It's a Beautiful Day


    Mark had been in with.a patient, going over the procedures for the plastic surgery work they wanted done. It was times like these that reminded him why he enjoyed his job so much. He took a minute once he was done with the patient to text Emily. "Hey baby. How are you?" He text her.

    Gabby was sitting at the Nurse Station, reading over some tests. She was feeling off, but didn't think anything of it. She sighed as she rubbed her stomach, feeling nausea, but pushed it off as nothing.

    @ requiem;
    June 25th, 2019 at 04:20am
  • Derek stood in the patient's room as he took and went over the procedure. Listing to the questions he answered them and smiled, his charming smile. He took and wondered what was going on with his wife, she had been acting stranger than normal.
    Emily made her way towards the station and handed the nurse that was helping Mark the papers. Seeing Gabby she looked at her best friend, "Are you ok?" Emily questioned.
    June 25th, 2019 at 07:55pm
  • Gabby was lost in her own little world. She was reading over the patient files, but she seemed to also be elsewhere. When she heard her best friend speaking, the young blonde looked up directly to her. Putting a smile on her face, Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I'm just tired." She lied with a small laugh. "How are you feeling?"

    Mark started making his way back towards where he figured Emily was. He knew she was okay, but thought it was a little odd that she didn't text him back. As he got closer to the Nurses Station, the young doctor saw Emily talking with Gabby. He rose an eyebrow, feeling like there was something off about Gabby. He saw Derek, wondering what could be up with Gabby. "Derek, my man, how is today going?"

    @ requiem;
    June 28th, 2019 at 08:06pm
  • "I feel like I am going to explode." Emily smiled putting her hand to her stomach. "This pregnancy has flown by so fast." Emily told Gabby with a bright smile. "Are you sure you're ok? You seem different like, you're glow---" Emily stopped. "Oh my god are you pregnant?" Emily questioned.
    "It's going good." Derek looked at Mark. "What about you?" Derek questioned smiling as he watched Gabby. "When are you going to ask Emily to marry you, Mark? You two are about ready to have a little one." Derek smiled.
    June 28th, 2019 at 11:40pm
  • Gabby smiled, putting a hand on her best friend's bump. 'You look so beautiful." She said as she rubbed her bump. When she heard Emily ask if she was okay and all, she froze. "How did you know?" She whispered. She looked at her best friend.


    "I know, it's crazy to think our little one will be here soon." Mark looked to Derek and smiled. 'What about you guys? Kids anytime soon?"

    @ requiem;
    June 28th, 2019 at 11:57pm
  • Emily smiled, "I was the same way. Constanly tired, nausea." Emily told her softly. "I promise it's between us." Emily assured her best friend. "I hate to, but I need to get these to Richard. I'll talk to you later." Emily smiled to her friend.

    Going on her way, Emily handed Richard the files. Stopping a second in his office doorway, she took and gripped to her stomach. "Ouch." She whispered feeling the sharp stabbing pain. Ignoring it she went about what she needed to do.
    Derek looked at Mark, "I am not sure." Derek told him and smiled.
    June 29th, 2019 at 11:57pm
  • "Thank you." Gabby said with a sweet smile. "Yeah, we'll talk later." She looked over seeing her husband taking with Mark. She started walking over to them.

    Richard looked to her. "Are you ok?"
    Mark looked to Derek. "I bet it's sooner rather than later." He then watched Emily walk down the hall.

    @ requiem;
    June 30th, 2019 at 01:52am
  • Derek looked at Mark then to his wife, "Hey beautiful." Derek smiled to his wife as he kissed her lips softly. "How is my beautiful wife?" He pulled her close holding her as he saw Richard and Mark walk off. "Gabby...are we?" Derek looked at her.
    Emily got back towards the desk as she felt the pain again. Gripping to the side of it she took a deep breath. She felt the pain getting worse as she felt someone touch her back. Seeing Alex beside of her she looked at him, "Are you alright, Em?" Alex questioned.

    "I'm not sure." Emily breathed in and out. "It just hurts." Emily whispered gripping to the desk.

    "We need to get you to the OBGYN floor, and get them to check you." Alex said. "I'll get someone to get Mark and let him know." Alex told her helping her to the elevator as he told a nurse to get Sloan.
    June 30th, 2019 at 06:50pm
  • Gabby smiled into the kiss from her husband, pulling herself closer as she could feel Derek gently pulling her as well. Hearing his question, Gabby looked to Derek. How in the hell did he know? She didn't know what to say. "Why do you ask?"
    Mark had just into a patient's room when a nurse came after him to tell him about Emily. He turned his attention to the patient, apologizing that he was having to step away. He then rushed out, giving quick orders to get ahold of the other doctor to take care of the patient.

    After that he rushed down to the elevator and tot he OBGYN floor. HE tapped his fingers against the legs as he waited for the elevator's doors to opened. When the doors finally did open, he rushed tot he desk, asking what room she was in. He then went into the room, seeing Emily. "Hey Baby." He said, putting a hand on her bump.

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 04:24am
  • "Because. You have a lot of the symptoms I remember, Mark telling me that Emily started out with." Derek smiled at his wife. "So my question is love, are we? Or do we need to go get some blood work tested to find out for sure?" Derek smiled at his wife.
    Glancing over at Mark, Emily felt his hand lace with her own. "It hurts, really bad." Emily used her free hand to grip to the railing. She held her breath as she took and closed her eyes wanting to punch Mark but knew it wouldn't do any good.
    July 1st, 2019 at 08:15pm
  • Gabby looked at her husband, blushing slightly. There was no way she could lie to him, especially with something that was medically related. Hearing him ask the question one more time, the young blonde looked up to her husband, making complete eye contact with him. "We don't need to get the blood work done, I've already done that." She smiled, pulling out the paperwork that had been folded up in her pocket. "The test results you have been wanting, Dr. Shepherd." She giggled.
    Mark frowned as he held her hand. Bringing her hand to his lips, he placed a soft kiss on her hand. "Hey, it's okay." He kept rubbing her bump as he stood there. "Do you think it's time?" HE asked, worried.

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 09:52pm
  • Taking the paper from her hand. He read over the numbers smirking to himself, "I can't believe this." Derek smiled to Gabby. "I am going to be a dad?" He questioned in some what shock but over the moon about this new journey in their lives.
    "Oh it's time." Arizona smiled walking into the room. "She's dilated to a seven. It won't be much longer." She informed the couple.

    "Isn't it too early?" Emily questioned her.

    "You're right at thirty-seven weeks. If all goes well, it should be fine. Right now her heart rate is looking wonderful. Your blood pressure is down and good. Things are going ok." Arizona assured them. "I will be back in soon. She already has agreed to have the epidural which they should be here soon to give." She told them before leaving.

    "We're not ready." Emily freaked out. "Sophia's nursery isn't ready. Damn it." Emily snapped out punching Mark's arm hard. "I am so sorry." Emily looked at him feeling the tears fall from her eyes.
    July 1st, 2019 at 10:05pm
  • Gabby nodded. "Yeah, I'm a little shocked about it, but I am excited." She kissed Derek. "What are you doing now?" She asked. "Wanna go spend some time together if you have some down time?"
    Mark shook his head. "Hey, it's okay. We will figure that out. Just breathe." He held her hand, kissing the top of her head. He wiped the tears away from her face, still rubbing her belly. "Do you want me to call anyone?"

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 10:21pm
  • Derek smiled at her, "All our surgeries are done. I have a board meeting this evening. But we have time." Derek smiled at his wife cupping his hand to her belly. Excitement ran through him, he just couldn't explain it.
    Emily shook her head, no. She breathed in and out sighing heavily. "Oh." Emily stared at him a second as a contraction hit as she squeezed his hand as she bit her lip. "Can you tell Gabby?" She whispered gripping tighter to his hand seeing the nurse and guy come in for her epidural. Listing to them tell Mark he'd have to step out and it'd be about forty-five minutes, she kissed his lips as he exited.
    July 1st, 2019 at 10:49pm
  • "Oh wonderful. Then we can go 'catch up on some paperwork'." She winked and kissed her husband. Feeling his hand on her belly, she froze. That was the first time he did that and clearly she wasn't used to it.

    Mark nodded and rushed off to find Gabby. When he found Gabby and Derek, he grinned. "Perfect." He strolled up to them. "Guys! Emily is in labor!" He said.

    "Wait? What? She's like 3 weeks early!" Gabby exclaimed. "How is she?"

    @ requiem;
    July 1st, 2019 at 11:08pm
  • "Is she ok?" Derek questioned his best friend. Seeing Mark just nod. He followed with Gabby as they waited. Derek took and patted Mark's back seeing him freaking out.
    Feeling the drugs course through her. Emily smiled as she took and sighed in relief. The pain was easing off, and from the way Arizona was talking. She was nearing the moment to push little Sophia out.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 12:36am
  • Mark nodded. "Yeah, just in some pain. Nervous about the baby coming a little early, considering we have nothing ready." He spoke truthfully.

    Gabby frowned. "Oh no. Well we can help with getting the nursery ready, if you would like," She offered.

    Mark smiled. "That would be great." He was starting to slowly panic, realizing that the baby was on the way. He looked to Derek and stayed calm. "I'm going to get back to her. I will keep you two posted." He then rushed back to Emily.
    Gabby looked to Derek when Mark left. "Well this just made today even more interesting." She smirked.

    @ requiem;
    July 2nd, 2019 at 12:48am
  • Derek looked to his wife nodding, "Yes, my darling. It sure did." Derek told her and smiled. Kissing the side of her head he took and walked with her to the locker room as he stripped out of scrubs and into his clothes. "How about we get some food and go from there? That way we're close enough to the hospital in case Mark needs us." Derek smiled.
    Breathing in and out. Emily took and closed her eyes. Hearing the door open up, she glanced over seeing Mark come back. Smiling she held to his hand when his hand wrapped around hers. Smiling softly at her boyfriend she looked at him. Noticing him panic she patted his hand with her free one, "Calm down." She whispered. "Everything will be fine." She assured him.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 12:53am
  • Gabby nodded as she watched him change from his scrubs to his clothes. "I never get tired of that." She laughed as she grabbed her pwn belongings. She had never changed into her scrubs, so she would good to go once Derek was changed. "Where did you want to go for dinner?" She asked.

    Mark remained calm as he watched Emily. He was so proud of her and how calm she was remaining. "Hey, I talked with Gabby and Derek, so they know what's going on." He leaned in and kissed her lips. "You're right. Everything will be fine." He smiled.

    @ requiem;
    July 2nd, 2019 at 01:23am
  • Derek smiled at his wife, "Wherever you want to go tonight, baby." Derek smiled kissing her head as he finished gathering his things.
    Emily gave him a light smile. She closed her eyes listing to the monitor going with Sophia's heart rate. Emily took and looked over at her boyfriend smiling softly. She felt the sharp, lasting contraction. "Oh good lord." She gripped to the railing as she winced.
    July 2nd, 2019 at 02:10am