Saints and Sinners. [closed]

  • Sawyer Baker. Played by Gunslinger;
    Brian. Played by McDreamy;
    Kristen 'Kris' Sanders. Played by McDreamy;
    Zacky. Played by Gunslinger;
    December 11th, 2017 at 02:11am
  • Sawyer stood back stage with Kris as she watched the guys play on stage. She bit her bottom lip lightly as she watched Brian. She had been secretly messing around with him for a few months. Though they were gone on tour and they were finally finishing up their last show before their break. She took a sip of her jack and coke as she watched her brother move across the stage. Brian had decided that it was best not to tell Zacky at all because it would just cause issues. She smiled at Kris, "They are doing amazing tonight." She said. She knew they would go to the bar afterwards and she was ready to party.
    Zacky played the song as he looked out at the crowd. He was glad that the tour was coming to an end. He was excited to see Kris again. He had only spoken to her a little bit since they got back. He knew that he had to keep it a secret thought. Matt would be pissed if he found out that he was dating his little sister. Zacky glanced over, seeing Sawyer eyeing up Brian. He frowned when he seen it, but he knew that she had liked him for awhile. He knew Brian would never act on it though. He smirked as he looked back out at the crowd.
    December 11th, 2017 at 02:17am
  • Kris stood beside of Sawyer and heard her speak as she took a swig off her bud light. Nodding her head, she smiled, “Yeah they are.” Kris told Sawyer and smiled at her. Watching Zacky go back and forth with Brian. She smiled admiring her boyfriend. She’d been seeing him for nearly two years, and hadn’t gotten caught by her brother yet. If Matt ever found out he’d be so pissed it wouldn’t be funny.

    Brian glanced towards Sawyer and smirked at her. He finished up the song as he took and stood at his spot listing to Matt talking to the crowd. He began interacting as he looked back at Sawyer. He looked her up down winking at her grinning. Stopping a second he noticed Zacky eyeing him. He smiled at his friend before they did the finale song of the night.
    December 11th, 2017 at 02:35am
  • Sawyer was glad when the show ended. She sat backstage with Kris as the guys came back. Sawyer looked over as her brother sat down next to her. She looked at Kris, wondering when she was going to actually tell Matt that she was dating her brother. Sawyer had kept her mouth shut about it though because it really wasn't her business and she also didn't want anyone to find out about her and Brian. Sawyer looked over as Matt mentioned going to the bar and all the guys agreed. She stood up, feeling Brian standing behind her. She really just wanted to be alone with him, but she also wanted to enjoy the night with everyone. Sawyer walked out of the building, walking beside of Brian. She really didn't ask much about the tour because she had talked to Brian every night when he got a chance to get away from her brother. She looked over as Zacky walked up beside up them, rolling her eyes when he made the comment that she shouldn't drink too much. "Last time I checked I could make my own decision, but thanks for the advice." She said, smiling at her brother.
    Zacky smiled as he looked at Kris, "Enjoy the show?" He asked. He sat next to his sister, taking a swig of his water. He nodded when he heard Matt mention the bar, "Hell yea I need a beer." He said. He got up and walked with Kris, looking at Matt and everyone ahead of them. "So I figure you can come over tomorrow?" He said now that they were alone. He watched his sister and Brian, "Do those two seem closer than usual?" He asked, looking at his girlfriend. He really just had a weird feeling. He smiled at her, glad to be back with her. Zacky got in the car with everyone. When they got to the bar he walked to the bar, getting himself and Kris a beer.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 11th, 2017 at 02:43am
  • Looking at Zacky once he’d brought her a beer, she noticed her older brother busy with his fiancé. Smiling at Zacky she let a soft sigh escape my lips, “I guess so. I’m not sure.” Kris smiled at Zacky taking a sip off her beer. “You need to relax, and quit stressing.” Kris whispered to him sliding her hand over his leg smiling at him. She was glad Val was keeping Matt busy it gave her some advantage time with Zacky. She knew that Brian and Sawyer were messing around. But it wasn’t her place to tell. Even if it was her boyfriend she’d have to tell.

    Smiling at Sawyer Brian took and sat down handing her a jack and coke. He took and talked with Johnny and Jimmy but also talked with Sawyer as well. He noticed Zacky kind of busy and looked at Sawyer, “Why not come over to my house after we leave here?” Brian suggested quietly.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 11th, 2017 at 02:49am
  • Sawyer took a sip of her drink, then looked at him, "Sure that sounds good." She said, softly. She wouldn't mind spending time with him. She was so glad that he asked. She took a sip of her drink. She knew that Brian was still trying to get around her brother. Sawyer hated that they had to hide their relationship. Sawyer watched Brian, "Exactly how long are we planning on staying?" She said quietly, smiling at him.
    Zacky smiled, "I'm trying to relax." He said, taking a sip of his beer. "So did you think of a way to mention this to Matt?" He asked. He knew that he was waiting for Kris to decide when she wanted to tell Matt. He was honestly shocked that Matt hadn't caught them yet. As much time as they spent together and talked. He finished his beer, ordering another.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 11th, 2017 at 02:56am
  • Glancing over at her Brian smirked a little bit to himself. “I was thinking not long. It’s been too long.” Brian whispered into her ear and smirked at her as he finished his beer up. “Are you ready? Because I sure as hell am ready to leave these dudes, and spend some time with you.” Brian told her grinning.

    Kris looked at Zacky and sighed shrugging. “Not really. I know he’s going to be pissed. I don’t want him pissed. Then shit happen between you guys over me.” Kris sighed looking at him and frowned a bit. “How about we leave and head to my place for the night if you want?” Kris offered smiling at him.

    @ Gunslinger;
    December 11th, 2017 at 03:03am
  • Sawyer smiled, "Yea let's go." She said. She finished her drink, standing up. She waved to everyone, frowning when Zacky asked where she was going. "Oh i'm going to Brian drop me off at my place. I have to be up early." She said, lying with ease. Sawyer walked away with Brian to his car and got in. "I missed you." She said, kissing him softly.
    Zacky smiled at her, "Alright we can go home." He said. He looked over, seeing his sister leaving with Brian, "Where are you going?" He asked her, his eyes shooting up to Brian's. He heard Sawyer explain, "Fine be careful." He said. He looked back at Kris, "Are you ready?" He asked.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 11th, 2017 at 03:56am
  • Brian smirked at her as he leaned over kissing her back. "I missed you too." He whispered starting his car up and pulling out. "The tour was long, and aggravating." Brian admitted. "I know Zacky may kill me. But I think we should really tell him soon." Brian told her.
    Kris smiled at Zacky nodding her head, "I am." She got up and started to walk out hearing Matt.

    "Where you going?" Matt asked her.

    "I'm heading home. Early day at work tomorrow. Zacky is going to drop me off on his way home." Kris smiled at her brother.

    "Fine, just be safe." Matt retorted eyeing Zacky and narrowing his eyes a little bit.

    Kris nodded her head rolling her eyes as she walked out of the bar. Once she was in Zacky's car with him she leaned in and kissed his lips deeply. "God I wanted to do that all night." She whispered to him.
    December 11th, 2017 at 07:28pm
  • Sawyer looked at Brian when he mentioned telling her brother. "Are you sure about that?" She asked. She really didn't want the two guys to fight. "I dont want you two to argue." She said softly. She knew that it was going to happen. Her brother was going to freak out.


    Zacky kissed her, smiling as she pulled away. "Me too." He said. "I missed you so much while we were on tour." He said. Zacky smiled as he started the car, "Lets head home." He said.

    @ McDreamy;

    @ McDreamy;
    December 11th, 2017 at 07:40pm
  • "Yeah he's going to flip his shit." Brian sighed leaning back into the seat once he'd parked. "But, Sawyer. I don't want to hide us anymore." He admitted staring at her. "It's your choice, babe. I promise I am not going to make you choose." He promised.
    Once they'd gotten to his house, Kris got out and walked inside with him. She took and wrapped her arms around his neck kissing his lips as she felt his hands trail down her body. She loved moments like this, and loved having him home from tour finally.
    December 11th, 2017 at 07:46pm
  • Sawyer looked at him, "I just dont want anyone to argue. I mean what if this causes issues for you guys on tour and stuff." She said as he drove. She got out of the car once they were at his house, walking inside with him. She looked at him, "Maybe we should wait a little longer." She said, kissing him. "I kind of like the whole dating without drama thing." She said, lacing her fingers with his.


    Zacky kissed her, his hands moving down to her waist. "I really missed you." He said before kissing her roughly. He ran his fingers through her hair as they kissed.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 11th, 2017 at 11:18pm
  • Brian nodded his head knowing she was right. Brian sighed a little bit, "I agree. Let's wait a little longer." Brian told her before kissing her lips lightly and holding her close.
    Kris moaned into his lips as she gripped to his shoulders. Running her hands through his hair she took and pulled back. "I really missed you too." She whispered kissing him again.
    December 12th, 2017 at 01:41am
  • Saywer kissed him softly, then wrapped her arms around him. Saywer kissed him, "I'm glad you agree." She said. she pulled away from him then went upstairs with him. She sat on his bed, "So any plans this week?" She asked.
    Zacky picked her up and carried her to his room. He laid her down on the bed, then moved over her body. He kissed her, then kissed down her neck. He let his hands slide under her shirt. Zacky kissed her deeply, moaning against her mouth.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 12th, 2017 at 01:52am
  • Brian chuckled pulling his tee off as he took and sat down behind her slipping into a fresh one. “I don’t really have any plans.” Brian admitted to her. “I was hoping to kind of take my girlfriend out of town for the weekend. To get some alone time with her.” Brian looked at her smiling.
    Kris moaned into his mouth gripping onto his shoulders. She felt his hands underneath her shirt and felt the arousal over taking her. It’d been so long since they’d been like this. She slid her hands down his chest and tugged at his shirt. When he pulled back she took it off and threw it as she pulled him back down to her kissing his lips. Her hand slowly made their way to his lower half, as she rubbed her palm over the bulge in his pants.
    December 12th, 2017 at 05:08pm
  • Sawyer looked at him, "Oh really?" She asked. Sawyer leaned against him, "So where did you want to go?" She asked as she laced her fingers together. She figured she would just tell her family she was going somewhere with her friend. She didn't want Matt to get any ideas.
    Zacky pulled his shirt off, then moaned as he felt her hand on him. He wrapped his fingers around her pants, then pulled them down. Zacky kissed her deeply, his hand slipping into her panties. He kissed down her neck as she began to rub him.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 13th, 2017 at 11:23pm
  • "I was thinking maybe we could go up to Big Bear?" Brian suggested. "I have that cabin up there. It's the perfect get away. No one around us at all. Zacky can't give me looks, and we're clear." Brian smiled at her.
    Kris let a moan escape her lips as she felt him rubbing her. She continued rubbing his bulge in his pants and closed her eyes moaning louder. "God I need you." She moaned out pushing his jeans down to his knees and slipping her hands into his boxers as she ran her hand over his cock, before stroking it.
    December 14th, 2017 at 11:15pm
  • Sawyer smiled at him, "That actually sounds really nice." She said. It would be nice for it to just be them for once. Sawyer liked the idea of just spending all her time with him. Sawyer kissed his cheek, "You always think of the best things." She said. She knew that telling her brother about them would change everything. It freaked her out to think that it may end what her and Brian had together. She had wanted him for years and now she had him all to herself.


    Zacky moaned as he felt her hand wrap around his cock, "Fuck." He moaned as he thrust into her hand. He moved away from her before rolling a condom on. He kissed her as he pushed into her, moaning as he felt her around him. "God i missed you." He breathed as he began to thrust.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 15th, 2017 at 01:32am
  • Smiling at her Brian nodded his head. Leaning over he kissed the side of her neck, "I promise this weekend will be amazing." Brian told her. "I had this planned and was hoping you'd say yes. We're going to leave early in the morning. I want all the time that I can get with my girl." Brian whispered to her.
    Kris arched her back as she gripped to his shoulders. Letting a moan escape her lips she kept a grip on him enjoying this. "God." She moaned out. It'd been so long since she'd had this, and she didn't realize how much she'd missed this till this very moment.
    December 15th, 2017 at 01:08pm
  • Sawyer smiled as he kissed her neck, "I can't wait to be alone with you." She said as she laid on the bed with him. She moved so she was on top of him, straddling his lap. She placed her hands on his chest before she leaned down and kissed him softly.
    Zacky moaned as he thrust into her. He could feel himself getting closer to his orgasm, but he wanted to wait for her. He kissed her roughly, moving his hips faster. He pulled away from her, kissing down her neck.

    @ McDreamy;
    December 16th, 2017 at 01:33am