
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Alice Pax & James North & Everett Waters
    September 9th, 2017 at 02:00am
  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    There were few things that caught Alice off guard enough to make her want to step out of her comfort zone. The only recent thing had been meeting a certain James North. Something about him had attracted her attention and drew her in, but she found it difficult to figure out where to go from there. She wasn’t really one to push her luck or to even know what to do or say.

    The realization left her with few options. With her interest in James North having grown over the short period of time they’d spoken, she wanted to see if anything could progress or form from that - but she wouldn’t ever figure that out if she didn’t try to learn more about interacting with people. She’d never been much of a people person in general, but if she wanted this, she’d have to try.

    For a few long moments, she stared at her computer screen, trying to decide whether this was a good idea or not. She chewed on her lip, leaning forward to type, but she paused, unsure of what to even type out or where to even search for help. Google was an option, she supposed, but it would only do so much and she wouldn’t know whether it would help unless she actively tested it out.

    Sighing, she posted up an ad - something simple. Help wanted. Searching for a romantic advisor. After she posted the ad with her email, she signed onto a few chat rooms and, after copying the link, posted the link to the chat rooms. It seemed like a weird idea, but she could only hope that something would come of it.
    September 15th, 2017 at 02:33pm
  • koamarubee

    koamarubee (100)

    United States
    Everett scrubbed the dish with all of the force he had in his arm. He exhaled when the crust was finally shaken from the plate, and rinsed it a few times just to be sure that it was finally clean before putting it in the other sink to soak. He chastised himself for letting the dishes get so grimy yet again. Cracking his knuckles, Everett gave the kitchen a quick wipe down before heading into his bedroom. Living alone had proved to be nothing more than Everett had expected, despite his mother's concern. Even his father's troubles over Everett's self-proclaimed entrepreneurship had washed away now that Everett was making more than a healthy living through the power of the internet.

    Swinging into his desk chair, putting his headphones on, and opening his laptop, Everett was ready to make some money.

    Logging into all of his usual sites, he began to send emails, making offers to companies, posting on his blog, updating his social media, uploading his photography to a resume website he'd been building - it was shaping up to be a very productive night when something caught Everett's eye.

    Help wanted. Searching for a romantic advisor.

    At first, Everett kind of chuckled to himself for considering it. After all, he hadn't exactly had much luck romantically himself. Sure, he could talk to people. Sure, he knew how it worked. He'd dated around, but somehow he had never seemed to find the right girl. His mom had even asked him if he was gay. However, side jobs like this one often proved valuable. He could even officially add 'romantic advisor' to his list of ventures. Plus, if it went sour, what did he have to lose? And so Everett responded, keeping it curt and professional:

    Romance is my specialty. PM for rates.
    August 15th, 2018 at 03:31am