la vie en rose.

  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki nodded before he made his way into the kitchen to grab them some plates and water. "So I remember the doctor saying that the day the babies would be born, but I also remember them saying it could be early because there's two so do we know when they'll be born? And another question is how do they even know the day the babies will be born? Oh and that thing they did with the jelly stuff where we could see the babies how does that even work? Because that was some kind of magic we don't have back on Asgard," he said as the questions came to him that he'd forgotten to ask when they'd first seen the doctor. Of course, that day was a little overwhelming so he felt like it was pretty normal to forget things when you were overwhelmed. "And I really can't wait for them to get here so I mean as long as they're healthy then it would be awesome if they came a little early right?" He asked not sure if them arriving early would be a bad thing or not, though as long as they were healthy he didn't see how it could be bad.
    Ellie had no idea what had come over Thor, actually she had an idea but she didn't want to believe it because it seemed so silly, one minute he looked annoyed and like he should be avoided at all costs as to not be set off, and now here he was kissing her like he'd never kissed her before which she wasn't complaining about. Ellie couldn't help but let out a soft moan when he began kissing her neck as she tilted her head a little and somehow found herself running her fingers through his fabulous golden locks. "I can't either," Ellie replied softly wishing they were already married, but sadly they weren't and would have to wait a few more days until the rest of their lives together as one unified couple 'officially' started. The thought of spending the rest of her life, which was going to be a very long time now that she was immortal, with Thor was exciting and more than enough to bring a smile to her face.
    December 21st, 2017 at 01:36am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn couldn't help smiling at all of the questions her husband was suddenly asking her about Midgardian doctors and how they knew what they did about her pregnancy and just pregnancies in general. She understood why he hadn't asked any of those questions when they were actually at the doctor's office, they'd both kind of been in a state of shock at the thought of having two babies and not just one in a matter of months. "Generally, a woman carries a baby to full-term at forty weeks, but twin pregnancies don't always last as long because there are two babies, in there instead of one. So, full-term is thirty-seven weeks instead of forty. Ideally, most doctors would like a woman having twins to carry the babies as close to term as possible without compromising the health of the mother or the babies. They determine how far along a woman is based off of their last time of menstruation. That's why I had to fill out all of that information when we first got to the doctor's office. It helps the doctor a lot knowing that kind of stuff while they're doing a checkup like that. The doctor was pleased with the weights of the babies, and since everything I've been feeling is normal for a twin pregnancy, and the babies looked healthy, she wants me to carry the babies as close to thirty seven weeks as possible. That jelly stuff helps a doctor with the ultrasound. That's what the doctor did, and it's not magic, it's technology that we just don't have on Asgard. The jelly stuff works as a medium for the transducer, that wand-looking object the doctor was moving around on my stomach, so that the waves from the machine interact with any echoing waves that there might be in my body, which is why we were able to see the babies on the screen and hear their heartbeats. Charlotte thinks I should continue seeing the doctor, but then I might end up having the babies here, which I suppose wouldn't be a bad thing since they know so much more about pregnancies here than they do on Asgard..."
    Thor could tell that his actions were taking Ellie by surprise, and he understood why. He'd been rather curt with her before when they decided to leave the party, and now he was being anything but that with her now. Maybe it was a bit petty of him, but after seeing her getting on so well with Steven, he wanted to prove that he was the better man and that there was a reason that she was his soulmate and his alone. Again, it was petty and equally as irrational as getting jealous over her getting along with Captain Rogers, but he couldn't quite help how he was feeling regardless of how stupid and irrational he knew that it was. So, he continued what he was doing, because, well, he was enjoying hearing the sounds she was making and he also liked knowing that he was the one eliciting them from her. It was his doing, not Captain Rogers'. So, he continued kissing along her neck before he started to leave his mark there as well, wanting to make her feel as good as he could without them going all the way. And once he had left his mark on her neck, he started down her shoulder, pushing down the strap of her dress and her undergarments , his hand slowly creeping up underneath her dress as well. He didn't know how much would be too much to her, so he hesitated a bit as his hand crept further up her thigh, unsure if this was something she'd wanted to wait on until their wedding night as well.

    [I got a bit carried away Facepalm]
    December 21st, 2017 at 02:24am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ it happens XD ]

    Loki tried to keep up with everything she was telling him and it was pretty easy to understand really. It was also so shocking to see how advanced Midgard was compared to Asgard as far as technology went really. Though Loki was positive he still preferred Asgard to Midgard he didn't mind staying there on occasion. "How far along are you now?" He asked feeling like he should know but he couldn't seem to remember. "And yes, I think that's a good idea. I mean Asgard is wonderful and all but they know much more about what's already going on with you and the babies here than on Asgard so that would probably make this a safe place to have the babies," he said fully willing to go wherever she wanted to have the children, though she was right Midgard was likely the best place. Plus Loki had a feeling that her family would want to see the babies once they were born which they wouldn't be able to do if they went back to Asgard. So really every road pointed to them being there for a while. "So I'm sure that you'd like to stay here throughout the rest of the pregnancy and all which I'm okay with as well, but I will have to return to Asgard some since I'm the 'king' and all now so I can't just abandon my post entirely," he told her which was also fine because it just meant they'd still have everything intact for when they returned to Asgard with the children. "Oh and I guess we should settle on names soon too," he said realizing they'd spoken briefly on names a little earlier but they'd never really settled on anything.
    "Mm, Thor," Ellie moaned loving the way it felt to be touched by him. Never in her life had something as simple as someone kissing her made feel this way. Just like she'd never realized that feeling someone's fingers on her thigh just slowly moving farther and father up would make feel the way she was feeling right now. Because Ellie felt something amazing just feeling his hand and lips against her. And yes she understood that they were sharing an intimate moment which had a lot to do with her feelings, but everything was so intensified, she assumed because of the soulmate bond that she'd never imagined it would feel this amazing when they hadn't even really done anything, so she could of course only imagine how their wedding night would be, but her imagination was likely not going to live up to reality at all. Ellie wanted him honestly to rip her dress off, okay maybe not rip it off because it was one of her favorites so just slide it off, and make love to her because she felt like she'd been waiting for so long and now he was kissing her and touching her in places she liked to feel his hands that the anticipation was killing her. But it was only a few more days. Surely she could make it a few more days. How bad would it really be if they didn't? They were getting married within days, they loved one another, and she couldn't deny how amazing it already felt.
    December 21st, 2017 at 02:53am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "Thirty weeks." Sigyn said before taking a bite out of her pizza. It tasted just as good as it had smelt and just as good as she remembered it being. And it was even better considering how inexpensive it was too. When she was in college, she and her friends sort of made it their goal to find the cheapest places in Manhattan that had the best food, and this little pizzeria was one of those places. "Mmm...this is just as good as I remember it being. Did you try any yet? It really is as good as it smells." She told her husband before taking another bite out of her slice and then continuing on with their conversation. Or at least trying to anyway. "What was I saying again...?" She paused for a moment to try and think about what they'd been talking about, pregnancy brain was certainly a real thing, though she noticed herself getting a bit more scatter-brained as she got further along in her pregnancy. Damn hormones and lack of sleep she presumed. "Oh! So you're fine with it then? Because the doctor Charlotte had me go to did seem really good, and I honestly just feel more comfortable knowing that there's someone who can check on the babies and make sure that they're doing okay and everything. And I'd also really like to be close to my family, because they're all excited to meet the babies too, and it'll be easy for them to just drive to the hospital when I'm either induced or go into labor. Which is also another thing. Doctors sometimes decide on an induction date where they'll have me come into the hospital so that they can give me a drug to induce labor. It's completely okay for them to do, and it doesn't harm the babies or anything or me for that matter, it just starts the labor process really. There are some natural remedies I might try once I get closer to full-term too."
    She was driving him completely up the wall right now. The sounds she was making, and her fingers in his hair were driving him absolutely insane, and a part of him just wanted to continue with these activities fully, because just the touches alone and knowing that she was making the sounds that she was making because of things he was doing to her were making him feel absolutely amazing, but he knew that she'd wanted to wait until their wedding night. And maybe she was getting a bit caught up in all of this as well, because the soulmate bond did sort of do this kind of thing to people when they'd never really done this sort of thing with their soulmate, or at all in some cases, so he really did want to make sure that she wanted to do this before he got like super caught up in the moment, which was a distinct possibility if he heard her make another noise like that. He pulled back briefly so that he could look at her. "If you want me to continue, I will, but I'll only go as far as you want me to." He told her.
    December 21st, 2017 at 03:46am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    Loki listened as Sigyn explained everything to him, which he was glad that she did because honestly, he knew very little about what was going on. Pregnancy just wasn't something they talked about a lot or at all really on Asgard. He knew that it happened but people didn't talk about it. Plus with how little technology they had they couldn't do half the things he'd already seen done with Sigyn. "Of course, I'm okay with it. I mean clearly the doctor you're seeing here is very good at her job and she knows everything that's going on. Plus your family is here and they should be as much a part of the babies lives as we are," he told her as he grabbed a slice of the pizza for himself and took a bite before nodding his head at how amazing this pizza was. "This really is delicious, why must Midgardian food taste so delicious?" He asked though he knew she wouldn't have an answer. He did wish, however, that he could have all the food he liked from Midgard on Asgard because that would be probably the best thing to happen on Asgard in a while.
    Ellie took a moment to catch her breath and let her mind process everything that was going on because she had a decision to make. Did she wait four days until they were married to make love to the man she loved and planned on spending the rest of her days with, or did she give in to the temptation and do it now? This wasn't going to change anything, they were still going to get married, still be in love, and still spend a long time together. So once Ellie had made up her mind she unzipped her dress and let it slide off of her onto the floor where she stepped the rest of the way out of it leaving only her undergarments and heels on. "I want you," she said softly as she stepped closer to him, "I want you to make love to me," She told him as she grabbed one hand and moved it so he'd be cupping her breast under her bra because she needed to feel his hands against her skin, and then the other one she moved to between her thighs. "Thor," she moaned softly just at feeling his hands on her even though she'd put them there, where she wanted at that. "I need you to make love to me," she breathed out feeling turned on just by the thought of it all.
    December 21st, 2017 at 04:25am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn knew that very little was still known about pregnancy and exactly what happened with a woman's body when she was pregnant. Eir had been able to confirm that she was pregnant, but it wasn't like she went in for monthly checkups or anything like that like she would here on Midgard. And they didn't have the ultrasound technology, so she couldn't hear the babies' heartbeats or see them for that mater. She could only really go off of how she felt, and she'd go to Eir for nausea remedies and other things of the like but that was it. Here on Midgard, she had a doctor who knew what was going on with her body, with the babies as well, and could tell if she needed to be induced or not and when that should happen. "Okay, well, in that case, next time you return to Asgard, I'm going to need you to get me some more of my things since I only packed for the weekend, and I know for a fact that I'm not even going to come close to fitting into any of the things that are in my closet here, and I'll call and make some more appointments with the doctor. And I do supposes we should settle on some names for the little ones in case they come sooner than seven weeks from now." She honestly hoped that they did come a bit sooner because, well, she kept thinking that she couldn't get any bigger, but then she did, and she could only imagine what full-term was going to look like. Of course, if it didn't compromise her health, and the babies were still doing okay, then carrying to full-term would be for the best and she knew that. "It's good, right? I used to order from this place all the time when I was still in school. It's right down the block from where I went before I ended up at the SHIELD Academy." It was strange to think about all she had done as Stephanie. It sort of blended with her time as Sigyn, but the more time she spent living as she had been living, the more she felt more like Sigyn than she did Stephanie. The two were similar, and yet so different at the same time.
    Thor could practically see the wheels turning in her head, and he knew that she was given this all a great deal of thought. He didn't mind that she was doing so though because he did want her to make sure that this was what she wanted before they went ahead and things progressed further. He didn't want her to regret anything afterwards because she hadn't waited until their wedding night to experience it all. But soon enough she was telling him that she wanted him, and holy Valhalla, she was placing his hand on her breast and the other to her core, and he couldn't help moaning as he felt the dampness of her undergarment. She really did want this as much as he did, and that was the only confirmation that he needed to continue. If she wanted to continue, he wasn't going to argue, because he wanted this just as much as she did. He'd waited such a long time for this moment, and he couldn't believe that it was actually going to happen, much like everything else he'd been through thus far with Ellie. "As you wish, my lady." He said before he pressed his lips to hers quickly and began pushing her back gently onto the bed. He hovered over her, running his thumb over her nipple while the fingers of his other hand dipped below the fabric of her panties to tease her entrance.
    December 21st, 2017 at 04:46am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "Just make me a list and I will return with what you need," Loki told her knowing that he'd be coming back to Midgard of course so why wouldn't he also get Sigyn anything she needed from Asgard since he'd already be there. "Yes baby names," he said nodding his head. There wasn't really that much time left for them to decide on names for their children so he felt it would be a good idea to settle on something. And he was sure that everyone else would also want to know what they were planning on naming their children. He could only imagine the faces of everyone though when they heard more tradition Asgardian names rather than Midgardian names and it was a little funny to picture really. However, it would be worth it because at least his children wouldn't be named anything weird like Apple or Satchel, which he still couldn't get over. He really had no idea what could've possibly been going through anyone's mind when they picked those names out. "Yes it's very good," he told her with another nod of his head. "I very much like all the food you've picked out for me to try actually," he told her knowing that so far she hadn't introduced him to a food he didn't like, even though he knew he hadn't really even made a dent in the different foods he could try. He was sure also that there would likely be something that he didn't like, after all no one person could truly like everything. Or at least he didn't think they could, but he could've been wrong about that he supposed.
    "Mm, Thor," Ellie moaned and felt herself respond to her to his finger teasing her where she was beginning to feel an ache without them. Good Lord did she need him, and oh how amazing it was going to be. She'd never had sex before so part of her didn't actually know what to expect or how it would it feel, or that her body would just kind of take over. What Ellie did know about it though was just what other people talked about or what she'd heard other people talk about and she didn't really want to take other people opinions on something like this either because everyone was different. One thing Ellie did know though was that there was no one else in existence that'd she'd rather be doing this with than Thor. She loved him, she was getting married to him, and she just knew that he was going to make sure and take his time with her. Not because he wanted to tease her or make himself feel in control, or make her feel like he was the only one allowed to be in control, but because he loved her and he wanted to make sure her first time wasn't shitty. Ellie knew that Thor was going to take his time to make sure she felt comfortable and so she knew she could trust him even in this aspect of their relationships which was so important, and she appreciated it so much. Because Ellie knew there were shitty guys out in the world who just wanted to get laid and then move on, luckily Thor wasn't one of those guys. Everything so far had felt better than nice though, even just him simply rubbing his thumb over her nipple felt so good she could barely handle it. And Ellie was positive that saving herself for this moment, for this man, for the rest of her life, was the best decision she could've made.
    December 21st, 2017 at 05:31am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn smiled. "Alright, I'll make it for you at some point this weekend. Just remind me if I don't get it to you before you leave...I've been a bit forgetful lately." She said somewhat sheepishly before taking another bite out of her pizza. She was more at ease about having twins now that she knew she'd be having the babies here. She knew that there could be a lot of complications with twin pregnancies, and she wanted to make sure that everything was good with the babies and that it was a go for her to have them naturally because she knew if one or both of the babies were breech then she'd have to have a C-Section which was also something that they weren't equipped for on Asgard. They simply didn't have the technology to do so. "Did you think I'd have you try something that was disgusting? I've never steered you wrong before, my love." She reminded him before resting a hand on her belly as she felt the babies moving. "They're really active this afternoon."
    Thor wanted to do everything that he could to make sure that this was pleasurable for Ellie. He knew that she hadn't done anything like this before, and that she'd been waiting until she was married, so he knew that a lot of times the first time was painful for women. He wanted to ease her into this, and make sure that she felt good, and so far the sounds he was getting out of her were a clear indication that he was doing exactly what he wanted to do to her. He had her exactly where he wanted her. "Tell me what you want, El." He said as he started kissing her neck again and continued teasing her entrance.

    [Sorry it's short, it's pajama day at work today and it ironically took me longer to get ready than it does on any other given day but I still wanted to get a post up before I left Cute I'll message you the plots I have for new rps when I get home later]
    December 21st, 2017 at 12:21pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “I’ll make to get it before I go,” Loki said before he moved her around just a little so he was sitting on the couch with her, but she was still laying down. “Well no I hope you wouldn’t do that. It’s just that even on Asgard there are things you like to eat that I’m not that fond of so I’m glad that I’ve been fond of all the food you’ve had me try here,” He told her before he began to softly play with her hair just happy to be there really. Even though none of this was how Loki had originally imagined starting his family would look like he was okay with it all. Probably because at least he was getting to start one. Because For the longest time he was so heartbroken over the death of his wife and of his chances at family that he’d lost himself. Luckily everything was feeling normal again, or as normal as it could given the situation. “I love you so much, I don’t even think words can describe it,” he told her before he kissed her head and brushed her hair out of her face. “I love you two little ones too” he said placing his hand on her belly and smiling as he felt them moving around. “But you two need to calm down a little so mommy can get some rest,” he told them doubtful it would make a difference, but he tried anyway.
    Ellie honestly, wasn’t sure how much longer she could take not feeling him inside of her, especially if it would feel better than this. “I want you inside of me,” Ellie breathed as her hips moved trying to get closer to his fingers that she could already feel at her entrance, which was throbbing with want. And without really thinking Ellie had found herself guiding his two fingers inside of her because she didn’t want to wait any longer. “Mmm yes,” Ellie moaned a little louder feeling pleasure from him. When people said that soulmate bond intensified feelings they weren’t kidding. Because Ellie didn’t feel awkward or uncomfortable like she’d heard so many people do their first time. She instead felt very comfortable, very turned on, and no worried about it hurting or like he’d be awful, though even if he was she wouldn’t really know, Ellie also felt waves of pleasure radiating from all different places. Like her neck, he was just kissing her but it felt better than any kiss she’d gotten before. And if just his fingers could make her feel the way she did right now she knew the more they did the better it would feel.

    [ sounds like a plan! And I’ll send you the ideas I’m working on later as well. Because I’m also about to leave for work then I have class afterwards. So I’ll get them to you after all that. tehe ]
    December 21st, 2017 at 01:26pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "That's because you're a picky eater." Sigyn told him with a slight laugh. Her husband had always been very particular about what foods and what foods he didn't like, though there seemed to be more foods that he disliked than ones that he enjoyed. She smiled when he shifted her slightly so that he could sit with her on the couch and threaded his fingers through her hair. She'd always liked when he played with her hair, it honestly relaxed her quite a bit, and now was no different. "I love you too, and I know for a fact that they love you as well because they move around a ton when they hear your voice in case you haven't noticed." It would be nice if they listened to him and allowed her to sleep, though she didn't know how likely that was. They clearly weren't on the same schedule as her, though there were some nights when she did get as decent of a nights sleep as she could despite tossing and turning quite a bit due to discomfort and having to use the bathroom because they didn't decide to wake her. It didn't happen all the time though unfortunately. "So, I did really like the name Kari for a girl when you suggested it, and I also still really like Narfi or Vali for a boy."
    Thor had never been one to underestimate the soulmate bond, he knew that it was strong and that it amplified even the simplest of actions or feelings, which could honestly be responsible for his irrational behavior earlier, and right now just hearing her moan is name and knowing that he was pleasuring her as he pumped his fingers in and out of her were really doing things to him. He was prideful, knowing that he was the one who was eliciting those responses from her, and he knew that after tonight, although they weren't marrying for a few more days, she would truly be his because they would have consummated the bond that they shared, and that meant so much more to him than consummating their marriage ever would. "You're so beautiful." He mumbled against her skin as he continued to pepper her neck with kisses.

    [I'm heading to my grandma's for a bit, so I'll send you the plots later tonight most likely tehe]
    December 21st, 2017 at 09:32pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "That's not my fault," Loki said wishing sometimes that he wasn't so picky about food and could just eat anything but he just couldn't. And he didn't know why he was so picky but he just was and had been all his life. He couldn't help but smile when she mentioned that the babies moved around when he spoke to him, which was crazy to think about. It blew his mind that these two children who hadn't even been born yet could already respond in some way to hearing his voice. And he really couldn't wait to meet them. They were literally going to be so spoiled it was ridiculous, of course, Loki was sure he and Sigyn would also make sure they were well behaved and didn't turn into brats. He was pretty sure the last thing any parent wanted was for their child to turn into a brat. That made him hope though that he hadn't been a brat growing up. He knew that yes he'd made some questionable choices recently, and he'd been very mischievous and a little troublemaker growing up, but he felt like even in all those moments he'd still respected his mother so he couldn't have been that bad surely. "Kari is my first choice for a girl for sure," Loki said pretty much in love with the name. "And I feel like either would work for a boy. Though I kind of like Vali a little bit more myself," he added knowing he'd be fine with either name really.
    Ellie had never felt so much pleasure, "yes" she moaned again as her eyes slipped closed and her fingers grabbed the sheets once she'd reached her peak. "I love you," she breathed out knowing that there was more to come and she was ready for it. He'd already worked her up quite a bit as it was so she'd quite honestly be pissed if they stopped for the night. Ellie was ready to keep going, just like she was ready to see what other wonderful tricks he had up his sleeve. Because she knew there were a ton of other things they could try out, which given she'd never really done anything she didn't really know what she did and didn't like, therefore Ellie was up for exploration. And given that she knew he had a higher endurance than mortal men since he'd told her so, Ellie had a feeling that Thor would be willing to go as long she was. Honestly, Ellie didn't even know what her own endurance was like so the whole night would just be getting to know one another in this aspect of the relationship.

    [ sounds good! Hope you had fun with your grandma! Arms and I still need to figure out all my plots myself so I'll send those your way when I have them too XD ]
    December 22nd, 2017 at 02:45am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "And whose fault is it then, hm?" Sigyn questioned, punctuating her words with a raised eyebrow. She'd always found his picky eating habits rather funny to be honest. So far, there were very things on Midgard though that he hadn't liked. She hadn't had him try anything too questionable. She knew very few people who didn't like burgers and fries, spaghetti and meatballs, and pizza, but there were still some people out there she supposed. "It's true, you know." She told him when he smiled when she said that they seemed to move around more when they heard his voice. "They start moving more when they hear daddy talking and end up kicking mommy in the ribs. Though not so much because of how they're laying right now. One's facing vertically this way..." She ran her hand along the side of her belly. "And the other's decided to try something new and is laying this way right now." She ran her hand horizontally across the upper part of her belly. So far no rib kicking, both are just being extremely active little buggers this afternoon." When he told her that he really liked Kari and Vali, she smiled. "Should we have another girl name ready in case it's two girls?" She asked him as she still wanted to be surprised, although there was a small part of her that kind of just wanted to ask the doctor at the next appointment, but she'd gone this long without knowing, and they were in the homestretch now, so she had a feeling it was just her getting impatient about them wanting to be here already so she knew.
    Thor really was rather pleased with himself. He was making the woman he loved feel good and eliciting sounds that he had never heard from her before tonight. Although he knew that they could wait to go any further until their wedding night, he didn't think it would make much of a difference now. He still wanted to ask her though to be sure because he didn't want her to have any regrets about anything that happened tonight at all. He wanted her to enjoy tonight because it was something he knew was important and special for her, and he was honored to be the only man she had lain with, and he was almost certain that fact alone was going to make their soulmate bond all the more stronger. Them being soulmates also kind of really meant that he was the man she was supposed to be with like this anyway, so he hoped to elicit responses similar to what he was getting simply from placing his fingers inside of her shortly. He pulled them out slowly once she reached her peak and pressed his lips to hers deeply. "I love you more than anything else in all nine realms, Ellie Brookes...would you like to go further?"

    [I still need to locate my Loki plots Facepalm]
    December 22nd, 2017 at 03:46am
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    "You know I'm not sure," Loki said playfully rolling his eyes. "I just can't help it. I mean have you tasted some of that stuff? I don't know how people just eat it like it's not absolutely revolting," Loki said pretty sure even just the smell alone of it was enough to set him off. He was sure that was something that drove Frigga while he was growing up. Because Thor would just eat anything placed in front of them and not complain, Loki, however, was the child who would pick at his food and refuse to eat. He could literally remember times when Frigga had told them they weren't to leave the table until they'd finished their dinner, and Loki being unable to finish his food that he found disgusting would hand it off to Thor. Of course, he was sure that Frigga knew what was happening since she could see everything pretty much, and she was a mother so she already had some kind of enhanced sense. She never said anything though. "That sounds so uncomfortable, no wonder you can't get comfortable," he said finding it so fascinating and odd at the same time how being pregnant worked. He was sure there was nothing comfortable about having two little humans growing inside of you, especially when they got bigger and were running out of space themselves. But it was also so wonderful to see because there were babies growing inside of her, and soon enough they'd come into the world healthy, or at least he hoped. "Maybe, I mean I have high hopes that it's a boy and a girl, but maybe just in case we should think of another girls name," he said knowing that they weren't going to find out what they were having. Which he was actually thankful for, as amazing as all the techonology was on Midgard Loki didn't want to take the surprise out of everything by finding out before they arrived.
    Ellie couldn't believe that she'd found her person, the love of her life, her soulmate. Just like she couldn't believe that within days they would be getting married, or that right now they were in the beginning phases of making love to one another for the first time. Everything just seemed so surreal. She kissed Thor back passionately, "I love you so much more than I ever thought was even possible," she told him feeling more connected to him then she had literally only hours ago. "Yes, I would like to continue," she told him as she looking up at him as she slipped her own hands under his own shirt so she could pull it off of him so she could sit up and press her own lips to his chest, then his shoulder and up his neck until her lips met his again, and oh goodness was he built wonderfully. "I'm all yours for the taking, and we have all night, so take me however you want," she whispered against his lips. Ellie wasn't really sure what Thor enjoyed, or if he'd ever been with another woman to have even mastered skills or not, but Ellie didn't know what she liked and would love to find out. Plus she kind of liked letting him take charge of everything since she wouldn't even know where to start really. Eventually, she might feel confident enough to tell him what they were going to do, but until then she was okay with him having much more control than her.
    December 22nd, 2017 at 04:49am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "It's only revolting because you find it revolting." Sigyn said with a laugh. Of course, there were some things that she didn't enjoy either, but there were very few Asgardian foods that her husband liked. "You're almost as bad as my college roommate. She'd literally only eat like three things and that was mac and cheese, chicken fingers and fries, and peanut butter sandwiches. When we went away on the weekends, if we went out to eat, she'd literally order off of the children's menu sometimes." She didn't think her husband was that picky of an eater, but he was pretty bad still. She honestly just found it rather amusing, she'd met children who ate more foods than he did. "It is a bit uncomfortable, but its more fascinating really that I can feel exactly where they're positioned and how they're positioned." She took his hand and guided it along the side of her belly first. "See...the head's here...and the legs are here. And then this is where the other's head and legs are."
    It was still almost surreal that Thor had finally found her. He'd waited so long to find her, had thought up different scenarios as to how he'd meet her centuries, and it had finally happened just a few months ago. And even more surreal was the fact that they were going to marry in just a few short days and then he'd be able to not only call her his soulmate but also his wife. There were many people that he wished could be there to witness it happening, but he was just happy to be marrying her, that was the most important thing really. That was the point of a wedding after all. He let out a low groan as she kissed along his chest all the way up until she reached his lips. Every single touch seemed to send shockwaves throughout his entire body, and now that he knew she wanted to continue and he'd pleasured her some so that she would likely be more comfortable with her first time, he was ready to fully take her. He removed the trousers and undergarments, that he still didn't know if they were fully necessary or not, before capturing her lips with his once more. He positioned himself at her entrance before thrusting in and filling her up completely.
    December 22nd, 2017 at 01:53pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “I can’t be the only one who finds it repulsive. I mean who in their right minds decided to try haggis for the first time and then bring it to Asgard? Because just the smell alone is enough to upset my stomach,” Loki told her knowing he was overreacting a little, but he was like that sometimes.”yes I’m not that bad. I eat more than three things,” he told her wondering actually what these foods she’s named off were. “That’s amazing.” Loki said as he let her guide his hand over her stomach as to show him where the little ones were and he really was just amazed by it all. Literally he felt more and more amazed by what she was going through each day and every time she told him something new. It was crazy what all she was going through though and she would come out the other end perfectly okay which was also pretty amazing considering there was a time when the mothers coming out alive wasn’t usually guaranteed.
    Ellie moaned into his mouth at he feeling of him thrusting into her once again feeling pleasures she didn’t know one could feel. Ellie liked this feeling. The feeling of Thor inside of her sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout her entire body, the feeling of making love to the man she loved. And she just knew this wouldn’t feel the same way were it with any other man. Right in that very moment all other men were forever being ruined to her. If anything were to ever happen to them and she for whatever reason tried to move on and be with someone else Ellie knew it would never be as wonderful as this. Thor was the only one she wanted ever. And if their first time felt this amazing she could begin to imagine how amazing it would feel later on once they’d been at it for awhile. Now Ellie didn’t want to get pregnant just yet because she did want to actually enjoy some of their marriage with just the two of them before they started adding kids into the mix, plus she was still unsure how everything was going to work out after the wedding, but she wouldn’t mind the process of trying to make a baby that she was sure of.
    December 22nd, 2017 at 02:25pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    "I think you're being a tad bit dramatic, love." Sigyn laughed. But that was her husband, truthfully. Always about the dramatics and making big spectacles out of things. He'd always been a bit of a show-off or one to try to draw attention towards him to which she normally just rolled her eyes and shook her head because he was simply ridiculous sometimes. "I think you've enjoyed more things here on Midgard though than you enjoy on Asgard. There's much you haven't tried though, so I'm going to have to continue educating you in all things Midgardian." She didn't mind teaching him all that she had been. She quite enjoyed his reactions to different things and found some of his questions and innocence towards much of it rather endearing and cute. Not to mention amusing. She smiled at his later words and nodded. "Yea, it is." She agreed. "And we're going to get to meet them before we know it." It amazed her how quickly the last thirty weeks had gone by, and she knew the next couple of weeks would go by just as quickly too.
    Thor really didn't know how to describe what he was feeling in that moment. Kissing her and touching her was one thing, but making love to her was something different entirely. It was clear just how strong their soulmate bond was now, and it would likely be even stronger after tonight, because there was nothing that could bring two soulmates together any more than the connection that they were establishing in that very moment. "I'm not harming you?" He asked her, knowing that the first time could sometimes be painful for a woman. He wanted to make sure that everything was perfect tonight and that she was feeling as much pleasure as he was. He knew that this would be a night that they would both remember for the rest of their days and he wanted to make sure that it was a good one.
    December 22nd, 2017 at 02:52pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    “I think you’d be right there,” Loki told her knowing that he’d quite enjoyed all the foods he’d tried so far from Midgard which was weird for him considering how much he didn’t like on Asgard. “Well I can’t wait to see what else you show me,” he told her excited to see the rest of his learning on the subject would go. Because there really was a lot he didn’t know about Midgard honestly. He’d just always viewed it one way until now really. “I know I can’t wait for them to get here,” he said smiling as he knew it wouldn’t be much longer until they were born but Loki was ready for them now. Probably because he felt like he’d been waiting forever.
    “I’m fine,” Ellie said gently placing her hand on his face and pulling him into another kiss as her leg wrapped around him pushing him deeper into her, which caused her to groan into his mouth again. She had this feeling that women who had a bad first time or even a painful one clearly weren’t doing something right, or they just weren’t with the right person, because Ellie had been nervous about this to being with. She’d been worried it would be uncomfortable or painful, or that somehow it wouldn’t be as romantic or amazing as she wanted it to be and then what if it never got better? That wasn’t the case at all right now though. She’d actually never felt more comfortable with a person, and clearly Thor knew what he was doing to make it wonderful for her because if there was supposed to be pain she couldn’t feel it. Ellie had literally never felt more loved by someone in her life than she did right in that moment.
    December 22nd, 2017 at 08:36pm
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    [I'm going to do another skip for Logyn since I think I'm just as eager for the babies to get here as they are tehe]

    "Aren't you supposed to be resting?" Charlotte asked as she walked into the apartment. Sigyn had been trying to clean the apartment since she got up this morning. She wasn't nesting though. Nope, that definitely wasn't what was happening. She just wanted to make sure that everything looked neat and tidy in case she did go into labor earlier than was anticipated. Because, well, if that happened, then there would be no one home to make sure that the apartment was clean for when they brought the babies back from the hospital. "I can't possibly rest when there's so much that needs to be done before the babies get here." Sigyn said as she finished unloading the dishwasher. There hadn't been many dirty dishes since Loki had been back on Asgard the last week, though she was almost certain he had said that he was returning today, but there was still enough that it needed to be done. "Sig, the doctor said--" Charlotte started but Sigyn cut her off. "I know what the doctor said, Charlotte. I'm supposed to be resting and stay off my feet whenever possible, but the apartment wasn't tidy. The doctor also thinks I should set an induction date when she knows I want to do this as naturally as I possibly can." She saw no reason to get induced when the babies were perfectly healthy and the symptoms she was having were normal for any pregnant woman and even more so for a woman pregnant with twins this far along in her pregnancy. "You're totally nesting right now, oh my god." Her sister said with a laugh. "I'm not nesting." Sigyn scoffed as she walked past her into the living room where she'd rearranged the bookshelf at least three times in the last two days.
    Thor kissed her back passionately. He really just didn't know how to describe all that he was feeling right now. He'd lain with other women in his many years, but nothing compared to what he was feeling right now as he and Ellie made love. It had to be the soulmate bond and the clearly deep connection that the two of them shared. He had known that their connection was strong before tonight, but this all was proving just how strong it actually was, and he could only imagine how much stronger it would be after tonight. There was no questioning what he needed to do in order to make her feel good. There was no awkwardness as they attempted to get to know the other's body better. None of that was present even in the slightest. No, as he pushed into her and his hands roamed freely over the curves and contours of her body, it was like he knew exactly what to do in order to make her feel good, and there was no longer any worrying about making sure tonight was just as pleasurable for her as it was for him. Because he knew that it was. "Gods, El..." He grunted as he moved his hips a bit faster.
    December 22nd, 2017 at 09:41pm
  • Kol.

    Kol. (100)

    NaNoWriMo 2016
    United States
    [ sounds good to me tehe ]

    Loki had felt just awful leaving Sigyn the week earlier to return to Asgard, but sadly he had to because there were things that he had to do given he was the king and all now. Luckily though he knew she was in good hands as he was sure her sister or some other member of her family would likely check up on her to make sure she was okay. He really just hoped that she was still doing okay and that he hadn't missed anything important. Because Loki knew from their last appointment that it would be sooner than they'd expected when the babies arrive. Not by much, but he just had a feeling in his gut that they'd be early, and he wasn't complaining about it in the slightest either because he was excited that he'd finally get to see his little babies. So once he was finally done with his kingly duties for the time being Loki packed a bag full of things he needed to take for himself things Sigyn had asked him to grab, then he made his way back to Midgard, and then to her apartment, where he wasn't sure what to expect really. "Why is she up?" He asked Charlotte when he'd let himself in and saw his wife roaming around the apartment cleaning by the looks of it. "Love, you're supposed to be resting," he said setting the bag down by the door before he made his way over to Sigyn and grabbed her hands so he could lead her back to the couch. He knew that she probably hated 'resting' so basically sitting around doing nothing when there were things she felt like she needed to do, but Loki knew this was best for her because it's what the doctors wanted.
    Ellie felt her hips buck as Thor moved a little bit faster and her fingers wrapped around the sheets again as she let out another moan before she was doing something she hadn't expected. Ellie used all of her strength to flip them over so she was on top of him because she could feel herself throbbing against him and knew she wouldn't last much longer, but she also wanted to feel as much of him as she could and oh did she when she did that. It actually felt more amazing as if was hitting just the right spot. "Mmm, Thor. Gods yes, right there," she moaned as she moved her hips against his and eventually placed her hands on his chest to keep herself steady as she felt a somewhat familiar surge of pleasure rush through her that she rode it out truly the happiest she'd ever been in her life thus far. Though making love with your soulmate was kind of a big deal so it all really made sense, and it really helped that he knew what he was doing and had made it all so wonderful. Made her a little curious to find out what other ways he knew how to pleasure a woman, and a little happy that she was the last one he would ever do it with. Given that she doubted he was just naturally this talented, and that it was kind of easy to tell he had experience. But that didn't really bother her in the slightest. Probably because she knew that he'd been around much longer than she had, as in like hundreds of years longer than her, and so she hadn't expected him to spend centuries alone. Yea she might have felt a small twinge of jealousy for a moment thinking of him being with other woman but it was easily washed away with the thought of her being the last one and the fact that it was probably centuries ago. But she wasn't going to ask about it.
    December 23rd, 2017 at 03:15am
  • zima.

    zima. (100)

    United States
    Sigyn heard her husband come in, but continued doing what she was doing. She just wanted to make sure that the apartment was in good shape just in case. The doctor had her coming in once a week for checkups now, and earlier in the week when she had gone she still wasn't dilated at all. She'd been having a few contractions here and there, though it was nothing crazy, and whenever she was certain they would get closer together and that would be it and she'd be going into labor, they'd stop. The doctor said that was completely normal at this stage in the game though, as was how she was feeling. Which was mostly tired, achy, a bit congested and very swollen. Up until about a week ago the swelling in her feet and ankles hadn't been too bad, but now it was pretty bad. And by pretty bad her ankles were basically nonexistent and it was like her foot went straight to her calf. Her hands had started swelling a bit earlier in the week as well which was real fun considering it made her hands go numb, but that didn't stop her from cleaning the apartment. It was what needed to be done. "She's nesting." She heard her sister tell Loki when he asked why she was up. "For the hundredth time, I'm not nesting! I'm just making sure the apartment's tidy." She said just before her husband came over to her and told her that she was supposed to be resting and tried leading her over to the couch. "I can't rest right now."
    Thor was somewhat surprised when she managed to muster enough strength to flip them over so that she was on top. He wondered if it had something to do with the apple. Maybe there were side effects, and it wasn't just immortality that she had been given considering he was pretty sure that any other Midgardian woman wouldn't have been able to flip them over like she had, because he was rather tall and muscular and he wasn't light by any means. That thought only remained on his mind for like a second or two though because he honestly thought that what she had done was a major turn-on, and he could feel based off of her body's reactions to his actions that she was nearing her peak, so he continued to thrust into her and deepened the kiss as he kissed her, helping her ride out her high before he soon succumbed to his own as well. He laid there for a few moments, just taking everything in that had just happened before he took one of her hands and kissed her palm. "You are, by far, the most beautiful woman I have ever met." He said, kissing each of her fingers lightly.
    December 23rd, 2017 at 04:40am