More teeth

  • //No worries!//

    The drive over to the manor was horrible. Not only was Owen alone, but ever so often he would catch himself looking over at the other seat as if Olivia would be there. The driver wouldn't stop talking either. Owen didn't really listen, but gave a nod when the driver looked back at him. It was raining when he stepped out of the car in front of the huge castle-like manor. He quickly stepped inside and closed the door gently behind him, resting the back of his head against it. The lights were on in the hallway already which confused him, it was pretty late. Late enough for everyone to be sleeping.

    Owen stepped out of his shoes and continued into the dining room, only to find Claire and Lockwood deep in conversation without noticing him. He watched them for a minute, mostly Claire who had a look on her face that he knew so well. She was furious and very tired. He wasn't in the mood to talk to them or hear their explanation of why she was here. He just wanted to sleep.

    It gave him a weird feeling in his chest, knowing that she was in the house. It had been a while since he had seen her in person. She was a big name these days, mostly because of her dinosaur protection group, so when he did see her, it was in the newspapers or in reports about her work.

    He quickly undressed and went to bed, head full of thoughts about Olivia and Claire.


    Owen woke up to the sound of a door being opened and closed. The sun was peeking through the curtains, lighting up parts of his room. He sat up and yawned, stretching out his arms and swinging them around a bit. He then hopped out of bed and pulled on some sweatpants that hung low on his hips and left the room.

    He walked downstairs into the kitchen, and noticed Olivia fumble with a cup of coffee before heading into the area where Claire was sitting. He followed her and stood beside her, knowing that Olivia hadn't noticed him.

    Claires eyes widened looking from Owen to Olivia before she could answer Olivia, Owen spoke.

    ''Morning Claire, what a surprise.'' He could sense Olivia jumping a bit beside him which made Owen roll his eyes.

    Claire swallowed and smiled at Olivia before she sent Owen a look that could kill, ''Claire Dearing.''

    ''Right,'' he said and stepped back into the kitchen to pour himself some cereal. He grabbed some milk from the fridge and went to sit at the dining table. ''Why are you here, Claire?'' He asked and poured the milk into the bowl. ''Thought Lowery told you to meet us at Nublar.''
    May 13th, 2018 at 02:28pm
  • @ castle.
    May 13th, 2018 at 02:28pm
  • Olivia had just introduced herself to Claire and before the woman could even return the gesture, Owen was speaking beside her. She jumped, taking an obvious step to the side to put a bit of distance between them. She was still upset over the night before, over Owen reacting so harshly to her when she had tried to open up to him. Her hesitation at being so close to Owen after yesterday's evening was quickly masked when she realized who the other redhead was. Claire.

    Of course Olivia had read the news headlines that detailed the last travesty that occurred on Isla Nublar. Of course Olivia knew who Claire Dearing was. And she knew of Owen's history with her. Her stomach churned as she gave a forced nod of her head.

    Olivia stood there awkwardly as Owen disappeared back into the kitchen, her cheeks flushing as she struggled with what she was supposed to do. Logically, she knew it was the kind thing to do to speak to her but whatever words she may have spoken were caught in the back of her throat. Instead, she inched forward, hesitantly dropping down in a chair opposite and to the side of Claire.

    Claire had no time to say anything to Olivia because Owen had already reappeared, seemingly with a permanent scowl etched across his features. ""Lowery told me to meet you at Nublar. I decided, quite clearly, not to do as I was told," Claire pointed out, sounding nearly bored as she tilted her head to the side. "THought Lockwood would have some interesting things for me that you would decide to keep from me."

    Claire's eyes slid to Olivia's then and Olivia's heart sank because she knew what was coming next, before Claire even spoke. "Tell me about your parents."

    Olivia gulped, looking down to the coffee mug she held in her hands. She took a deep breathe and started to divulge the same facts that she had told Owen less than twelve hours ago. Claire would be on Nublar, there was no point in hiding anything from her. At least Olivia didn't think so.
    May 18th, 2018 at 04:58am
  • Owen eyed up Olivia as she sat at the table, he wasn't sure what he was gonna say to her. He wanted to mention the guy last night, but figured it probably wouldn't be the best thing to bring up while Claire was there. His eyes met Claire's as she talked, her words made him roll his eyes . Of course she had to do the opposite. ''Don't know what I was expecting.'' She didn't reply but went straight for Olivia.

    Claire was intense when she wanted to be, Owen had learned that from personal experience. She either liked you or she didn't, it could always change of course. He didn't really listen as Olivia explained the situation with her parents, he hadn't forgotten at all. As Olivia came to an end with her explanation, Claire's features had softened. ''I'm sorry, Olivia, I really am.''

    ''What did Lockwood tell you last night?'' Owen asked with a mouth full of cereal. When Claire shot him a stern look he just shrugged, ''what?''

    A sigh escaped from Claire and for a moment she looked incredibly tired, ''Not much, just that he was sorry for everything and that he would help us as much as he could, given the time frame we have.'' She fiddled with the watch on her wrist.

    The spoon was half-way up to his mouth when he froze, ''What do you mean time frame? If it's about Olivia's parents then we'll have enou-'' Claire stopped him mid sentence. ''I'm not talking about them. You won't be happy about this, but I'll tell you, or rather show you.''

    He put his spoon down and pushed the bowl away as Claire walked over in between him and Olivia and placed a laptop on the table. She quickly turned it on and opened a program which Owen realized was a Volcano monitor.

    ''Mt.Sibo is erupting?'' He said in nearly a whisper. His stomach turned and for a second he thought he would throw up. ''Not erupting, just active, very active. It's VSL is at MAG 3, however, it won't be long till it goes to 5. We found out because a helicopter had flown over the Island and saw the activity of the Volcano. We weren't sure what to do, so we waited, and then Lowery contacted me.''

    Owen pinched the bridge of his nose, ''Hold on, so you've known for a while now? Without contacting me?''

    @ castle.
    May 18th, 2018 at 12:24pm
  • Olivia's shoulders had been pulled tight together while she stared down at her clasped hands that sat on the table between Claire and herself. She had finished what she had to say and now, she was anticipating Claire reacting the same way that Owen had the night before. She expected Claire to lash out at her and demand to know why Olivia was even wanting to go to the island with them. Olivia knew her reasons were true, sure, but Claire didn't and neither did Owen. Not really, anyway. Especially the way that Owen had reacted the night before.

    So when Claire apologized, Olivia's head snapped up and her eyes widened just slightly. She studied the other woman, her brows knitting together as she tried to figure out why Claire was apologizing. Pity? Olivia hoped not but before she could question Claire, Owen was speaking.

    Olivia swallowed the lump that had formed in her throat as she looked down to her lap, grinding her teeth together. She wanted to confront Owen, still upset over the night before but she knew better than to do so. At the end of the day, they were both there to help the dinosaurs and Olivia had simply gotten in too over her head. That was all there was to it. Right? Olivia just had to keep telling herself that, that she was only physically attracted to Owen. It wasn't his goofy personality or the fact that Owen was into digging bones up just like she was, no. It was just his charmingly, good looks. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Claire's explanation about the time frame sent a chill running down Olivia's spine. The color drained from her features as she studied the program on the computer screen. She didn't understand everything on it but what she did, well, she could tell it certainly wasn't a pleasant situation that they were heading into.

    Letting out a sigh, Olivia shook her head as she turned toward Owen. She made sure to keep her voice completely even, not wanting to react too harshly. SHe didn't want to push Owen too far and cause this trip to be any worse than it already would be. Olivia chewed on the inside of her lip, studying Owen's features for a moment before she spoke. "Owen. Claire knew, we didn't. There's shit all we can do to change that. You can be mad about it but do that later. We have more pressing issues to tend to," she pointed out softly.

    Olivia glanced back to Claire, raising an eyebrow. "Should we leave earlier then? And what's the game plan once we get there?" It wasn't that Olivia was meaning to look to Claire as a leader; the question was meant toward both of them. Since they hadn't really discussed a plan once they touched down on the island, Olivia thought now was maybe their last chance to really try to get a plan in motion.
    May 25th, 2018 at 04:10am
  • Owen's mouth had started to feel like a sponge absorbing all the moisture from his mouth. He sat back in his chair trying to get all his thoughts sorted. His anger was mostly disappointment and frustration. His feelings toward Olivia hadn't changed much, but he wasn't interested in talking to her directly. The fact that she could so easily do that with a stranger was a mystery to him, especially after they kissed. His stomach fluttered as he thought about their kiss.

    As Olivia spoke and all his thoughts about their kiss changed into images of her kissing someone else and his fist balled up. ''You don't understand, it's not about whether I knew, or Claire knew, she should have told me'' He hissed and stood up completely ignoring her ''we''. He slammed his hand down on the table, ''We stick to our original plan, which is that we leave the day after tomorrow. We'll be there a few days before your parents get there.''

    He watched Claire eye Olivia but didn't really care. He took a deep breath and grabbed his plate and went into the kitchen. He washed off the bowl and put it in the dishwasher and placed the milk into its previous spot in the fridge. He then grabbed a glass and filled it with water and gulped it down.

    ''Do not speak to any of us like that, Owen.''

    Claire stormed in much to his surprise making him choke on the water. ''What do you mean?'' He asked with a raised eyebrow and coughed. She moved closer to him and stared him right in the eye, ''I mean be respectful.''

    Owen stared back not budging under her gaze. He already knew her trick, but it didn't work on him anymore. ''You're not intimidating me whatsoever, Claire. You may have done that in the start, but not anymore. You're not in charge.'' He pushed past her and headed for the stairs. ''I agree with Olivia that we should leave earlier,'' she shouted.

    He sighed and turned around walking up to Claire again. ''How long do you give it till it erupts?'' He asked.

    Claire made a face and shrugged, ''I don't know, a month at most.'' Owen nodded and studied her face. ''I can't believe you didn't let me know, after all we went through together on Nublar.'' He took a deep breath and looked away, ''We're leaving as planned, no discussion.''

    He didn't let her answer but just turned away from her and went upstairs to his room. He plopped down on the bed and buried his face in the pillows with a groan.

    @ castle.
    May 25th, 2018 at 12:31pm
  • Olivia was used to her walls being built up because she was a strong woman. Not every guy could handle that and she had accepted that so when she had started to open up to Owen about her parents' involvement in Isla Nublar and the scheme to turn dinosaurs into pets, Olivia hadn't really been prepared for him to react in the way that he had. She had thought, had hoped, that he would simply nod his head and accept what she was telling him as truth. That it was just something else that they would need to tackle together but she had been sure that they could do it together.

    So when Owen had sort of pushed her away, Olivia had jumped to conclusions and accepted that Owen would lump her in the same group that her parents were in. She had been drunk and not thinking straight so it had been easy for her to accept the stranger's affections at the bar. Olivia had thought there was nothing wrong with it because all they had done was kiss and kissing was harmless... Which was why she'd been so stupid to think that kissing Owen had meant anything. They had both been drunk, that was all there was to it.

    She had had half the mind to apologize to Owen but with the way he was treating her this morning, Olivia had pushed the idea away. If Owen was going to be an asshole, he was more than entitled to do so.

    Her shoulders sagged as Owen stormed out of the room, chewing on the inside of her lip as she listened to the discussion in the kitchen. She didn't catch everything but she was thankful when she heard Claire chastise Owen for being so rude to them. Chewing on the inside of her lip, Olivia pushed to her feet and started for the stairs. When she realized Owen was heading toward them, she ducked out of the way and remained there until she heard the tell tale sound of the bedroom door shutting upstairs.

    Olivia's stomach twisted into a firm knot before she started up the stairs, just wanting to be alone. They were going to get through this on the island and once that was all over, Olivia was going to go her separate way. She hadn't known what she thought the future held before last night but now, Olivia was sure that after leaving the island, she'd likely never see Owen again.

    It made her sick to her stomach, to think that she might have hurt Owen because bfore last night, Olivia had thought him to be sort of pure in that sense. She knew he had been in the military and obviously when the whole situation happened at Jurassic World, Owen had gone through some traumatic things but she still wondered if what she had done, had hurt him. Olivia only ever wanted to help and it seemed like she had done the complete opposite. Her shoulders sagged as she stepped into her bedroom, flopping down onto the bed the moment that she was close enough. \

    Wrapping herself up in her blankets, Olivia cursed silently. All she wanted to do was sleep but she had drank coffee and now she was wide awake, there was nothing she could do about it.
    May 30th, 2018 at 06:13am
  • Owen heard the door across from his being opened and closed, he didn't move an inch though. He just stayed there with his face in the pillows. He kept seeing Olivia with that stranger and it bothered him to the core. He didn't want to make a big deal out of it, cause again, they weren't dating whatsoever so he felt like he couldn't say anything to her. But it didn't make him feel less hurt.

    The feeling of betrayal wasn't going away as he laid there feeling sorry for himself. With a loud sigh he rolled around onto his back and stared at the ceiling for a few minutes. He wanted to talk to her about it, but after this morning he didn't feel like facing her. Owen finally got out of bed for the second time that morning and headed for the bathroom. He stripped and stepped into the shower which got him in a much better mood.

    He whistled loudly as he stepped out of the bathroom and started getting dressed properly. While he was pulling on his jeans he decided he would explore a bit more of the mansion. It wasn't every day that he would have the chance to do whatever he wanted in such a big and expensive house, plus he was incredibly interested in finding Lockwood's library.

    Owen was still whistling as he stepped into the hallway and decided to continue down the hall but only found extra rooms. He then went the other way into a completely different wing which was basically a private museum. Art and small artifacts were neatly placed in glass containers, with a small description in front of them. He walked slowly past each display to read about them.

    At the end of the small museum hall there was a double-door entrance which had a big sign saying not to touch anything and that there were cameras everywhere. He chuckled and opened the doors and stepped into a huge room with bookcases everywhere, but the thing that took his breath away was the giant Triceratops skull in the middle of the room.

    ''You have got to be kidding me...'' He whispered and walked closer to the giant skull. He reached out to gently let a finger run across it expecting the surface to be plastic, to his surprise he immediately knew that it was a perfectly intact skull. His heart started to ache as he inspected it closely. He missed the interactions he would have daily on Nublar with the animals. It was an incredible feeling, and as he stood there he thought back to the first couple of days he worked there.

    Besides the Raptors he ended up having a lot of responsibility for a lot of the herbivores, he especially had a soft spot for the Triceratops that they had. He had a special bond with a lot of the younger ones, and especially the one male they had were very affectionate when it came to Owen.

    @ castle.
    June 2nd, 2018 at 08:59pm
  • The more that Olivia laid there, the more she realized that she was nowhere near close to falling asleep. She wished she could just sleep because the ache in her chest was something that she couldn't ignore. Olivia wanted to reach out to Owen and explain herself and her actions from the night before but she wasn't so sure that Owen was going to be receptive to it. She thought that he would brush off her apologies and explanations so she thought that it was best to probably just let the situation go.

    Olivia had just been a bit too invested in the relationship, thought that there would be more to it than what ended up being. Maybe it was because Owen was the first guy that she'd been into that was into the same things she was, the first guy that she had been interested in, in years to begin with... that was it, right? Maybe it was just that Olivia had been lonely and she'd gotten a little too attached quickly.

    Sighing, Olivia pushed the sheets away from her body before she climbed out of the bed. She had nothing else to do but lay in bed and she knew that simply laying there for hours on end would mean she was left to her thoughts with nothing else that she could focus on. She let out a sigh as she left the room, deciding to wonder around the mansion. There was no where that she was really looking for, simply wanting to see the home that belonged to Lockwood. What she had seen of the home had been gorgeous and she was sure that there had to be more of it than she had managed to see so far.

    Olivia hadn't realized that Owen had the same idea until it was too late, her footsteps slowing as she entered the museum wing of the mansion. Her eyes roamed over the first few displays until she turned and it was only then that she saw Owen and the massive triceratops skull than he stood in front of.

    Her breathe caught in the back of her throat and she had to hesitate, taking a step backward on instinct alone. Olivia wasn't supposed to be here, she was intruding on Owen's personal time and that wasn't fair to him. Her stomach twisted into a knot and she started to turn to leave the room. She could come back later in the day when Owen wasn't here.

    But Olivia knew that the trip to the island wasn't going to be pleasant if Owen was angry at her. If there was tension between them, it would prevent the entire crew from being as effective as they could be and with how time sensitive the situation was, Olivia didn't want that. At the end of the day, they were going to the island for the animals. Nothing more, nothing less.

    Biting down on the inside of her lip, Olivia slowly made her way toward Owen. She moved to the side of him, her stomach twisted into a knot. She looked up to the triceratops skull, her breathe catching in the back of her throat. What did she say? Was it stupid of her to stay in the room? It was too late to turn back now.

    ""It's... beautiful," Olivia murmured, tilting her head to the side slightly. She didn't dare look toward Owen to see how he reacted to her words. "I can't wait to get the privilege to see one of them in person. Can't say I thought I would ever get the opportunity."
    June 12th, 2018 at 05:58am
  • Owen froze half-way bend over to read the plaque when Olivia spoke beside him. He straightened his back and nodded, ''Sure is.'' He didn't mean to sound cold, but she had caught him off-guard and he honestly hadn't expected her to be in the same room as him. ''I hope you do. They're amazing.''

    There were so many things he wanted to say to her, how bad she had actually hurt him. How he didn't go around kissing girls just for fun, and how truly humiliating it was to see her kissing someone else within the very same day. He kept his mouth shut and just stared at the skull with his hands in his pockets. He slowly started to move around the room again, not letting Olivia stop his exploring. He grabbed a small book off the shelf and opened it; poems. He rolled his eyes and put it back.

    ''Hopeless romantic, Lockwood,'' he said out loud as he found even more poetry books. ''Can relate,'' he said under his breath.

    Echoes of his steps bounced from wall to wall piercing the silence that had formed between them since the previous night. He wondered if she was gonna say anything about it, own up to it. It was probably too much to expect. Owen opened a cabinet which was filled with all kinds of tiny birds, one more colourful than the other. He recognized some of them from his time at the excavation site, some of them he had never seen before. As he closed it back up he saw a glimpse of Olivia in the glass.

    ''So what are you doing in here, stalking me?'' he joked and looked at her over his shoulder.

    @ castle.
    June 13th, 2018 at 09:59am
  • Olivia's shoulders pulled together, her breathe catching as Owen replied to her. She couldn't remember the last time that she had heard him sound so void of emotion. He was normally joyful and happy to joke around or at least, serious about something he was genuinely invested in. Here, Owen sounded like he was talking out of obligation. No other reason. Exhaling slowly, Olivia looked down to her feet. She kicked at the floor beneath her feet, holding her hands behind her back.

    She was increasingly more uncomfortable the longer the silence stretched. Olivia wanted so badly to say something but she had no clue what she was supposed to say. SHe didn't think there was a single thing that she could say that would make things better, that might make them a little more okay. Olivia cared about Owen and she didn't want him to question that but then, when she thought about it too much, Olivia realized she was hurt. She was angry, too. Not at Owen but at her parents, for putting her in this position to begin with. They knew how much Olivia cared about animals in general, dinosaurs were no different. They had gone behind her back and tried to domesticate them. It would never happen, it would only end in both animals and humans losing their lives for something stupid. Dinosaurs could not be tamed and that would result in humans hurt or worse, killed.

    "I should.. go," Olivia spoke finally, not saying anything in response to Owen. She knew he was trying to joke around with her, maybe to avoid the giant elephant in the room but she couldn't ignore it. Try as hard as she might, it simply wasn't going to happen. No matter how hard she tried to.

    "I mean. I should leave here. Maybe it's just... better if I don't go to the island," Olivia muttered, staring down at her feet. Her stomach churned, her heart racing as she tried to reign in her emotions. "I know things aren't good between us and I don't.. I don't want to take away from what needs to be done there. Whatever's between us doesn't matter when we're over there. Only the dinosaurs do," Olivia spoke a bit more clearly. She didn't like what she was saying, she didn't like feeling like she was giving up but she didn't want to push herself somewhere if she truly didn't belong there.

    Taking a deep breathe, Olivia blurted out what was on her mind before she could think too much more about it. "I'm sorry."
    June 14th, 2018 at 08:23am
  • Owen sighed and leaned up against the cabinet, resting his forehead on the cool glass. ''No,'' he mumbled, ''that's stupid.''

    He wasn't going to let her spoil such a big dream. Not because they were in a funk due to her kissing someone else. He knew he needed her on the island, no doubt about that. There was no way of getting around the fact that to start off with, he did in fact not want her to come with him to the island. But that had changed drastically. With her family being involved it had become her mission as well as his. They were a team now.

    Even back at the excavation site they had been a team. Right off the bat when she had visited the site for the first time, they had clicked. He had grown accustomed to her around him. His admiration for her had grown each day, each hour they spent together. It was always Olivia who had turned a rainy day into something worth appreciating. It was Olivia who turned a day where they felt like they were burning up into a day in the river.

    It was probably due to all these moments that Owen had felt so hurt when she kissed that guy so soon after their own kiss. A kiss, in his opinion, so real that in that moment he would have done anything for her. He felt as if nothing could go wrong. But it did. Her explaining the situation to him had upset him, but he was confused and intoxicated, and he left her. But he came back. If only she had looked towards the door and not in someone else's direction, she would have known he came back. Full of regret and focused on apologizing he had gone back through that door, only to be crushed by the sight of her and a stranger.

    Olivia's sorry surprised him, and his tense shoulders relaxed immediately. With a puzzled look on his face he looked at Olivia, ''What are you sorry for?'' he said this time in a tone which was gentler.

    @ castle.

    //omfg i had written the whole fucking thing and bc im an idiot i click something and iT ALL DISSAPEARED SO I HAD TO REWRITE IT AND AAAAAAA but its ok i managed but holy shit i was annoyed lmao.//
    June 14th, 2018 at 10:50am
  • {Oi. i fucking hate when that happens. if you're using firefox, download the add on form history control and it basically saves everything you type in so that God forbid that happens, you can just pull it right back up XD there used to be a better add on for firefox but it hasn't been updated in quite a few updates for firefox sadly}

    If Olivia had only seen Owen reenter the bar the night before, this conversation would have gone a whole lot different. As far as she knew, Owen had simply abandoned her at the bar after Olivia had come clean about her parents' involvement in the work on the island. She hadn't thought he would react that way or she probably would have waited until they had no longer been drunk but she hadn't had a clue. She was angry with herself for telling Owen, she was frustrated with him for the way he had reacted and she was left not knowing what else she was supposed to say or do.

    Olivia refused to look at Owen as he spoke, afraid that if she did, she'd react. She had no idea whether that would be anger or sadness or some variation of but she knew that whatever it was, it wouldn't be good. Olivia shrugged her shoulders, chewing on the inside of her lip. Her tongue suddenly felt heavy; like it was stopping her from speaking. Olivia drew in a shaky breathe, deciding that she couldn't hide from it. She'd spoken already, it would be childish and ridiculous if she tried to run now.

    "For telling you. For.. for my parents' involvement because it should have never been a thing to begin with," Olivia muttered, reaching up to run a hand down her face. She didn't know Owen had seen her kissing the guy the night before so she didn't know to apologize for that. Truthfully, she didn't even think she had to apologize for it either. "I just wish I had known before this, so I could have stopped it before it even happened. So then my parents wouldn't have been involved and then it would have made everything a bit more difficult for BioSyn. "And even if I wouldn't have been able to stop my parents, at least we would have known for longer and had a longer heads up. You know?" Olivia spoke, turning toward Owen finally. Her frown deepened for a moment. "I just hope we can get there with enough time to make a difference."
    June 15th, 2018 at 03:59am
  • Owen ran a hand through his hair and walked over to Olivia. He stood in front of her for a moment before he pulled her into a hug. ''Don't apologize for telling me, I'm glad you did. It was just a lot and I'm bad at handling certain things when it comes to, well, ancient wrinkly animals that should have been dead.'' He sighed and let her go from his arms, meeting her eyes, ''I came back, you know? Like back to the bar to apologize for the way I reacted. But...'' he trailed off and broke the eye contact.

    He took a step back and went over to the window that overlooked the gardens. Lockwood had appeared and was now sitting on a bench feeding some birds. ''Then when I came back here I saw Claire and Lockwood talking. Took me by surprise to be honest, and then this morning. She tried to take it from me, make it hers.'' The words were spilling out and he didn't really feel like stopping, so he didn't.

    ''You don't understand how heartbreaking it is to have someone you've been so close with, keep things from you. Things about a place you used to call home, a place where you raised a creature so devoted to you that even though it could have killed you in seconds, it didn't. It's important to me, Olivia, and Claire knew that, but she still didn't let me know.''

    Sadness and frustration washed over him as he talked and for a second, he was worried about crying. He rubbed his eyes to make the stinging sensation of tears that were building up go away before they actually found their way out of his eyes. He didn't mean to be like this, but he knew that information like that meant life or death. Not just for Blue, but for all the dinosaurs. If he had known about the activity he would have done something way sooner and not have ''waited'' till some dumbasses decided to go and pick up some dinosaurs and auction them away to other dumbasses.

    ''We will get there in time, I just need you to be on my side, Olivia. Claire is smart, but she doesn't have the connection to the dinosaurs like I do. She might know more about their DNA and how to mess with them, but other than that, she doesn't have a clue.''

    //Noted! Thank you!//

    @ castle.
    June 15th, 2018 at 12:59pm
  • Olivia melted into Owen's hug, more than maybe she should have let herself but it felt so good to be in his arms that she didn't even care enough to pull away from Owen until he pulled away from her. She offered him a light smile at the comment about ancient wrinkly animals, only for that smile to fall away when Owen mentioned that he had returned to the bar. Suddenly and all at once, everything was beginning to make sense to her. The way that Owen had 'abandoned' her, the way that he had been acting throughout the morning...

    Her heart dropped as her stomach sank, her face falling. Olivia dragged in a breathe, trying to figure out what she was even supposed to say to Owen. She was relieved when Owen continued to talk because it gave her a moment to think while listening to what he had to say. Chewing on the inside of her lip, Olivia wrapped her arms around herself.

    Olivia nodded slowly, exhaling as she looked up to Owen. "I know you, Owen. I trust you, I trust your work ethic and your devotion to the animals. I'm not going to do anything that you don't tell me to do. I know you want to focus on what's most important and that's what I'm going for. For the same reasons you're going, except for your connection to them. "I care about dinosaurs, dead or alive. Alive might just be a bit... different to deal with," Olivia said with a dry laugh.

    Falling silent, Olivia shifted her weight from one side to the other. She looked up to Owen, a serious look settling on her features now. "I'm.. I'm sorry, Owen. For last night, I mean. I didn't kiss that.. other guy to upset you or to make you jealous or anything. I just.. I was really upset about how you reacted to what I told you. I feel like maybe I got too invested in.." she paused to take a deep breathe, motioning between them. "Whatever we were. And I took it a lot more seriously than I should have. I'm sorry that I did and going forward, uh, going forward I'll do my best just to keep this as professional as possible, I guess." Olivia hated what she was saying btu she thought it was what Owen wanted to hear and at this point, she was willing to remove her feelings from the situation if she had to.
    June 25th, 2018 at 06:36am
  • Owen laughed with her even though he was feeling a bit tense from admitting he had gone back to the pub and seen what he had seen. The things she said kept him silent, he wasn't sure what he was supposed to answer. He knew she was right about keeping things professional between them, but he wasn't so sure if that was what he wanted. In the end he just nodded and clenched his jaw.

    ''I'm sorry I upset you, and I know you didn't do it do get a reaction out of me, so don't worry about it.'' He looked at her and reached out to squeeze her shoulder, ''Let's just focus on getting those animals to safety and make sure we don't die.'' He offered her a small smile before slowly making his way out of the mini museum.

    ''We still have an entire day tomorrow, so is there anything you want to do or see?'' He asked her gently. He still wanted to take her somewhere instead of wasting a day doing nothing at the manor before they had to leave for Nublar. ''We could ask Claire too if she wants to come,'' he quickly added so it didn't seem like they were going on a ''second'' date.

    There was still a lot to discuss with Claire, and he would probably have to say sorry to her at some point, even though he really didn't want to. He knew Claire only did what she thought was best, but he wouldn't be able to forgive her just yet.

    Owen made his way downstairs and out to where Lockwood was sitting. His feelings were a mess as he sat down beside the elderly man. A deep sigh escaped him, which made Lockwood chuckle, ''Women.''

    ''Women,'' Owen repeated and scoffed.

    @ castle.
    July 2nd, 2018 at 07:59pm
  • Olivia offered a bit more of a forced grin when Owen declared he knew that she hadn't meant to get a rise out of him. She wasn't so sure that she believed that but she wasn't going to argue with him over semantics; it wouldn't get them anywhere good. If anything, it would only be yet another set back and with the task set out in front of them, that was the last thing that they needed. They all needed to head to the island with a good head on their shoulders, not worrying about what the other was going to do tomorrow.

    Looking away from Owen, she was thankful when she was almost positive that Owen didn't see the way her face scrunched when he asked about going somewhere. Olivia wanted to say yes, that she couldn't have cared any less about where they ended up but her words were running through her mind, over and over like a record playing. That they had to remain professional, that they had to keep some distance between each other so neither of them got distracted while they were working. If that happened, it could prove detrimental to not only their efforts but their lives as well. To the dinosaurs' lives.

    "If there's somewhere you want to go, I wouldn't mind going with you," Olivia answered finally, exhaling slowly. She chewed on the inside of her lip, not quite meeting his gaze as she looked up to him. "I'm just going to go lay down and see if I can't read a bit.. never got much time to back at camp," Olivia paused for a moment.

    Backing away from Owen, Olivia cracked a small grin. "I'll see you around?" SHe offered, twisting to head back toward the house.
    July 22nd, 2018 at 07:05am