just as long as i'm with you.

  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
  • liv morgan.

    liv morgan. (100)

    United States
    Negative... again. Audreigh thought bitterly to herself, throwing the pregnancy test in the trash. Tears started welling up in her eyes, out of pure frustration more than anything. She and Johnny had been trying to have a baby pretty much since they'd gotten married about three years previously, but here they were with no baby. Hell, the guys had even taken a hiatus during 2015 so she and Johnny could attempt to build their family. Every time one of their friends became pregnant, Audreigh had to fake a smile, give a hug and a kiss in congratulations while inside she was dying. Why couldn't that be her? Was something wrong? Her doctor told her she was in perfect health, so that couldn't be it.

    The orange haired woman wiped her eyes before shuffling out of the en suite bathroom, shutting the door behind her. The house was still and quiet, save for the tv going in the living room. Audreigh's intent had been to take the test while Johnny was off with the guys, find out it was positive, and surprise him when he came home. Now that that had gone to shit, she fully intended to spend the rest of her day on the couch, nursing a bottle of wine and feeling sorry for herself while watching netflix. Audreigh padded downstairs and stopped first in the kitchen. She grabbed her wine out of the freezer and the oreos off the top of the breadbox before heading to the living room, flopping down on the couch.

    Can you do me a favor and bring home some something for dinner? I'm starving. Audreigh fired off a text to Johnny.


    Matt knew one thing immediately when he woke up, and that was he was definitely not in his own bed. I must have slept over at Amada's again... he mused, and rolling over confirmed his thoughts. His raven haired beauty was asleep next to him, and even though he should be freaking the fuck out a sense of calm settled over him. Just being in Amada's presence did that. He reached out and smoothed back some of his night colored hair, exhaling softly so as not to disturb her.

    After laying in bed for a few minutes, Matt decided it was time to get up and head home. The boys could only cover for him for so long, and he knew Audreigh outright refused to. He swung his legs over the side of the bed and got up, searching for the jeans and t-shirt he discarded the evening before. Once he found them he put the clothing back on before padding across the hall to the bathroom. Matt flicked the light on before turning the taps on the faucet, bending down scrub his face so some of the tiredness would go away. He dried his face before heading back across the hall to the bedroom, leaning against the door. For a second he just stood there, looking at Amada's form. Christ, she was fucking beautiful. He wanted nothing more than to just crawl back into bed and sleep the day away with her. But his boys needed him. Despite the fact that he fucking hated their mother with everything in him now, those boys were his reason for being.

    "Hey, sunshine, wake up... I gotta go." Matt whispered.
    August 3rd, 2017 at 07:01am