You Can Run But...

  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    After a few quick calls, James came out of his office and started to go around, speaking to his pack members one by one. Even though he had only been gone a day or two, there was much to be discussed. Things happened quickly at the top office and everyone there was on top of their game. It was just up to James to make the final decision on what would be best for the company. His top-floor pack might be great at what they did, but none of them had the vision that he had. James knew what he wanted and how to get it. And he knew how to keep all of these moving pieces in sync.

    As he moved around, James kept his back to Blake as much as possible. He didn't want to allow himself to become distracted by her. In fact, he wanted to see as little as Blake as possible. Plus, he wanted to send a message. A message to his pack that said 'She is not important, You are'. He hoped that would become clear as time went on. He needed to get back in sync with them all.

    By the time that James had gotten to the last few people, it was lunchtime. James stood up in front of everyone and told them to come to follow him to the restaurant, a high-end one that happened to be across the street. Once they arrived, everyone settled into their seats, though there wasn't a spot for Blake. James looked at her, clearing his throat before snapping his finger and pointing down at the ground beside him. He wanted her to sit on the floor at his side.
    July 28th, 2019 at 05:39am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake remained in her spot in the middle of the room unless someone called out to her. She didn't even dare look up from her feet, afraid to catch someone's eyes and for them to think that she was challenging them. The longer that she stood there without James so much as glancing in her direction cemented in her mind that she was nothing but a slave to him. She had behaved and she had gotten on his good side so he had been kind to her but not because he cared about her beyond that. He had simply been rewarding her for good behavior. Blake was sure of it.

    Chewing on her bottom lip as James led the pack to the restaurant across the street, Blake didn't dare move toward any of the chairs. She thought that he might allow her to sit so that she could enjoy a meal with them since their breakfast had been cut short that morning but when James snapped and pointed at the floor, Blake realized that wasn't going to happen.

    Her cheeks flushed as she moved to her knees just behind his chair, off to the side slightly. Blake squeezed her eyes shut, her knuckles turning white around the material of her notepad. She could feel tears welling in her eyes but she didn't dare let them fall. Everyone alread knew how upset she was, there was no use in crying and bringing attention to her.

    Blake winced as she shifted, moving so that she was half sitting and half kneeling, her legs scrunched up and into her side. It wasn't all that much more comfortable but it took some of the pressure off of her legs. She hoped that the different position wouldn't bother James but as quickly as the thought appeared, Blake pushed herself back onto her knees. James was already so angry with her, she didn't want to make it any worse.
    July 29th, 2019 at 06:06am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    After the lunch had ended, James and the office made their way back to the office. James headed into his office, getting to work for the rest of the day, without interruption. A little after others started to leave, James made his way to where Blake was left and motioned for her to follow him before he turned and headed to the elevator. 

    Once they were in the car, he leaned back into the leather seats as he closed his eyes. James had not been able to come to a decision as to what to do with Blake. There were so many options but none of them gave James any satisfaction. He was hurt by this girl but didn't know what to do about it. Selling her meant no longer having Blake. Keeping her meant having to see her all the time.... The man knew he had as much time as he wanted to make a decision but he wanted to do something that might make him feel better now.

    As the car stopped in front of the house, James opened his eyes and headed inside. He didn't bother to look behind him to see if Blake was following. She would know what to do at this point. Blake wasn't allowed to leave unless he dismissed her, which he had not done yet. James was thinking he might as well have some fun with her like he did the others. Perhaps being a bit rough would make it better. 
    August 1st, 2019 at 05:03pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Even as the main office started to empty, Blake stood off to the side. Her heart was racing as she listened to people move about, only daring to leave the spot if someone called out to her. She was starving by now but she didn't dare go to one of the tables that held various snacks on it. She didn't want to assume she was allowed such a luxury because she was just a slave after all. Even now, Blake could hear James shouting at her and reminding her of her place. It broke her heart because she just thought that she was maybe a bit more. She had been foolish though. She realized that.

    Blake was quiet the entire car ride home, not daring to even look up from her lap. She wanted to turn toward James, she wanted to explain that she was sorry. That she hadn't meant anything bad by it - that she had simply wanted to warn James about some disloyal wolves but the anger that James still felt was more than obvious to her.

    Chewing on her bottom lip as she followed James inside, Blake hesitated as she glanced toward him. James didn't seem to need her and she was absolutely starving. She knew his routine by now; he would go upstairs and shower and relax from his day at the office. Surely James didn't need her for any of that. She turned, starting for the kitchen in an effort to grab something small to eat.
    August 1st, 2019 at 05:52pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    James did not notice that Blake was no longer behind him until he got to his room. Though as he turned to look for the woman, there was no one there. A growl came from deep within James as anger started to bubble up. This was something that he needed to handle immediately. Turning to one of his paid employees, James told him to fetch Blake and bring her to the punishment room. 

    Once the man had left, James headed into the bedroom. He needed to change before heading there himself. No reason to get his nice work clothes messy just because some slave couldn't follow the rules.

    The man was quick to head off and to find out where the slave had gone to. After taking to a few of the others in the house, he was able to locate her in the kitchen. As he opened up the door, the man saw that she was getting food from one of the cupboards. He was quick to come to her side and smack the food out of her hands before snapping at one of the other slaves to clean it up.

    Without a word, he grabbed onto Blake's upper arm and started to drag her out of the kitchen. "Master James is absolutely furious with you. You are to go to the punishment room immediately. Once there, be sure to get down onto your knees, into position, if you don't want things to be worse for you." The man hissed. 

    When they arrived at the door, the man opened it up and was quick to shove Blake in there before closing the door behind her. 
    August 1st, 2019 at 06:42pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake had decided to pull a can of chicken noodle soup out of the cupboard beside the mini fridge that slaves were allowed to access if the chef wasn't already making something in the kitchen. She had opened the can and poured the contents into a bowl, turning to put it in the microwave when someone slapped the bowl out of her hands. She gasped as she jumped back, her eyes widening as she was dragged out of the room before she could even piece together what was happening.

    Fear was the only thing that she felt as the man growled at her. Her eyes widened as she was brought in front of hte punishment room. Her lips parted as if to beg the man to not take her there but she realized that it didn't matter what she said to this man. James was the one in charge, not this man.

    Swallowing around the lump that formed in her throat, Blake bit back a sob as she peeled her dress off. She folded it along with her underwear in a neat pile that she set by the door. Her heart was pounding so hard, her appetite long side forgotten about as she lowered herself to her knees.

    Blake hung her head as she spread her legs, her hands turned so her palms faced upward as she sniffled. She was sure that James had led her here because of this morning and she couldn't understand how James could be so angry over something like this. She had just wanted to tell him so that she could keep him happy and safe. After all, James had saved her from Killenger's wrath.

    Her breathe hitched when James opened the door. Blake fought the urge to curl in on herself even further, squeezing her eyes shut as she prayed this would go quickly.
    August 1st, 2019 at 07:06pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    "Do not speak unless I tell you to." Closing the door behind him, James looked down at the woman on the floor. His anger had only risen higher and higher by the time the man had left to fetch her. The lies she spewed this morning had been enough for James, but along with the disobedience? "Are you trying to upset me?" He growled at her, taking a few steps forward. "Are you trying to test me? Did I allow you to become too familiar with me? I must have if you think you can be so disobedient."

    James headed over to the wall, pulling off a whip from it before slowly making his way back to Blake. His free hand slowly ran along the tail as he looked her over. Something in him was turning. Just the idea of hurting Blake felt so wrong but so right at the same time. It was something he hadn't felt before... Though Blake had made him feel many new things and none of it seemed to be for the better. 

    He moved behind her and brought the whip down against her back without mercy. "I DISMISS YOU." James snapped at her before it came down against her skin again. "You leave when I say." The whip came down for the third time. He then held onto the bottom of it, his breathing growing ragged. Did the whipping making him feel better? Yes and no. But he was going to keep going. He needed to get himself out of this emotional mess. James would beat her until he felt like his old self again.

    "I want you to say 'Only Master can dismiss me' every time after I hit you. Do you understand? Nod if you understand." James said. He waited for the nod and then his eyes glanced over her back. He wasn't holding his strength back at all, and it was clear to see from how her back was already bright red. Though, it didn't matter. James started up again, only allowing his slave enough time to speak before the whip was on her again. 
    August 1st, 2019 at 07:21pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake could only bring herself to nod at James' instruction. She wasn't a wolf but she had been with James long enough that she knew how angry he was. She could feel just how angry he was, she could probably feel his eyes digging into her. Tears welled in her eyes at James' question, a wave of sadness washing over her. What had she done? Blake squeezed her eyes shut, biting down on her bottom lip to keep herself from making any noise.

    She heard the sound of the whip being pulled from the wall. It made her flinch because she knew that she was about to suffer. Blake's lips parted as she lurched forward with the first hit of the whip. Crying out at the second whip, Blake whimpered before crying out at the third one. Her head dropped as the pain washed over her. Her breaths were coming in short, ragged bursts as James spoke to her.

    Blake hardly had the courage to nod her head. She knew it meant James wasn't anywhere near finished with her and if she had thought there was a way to get out of this, she would have tried it. A scream tore from her lips, a few tears leaking from her eyes. "O-Only master," Blake paused, wincing at the pain that each breathe caused her. "Can.. can dismiss me," she managed to speak, screaming as James started to whip her again. Each whip was worse than the last, her back felt like it was on fire because the chip would hit tender marks from the previous hits.

    "Only master can dismiss me," Blake rushed out, starting to take a deep breathe. Half way through her cry, she let out a strangled sob as James brought the whip down again. She slumped forward, her fingers digging into her thighs. "O-Only.. only ma-ster c-can.. dismiss," she paused, choking back a sob. "me."

    Flinching as the whip was brought down on her again, Blake pushed herself away from him just slightly. Her arms were shaking, barely able to even pull herself a few inches forward. "Please. Please. I'm sorry, please," she begged, cracking as she tried to put even more distance between them. She was speaking out of turn, Blake knew, but her head was swimming in the pain. "Please."
    August 1st, 2019 at 07:49pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    James grip on the whip tightened as Blake started to beg for him to stop. He had only barely been able to ignore the hurricane of feelings that he felt when he was beating her. Though hearing Blake cry and beg was beginning to become too much for James. 

    He basically jumped on her, pushing Blake down into the ground on her back as his free hand wrapped around her neck. His grip on her was tight, wanting to make Blake stop talking. He didn't want to listen. Though seeing the pain on her face only made his stomach twist even more. How could she have such an effect on him? It wasn't fair. How did this bitch manage to make him not want to hurt her. 

    "Stop it!" James screamed. "Fucking stop. Don't do that. I didn't tell you to speak. Don't fucking speak unless I tell you to. You don't get to do that, you don't get to just beg when you fucked up." A low growl came from James, stopping him from yelling. Fur started to grow over James, a shift in him starting slowly. His eyes shifting from human to wolf. 

    James immediately let go of Blake as he started to shift, it having taken him by surprise. Though as he pulled away, he moved straight back to his fully human form. He dropped the whip that was in his hand, looking over at Blake for a moment before turning on his feet. 

    "That's enough for today. You are dismissed but you will be back here tomorrow morning, 8am sharp."  With that, James quickly headed out of the room. 
    August 1st, 2019 at 08:34pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake yelped as she was pushed to the ground, the hard, cool ground doing nothing to calm the pain coursing through her back. Tears were steadily falling down her cheeks as she looked up to him, her eyes widening as panic settled in the pit of her stomach. She gasped, squirming weakly as she tried to pull his fingers off of her neck. She tried to speak, choked noises the only thing she could manage instead.

    If she had been afraid before, Blake didn't think it was anything like her fear when James started to shift on top of her. She stilled, her blood running cold as she closed her eyes tightly. She didn't so much as breathe as James moved toward the door, absolutely petrified as she laid there. Only when the door shut did Blake open her eyes, letting out a sob.

    She laid there for nearly an hour before she foudn the strength to stand, shuffling toward her clothes. It took her nearly ten minutes to pull the clothes on, whimpering as the material settled on the wounds on her back. She didn't want everything to see her naked with her wounds on her back. Hanging her head, Blake inched toward her bedroom. She was exhausted and as much as she wanted to go grab a bite of food or shower, Blake knew that she didn't have the energy. The moment she was in her room, Blake collapsed on her bed.

    The next morning, Blake awoke with a small groan. She stood gingerly, careful to change into a fresh dress. Blake didn't know if James wanted her dressed or not but she wasn't going to risk not being dressed appropriately. Biting into her lip, Blake took nearly fifteen minutes before she got to the punishment room just before 8am. Her head hung lower with each passing moment, fear settling in every fiber of her being.
    August 1st, 2019 at 08:54pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    Once James arrived to the room, he saw that Blake was standing outside of the door, clothed. It wasn't exactly what he wanted but he wasn't going to punish her for that in particular. After all, he hadn't told her what to do the night before. Without saying a word, he took her by the upper arm, his grip was firm but not painful. He pulled her inside, closing the door behind them. 

    Heading over to one of the contraptions, James pointed at it. "In." He told her before turning and heading over to his wall of items. The device he wanted to get her in would hold Blake in a very particular way. It was a bench of sorts, with a manacle on each side to hold in her arms and legs. So she would essentially be held up by the device on all fours and tied down while her breasts and head would hang over it. 

    James came back to her a few moments later, strapping each leather strap down around her arms and legs. This time he didn't want her to be able to move. He then moved towards her face forced her lips open before he pushed in a gag. At least she wouldn't be able to beg this time either. "I want you to stay as quiet as you can," James told her as he moved behind Blake. "And this time you are not leaving until I am done." 

    His hands pressed down against her hips before pushing her dress up over her ass and then reaching underneath her to pull it down so her breasts would become free. James then made quick work of her undies, cutting them off without a single thought. Now that she was free, her pussy and ass were completely open to him. James brought his hand down on her back before pushing two fingers deep into her asshole. 
    August 1st, 2019 at 09:27pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake glanced up when James pointed toward the contraption that he wanted her in. She gulped, biting down on the inside of her lip as she moved to kneel on the bench. She closed her eyes, feeling like she wanted nothing more than to disappear. Blake bit back a whimper as James started to strap her arms and legs down. She wanted to reason with him but she bit down on her lip, refusing to make a noise. She knew how angry James was. She didn't want to make her situatin any worse than it already was.

    Parting her lips, Blake frowned slightly as the gag was forced between her lips. Blake gave a small nod of her head at his instruction, squirming slightly as she tried to get into a slightly more comfortable position but it wasn't working with how bad her back hurt. Whimpering as James' hand pressed against her back, Blake leaned forward as she tried to move herself away from his grasp but there was nowhere for her to go.

    Her body tensed as two fingers pressed into her. She shook her head, biting into the gag as she tried to pull away from him. Blake whimpered around the gag, her nails digging into the pieces that were holding her up. She hung her head, unable to get herself to even relax enough to be able to take James' fingers. Blake fought back the whimper, trying to force herself to relax as much as she could. She knew that he would be easier to take if she was able to relax around him.
    August 1st, 2019 at 10:16pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.
    James let out a sigh as he pushed his fingers deeper into her. He could tell that Blake was trying to fight him. Whether it was voluntary or not was irrelevant. Her ass was tensed up and it took him effort to push just two fingers into her deeper and deeper. Well, she was definitely not going to enjoy what was coming next but that was her problem. 

    Reaching down, James picked up a dildo and pushed it deep into her pussy. It didn't matter how much she squirmed or moved or whimpered. Blake was stuck there and now he couldn't understand a word that she said. Once the dildo was nice and wet from her own juices, he pulled it out and forcibly pushed it deep into her ass. 

    A knock on the door occurred and without looking up, James told them to come in. It was one of the male wolves from his pack. The man walked in a few steps, closing the door behind him as he did so. "Alpha." The man said before giving him a small nod of his head. James didn't bother to look at the man, instead, focusing on taping the dildo down to ensure it wouldn't move. "Get ready," James told him.

    The man nodded before pulling his pants and boxers down, his cock now out. He headed over to Blake, circling her twice as a hungry look came over his eyes. He then reached out, his hands brushing against her nipples a few times before he started to grab onto her chest, groping her breasts. "Hello, slut." The man grinned widely. "You'll have the pleasure of serving me today. Isn't that exciting?" He as he took his cock and ran it along her face. 
    August 1st, 2019 at 10:47pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake held her breathe as the dildo was pressed inside of her. She shuddered, unable to contain a small moan. She couldn't help her confusion because it was pleasure to her and wasn't she supposed to be punished? It seemed as soon as she had thought it, the dildo was pulled out of her and he forced it into her ass. Blake squealed around the gag, her eyes widening as her toes curled. Had this been just two days ago, Blake would have thoroughly enjoyed James fucking her but she was utterly terrified at the moment. She couldn't seem to bring herself to relax, no matter how hard she tried to.

    Her cheeks turned a bright red when the door opened. Blake didn't look up, the man's voice enough to send fear through her. Why was he here? Blake wanted to ask but then she heard his zipper and her eyes flew open, searching wildly for James. Nonono. There was no way that he was going to have someone else fuck her.

    Blake tried to protest but the gag kept her noises to unintelligible whimpers. Shivering as the man teased her nipples, Blake tugged on her arms. She wanted to hide, no one was supposed to touch her but James! Except James was standing back, watching as the man did. Tears welled in her eyes. She flinched as his cock brushed against her face, trying to shy as far away from him as she could.

    She had known she had angered James but she hadn't thought he would do this. Blake hung her head, her hands balling into small fists as he tried to think of anything else. Anything else that would mean she could focus on something else. So that she didn't have to focus on James or the man that was touching her.
    August 1st, 2019 at 11:01pm
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    James took a few steps back once the dildo was in properly. He watched as his pack member started to fondle Blake. James wanted to grimace at the sight of it but managed to keep his face straight. This was something that needed to be done. He needed to chip away at his feelings for Blake until they were nothing but dust. Then, and only then, would he be able to use her as a proper slave again and possibly sell her.

    So, he moved back and leaned against the wall, allowing himself to get ready for what was going to happen. James only hoped that this plan would work. That maybe letting her get fucked by another would make James see Blake less of his.

    The man let out a chuckle as he pulled his cock away from her face. "Hey, there is no reason to squirm so much yet, my little whore." He leaned down, grabbing onto her face and forced Blake to look up at him. "I am going to take you. I am going to fuck you until I force an orgasm from you. And then, I am going to push my cock into your slutty pussy and cum so that my seed can do its job and impregnate you."

    The man then let go of Blake's face before moving behind her. His hands ran over her ass, admiring the view for a long moment. Then, taking his cock, he pushed himself into her pussy slowly, enjoying the feeling of her wrapping around his member. But after that moment, the man started to thrust his cock in and out of her slowly, but ensuring that he pushed in deep. "Does my slut like that or should I go faster?"
    August 2nd, 2019 at 12:49am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake hung her head, refusing to look around the room as her eyes clamped shut. Tears fell as she tried to will herself to relax around the dildo shoved inside of her. She wanted to plead with James but there was no way for her to speak around the gag, her cheeks turning a bright red as shame washed over her. She was angry that she had hurt James, that she had even told him in the first place because it was obvious that he hadn't believed her one bit. She wondered if he had been looking for a reason to get rid of her.

    Whimpering as her head was forced up, Blake fixed the man with a heavy glare. The thought of anyone touching her other than James was enough to make her sick to her stomach. But at the mention of cumming, she shook her head. No. She wasn't going to cum for the man in front of her. She wouldn't. She couldn't! If Blake had been afraid before, the thought of being pregnant by the wolf in front of her..

    Blake shuddered as she tugged on her arms, weakly trying to get herself free. She wanted to scream and cry as she felt the man press into her. She shook her head, whimpering as she looked around the room. Seeing the look on James' face, Blake hung her head again. Tensing as the man began to fuck her, Blake didn't so much as respond to the man's question. She tried her best to focus on the pain in her back and her ass to distract from the pleasure that she couldn't seem to get away from. The man was fucking her and no matter how much she didn't want to enjoy it, her body responded.

    Blake was openly sobbing now, relieved the gag was in her mouth because it hid her moans.
    August 2nd, 2019 at 01:05am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    Despite Blake's whimpers and crys, the man was able to tell that she was still enjoying it. Even what she wouldn't admit to him, her pussy would. How she tightened around him as he pushed him. And he could see how wet she was becoming when he looked down. "I think my little whore is getting pleasure from this." He said pleasantly.

    His hands moved down, grabbing onto her hips. He held onto her tightly before pushing in harder now, rougher than before. Now he was speeding up, his thrusts coming faster and faster until he was holding a regular pace. His own cock was beginning to throb, feeling himself getting more needy to cum. Though that wasn't going to happen until he took an orgasm from the bitch.

    "There is no need to be so quiet behind that gag. Why don't you moan for me little slut?" The man groaned out. He leaned forward, one of his hands dropping from her waist and moving up to her breasts. Finding a nipple, he started to massage and pull on it, wanting to hear more of that beautiful noise from the woman. "Now when you need to cum, little whore, there is no need to hold back. Just let go and give it to me."

    As James watched on, he only felt his heart dropping deep into his stomach. This was only making him feel worse. Hearing Blake's cries and whimpers. He could see the tears running down her face. This was the opposite of what he wanted. James wanted to care less. He wanted to see Blake as a nobody, as a slave to just as he wished. But all he really wanted to do was shove his packmate off of her.
    August 2nd, 2019 at 01:20am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake winced with each thrust, her breathe catching in the back of her throat. She refused to make noise, not wanting to give into the pleasure she was feeling. She felt dirty because of it. Like she wanted nothing more than to go hide; scrub her skin into it was red and raw. She didn't want to feel his fingers on her body.

    As much as she wanted to hide, Blake couldn't escape his punishing thrusts. Gasping as his fingers pinched at her nipple, Blake's eyes flew open. She let out a strangled noise, shaking her head. She slumped forward, letting out a broken sob as she spasmed around the man's cock. Blake turned her head away from James, not wanting him to see her face as she came.

    Blake tugged on her limbs as if she could get free. "Please," she cried around the gag, arching as far away from the man as she could. She started to shake her head when he continued to fuck her overly sensitive pussy. She kenw her words meant nothing though because as loud as she tried to be, the gag muffled it. Pushing at the manacle attached to her arms, Blake tried helplessly to get away from the man.

    Despite how angry James was with her, Blake felt like she was betraying him as she orgasmed with someone else.
    August 2nd, 2019 at 01:38am
  • Sweet.Persephone

    Sweet.Persephone (100)

    United States
    @ castle.

    The man let out a low groan as he felt her tighten around him even more. His hand let go of her nipple, grabbing onto her hips again. He held onto her tight as he started to move his hips faster and a bit more out of control. It wasn't long after until he was pushing as deep into her as possible, cumming into her. As the man orgasm, he let out a pleasant groan. He stayed there for a few moments before slowly pulling his member out, some of the cum starting to run down her pussy as he did so.

    James could not stop the deep frown move along his face as he watched Blake orgasm. He wanted to turn his head, to look away from the scene but he couldn't, he felt as though his eyes were glued until he was able to see the climax of his packmate. Though once he saw the cum start to drip from Blake, James slowly turned on his feet. Someone all of it felt surreal to him. Like somehow it wasn't really happening like he hadn't done this to her at all. But he knew that he had, he knew that it was real.

    Once at the door, James stopped. He didn't turn back, didn't want to see more of the scene. James knew that he had no right to be upset. This was something that he had done to himself, something that he had wanted to see with his own eyes. But James was. This was not how he wanted this to turn out. "When you are done, let her free and dismiss her to her room." With that, James headed out of the room.
    August 2nd, 2019 at 02:05am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Blake couldn't even bring herself to move when the man finished with her, undoing the straps that held her down. She winced as the gag was pulled out of her mouth. Wincing as she stretched her jaw, Blake closed her eyes tightly as the man left the room. Her legs shook as she moved to her feet. She was exhausted, her entire body felt like it was in pain from being fucked and whipped the day before. Blake's bottom lip wobbled as she took a few steps forward, crying out as she fell to her knees.

    Curling in on herself, Blake let herself cry until she couldn't anymore. She felt ashamed and disgusting - she had cum with someone else who wasn't James. But James had implemented it. He had wanted it. Blake gulped, realizing that she was nothing to him. The thought alone was enough to cause a few more tears to fall.

    She crawled toward her clothes, pulling them n gingerly. She took a few moments before she found the courage to stand. Blake was barely able to walk, her legs shaking as she inched toward the door. Blake wanted nothing more than to go shower off and to sleep but she hadn't even in over a day. She knew she had to eat. Blake refused to look up from her feet, using the wall to help support herself as she made her way into the kitchen.

    Blake grabbed a quick bite to eat before she made her way back toward her room. As much as she wanted to shower and get his filth off of her, she hardly had the energy to even get to her room. The moment she was inside, Blake collapsed on her bed and curled into a tight ball. She wanted to go find James and seek comfort in his arms but it was becoming clear to her that she didn't matter to him.She was othing more than a slave.
    August 2nd, 2019 at 02:20am