
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Jacob Black and Jessica Marz
    Paul Lahote and Jade Knight
    September 13th, 2017 at 12:36am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Jacob groaned feeling the tugged at the back of his shirt turning and facing the scarred woman he frowned. He didn't like disagreeing with her, she had enough on her hands with her kids and the pack always around. As of late Sam talked about stepping down and allowing one of the others to fill his roll as Alpha. But Jake knew that they weren't quite ready for that. Even though all the issues with the vampires seemed to have subsided, he knew the pack still just wasn't ready to call it quits. And he knew that if Sam walked away most of the others would too. He really couldn't say if he'd stay in the pack or if he'd just up and go rouge, though La Push would always be his home. The fight today with Emily had been over the talk of new recruits, they were discussing weather or not they should allow ranking. Jake's thoughts on this was simple they weren't here from the get go and if anyone was going to take Sam's, Jared's or Paul's places it should be him or the other's that had been her the longest. Not some newbie. Jake was never good with change and this showed. "Em, I won't fight over this." He told her, before shrugging off her hold, not wanting to make the situation worse. He was all for welcoming new people, though it was strange. But truly he should have been the Alpha for the fact that his grandfather was a tribe leader, there fore it passed down to him. He allowed things between him and Sam to rest over it because he was never one to want the position. But as time went on and his thoughts and views changed he would be glad to have that. But really it was just adjusting to this life without his father's guidance, and taking on his own responsibilities. Granted his father was always there for him, but the man had to leave home some time. And he needed his own place and space, he couldn't stress enough on how much space he needed. Since the Cullen's left there wasn't much of a life for him here, his best friend left him. Sure he was heartbroken but it was different now he felt a different purpose. And he was still trying his best to figure that purpose out, but since he didn't have people always bothering him or in his business he felt better. And it really helped him grow and mature, but some say it made him sour and coarse. Exiting the house he froze taking in the presences of his Alpha Sam and their new recruit Sniper. "Sup." He greeted feeling rather sheepish, knowing that both the men could have possible over heard there conversation. He felt the tension in the air as he stood there and listened to the two of them converse back and forth. "Jake why don't you go with him, kind of show him around." Sam told the younger male, having been spaced out he was afraid to ask what he was suppose to be doing. And it was rather to late to ask him since Sam bolted inside to be with his family. "Okay." He frowned taking in the male's presence. "Let's go." He said motioning for him to follow him, they'd ended up in the woods behind Sam's house pulling their clothing off before phasing. Jake was surprised when all these thought and memories hit him in the face, it was like he was living this man's past. Shaking his head he cleared his mind knowing if he felt it so did the other, but now he knew what Sam had been talking about. And quickly laying down the ground for him he ran the perimeter giving him the grand tour of La Push.
    Jade huffed as she nearly sprinted across the parking lot, gravel crunching under her feet as she rushed to get inside, knowing that the weather in the town was always rainy and humid. The last thing she wanted was for her hair to get all frizzy and puff up on her. She knew this was one place that she didn't want to work but really with the towns so small it was the best option and she was surprised she'd gotten the job. After everything that happened with her past she really hated being back in this place, but she couldn't leave her mother like this. It wasn't something that she'd take pride in, but it was just a stepping stone for her. She'd make the most out of it even if it wasn't her dream. After all she could still do what she'd started back in LA, just change the location. But the issue she was being faced with was money problems. Her mother had been in pretty bad debt and was about to lose her house to the bank. So instead of using the money she saved up Jade took it and got her mother's bills caught up. She knew if the woman was awake that she'd chew her out for letting it get this bad. But everyone around the area seemed to be in some trouble one way or another. And even if it put her back for a few years she'd do it for her mother. They might not have seen eye to eye, but she still loved the woman and knew it was too much stress and strain to raise a child alone. Granted when she heard her mother had been hospitalized her world stopped, she couldn't lose another parent. It had changed her so much losing her father, and she hated the feeling of emptiness. Now that she knew her mother was going to be okay she just needed to make it through her time here. She even thought about convincing her mother to move to LA with her. Since it seemed that her mother couldn't even take care of herself. It hurt her to know that this dead town was holding her back. But it held more memories for her mother than she could even imagine. All it did was remind Jade of the bad in her life. The death of her father and her down fall of life. She'd been put through so much that she was always optimistic. She was still breathing and no matter how bad it was it could always get worse. Entering the building she sighed feeling the slight difference in temperature she sighed. Looking around the place was disserted, it wasn't drinking time for the locals. But it was still time to get ready, because this was the only place in town that sold booze. If they wanted it they had to come here to get it. She knew that it was a smart business decision to open a bar where there wasn't one. But she wondered if it was enough for the doors to stay open. Normally it wouldn't bother her one way or another but right now this was her pay. Stepping into the employee lounge she placed her bag into her locker before pulling her coat off and shoving it in there too. It wouldn't be long before she'd need to clock in but until that time she'd fine herself relaxing on one of the chairs.
    September 13th, 2017 at 03:14am
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    I hope this is okay.

    Jess stepped out of the shower wrapping a towel around her body and walked out of the bathroom and into her bed room. She put on her black laced bra and matching panties next she put on her fitted black leather corset that laced up in front followed by the matching leather pants it always got her more tips at the bar she might had owned the bar but she also made the drinks. When she heard the knock on her door she looked out the pep hole and saw her twin brother and said "hey I was just heading out for work but if you want to talk then you can ride with".

    Spike looked at her and said "yeah that would be a great idea sis" after they got into the car she started it up while she was driving Spike said "Sniper found a pack that will let us join but I haven't met any of them yet and I don't know if I like this either I mean we could gave made our owen pack what if they don't like us".

    Jess sighed and said "Spike please try to relax Sniper has never lead us wrong before so we have to trust him it's going to be fine" as she pulled up tp the bar parking the doge it had won a lot of races before they moved to this small town. she knew the locals would be attracted but the younger people from the bigger towns cause the place was new and everyone had to check ot out so she knew it was going to be a busy night.

    Paul was running the borders checking for any intruders on there land when a strange smell caught his nose so he ran to see who or what it was. Paul bolted in front of Jake and growled and said "who is this guy is he one of the new ones that Sam let in to the pack". Sniper nodded and said "yes I am and I'll be helping my two brothers and my sister. Paul watched him without another word he took off to finish his patrol he. He found it odd that Sniper was snow white in color for a wolf it was not something he was use too at all in the pack.

    Paul ran his patrols for the rest of his hour interval then Seth took over while he walked over to Sam's house to see why he was taking in the new wolves into their pack but he soon found out that the pack members who where 21 which was most of them buy now would be going to check out the new bar it was built for younger people also the rest of the nee pack members would be there so he went home and took a shower and got cleaned up for the grand opening of the new bar.

    It was a little past five when the group met at Sam's house they all knew Jade had a job at the bar how she found out about the place they didn't know but they liked having someone they knew there it made them all more comfortable. They knew it was going to be busy but soon everyone was ready to go. When they arrived they saw a doge that stuck out like a sore thumb it was black and lime green and looked almost new.
    September 13th, 2017 at 05:46am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jake huffed knowing that Paul was a bit of a hot head, since he hadn't changed much since High School. It was expected for him to lash out about newbies. Though Jake was surprised to see Sniper hold his own. Cutting their run rather short Jake took him back to Sam's house where they phased back and changed. Instead of grouping in the kitchen like normal the guys were chilling out on the porch. That was where Sniper mentioned his sister bar. It wasn't like the guys to drink in fact it was one thing Sam prohibited. But when he agreed that the older wolves should go out and enjoy themselves, it shocked Jake and Jared. Both protested, not wanting to babysit the others knowing that it may take longer for them to get drunk but it didn't stop them from acting stupid. Though Sam warned them not to get stupid, so maybe tonight wouldn't be that bad. And if Jake could let loose a bit it would be worth it. So Jake decided that he'd head on home and enjoy the rest of his free time by napping. Even though they'd agreed to meet a five at Sam's that didn't mean he couldn't pull in a few hours of rest.

    When five rolled around he found himself perched on the porch of Sam's property waiting on the others. Some had no sense of time, unless it was for patrolling. None of them wanted to be caught dead late for that. Jake got into his truck driving them all down to the bar, he smiled greeting Sniper out side. Even though he was slightly against them joining he couldn't deny he actually liked the guy. Also it helped that when they phased there was no secrets amongst the group. It was like when Sam witnessed the birth of his first child, all the pack had to endure the images in their heads. Some of them even had issues looking Emily in the eyes after that. But it was all out of their control.

    "So shall we get this show on the road?" He questioned the guys, knowing that in the doors was two new pack member's they'd yet to meet. He was actually feeling a bit better about meeting them, but he did get to witness a bit of them through Sniper's memories. It made him feel like he knew them already. But he knew they didn't feel the same yet.
    Jade smiled as she exited the employee lounge catching site of Jess, she was nervous about them opening, not wanting to make a fool of herself. But she had past experience on being a server and a bartender. But she couldn't ignore this nagging thought that she would run into almost ever person she'd left behind when she moved. She really didn't want to deal with their questions or stares. But it was a joke and it had to be done. "Hey." She greeted her as she moved behind the bar. It was almost time for people to start showing up. So no point in not being ready.

    Moving around the back she got herself familiarized with the layout and where things were. It wasn't her first time there, but she knew that it would be different once people started pulling in. Nibbling on her lip she nodded to the guy that Jess was conversing with, knowing it was her brother. But she felt a bit out of place, so striking up a conversation with him was out of the questioned. Plus she didn't feel she should be interrupting their conversation. It seemed somewhat kind of tensed, thought they kept their voices hushed almost like they were keeping secrets. Not that she minded she didn't want people prying into her life either. Licking over her lips she rested her back against the shelving behind her, waiting for things to actually pick up so she didn't feel so bored.
    September 14th, 2017 at 01:18am
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    Jess heard Snipers thoughts and knew Wolf and Sniper arrived at the same time and said "Spike we have an Issue". Spike nodded before they both walked out to the parking lot where Sniper was as Wolf's car pulled up.

    Sniper looked at Sam and said "oh fuck not who I wanted to see first" Wolf just calm down I told you I was going to check things out today" Wolf looked at him and growled and about phased as Jess put her self between the two brothers and said "Wolf don't you dare you and Sniper both agreed to the move and you told Sniper to check things out"

    Wolf looked at them and said "yeah check things out talk to the leader not join the pack without even talking to me about it is not what we agreed on as a family" Jess shook her head and pointed to the door and said "you go have a drink and calm down now". Jess sighed and said "why didn't you call him and tell him I told you that he wanted to go with you to talk with them honestly why do you have to piss him off" as she walked back into the bar.

    Paul watched the family scuffle and said "Sam I think this Wolf is a bigger hothead than me" as people started to show up while they walked into the bar looking around at the interior it was a nice looking place the pack soon picked the biggest seating area in the place as the people poured into the building filling up every seat.

    Sam sent Paul and Jake up to the bar for some drinks when the boys got up to the front and waited for one of the bartenders to take there orders he noticed one of the bartenders looked familiar to him but he couldn't think of why so he looked at Jake and said "Jake you stay here and talk to this bartender and we will break the orders in half.

    Paul walked to the other side of the bar and called over the loud music "Hey bartender over here" when she had walked close enough he ordered some beers and whisky cokes then looked at her a moment then said "you look familiar to me but I can't remember what your name is" as he watched her more closely he still couldn't think of a name to go with the face and it as bugging him cause he knew the woman but from where.
    September 14th, 2017 at 04:18am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jacob watched as the ruckus took place, just what they needed. He had been completely against them joining, but after running with Sniper he was rather excited to add new brothers. Nodding his head he listened to Paul, surprised the wolf had his shoulders on his head good. It was probably because he'd just broken yet another girls heart by not returning her feelings, meaning he was a free man and could get laid when ever he wanted. Thought Jake knew that Paul secretly wanted to imprint. All of them felt that there was something wrong with them having not imprinted. Since Jake, Paul, and Seth were the only ones having yet to do so. He shook the thoughts from his head, knowing that thinking over it wouldn't change anything.

    Sitting himself down at the bar he smiled at the guy sitting next to him, wolf was it. He knew that it was one of Sniper's brothers. "Hey." He greeted, waiting on the bartender to get free so he could buy everyone a round. "You know I was like you and completely against you guys joining." He thought he'd at least get the awkwardness out of the way, and maybe try to befriend him. He hated when pack members fought. "But I got to spend some time with Sniper today, he's not that bad of a guy." He smiled over at his brother, not knowing if he was digging himself a whole or actually making things better. "Maybe tomorrow you can join me on a run." He knew that he was more of a peace keeper, ever since the issue with Bella.

    "Sound like fun," Wolf's voice broke out, nodding over at Jake. Which surprised him more than anything. "How about noon." He offered, the look on his face made Jake take a second to agree. He knew that Wolf just wanted to feel like a part of the decision, and really it boiled down to him belonging somewhere. And after they split from the only family they've ever known this was hard on him and Jake could tell. Even though he was totally unready for all of the drama, fights, and butting heads. He was ready for some new friends.

    "Yeah man, noon beach in La Push." He figured he could give Wolf the same treatment Sniper got, thought with out Paul trying to eat their faces. Clasping the man on the back he turn to smile at the bartender, freezing. Blinking he took in her beauty, shocked to his core, he couldn't explain the feelings he was having. Like gravity wasn't holding him to the ground but she was pulling him to her. Making him stable and dependent on him. He gulped down trying to regain his composer, he knew exactly what just happened and it was the worst yet best feeling he could experience.

    He'd just imprinted on his newest pack member.
    Jade watched as the people started to pill in the bar, it was quickly becoming busy. She wondered if people were coming to drink or party. The difference being the atmosphere, most bars were more for a relaxing time, while the younger folks wanted the party scene, or club scene. Though she didn't get to stay lost in her thoughts for long, as people started lining up at the bar. Doing her best to keep up with their orders and payments. It hadn't even been ten minutes and already one guy had bought her a drink. She knew that they weren't suppose to be drinking on the job. But the moment she went to refuse she noticed a face in the crowd she was hoping she'd never see again. So throwing back the drink she thanked the patron before pushing her self further away from him. She tried her best to run from him knowing that she was working and could only avoid him as long as he wasn't ordering.

    Thought she had no luck in dodging his notice, after hearing his voice and doing her best to keep her face hided from him as she prepared his order. A scoff leaving her lips as he started questioned her about who she was. She knew that he'd have forgotten her by now, hell she was 15 when it happened, and he sure the hell forgot her the next day so why should now be any different. Placing the last of his drinks on a tray for him she looked at him. "Jade." She told him, before rolling her eyes and moving to the next customer. Not going to allow him to get under her skin.
    September 17th, 2017 at 03:24am
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    Wolf chuckled as he downed a shot and said "you know what I know Sniper is a good guy abd he meant well but I worry about my sister and our last alpha was always harassing her so Sniper and I put his foots down and in the end we got kicked out but we told her that we had chose to leave so she wouldn't feel responsible that's why I got upset I wanted to meet the alpha my self but from what I saw he's not going yo try to bother my baby sister" then he watched Jake as he imprinted on his sister and patted him on the shoulder and said "I like you but as a big brother I still have to tell you that if you hurt her I will hurt you hey Jess three shots ".

    Jess walked over with the shots and Jakes order and set them down just to have Wolf give her one and Jake one so she said "well now is my big brother made a new friend" as she leaned on the bar took the shot then looked over to Jake and felt something strange pulling at her bit she tried to shake it off how ever knowing what had happened to the two of them and said "so what can I get for you tonight" while pushing off the bar standing straight up she was a tad surprised that her brother had accepted Jake so easily even more surprised they just moved here and she found her imprint.

    Paul felt his heart start to race and a warmth ran threw his body he knew the feeling and he knew what it was he had just imprinted on her and he knew that she felt it just as much as he did cause when one wolf imprints on another they both imprint at the same time the only problem is now he was sure that she hated him with a passion which was his own fault at this point in time after he got his order he walked back to his table seeing the two other new pack members and said "hey Sam Jade is back so now you can send the strange stray wolves packing already" as he stormed off .

    He didn't like strangers nor did he want them in the pack and he didn't see why Sam had let the strays in they weren't part of the tribe nor were they native america at so how they became wolves he didn't know nor did he care one and two he was upset he imprinted on some one he made hate him a long time ago and made it even worse tonight by not recognizing her because it had been awhile since he saw her last so he had to figure out how to patch things up with her he hope the imprint deal would make it a little easier but he wasn't sure as soon as he got outside and out of sight he phased and took off running. Sniper shot up out of his chair at Paul's comment and said "Spike come on we are leaving".
    September 18th, 2017 at 05:14pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jake felt his fist clench as he listened to Wolf talk about his previous alpha harassing his imprint. Even though there was nothing he could do now, he still felt the need to protect her. It wasn't something he could easily fight. Nodding to Wolf's words he looked at the man. "You should know that our imprints are the most important thing to us and we'd rather die then hurt them." He knew that his words held truth, but in the back of his mind Emily's face appeared. He knew that Sam had never meant to hurt her, but it does happen. And after all his brother's and having imprinted he knew what to expect. He felt his heart lurch at her words, though they held no meaning the fact she was talking to him was enough. Licking over his lips he ordered what he needed for the table, knowing that standing her staring at her wouldn't help the situation any. Once she gave him the drinks he looked at Wolf, "care to join us?" He asked knowing that if he was this laid back the guys wouldn't have issue with him. After all they were all new to this, and needed one another to give here and there.
    Jade watched as his body froze, raising a brow she knew that he'd finally figured out who she was. Maybe now he'd quit the shit and leave her alone. They weren't going to be friends anytime soon, so she didn't see the need for the small talk. Placing the tray in front of him she was glad when he left, feeling how awkward things were. Doing her best to push the thought to the back of her mind, she put a smile on her face as she greeted the next batch of customers. She knew they weren't to blame for her fowl mood. She busied herself with work, knowing that the busier they got the fast the night seemed to fly by. It meant she could go home and get some sleep. After all she hadn't slept in a real bed since she'd been back in La Push. Having to wait on her mother personal belonging to be released to her, all she could do was cuddle up on a cot at the hospital and sleep. Though most night were her tossing and turning restlessly. She just hoped things would start to look up, with only working a few night at the bar she knew that it wasn't going to be enough money to save up. So she figured she'd give some lessons on how to paint. Maybe do a tipsy artist night, charge for drinks and admission. Maybe even see if Jess would sponsor it or allow her to use her building. The thoughts that ran around her head was always more LA style, but she wondered if the small towns would like that. Give them something new to do.
    September 20th, 2017 at 11:53pm
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    Jess watched Jake walk away with her brother and it pained her a bit being a wolf with an imprint who was walking away from her but pushed it off untill the end of the night around two she finally closed for the night soon it was just her and who she assumed was the pack she was now a member of. She closed the cash registers and gave Jade most of the tips made from the night which rounded up to about 400 dollars which she gave Jade 300 of it and started to count the rest of the money they made that night and took care of her books before finally cleaning up the rest of the bar after that she walked outside.

    She looked up at the sky as she leaned up against the hood of her car running her fingers threw her hair it had been awhile since she had been out for a run and it seemed like a nice night for one so she walked into the woods behind the bar stripped and phased shaking her fur out then took off running threw the trees but it wasn't to long before she smelled a familiar scent in the air and it made her stop dead in her tracks whip around and ran as fast as she could the last one she wanted was to see Rex again but she knew he would follow them.

    Paul was running to cool off when he realized that he was actually connected to then new members already and one was in trouble but he really didn't care all he was that he had to find away to get Jade not to hate him but he knew that she never would so he knew anything he did would just get him in more trouble with her but he was willing to get his heart ripped out and stomped all over untill he managed to get her to forgive him but what he would do he didn't know he figured that he would go talk to Sam and see if he had any ideas.

    He then made his way over to Sam's house and sat on the porch waiting for him when he didn't answer the door he figured he wasn't back from the bar yet after about a good hour he finally saw the guys coming back he figured the bar had finally closed for the night when he saw Sam he said "Sam I need your help I imprinted on Jade but that women hates me granted it's my own fault but I was hoping that maybe you could help me give me some advice on how to get her to at least talk to him and hopefully he could explain things to her .
    September 22nd, 2017 at 01:05am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jake left the bar rather late, having been kicked out by his own imprint. He debated to hang around and wait for her but he realized he'd drove the guys here. Getting in his truck he made the short drive to La Push. Normally he'd have dropped them all off at Sam's but with them having kids and some of the guys drunk he dropped Sam off first, noticing Paul standing on the porch. He didn't hear what Paul said due to the ruckus in his truck, but he caught Sam telling Paul not now, and scolding him for being up so late. Jake chuckled as he drove off, he knew the man had been tipsy. But he was really being kind of hypocritical. It seemed like forever before Jake pulled into his drive way. Dragging his tired ass out of the truck, he'd never again agree to be the dd. Letting out a yawn he started his trek up to his house, freezing when a low howl entered his ears. Turning his attention to the forest, he yawned again. Wondering if Seth and the youngens were having fun tonight. The thought made him smile, but it was quickly wiped off when he heard a couple of yips. It was call that meant danger. And since the young ones were forbidden to fight, he was flying to the tree and transforming as he went. He didn't care about he clothes he'd just shredded, his feet was caring him quickly. Seth, he called out wondering why he was being alerted. It's one of the new wolves she's spooked, and it scared the young ones. Jake felt like a bolt of lighting ran through his body. He pushed himself harder doing his best to find her, just to be able to comfort her fears. He knew nothing about her, but the pull had him reacting faster than he could have thought was possible. He didn't need to address the issue with Seth, the younger male had already got that info from his brain that it was his imprint. On your six. Seth told Jake as they both tore through the forest heading toward her bar, that having been the last place anyone seen her.
    Jade smiled at Jared as he got friendlier as the night went on. She had remember Jared was a sweet heart in high school. But he'd never shown her any attention, and judging by the ring on his finger and the way he spoke of his wife he was happy in life. But as she served him more to drink he told her more about him, and had her laughing most of the night. Even though a few of his stories involved Paul, she still found them endearing and loved listening to him. The pull in her stomach had her laughing forcefully a few times at the dread of Paul's name. But she knew there was nothing she could do about the way she felt for him. He had done her wrong, and she wasn't planning on being his friend any time soon so there really was nothing she could do. She actually found herself even opening up to the man, telling him a bit about her. And the real reason she was back in town, though she knew it was the talk of La Push already. The fact that a ungrateful child returned to take care of her dying mother. She'd even caught a woman in the hospital saying that she thought Jade had only wished to return when her mother was dead. Though those things had hurt Jade and she even felt the need to tell Jared the real reason why she never visited was due to money issues on both side. Hell that was the reason why her mother had sent her to say with her uncle. They had more money to raise her then her own mother did. She never blamed her mother and did her best to keep in contact. But after her mothers phone was shut off, they sent letters before long those stopped. Jade knew her mother was struggling and even sent what little money she could until her mother told her things were better. She'd lied to Jade, only to make her stop. It wasn't right for people to jump to those conclusions. But they did, and it hurt. She smiled and bid Jared a good night after hearing him say they needed to hang out. She chuckled as he left, knowing that wouldn't happen any time soon.

    Stopping by to let Jess know she was leaving she was surprised when the woman gave her the tips of the night. Not having realized that it would happen. "Thanks." She told her pocketing the money. Before hitting the exit, and making her way home. It had been over 12 years since she'd laid eyes on the house. And she felt dread fill her for what she'd find in side.
    September 24th, 2017 at 05:53am
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    Jess tore threw the forest untill she was slammed into from the side and knocked into a tree she looked to see the familiar gray and white fur sure enough it was Rex a small chill ran down her spine as she got back on her paws snarling at him this made the man chuckle and say "did you really think Sniper could hide you from me now be a good little girl and come back home now we can do this the easy way or the hard way it's up to you either way your coming back home you know every female in our pack is mine there for you belong to me and you will mate with the wolf I choose".

    Jess growled and said "that's where your wrong I don't belong to you I belong to my imprint and you need to take your sorry ass home before I rip you apart" as she lunged at his neck just to get knocked back into another tree. When Rex started moving twords her Spike jumped right out in front of her snarling she had never seen him like this before when she saw the others come she was happy to see them after six more members of Rex's pack including Ryan the man Rex tried to force her into marrying.

    Paul heard Seth's call for help and ran for the woods as fast as he could shredding his clothes when he phased it wasn't long before he caught up with Seth and Jake and said "I got you covered too and it wasn't long before all the pack members that had been sober enough to join were running with them. Paul never seen him so upset before and said "you imprinted on the girl didn't you".

    It didn't take long for them to arrive on the scene to see one of Jess's brothers standing prospectively in front of her when they arrived they saw a strange grey and white wolf and Jess looked like she took some really hard hits when Rex saw how many others showed up he let out a howl and about six more strange wolves walked out of the trees to the small clearing and they all looked like they meant business and wouldn't lever till they got what they came for.

    Paul growled and said "do you guys see now this is why Sam shouldn't have let them stay look they only brought trouble and already have enough trouble with the fact that I imprinted on Jade and that women hates me and Sam wouldn't even give me a chance to ask him for advice I say we just let the four well five counting Jake deal with it them selves".
    September 25th, 2017 at 12:46am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jacob felt a sense of pride run through him as his imprint defended their relationship, even though they'd yet to have a real conversation. But he knew that now wasn't the time to let his mind be filled with pointless thoughts. Right now she was in danger. Jake broke through the trees, his body coming in between Jess and the unknown wolf. His body trembled as anger coursed through him, not liking this situation. There was six of them to the five of em. Jake knew that even with his, Paul's, and Seth's fighting skill they were still out numbered. He could hear the thoughts running through Paul's head. Lowering his body closer to the ground, a snarl left his mouth. No way in hell was he going to allow one of his brother to betray him like that. He didn't know what was going on with Paul but usually he was the first that wanted to fight. Now he seemed like a coward. He wondered if it had anything to do with him drinking.

    Paul we protect our families. Sam's voice took over his thoughts, the alpha having joined them. The tone he used Jake could feel shake him to his core, the alpha's command keeping them all rooted. Knowing that they had back up coming Jake could feel a bit of relief take a hold of him. Though this wasn't something that was going to go away easily. He just had to stand strong and protect her at all cost, he couldn't allow any harm to come to her. Knowing that the pull of imprinting was strong. Taking in the other wolves he wondered if any of them were going to attack or if they could settle this peacefully.

    After waiting Jake couldn't take it any more, leaving his defensive position. He moved back to Jess nuzzling her with his head, are you hurt? He questioned her, even if she had been he knew they healed fast, he just could go on with out at least checking her. It was the pull to make sure she was safe and unharmed.
    October 24th, 2017 at 08:00am
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    It had been a few weeks since Rex was sent back home with his tail between his legs and it seemed like Jess had been accepted by most of the pack however her apartment was still above her bar but every night Jake would come to the bar to keep an eye on her even though she didn't need it she knew it was an imprint thing and she didn't mind it at all the two had made plans that night after work he would be staying at her house so they could have time to them selves without having the rest of her family bugging them since they had gotten themselves there own place she finally had the apartment to herself which had opened up a lot of space and made it look bigger it still just a three bedroom one bath apartment but to her it was perfect she had even repainted her room a few days after the guys moved out and had Spencer draw some patterns on the walls in the other two bedrooms for her to paint and was hoping Jake would like to help her on there date night.

    Paul still hadn't been able to talk to Jade so he decided to leave a letter for her at the bar he didn't put a name on the envelop cause if he had she wouldn't read it and the letter said "dear Jade I'm sorry for being a stupid self centred jackass and I know I don't deserve to have for you to give me any time to talk but I wish you would let me take you out to dinner sometime so we can talk I'm not asking you for a date or even for forgiveness because I don't deserve either one but I want to catch up and maybe we can find away to just be friends and even if we can't I will at least had a chance to explain my self to you then after that I'll never bother you again" then he signed the letter on the back in a spot so she would have to read the whole letter before getting mad at him then he took it to the bar and said "hey Jake can you make sure Jade gets this when she comes in just please don't tell her it's from me I have it set up so she has to read it to find out who left it for her" then ordered a drink from Jess and took a seat in the back of the bar hopeing no one would see just how misrible he was even Sam knew he was breaking the no drinking rule but hadn't said anything to him about it the only down side was the whole pack knew his thoughts and all wanted to help only problem was none of the ideas they had given him had worked so far.
    November 2nd, 2017 at 09:42pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jake was actually nervous, though he knew that he didn't need to be. He'd spent most of his time the past week staying close to Jess. It was hard from him to process this. They'd imprinted but nothing. He was hoping that tonight he'd be able to finally put some sort of label to what they were. Even if it was just friends he'd be happy. Though it wasn't what he wanted. So after hours of preparing for their time together, he found himself sat at the bar relaxing. Waiting until last call. Though when Paul approached him, he didn't have the heart to tell the man that Jade wouldn't be working that night. So he did as asked and put it in the employee lounge next to her locker. He knew that it was a long shot, but he wasn't going to say anything. He had his own things to deal with. And right now all he was doing was waiting for the night to end so he could spend time with Jess alone.
    Jade sigh as she moved the dresser for the tenth time. Her mother was returning from the hospital the following day. So the house needed to be prepared for her. Something Jade had been working hard at all day. The place was a complete disaster. It was like her mother forgot how to take care of herself. She knew that there was something wrong with her mother, it was almost like she gave up. Like living wasn't worth it any more. So she stopped trying, and Jade hated the thought of it. Sighing she picked up a bag and started to carry it back to her room. Feeling the bag catch on the door jam, she shuffled turning her body a bit. Though her foot caught and she fell, a loud ripping sound pierced the air. "Shit." She growled out looking down at her dress. A rather large rip cast it's way across her chest. Getting to her feet she groaned before kicking the bag she'd been previously carrying. A loud ding rang through the house and she sighed before trappings back to where her phone laid. A soft smile taking place on her face as she read over the message. Jess texted her letting her know her pay check was ready. Sighing she grabbed the first shirt she came into and shuffled into it before heading out the door keys in hand. She'd run over to the bar and get her check, it'd give her some time away from the god forsaken house. Knowing she needed a break. Even though it was mostly clean now she needed a break from it.

    Stepping into the bar she side the warmish temperature seeping into her bones. Wearing so little hadn't been a smart idea, but she could careless right now. Though it was more than obvious that she was cold due to thin material that stretched across her body, allowing all to see her rather harden nipples. It wasn't the first time she'd wore something riska as this, but in front of her employer, now that was a first. Luckily the place was rather empty, some of the regulars were there though they paid her no attention. Moving through the place she slipped into the back. Looking around for Jess. Frowning she noticed an envelope with her name on it. Grabbing it she quickly pull the contents out, furrowing her brows she quickly started to skim through. Though her mind was having a hard time processing, so she started it back over before reading it through. A soft sigh leaving her lips as she read the signature. Dropping her self down into one of the vacant chair she flipped through the letter again, his scratchy hand writing jumping off the page at her. What could he gain from this. Why would he want to even bother with her. They'd left things bad and she wasn't about to fall for his smooth talking again. As she sat there pondering Jess walked in. "Hey." She greeted dully, though she was still trying to be polite.
    March 8th, 2018 at 04:22am
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    Jess sighed as she walked up to the bar looking at Jade she had gotten to know Paul and knew he had imprinted and said "you know I have seen Paul all he dose is mope and talk about how much of a dumb ass he was to you before but he really only wants to talk to you and honestly I don't think he cares if you tell him to fuck off as long as you meet him you know you two can have a drink you can yell scream and call him every name in the book then leave but please just talk to him because I'm tired of listing to him complain and so is everyone else around him".

    Paul sighed he didn't know weather or not she would read the note but he knew Jake would get it to her and Jess had even offered to talk to Jade for him which he was grateful for but it was still uncertain if Jade would listen he knew just how bad things had ended between the two of them but he had changed grown up and he just wanted her to see that. he knew Jess was great with people she had stopped fights between pack members and her family who had all been accepted and the more he got to know them the more he had become friends with them he thought about going to the bar to see if Jess had gotten Jade to meet him but Jake wanted a date night.
    March 11th, 2018 at 05:18am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jake sat at the bar, waiting for Jess to finish up work. He wanted more than anything to just head up to her place and spend time with her now. But she was still all over the place, and he needed to wait. Ordering himself a drink he nursed it for the vast part of the night. He watched as the place slowly lost its patrons and the staff started to clear up. Though Jess was no where to be seen. He wondered if she remember that they were suppose to hangout after she got off.
    Jade looked up at Jess, she listened to what the woman had to say. Even though she was fighting with herself about what she should do. She knew that Jess was right, she needed to at least tell him to take a hike. He deserved that much. Though part of her wanted to let him suffer the way she did when he used her. Sighing she stood from her seat, "uh yeah I just came to get my check." She told her, nibbling on her lip she waited until Jess came back with her check before heading back out to the bar. As she was walking toward the exit she noticed Paul sitting in the far corner. She'd heard what Jess had said, and what he wrote. She needed to put this to rest. Sighing she walked over to his table before sliding into the seat opposite of him. "You to drunk to take me home?" She asked, not meaning anything sexual by it. But it would give him the chance to talk to her.
    March 15th, 2018 at 04:44am
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    Paul shook his head and said "no I can give you a ride home cause I have only had a coke" while he picked up his keys as he stood then started to walk out of the bar with Jade once she was ready to leave. he knew things most likely wouldn't be a good conversation he know she was going to tell him that she hated him and that she never wanted him around her again which would kill him but he also knew that with all he had done to her that he deserved it so he wasn't even going to defend himself or his actions even if he was just being a stupid teenager back then it still didn't make it right by any means.

    Jess sighed after they left then turned her attention to Jake and said "hey you ready to head up to the apartment" as she walked out from behind the counter and opened the door leading to stairs to the apartment once up stairs she unlocked her door and threw her keys on the table by the door as she walked in the place had gotten quite since her brothers moved out but she liked having the place to her self for a change then said "well it's not much but it's home I just have to finish painting it and it will be perfect so what did you want to do tonight" as she sat on the couch.
    March 29th, 2018 at 04:25am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jade nodded and followed him out of the place, before walking with him to his vehicle. She nibbled on her lip as she slid into the seat, she watched as he started the car. Part of her wanted to ask him why, now of all the time he had, why now. But she knew that things didn't always work out that way and she was willing to listen to him explain. Though she was already certain what she was going to hear was something she'd known all along. And even if he said sorry, it would be better than the treatment she'd received when they were kids. She'd admit she knew what kind of guy Paul had been back then, but he had been her friend first. And had promise to never hurt her like that. And once it happened he took off and started hanging out with Sam and Jared. So she'd let him explain, but she couldn't promise her reaction was going to be anything nice.
    Jake chuckled at her, "I thought the whole point of me coming up here was to paint." He smiled before sitting down next to her. "Though I was hoping we'd get to talk a little bit." He shifted so he got a better look at her, "maybe figure out where we stand," he was hopeful that she'd actually want a relationship with him. He wasn't getting any younger. Most of his pack member were talking about settling down and enjoying life. He was looking forward to that too, but only with the right person.
    March 29th, 2018 at 11:45pm
  • Songopunkgirl

    Songopunkgirl (100)

    United States
    Jess nodded and said "it is but I'm still not sure what I want to do with the paint job I know the walls will be black but I don't know what I'm going to do as far as the lime green broader do you have any ideas for it" as she looked at the bare white walls then at him she was never as good with drawing as her brother who had left her some sketches that she spread out on her coffee table and said "what do you think of these ideas my twin brother left for me" as she patted the spot next to her on the couch.

    Paul sighed as he started driving her home and said "alright Jade let me have it I know it's coming I know I was a prick a jackass scumbag and basically every negative thing that I can even think of and I'm sure you have even more things to call me and I pretty much deserve it for what I did to you so I'm not even going to bother asking you to forgive me at this point but I just wanted the chance to tell you how sorry I am" his tone was remorseful and sincere as his eyes focused on the blackness in front of his car.
    April 3rd, 2018 at 05:56am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Songogothgirl
    Jake took a seat next to her on the couch. "So let me get this straight. Ball walls, lime green borders, and then you want to add a design to the wall?" He asked, hoping he was following. His eyes landed on the sketches, they wouldn't be hard to do. He wasn't half bad when it came to making things. He'd normally do wood carvings, something his dad had taught him. "I mean it's going to be a lot of work. But I can see it happening." He looked around the room to see if any ideas came up. "What if we did something like three walls black, and then the other like a light gray almost white. Then we could do the sketches on it in black so it goes with your idea." He offered, also adding the grey would make the room not quite as dark.
    Jade furrowed her brows as she listened to him rant and rave. Her mind wasn't ready for the things he had to say. After all she was expecting more of an apology then this. "I don't have anything to say to you Paul." She told him truthfully, before looking out the window. "It's all in the past, but that doesn't mean I trust you." She shook her head. Sighing she started to think back to when it actually happened, and then turned to him. "I trusted you more than anyone, and you promised me you'd be there for me." She sighed, "we were great friends back then and I chose to give you my virginity, that was my mistake so I don't see why we have to do this, now." She didn't understand he want to talk to her, sure she'd grown up and blossomed into a woman.
    April 4th, 2018 at 10:07pm