la vie en rose.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki knew she was right and he was also proud that he'd been able to make that choice himself. He wasn't sure he would've made it had he never gotten her back in his life, but he also didn't have to worry about that because that wasn't the case anymore. He and Sigyn were back together for as long as the fates allowed it, which would hopefully be a while this time around, and Loki didn't plan on changing who he was again. Right now he was just who he wanted to be. And honestly, he did wonder how he'd gotten so lucky. Because he was getting a second chance at a lot of things, and he didn't know why, but he wasn't going to question it either. "I'm honestly just so happy right now,"
    Ellie pulled Thor's arm over her shoulder and snuggled closer to him on the couch kissing his knuckles mostly just to reassure him that she was still there. Even though it had been a while since the whole incident it was still hard to talk or even think about. The whole thing had been rather scary for them both, but Ellie hadn't gone anywhere, and she didn't plan on going anywhere either. "So I guess that'd be a yes. The bond we share is just different I guess. We're connected to one another in ways that don't make much sense if you haven't lived through it," she told them honestly, overjoyed that she was blessed with this bond to Thor that no one could break. And it kind of made her happier that she was going to be able to spend so many more years with him thanks to the apple, even if why she'd taken it wasn't the best.
    December 30th, 2017 at 05:16am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn had no idea why they had been granted this second chance together, she'd thought about that quite a lot since they were reunited in New York, but she was glad that they had. They were getting to do all of the things that they would have done had their time together not been cut short. This was the life she'd wanted to live with her husband. "As you should be." She said, leaning her head against his shoulder lightly. Everything was just so perfect in that moment. She had her husband who she was madly in love with, and they had two beautiful children. That's all she could ever really ask for.
    Thor pressed a kiss to the top of her head when she leaned closer to him. That day had definitely been one of the scariest days of his life, and he wasn't afraid to admit that he'd been scared. He'd almost lost Ellie, and he hoped that he never had to endure anything like it ever again. "That makes it seem weirder when you put it that way, just saying." Tony said. The entire soulmate bond thing likely seemed weird to anyone who didn't experience it for themselves, and Thor understood this, because at one point he had honestly kind of thought the same thing when Loki and Sigyn tried to describe it to him a very long time ago. "That's simply because you have never experienced it yourself, Stark."

    [Okay, but all this talk about Loki not handling leaving the twins with Sig's parents well got me we're of course going to have the outcome of IW end differently and everyone's going to end up okay and alive on Midgard, so like at that point the twins will be like four or five which means they'll be old enough or almost old enough to start school and can we just talk about Loki and Sigyn dropping them off for their first day of kindergarten?]
    December 30th, 2017 at 02:29pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ Oh goodness that's going to be fun to roleplay! lmfao ]

    [ so what are we doing next with them? Do we want to skip around a little more so the twins are a little older and walking next? Or maybe do a birthday or something? ]
    Ellie had been about to say something else when suddenly there was a ringing in her ears and the strangers beaten up looking robot she'd ever seen waltzing into the room. "How could you all be worthy? You're all killers," he said turning towards all of them. "Stark?" Ellie heard Steve asked as Tony clearly tried to get Jarvis working. None of which eased the sudden tension she was feeling. "Sorry I was asleep, or a dream," the robot said which just made things more confusing. But clearly, everyone else was also on edge as Ellie noticed everyone standing up and getting into position to do what needed to be done. Then she heard the robot going on about how he'd been tangled and could hear an awful noise, and the longer it went on the more nervous Ellie felt. And when he said something about killing the other guy just knew this was bad. "You killed someone?" Steve asked pretty much taking the words from her mouth. And without realizing that she'd done it Ellie had grabbed Thor's hand to comfort herself. She may have been willing to go into battle with him and fight for what and who she believed in, but that didn't mean Ellie enjoyed this.
    December 30th, 2017 at 10:56pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    ["Are...are you crying?" "What? No, of course not, Sig. Why would I be crying? We just dropped our children off for their first day of school, a sign that they're growing up, and--" "Aw, Lo, it's okay to be upset. The kids are growing up, time's gotten away from us."]

    [Hmmm...Think Let's skip to when they start walking and then maybe to their first birthday?]
    Thor took a protective step in front of Ellie, despite their intertwined hands. He stole a glance over to her before looking back to the strange robot-looking thing. It had to be one of Stark's inventions, though it had clearly seen better days, but based off of Starks' reaction, it was clear that he had no idea what was going on or why the thing was able to speak so eloquently and intelligently to them. "Who sent you?" Thor questioned, wanting to know what the hell this thing was getting at and why it was even giving them the spiel that it was in the first place. A recording of Stark's voice was played and then Banner spoke up, clearly knowing more than Thor did as to what was going on. "Ultron..." The scientist said, almost in shock. "In the flesh, or no...not yet...not in this chrysalis." The robot said, causing Thor to grip Mjolnir, prepared to fight if he had to.
    December 31st, 2017 at 12:44am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ I love it Swoon ]

    Loki had loved his time with Kari and Vali so far, but that wasn't shocking at all after how long he'd waited for a day like this. It had only been eleven months so far since they were born but they were already starting to talk up a storm. It wasn't anything that made sense nine times out of ten, but it was still stinking cute. "Can you believe that they're almost a year old?" He asked Sigyn as he sat on the floor with them rolling a ball back and forth. The two of them were getting so big and he kind of hated it. Loki loved being their dad, he loved getting to watch them grow, but he didn't like how fast it was all happening. "Oops," he said smiling about to get up and grab the ball that had rolled right past them when he saw Vali stand up and walk to grab it. Now, they'd both been standing which was adorable, and they'd kind of been wobbly by themselves so Loki or Sigyn had always held their little hands and helped them, but Vali was walking on his own. "Stop growing up buddy, you're going to make me cry," Loki said with a huge smile so happy he could witness all of this.
    "I'm on a mission," Ultron told them, "what mission?" Natasha asked causing a bit more tension. "Peace in our time," he said turning to them all before more robots were shooting through the wall causing the room to go into chaos. And before Ellie knew what was happening she was ducking just to avoid being hit by any flying objects or one of the blasters from the robots. This wasn't how she'd planned to spend the evening, but at least being around The Avengers was sure to never be boring. She wasn't really sure how she could be helpful either so she decided to stick to staying low and maybe something would come her way she could hit. She really did need to figure out how to be helpful if she was going to be around all of this all the time because the whole damsel in distress thing wasn't her cup of tea. But she also wasn't going to intentionally put herself in harms way after what happened last time. Though she knew this time was different because she wasn't simply a mortal anymore, she still didn't want to risk anything.
    December 31st, 2017 at 02:02am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I can't believe how much time has passed already, I feel like we just brought them home yesterday." Sigyn couldn't believe how quickly the past year had flown by. She felt like she was just bringing the twins home from the hospital a week ago, and it had already been eleven whole months. They were talking about a storm now, mostly just baby chatter, but it was still the cutest thing she had ever witnessed, and they were standing on their own, with some help from her and Loki, but neither of them had quite started walking yet. She smiled as she watched her husband playing with both of their children on the floor with a ball. Her eyes widened slightly in surprise when Vali stood on his own and walked to grab the ball when it rolled past them. "Ball!" Was Vali's response to his father's words, causing Sigyn to let out a teary laugh. "That's right darling, you got your ball all by yourself, didn't you? Can you bring it back to us now?" She asked, sitting on the ground next to her husband.
    Thor was quick to act, sending Mjolnir flying at a few of the robots, but it was hard to keep track of them while also keeping track of Ellie as well. If he had known this was going to happen, he would have ensured that she wasn't there, but he knew that likely wouldn't have gone over well with her anyway. So, he continued fighting, trying to keep an eye on where his wife was. At one point, one of the robots was about to shoot a blaster at Dr. Cho. Captain Rogers grabbed it from behind and tossed it his way, shouting to get his attention. Thor slammed the thing to the ground with Mjolnir, successfully destroying it.
    December 31st, 2017 at 03:16am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I know," Loki said feeling the same way, he really did find it hard to believe that it had been almost a year since they'd brought home their little babies. And they'd grown so much it was insane really. "Good boy," Loki said smiling at his son when he brought the ball back and handed it to them. Loki really wasn't ready for them to grow up anymore, he didn't want them to ever enter a different phase. He knew there would be many more to come though. "Are you having fun, Kari?" Loki asked his little girl not wanting her to feel left out, even though he knew she likely didn't understand what he was saying. Maybe she did though because next thing Loki knew she was walking over to him and hugging him. "Or were you just jealous of your brother?" he joked hugging her back and kissing her head. Literally, he felt so blessed having these three lovely humans in his life.
    Ellie stayed low until the fighting was over and by the end of it she'd made up her mind on one thing, she was going to figure out how to be useful given there was no telling when something like this might happen again. And she'd feel much better about herself if she could fight back somehow. Maybe she should buy a baseball bat. "Well that was dramatic," Ultron said as he turned to walk away, "I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to... evolve? With these? These puppets. There's only one path to peace. The Avengers' extinction." Ultron said as he picked up on of the robots and crushed it's head more. The next thing she knew Thor's hammer had collided with Ultron smashing him to bits and he was chanting something weird. "What the hell just happened?" she asked not sure if this was how things always went down at the Avengers compound, but she sure hoped not. And she had a feeling that this wasn't over either. Actually the complete opposite, it was about to get worse.
    December 31st, 2017 at 04:15am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn really just couldn't believe how quickly the last year had gone by. She knew that her parents had said that it probably would, because there would be so much happening within that year, but it was still hard to believe that it was actually almost over. The twins would be a year old next month, and they had just started talking a few months ago, and now Vali was walking on his own, and it was all just crazy really just how quickly it all had happened. "Thank you, sweetheart." Sigyn said with a smile when Vali brought the ball back to them. That's when Loki chose to give Kari some attention, and Sigyn totally understood not wanting her to feel left out, even if she didn't fully know enough to feel that way just yet. She smiled even more when Kari got to her feet and made her way over to Loki so that she could hug him. "I think we're in trouble now. They'll both be running around the palace in no time at all." She said with a laugh.
    "That...thing was one of your creations, Stark?" Thor asked, trying to make sense of what had just happened himself. It made no sense at all. Why would one of Tony's creations turn on them like that? He made his way over to Ellie, placing his hands on her arms lightly as he looked down at her. "Are you alright, my love?" He asked, removing one hand to reach up and brush some hair out of her face. He knew that she could defend herself, he'd witnessed it first hand during the battle in New York, but he still wanted to make sure she had faired okay in this unexpected battle. Because he'd been caught off guard, and he could only imagine how off-guard it had caught her.
    December 31st, 2017 at 03:21pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Yes, we are," Loki said laughing a little as he looked down at his daughter who'd decided to take a seat in his lap. "You're going to be the death of me I just know it," he said kissing Kari's head again. Loki wasn't sure how he knew that Kari was going to be more trouble than Vali but he knew she was. He also knew that his little girl was going to get so much by him because she'd already taken quite a grip of his heart so yea he knew he was in trouble, but this was the kind of trouble that he didn't mind being in really. "They sure will be. So what are we doing to celebrate their birthday? I mean I know they're only turning a year old and won't really remember any of this so it's really for us to celebrate. But we should do something right?" He asked Sigyn knowing it was more a Midgard thing to celebrate birthdays than it was as Asgardian thing but considering a part of Sigyn was connected to Midgard and all he knew there would be plenty of visits there and all for the twins to see the family they had there he knew there would be plenty of Midgard customs from now on. And he didn't mind really.
    Ellie nodded her head. "I'm fine, just confused really," she told him simply trying to wrap her mind around everything that had just happened. Such as, what was that thing? Why had it tried to kill them? And why did it have such a hatred for The Avengers? Because as far as Ellie could see all they'd done was try and save the world, of course, she didn't think they were perfect by any means because no one was really, but they weren't bad guys. They were the good guys, they were heroes, and where would the world really be without them? And what made even less sense was that Tony had created that thing, and he was an Avenger so surely he wouldn't have created it to do that. Though Ultron, as he'd called himself, looked pretty rough so maybe he hadn't been finished. Either way, though the whole thing was a mess and Ellie was sure everyone else wanted some answers as much as she did. "And contemplating on buying a baseball bat. I mean if this kind of thing happens often I feel like I should have something to defend myself with," She told him knowing she'd also like to learn how to fight in general. But she'd settle for just a baseball bat for the time being, because she certainly knew how to use them.
    December 31st, 2017 at 05:16pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn knew that Kari had a strong hold on her husband's heart already. That was pretty clear from day one, and she really wouldn't be surprised at all if she ended up being the parent who had to do the grounding and such because she had a feeling that Kari was going to be a bit more trouble than Vali would be. She knew that both of them were bound to be troublemakers, their father was the God of Mischief after all, but she just had this feeling that Kari would be the bigger troublemaker of the two. "First birthdays are actually kind of a big deal on Midgard, and I know that my parents will definitely want to see them on their birthday, so I was actually thinking that we might return to New York for the day?" She knew that her mom had mentioned it to her last time they were on Midgard, and she had told her that she would talk it over with her husband, though she'd seen no problem in them returning to Midgard to celebrate the twins' first birthday.
    "I think that we all are." Thor said, still honestly hoping and waiting for Stark to give him some sort of an explanation as to why one of his creations had just tried to kill them all. He seemed to have the same intelligence level as JARVIS, but JARVIS had never tried harming any of them before. The AI was completely harmless, and simply helpful if anything. He chuckled at her later words, not at all surprised that she was considering getting a weapon to use in situations like this one. "I don't know, you have made use of a piece of scrap wood in the past." He pressed a kiss to her forehead, glad that no one had seemed to be injured in the unexpected battle. If anything, everyone simply seemed caught off-guard and confused.
    December 31st, 2017 at 05:35pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "That sounds like a lovely idea," Loki said smiling at his wife more than happy to go along with Midgard customs for the twins. He knew they'd be spending a lot of their time there as well so they might as well. "So I don't really know what people do at birthday parties, especially for infants so what exactly will it entail?" He asked her wondering what they'd even be doing because he really had no idea. He was sure that it would be fun, though Loki found enjoyment in everything with his children so he was sure giving them a birthday party would be fun for him too. And for a moment a part of him was a little saddened that he couldn't share his children with others, like his mother, and shockingly enough even Thor. Because he did wish that Kari and Vali could know his mother since Frigga had been such an important woman in his life after all. He also wished that they could know Thor because even though he and Thor fought a lot, they were still brothers. And Thor would always be important to Loki even if he wasn't the best at showing that.
    "That piece of wood would work even better if it was in the shape of a baseball bat," Ellie said with a smile if there was one thing she did know how to use it was a bat. Only because she'd been swinging one most of her life so she'd really gotten good at it. Some people had a good right hook and some people were good at swinging bats. Though Ellie was sure if her arms were strong enough to hit baseballs as well as she did then surely she could hit well too without the bat. She did want one though. "Tony, we should show them," Bruce said softly motioning towards the elevator. "Follow me guys, there's something you need to see," he said motioning for everyone to follow him towards the labs. Because apparently, Ultron wasn't dead. "Wait he escaped through the internet?" Ellie asked once they were in the lab and things had been explained a little. It made sense how he'd gotten away, but what didn't make sense still though was why he was like this.
    December 31st, 2017 at 09:20pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Well, to be honest, it's more so the principal of having a first birthday celebration than anything else." Sigyn told him. Birthday parties weren't really something that children understood themselves until they were toddlers. "It's really just a way to celebrate reaching that first major milestone with children, and having family and friends there to celebrate. And obviously we'll keep it small, and it would just be my parents, my sister, my brother and us, but it's really about the sentiment than anything else." She, personally, had never understood those parents who went all out and had these big, extravagant first birthday parties for their children when the kids likely wouldn't remember it in the future. "Some parents go all out and plan every last detail out for these big, extravagant celebrations, but I think they do that for show, and more for themselves than for their children."
    A chuckle rumbled in the blonde Asgardian's chest at his wife's words, and he pressed another kiss to the top of her head. "I can only imagine what you might be able to do with a wooden bat, my love. And if that's your weapon of choice, I'm sure that we could acquire one so that you will have it for future instances like this one." He didn't say much of anything else on the matter before Bruce and Tony were leading them and the rest of the team towards the labs. "How is that even possible?" He asked shortly after Ellie had asked the question of her own. "Tony and I underestimated the ability and strength of what we had created." Bruce explained with a sigh.
    January 1st, 2018 at 11:10pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "A small gathering sounds nice and reasonable," Loki said nodding his head, "whereas going all out and do huge extravagant things doesn't make sense to me. They aren't going to remember it," he said wondering why people did that. He did want to celebrate his children's first birthday and something small sounded really nice though. "Well, I look forward to it. Especially if your mother is going to be cooking again. Because I have to say I like her food a lot," he told her pretty sure he'd never said that about anyone before. Her mother just made such wonderful food though that he did really enjoy it. Which he knew kind of did take a lot given how picky he was. But he also had found in the short times he'd spent on Midgard that he rather enjoyed their food a lot more than he did the food on Asgard.
    Ellie was actually rather excited to go out and get a bat, though she felt like out of all of the Avengers someone should just be able to make her some kind of indestructible bat then she could really kick ass. That wasn't what was important right now though because Ultron was still out there and apparently he was dangerous. "Okay so how are we supposed to find something that literally has the entire internet at its disposal? And who will likely be able to predict our every move because of that and the fact that it's dipped into all of our files? So it likely knows us better than each other," Steve asked just curious to see if anyone really had any ideas. And Ellie could tell he was worried, which she was too honestly. "Why did you create it, to begin with anyway?" Ellie asked still just a little confused about why and how this was happening in the first place.
    January 5th, 2018 at 05:06am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "That's exactly why I don't understand why so many parents feel the need to go all out for their children when they likely won't remember it. I think the important thing is that they're being celebrated with family." Sigyn said, and while there were others she would like to be there as well, like Ellie and Thor and even Frigga, she was just glad that there would be some family there to celebrate. She let out a quiet laugh when her husband mentioned her mother's cooking. He seemed to enjoy whatever her mother put down on the table, which was rather ironic considering how picky of an eater he normally was. "I'll be sure to mention your enthusiasm for her cooking next time we see her." Knowing her mother, she'd probably send them back to Asgard with baked goods and other things as well.
    "To protect the planet." Bruce stated. Thor could understand why that might seem necessary, but how could something that was meant to do good, suddenly turn on them so easily. "Tony and I have been working on the Ultron Project for a while now, a way to prevent events like what happened here in New York from happening again. If there was a way to stop aliens or some other outside threat from getting to us, we might be able to stop the threat completely." Bruce continued, but Thor still didn't fully understand how creating something that strong and intelligent could be a good idea in the first place. "Well, you've both clearly done a very good job, because now that thing wants to kill us." He said with a frown.
    January 5th, 2018 at 03:48pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki agreed with Sigyn and kissed her head. It really didn't seem right at all to have some huge party for the twins when they were only turning a year old and wouldn't remember any of it. So the idea of a small gathering of just her parents and siblings seemed nice. They could just all sit around and eat and hang out while they let the twins play and of course the twins would leave with some new stuff because it seemed to be a custom to give people gifts. "I know it's strange to hear me say that given how little I like here on Asgard, but there's just something about Midgard food that's so much better. Trust me I was shocked when I realized how much of it I liked too," he told her laughing softly. He really had been worried he'd dislike a lot of the food like he did on Asgard the first time that she'd taken him there. But it turns out his palate just seemed to do a lot better with it.
    Ellie understood where Bruce and Tony were coming from once he'd explained why they'd created Ultron. But at the same time, she didn't exactly agree with them. While she did agree that just the thought of aliens being able to invade earth whenever they wanted was scary she didn't think they were all bad, clearly since she'd kind of married one. "Can I just say that while I understand where you're coming from the threat's never just going to go away. Yea maybe this would eliminate one threat but get rid of it and another one will just pop up in its place. But rather than fighting right now about why you created Ultron in the first place we should be thinking of a way to stop him," she said taking Thor's hand in her own to try and calm him down a little because she could just tell that he wasn't happy about any of this. Though she didn't think anyone really was, she knew that they couldn't fight one another because there was something bigger that needed to be taken care of.
    January 6th, 2018 at 01:36am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [Shall we skip to the twins' birthday in the next post?]

    Sigyn couldn't believe that they were talking about the twins' first birthday already. The last year had flown by so quickly, she honestly couldn't believe how quickly time had passed. She was excited to celebrate their first birthday though, and sure it wasn't going to be some big celebration or anything like some parents had, but she really didn't think that was all that necessary, and she was glad that she and Loki were in agreement about that. It would be nice to just have her parents and siblings there. "Well, it definitely makes things easier that you're not as picky of an eater on Midgard." She said with a small laugh. "And my mother certainly appreciates that you enjoy her cooking as much as you do."
    Thor understood why Bruce and Tony had created Ultron, and he knew that they only had the best intentions in mind, but clearly their plan had backfired. And he knew that there were other threats besides aliens, but it was sort of daunting and a bit offensive that they referred to aliens in particular as the threat. He knew that they were referring to other lifeforms like the Chiutari who posed a major threat, and not necessarily Asgardians, but at the same time he also knew that neither Bruce nor Tony had been big fans of his brother, and of course they had reason not to be, but he sort of did wonder who they perceived as a threat specifically. "I agree with Ellie in more respects than one, we should worry about preventing another incident like the last one from happening. Do we have any idea how to stop him? You must have created Ultron with some weaknesses."
    January 7th, 2018 at 03:18pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ sounds like a plan to me Lol ]

    Loki couldn't believe that it had officially been an entire year since the twins were born, and as he helped Sigyn get them dressed and ready to visit her family he felt a few tears start to well up in his eyes. "Love, they're growing up so fast," he said overwhelmingly happy that he had them both in his life. He really couldn't have asked for a better more loving and understanding wife than Sigyn just like he couldn't have asked for more perfect children. But he didn't want it all to be over in the blink of an eye. And he really wished that Kari and Vali would stay small forever because he liked them like this. He had no doubts that he'd love them as they got older as well they were just so adorable though right now. "Are you ready to go see grandma and grandpa?" Loki asked Kari as he picked her up once she was dressed and nuzzled his face against hers causing her to giggle and melt his heart a little more each time. There was truly something special about his children that just made him the happy and he felt like the luckiest man in the cosmos that he not only got two children but a wonderful wife to as well.
    Honestly, Ellie hated that Bruce and Tony had felt the need to create Ultron to try and prevent alien's from attack earth simply because it seemed like they felt all alien lifeforms were bad. And she knew that wasn't true. It bothered her to categorize people based on one thing like their skin color or where they were from for example. Yes, she knew there were bad aliens out there, but there were also good ones but the way it looked with created Ultron was that no one cared enough to take the time to care about the ones who weren't bad. It looked as if humans on earth were simply against all of them without ever giving them a chance, and considering her husband fell into the category of 'alien' it bothered her even more because it was like they were saying they didn't trust him. Or even that they weren't comfortable with him being around all the time because he wasn't of earth. "Honestly, Ultron's one step ahead of us already so our best option to stopping him right now is going to be finding him," Bruce said wishing he had more, but he didn't. "Well, we might have another problem on our hands," Natasha butted in running her fingers through her hair. "He's not only gone, but he's taken Loki's staff as well. So whatever needs to be done to find him needs to happen asap,"
    January 7th, 2018 at 11:14pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    It was hard to believe that a year had gone by already. Sigyn knew that her mother had told her that the first year would go by rather quickly with everything that would happen during it, it was such an exciting and eventful time after all, but she hadn't expected it to go by this fast. But it had, and today the twins were a year old. She was getting Vali ready while her husband took care of Kari, when Loki spoke. And when she looked over and saw the tears in her husband's eyes, she couldn't help getting a bit emotional herself. She smiled nevertheless. "They really are." She agreed, unable to believe just how much both of their children had grown in the last year. They were starting to become their own persons. It was absolutely amazing.
    Thor really wasn't pleased with what Bruce and Tony had done. It wasn't exactly the whole preventing further alien invasions thing that bothered him so much as the fact that they thought creating something strong enough to stop another Chiutari attack from happening was a good idea. If it was strong enough to stave of an entire alien army, what was Ultron capable of now that he had gone astray and was actually against them? "This all just keeps getting better and better." The god of thunder said with a frown. What had started out as a relaxing time with friends, was anything but that now.
    January 12th, 2018 at 02:41am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki smiled at his little girl then over to his wife and son just so happy to have the three of them in his life. These were literally the most important people in his life, ever. He didn't know what he would do without Sigyn before and he really didn't know what he'd do without her now. He also didn't know now what he'd do without Kari and Vali either because those two little kids meant more to him than he'd ever imagined they could possibly mean to him. He loved all three of the people in the room with him so much. "Well if they're all ready I say we head over to your parents then for this birthday party," he said kind of excited himself for some of Sigyn's mother's cooking. He wasn't sure what foods were being made for the occasion, aside from cake, but he was kind of excited to find out. He was also just as excited to see what gifts the twins would get, which all of this just kind of reiterated how much the first birthday was really for the parents more than the children. Neither Kari nor Vali would remember this day or the gifts they got, but Loki would remember. Just like he and Sigyn would likely be the ones to use the gifts the kids got to play with them if it was toys for example, but he was fine with that.
    Ellie honestly was starting to wonder what they were supposed to do exactly. Apparently, Loki's staff had been stolen by Ultron who was the last person they could trust with it and no one knew where he was. "I think we should break out into teams. Divide and conquer," she said biting her lip not really sure how that would work but it did seem like a good idea. Thor and herself could go searching for Ultron and the staff maybe Cap and Sam could come up with a strategy to actually take Ultron out once they found him and surely Bruce and Tony could be trusted to come up with something to overpower him. Though she supposed it would also help if someone was able to figure out why Ultron was doing all of this in the first place, or what his actual end goal was. Which Ellie might've even been able to do research on that herself while Thor searched. All Ellie knew for sure though was that she needed to get herself and Thor away from everyone else before one of them exploded and let out words they didn't fully mean, that might've just made things worse.
    January 13th, 2018 at 06:45am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn had just returned to Asgard from a short visit to Midgard to visit her family. Her husband had remained behind, unable to neglect his kingly duties this time around, however, the twins had enjoyed visiting with their grandparents and aunt and uncle. Sigyn couldn't believe how big they both were getting, they would be turning five that spring, and time just seemed to be passing by so quickly since they were born. With each passing day, they were becoming more like their father, much to her husband's pleasure, both mischievous and playing tricks on the palace guards and their tutors whenever they had the opportunity to do so. "Now you two listen to me, I don't want to find out either of you are causing any trouble today. We're going to go watch the play that was written in your father's honor, and I expect you both to watch and be respectful to the actors. No tricks." She shot them both a warning look. "Yes, mother." They said in response.
    A great deal of time had passed since Thor last set foot on Asgard. After everything happened with Ultron, his main goal was to find a way to stop Ragnarok from happening. He had been traveling the cosmos with Ellie since, never once returning to his home planet to see how things were going there. It wasn't until his encounter with Surtur that he discovered that his father supposedly wasn't on Asgard any longer, and that the throne was defenseless. This was all news to him. Of course, he intended to take it all with a grain of salt until he saw for himself. It didn't help though that he knew that the other realms seemed to be gearing up for attack towards Asgard, and that they were all suddenly enemies to his home. When he and Ellie arrived however, and he saw that Heimdall was no longer watching over the Bifrost, he couldn't help thinking that something was definitely off. Why would he be deemed a traitor to the throne? It just didn't seem right. "Something's not right here." He said to his wife.
    March 18th, 2018 at 03:37pm