This Could Be Forever

  • overcome.

    overcome. (100)

    United States
    Emily watched him for a few moments, her gaze dropping to the grimoire. “I know what it is,” she pointed out easily, though she almost sounded amused. Did he think she only knew things about vampires? Shaking the thought aside, she took the book in her hands. “Alright, fine, we use the grimoire, but, uh… Isn’t this hers?” She arched a brow, motioning to Abigail. “Are you sure that’s actually okay with her?”
    Klaus told Addie everything that he could think of New Orleans, sharing even some of the more intimate details about the city. New Orleans was his favorite city and something had always fascinated him about the city, so it was easy to get lost in just talking about it, despite himself. He couldn’t even try to keep himself at a distance in explaining the city, too easily falling into his adoration of New Orleans.
    March 9th, 2018 at 06:26am
  • The Great Khal

    The Great Khal (100)

    United States
    @ momentai.
    Addie listened intently as Klaus spoke about the city as they walked. She was beyond glad he was actually talking to her, and she was more than willing to sit and listen to him talk about the city he had loved for so long. Along the way, Addie didn't even realize she had looped her arm through his as they walked, and instead just continued to listen to him talk. She felt happy like this with Klaus, almost like nothing had ever changed between the two of them.


    Kol couldn't help but chuckle when she spoke about the grimoire, "Well I'm glad you know." He replied with a smirk before she asked if it was Abigail's, "She's okay with it. Most witches have more than one, and this is one that she was able to spare for a little while, so you can learn." He said as he looked down at the small book, "There are only beginner spells in here because that is all you need for right now." Kol explained.
    April 4th, 2018 at 05:12am