la vie en rose.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "That is a load of lies," Loki said shaking his head, "if anything you're much too good for me," he told her knowing that they were better together for sure. Sigyn made him a better man, and he wasn't really sure what he did for her but there was something. Either way though, they were made for one another. "And it's quite alright love, you've been under a lot of pressure with the babies and all so I get it," he told her knowing that she hated crying so the last month or so had likely been really hard on her given how much she'd cried, but he still loved her, and he was sure if he was in her shoes he'd be the same way. "If you're ready now we can go ahead and go then," Loki said, excited to spend the weekend with his lovely wife in her apartment on Midgard. He knew they'd be visiting her family so that would be good for her, but he was also going to be able to just be himself and be with her without the fear of being tossed back into prison. It wasn't likely after all that Thor or anyone else would learn of his secret, and he was sure that as long as he kept a low profile while on earth, which he did plan to do, then it wasn't like SHIELD would know about it either. So honestly, everything was looking up at the time being.
    "Called it," Morgan said with a little bit of a smug smile on her face when Thor mentioned Asgardian men having a greater sexual endurance. "When are you guys getting married anyway? Because I need it to be soon so you two can do it and give me a niece or nephew. There aren't enough babies in my life right now, and let's be honest here, your baby would be cuter than all the other babies," Morgan said causing Ellie to roll her eyes and push her fingers through her hair. "We haven't set a date yet, just because we have sex doesn't mean I'm going to automatically get pregnant, which I don't know if I'd want to be pregnant that soon, what babies are even in your life because I know you don't have kids, and I know my baby would be cutest," Ellie replied kind of hoping the pizza would be there soon, given she was sure Morgan had likely already ordered it, and also glad Morgan hadn't made some comment about her being extra tired on their honeymoon or anything.

    "Thor, what day would you like to marry Ellie? Because I mean we can get things done pretty fast honestly, we have connections. If you wanted I bet we could have everything up and ready to go by the end of the month, which is in like two and a half weeks," Morgan said knowing unless Ellie's mind had changed on something that the wedding had pretty much been planned for a while now there were just phone calls that needed to be made and a few things that needed to be bought. "And Elizabeth from high school recently had a baby, also my neighbor, and then my cousin Lynn had her baby not to long ago too. But I don't get to see those babies much at all. With you, however, I'd hopefully get to see them more and spoil it,"
    December 18th, 2017 at 04:04am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "But you're the God of Lies." Sigyn murmured softly, pressing a kiss to his cheek as she walked past him to grab a few things to place in her bag. Although she had claimed that she didn't want to go back to Midgard a few moments earlier, she really was just looking forward to seeing her family and spending time with her husband in her apartment without having to worry about prying eyes in the slightest. "I know, but my emotions have been all over the place that I'm practically giving myself whiplash, so really, thank you for being so patient with me." Despite there being no blood-relation, she wondered if he had inherited Frigga's patience, because he'd been so good and patient with her lately. She placed the last thing that she wanted to bring with her into her bag and then nodded in response to his words. "I'm ready if you are."
    Thor was thoroughly amused by Morgan. She sort of reminded him of Darcy with how blunt she was, and he knew that those two would get along very well if they were to ever meet. She didn't seem to hold back anything that crossed her mind, and the reactions that her comments seemed to get out of Ellie were rather hilarious. He didn't find her comments crude or anything, so he wasn't offended by them in the slightest, though he knew that they might be some people who did take her remarks that way and who would be somewhat offended by them. He wasn't one of those people in the slightest though. "I do not need a specific day to marry her. Whichever day she prefers is fine by me." He said when asked when he would like to marry Ellie.
    December 18th, 2017 at 12:18pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “Of course,” Loki said feeling like if he wasn’t patient with her then he’d be the worst husband. After all, she was pregnant with twins which was a huge deal so of course he was going to be patient with her. Plus he loved her so that did make it easier he suppose. “Well let’s go then,” Loki said taking Sigyn’s hand and leading her out of the room and towards the bifrost which would take them to Midgard. And Loki truly was excited to go. Even with the events of New York which he knew changed the way a lot of people saw him, her family had been pretty accepting honestly which made him feel good. Plus he did love getting to spend uninterrupted time with his wife, which he’d been deprived of for a while. There weren’t any guards though to tell them time was up or babies crying that needed to be looked after. Though Loki was excited about the babies he also planned on taking full advantage of time of them not being born while he could.
    “In that case then,” Morgan started looking over to Ellie, “I say you two get married at the end of the month. Put a rush on it,” she finished feeling happy for her best friend and Thor. Morgan honestly hope that one day she’d met someone who loved her as much as those two loved one another. “Morgan that sounds lovely and all but-“ Ellie started but was cut off by the pizza arriving and a Morgan deciding to talk over her. “No buts. You want to marry him. He wants to marry you. I’ve been your best friend our whole lives so I know all the details of what you want. And I don’t want to hear anything else about it. You’re getting married at the end of the month. We can start go get our dresses whenever. Everything will work out,” Morgan said as she took a slice of pizza for herself. Ellie also took a slice for herself knowing it was best just to agree with Morgan. And it wasn’t that she minded how soon it was, because Ellie was ready to be married to him, she was just worried about getting everything together and ready that soon. But if Morgan was convinced she could do it Ellie wasn’t going to try and stop her. “Looks like we’re getting married at the end of the month,” Ellie said to Thor softly laying her head on his shoulder for a moment. It was hard to believe that all of this was real.

    [ could we skip a little the Thor and Ellie. Maybe to Christmas Eve? ]
    December 18th, 2017 at 01:01pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "You say of course, but I don't think you realize just how appreciative I am of everything that you do for me." Sigyn said, pressing her lips to his briefly. knew that her husband's patience was part of being a good husband, but she still felt like she should thank him what with everything she'd put him through in the last couple of weeks. She knew that she'd been all over the place emotionally, but he took it all in stride, and never got upset with her when she blew things out of proportion. He really was a great husband, and a good man at that, and she knew that her family's acceptance of him despite what he had done in New York was a clear indication that they too saw that he was a good man. Her sister was the first to accept him, her mother following soon after. It took a little more convincing with her father and brother, but they both soon realized that he wasn't the same man who had attacked New York a little less than a year ago. It probably helped that it was clear that he made her happy as well, but her husband truly was a changed man who was well on his way to becoming the person he once was. The person Sigyn left behind centuries ago.
    Thor wasn't all that surprised that Stark was throwing a feast of sorts to celebrate the holiday. He also wasn't at all surprised that it seemed rather showy and to be a big deal. He knew that Stark was a known man all across Midgard, so he wasn't at all surprised when he and Ellie arrived at the tower to see many others entering the building, dressed almost regally. "I would have much preferred to spend this evening with your family." He told his fiancé quietly, well, as quietly as he could anyway, as he held out his arm for her to take. He knew that they couldn't exactly tell Tony no when they received the invitation for the party. He was certain that the rest of the team would be there as well, and it likely wouldn't look good if he didn't show his face for at least a little while when it was becoming rather known that he was on Midgard, and had been for a short while now.
    December 18th, 2017 at 09:43pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "I'm glad you appreciate it," Loki said glad that he seemed to be doing a good job at making her feel better. The only thing Loki really wanted was to make his wife happy no matter what it took. Plus what kind of husband would he really be if he couldn't even help her out right now? She was, after all, carrying his childeren and that alone was a pretty big burden he was sure. "So what are we doing first?" Loki asked once they'd arrived on Midgard. Loki was still very unfamiliar with the Midgardian customs so he had no idea what exactly they did in their free time or where they went. The last time he'd come with Sigyn had been interesting too because he'd been introduced to some of their food and even that was something he knew would take time to adjust to. It was all just so different than Asgard that he knew it would take him a little while to fully feel comfortable, but he was going to give it his best, because this meant a lot to Sigyn so it meant a lot to him.
    Ellie took Thor's arm and rested her head on his arm for a moment before they began to walk inside the party. "I know, I would too. But we can't exactly say no. I mean you save the world with these people, and they know you're here so it'd look bad if you just didn't show up. Plus I've never been to a Stark party before, but I know they're pretty legendary so I'm sure we'll have fun," Ellie told him kissing his cheek quickly as they walked in, glad she could come with him. Sure it wasn't part of her normal Christmas traditions, but she was okay with it. She got to dress up and spend the night with the man she loved and the rest of The Avengers so surely it'd be fun.

    "Point-Break you didn't tell us you were bringing a lady friend," Tony said walking up to them both with drinks in his hands. "And a pretty one at that," he said smiling at Ellie clearly not remembering their brief meeting in New York when she'd first met Thor, though she wasn't really shocked, it was a very brief meeting. "Would you like some eggnog? I left Rogers in charge of making it so I can't promise it'll be any good, but hey maybe it will be," Tony said to them both shrugging his shoulders a little before he motioned for them to follow him, which Ellie decided to do, because it couldn't possibly be that bad. They were there to have fun after all and if there was drinking involved then it was bound to be at least interesting.
    December 19th, 2017 at 01:15am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn really did appreciate everything that her husband did for her. She didn't know how he had as much patience with her as he did considering her emotions had been completely out of whack lately, but he did, and he always managed to make her feel better when she was upset, even if it was over the most trivial things. "I was hoping to stop at my apartment to drop off our things first and maybe then grab something to eat before we head to my parents'. I could really go for a slice of dollar pizza." That was one thing that she missed about Midgard. The food was rather different, and it certainly didn't help when she had a craving for a Midgardian food. Although, her husband had traveled to the other realm to find those items for her, but she felt bad making him do that. He really was just so good to her.
    Thor nodded, knowing that Ellie was right. It wouldn't be right for them to skip out on Stark's party simply because they would rather spend the eve of the holiday with her family. "My love, ever the optimist." He said with a smile as they walked inside. Tony was quick to spot them and greet them, though it was rather obvious that he hadn't recognized Ellie. It had been a very brief meeting, in the midst of a battle no-less, so he knew that introductions were in order. "Stark, this is my fiancé, Lady Ellie Brookes of Brooklyn." He spoke, and it was clear based off of the tone in his voice and the shimmer in his eyes just how proud and lucky he felt to be able to call her his. Soon enough they would be married, and they really would be unified. That was going to be the best moment of his already long life and he knew it. "I know not what this drink that you speak of is, but if Captain Rogers made it, we would love to try some."

    [I'm sorry if this is crappy, I wanted to get something up before work since I crashed when I got home from my final last night Facepalm]
    December 19th, 2017 at 12:12pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “Sounds like a plan to me,” Loki said allowing her to lead the way to her apartment as he was still in the process of trying to figure out where everything was. He may have made a few trips down here randomly over the last few weeks to grab Sigyn random food items her and the baby were craving, but he still didn’t know how way around yet, and those food trips were hard for him. He did it though because he loved his wife and she’d asked him too. He hadn’t done an awful job either so that did make him feel a little better. “Dollar pizza? That sounds like it has no health value at all,” he told her not sure what that could possibly do for her, but once again, if Sigyn wanted some then she’d get some. “I think that’s one of the many things I have still yet to try,” he told her not even really sure what it was exactly. “So what exactly is pizza?” He asked her wondering if he’d like it or not. So far he knew that he liked what they called a cheeseburger and fries, and he liked spaghetti with the meatballs, but he was unsure about pizza.
    Ellie’s heart fluttered with happiness as Thor introduced her as his fiancé. It amazed her that the day was almost there and so soon enough he’d be able to introduce her as his wife. Tony congratulated them as he led them to the kitchen where Steve was making and serving the eggnog before he was gone to go mingle with more people. “Here you two are,” Steve said handing them both a cup. “Thank you,” Ellie said taking it from him. “You’re welcome. I don’t think we’ve met yet, but you’ve clearly met Tony and seem to know Thor so it would be rude of me not to introduce myself. I’m Steve Rogers,” he told her holding out his hand for a handshake. Ellie laughed softly before she shook his hand. “I’m Ellie, and it’s nice to finally meet you,” she told him with a smile. “So Thor’s talked a lot about us then?” He asked assuming she’d heard everything from him. “No actually. You know, knew, my grandparents. My grandpa was in the war with you and growing up he used to tell me stories about all the adventures him, you, and Bucky used to go on before the war. And I believe my grandma went on a date with him actually, Bucky, I mean. She always goes on about how he called her Dot and took her dancing. But things don’t always work out how we’d like them. Not that she’s unhappy with my grandpa I mean they've been married forever and I can’t think of a couple more in love still,” she told him feeling her cheeks flush slightly once she’d realized she was rambling a bit. It was hard not to though sometimes.

    [ girl you’re fine!! I hope you got some rest, feel a little better today, and have a good day at work. I’m about to head in myself, but also wanted to get a post in before I left... then went a little overboard. lmfao ]
    December 19th, 2017 at 02:06pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Listen, if there's one thing I learned when I was in college it's that some of the best foods are cheap and lack nutritional value." Sigyn said as they made their way to her apartment. She'd slowly been introducing him to different foods from Midgard as well as to the city she had grown up in. She knew that there was a lot to explain and a lot to introduce him to, so she was taking it all in stride and trying not to throw too much at him at once. "Plus, there's cheese, tomato sauce and bread. So, you have protein, vegetables and wheat. That's three major food groups, Lo." She knew that pizza wasn't the best food nutritionally, but there were worst thing that could be put into her body. Plus, that's what she was craving right now. Of course, it could just be that she hadn't had pizza in a while, but that was besides the point. "It's cheesy, doughy goodness, that's what it is."
    Thor couldn't believe that in a short amount of time he'd be able to introduce Ellie as his wife. The wedding plans were coming along well, and most of it was done and set to go. He couldn't wait until he could finally call her his wife. He'd waited so long to meet her, and now, not only had he met her, but she would be his wife and the future queen of Asgard in due time. "Thank you, Steven." Thor said when he was handed a glass of eggnog, he was pretty sure that was what Tony had called it anyway, and took a sip. He didn't get a word in edge wise after that as Ellie started conversing with Captain Rogers about how her grandfather had known him and that they had fought in some war together. Funny, that wasn't something she had ever told him before. He shook the thought from his head, trying to ignore the twinge of jealousy he felt in his chest. He had no reason to get jealous. Ellie was to be his wife, not Captain Rogers'. "Your grandparents make a lovely couple." He commented, though he was almost certain his comment had fallen onto deaf ears.
    December 19th, 2017 at 11:48pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "That still makes no sense," Loki said not sure he understood the whole food that wasn't good for you concept. "I mean I just don't really understand why so many people eat unhealthy food. But I'll try some because you seem to like it," he told her knowing that she hadn't led him wrong in food choices yet so surely this wouldn't be any different. And he did suppose that the cheeseburger wasn't the best for you but he had enjoyed that. It was mostly just because the food was so different and he was still trying to figure everything out culture wise and all. "I honestly, don't think I'd be able to understand any of this without you," he told her kissing her head glad that he had her to lead him through all of this, because if he was ever expected to live here without her he'd be so lost. And honestly, it all did kind of give him a new perspective on the way they lived, which was a good thing he supposed too.
    "Wow, what a small world," Steve said with a smile, "now that you mention it you actually look like her. And if your grandfather is who I'm thinking then you're one lucky gal. Because they're two of the sweetest people," he told her happy that two of his friends had been able to end up happy. He did wish that he and Bucky could've also ended up like that, but life didn't always go the way you wanted. "So are you excited about Christmas? If you're anything like Dorothy I'm sure you do. Though I don't think I've ever met someone who loves it more than Harry does. That man used to go a little over the top actually this time of year," he told her. Ellie just smiled and tucked her hair behind her ear, she didn't realize that Thor might've been jealous about her whole interaction with Steve because her conversation with him was meant to be harmless. "I'm so excited. It's my favorite actually. And oh he still goes all out. I'm pretty sure he hires someone to do most of the work for him now because he has a hard time with the ladder but he still goes all out," she told him pretty sure she got her love for Christmas from the two of them. Yes her and her dad had traditions, she had some with her aunt, but that was because her grandparents had instilled the traditions into them which were passed along to Ellie.
    December 20th, 2017 at 01:28am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "College students live off of unhealthy food because they don't have the money and it's cheap and easy." Sigyn said as they walked. "I don't know about everyone else, I think that again it's because the unhealthy stuff is easier to get and people don't want to spend the money of the stuff that's actually good for them. It's kind of sad, but a salad could cost $10 while a burger and fries might cost half of that or less depending on where it's from. Unhealthy stuff is cheap, I think that's the real reason, to be honest." She never ate super unhealthy, but she wasn't overly health conscious either. If she wanted pizza, she had pizza, and it wasn't a big deal because she was always active with the SHIELD missions and just working out and training some of the newer recruits. "It's just different from what you've always known, you're doing well with it all so far." She assured him with a smile. Honestly, she was really enjoying teaching him about all things Midgardian. She didn't mind it in the slightest.
    Thor kept trying to make a comment here and there and join in on the conversation, but all of his comments seemed to fall on deaf ears as Ellie spoke with Captain Rogers about her grandparents. He was surprised that her grandparents had known them, wondering just how small of a realm Midgard was for that to be the case, and he didn't want to be jealous that they seemed to be getting on so well, but he was. He knew that Ellie was his fiancé, and that they were getting married in a very short while, and he was likely being extremely irrational, but he couldn't help feeling the way that he was feeling. He knew that Ellie's attention wasn't going to always be on him, but Captain Rogers was a good looking specimen for a Midgardian, and they just seemed to be getting on so well. It was hard not to get jealous. "I'm going to go talk with Dr. Banner, but I don't think you're hearing me right now anyway, so it matters not." He said, excusing himself to go say hello to one of his other team members.
    December 20th, 2017 at 02:32am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "It's very different from what I'm used to yes," Loki said in full agreement. Everything around him on Midgard so different than what he was used to. The clothes, the food, the way people talked, and was hard for him to believe sometimes that Sigyn had spent twenty some odd years here. Of course, he knew that was but a short period of time they'd been apart, and that she hadn't had any recollection of being Sigyn, but still all he could see her as was Sigyn. And at least she had spent that time here as Stephaine though because now she was able to help him through all of this confusion. Even though it wasn't likely they'd even be there right now if she hadn't been Stephaine and they hadn't been separated for so long, to begin with. Honestly, they lived quite a complicated life it would seem. "And I'm sure the more we're down here the easier this will all become," he said knowing he had a lot to figure out, but he also had plenty of time, or at least he hoped he did.
    Ellie and Steve talked for a few more minutes where there was a little bit of laughing. "You should come to Christmas tomorrow," Ellie finally said knowing her grandparents would be thrilled to have him there. "Are you sure? I mean Christmas is a big deal to them I know. So I'd hate to impose," he replied clearly unsure of how to respond. "Steve, of course, I'm sure they'd love to see you and relive the good ole' days," she told him with a smile as she gently placed her hand on his arm trying her hardest not to think of how nice it was. Ellie's one weakness had always been strong arms like his. Though they weren't Thor's arms so she didn't get quite the same feeling, they were still nice though. Which made her realize that Thor wasn't behind her any longer and she felt awful. She must've been so distracted that she didn't even notice him leave. "Okay, here's the address so hopefully we'll see you tomorrow," Ellie said as she'd quickly wrote down the address and handed it to him. "I hate to run but I should really find Thor. It was nice talking to you though," Ellie said with another smile before she walked out of the kitchen to try and find her fiancé. Hopefully, she hadn't made him feel bad or anything because she hadn't been ignoring him on purpose.
    December 20th, 2017 at 03:11am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I've had twenty seven years to get used to it, so it's normal for me." Sigyn told him. She knew that he'd only ever known Asgard because that was where he had always lived, but she'd had time to live on Midgard when she was Stephanie. She'd spent nearly thirty years in the realm, and felt just as much at home there as she did on Asgard. Of course, anywhere seemed to feel like home when her husband was with her, because he was he real home. He was everything to her, and she knew that once the babies were born she'd feel the same way about them too. Although she was still wrapping her head around the idea of having two babies instead of one, she already felt this unconditional love for both of them and she hadn't even met them yet. "Exactly, you'll get used to it all soon enough, my love." She pressed a kiss to his cheek before the walked into the apartment building. She was glad that they were there because her feet were kind of killing her. She noticed that she'd been a bit more out of breath lately than she'd been the rest of her pregnancy, though she attributed it to the fact that the Midgardian doctor they had seen two weeks ago had told them that both babies were extremely healthy and nearly five pounds each. So, she could only assume that they were over five pounds at that point so she basically had ten pounds of baby in her belly right now that were probably putting some sort of pressure on her lungs because things did seem a bit tight in there. It was crazy to think that she was thirty weeks along and that most doctors shot to induce women pregnant with twins by thirty-seven or thirty-eight weeks if labor didn't occur naturally. Which meant that the babies could be there very soon.
    Thor had been talking to Bruce for a short while now, and it was clear that Ellie didn't even notice him slip away as she talked to Steve more. He didn't like that he was jealous of Captain Rogers, but he was, and he couldn't exactly change how he felt. He supposed it had something to do with the fact that he hadn't known Ellie for very long, but in the time that he had known her, he hadn't had to share her attention with another man. He knew that it was rather irrational for him to be jealous of Captain Rogers, Ellie was his soulmate after all and not the Captain's, but it was hard not to be because, well, they seemed to have a great deal in common. That was why he had walked away when he had, because he found himself getting more and more jealous as his comments were tuned out time and time again, and he didn't want to say something that he would regret later on. Bruce didn't seem to notice his sour mood though, and quite honestly Thor had kind of tuned him out after a while, because he was talking about a lot of sciency stuff that Thor just didn't really understand at all. It was almost like he was speaking a different language entirely.
    December 20th, 2017 at 03:41am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "You should have a seat and rest for a bit before we do anything else," Loki said noticing that she was out of breath, and he was sure it had something to do with being pregnant with twins. After all, even he got that there wasn't a lot of space for two five pound babies to be moving around in, and that's only if they hadn't gotten any bigger since the dr. Which it was likely they had so that kind of made it a little worse. Honestly, thinking about it all and seeing what all his wife was going through amazed him so much. She was so beautiful and strong, and now here she was about to give him a family and it was just amazing how one person could do that much. He wouldn't say that he understood what she was going through because that almost felt like an insult to her given he had no idea and never would, but he was amazed that she was doing so well at it. Because he had a feeling if he were in her position he wouldn't be okay right now. "Maybe I can run out and get you some of that pizza you wanted while you rest. I don't want you to strain yourself or anything," he said knowing that he'd find a way to find what she wanted. He'd done it before so he could do it again.
    Ellie searched the party for what felt like forever before she finally spotted Thor and made her way to him. "There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you," she said before she wrapped her arm around his waist and rested her head on his side. She honestly, hadn't even realized how long she'd spent talking to Steve, or how many glasses of eggnog she'd drank because she was starting to feel a little tired honestly. "I'm sorry I blew you off back there. I didn't mean to. And I hope you don't mind that I invited Steve to Christmas tomorrow. I think my grandparents will be happy to see him so I thought I'd invite him and surprise them. Also, I'm kind of tired so if you want to come cuddle we can stay the night here and share a bed and not have to worry about being interrupted by anyone hopefully," she told him knowing that's not how things had been going so far. It was hard to really find time alone with Thor honestly because of her traditions with her dad and they were in a somewhat small apartment so there wasn't a lot of room. And the one she shared with Morgan wasn't exactly an option right now either because Morgan was staying with her own a parents while there were more renovations being done. So the fact that here it wasn't likely that anyone would bother them it didn't seem she kind of wanted to just spend some uninterrupted time alone with him. Even if it was just cuddling. That only made her realize though that they were going to be married soon and should really have a place of their own for when they were on earth.
    December 20th, 2017 at 04:09am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "No...I'm fine..." Sigyn said, obviously a bit shallow-breathed. The hardest thing for her about being pregnant was that she couldn't do as much as she used to. She also didn't like to admit when something was bothering her or if she was tired, because she wasn't used to being bothered by such things. She knew her husband always saw right through her though when he thought something was bothering her and she told him she was fine. "Okay...maybe a short rest is a good idea." She said with a sigh as she took off her jacket and sat down on the couch. She knew that was going to be her downfall, and she wasn't going to be getting up for a little while, but Loki probably would have argued with her until she agreed to rest anyway. "You don't have to do that, Lo." She shook her head, though she knew her husband would probably still want to go get her the pizza anyway. He'd been so good to her, even traveling to Midgard when they were on Asgard and she was craving something from the other realm. How he managed to always find exactly what she wanted was beyond her, but he always did, regardless of what time of day it was that she wanted something.
    Thor wanted to think that Ellie simply hadn't seen him slip away or heard him announce his exit, and that was why she hadn't come to find him yet, but another part of him wondered if she was simply ignoring him and was far too invested in her conversation with Rogers. Either way, he felt that familiar twinge in his chest, and he honestly didn't like the idea of her talking to him at all. He knew that his thoughts were extremely irrational, Captain Rogers seemed like a good man and he knew that Ellie was his, but that didn't stop him from thinking the things that he was thinking. Maybe Ellie was better off with someone like Steven, someone who could relate to her better and wasn't from an entirely different planet. He shook the thoughts from his head. No, Ellie was his soulmate for a reason. Their fates were intertwined for a reason. At that precise moment, said brunette approached him, and her words didn't make him feel much better or relieve him in the slightest. "The celebration is to be had with your family. If you would like to invite someone else to dine with us, that's your choice, not me." Was all he said when she told him that she had invited Captain Rogers over for Christmas dinner tomorrow. "Dr. Banner, it's been great talking with you, but Lady Ellie is tired, so I must take my leave. Enjoy yourself." He patted his friend on the shoulder before he took Ellie's hand and started to quickly lead her out of the room.
    December 20th, 2017 at 12:12pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki was relieved when she took a seat on the couch without much convincing. Because he didn’t want to have to make her rest, but he knew she needed to. “I know I don’t have to, but I want to,” Loki told her knowing that his wife wanted pizza and so he was going to get her pizza. After all, who was he to deny his pregnant wife what she wanted right now? She was having a hard time breathing, her feet and back hurt, and she was always tired, all because she was carrying a couple babies inside of her. So yes Loki was going to get her anything she wanted. And because he loved her. “So simply tell me what this place is called and what you would like and I will return with it promptly,” he told her knowing if he at least knew what he was looking for he’d be able to find it, even if he had to ask people.
    Ellie could tell Thor was upset and she had a good idea why which made her feel bad. But she let him lead her away from the party and towards a room to stay in. “Hey, are you okay?” She asked him kind of against her better judgement because she didn’t want to get into an argument with tonight. It was Christmas time and Ellie would much rather not argue. Though she hoped she was wrong and maybe there wouldn’t be an argument, maybe they’d just lay in bed and cuddle until they fell asleep, because honestly, that would be ideal. But if Thor had something else in mind and he did want to talk about what was bothering him or whatever then Ellie wouldn’t shut him down. Because if there was something upsetting one of them they should talk about it, regardless of everything else. But she couldn’t really read his thoughts and had no idea what was about to happen.
    December 20th, 2017 at 01:30pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn knew that rest was probably what she needed right now, but if she wasn't so tired, and if the thought of walking to the pizzeria and then going to her parents' apartment didn't seem so daunting then she probably wouldn't have agreed to resting so easily. "You're the best." She said with a smile when Loki told her that he knew he didn't have to go for her but that he wanted to do it. Her husband had honestly been amazing these last couple of weeks since her return to Asgard. He handled each of her mood swings rather well, and he honestly just did so much for her. She knew that she'd thanked him quite a bit as of late, but she didn't think that it was really enough. She rattled off the address for the place, and did her best to provide him with accurate directions from her apartment. Pregnancy brain was a real thing though, so she did hope her directions were fairly accurate. "Thank you again, seriously." She gave his hand a squeeze.
    Thor knew that he wasn't doing all that well at hiding his emotions from her right now. It was clear to her that she was upset, and honestly he was frustrated with himself for even being upset in the first place. He had no reason to be jealous of her and Captain Rogers, it was completely irrational when he knew that she was to be his wife shortly, and yet, he couldn't help the surge of anger that filled his chest when he saw them talking and getting on as well as they were. "It matters not now." He told her, pausing briefly to ask Tony if they could borrow a room for the evening. Of course, he was told yes, and Tony made an off-hand comment as Tony always would before asking JARVIS to ensure that he and Ellie got one of the best rooms in the tower.
    December 20th, 2017 at 08:48pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “I try my best,” Loki told her kissing her head and gently squeezing her hand back before he headed out the door and into the streets to try and located this pizza for his very pregnant wife. And it didn’t take him that long to get slightly turned around, so he’d asked for a bit of help to get him back on track. Then within no time he was locating the place and getting the pizza and heading back. “So If this stuff tastes as amazing as it smells then I will understand why people love it so much,” he told her as he walked back in hoping that he wasn’t going to disturb her. He knew that she’d asked for the pizza so of course he’d gotten it for her, but he also knew she needed rest and so he wanted her to get that. So if she needed to hold off on the pizza and take a nap he wouldn’t mind. Really, Loki just wanted her to be comfortable and happy.
    Ellie decided to brush it off not wanting to press the issue with him, so she simply followed him to speak to Tony about a room then she followed Thor to said room. “This is amazing,” Ellie said once they’d walked into the room. It felt like she was in a five star fancy hotel right now, though with who was hosting the party she didn’t know why she was so surprised. Of course Tony Stark of all people would host a fancy Christmas party like this and have the nicest rooms around for guest who decided to stay. Or maybe the rooms were just for the team members. Honestly, she didn’t know but it was still a nice room. Seeing the room however and simply running her hands over the sheets Ellie knew this was likely to be just as amazing as Asgard. Not better because that had been the most comfortable bed she’d ever laid on, but this would likely be a close second.
    December 20th, 2017 at 09:48pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn ended up resting for a short while, maybe about twenty minutes to a half an hour before both babies started moving around a bit and woke her up. "You lot need to let mommy sleep." She said as she ran her hands over her bump, smiling nevertheless when she felt a kick at one of her hands. She hadn't been sleeping all that well at night, partially because she couldn't get comfortable, partially because the babies liked to kick her in the ribs in the middle of the night and partially because she found herself using the bathroom pretty frequently and getting in and out of bed was sort of a task in and of itself when there was at least ten pounds of baby weighing her down. She was glad that both babies were growing at a normal rate since she knew that twins tended to be born at lower birth weights or there were instances when one baby took nutrients from the other and one baby was larger than the other, but she had a feeling the next couple of weeks were going to be rather long ones. It amazed her what a woman's body could go through honestly, and she really was glad to have Loki there helping her through it all. She was interacting with the babies, as both were being rather active at that moment, when her husband walked back in with the pizza. "Your children decided it was play time when I thought it was nap time." She said with a slight pout. "But that pizza smells amazing, so I'm honestly really glad that I'm awake right now."
    Thor didn't mean to be that way with Ellie, and he knew that he was being rather irrational at the moment, but there was very little he could do about how he felt so he was simply going to avoid talking about it for the time being. He knew that probably wasn't the best way to handle things, but it was how he wanted to handle things, so that was precisely what he was going to do. Plus, in all honesty, he really didn't want to admit that he was jealous because, quite frankly, he was a bit embarrassed to admit it because he knew how just how irrational and wrong he was being. So, he'd avoid that discussion for the time being, and when they entered the room that Tony provided them with, he did the only thing he could do and that was walk on over to his fiancé and kiss her. He didn't want to do anything that she wanted to wait on until they were married, it was only a short while away now anyway, but that didn't mean that he couldn't show her just how lucky she was to be his soulmate and just how lucky he felt to call her his, and making her feel good was something that certainly fit into that category.
    December 20th, 2017 at 10:36pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki felt bad that the babies were keeping her up, but he knew there wasn’t anything he could do about that. “Maybe they’re hungry and will nap with you after they eat,” he said having a feeling that’s not how it would work, but who knew maybe. He did hope that she was able to get some rest soon because he’d noticed that she seemed to move around a lot at night because she clearly wasn’t comfortable, or she was getting in and out of bed to use to bathroom. So Loki could tell that this pregnancy was taking a toll on her, which made him long for the day when it was over for her. Though he was also kind of longing for that day because he was excited to finally get to meet his children, hold them, play with them, and just get to spend his days with them also there all while Sigyn was also able to enjoy it as well because she would no longer have them in her belly.
    Ellie was a little thrown off when Thor kissed her given he’d seemed upset, but she wasnt going to complain either because good heavens did it feel nice to kiss him, though she had no idea of the plans he had for her for the time being. She truly was getting antsy about the wedding. She simply wanted it to be there already so they could be married and she could just go all the way with him. And the only reason she hadn’t yet even though she wanted to was because Ellie did want to do this right. She wanted to wait until their wedding night to make it all more romantic and special. They could still kiss and what not though until then, just for a few more days. And then they’d be on there way to somewhere to have a good time.
    December 20th, 2017 at 11:19pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "It's a possibility." Sigyn said, running one of her hands over her belly. Although there were a number of different things related to her pregnancy keeping her up at night, she was glad that the babies were healthy. It was hard on her, but it would all be worth it in the end when she could hold them in her arms in a few weeks. She'd wanted to start a family with her husband for quite some time now, and it was finally happening, and even though there were certain things about being pregnant that she didn't necessarily enjoy, there were other parts of it that she did enjoy quite a bit. Just knowing that they had created two new lives amazed her, and it would be even more amazing when they finally got to meet them. "There are plates in the second cabinet on the right in the kitchen...and if you could get me some water as well that would be fantastic." She said with a small smile, already knowing that he wouldn't want her to get up because he'd been fussing over her quite a bit lately.
    Thor couldn't wait until he could finally call Ellie his wife. Calling her his soulmate and his fiancé was amazing, but when he could finally say that they were joined through marriage it would be another amazing feeling in and of itself. And it wasn't necessarily about the physical aspect of their relationship that he was looking forward to, although he was curious about that considering everything seemed amplified with the soulmate bond, it was the companionship that came along with it. Because he knew they would officially be spending the rest of their lives together and that was going to be a very long time now that Ellie had eaten the apple. And with that thought in mind, he deepened the kiss slightly before detaching his lips from hers and beginning to press kisses to her neck. "I cannot wait until I can really call you mine." He mumbled against her skin.
    December 21st, 2017 at 12:47am