You Make Me Do Bad Things. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James kissed her back, feeling her arms wrap around him. He kissed her, his hands resting on her sides. He was glad that she actually wanted him back. He didn't think that was ever going to happen to him. James let his hands rest on her hips as they kissed.
    Meilani nodded, "I will check." She said. She laughed softly, "Hey at least it will help." She said. She relaxed with him. She looked at him, kissing him softly. She pulled away from him, watching him for a moment.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:02am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey felt his hands on her sides and smiled softly into the kiss as she kissed him back. She was surprised he had randomly kissed her today. She was glad it had happened, but she hadn't expected it at all. She knew that he didn't show his feelings to her that much and was glad he was doing so now.

    Taven nodded and siad, "Thank you." He heard her laugh and smiled down at her before kissing her back and let his forehead rest against hers for a moment before pulling away putting the peas back on his face and said, "What do you want to do today?" He grinned.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:08am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James pulled away, looking at her. "You are pretty great." He teased her. "Though I don't think your mom wants to catch us in your bed together." He said, laughing. He didn't want to upset her mom since she kind of liked James.
    Meilani shrugged, "We can do whatever you want." She said as she leaned against him. "I'm fine with just being lazy around the house." She said. Meilani looked at him, "Did you have something in mind?" She asked as she smiled. "You look funny holding peas to your face." She said, laughing softly.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:13am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey laughed hearing him and said, "Very true." She told him smiling before sighing as she fell back. "What do you want to do today?" She asked smiling at him as she got to her feet and waiting for him before she went downstairs. She was in the refrigerator and got some food out for the both of them and heated it up.

    Taven laughed hearing him, "I don't mind, I have no ideas." He told her truthfully before laughing and said, "It feels weird as shit. Here you hold it to your face." He told her laughing as he went to put the peas against her face a grin on his face as he did so.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:16am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James looked at her, "Well we should probably check on Taven for sure." He said. He didn't like to think that his friend was hurting. "I'm sure Meilani is taking good care of him though." He said, smirking.
    Meilani laughed softly, "No thank you. My face is fine." She said, laughing softly. She took the piece, gently, placing him to his bruise. "You are still sexy though." She whispered to him, before kissing him deeply.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:21am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey nodded eating her food putting his in front of him. "Definitely." She smiled and ate her food and said, "I have a feeling Meilani didn't freak out like I did." She shrugged and said, "Granted my personality and hers are two separate things." She laughed sitting down beisde James her legs hurting from being stiff. She stretched them as she did so.

    Taven laughed and said, "I know it is." He told her wiggling his eyebrows playfully. He smiled hearing her kissed her back happily and just as deeply one of his hands lifting to touch her cheek along her jaw line.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:23am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James nodded as he began to eat, "Yea you kind of really yelled at him." He said, laughing. James looked at her, "It's okay though. I freaked out the first time I seen it happen too." He said. He took a bite of his food, thinking about all the times Taven came to his house to hide out.
    Meilani kissed him, moving so she was straddling his lap. She felt his tongue mix with hers as she kissed him. Meilani knew that if it wasn't for her dad she would have probably had sex with Taven that day they were in her room. She couldn't stop herself around him.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:33am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey shrugged and said, "It came from a place of care. Trust me, if you showed up like that at my door, it'd be worse." She warned him with a small smile. "I probably would've been even angrier and headed to your place. I'm not even kidding." She sighed before watching him and laid her hand on his and said, "I'm sure he's fine." She told him giving him a smile.

    Taven let his hands fall onto her waist and kissed her back hungrily but had to stop himself his face flushed from their touching. "We shouldn't. Your dad is here." He told her laying his hands on her face knowing he wasn't usually the one to stop, but he wanted this one to work. He actually really liked Meilani and didn't want to mess it up with her.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:38am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James nodded, "Yea he's fine as long as he isn't at his house. His dad is a real asshole." He explained. "You guys don't understand how bad it really is." He said. James looked at his food, then back at her.
    Meilani looked at him, relaxing under his touch, "Fine.' She sighed. She smiled as she kissed him once more. She could feel him going to kiss her harder. She pulled away, "You said we had to stop." She said, laughing softly.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:41am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey sighed and said, "I don't, you're right and I don't want to begin to imagine." She said quietly before feeling her appetite fade. She sighed pushing her food away and stretched for a moment and looked back at him and smiled softly. "How was your nap, by the way?" She questioned.

    Taven kissed her back and groaned hearing her and muttered, "We do." He laughed before smirking and started to tickle grinning as he heard her laughing and continued to do so wanting to just have fun with her and not worry about his face.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:44am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James looked at her, "It was the best sleep I have had in awhile honestly." He said. He finished his food and pushed his plate away. "Thanks for the food." He said, texting Taven to make sure he was okay.
    Meilani giggled, "Taven stop." She whined. She grabbed his hand, "You don't want to be on my bad side." She said, smiling at him. She couldn't even pretend to be mean. Meilani smiled as she kissed him softly, before pulling away.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:49am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States

    Zoey sighed as she sat down in the cafeteria wincing as her heavy backpack dug into her shoulder. She set it down and put her bad arm on the table looking at the cast and said, "Do you think I could get this thing off with like a power saw?" She got a glare from James and giggled. "Nevermind." She laughed shaking her head at him. "What? It was an innocent question, Jamesy!" She told him.

    Taven smiled watching Meilani walk away to go do something, before pulling her back by her hand twirling her his hands on her waist as he kissed her one last time before letting her go. "See you in a bit." He told her before heading to the lnuch table. He got his tray before heading to the table with Zoey and James. He sat down and laughed at Zoey and James before feeling something hit his head. He turned around seeing some guys laughing at him and he rolled his eyes and said, "Punk ass bitch." One of the guys heard him and stood up walking over to him. "What did you say?" Taven looked up with a smirk and said, "I called you and your pussies over there a punk ass bitch." With that the dude poured the soup they had for lunch all over his head. Taven stood up and said, "You might want to fucking apologize." His eyes were starting to get that lividness in them. The guy laughed and said, "What, is the bitch you're sharing with your dude not enough?" He snapped hearing him call Zoey a bitch. He punched him in the face before grabbing his head and smacking it into the wall. He felt the other guys grab him to get him off and he swung at them before going back to the other dude grabbing him and starting to throw punches.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 05:55am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James looked at Zoey, "Sure if you want to lose your arm." He said, chuckling. He kissed her softly, frowning when Taven started arguing with the guy. He got up when Taven started punching him, "Taven knock it off." He said, pulling his friend off the guy. "Calm the fuck down." He said, shoving Taven into the chair he was sitting in next to Zoey. He stared at his friend, watching as the guy got up to his feet. Kyle looked at Taven, wiping the blood from his mouth. "I have a serious question though. "How good is the virgin mary in the sheets. I bet she's fucking a freak." He said, chuckling. "Go on Taven tell us." He said. James glared at the guy, punching him in one swift movement knocking him off his feet. James glared at Kyle, watching as his friends pulled him away. James looked at Taven, "That guy is fucking dick." He said, sitting down.
    Meilani returned to the cafeteria, realizing that Taven had just gotten in a fight. "Now what? I literally left you alone for five minutes." She said as she sat on his lap. She could tell he was still really pissed off. She didn't like to see him angry because it honestly scared her.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:02am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey laughed kissing him back before looking up. She heard the guy call her a bitch and glared holes through him. She heard what he said about Meilani and stood up. She saw James knock him on his ass and wanted to do something but knew better than to get involved. She sighed frowning at Taven but saw Meilani and let her handle him. She looked at James and said, "Are you okay?" She asked him frowning. She didn't care that she had just been called a bitch. There were worse things. "Screw that guy." She said sighing as she looked at his hand and said, "Well, I have an ice pack in my lunch box." She smiled at him giving him her ice pack.

    Taven felt James grab him and glared holes at Kyle as he sat in his seat. He heard the dude start to talk about Meilani and was about to get back up when James took care of it. He nodded in agreement and said, "Lucky he doesn't see me on the fucking streets." He said before looking up at Meilani and sighed. He wrapped his arms around her waist before shaking his head. "He called Zoey a bitch, and then started in on you. James got him before I got back to him." He muttered giving James a nod, knowing that it wouldn't have ended that well, if Taven hadn't been stopped.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:07am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James nodded, "Yea i'm fine." He said as he took the ice pack from her. He pressed the ice to his knuckles, "Damn Taven quit getting in fights." He teased his friend. He looked at Zoey, "Sorry he called you a bitch." He said. He didn't like that he had called her that. He knew if Taven didn't say something he would have.
    Meilani ran her fingers through her hair, "Don't worry he's an idiot anyway." He said. She kissed him softly, then relaxed in his arms. She was glad that Taven had defended her, but she didn't like that he was getting into fights. She looked at him, lacing her fingers with his.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:12am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey nodded and said, "Good." She watched him and smiled softly when he tried to lighten the mood. She blinked hearing him and rolled hre eyes and said, "There are worse things to be called, don't worry about it." She told him smiling softly. "It's not like i'm not a bitch." She laughed pushing her hair from her face.

    Taven nodded just listening to her. He heard James and shook his head and said, "I told him to quit." He said defending himself. He kissed her back slowly starting to relax and heard Zoey say there were worse things to be called and snorted, "Yeah, like having the title of his girlfriend." He said smiling softly.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:16am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James laughed, "That is very true." He said. "I mean I can hook you up Zoey." He teased her. He looked at her, kissing her cheek. James was glad that things were calming down. "So what did you guys want to do after school?" He asked looking between all of them.
    Meilani looked at everyone as they spoke. She smiled at Taven's words, wondering what Kyle had said about her. Probably the same thing everyone said. She sighed, taking a sip of her water. She was glad when the bell rang for class. She walked with Taven, standing at his locker with him. "My dad is leaving tonight to go out of town for a few days. You should come over." She said, looking up at him. She was hoping he would.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:21am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey rolled her eyes hearing him and said, "I think that'd piss you off more than it would me." She teased back knowing it was true and smiled when he kissed her cheek and watched as the other two say they had plans and looked at James, "I guess it's just us then." She laughed shaking her head as she poked his cheek lightly.

    Taven heard the bell and waved to James and Zoey knowing that Zoey pretty much had a free block since she couldn't do volleyball. He figured James would skip. He walked with Meilani and laughed hearing her and said, "Last time you said that I was on the porch half naked." He teased her before kissing her cheek and said, "You know I will. It's better than home." He murmured his bruises healing but they were still pretty nasty.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:26am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    James looked at her as they walked, "We can go out to eat tonight if you want." He suggested. He was thinking he was going to skip the rest of the day. "You wanna go home?" He asked, wondering if she would skip school with him.
    Meilani smiled, "I won't let you end up half naked this time." She said as they walked. "I will give you your shirt at least." She teased him. She smiled as he kissed her cheek, "You better." She said, kissing him softly. "I will see you after school." She said before she let go of his hand and went into her class.

    @ FlyAway;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:29am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Zoey smiled up at him and said, "That sounds nice." She told him smiling at him before hearing him and said, "Honestly, yes. Going to volleyball depresses me now because I can't play." She told him laughing slightly. She took his hand gently and walked down the hall with him happily.

    Taven laughed hearing her and said, "Well, at least I get my shirt." He teased her back smiling before he kissed her back and nodded hearing her and said, "Alright." He went to his own class and tried to pay attention.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 5th, 2017 at 06:31am