la vie en rose.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Love," Loki said resting one hand on her shoulder and the other on her cheek. "I think your sisters right. And I read that it's normal for women this far along to nest, but I need you to sit and rest like the doctor wants okay," he said softly kissing her forehead. "I promise everything's going to be fine, the apartment is tidy so you can rest now," he whispered against her temple hoping to convince her to at least sit-down. Honestly, he wasn't even sure how she was up and moving around so well with how swollen she looked but he supposed it showed how strong she was maybe. Either way, Loki was feeling a little stressed seeing her like this even though it was normal for a woman to do this. He just didn't want her to overdo anything and end up hurting herself in the process unintentionally. He also felt that the dr really did know what was best for her, even though the dr wasn't the one pregnant so they didn't feel the same thing Sigyn was feeling, he still knew it was their job to figure out the situation and come up with the best plan. "Now is there anything you want me to do? Would you like some water? Maybe you need me to grab you something to eat? Anything?" He asked figuring that maybe she'd listen if he made her realize he'd take care of everything she wanted him to.
    Ellie breathless rolled off of Thor once they were both done and smiled as he kissed her palm and fingers. "Thank you," she said softly rolling over to cuddle up to his side where she peppered a few kisses along his neck before she simply rested her head against him. "For such a passionate night," she told him, even if there night wasn't over she wasn't really sure where they'd go from there, so happy that she had him in her life and that he was such a wonderful man. "I'm really glad I waited for you," she told him happy too that she hadn't ever given into all the desires she had before now because she realized it wouldn't have been worth it. Having pointless sex with anyone else would have just been that, pointless sex that likely wouldn't have even been half as good as tonight. But she'd waited for the right time with the right man and nothing could be better than that, than making love like they just had to your one and only.
    December 23rd, 2017 at 05:07am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn wanted to argue, she really did, but now that she'd sort of stopped what she'd been doing she realized that she'd probably overdone things a bit this morning and she really should rest. And okay, maybe she was nesting, and she probably shouldn't have been such a bitch to her sister, and she kind of felt bad about that. "Okay." She said softly, knowing that her husband and sister both only wanted what was best for her and the babies right now, and resting was probably it. "Can you get me some water and the jar of peanut butter that's in the pantry?" She took one of his hands and kissed his knuckles. "Thank you, love." She told him before making her way over to the couch and taking a seat, her hands automatically moving to rest on her massive bump. "Hey, Char?" She called to her sister. "I'm sorry for snapping at you." Her sister smiled as she leaned against the arm of the couch. "It's fine, Sig. You don't have to apologize."
    Thor smiled and wrapped an arm around her, drawing her closer to him. "You don't have to thank me." He told her, kissing the top of her head. He was glad that the evening had been as amazing for her as it had been for him. "I'm glad that I finally found you." He mumbled into her hair. He could already tell that the bond between them was stronger now than it had ever been before, and it had already been pretty strong to begin with. Things were going to change now, and for the better. "I know that you originally wanted to wait, but I think that tonight was perfect." It seemed as though it had been the right time, and now he was sure that their wedding night would be even better because they both already knew each other's bodies pretty well.
    December 23rd, 2017 at 05:39am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “One glass of water and jar of peanut butter coming up,” Loki said glad he’d gotten his wife to rest. He didn’t know if it was bad for the babies for her to up and moving around but he did know that the dr said not to unless absolutely necessary, not to mention he really could tell that she was swollen everywhere so he didn’t even know how she could be up and moving and not totally uncomfortable. Honestly, he wanted the babies to get there asap because he was ready to finally meet them, but he also was ready for Sigyn to be a little less pregnant. Not that he didn’t think she was still beautiful because she would always be the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on, but because she simply looked uncomfortable and he hated that for her. Even if she wasn’t he still wished that he could do more for her. “Water and peanut butter,” Loki said a few moments later returning with both things she’d asked him for.
    Ellie closed her eyes and let out a small hum of content. “Tonight was perfect,” she replied softly. She knew that she had wanted to wait until the wedding night originally but that night was only a few days away and now their wedding night was likely to be even more passionate because they knew one another’s bodies. “I love you so much,” she mumbled against his skin as she peppered a few more kisses along his neck. “I can’t wait to marry you,” she said softly excited to marry him and pretty much do it all again. Honestly, Ellie was a little surprised with herself that she wasn’t too tired to go again given this was her first time, and maybe nothing had really kicked in yet and she’d be to tired to even walk come the following morning, but she felt fine at the moment, which she could only assume that the apple had had some kind of side affects possibly other than making her immortal. She couldn’t know for sure because honestly she had no idea how the thing even worked, but she wasn’t complaining either. It also made sense, how else would she have really been able to flip him over, after all? Thor wasn't small like her by any means, he also wasn’t scrawny and light either, but she’d done it. So really the only explanation for certain things right now was the apples.
    December 23rd, 2017 at 12:40pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I practically bit your head off, and you were only trying to help." Sigyn said with a slight frown. She really did feel bad for kind of being a bitch to her sister, though she'd honestly been like that at least once with everyone in her family plus her husband, and she knew it was the hormones, but she still felt bad after the fact. "It's fine, Sig, really. I've been told much worse than having you snap at me." Charlotte said with a slight laugh just moments before Loki walked back in from the kitchen. "That still doesn't excuse my behavior." Sigyn told her sister before smiling to her husband when he brought her the water and peanut butter. "Thank you, love." She said, sipping the water before she set the glass down and took, one of his hands in her own. "Sit for a while? I missed you." She hated when he left for Asgard and had to remain there for a couple of days. He hadn't missed anything with the babies, but she just hated not having him there since she'd grown pretty accustomed to having him around and their soulmate bond just made it feel strange and almost uncomfortable in a way for them not to be near each other. And she was honestly already uncomfortable enough as it was right now. "The doctor said everything looked normal yesterday, but I'm not dilated at all yet. She was happy about that because she would like to hold me going into labor off so that we're as close to thirty seven weeks as possible. She still wants me to consider induction just in case it's necessary, but I would still like everything to progress as naturally as it possibly can." She was a firm believer that the babies would come when they were ready, and so long as she was okay and they were okay, she saw no reason to get induced. Yes, she was pretty uncomfortable, but that was to be expected given how many pounds of baby she had in her plus the water weight and placenta and everything else, so she didn't want to be induced unless it was completely necessary.
    "That it was." Thor said, pressing another kiss to the top of her head. He fully understood just how strong a soulmate bond really was now. He'd felt it before and somewhat understood it with how strange and almost uncomfortable it had felt to be apart when he remained on Asgard and she was here on Midgard, but it felt much stronger now and he knew that it was because they had connected on an entirely different level than they ever had before. "I love you too, El. More than words could ever describe." He never imagined that it was possible to love someone as much as he loved her, and now he fully understood why Sigyn and Loki looked at each other the way that they did. He used to make fun of his brother for it, and pretend to gag sometimes when he saw the way they were looking at each other, but now he understood, because he was almost certain that was how he now looked at Ellie. "Just a few more days. I'll be able to call you my wife soon enough." He smiled at the thought, knowing that was likely to be the best day of his life, and he had gone through many, many days leading up to it. "You've made me the happiest man in all nine realms, I hope you realize that."
    December 23rd, 2017 at 01:45pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ so I'm going to skip to the wedding night/honeymoon with Ellie and Thor. Because I'm ready for them to be married, and kind of wanna do more smut XD ]

    Loki nodded his head and took a seat next to his wife on the couch, "I've missed you as well," he told her kissing the side of her head. He didn't hate going back to Asgard because now that things were running the way they were he liked it actually, he just hated returning without her. But he knew that she shouldn't go with him with how far along she was. After all, who really knew when the babies were going to be there and he'd hate to take her to Asgard only for her to have to turn right back around and then something happen. So it was just better for her to stay on Midgard until after they were born. "Well they'll come when they're ready to come," Loki said pretty sure the best thing to do was let them come when they wanted rather than forcing it. Things were healthy right now, and even though he could tell she was uncomfortable she wanted to do this naturally so he supported that.
    It was finally a reality. When Ellie spoke of Thor she could call him her husband and there weren't many things that made her happier. The day had literally been all she could've asked for, everything turned out perfectly not that she was shocked, Morgan was the queen of getting things done the right away, and quickly. So overall Ellie was pretty happy. Plus they were in Paris and what wasn't to love about that? Literally, she was so happy she wanted to end her wonderful day thus far on an extra good note so once they'd arrived back to their hotel after a couple of hours of sightseeing because Ellie wanted to see everything she turned to her husband, which just the thought of that alone brought a smile to her face. "I'm going to get in the shower," she said told him as she unzipped her jeans and slipped out of them then took off her shirt, then unhooked her bra and slowly slipped it off and tossed it to the side. "And you should feel free to come and join me," she told him before turning away with a hair flip and making her way towards the bathroom.
    December 23rd, 2017 at 11:26pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Okay tehe]

    Sigyn smiled, leaning her head against his arm lightly as he sat next to her. She knew that it was silly, but she just wanted to be close to him right now. She'd been like that since discovering that he wasn't actually dead and that he was alive and well. She knew that he wasn't going anywhere, but that didn't mean she wanted to hold him at arm's length or anything. "That's what I keep telling her." She really didn't understand why some doctors threw around words like high-risk and NICU when it came to twin pregnancies. Yes, it was possible for women to go into labor much earlier than they would if they were only carrying one baby, but she was thirty-three, almost thirty-four, weeks along and wasn't even dilated yet. "I don't need a drug to tell me when to have my babies. They'll come when they're ready to come, and they aren't ready yet." She rambled a bit.
    Thor couldn't believe it. Today had honestly been so surreal for him. He and Ellie were married. She was his wife. It had been a wonderful ceremony, and all of Ellie's family had been present, and everything had gone exactly how she had wanted it to. Morgan had planned out everything perfectly, and made sure to get ever last detail exactly right. It was everything Ellie could have hoped for, and Thor was glad. He wasn't so concerned with the details, he was just happy to finally call her his wife. And now this evening was going to be just as amazing as the day had been, that much he was certain. He looked over to her when she spoke, eyes darkening slightly at her words and as he watched her undress before following suit.

    [Sorry Thor's is short, I'm heading out and wanted to get a post up]
    December 23rd, 2017 at 11:50pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ would you like to skip to when the babies are actually born? ]

    Ellie smiled over her shoulder at her husband as he followed her and she turned on the water then slipped out of her panties and stepped into the shower more than ready for another night of passion with that man. That's what the honeymoon was all about anyways, experiencing romance and passion with one another as a married couple. "I love you," she told him softly as she looked him up and down just taking in his gorgeous and wonderfully built body. Yes she'd seen him shirtless, and yea they'd made love a few days earlier, but until now she'd never really just been able to stand in front of him and take in what a beautiful specimen he was like she could right now. She gently trailed her fingertip over his chest before she kissed it, and then she let her fingers travel over his arms, which were literally so nice, then down to his hands which were so much larger than her own but she didn't mind because they just felt right. "And I love the way your hands feel on my skin," she told him as she guided them to her much like the other night. "And your lips seemed to know just what to do," she added trying not to laugh at the fact that he'd left his mark the other night that was clear as day still and how Morgan had reacted when she'd seen it.

    [ you're fine. Lol ]
    December 24th, 2017 at 01:08am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States

    Sigyn closed her eyes and gripped her husband's hand tight as she felt another contraction, holding in a breath until it passed and then letting it out. Earlier that morning, she started having contractions and just assumed it was the ones she'd been feeling here and there the last couple of weeks, but then they started getting closer together and she was quick to get to the hospital. And good thing she had, because the contractions were about three or so minutes apart now and and she was five centimeters dilated. Her water hadn't broken yet, and she still had some time as she wasn't fully dilated yet, but she had to say that labor already really sucked. She didn't want an epidural unless she absolutely couldn't handle the pain though, so she was trying her best to push through this as best as she could, though she was almost certain her husband's hand was taking the brunt of it. "Sorry for crushing your hand...this just sucks..." She mumbled, opening her eyes when the contraction passed to look at her husband.
    If the other night was any indication of how tonight was going to go, Thor knew that it would be filled with passion. It would likely be evening more amazing because they knew each other differently now. They had connected on another level, and then they had also just gotten married today. "I love you too." Thor said as he pressed his lips to hers and pushed her back against the wall of the shower. He wasted no time at all this as he slipped two fingers inside of her. There would be no teasing, they both knew what tonight had in store for them, and she had already made it rather clear what she wanted from him right now. He removed his lips from hers and started trailing them up her jaw before he moved them down her neck.
    December 24th, 2017 at 01:49pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki simply brushed her hair back and kissed her head, "you're fine love. Squeeze my hand as you need to," he told her knowing that whatever pain he may have felt was nothing compared to what she was dealing with. So Loki would do whatever she needed from him to help with that. He was after all there for moral support really given it wasn't him giving birth. He kind of couldn't help but be happy in that moment though because it was finally there. The day had finally arrived when he'd get to meet his precious children and he could finally say that he had a family with his wife, that he'd waited a really long time for. Truly the last year had been full of so many things both good and bad, but he would admit this was likely the best day he'd had in a while.
    Ellie moaned at feeling his fingers slip into her while his lips moved down her neck, and she leaned her head to the side to give him a little more leeway while her fingers played with his hair. Oh, did she love this man. He literally made her happy is so many ways that no other man ever had, or ever would. And she was excited for when the time came for them to start a family because not only would it be fun to make a baby together, but Ellie knew in her gut that Thor would be the best father their child would be able to ask for. Though she also hoped that it was a few years down the line before that actually happened because as much as Ellie wanted to be a mom and have a baby, she wanted to just enjoy this beginning phase of being married to Thor for a while before they started added kids into the mix.
    December 24th, 2017 at 08:16pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn mustered a small smile at his actions. He really was just so good to her. "I love you." She said softly before letting out a sharp gasp as another contraction started. She swore and her grip tightened on her husband's hand once more. There was nothing about this that didn't suck, and she knew that it wasn't even half the pain that she was going to feel once it was time to actually push the babies out. She just kept telling herself that the pain would be worth it when she finally got to hold her babies. It was almost surreal that the day had finally come and that it really was only a matter of time before she and Loki had a family. It was something that they had both wanted for so long now, and it was finally going to happen. "I hate this...I just want them to be here already..."
    "You're by far the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on." Thor mumbled against her skin as he continued to move his lips up and down her neck, wanting to kiss as much of her as he possibly could. Ellie made him feel like the luckiest man in all nine realms, and holy Valhalla did she make him happy. He never imagined that he could love anyone as much as he loved her, and he was so damn happy that he could finally call her his wife. He continued to pump his fingers in and out of her, wanting nothing more than to pleasure her and show her just how much he really loved her.
    December 25th, 2017 at 03:41am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I love you too my love," Loki said just as happy to be starting a family as she was. "And I do too," he told her wishing it wouldn't be much longer, but he did know that's not how this worked. Honestly, Loki had spent the last couple weeks reading a lot of books on pregnancies and how they worked. That's how he'd known about the nesting thing. But it was because they were expecting twins and Loki felt like before he'd read the books that he knew very little about how it all worked or even just how it would affect her. But again, he'd wanted to be as prepared for this as he could be. "But we've got this, I'm going to be right here by your side the whole time. Unless you need me to do anything for you. Though I have a feeling someone else would be willing to take on that role so I don't have to leave you," he told her kissing her hand more than willing to stand/sit there next to her until the babies arrived.
    Ellie felt her head fall back a little and her fingers wrap around his hair on his neck a bit at how wonderful simply his fingers could make her feel. And she wanted to respond with words to him, but words were lost to her so instead she let out a moan. Ellie truly did love just the way that he felt against her in general, but especially the way his lips kissed her. And not just her lips, but every other part of her body as well. She truly loved this man more than she'd ever loved anyone before in her life, and she was happy to spend the rest of their many years together.
    December 25th, 2017 at 03:59am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Honestly, Sigyn really didn't know if she would have been able to do any of this without him. He'd been so supportive and helpful, and really just her rock through all of the ups and downs of it all. Things had really gotten hectic when they found out it was twins and not just one baby, and she knew that her emotions had really been all over the place, more so than they already were, because of the stress, but he always somehow managed to make her feel better. And that was the man that she remembered marrying. That was her soulmate. And that was how she knew that he wasn't the man who led alien invasions or tried taking over planets. He really was back to being who he used to be, and she was so proud of him for deciding to try and make the change himself. And she couldn't help getting a little bit emotional at his words. "I think I've cried more in the last nine months than I have in all the centuries we've known each other." She said with a teary laugh.
    Thor loved knowing that the sounds she was making were his doing. He loved knowing that he was making her feel such pleasure that she was rendered speechless. Part of being her husband was making sure that she was happy in all senses of the word, and right now he was making sure that she had a wedding night that she would never forget. One filled with pleasure and passionate love making because he knew that he wouldn't be finished with her even if the water ran cold and they had to move out of the shower. "Is this what you want, love? Tell me what you want me to do." He mumbled against her skin.
    December 25th, 2017 at 04:48am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I believe you'd be correct in that assumption," Loki said nodding his head. In the time he'd known Sigyn she'd hardly ever cried. And on the rare occasion that she did, he knew that it was something huge. So the fact that she'd cried so much over the last nine months was kind of a big deal. He knew it was just because of all the hormones and whatnot from being pregnant, but still, it was just a huge change he hadn't been expecting. "So who do you think will be born first?" He asked trying to keep her talking and distracted because he felt that maybe that would help ease her mind and keep it off the pain. He wasn't positive that it would work, but it was worth a shot. "And who do you want to be born first?" He asked because he knew he'd always wanted both but had never really had a preference for which he had first and he was about to get both so they'd be the same age but one of them would be a couple minutes older than the other so if she had wanted one before the other then that counted for something he supposed.
    "I want to feel your lips everywhere," Ellie told him not trying to be subtle about what she wanted but also not wanting to come out and just say she wanted his mouth between her legs. And she found simply trying to imagine what it would be like to feel him kissing her breasts and her thighs, for example, such a turn on for whatever reason. "And then when you're done, I want you to tell me what I can do for you," she told him knowing this was two-way street really. Ellie couldn't possibly expect him to pleasure her every time and not ever return the favor. Well, she probably could, but she didn't want that. Ellie wanted to be able to make him feel good in other ways too. After all, they were a team and team members helped one another out. Or at least they were supposed to. Plus they were married and should feel totally comfortable exploring new ways to love one another. How else would they know what they enjoyed the most if they didn't after all?
    December 25th, 2017 at 07:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Technically its your fault." Sigyn said, letting out a quiet laugh, though it was short-lived and she pulled a face as another contraction hit, this one seemingly way more painful than the last ones. They'd been bearable when she first started feeling them this morning, though now she was starting to realize why many women asked for an epidural. This really sucked, and she could totally see why many women said childbirth was one of the most painful but worthwhile life experiences. She shut her eyes and tried breathing through it, focusing on anything else that she could, and right now hearing her husband's voice asking her which of the babies she thought would be born first was what she chose to try and focus on. "I don't...know..." She let out a breath when the contraction passed. "Just keep talking, please."
    "As you wish, my love." Thor said as he removed his fingers from inside her and then continued kissing her neck. This time, however, he continued to move his lips down her body. He moved from her neck, down her shoulders, pausing to give her breasts some attention as he flicked his tongue out against one of her nipples, circling it slightly before he kissed down the valley between her breasts, down her stomach before he reached her core. He didn't go there automatically though, instead he kissed along the inside of one of her thighs, choosing to tease her a bit as he nipped at the tender skin there.
    December 25th, 2017 at 03:34pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki nodded. He didn’t know what she was feeling at the moment but he knew it couldn’t feel nice. “So I’ve started producing a play on Asgard. It’s going to be a while before it’s ready. Because I mean we have to cast everyone and the actually go over the script and everything. But I think it’ll be nice once it’s finished.” He told her not sure what they could talk about and he knew he hadn’t told her about it yet. So he figured he’d talk about the play a little and hopefully everything was helpful. Because Loki didn’t like feeling like he wasn’t being helpful at all. But really there was little he could do really.
    Ellie moaned softly feeling goosebumps when he started kissing her breasts and down her stomach. Then she felt him kiss her thigh and she moaned a little louder before she found herself running her fingers through his hair. “That feels nice,” she moaned, happy to experience everything with him. There was no one else she’d rather do this with. There was no one else she’d feel this comfortable with. Ellie couldn’t help but smile partly at how wonderful he made her feel, but also just at the thought that destiny wanted them to be together, that they had been created specifically for each other. And that when they were together everything was as it should be, but when they were apart they simply weren’t whole and could tell that. “I love you” she told him softly as she simply closed her eyes and enjoyed him. Because all the teasing honestly drove her mad which made it even better.
    December 25th, 2017 at 06:00pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    The pain was starting to become much less bearable as the contractions started happening much closer together, and Sigyn was hoping that focusing on her husband's voice would help distract her from the pain. She didn't know if it would work, but she hoped that it would until the nurse came back to check and see how things were progressing. "What's it about?" She managed to get out just before another contraction started and she gripped her husband's hand so tight that her knuckles were turning white. That's when the nurse came in. "How're we doing, mom?" She asked in a cheery voice. "Just peachy..." Sigyn muttered. "Well, let's check and see how things are progressing down here...looks like you're about're sure you don't want the epidural?" Sigyn didn't know if it was the pain making her irritable or the far too cheery nature of the nurse, but she didn't like her at all right now. "I don't want one." She said through gritted teeth as another contraction started. "Alrighty, I'll check in on you in a little while, hun." The nurse said before exiting the room.
    Thor smirked against her skin when he heard the loud moan that fell from her lips when he started kissing and nipping at her inner thighs. He knew that he had her exactly where he wanted her, and that he was doing everything exactly right. Not that he thought he could do something wrong, he knew his way around the female body, and although they hadn't been together intimately more than once, he was certain that he knew his wife. was still something he would have to get used to calling her. "I love you too, dear one." He said before he moved to the bundle of nerves between her legs, flicking his tongue out and waiting for a response from her.
    December 25th, 2017 at 06:51pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki listened as the nurse came back in as asked how she was doin and Sigyn deny the epidural again before she left. And there was something about the woman that was a little annoying even to him. “It’s about my life. It just tells the story of how I came to Asgard, how I met you, how we married, how I lost you. Then it tells of how I found you again all these years later, then how I died a hero to Asgard. There are some scenes from when Thor and I were children in there too. Because I mean we may fight but we had a pretty amazing childhood,” he told her. And sometimes he’d wished that they could do back, be children again because then things were nice. But he knew they couldn’t. Plus his life was good right now.
    “Mm, Gods yes,” Ellie moaned feeling herself begin to throb for him. She leaned her head back to rest against the wall and rested her hands in his hair. She loved their soulmate bond. She loved that it made everything feel the way it did, which she knew that was partly because Thor knew what he was doing, but also because they were soulmates and that made everything they felt for one another intensify. So every kiss and every touch felt more amazing with each other than it would with anyone else. And Ellie was okay with that because he made her feel pretty damn amazing.
    December 25th, 2017 at 08:25pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn shut her eyes and tried to focus on breathing through the pain as her husband told her about the play he had come up with. "That sounds nice..." She said when it had passed. "I've heard plenty of those stories, I know how horrid you two were as children." In that moment she was able to tease him, but she knew it would be short-lived. She noticed that her contractions were much closer together than they had been before, and the pain was much stronger and less bearable than it had been before, though she knew that was likely because her cervix was more dilated, and she knew that things would only progress further once her water had actually broken. She really didn't know how long they'd been there, though she was certain it had at least been a few hours. Things started to progress a bit more quickly from there on out. When her water broke, the nurse and doctor came in to check on her, and decided to take her to the delivery room as it wouldn't be long now. And she sure hoped that it wouldn't because if she had thought the contractions were unbearable before, she didn't know how to describe the ones she was feeling now. All she could do then was focus on breathing, and working through the contractions that seemed to last longer, and at one point she snapped at Loki because he was trying to make small talk to distract her, and she did feel a bit bad for that, but she couldn't quite help it.
    Thor had known that their bond was strong before, but everything really was amplified during acts of intimacy. The simplest of actions did worlds for both of them, and just knowing that he was making his wife feel this good was filling him with a sense of pride. They were meant for each other, of course he was to know exactly what to do in order to make her feel good, and with a smug certainty he knew that he had ruined her for other men. He was glad that she had decided to wait, because he didn't like the thought of her being with anyone else. Of course, even if she had been with a Midgardian men, he knew that they had nothing on him. None of them would know how to make her feel as amazing as he knew he was making her feel right now, so he continued with his actions, teasing her with his tongue.
    December 25th, 2017 at 09:46pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki really did feel bad that she was in so much pain, and he hated that this wasn’t pleasant for her. Of course, he couldn’t imagine it would be. And when she snapped at him for trying to make small talk he wasn’t even upset with her. Honestly, he was shocked it happened a little sooner. It wouldn’t be long though until the little ones were there and her pain would for the most part be over and she could work on recovering. Though he could only imagine how these next few months were going to be trying to handle two babies at once while they ran on little to no sleep. He was sure that they’d make it through everything because they were both strong people who were ready to be parents, but at the same time he knew it wasn’t going to be easy by any means.
    Ellie ran her fingers through his hair again and let out another moan. She couldn’t explain how wonderful it felt to feel him between her legs like this. She loved being able to simply reach down and play with his hair while he did things to her. She just loved being pleasured by him in general really. “Thor,” she moaned feeling her breath hitch as she got closer to reaching her peak. That was another thing that she loved about making love to him. Other woman would talk about how they’d had to fake an orgasm because their man would get sloppy, or just because. And Ellie didn’t feel that way. Even though this was only the second time they’d done this she could already tell that he wasn’t sloppy and that he’d make sure she actually enjoyed it as much as he did every single time.
    December 26th, 2017 at 04:49am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn didn't think that she had ever experience pain like this before. It was excruciating, and she just wanted it to be over. She wanted the babies to be here already so that the pain would be over. She knew that the next couple of months were going to be hard. Taking care of one newborn baby was tough, and she could only begin to imagine how hard it was going to be with two, but she knew that she and Loki would be able to do it. They'd wanted a family for a very long time now, and it was finally happening. When she had the sudden urge to push, she knew that it was time, and thankfully the doctor came in to check on her at that exact moment. "Looks like these babies are ready to come out, mom. At the next contraction, I want you to push as I count, okay?" The doctor instructed. Sigyn nodded. She knew that this would be the hardest part, but she was ready to finally meet her children. With each contraction, she pushed as the doctor coached her through it, and soon enough a little cry was heard and the doctor pronounced that it was a little girl. Sigyn smiled, unable to help the tears as she looked to her husband and squeezed his hand. "Our Kari." She said.
    Thor loved the way her fingers felt in his hair, and he loved the sounds that she was making. He'd loved her before, but when they slept together for the first time, he was certain that he loved her even more. Their bond felt stronger, and he had never felt so close to her as he did in that very moment. There was also a degree of vulnerability when one was intimate with another, and he was glad that Ellie trusted him enough to lay with him in that way. He really just didn't know how he had gotten so lucky as to have a soulmate as wonderful and beautiful as Ellie. He continued his work as he heard her moan his name, tongue dipping out as he he knew it wouldn't be long now. Her body language had changed a bit, and he knew that she was close.
    December 26th, 2017 at 01:42pm