la vie en rose.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I love you," Loki said softly before he gently pressed his lips against hers feeling the need to kiss her and show her how much she meant to him right in that moment. Because Loki couldn't exactly explain how much he appreciated her at that moment and in general. This woman who stood before him meant so much to him. She was literally his everything. And he knew that he'd been doubting himself a lot recently just, but he'd been through a lot really in the last year alone so he was still working through a lot of things, but he really didn't think he'd be able to work through it all without her. Actually, he knew he wouldn't be because he'd been trying to work through and process things before he'd found her again and he'd done awful at it. But now that he had her back and he knew that they really could last through anything Loki was certain that things were going to look up for him again. He just needed to work through some of his self doubt first.
    "Well, you're in for a treat then because I've been planning this since I was like seven so like twenty years. And of course, some things have changed since then because well I've grown up a little. But I do have a plan. Oh, Morgan's going to be so excited when I tell her," Ellie said knowing they hadn't really talked much about the wedding recently just with all the stuff that had gone on but now that things were on a much happier note Ellie was more than ready to resume the wedding things. Even if it wasn't the Asgard wedding his mother had been planning. It was still going to be everything she'd ever dreamed of, she'd make sure of that part. "Clothes first though," Ellie said grabbing her purse then Thor's hand and leading him out of the apartment and out into the chilly New York air ready to get the day started. She had so much planned that Ellie just hoped she could fit it all in. Even though she knew they literally had an eternity together Ellie didn't want to waste time during the day, probably because she wasn't fully used to the whole 'immortal' and never running out of time thing. Even though technically it was possible for Thor to die, but that was something she wasn't going to think about.
    December 15th, 2017 at 04:13am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn smiled and kissed him back softly. She'd just needed him to know that, while she didn't necessarily agree with his more recent life choices, that she saw he was trying to do better. And that was all that really mattered to her. He was trying to be better for her and for their child, and that's all she could really ask of him. Pulling away slightly, she pressed her forehead against his and smiled. "You've told me who you really are, but that changes nothing about the man that you are in here." She placed one of her hands over his heart. "You haven't shown me who you really are though." She'd never seen his Jotun form, and she didn't know if he would show her it, because she knew it was a part of him that he was ashamed of. "You don't have to show me if you don't want to, but I just want you to know that I love that part of you just as much as I love every other part of you."
    Truthfully, Thor didn’t care much for the planning of the wedding. All of that mattered nought to him so long as he was marrying Ellie. He could tell that this was important to her though, and he wanted her to be happy with everything on that day. If she’d been thinking about her wedding day for that long, he wanted it to be everything that she had always dreamed of and more. “I don’t believe I’ve met Morgan yet.” Thor said as he followed her out of the apartment. “She’s the friend you own the bakery with, correct?” The cooler temperature bothered him very little as they walked along the sidewalk. “Where will we be looking for more suitable attire?”
    December 15th, 2017 at 01:37pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki didn’t understand why Sigyn would want to see that part of him. Just like he didn’t fully understand how she could love that part of him when even he didn’t want to. But maybe he needed to learn how to accept. Because that was as much a part of him as everything else. “If you’re sure you want to see it,” he said softly before allowing the change to happen and transform into the frost giant that he was. He did feel a little different when he was like this, it’s almost like his skin felt a little colder, but not by much. Really if he hadn’t known he was doing this he likely wouldn’t even be able to tell. The issue he had though with being like this was that he didn’t fit in, and while Sigyn loved him like this he knew others wouldn’t. Others would look down on him more than probably already did, and he hated that. Because all Loki had ever wanted was to fit it and feel like he belonged.
    “You haven’t, and yes she’s the one I own the bakery with. She’ll be excited to meet you,” Ellie told him knowing that it wasn’t likely he was excited about planning a wedding, and that was fine. But it meant a lot to her that he was so willing to go along with it all to make her happy. “We’re just going to the mall right now, because they have tons of stores which gives us options,” she told him pretty sure she’d take him somewhere like Banana Republic because they had nice adult clothes and she obviously didn’t want him dressing like a child. Plus there she knew she could find him everything she needed, and hopefully in his size. “And I know you’re probably not as excited as I am about planning the wedding, or shopping for clothes, but I appreciate you coming along and listening anyway,” she told him happy that Thor was such a good man.
    December 15th, 2017 at 03:24pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn had seen a frost giant before. She knew what they looked like, and she knew that they were painted as monsters to the Aesir children. They were the monsters hiding in the closet and under the bed. Seeing her husband change before her very eyes was almost indescribable. The green eyes that she was oh so familiar with became a fiery red. His pale skin took on an ice hue, and markings and sigils swirled across his skin. Reaching up, she touched his face, somehow cooler to the touch than it already always was. “Blue’s always been my favorite color, and I never knew why…” She whispered as her fingers ghosted across his skin. She was anything but afraid of him. In fact, she was mesmerized. “You’re beautiful…this isn’t something you should be ashamed of, Lo.”
    "I look forward to meeting her." Thor told her with a smile. He was looking forward to meeting all of the people in Ellie's life who were important to her here on Midgard, and he was glad that they were able to have the wedding here so that all those she cared for here could attend, because he was almost certain that Odin wouldn't have allowed them to marry on Asgard. With his mother gone, there was no one there to be the voice of reason for the Allfather any longer. "I know that planning our wedding is something that is clearly important to you, and I'll always listen to you." He might not be as eager to go look for Midgardian clothes or plan the wedding, but if it made her happy, then he would go through with it all. He just wanted her to be happy.
    December 15th, 2017 at 03:48pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki wanted to believe her, he really did. But his entire life he’d been told awful things about the frost giants. And the people of Asgard didn’t like them. So why would be want to be one? So of course, he’d been upset when he found out, and he hadn’t even found out in the best way. But he wanted to believe that if Sigyn could love him like this then he should be able to love himself. But that was going to be a long process for sure. “I want to believe you, really I do. But it’s so hard when I was brought up to dislike them. I was taught the same things as you that they’re monsters. And why would I want that? Why would anyone want that?” He asked wishing he understood how she could just be so accepting of this part of him.
    “I’m sure you’ll love her. She’s a riot for sure,” Ellie said knowing without a doubt that Thor and Morgan would get along, which was all a girl could ask for really, after all, what girl wanted their best friend and boyfriend to hate one another? Literally though she did wonder how she’d gotten so lucky to have someone like him as her soulmate. “Okay well here we are,” she said once they’d arrived to the banana republic, which was busy as she’d expected given the time of year. “I’ve always wanted to do this. And by that I mean I’ve always wanted to have a man let me shop for him,” she told him about to have a field day with this. Ellie was sure that Thor already turned heads given some people knew who he was thanks to events, but he was likely to turn more and likely of the female variety given how handsome he was going to look. Which kind of made her feel good because he loved her. Even if other woman hit on him all day long he was getting married to her. And it was just an amazing feeling knowing that the man you love and planned on marrying wasn’t going to stray just because of another pretty face.
    December 15th, 2017 at 08:27pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "But you're not like them. You might be Laufey's son, but you're not a monster, Loki." Sigyn said softly, resting her hand against his cheek once more. It was significantly cooler, though she'd always thought his body ran at a cooler temperature than hers, so it wasn't something that bothered her. And she truly meant what she said about him. She didn't think that he was a monster and she didn't think that he should be ashamed of who he really was either. "Do you know what you are? The man that I love. You're my husband. My soulmate. The one person in all nine realms who is meant for me and me alone. And you're the father of our child. So, that's what I see when I look at you. Even as I look at you now, the last thing that I could ever see is a monster."
    "As I said, I look forward to meeting her." Thor said with a smile. Although they had spent a great deal of time getting to know each other on Asgard, he was glad that he was going to have the opportunity now to spend some time with her on Midgard as well. He'd heard so much from Ellie about different Midgardian traditions and different people that were important to her, and now he was going to get the chance to meet those people and experience all of those things that she had told him about as well. "Well, I do believe you have a better understanding as to what Midgardian men wear, so I'm sure you'll do a better job than I could." He laughed and then allowed her to lead him around the store to pick out different pieces of clothing for him.
    December 15th, 2017 at 08:49pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki did feel comfort from her words. He felt like Sigyn was truly the only person who understood him. She loved him no matter what he looked like it what he’d done. And that meant the absolute world to him. He didn’t know what he’d do if he’d ever lost her again. He really had barely made it the first time. “I love you more than words could ever express,” he told her and he leaned his head into her hand kissing her palm gently before he cupped her cheek in in his own hand and held her face for a moment before pressing his lips to hers. Clearly their soulmate bond was real and strong because she was able to look past so many things with him and just love him. And he needed that. Just like he knew their child would need that from them too. And Loki would do that because he refused to let his children grow up feeling bad about themselves because of something they had no control over.
    Ellie literally loved shopping for other people almost as much as she loved shopping for herself. So buying clothes for Thor, that made him quite a bit more handsome in her opinion, was fun for her. She even found a slight bit of enjoyment kissing his cheek or giving him compliments on things when she saw other girls sending google eyes at him because she felt this need to make sure they knew he was seeing someone. Which was a natural thing for Ellie, she wouldn’t admit she was the jealous type, but she was. “So I texted Morgan and she said she’d meet us for lunch so I’ll let you meet her today. And she seemed really excited about it from the amount of emojis she used. So that’ll be fun. Plus I am kind of hungry so food would be nice.” She told Thor after they’d paid for all the clothes she’d picked out. Saying that lunch was going to be good was an understatement. Given how well Ellie knew Morgan, how she still hadn’t introduced her to Thor, and the type of men Morgan was interested in lunch was going to be interesting and there was likely to be some inappropriate commments, but Ellie wouldn’t expect anything less honestly.
    December 15th, 2017 at 11:38pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn really didn't know how her husband had lasted all of these years after she died. She'd only gone a month without him, and the only reason she likely hadn't done something drastic was because she had the baby to worry about. If she wasn't pregnant, she didn't know what would have happened or what she might have done. She smiled at his words, kissing him back when he pressed his cool lips to her own. The only thing that was noticeably different was the temperature of his lips. Otherwise, it felt no different than it did any other time that they had kissed. That was even more proof that it didn't matter what he was. Aesir. Frost giant. None of it mattered. He was still her husband and her soulmate, and that was all that mattered to her. "I'm so glad that you're alive." She said quietly once she finally pulled away.
    Thor had paid very little mind to any women who attempted to garner his attention that day. The only woman he cared about was Ellie, and she was the only woman he cared to have eyes for. He really didn't pay any mind to Ellie's actions either, not even noticing that some of her kisses and touches were out of jealousy. "I look forward to meeting her. And emojis? Those are those little faces that people send via electronic letter, correct?" He still didn't fully understand Midgardian technology, but slowly but surely he was starting to learn things and familiarize himself with it all. "Are we getting lunch with her now then? Do I have a sufficient Midgardian wardrobe yet?" He asked, a slight teasing tone to his words as they walked.
    December 16th, 2017 at 04:30am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I'm glad you're alive too," Loki said knowing that he could be happy about that because there had been a time when she wasn't. There was a time when he'd had to spend time without her and those truly were the darkest days he'd ever faced. Things were looking up now though, they were together again and they had a child on the way. So to say the least, Loki had a lot to be thankful for honestly. "Well love this was nice," he said, happy to have had this moment with her and happy that he could have much more with her in the future. "Enough about me though, tell me about your trip to see your Midgard family. Since I'm assuming that's who you went to see while you were away. And what exactly were they celebrating? Because wasn't it some special time of year?" He asked wanting to hear all about her trip, and he hoped it went better than the last one she'd taken.
    Ellie was pretty excited for Thor and Morgan to meet and she was certain it was going to be interesting. "Yes, they're the little faces we sent via text message," she told him with full knowledge that there was still a lot he had to learn about the culture he'd stepped into so there was a lot she was going to have to teach him. Especially, considering she wasn't sure how long they were going to remain on earth, but she had a feeling it was going to be awhile. Not because they weren't allowed on Asgard or anything crazy, but because with Frigga being dead now even Ellie knew there was no way Odin was going to allow her and Thor to marry on Asgard and they were getting married. Plus Ellie was sure there was still a lot of painful feelings with being there for him at the moment given he'd lost two people close to him in such a short period of time so maybe a break would be nice. And well as much as Ellie had loved Asgard she'd really missed earth in the short time she'd been away, so if she could spend time there with all the people she loved just soaking up as much time with everyone while she could then she was going to. "And yes I think you have a sufficient wardrobe now," she said laughing a little, she'd spent quite a bit on him honestly so if he didn't have a nice wardrobe she would've been pissed really.
    December 16th, 2017 at 05:35am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn smiled at his words. She really was glad that they'd been given this second chance together. She didn't know who was responsible for it, but she was thankful to whoever it was and honestly felt indebted towards them. Because she was back with the man that she loved more than anything in all nine realms, and they were starting the family they had always wanted too. It was more than she honestly could have ever hoped for. "I have so much to tell you!" She said, knowing that she had quite a bit to catch him up on even though it had only been about a month and a half since he "died". "I think I'm going to sit though, my feet are starting to hurt again." She said as she took a seat on the edge of the bed and slipped her shoes off. She found that her feet and back bothered her more than anything else at this point in her pregnancy. Of course, she also had a difficult time finding the most comfortable way to sleep as well, but she'd mastered that for the most part really and figured something out that worked. "I spent a lot of time with Ellie and Charlotte at first. They kept me sane, honestly, but then my parents found out that I was back in New York, and they wanted to talk. They apologized for what happened, and they listened this time, and things are better with them now. I spent Christmas with them, and things almost felt...normal I guess? They're both really excited about the baby too."
    Thor only knew what he did about Midgard from Ellie and Sigyn. They both had tried explaining some things to him, and he understood some of it, but there were other things that he really just didn't get. Most of it was technology related. Like why did people send each other pictures back and fourth? Why did people take pictures of their meals so that everyone around the world could see them? How was it possible for people all across Midgard to see something that one single person posted from New York? He had so many questions still, and some of them he doubted he would get the answer that he was looking for, but they were still questions that he had nonetheless. "A text message is like an electronic letter, correct? There was something else that you and Sigyn mentioned e-something..." He was fascinated by Midgardian culture, but some of it was honestly a bit confusing for him. "I shall blend in with all the Midgardian men now then. Shall we head to lunch? Where are we meeting your friend?"
    December 16th, 2017 at 05:58am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “That’s amazing,” Loki said with a smile glad that she’d had a better time on Midgard this time around and he was happy that her Midgard family had come around too because he knew how important they were to her. “I think everyone is excited about the baby,” he told her knowing he was als one of those people. “Have you’re feet been hurting a lot? Are you having issues? Because I’m sure we could take you to Eir if we needed to and she’d be able to help with those things,” he told her not realizing how much being pregnant affected the body. Though how would he given he’d never really researched it or anything given he’d never really had a reason to until now but he’d been so busy being locked up and then bait with schemes that he hadn’t really made it a priority.
    “Yes. Text messages and emails are like electronic letters. Most people use email though to reach out about job details or to send coupons, but texting is how most of us communicate with our friends or family. And yes you’re certainly going to blend right in,” Ellie said with a smile. “Feel free to ask me about anything you have questions on too. Since I know this is such a cultural shock for you and I’ll answer the best I can,” she told him glad she could return that favor since it was kind of what he’d done for her on Asgard. Clearly though neither of them were really familiar with the others cultural so being able to talk one another through things they had questions about was a good thing. “And were going to meet her at Bleecker Street Pizza. It’s our favorite pizza place, actually we used to go there so much that we became regulars,” she told him really happy to be home and able to go about all her life, but with Thor in it as the only difference really.
    December 16th, 2017 at 07:20am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    It was such a relief to Sigyn that she and her parents were talking again. Although she had lived much longer as Sigyn than she had as Stephanie, they had given her a very good life, one filled with parents who were loving and caring and listened to what she wanted to do with her life. It was never what they wanted for her. That was something she had never been blessed with here on Asgard. Her mother died when she was young, and her father cared more for a jug of mead than he did his own daughter. When she did find happiness in the shape of Loki, her father had tried marrying her off to a different man entirely. He didn't care about what she wanted or what made her happy. It was always about him. "Yes, I suppose you're right." She said with a laugh. "But my brother hasn't married yet, and my sister's still in school, so this is their first grandchild. It's a really big deal for them." She pulled him down onto the bed with her and leaned her head against his shoulder, honestly just wanting to be as close to him as she possibly could considering they had been apart yet again. "It's nothing I can't handle. Most shoes bother my feet, and my back aches, but that's to be expected with how far along I am now. I'm fine though, love. I promise."
    Thor listened as she explained what text messages were to him, confirming what he had thought regarding them. And the other thing was called an email! He supposed that he had been close. He knew that it was an e-something. "You use different forms of electronic letters for different purposes?" He questioned. They only wrote and sent letters on Asgard. Nothing was done electronically. They didn't have that sort of technology, and he doubted that they ever would. "It's a lot to take in, but I do believe I'm starting to comprehend a lot of it." Things were just very different on Midgard, and he was glad that he had Ellie to guide him through it all. He didn't know how Steve had done it all. He hadn't had the guidance of a soulmate. That was another thing he didn't understand. Why weren't many Midgardians given soulmates? It didn't make sense to him, but he was glad that Ellie was his. He didn't care that she was a Midgardian. She was meant for him, and that was all that really mattered to him. "I'm not sure that I've ever had pizza. Tony introduced me to schwarma last time I was here, but I've never had pizza."
    December 16th, 2017 at 02:53pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki sat next to Sigyn and rested his head on top of her own just happy to be with her again. And he was glad that there wasn't anything standing in their way of just being together anymore either. Literally, everything was worked out in their favor. He was no longer locked away in a cell, she was no longer dead, and there was no one on Asgard to lock him up either. What made it even better was that they were expecting a baby so they were together and starting a family. It was almost as if they'd never been apart, to begin with, or he supposed one could look at it as them picking up where they'd left off. "Well I'm glad that you can handle it, but if you do need anything let me know. Because I'll do anything to make you comfortable," he told her knowing it wasn't something that could really be controlled, given everything she was dealing with was just part of being pregnant. But Loki knew that if there was anything he could do to make her more comfortable or even just help her out he would. After all, that's what you did for people you loved.
    "Yes. The biggest difference though is that with emails you have to use the internet to be able to send them and you don't need the internet to send text messages. Emails also tend to be longer. And there are some people who still write letters and send them via snail mail but they're just not as popular as they use to be. And that's good, I know it's a lot to take in though so I'm happy to walk you through anything," Ellie told him more than happy to be there for anything he needed, of course, she was his soulmate so it made sense to her. "I've never had schwarma before but it sounds interesting so I'd be willing to try it. Well first was as it good? And second pizza is delicious, especially here in New York," She said as she linked her arm with his and gently rested her head on his arm while they walked towards their destination. Honestly, just happy that she could spend the day in New York with the man she loved because there wasn't really anything else she'd rather be doing if she were being honest. Yes she had her traditions with her dad, and those were important to her, but truthfully she wanted to make new ones with Thor.
    December 16th, 2017 at 05:27pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    It was almost hard to believe that there really wasn't anything standing in the way of them being together now. It almost felt too good to be true, but Sigyn knew that it was true. She and Loki could finally be together without there being any obstacles in the way, and they were starting the family that they had always wanted. It was almost as though several centuries hadn't passed between them, and like they were simply picking things up where they had left off. "Just having you here means the world to me." She said softly, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. As silly as it might seem, childish even, all she wanted was to be as close to him as she possibly could be. "How are things going to work now?" She asked after a few moments of silence. "Everyone believes you dead, and technically you're the king now, so is it possible for you to leave at all? Because I would like to stay here with you, but I would like to see my family when I can as well."
    Thor nodded slowly. He supposed that made sense, although he still didn't understand why people didn't just write letters as much anymore. What had caused them to go nearly obsolete here on Midgard? He supposed it was a convenience factor more than anything else. Everyone wanted to be able to get in touch with whomever with the touch of a button. "And most people do have internet access of some kind, I presume?" He asked. He wondered if Tony had aided in the creation of any of this technology. He seemed rather inventive from what he could tell anyway. "I grateful that I have you to walk me through it all. There is much that I still need to learn." He said. "I quite liked it, although maybe not as much as Tony seemed to think that I would. I'm curious about this pizza you speak of though."
    December 17th, 2017 at 03:04am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Well, no one else can know that I'm not actually Odin, because I don't want word getting back to Thor mostly. So I may have relieved Hiemdell of his position and replaced him with Skurge who's a total imbecile and won't ask a lot of questions which makes it pretty easy really to travel from realm to realm. And Skurge knows that it's me and not Odin but with what I promised him I know he won't spill. So you're more than welcome to stay, actually I hoped you would stay. We're free to drop the act here because no one's going to enter the chambers without permission and I've made it clear that that will never happen. But outside of this room while on Asgard I'll have to look like Odin. But of course, we can go and visit your family if you'd like. Whenever you'd like really. I mean I am technically the king now, so really I can do whatever I'd like," Loki told her knowing it might've seemed like a bit much, but truthfully this was the best he'd felt about things in a long time. Because there was literally nothing holding him back. He could be with the woman he loved, have the family he'd always wanted with her, and he was in charge. Yea he wasn't entirely fond of looking like Odin when outside of his room, but that was a small price to pay for everything he felt like he was gaining.
    "Yes. Anymore most places offer some kind of wifi and people can connect their phones to it and browse the web or even check their emails all the time. And even if somewhere doesn't offer it most phones are smartphones now so they can connect you to the internet by using data. But a lot of people also still pay for internet services at their homes as well. It's honestly, a little crazy how easy it is to access," Ellie said realizing how insanely advanced technology was on earth. "I'll have to try it sometime then," she said totally up to trying new food anytime. "And well pizza is pretty much delicious cheesy heaven," she told him trying to describe it in the best way she knew how to someone who likely wouldn't fully understand what she was saying anyway. "The best thing is just going to be to try it honestly, because there are just so many different combinations you can get that it's hard to tell if you're going to like it or not right off the bat. I mean you may like something totally different from me I don't know. I think you'll like at least some form of it though," Ellie said pretty positive that even if he didn't like what she did there would be something he did like. Especially with all the different toppings people put on them. Not that she fully agreed with them, but that was kind of the beauty of pizza in her mind.
    December 17th, 2017 at 03:50am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Going to do a little skip for Loki and Sig Cute]

    Sigyn was certain this would be a Hel of a lot easier if she had timed it so she would be seven and a half months pregnant with twins during the summer months. Of course, she and Loki hadn’t been actively trying to get pregnant when it happened, which really was laughable considering the fact that they had been trying very actively before she had died. And yes, of course, nothing was done in moderation and there were two buns cooking in her oven and not one. It was something that they had only discovered two weeks prior when she agreed to go see a Midgardian physician after her sister kept bugging her incessantly about it, and it certainly came as a shock to both parents to be when the doctor spoke so casually about it, assuming that they had both known this entire time. She huffed a bit as she attempted to adjust the sweater she was almost certain fit much better than it was fitting right then and there two weeks prior. Her petite frame meant that everything was loose everywhere except for her belly, and she thought she looked absolutely ridiculous in anything she wore now. Pouting when she wasn’t able to make it look any better, she tore the shirt off and sat back down on the bed, arms crossed. “I’m not going.” She said to her husband when he walked into his chambers and dropped the illusion. They were supposed to take a trip to Midgard to see her family, supposed to being the key word.
    “So, everyone basically has access to anything in the world from those tiny boxes they carry around with them?” Thor asked, honestly sort of amazed by the idea. He did find it a bit ridiculous though how much people seemed attached to technology that the small devices they all seemed to own. He saw very few children partaking in activities that children should be partaking in now, and he’d seen quite a few people out in groups who didn’t even speak a word to each other which was insane to him as well. He found that to be incredibly rude and inconsiderate. He wouldn’t be pleased if he was with someone and all they were paying attention to was the tiny device in their hands. “And it sounds to me as though there isn’t very much on Midgard that is simple.” He chuckled. “What’s your favorite pizza combination?”
    December 17th, 2017 at 05:09am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ sounds good to me XD ]

    "Love it was your idea to go and see them," Loki replied as he bent over to kiss the top of her head. "What's wrong anyway? You were so excited when I left earlier and now all of a sudden you don't want to go? What could've possibly changed your mind in a matter of hours?" He asked her wondering if this had anything to do with her clothes not fitting the way she'd like, which he was only curious about given she wasn't wearing a shirt at the moment. The two of them had been under a little bit of stress the last couple of weeks, after all finding out that you're having two babies instead of just one was a big deal. It wasn't that Loki wasn't prepared to have more than one child because he was. Loki wanted to have multiple children with Sigyn if she was up for that, but he hadn't been expecting two at once. Two babies rather than one meant they'd have to make more space for them, they'd have to get double of everything, so double the work. And he didn't want anyone to think he wasn't excited about it because he was, but he was also honestly, a little nervous as to what was going to happen. But they did still have a few months until they'd be there so he supposed he did have a little time to get used to the idea. "I'm pretty sure your family is expecting us, and we can't let them down. Plus isn't there something special going on that you've been raving about? I'd hate for you to miss that," He said hoping he could convince her to go.
    Ellie nodded her head, "yea pretty much," she told him also agreeing that there weren't many things on earth that were just simple. It'd be nice if there were simple things though.
    "I'm pretty basic honestly and usually just get pepperoni and extra cheese. Sometimes if I'm feeling adventurous I'll add some mushrooms but not usually. My dad hates it because for whatever reason he always goes all out and gets all the toppings so he used to get so frustrated when we'd order pizza because he would always buy me my own pizza since I wouldn't eat his," she told him laughing at herself and how silly it sounded, but that was her life. "Well, here we are," she said as she opened the door to head in and practically made a bee-line to her normal table where her best friend was already sitting and waiting for them. "EEK!! El!! I'm so glad you're back I've freaking missed you!" Morgan said rather excited as she quickly stood up and engulfed Ellie in hug paying no attention to the man standing next to her at first.

    "I've missed you too," Ellie said hugging her friend back just happy to see her friend again. Even though Ellie had technically been back in town for a while and her and Morgan had talked since then they'd both been so busy they hadn't really seen one another since before she'd left for Asgard, and a lot had happened since then. "Okay, well Morgan this is my fiance Thor. Thor this is my best friend Morgan," Ellie said when she finally pulled away from the hug to introduce the two. "Did you just say, fiance?" Morgan asked a wanting to make sure she'd heard correctly. Morgan smiled and Thor and held her hand out for him to shake before sending Ellie a look because her friend had a lot of explaining to do. "You may be large," Morgan said poking at his muscles just to feel how had they actually were, "and muscley. But if you hurt my friend I will not be afraid to come after you," she added which almost caused Ellie to laugh. But Ellie did cover her mouth to try and contain herself not even shocked by what had just happened.
    December 17th, 2017 at 06:00am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn had been more emotional lately than she'd been the rest of her pregnancy. She didn't know if it was because she was well into the third trimester at this point or the sudden news that there would be two babies instead of one, but she'd honestly been a bit all over the place. It wasn't that she wasn't excited about having twins, it was just the thought of caring for two babies at once that made her nervous but pretty damn scared as well. She wasn't prepared for two babies, she was only prepared for one, and sure they still had some time to sort everything out, but it was still rather stressful. She really commended her husband for putting up with her and comforting her every time she burst into tears with very little warning at all. She really didn't know how he did it but he did, and he always managed to make her feel better as well. Now was one of those moments. Because one moment she was simply telling him that she wasn't going to Midgard to see her family and the next her lower lip was quivering, tears were welling up in her eyes and then the floodgates were opening up.
    Thor chuckled at her words, finding it funny that her father would buy her an entire pizza of her own because she didn't like all of the toppings that he did. He of course didn't know how big a pizza actually was, and all he really knew that there was cheese involved, but he was certainly curious and willing to try it considering Ellie seemed to enjoy it so much. Before he could say anything on the matter though they had arrived at the place and his fiancé was making a bee-line towards a table where another brunette sat. He assumed that this was Morgan, and his assumption was proven correct when both girls embraced and let out high-pitched squeals at the sight of each other. Thor smiled and watched the exchange before Ellie was introducing them to each other and he shook Morgan's hands, though he couldn't exactly get a word in just yet as Morgan was poking at the muscles in his arms and he was pretty sure she had just threatened him, but he completely understood why. "I can assure you, Lady Morgan, that I would never hurt Ellie. I love her far too much to do anything of the sort." He said.
    December 17th, 2017 at 02:25pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “It’s okay,” Loki told Sigyn as he wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “Everything’s going to be just fine,” he told her knowing that they’d made things work. Yea the plan wasn’t to have twins, but that was fine. Things change and the best thing they could do was roll with the punches. So they’d have two babies instead of one, and it was stressful to think about, but Loki would make a way for it to work out. People did it all the time. “So how about we pack your bag and get ready to go,” he said kissing the top of her head. Loki still planned on taking her back to Midgard that day because she’d wanted to go, he knew there was something planned, and maybe if she was there they could get some tips for raising the twins. After all, her parents had three children, even if none of them were twins, so surely they had some ideas. And maybe if it all seemed less stressful because they had a good idea of what to expect it would calm her nerves a little.
    Ellie found it funny to watch her best friend threaten Thor. She knew that Thor would never hurt her, but it was nice to know Morgan would still stand up for her. “That’s good,” Morgan said before she turned to sit at the table. “He’s super handsome Ellie so good choice. I bet he’s good in bed too, or just to cuddle with,” Morgan told Ellie once they were both sitting down which caused Ellie to blush a little. “Morgan,” she said sighing and shaking her head, once again she should’ve expected this, her friend had always been good at making inappropriate comments at the worst times usually. “What?” Morgan said playfully rolling her eyes. “I’m just saying look at him. He’s built, that hair, and he probably has a lot of endurance. Like he’s probably amazing in bed. So I mean I wouldn’t mind trying to make a baby with him.” She said shrugging her shoulders. And Ellie felt her cheeks get warm, “I’m so sorry about her,” she told Thor not even sure how he was going to respond.
    December 17th, 2017 at 06:34pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    This was what frustrated Sigyn about being pregnant more than anything else. Everything else she could deal with, it was being so hormonal and having her emotions out of wack and just constantly crying over little things that she hated, because this wasn't her at all. She despised crying in front of people, but there was literally no way for her to just decide to shut off her hormones and keep them in check, and so moments like this one were pretty frequent. "You're too good to me. I'm sorry that I've been crying so much lately." She said softly when she finally calmed down a bit. She sniffled a bit and nodded when her husband suggested they pack her bag so that they could go. She grabbed a shirt and pulled it on before she started packing a few things into her bag since she knew they'd be staying at her apartment for the weekend at least while they visited her family.
    Thor honestly wasn't bothered with Morgan's comments, though he did find Ellie's reaction rather amusing. She seemed rather embarrassed and taken aback by her friend's words, though something told Thor that Morgan was this blunt and upfront all the time and this wasn't just a one-time thing. He let out a loud laugh at Morgan's comments. "It's quite alright." He assured Ellie with a smile as she apologized for her friend's comments. "I really don't mind, and she isn't too far off. Asgardian men have a greater sexual endurance than Midgardian men do. And as we are to marry, this kind of talk does not bother me at all." He wouldn't have minded whether they were getting married or not though.
    December 18th, 2017 at 03:27am