Hitting road, not looking back | Closed

  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    We hit the road running
    ______________Not fully prepared for what is ahead
    ___________________We'll be okay, as long as we make it.

    Veronica Summers | 21 years old

    We can't go back
    ____________________There is nothing for us back there
    _______________________________Well, not anymore that is.

    Shaun Connors | 21 Years old
    I put every dollar, every spare minute
    _________into her, I hope she handles it
    _____________________________Or we definitely won't make it.
    October 30th, 2017 at 06:21am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica was lying on her back staring at the ceiling, not doing much, just existing. She let out a soft sigh escape her lips as she sat up, bored with her life, she yearned to do something with it but not sure of what. She didn’t have many skills or talents. School wasn’t something she excelled, after high school she just worked whatever minimum wage job she could find. Her parents always called her out on the lack of motivation she’s had for anything. Veronica wasn’t dumb, she just didn’t care for anything, not really.

    “When are you going to do something with your life Veronica?!” Her mother would yell at her. “Do you want to end up being a stripper or something?” Veronica would fight back and tell her mother of for always being gone and leaving her with her boyfriend who had tried to assault her a couple times. Luckily for her, she had friends she could escape to. “One day, I’ll be gone and not come back!” She cried out. Walking out huffing and crying, she just couldn’t deal with this anymore.

    (Hope this was okay...)

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 06:38am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun coughed as he walked in the front door of his dads place. He flicked the butt of his smoke into the front garden, that was mostly dirt now. He had just been fired from another job, it must have been the fifth one this year already. He put his keys down on the table walking to the kitchen.

    The telltale sounds of his father being drunk echoed through the house, despite it being just after noon. His father stumbled into the kitchen for another beer. He saw Shaun and immediately got mad. 'What the hell are you doing home early, you should be working" he yelled. Shaun was already in a bad mood from being fired so the situation just escalated. His father was furious that he'd been fired again, and it seemed to be the last straw, he went nuts and told Shaun to "get the fuck out of his house, the free ride was over," before beginning to throw stuff at him.

    Shaun had a short temper when it came to dealing with his father, so he screamed back, "Fine I'm fucking out of here." He had been thinking about leaving already, what the hell was keeping him here anymore, anyway. He tossed his few clothes into a bag, packed a few other things from his room, then loaded his toolbox and spare car parts into his car. He figured he could find a place to stay for the night, maybe with a friend, then decide where to go, and what to do next after he calmed down a bit.

    @ Quinzel; (Yeah it was good)
    October 30th, 2017 at 07:10am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica had no where to go, she knew she couldn’t stay with her mom anymore. Running inside to get a bag and packing whatever she could, clothes, brushes, whatever else she needed. While she packed her belongings or the little she did own, Veronica felt someone behind her. “Weren’t you going to leave?” He slurred, it was her mother’s boyfriend Felix. “I was just getting my shit, I’ll be out of here soon enough.” She was getting ready to leave when he pulled her back in and pushed her on the bed. “You’re not going anywhere,” Veronica cried out trying to get Felix off her, “get off me you jackass!”

    She struggled as he tried to rip open her shirt, “get off me you sick pervert!” Veronica screamed out trying to find whatever she could to hit him. She managed to head butt him and roll him off her. Quickly gathering her stuff Veronica ran out of the house crying, she didn’t even think of where to go she just took off in some direction.

    Veronica slowed down after fifteen minutes and breathed heavily, she bit her lip nervously. “Now what?” She whispered to herself. What was she going to do? She had no one, she wanted to cry but she also didn’t want to give them that satisfaction. She swallowed hard and looked through her wallet, Veronica had maybe two hundred dollars more or less so she’d have to make due with that.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 07:26am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun was pissed, but he finished loading his things into his car. He went back inside to raid some food, figuring he would just hit the road and keep driving all night, so he would need something to eat. He stuffed bread, chips, a couple apples into a bag, then figured he could spite his father by raiding the liquor cabinet, he stuffed a bottle of vodka, and a half empty bottle of rum into the bag then ran out the door.

    Shaun started his car with a roar and floored it out the drive leaving behind a huge black skid mark down the drive. He wasn't sure where to go, or what to do but figured his closest friend Veronica would let him crash, or be able to give him some advice. So he took off towards her place, which wasn't far away.
    October 30th, 2017 at 07:35am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica sighed in frustration as she thought about who she could possibly call. Grabbing her phone she made a few calls that all fell flat, no one was available or able to help her. Then she text messaged Shaun, hey,,. I need somewhere to stay... Felix tried to uh rape me. I can’t stay home. I’m sorry I would ask this of you but I can’t go back home, I’ve got some money, not much to be honest.

    Veronica was in a nearby gas station looking around for some snacks and drinks, something that could last her a couple days. She wasn’t sure where or what she was going to do. She hoped that Shaun could help her out,

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 07:41am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun heard his phone chime as he rounded a corner, he'd been driving a little fast to be honest so it was probably a good thing. He pulled over and checked it, smiling lightly seeing it was from Veronica. He frowned as he read it though, he quickly messaged back, He what?!? OMG, where are you, I'll come pick you up?. He turned his car off, waiting for her to reply, he didn't want to waste gas, considering he didn't know how much money he had, or how long he'd be living out of his car.

    He climbed out of the drivers seat and walked around to clear the passenger seat which had been loaded up with his stuff in his rush to leave. He shifted everything the trunk. He was pissed, and worried about Veronica, what would they both do now?

    @ Quinzel;
    October 30th, 2017 at 07:49am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica sighed softly and looked at her phone when it buzzed, she was still shaken up.He tried, he didn’t succeed. Im okay now though just a gas station, you know the one two miles from my house. Thanks Shaun, I really need someone. she closed her eyes and checked out before taking a seat outside on a bench to wait for him. She clutched her bag.

    Veronica bit her lip nervously, she wondered what he was up to, maybe they could stay at a motel or something. She knew Shaun didn’t really get along with his dad, so there was no way they’d stay there. She looked up to see if he was pulling in. It wasn’t too dark outside and she was thankful for that. Most creeps come out after eight o’clock.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 07:56am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun was just finishing up moving things around in his car, when his phone went again. He slipped it into his pocket and climbed back into his car starting off towards the gas station. He figured he didn't need to text her back again, he was only a couple minutes away and she'd hear him coming soon enough. He was secretly glad she was at a gas station, he had to check his oil and tires anyway.

    He wasn't sure how he'd could break the news to her that he'd been kicked out, it sort of didn't seem appropriate given how upset she must already be, so he was glad he'd put all of his stuff into the trunk maybe he could break it to her tomorrow after they'd found a place to stay overnight.

    He pulled into the gas station, and shut off his car, trying to put on a comforting face.

    @ Quinzel;
    October 30th, 2017 at 08:04am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica hummed softly as she waited for Shaun, she popped some pretzels in her mouth. She was trying to clear her mind of what happened earlier, she was always lucky that he never actually succeed in assaulting her. Veronica looked up when she heard him pull in. She kind of just knew it was him.

    She stood up and practically jumped in his arms “oh my god thank you so much, I’m sorry to disturb you but I didn’t know who else to call.” She pulled back and breathed softly, “I have some gas money I’d you need it, I don’t have much but I’m sure it’ll help...”

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 08:10am
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun grinned and held her up, "it's okay, of course I came." He let her down carefully, he noticed her bag sitting by the curb and went over putting it in the back seat. "Hop in, I just need to check my oil and stuff, then we can talk," he said. He was still a little shell shock from his hectic day, and wanted to collect himself a bit, not wanting to say the wrong thing, or do the wrong thing.

    He finished checking his car, and climbed back inside. "You okay?" he asked, still not sure what to say. He was more than happy to go with her if she needed to pick anything else up from home, but if not they needed to find a place to sleep.

    @ Quinzel;
    October 30th, 2017 at 08:22am
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica nodded with a smile on her face, “I still appreciate that you cane to help me, I don’t know what I would have done.” She hopped in the car as she watched Shaun check his car’s fluids. She looked over st him when he got back in and asked her if she was okay. “You mean after what happened? Yeah, I’m all right. He would have gotten his way eventually if I didn’t leave.” She said softly.

    “So, where we headed? Just anywhere? Cause I’m up for whatever you wanna go or do.” Veronica leaned over and pecked his cheek. “I really can’t thank you enough for helping me out.”

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 04:51pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun smiled at her as he started his car. He pulled out driving more carefully than he did when he was by himself. He looked over at her briefly, "So you gonna go back later, or have you left for good?" he asked. He headed out onto the road towards town.

    He had been concerned about getting as far away from his dad as possible but he would stick around as long as she needed him, or when the time was better ask her to come with him.

    @ Quinzel;
    October 30th, 2017 at 10:44pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica stared down at her hands for a moment before looking at Shaun, “I’ve ledt for good. I can’t go back there Shaun, he might try it again. My mother doesn’t believe me, I told her off before I left.” Veronica pushed her bangs out of her face and sighed heavily. “I don’t know what to do or where I’m going to spend the night. I gotta do something.. I just i feel so lost you know?”

    Veronica looked at Shaun, “I’m sorry I don’t want to go on about me, what’s going on with you? How are things?” She asked softly and grabbed his hand stroking it gently. “

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 10:55pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun nodded sort of understanding how she felt. He kept driving slowly, "we'll find somewhere to sleep for the night, if not we can sleep in my car," he stated. He smiled at her lightly, "dad finally kicked me out, after I lost another job."

    He held back his anger, not wanting it to show how much the situation upset him, she didn't need that now. "All my stuff is packed in the trunk actually," he quipped signalling to the back.
    October 30th, 2017 at 11:18pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica knew that Shaun didn’t have a good relationship with his father and wondered about it. “Oh Shaun I’m so sorry.” She rubbed his arm before turning to look at her phone. “Guess we’re both out of luck huh?” Looking back she had noticed some bags. “I mean I have about two hundred in cash we can I’m share a room at a motel or un get some gas ..”

    Veronica nodded, “sure we can do that, figure out what we can do about our situation in the mornin.” Veronica was trying not to stress out but it was hard, her situation was just as bad as his.
    October 30th, 2017 at 11:25pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun nodded, "I don't need gas yet, and I've got a tiny bit of money saved up, as well as my final paycheck to pick up tomorrow," he said. He pulled into a mall parking lot and parked up. "Did you pack everything you could from home, or did you want to go back with me pack another bag of clothes, food anything like that?" he asked.

    He knew they would have to figure out what they were going to do, but he wanted to feel like life was still normal and walking around the mall could give them that even if only slightly.

    @ Quinzel;
    October 30th, 2017 at 11:34pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica nodded, “all right cool, maybe we can just figure something out..” she looked over her bag. “Mostly my underwear and socks but I managed to get a few changes and some shampoo and tooth paste. Not much but I don’t intend to go back there. I prepared for the worst I guess.” She wanted to feel like this wasn’t happening but knew it wasn’t the case.

    “You got all your stuff?”Veronica asked as she pulled her hair into a messy bun. Closing her eyes for a moment wondering if maybe this was the break she needed or longed for.

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 11:40pm
  • A Drop On the Window

    A Drop On the Window (100)

    New Zealand
    Shaun nodded, "everything I need, got my tools, my clothes." He looked over at her, wondering whether now would be a good time to mention his plan to just drive away and see where they ended up. He opened his door, climbing out, "lets just wander around and think about our options for a bit," he said climbing out of the car.

    He smiled very weakly at her, "I mean if worst comes to worst, at least we don't have to sleep outside," he said tapping the roof of his car, which thanks to how little his father cared for him, was registered in Shaun's name and insured by Shaun.

    @ Quinzel;
    October 30th, 2017 at 11:48pm
  • Bucky.Barnes

    Bucky.Barnes (100)

    United States
    Veronica nodded as she watched him stop to park his car, “yeah, sounds like a plan.” She quickly climbed out leaving everything in the car and walked beside Shaun.she looked back when he tapped on the roof of the car and smiled weakly. “True, it won’t be as bad.” She was quiet for a moment just trying to clear her head.

    “I’m thinking of getting a job but like I don’t have an address so I can’t do that, and I don’t know exactly what else to do.. that doesn’t requiring taking my clothes off you know?” She bit her lip nervously. Veronica was a beautiful girl and was fit. “I mean if I have to I will, I’m just weighing my options I guess..”

    @ A Drop On the Window
    October 30th, 2017 at 11:56pm