More teeth

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia whistled at the mention of a private jet, smirking as she gave a nod of her head. She had always flown in first class with her parents so she wasn't shy when it came to flying in luxury but she imagined that a private jet was something else entirely. "Who knew agreeing to work under Owen Grady meant I would end up flying around the globe in a private jet," she teased, not bothering to even try to hide her speak as she sideyed Owen.

    Even from where she sat, the smell of the stew was enough to cause her stomach to growl. Olivia let out a soft groan as she sat forward a bit more, clearly a bit eager to indulge in the supper that was being provided for them. She looked up, nodding in agreement at Owen's mention of Christmas. "When you're used to eating granola bars and crappy MREs because they're quick and cheap then this is like a gourmet meal that's been haunting your dreams," Olivia answered Lowery's question with a laugh.

    Olivia turned her attention back to Owen when he began to describe their plan. She nodded every so often to show that she was listening intently, grinning at his last comment. "Are you sure we're not the assholes? I mean, we are going to be crashing their party," she said, hoping that it came across as nothing more than a joke. She wasn't assuming that she would end up accompanying Owen, she was hopeful but she was trying to remain as levelheaded about the situation as possible.

    When the stew was finished, Olivia pushed to her feet and headed to grab three bowls. She was careful to balance them as she returned to the little group, letting Owen and Lowery grab their bowls before she sat back down. Her first bite, Olivia's eyes rolled as she groaned. "Jesus, I forgot food could even taste like this."
    January 9th, 2018 at 11:18pm
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    Owen laughed at her comment, ''Yeah it pays off having worked for Jurassic World. Plus the hush-money. It's a shame they don't have more secrets.'' He smirked and winked at her but was caught off-guard when her stomach growled. ''Exactly! Thank you,'' he made a motion with his hand towards her, ''See, Lowery? She knows whats up.'' Lowery just huffed and rolled his eyes at them, ''Freaks.''

    ''Nah, we will definitely not be the assholes in this situation. If anyone's the party crashers it's them. They're the ones who just can't leave the island alone.'' He watched as Olivia got to her feet to get some bowls. He smiled as he thanked her and watched as she took the first bite. He raised his eyebrow when her eyes rolled back. ''Yeah don't make that face, honey. Lowery might get the wrong idea,'' he said and took a bite while looking at her.

    He licked his lips and nodded, ''It is pretty damn good though. Fuck.'' They all ate in silence, mostly because they all had their mouths full. Owen finished up his bowl and slid down on the ground and leaned back against the log. He lifted his shirt up and patted his belly. ''Compliments to the chef,'' he sighed and moaned a bit as he relaxed. The air was cool, but the flames were still roaring and keeping everyone warm.

    ''By the way Olivia, this man. He's apparently a bit weird, so just in case he says something to you, don't take it personally.'' He put the bowl down beside him and closed his eyes.
    January 10th, 2018 at 12:04am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia's face scrunched a bit at Owen's comment about her face, her cheeks flushing a deep red when she realized the sort of position she had painted herself into. She fell silent, quickly being dragged into the stew in front of her. Halfway through her bowl, Olivia realized that it was actually a delicious stew and not just how much she had neglected actual food over the past few weeks. Looking up when Owen started to pat his stomach, Olivia couldn't contain her giggle. She looked away quickly, not wanting to be caught staring at Owen or for Lowery to get the wrong sort of idea either. He seemed intent on the idea of her getting with Owen, she didn't want to give him any more fuel.

    Frowning at Owen's comment, Olivia raised an eyebrow as she sat up a bit straighter. Her mind was already racing with the possibilities of what this guy had the potential to say to her. Ultimately she decided that whatever he could say would be nothing that she hadn't heard before. Olivia shrugged her shoulders, chewing on the inside of her lip as she tried not to let herself worry too much about it.

    As was typical with dinner in camp, Olivia was ready to head to sleep shortly after she had finished eating. She rose and laid down with the sun. Yawning as she reached up to rub her eyes, Olivia grinned in Owen and Lowery's direction. "I think I'm going to head in for the night. I'll see you two bright and early," she said, raising to her feet. She brushed off her butt, stretching her arms above her head. Olivia groaned before relaxing, her arms dropping back down to her sides. She bid the boys good night before heading toward her tent.
    January 10th, 2018 at 12:46am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    The pair nodded as Olivia wished them goodnight. The disappointment grew as she walked away from them. He quickly looked away and turned towards Lowery, who was watching him with a knowing look on his face. Owen wanted to punch him, he felt like he was back in high school getting teased for looking at girls. He shook his head and closed his eyes again.

    ''Forget it,'' he mumbled to Lowery, ''There is nothing between us at all, so quit it.'' Lowery nodded and took a deep breath, ''I'm just saying, if something does end up happening between you, I'll be here to tell you I told you so.''

    Owen didn't react to the words and kept his eyes shut. He wasn't going to argue about it, if Lowery thought there was something between him and Olivia, then he was welcome to think so. Owen knew the truth so he wasn't worried about the teasing. He just hoped Lowery wasn't going to continue it in front of Claire.

    The two of them sat by the fire for a couple of hours after Olivia had gone to bed. It was quiet and Owen was thoroughly enjoying the silence. It was nice to just sit there, just listening to the sound of wood burning. It was soothing and it almost lulled him to sleep. He probably would have fallen asleep if it wasn't for Lowery who stood up and stepped over him. He crossed his arms and opened his eyes. ''Going to bed?'' He asked Lowery who nodded, ''yeah man, I'm tired and since I'm gonna be the one driving you to the strip, I might as well get some decent sleep.''

    Owen let him go but stayed at the fire. He was ready to go to bed too, but he didn't really want to get up just yet. After some minutes he finally got up and walked over to his tent. He hurried into it and started undressing. He had already packed, so everything was ready. He got under the thin covers and rested his head on his lower arm. It took some time for him to fall asleep, but he did eventually to the thought of Olivia smiling brightly at him
    January 10th, 2018 at 01:12am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia couldn't remember the last time that she had had a crush on someone. The last time that butterflies had burst in her stomach... well, she didn't know before today. She had always been so focused on school and her career that she hadn't truly dated, she had had a few platonic boyfriends but nothing serious. Nothing that had gone past a few dinner dates before they drifted away from each other. Of course that rarely bothered Olivia; it was only on the lonely nights where she wished that she had someone to share her life with.

    Tonight as she drifted off to sleep, Olivia found herself thinking of someone specific and not just the idea of. She wondered what it would feel like to fall asleep beside Owen, letting his breathing to lull her to sleep. What it would feel like to have his arms wrapped around her to share warmth instead of relying on the sleeping bag she had curled up inside of. Olivia drifted off to sleep as she thought about Owen pulling her into an unexpected hug earlier that day.

    The next morning, Olivia was up bright and early. She rolled up her sleeping bag, strapping it to the top of her bag. Just like every other morning, she started to chow down on a granola bar as she pulled the bag onto her back. Olivia glanced around her tent, letting out a quiet sigh as she ran her free hand through her hair. She wondered what was ahead of her but there was no finding out unless she left here.

    Olivia took a deep breathe as she left the tent, heading toward the path that would take them out to the main road. She was sure that the boys would be there shortly if they weren't already waiting on her.
    January 10th, 2018 at 01:34am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    Owen and Lowery were already sitting in the small minivan that Lowery owned. Owen had swapped his normal work clothing out with a long sleeved shirt that hugged him snugly, and a pair of jeans and some sneakers. A pair of sunglasses were resting on the bridge of his nose lazily. Half of his arm was hanging out of the window which was rolled all the way down. He was whistling some melody when Olivia appeared.

    He pushed his glasses down his nose and looked at her, ''Morning sunshine! Great day for flying, huh?'' He quickly got out of the vehicle and slid the door open for her to crawl into the back seat. ''Excited?'' He asked and wiggled his eyebrows. He felt like a little boy who was going on his first holiday. It wasn't so much the destination that had him excited, it was the time he was going to spend with Olivia.

    ''So Lowery is gonna stay here, and then we'll fly back and then straight to the ship. He'll meet us there.'' Lowery nodded in confirmation, ''A car will be waiting for you guys when you land, here again, the driver will know where to take you. The team will be all ready when you arrive so we won't have to wait for anyone other than you two.''

    ''Oh, I hope you haven't eaten a heavy breakfast such as a granola bar, cause we'll be getting breakfast on the plane, but honestly I think I'm gonna sleep through the whole thing.'' He teased her a bit and turned around, ''It's probably gonna be even better than last nights meal. He winked at her and turned back around. Lowery started the engine, and started driving towards the plane that was waiting for them.
    January 10th, 2018 at 02:47am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia dropped her bag by her feet, sitting in the middle of the back seat so that she could see out of the windshield. She grinned, nodding a bit quicker than she needed to. "I'm excited but I'll admit that I'm actually a bit nervous, too. Still haven't been able to figure out why the hell Lockwood wants me there," she said, her face scrunching. She had spent more hours than she would admit to trying to dissect his possible reasoning. Nothing had formed that made any sort of sense in reality. I'm not that special. Olivia knew damn well she was special but she couldn't place anything that made her special that would pull her along on this trip.

    "Sounds good," Olivia said, thinking nothing more of the plan that Owen and Lowery had put into place. She perked up at the mention of food, her eyes widening a bit as she started to shake her head. While the granola bar had been enough to erase the hunger in the pit of her stomach, there was still plenty of room in there for well made food. Olivia gave a lopsided grin. "No, sir. Haven't eaten in days. I'm starving, withering away into nothing..." she trailed off, smirking when Lowery laughed.

    Lowery shook his head, glancing at her in the rear view mirror. "Yeah, that's not what you were saying last night."

    Olivia reached forward and shoved Lowery's shoulder, grinning from ear to ear as she turned her attention to Owen as they turned onto the street where the landing strip was. "You're just jealous you can't enjoy food on the level that Owen and I do," she answered back simply, giving a one sided shrug.
    January 10th, 2018 at 03:00am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    ''We'll find out soon enough,'' Owen said and perked up the closer they got to the landing strip. His gut was one big mess, mostly cause of nerves and the thought of sitting close to Olivia for 11 hours. He definitely wasn't going to complain.

    He grinned and nodded, ''Good girl. Must be why I saw a rib poking out.'' He pulled back a bit surprised by her movement towards Lowery, but laughed as she shoved him. ''He is definitely jealous,'' Owen said and grabbed the back of Lowerys neck and squeezed him lovingly. It made Lowery jerk away from him, ''you guys are assholes,'' he said but with a big smile on his face. ''You two are lucky that I'm so friendly, I could easily throw you off.''

    Owen just nodded and rolled his eyes, ''Of course.'' He reached for the radio and turned it on. His head moved to the beat of some tune. Lowery started to sing along beside him in broken spanish which made Owen look at him in shock. ''You're a disgrace,'' Owen said and turned the volume up to drown out Lowerys awful voice. The rest of the drive was a battle between Lowery and the volume. Owen hadn't been amused like that for a very long time.
    January 10th, 2018 at 03:21am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia sat back in her seat, a small grin on her face as she watched Owen start to enjoy the music he had turned on. Her smile eased as contentment washed over her. Owen seemed more or less carefree, even with everything that he had been through. Even with everything that was about to go down in the next few weeks. It was refreshing. Usually people were a bit more rigid in this profession because what they did was so important and you risked losing a valuable piece of history if you didn't pay careful attention to what you did.

    Another half hour or so went by in relative peace with Olivia leaning toward one of the back windows so she could watch as the landscape raced by. She had always enjoyed the simple things in life, the beauty around them. She wasn't so sure when the next time she would come here was so she wanted to soak in as much of it as she could. Olivia bit back as a sigh as the vehicle slowed to a stop outside of the landing strip. A small, private jet sat waiting for them.

    Olivia climbed out, pulling her bag onto her shoulder as they began to approach the plane. Once they were settled after saying their goodbyes to Lowery. Olivia sat back in one of the seats, looking up to Owen with a lopsided grin. "I'd say we should have a drink or two to loosen up but I'm not so sure that would be a good idea... should probably go into this with a level head."
    January 11th, 2018 at 12:43am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    Owen sat down next to her and shrugged, ''I am gonna take full advantage of the free booze.'' He winked suggestively and leaned back. The jet wasn't that big, but big enough so that Owen didn't feel completely caged in. The interior was a slick looking creme leather, he looked over his shoulder and noticed a lady rummaging around in the back of the jet. He guessed she was their stewardess for the flight.

    The woman turned her head and noticed him watching her. She closed up the cabinet she had opened and made her way over to them. She greeted them with a big white smile and welcomed them onboard. She did the whole security procedure in a heartbeat and stood there looking at Owen for a bit. He had a feeling she was checking him out, which made him shuffle uncomfortably in his seat.

    ''When we're in the air I'll come back to take your orders,'' she said sweetly and basically wiggled away from them with some extra sway in her hips. Owen rolled his eyes and looked out through the window. He noticed the jet had started rolling and was rapidly picking up in speed. He made sure his seatbelt was fastened and sat back.

    ''Honestly, I love flying. I want to learn how to fly someday.'' He smiled and looked at Olivia, ''Not helicopters, but small airplanes. Then after that maybe I'll move on to helicopters. It must be such a thrill.''

    He watched as the jet left the ground and started passing the clouds until they were at a good height.
    January 11th, 2018 at 01:07am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia hadn't been prepared for the wave of jealousy that washed over her when she noticed the way that their stewardess was treating Owen. Her eyes narrowed slightly as she leaned against the side of her seat, her lips pursing. She hesitated, preparing some sort of angry sentence before she pulled back and realized that she had no place to say anything. She had no claim to Owen and he was a grown man - he could do whatever he pleased. Which unfortunately for her included the stewardess if he wanted.

    Biting her bottom lip, Olivia turned away with a huff. She tried to focus on the ground as it started to whiz by them, jumping when Owen spoke up beside her. She took a deep breathe before she turned toward him, offering a smile that didn't quite reach her eyes the way that it normally would have.

    "Next you're going to tell me that you want to go skydiving because flying helicopters isn't enough of a thrill any longer," Olivia teased while her grin grew a bit. "And who knows what would be after that... I'm not so sure that I would want to know."

    Grinding her teeth together when the stewardess reappeared, Olivia gave a tight smile as she listened to the woman go over the limited menu. She made a crack about only being able to do so much while in the air, winking in Owen's direction which was enough for Olivia to roll her eyes. Once she was finished with taking Owen's order, Olivia was quick to order a chicken salad sandwich with a bag of chips and a water. After their time at camp, all Olivia seemed to want to drink was water. The heat and long hours were enough to dehydrate anyone, it had certainly served to remind her of her love for water. Besides she was afraid that if she drank any alcohol, she would end up saying or doing the wrong thing to either Owen or their stewardess.
    January 11th, 2018 at 02:29am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    Owen noticed how Olivia tensed up beside him and huffed as she turned away. The good feeling he had was immediately gone as they sat there. He looked out of the corner of his eye and was somewhat disappointed that she hadn't turned to face him. He wasn't sure what it was about, so he opted to not asking her about it. He didn't want to make her feel embarrassed. The seatbelt sign had turned off and he quickly unbuckled it.

    ''Already done that,'' he smirked and smiled back. ''Maybe swim with great whites and-''

    He was interrupted as the stewardess came back to take their orders. Owen had ordered two bottles of red wine and a bottle of water as well. He wasn't too hungry right now, so he decided to wait with food for later. He ignored her comment completely which the woman obviously didn't expect. Her eyes narrowed as she twirled around and left to get their orders. As he was thinking about her surprised face, a giggle-fit took over. He covered his mouth with his hand to suppress the laughter that was bubbling up, ''Oh shit did you see her face?''

    He looked at Olivia and rested his forehead on her shoulder as he laughed. ''Oh my god that was too funny. Poor girl.''

    An idea sprung to life in his head as he sat up straight. The woman would probably be back any minute now so he had to act fast if this was gonna make an impression on the woman. He quickly lifted his arm and draped it over Olivia's shoulders and pulled her closer to him. He noticed the woman closing in and he leaned down towards Olivia's ear, ''Just play along,'' he whispered and gently bit her ear. He knew that the woman had appeared in that second and seen how intimate they were being.
    January 11th, 2018 at 01:16pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia looked up when Owen started to laugh, her face scrunching a bit as she watched the happiness grew on his features. As annoyed as she was, it still warmed her heart to see him so carefree. Her shoulders sagged a bit as she gave a lopsided grin, shaking her head. She hadn't been paying attention to the stewardess because she was afraid she would end up saying something that she would regret.

    Before Olivia could even comprehend what was going on, Owen had his arm wrapped around her and he was whispering in her ear. A shiver ran down her spine as her cheeks tinged a few shades darker than normal. His teeth sent goosebumps racing down her arms as she looked up from her lap, Olivia had to take a moment before she clued into what Owen was trying to get at and it took another moment of consideration before she decided that she would play along with this little game of Owen's. Shifting slightly, Olivia leaned into Owen's chest.

    Her heart was racing in a way that it shouldn't be because Owen was technically her boss and she was here on a whim. Biting down on the inside of her lip, Olivia tilted her head back to kiss along his jawline. Her teeth nipped at the skin just below his ear, her hand moving to rest on Owen's inner thigh. That was just about as adventurous as she was willing to get because she didn't want to overstep and end up making things somehow awkward between them.
    January 14th, 2018 at 02:02am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    He was a little surprised when Olivia put her hand on his thigh but was happy that she was doing as he asked. He chuckled in her ear, ''Careful now, girly.'' He gently placed his index finger under her chin and moved her head up so their lips were almost brushing against each other.

    The stewardess appeared and cleared her throat just as he was leaning in. He looked into Olivia's eyes with a big smirk. He turned around with a lazy look on his face. The glare the stewardess sent him couldn't be described, although the look she gave Olivia was a mix of jealousy, anger, and disappointment. She was holding a tray with their orders. Owen could have sworn that if they had been on the ground and if the woman had places she could run to, she would have thrown the tray and done so.

    Owen made eye contact with her and reached for the tray. The woman still hadn't said anything, she was just staring at Olivia and the hand on his thigh. She gave him the tray and hurried off with less sway in her hips. Women. He laughed a little and folded out Olivia's table and put her food and bottled water down on it. He then folded his own out and put the tray on it. He then opened one of the small red wines and poured it into two glasses.

    He placed one of the filled glasses on her table and took a sip of his own. ''Well that was fun, now hopefully she won't buzz around us and be annoying. A face like this has its pros and cons,'' he said and motioned towards his own face and smiled as he looked over at Olivia.
    January 14th, 2018 at 02:30am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia's heart skipped a beat as Owen leaned in to kiss her. She knew it was wrong to even be interested in this. Owen was her boss, several years her senior and it was just... she was sure it was wrong. God forbid her parents found out she was interested in persuing something with Owen Grady, she was sure they would have a thing or two to say about it. They had always wanted her to marry a well off individual. A doctor, a lawyer, a politician even. Someone who could take of her when they were no longer around to make sure she was safe and well cared for.

    Her breathe hitched as her eyes dropped to Owen's lips, only to jump away from Owen when the stewardess cleared her throat. Olivia tried to hide her disappointment at the interruption, chewing on the inside of her lip as she refused to look at the woman. She thanked Owen when he set her food down on the tray in front of her, reaching a little too eagerly for the bottle of water. The cool liquid was enough to relax her even further as she reached her hand into the mini bag of potato chips.

    Olivia wasn't all that hungry so she would leave the sandwich for later, figuring that they still had plenty of time left on the flight that she would end up hungry before the end of it. She bit back a sigh, glancing toward Owen when he commented about his face. She let out a small laugh, shaking her head as she looked away from him.

    "That so? Guess I should be thankful that I get to be in your presence then, huh?" Olivia asked, chuckling as she glanced back toward him. "I guess it's not very often that I get to be with someone so handsome and talented."
    January 14th, 2018 at 10:32pm
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    Owen nodded and took another sip, ''You definitely should. Surprisingly enough, I mean, you're almost at level with me. Grow a beard and you'd probably be more handsome than me.'' He swirled the wine in his glass and yawned. The slight buzzing of the engine and the pressure made him drowsy. He pushed the seat back a bit.

    He downed his drink and sighed, ''Did you know that between 43% and 54% of pilots surveyed in the U.K., Norway, and Sweden admitted having fallen asleep while flying a passenger plane. One-third of them stated that when they woke up, they discovered that their co-pilots had also fallen asleep. How fucking crazy is that?''

    Besides their voices, everything was silent. It was a nice break from the real worlds noise and stress, plus he was here with Olivia. He couldn't complain about anything. Maybe he would take Olivia somewhere else far away in the future if they were still friends. ''Or if we both survive,'' he said quietly under his breath'' He didn't mean to think about it, but the thought of not having any kind of relation to Olivia made him somewhat gloomy. He tried thinking happier thoughts but nothing really seemed to work.

    He picked at the armrest, ''Do you want children?'' he blurted out. He wasn't really sure why he asked that specific question, but it just came out. ''You don't have to answer, its kind of a dumb question,'' he said slightly flustered and looked away.
    January 15th, 2018 at 01:26pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia's face scrunched a bit at the idea of her growing a beard. She already had to shave her legs and other intimate parts of her body, the idea of tacking on yet another part of her body was enough to sour her mood slightly. She bit back a huff at the concept. "Yeah but then I would be as beautiful as I am and would you really want that?" Olivia countered, raising an eyebrow as she glanced his way.

    Owen's next words were enough to send her heart racing as she sat up straight, her eyes widening. "Jesus Christ. I don't think 'fucking crazy' is the right description for that. I'd say something more than fucking insane," she said, setting a hand on her chest. She could still feel her heart racing at the idea. Turning toward the front of the plane, Olivia eyed the cock pit door a bit warily. She was always under the impression that pilots were always alert and focused so just the idea of them not being like that was terrifying. It wasn't as if surviving a plane crash was easy.

    Olivia relaxed back in her seat after several long moments, popping a chip into her mouth. Of all the questions she had expected Owen to ask her, that was one of the last ones. She couched, reaching for her water bottle so that she could wash down the food. It took a minute or so before Olivia had sorted herself out so that she could answer properly. Clearing her throat, Olivia simply shrugged before deciding to elaborate a bit further.

    "I do but I don't think it's in my future, honestly. With how dedicated I am to work, I don't really have the time for a relationship. Besides how many guys are going to understand my obsession with bones and all things dead?" Olivia asked, her tone taking on a bit of a sadder edge. She took a deep breathe before she looked up to Owen, trying to take the limelight off of herself. "How about you? Do you want any kids?"
    January 16th, 2018 at 03:06am
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    Owen stole a potato chip after she had picked one, and started munching on it. He waited patiently for her to find an answer, it wasn't a surprise to him that she definitely wasn't expecting that kind of question. But he was curious and he didn't really know what else to ask her. Plus, he was always interested in peoples opinions, and kids were a touchy subject for some, and with some people, it showed a lot of their personality.

    He listened to her, making sure he wasn't missing a single word. He let out a light laugh when she mentioned all things dead. He could relate. His mouth turned into a straight line as he digested his own question, now directed at himself. He wasn't sure what to answer, so he took his time chewing on the words.

    He did want kids at some point, but that point would probably be too late for him to have any. Not to mention how incredibly childish and fucked up he was. But regardless, he did want kids. He did want a family, someone to settle down with and just enjoy life with.

    ''It's complicated,'' he started, ''but yes, I do want kids. I think my mom would be disappointed if I didn't and she'd surely let me know somehow. Rather not get an ass whooping from her ghost. She was bad enough when she was alive.'' He laughed and examined her face. ''Joke aside, I do want little copies of me running around, whom I can teach about dinosaurs and dig up tiny fossils with. Plus there's something about pregnant women that makes me tingle.''

    He closed his eyes for a bit but quickly opened them again, ''so you're more scared of that happening,'' he pointed to the cockpit, ''rather than facing a T-rex and a whole bunch of super dangerous dinosaurs. What the hell is wrong with you?'' he laughed as he started shaking his head. ''That makes no sense.''
    January 16th, 2018 at 12:46pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Olivia laughed along with Owen at the mention of his mother. She wasn't going to offer condolences because she imagined he had heard that so many times that it got sickening. He seemed to be remembering her in a somewhat fond way and she wasn't going to shift that into a depressing moment if she didn't have to. Her face scrunched at Owen's comment about pregnant women, not sure whether she was reading too much into the comment or not. Deciding that it was probably best left alone since it wasn't her business to begin with, Olivia rolled her eyes as Owen spoke.

    "I don't have any say in whether I die in a plane crash. My chances of surviving one are pretty slim compared to being on Isla Nublar. At least there, I know what I'm up against and I have some sort of control over what happens," Olivia explained with a shrug of her shoulders. She didn't see why her reasoning was so strange to Owen because to her, it was perfectly logical. "Besides I'd be with one helluva handsome guide. What could possibly go wrong?

    Olivia wondered what Owen thought about the potential of the parks reopening. She knew there were tons of tourists that were pushing for it because it was an experience that you just couldn't get anywhere else. Unsure of how Owen would take the question, Olivia tried to ignore her curiosity as much as she could.

    "If you weren't into paleontology, what field would you work in?" Olivia opted for a question that had just popped into her mind, thinking that it was safer than any of the other questions that were buzzing about her mind. "I mean, like if you could do anything else. Even if it wasn't a science field."
    January 17th, 2018 at 11:56pm
  • ciel.

    ciel. (100)

    Owen continued to shake his head, ''You also don't have a say when a T-rex is chasing you.'' He didn't continue the discussion, he just smiled at her and rolled his eyes at her as well. They sat there for a moment, he decided to open up the second wine bottle and poured some into his glass and raised it to his lips.

    He thought about her question. To be honest, he didn't know. ''Musician. Hard rock. I'm a great electric guitar player,'' he said trying hard to sound convincing. He wanted to give her a better answer but it would probably take some time for him to put an answer together. Paleontology was his big interest. Nothing else had ever caught his attention like pre-historic animals and history. He thought hard about the possible ways he could have gone.

    ''Honestly, maybe Marine biology. It's the only thing to spark my curiosity nearly as much as old bones do.'' He shrugged and took a deep breath which triggered a big yawn. He closed his eyes and almost drifted off to sleep. Turbulence didn't let him so he opened his eyes again and waited for the plane to stop jumping. He looked at his watch, wondering how long they had been in the air. Almost two hours.

    ''I think I'm gonna nap. You're welcome to use me as a pillow if you want,'' he said mid-yawn. He then got comfortable and fell asleep beside Olivia.
    January 18th, 2018 at 01:16pm