and squinting his eyes as he tried to take in every detail and not be distracted by Derek being so near.
    September 11th, 2017 at 12:30am
  • past the time

    past the time (100)

    United States
    It was weird to think about all those death defying moments because now that the nemeton was dead, it really did make this feel like a midlife crisis, running around with no real direction or purpose though Derek couldn’t really give all the credit to the dead tree stump. Once everything got quiet and settled, there was just more time to reflect on the bad that had happened in his life and because of him and it made him restless.

    “You and I have so many fond memories in your bedroom though. I think I’m getting nostalgic, remember when you told your dad I was a murderer? Those were the days.” Derek rounded some hologram contraption as they got closer to the displays. He raised an eyebrow at Stiles.”You’ve seen my place, I don’t think I’m one to take decorating tips from.”

    @ slumflower
    September 11th, 2017 at 06:06am
  • slumflower

    slumflower (100)

    United States
    @ dead upon arrival
    "Yup, those are definitely memories of the good ol' days," Stiles said sarcastically, watching the turn of Derek's body as he rounded about one of the art pieces. As much as he was glad he had hid Derek out at his place many a night, there were still other teenage activities he had preferred, like gaming until 3am, jerking off, and falling asleep again. "Trust me I know, I'd obviously call Lydia in a decorating emergency but I guess I value your opinion too, or something," Stiles said loftily, as if he didn't actually mean the last part of his sentence although he definitely did. With all this banter, it was no surprise that Stiles was very much entertained, and all the art pieces were amazing, so much so that it was surprising when Stiles noticed they'd seen everything and had circled back around to the front again. "Okay, we definitely can't leave without getting a picture and we have to both be in it," Stiles said, eyebrows furrowed trying to convey his "I'm very serious about this" face to Derek before looking around and spotting an employee that didn't seem too busy and might be willing to snap a picture of him and Derek really quick in front of one of the cooler art installations.
    September 26th, 2017 at 05:41pm
  • past the time

    past the time (100)

    United States
    Derek's eyes turned to Stiles, his head tilted."Are you going to post it to instablog or whatever?" He rolled his eyes as Stiles was already handing off his phone to an employee, he had only browsed through Cora's feed and he would see things Stiles and Scott posted and Cora had tried to make him get an account but that was a no go.

    They stood in front of the light installation piece that had caught Stiles' attention, he stepped up next to Stiles, wrapping an arm around his waist, his hand settled at the dip of his hip and standing so close to Stiles, he could smell everything almost ten fold, his cologne, the soap he used to shower and the laundry detergent and then the Stiles smell underneath it all, it was intoxicating and Derek just wanted to lean over and bury his face into the crook of Stiles neck, to lick and bite him and claim him as his.

    "Smile." The employee had said, giving them a big over the top smile just as the noise for the shutter echoed.

    The employee was handing Stiles back his phone and Derek dropped his arm from around Stiles as they were walking side by side up to the door."I'm still thinking it would have been a great idea to get one of those nude statuettes and put it in the entry way."

    @ slumflower
    September 27th, 2017 at 03:04am