You Can Run But...

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake breathed a sigh of relief, one that she hadn't even realized she was holding in when James spoke. She had half expected him to be angry that she was bringing such things up, him to think she was trying to talk badly about his own past when that wasn't reality at all. Blake knew that it was her place in life to serve, whether she liked it all the time or not didn't really matter. She gave a small nod of her head, obviously contemplating something as she played with the edge of her skirt.

    "It was not easy, no," Blake agreed quietly, shrugging her shoulders. "But it was my way of life. It had been for as long as I can remember so at the time, I didn't have anything to compare it to. I didn't know anything else so it just was what it was..." Shifting her weight when the car pulled up to James' building, Blake's face hardened as she readied herself for the day. While James seemed to be growing more comfortable with her, she was sure that while he was conducting business, things would be what they always had been.
    June 2nd, 2018 at 05:10am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    Once they pulled up to the building, James made his way out of the car. It was time to go into business mode. There would not be time to mess around and flirt today. It was a busy, hectic day, which was the only reason he even bothered to go to the office instead of work from home. Once inside, all of the employees immediately moved out of James' way and allowed him to go through. At the elevator, they even stepped aside and allowed James to go in alone with Blake.

    He pressed the button for the top floor, and quickly the doors shut and started on their way up. James cleared his throat a little and glanced over at Blake, just for a moment now that he had the time. "I hope you remember what I said to you earlier. Keep to yourself and try not to cause any trouble."

    As the doors opened, James shifted his attention away from Blake, and instead on his receptionist. "Good Morning sir." She said, jumping up onto her feet. She grabbed a pile of files, as well as her planner and started to follow him into his office, listing off everything that James was doing that do, who called and why, and what files she had in her hands for him.
    June 2nd, 2018 at 06:05am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake stiffened when James turned toward her in the elevator, the color draining from her features as she looked down to her feet. She gave a hurried nod, biting down on the inside of her lip. "Yes, of course, sir," Blake answered almost before James had even finished speaking. Exhaling slowly, Blake could feel her heartbeat picking up. Her stomach churned as she tightened her grip on the notebook she held, following James out of the elevator the moment that the door opened for them.

    Her attention was trained on her feet as they walked toward James' office. She stood slightly behind him, never moving quick enough to overtake him. After the past day, Blake felt like she needed to be on particularly best behavior. James seemed to be so happy with her that she didn't want to risk upsetting him again, she didn't want to anger him in any way or fashion.

    Doing the same once James had sat at his desk, Blake stood a bit more off to the side so that she wouldn't see anything that James didn't want her to. SHe took a moment to open her notebook, ready to take notes as James directed her to. She would remain that way for the rest of the day.
    June 3rd, 2018 at 01:55am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    The morning had been rather busy. People kept coming in and out to talk to James, asking questions, bringing up concerns. Rarely did someone give him good news. That could be done over emails. Problems were brought face to face. When there was no one, James was working at his desk, talking to Blake as he did so to write down this and that. He had her taking notes, writing down reminders, making a to do list.

    Though soon the beginning of the day was completed and his secretary was bringing in lunch for the both of them. James' meal was set down at his desk, while Blake's was placed down on the coffee table besides the ceiling to floor window. And James did eat, though as he did so, he continued to work. As he came close to finishing, James looked up from his desk and over to Blake. "Do you remember what I told you about dealing with others?"
    June 3rd, 2018 at 02:05am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake was always hesitant to head over to the coffee table where her lunch was served. She had never had James tell her she wasn't allowed to eat or anything but she was afraid that eating would pull her attention away from serving James... and angering him was the last damn thing she wanted. Her stomach churned, just like each day, as she stepped over to the small table and sat. She began to eat, still half turned toward james in case he needed her attention.

    "Yes, sir. Keep my opinions to myself... even if someone is yelling in my face. Don't do anything they ask of me unless you tell me to. Above all else, I serve you and only you," Blake answered quietly, chewing on the inside of her lip. She wondered why James was asking her but she was sure that whatever it was, James was about to tell her. She wouldn't have to wonder for too long.
    June 3rd, 2018 at 04:35am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    "Good." James said as he pushed the rest of his lunch into the trash. "Killenger is coming back today, and I know that he will say some inappropriate things about you while he is here. You do not need to worry about him, but do not try to catch his attention or argue with the man. He will leave soon enough." With that said, James stood up and stepped away from the desk. "Just keep your mouth closed and everything should go smoothly."

    At that point, his secretary walked in, giving him a little nod. "Killenger has walked into the building. We should meet him in the conference room, Sir."

    James nodded and motioned for Blake to follow him. They moved into the elevator and moved one floor down. This was the second to the top floor, and only had a couple of people walking about. They were all high executives and had their offices on that floor. There were also a couple of meeting rooms. They walked into the largest one, the window looking out over the city. James sat down at the head of the table and leaned into the chair, waiting.
    June 3rd, 2018 at 05:06am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake visibly paled at the mention of Killenger. She gave a small nod of her head, chewing on the inside of her lip as she listened to James continue to speak. Her stomach twisted into a firm knot as fear flooded her system. She had known something was coming but she wasn't so sure that she had been ready for what James had to tell her. But Blake didn't have a say in what went on, she knew that. She swallowed around the lump that formed in her throat, pushing her food away. She hadn't been quite finished but now, her appetite was gone. "Yes, sir," Blake answered in a small voice.

    Grabbing her notepad, Blake pushed to her feet and started to follow James out of his office. Her heart was pounding so hard she was sure that it was going to beat out of her chest and she hated that so much because she knew each wolf that they passed by could hear how afraid she was. They could smell the fear that wafted off of her, the way her heart was beating.

    Blake took her usual spot once James had sat in his chair. She stood slightly off to the side, behind him. She stared down at her feet, her jaw clenched as she said a silent prayer that she would be able to keep her emotions in tact.
    June 3rd, 2018 at 07:36pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    It was quiet for a couple of moments in the coference room as other members of James' team started to pour in and take their seats. They were quiet as they pulled their information together, getting ready to listen and speak about the subject of the meeting. Though, they knew to kept their mouths shut when waiting for a business partner. No one wanted to accidently speak out of place.

    Soon enough, a familiar figure walked into the room, and James moved up onto his feet, a grin moving across his face. "Killenger, nice to see you again." He reached over, shaking the man's hand.

    "And nice to see you, friend." Killenger said with a laugh, shaking his hand before patting him on the back a few times. His eyes moved across the room, though stopped momentarily at Blake. He let out a 'hm' before moving back to James. They talked for a few moments before taking their places at the table. Killenger's own team moved to the chairs besides him. And, soon enough, the meeting was underway.
    June 3rd, 2018 at 07:59pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    While Blake didn't have the heightened senses that the wolves around her did but still, Blake could feel the energy shift in the room when Killenger entered. She swallowed against the sudden dry feeling in her mouth but didn't dare to look up or speak. She wasn't about to step a single toe out of line, knowing full well what would happen if she did. She would end up in trouble and James would be angered. Whatever progress they had made over the last day would be completely destroyed.

    Blake's heart was racing throughout the meeting but she listened to the key points, writing down what she thought was appropriate and that James would want to remember in the next day. She didn't write down everything but the key points, she was sure to record.
    June 3rd, 2018 at 08:46pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    When Killenger's own team was speaking, his eyes went over to Blake. He started to move his pen between his fingers as he watched her. Looking over her hair, her face, her lips and down to her chest. A little smirk moved over his lips as his mind continued to wander off. After all, he knew what his own team was going to say, so Killenger felt it only necessary to listen to James and his own group.

    This continued on until the meeting started to come to a close. Everyone started to talk a bit, picking up their things. People started to branch off, either to head back to their desk or to talk. Killenger stayed in his seat, his attention swtiching back and forth between James and Blake.

    James was turning to Killenger, going to speak until he was caught by both of the marketers by his own team and Killengers. He glanced nervously over at Blake before heading out of the room. "Killenger, just a moment please." With them gone, it was just Killenger and Blake alone in the room.

    A sly smile moved over his face as he looked over at her. "How are you doing today, darling?"
    June 4th, 2018 at 12:04am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake breathed a small sigh of relief when the meeting came to an end. That meant Killenger leaving and that today went well, with no hiccups at all. Though when James' attention was captured by the marketers on both teams, Blake's heart skipped a beat. SHe swallowed as she looked up, her gaze catching James' for a moment before he was ushered out of the room.

    She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, wondering if maybe she should start for James' office. The meeting was over so there was no real point in her lingering, was there? But maybe James would want her to record something that he discussed with Killenger, once he returned...

    Before Blake could make a decision on what she should do, Killenger spoke to her. A chill ran down her spine as she forced a small smile in his direction. "Good, thank you, sir. You?" Blake decided that it was best to remain polite but to keep distance between them.
    June 4th, 2018 at 12:58am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    Killenger slowly moved up onto his feet once Blake had responded. "Oh, well, I suppose." He said as he leaned against the back of his chair a bit, his fingers pressing into the leather. "Though, it could still get a lot better. With that, Killenger stood up fully and slowly made his way over to her. His eyes now moving up and down her whole body, becoming more obvious that he was doing so than before.

    "You have been with James for a while now." His eyes moved down to Blake's wrists, seeing the rope marks on her. "He has always been a bit rough with his slaves, and it looks like he is the same with you." Killenger stopped right in front of Blake, taking her wrist into his hand. He lifted it up to his face, smelling her for a moment before pressing a light kiss against her wrist. "I have always been a bit more gentle, myself."

    His glaze moved to her eyes, as if searching through them. "How has it been? Being in his service, that is."
    June 4th, 2018 at 02:24am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake swallowed as Killenger approached her. She felt the hair on the back of her neck stand up as he closed in on her, his gaze making her stomach turn. She wanted to leave the room right this moment but she was suddenly getting the impression that maybe it wasn't the best idea to walk away from Killenger. He was a wolf, after all. If she offended him or made him angry... there was no telling what he would do to her before James got to her. Or what James would do once he got to the room.

    Giving a small, affirmative nod of her head when Killenger mentioned that she had been with James for awhile. She knew that she had been, why did he feel the need to state a fact? Blake looked away, her jaw clenching as Killenger grabbed at her wrist. Blake looked up to Killenger, pulling her wrist out of his grip and taking a small step backward.

    "I am not to discuss my relationship with my owner with anyone that is not him. It is not anyones' business," Blake explained, doing her best to keep her tone void of emotion. She didn't want to let on that she was afraid or anything of the sort. "I think I will return to Sir's office. Will you be kind enough to let him know that is where I will be when he's finished?" Blake spoke, turning for the door.
    June 4th, 2018 at 03:15am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    Killenger was quick to wrap an arm around the girl's waist as she started to head for the door. "No, I do not think it wise for you to leave so soon." He said as he pulled Blake into his body. "You should wait here, with me. It is only the proper thing to do, and I know that your master would be quite upset with you if you were to leave here without being told to do so."

    Before Blake could get a word out, Killenger suddenly turned her around and pressed her back into the table. He made her sit down on the edge of it, his hands now sliding down from her waist and onto her hips. "And I would be rather disappointed if such a young beauty were to leave my presence. I would rather us continue to talk, or maybe have some fun while we wait." His hands continued down from her hips and onto her thigh. He moved down to the insider of her thigh and started up, under her skirt.

    "It is your job to keep me pleased while your master is gone, is it not?" He moved himself in between her legs, now his head beginning to lean down as he hovered over her body. "And I have a few ideas for those pretty lips of yours."
    June 4th, 2018 at 03:57am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake let out a sharp gasp as she was pulled back into Killenger's chest. Her eyes widened, fear flooding her system as she began to squirm against him. She was terrified in the moment, not having any idea what James was doing or how long he would be occupied. She gulped as Killenger spoke, her body beginning to shake. A sob bubbled up inside of her chest as she set her hand on Killenger's wrist, trying to push his arm away but there was nothing she could do about it as he forced her back against the table.

    She flinched as she was forced to sit down, shaking her head as she set her notebook and pen down. Blake tried to push his hand away, scooting further back on the table which only forced her to spread her legs more for Killenger. "S-Sir.." she stuttered, her breathe hitching as his hands moved further up her legs. Blake squeezed her eyes shut, trying to remind herself not to do anything brash. She was sure that James wouldn't approve of it but then Killenger was mentioning her lips and his fingers were brushing against her skirt and Blake's thoughts of James' approval flew out the window.

    "Stop!" Blake shouted, reaching up and pushing Killenger away with as much force as she could. She jumped up off of the table, twisting and beginning to back away from him. Blake brandished her pen as if it was a knife, having nothing else she could defend herself with. She backed further away from him which just ended up getting her further away from the door and from escape. It wasn't more than a few seconds before Killenger advanced toward her and before she could say or do anything else, Blake brought the pen up and jammed it into Killenger's side
    June 4th, 2018 at 04:19am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    Killenger yelled out in pain as Blake stabbed him in the side. He raised his hand up, slapping the woman across the face hard before reaching down and pulling the pen out of his side. For a moment, he looked down at it and saw the blood begin to drop from the tip of it. His hand wrapped around it tightly, his knuckles growing white as he raised the pen up into the air. "You are going to regret that you little whore."

    Before Killenger was able to bring it down on Blake, James busted into the room and grabbed onto the man's wrist. "What is happening here!" James demanded. His eyes shifted between Blake and Killenger before he grabbed onto the man and pushed him against the wall, forcing him to drop the pen. Once Killenger had done so, James stepped back, but immediately moved into a defensive position.

    "That little bitch stabbed me with a pen!" Killenger exclaimed as he tensed up. "I demand retribution. I demand justice"

    James' eyes narrowed before he glanced over at Blake, only for a moment before moving his attention back to Killenger. "Is that true Blake? Why did you do it?"
    June 4th, 2018 at 04:57am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake cried out as her head snapped to the side, stumbling backward several steps as tears welled in her eyes. She was visibly shaking as she looked up to Killenger, seeing his anger grow as he gripped the pen she had jsut used to stab him. Her eyes widened as she took another step back, starting to put her arms up in a half hearted attempt to protect herself.

    She didn't even know what was going on until James had Killenger shoved against the wall and was demanding to know what was going on. Instead of stepping behind James, Blake stood as still as a statue, too petrified to move. Her bottom lip began to wobble as tears welled in her eyes. She was sure that James was about to kill her and she couldn't even begin to comprehend anything else as an alternative ending.

    Blake wrapped her arms around herself, her head dropping as she closed her eyes tightly. Tears fell but she managed to speak when James spoke to her. She had long since learned how to speak through tears. "I.. He.. He sat me on the table. And he was touching me.. And then talking about how I was supposed to keep him happy while you were busy..." Blake whispered, shaking her head. "I tried to leave the room to go back to your office before that and he said it wasn't okay for me to just l-leave him... I'm sorry, sir. I didn't.. I don't.. I didn't mean to embarrass you." Blake dropped to her knees, already prepared for her fate.
    June 4th, 2018 at 05:29am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    The time for words was competely over in James' mind. He had wanted to be reasonable, to try to make amends with someone who was meant to be his business partner. Though the knowledge that the man had gone after his own property - no it was more than that. The fact that he had gone after Blake, specifically. Any other slave and James might have let it go, but not Blake. She was something special and the fact that someone was trying to take her away from him again enraged him.

    Immediately, James began to shift into his wolf form and Killenger quickly followed suit. Once James was ready, he jumped onto the still shifting Killenger and soon they were in a battle. Fur, blood, teeth, claws. All of it was just a blur and it was hard to tell what was happening, much less who was winning.

    Those who were still nearby ran into the room, confusion moving across their faces as they watched the men fight. Some had moved to jump in but were quickly stopped. They all had desires to protect their alphas, but knew better to jump into a batttle that they didn't understand. One of the woman ran over to Blake and grabbed her by her shoulders. She pulled the woman away from the fight but started to shake her a bit "What is happening? What is going on?"
    June 4th, 2018 at 05:45am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake sniffled, so prepared for James to lash out at her that when she heard the telltale sounds of him shifting, she held her breathe and prepared herself for the worst. She had watched one slave die the day before and she was sure her fate would be the same - after all, she had attacked an alpha and she had embarrassed James. For what? All because she had been uncomfortable didn't want Killenger touching her. James had made it clear to her that she wasn't to what anyone else said but she wondered if that included this as well.

    Looking up as the wolves began to fight, Blake's eyes widened as she blanched. Her jaw dropped as she shuffled backward, pushing herself flush against the wall. Blake held her breathe now, for an entirely different reason. James was fighting Killenger and she had a sneaking suspicion as to why.

    Stumbling when she was pulled away from the fight, Blake winced and tried to pull away from the woman, afraid to be hurt by an angry wolf trying to protect her alpha. She didn't necessarily recognize the woman, it wasn't as if she had met everyone in James' pack so she had no way of knowing who the woman was loyal to. "I-I.. Killenger, he tried to touch me. I stopped him and.." Blake trailed off, shrugging. She didn't know what else to say, how else she could explain the situation and she didn't know what James would or wouldn't want her telling people. Her eyes remained trained on the fighting wolves, fear the only thing that she felt at the moment. She was afraid of Killenger winning and she was afraid of losing James. Over the past little while, Blake had admittedly gotten more attached to him than she should have as a slave.
    June 4th, 2018 at 06:02am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    After a couple more minutes of the two tearing enough other apartment, Killenger ended up backing off and admitting defeat. He fell to the ground, pressing his head into the floor and let out a small whimper. His fur was a mess, parts of him were covered in blood and he was clearly in pain from the fight.

    James stepped away, accepting his surrender. Even though the man had won, he was not in much better shape. He took a few moments to breath before slowly shifting back into his human form. His hand went to his side, holding onto it tightly as he grabbed onto a chair to keep his balance. Everyone was looking to James, waiting for him to speak - or to faint. Though, he pushed himself into an upright position and started to head out of the room. "Get him out of here. I don't want him in my God Damn building."

    With that, Killenger's team started to move quickly, gathering up their leader and moving him out. James' own team stayed still, their eyes following James before looking to each other. They were still not quite sure what had happened, or what this meant for the deal. Though they knew better than to get in James' way when he was in a temper. They bowed their heads to him as he walked past before grouping up to discuss everything.

    James made his way to the elevator, planning on heading back to his office.
    June 4th, 2018 at 10:11pm