Taste Of Forever

  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    He smiled, "I told you," he said to her grinning a little, "I knew people would like it,"

    She agreed quietly then smiled a bit, "It'd be nice... if... what if we fostered... human kids?" she asked him gently as she looked at him curiously.
    October 25th, 2017 at 10:37pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “They said I should make a cookbook or an online blog, that people would pay for my recipes and online classes.” She smiled a little. “I mean I don’t need the money at all but it might be nice to do.”
    He looked at her curiously. “Can we do that? Is there a law against vampires fosetering human kids?”
    October 25th, 2017 at 10:44pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She shrugged, "I'm sure I could find out," she said as she looked at him, "I mean we can house many of them, we don't sleep so long as we eat well, and once you start on a normal diet you'll have more energy," she said to him. "We can help take care of the next generation,"

    He smiled,"Yeah? That'd be awesome, I know a good friend who owns a publishing company," he told her.
    October 25th, 2017 at 10:54pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “I would start a blog first, maybe to do videos. If you helped me, I’ll pay you whatever the blog makes,” She shrugged. “For ads and stuff.”

    He nodded a little. “That’s true, it would help and we could care for as many as we wanted.” He agreed. “Take in abandoned kids who need homes.”
    October 25th, 2017 at 11:01pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She smiled a little then nodded, "It'd work out, and we have a lot of rooms to use up. We can take down a wall in one of the rooms to make a big play room," she suggest as she thought about it. "Make two nurseries for smaller babies, like infants or toddlers then age the rooms up," she offered. "Make some plain dormitry style rooms for the teens, so they can decorate it themselves,"

    He smiled a little, "You don't have to pay me anymore you know," he said lightly as he looked at her.
    October 25th, 2017 at 11:06pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “What do you mean? Sure I do. i Keep you here most times so paying your bills, and spending money is nothing. Plus I’m feeding from you so I pay you for that too.” She sheugged a little.
    “We could take in close to fifty kids depending on how we organized.” He smiled a little
    October 25th, 2017 at 11:09pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "Thats a lot of kids Jaebum," she laughed a little as she looked at him, "Are we running an orphanage?" she asked as she wet her lips a little, "I don't want you to be over whelmed since you'll still be in school,"

    He shrugged,"I don't need much anymore, I've got a decent savings as I don't spend a whole lot of money on my own,"
    October 25th, 2017 at 11:15pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “You’re only 19, Yugyeom.” She reminded him softly. “If I can help you build your savings for later on in life I want to. Plus, you may get tired of me feeding on you and if you do, knowing that I helped you maybe have extra money if you needed it in the future would make me happy.” She said gently.
    He smiled a little. “Suddenly finishing school isn’t such an important thing. I have forever to do it.”
    October 25th, 2017 at 11:19pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She smiled a little as she looked at him, "Hm maybe, but I want you to do the things you want with life," she said to him gently then leaned into him. The idea of raising kids with him seemed all to exciting, saving kids from lives of disaster giving them a loving home - loving them each is if they were her own children.

    "Does your mother know you're hanging out with this boy?" a older woman with grey hair asked Ana and she smiled a little then laughed weakly. This happened a lot when she dated on an off in the 70's she looed 16 or 17 to most people and often fed off older men.

    "I'm afraid my mother is long since gone, miss" she said to her then sighed, "I'm afraid you've been confused by my appearance, I'm a bit older than I seem," she said to her, this is usally the part where people insulted her and her kind but she seemed to not take in what she was saying.

    "So you're what 22 or 23? You look so young? Whats your secret," the woman joked a little making Ana snort, man she really was dense.

    "Eternal life," she said to her, "I recommended to those who want it," and suddenly it dawned on the woman and she paled. "I'm harmless, promise," she comforted her holding a hand up and suddenly the woman looked curious.

    "So how old are you... really?" the grey haired woman questioned, a look of curiosity but slight fear curving her expression.

    "Over two thousand miss, I was turned... a long long time ago, 13 b.c to be exact," she said appealing to the older woman who seemed enthralled by the idea. Of course the next question she knew was coming, she expected it every single time.

    The woman seemed in shock by how young she must've been, "This probably sounds stupid but... did you meet jesus?"

    Ana smiled, "I don't like bursting bubbles but yes I did, and he was infact only a man turned to eternal life by a woman - his story isn't what... people think," she laughed weakly, "I REALLY hate bursting bubbles," she mumbled lightly then looked to Jaebum with a small smile.

    At first the woman looked like she was going to deny the whole idea but realized ; she couldn't. "Well..." she seemed at a loss.

    "Have your faith miss, by all means, I was just answering your question," she said with a sheepish expression. The woman nodded and muttered good day before leaving.

    "Ugh, why ask if you don't want the answer," she pouted as she walked with him,"Happens every time,"
    "I'll never not want you," he murmured, "I've been meaning to bring it up but.." he sighed rubbing his face, "I want you to turn me," he said to her seriously,"I want to live longer to experience more, I want to be useful to the world and I can't do it if I'm dead," Yugyeom hoped she would agree, if not he wouldn't know what to do - could he ask Ana? Would she do it? Would Damarus still want him afterwards?
    October 25th, 2017 at 11:42pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Her eyes widened in a slight horror, this was the worst thing she could have expected and she didn’t know what to do. She had never changed anyone and there was a chance it didn’t work. “Yugyeom... I cant.” She whispered as she looked at him. “I couldn’t do that. I love you and of course I’ll stay with you but you should experience things as you are, human.” She said softly. “Everything you want to experience let me help you experience it.”

    “We can live life how you want, get married, have kids, whatever you wanted. You don’t need to be changed for that, I would... I’d happily adjust my life to live it with yours.”
    He laughed a little. “Some people are curious. But so how old were you when you were changed?” He asked grinning a little. “I don’t think I ever asked.”
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:00am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "I was seventeen and a half, almost a full woman.... my father I remember he said 'you're almost due to be bred,' " she snorted a little then laughed, "Oh how the times have changed. "Technically I'm younger than you," she said poking his stomach.
    He sighed a little, "You don't want to spend forever with me?" he asked as he looked at her, "How can you say that you wished you had a choice when you're taking away mine?" he asked furrowing his brow.
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:03am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “I would become human for you in a heartbeat, Yugyeom I would. But you can’t ask me to do that. Do you remember Ana was such a wreck? It’s because there’s not a chance it will always work,” She said softly. “I would have to kill you to change you and if you don’t change? When we could have just lived our lives together? If I cut your life short I would hate myself forever. You’re... my first love, and you’ll always be. But... I won’t do it. I can’t do it.”
    “You’re so young,” He teased, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. “It’s fine I tell people you’re younger anyway .” He grinned
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:23am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She grinned at him kissing his cheek,"My older boyfriend is so cute," she crooned at him then giggled, "I can't wait till the next art gala, you look so good in a suit it drives me crazy," she mumbled with a whine as she picked up a big frame that was white and copper, "This is nice,"

    He looked down then furrowed his brow, "Is the chance higher if someone older does it? We can ask Ana to do it," he said to her seriously.
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:31am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “The only difference is you get the bond and the control of the person who changes you. Ana too would have to kill you and there’s still the chance of you not coming back, but Yugyeom I really...” She said, getting up from the bed and shaking her head. “Isn’t living your life with me enough? Is it not enough?”
    He grinned, shrugging a little. “I have to finish my pieces for it first,” He laughed a little
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:37am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "I want to live more with you, I want more than this life with you," he said to her furrowing her brow a little, "I want to spend forever with you by my side and... forever as sixty to eighty years isn't long enough..." he sighed a little, "this was supposed be romantic," he muttered to himself.

    She smiled a little,"Hm you would, you've been slacking," she teased a little then carried the frame with her as they walked.
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:44am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She smiled sadly and shook her head, tears of blood coming to her eyes. “I can’t. If I lost you... I would rather sixty to eighty guaranteed years, than to try for forever and end up with none.”
    “Yeah well I’m working on a surprise and my muse is hard to paint when she’s always around,” He teased gently. “I don’t want you to see it, not until the show.”
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:48am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She whined a little as she kissed him softly, "I just want to be there in case you get hungry, a hungry man is never good alive or not," she snorted a bit then wet her lips.

    He sighed and looked down, it wasn't fair - he just wanted to be with her. Part of him felt like maybe she didn't want that kind of forever.
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:52am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “Please,” She said, nearly begging for him to understand. “We can live life how you want. We can get married, we can do whatever you want to experience life to the fullest,” She said, hoping he understood. “I can’t lose you like that,” She said sadly.
    “Inwasnt that bad as a human,” He grinned. “I just get cranky when I haven’t eaten in a while.”
    October 26th, 2017 at 12:58am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "Exactly," she said to him then wet her lips, "I tried weaning you to every four hours last week and you whined a lot so I caved," she snorted a bit, "Eventually you can eat every other day and I can stop feeding every day - its weird," she murmured. "Besides I had to add more feeds to the list, I couldn't use only three people so now I have ten, seems like such a big number,"

    "This is what I want though," he murmured gently as he grabbed her hands, "Please, Damarus.." h whispered softly.
    October 26th, 2017 at 01:04am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “What happens if you don’t wake up?” She asked quietly. “What about me? You know why humans outnumber vampires even though vampires have been around longer? Because not every human survives the change. So if you don’t wake up? What am I supposed to do?”
    He smiled a little. “Well, soon it should be normal again especially if we’re gling to have children around.”
    October 26th, 2017 at 01:09am