
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    Esther Faye Harrison // Another.Chance
    Elias Clay Pruitt // Bongs Before Bibles
    Johan Park // Another.Chance
    Harlyn Thea Royce // Bongs Before Bibles
    December 17th, 2017 at 06:29am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    A shrill ding signaling the arrival of the elevator, the door slowly open. Lifting his head Elias steps from the contraption. His eyes being greeted with the bustle of workers and guest. Most of whom were oblivious to his arrival. Though a young blond rushes to his side, her smiled never faltering though he could sense fear behind it. "Good Morning, sir." Her words are soft and sweet, confidence laced them, betraying her attempt to keep things professional. "Here are your messages." She rushes out quickly as he starts to move through the building. His office doors in his line of sight. Nodding his head he paused briefly at the doors, wondering if there was more she wished to say, though when she made no attempt he opened his door and entered. The door swung shut behind him, cutting the busyness off from his site. The man moved though his office before dropping the files on his desk. He sat peacefully at his desk, before grabbing the first file. His brow shooting up as he took in the employment papers. He was a little to busy to deal with the hiring and firing of employees, but the moment he opened it he froze. The blue eyes beauty that stared back at him, had his mind going back to a time long past. Those same blue eyes had pierced his soul as he moved through the club. She couldn't have been legal to drink but then he'd been mistaken before. But her desire to have him was more than enough to incite his humor, and who was he to deny a woman her wants of him. Shutting the file he place it down before closing his eyes. He didn't want to think about that, sighing he collected himself before turning his attention to the rest of the messages.
    The chair next to her slid out before being occupied, her eyes lifting from her salad to the man now sitting next to her. "Hello Ryan." She greeted the man. This place wasn't normally crowded but with all the preparation for the up coming event. There was more than the fair share of people. And normally Ryan would have never taken a seat next to her, but it seemed it was one of the last few available. She smiled politely before returning to her food. Ryan was one of her boss's. Really he was her boss's boss. He worked under Mr. Park, everyone knew he was his right hand man. But that didn't stop him from over seeing most of the hiring and firing, plus job performances. Most of the people would say that his title was HR. But he did to much for the company for that to be his only title. "Hello." He greeted, he seemed busy even though he was on lunch, his phone in his hand as he did the best to eat. Shaking her head Harlyn turned back to her food, thinking it was best to just allow him to work. Everyone in the company knew he was over worked, but never said anything about it. Nibbling on her salad she heard a slur of curse words leave his mouth. Before a sigh, "and why the hell was she fired?" He questioned. "I beg your pardon?" She asked softly, uncertain if he was speaking to her or not. Turning her attention back to the man, he was now conversing with someone on the other end of the phone. He shook his head, before letting another sigh leave his lips. "I understand." The words were very forced. Hanging up he pocketed the device before turning to look at the stunned woman next to him, smiling sheepishly and rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry."He apologized for interrupting her meal. "You've been working with Tisha?" He asked her, watching as she nodded, continuing her food. "Well it seems she was let go, and we need someone to take over for her." He said. Before finally touching his food, normally he wouldn't think about using one of their employees for this. But this was so last minute and Harlyn had been working on the project so she wouldn't be dropped in on her head. "I think it'd be good experience for you to take over." He said almost like he was trying to convince her to take the job. Though he'd never really even offered. "I.. um I mean things are pretty much done, just last minute prep so it can't be that hard." She informed him, feeling like she was agreeing.
    December 18th, 2017 at 05:53am
  • Another.Chance

    Another.Chance (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles

    Not long after Elias had walked into his office, Esther stepped into the elevator to head up to her new job as a secretary, filling in for one of the regulars while they were away on maternity leave for the summer. She was lucky she'd found this job, with law school costing so much, she needed the money desperately, and this was much better than waiting tables at the diner across the street. She smoothed out her slim pencil skirt before she stepped out of the elevator, the small heels on her shoes clicking on the floor as she made her way to the main desk to ask who she should speak to, fiddling with one of the buttons on the blue sweater that covered her blouse. Her light brown hair was braided neatly and pulled into a bun, a pair of glasses perched on her nose, the lenses highlighting the freckles scattered across her nose and cheeks at the right angle. She was incredibly nervous, hoping that this job would work out for the best, and she wouldn't have to pick up a night job later on in the summer. She waited patiently by the desk while the woman behind it went to find the person who was to show her around and do her final interview, the young woman fussing with her fingers anxiously.


    Johan hung up the phone with a sigh, running his hand over his face. He'd been on the phone all morning talking to investors and business partners about his upcoming gala, convincing them to come and participate in the charity auction. It didn't help that he had had to fire his party organizer either, but he was confident that Ryan would find someone else to take over. With a sigh he stood from his desk, stomach growling as he headed out of his office and to the cafe downstairs, having forgotten to have a lunch sent up to his office today. He stood patiently in line while he waited to order, eyes scanning the busy cafeteria. He spotted Ryan talking to some woman he vaguely recognized, wondering which department she worked in, and why Ryan would be speaking with her. He had to admit, she was attractive, but still, she didn't seem like Ryan's type, and he knew he was too busy to be dating anyway.
    December 18th, 2017 at 06:32am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Another.Chance
    Elias sat at his desk going over the files for the new shipment, knowing that the last time it was delayed by an hour. However after dealing directly with the boss of the company he was assured it wouldn't ever happen again. It was easy persuasion, he'd just send Jett down to deal with him. Lifting his head the door to his office opened, blinking bored at the woman before him. She quickly made her way to his desk, swaying her hips as she walked. "Sir here's your calls for the last hour, and the invitation to Mr. Park's Gala as you requested." She informed him. He could tell that she was curious, seeing as the event didn't grace his calendar until this morning. He wasn't even sure if he wanted to make an appearances. "Thank you." He said his words indicating that he was finished speaking with her, and her exit was required. Flipping through the messages, he placed them aside knowing that most of them were just updates on projects. Grabbing the invitation to the Gala he looked down at it bored. He knew that his business partner Mr. Park would take offence if he didn't appear and throw out some cash. But it gave him an idea, he'd have to run it by the man himself at the event. Shaking the thoughts off he placed the invitation aside, before turning to his computer. Today would be a mindless day droning on over invoices and fixing problems he's staff has created.
    Harlyn sat there listening to Ryan and his suggestions. She knew that the venue had been book, along with all the entertainment for the night. She just needed to finish thing up with the caterer, and then set the venue up. She knew that it could be an all day issue of setting up. It also depended on the size of the venue and the help she'd have. Smiling softly at Ryan she nodded before standing up. "Okay well it seems like I've got a lot of work cut out for me." She told him, before turning to take her trash out as she heading back to work. She needed to get back up stairs and started on the task at hand. Fixing the issues for the event. She needed to go over everything to make sure she had every thing down. If this was going to fall on her shoulders she wasn't going to get fired for missing something. Lifting her eyes to the door, she reached out for it before being stopped by a hand, grasping it first. Turning to peer at the man before her, she smile softly as he opened the door. She was surprised when he stepped back allowing her to go first. Most men around here weren't very gentlemanly in their haste to return to work. She'd never taken it personal, but it was nice to see the man with his meal in hand and allowing her to exit first. "Thank you." She told him smiling before heading straight for the elevator. She would head up to the office space given to the party planner.
    December 24th, 2017 at 05:52am
  • Another.Chance

    Another.Chance (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Esther was toured around the office by Richard, one of the managers. As he showed her around he introduced to a few people along the way who he thought would be helpful to know if she ever needed anything. The office was huge, but she was sure she'd get used to it. After a quick final interview she was shown her desk, before Richard led her to Elias' office. He knocked on the door before entering, standing in the doorway while Esther waited outside. "Sorry to interrupt, Mr. Pruitt, but we've just hired a temporary replacement for Julie, whose on maternity leave over the summer. Because Julie works pretty closely with you when she's here, I figured you two should be introduced."


    Johan took his meal when it was ready, quickly glancing in the bag to make sure everything was correct before heading to the elevator as well, standing next to Harlyn while they waited. He glanced over at her for a moment, trying to place where he knew her from. "You worked for Tisha, correct?" He asked her when he finally placed her face to her job, waiting for everyone to exit the elevator once it arrived before gesturing to her to enter first, placing an arm across the door so it wouldn't close.
    December 24th, 2017 at 05:32pm
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Another.Chance
    Furrowing his brows Elias looked at the duo before him. Not liking being interrupted while working. Normally people didn't enter with out his approval. There was very few people who he allowed to disturb him. And this man before him wasn't one of them, he didn't like the fact he assumed things either. Though in the back of his mind he knew it was the fact he was standing with the young beauty. He disliked the way the man smiled at her, even more so how his hand gently caressed the lower part of her back. Standing swiftly from his seat he strode over to the two before him. Stopping he let his glare show the disdain he held for the man before him. Shifting he let his gaze fall to the woman, his glare faltering as she seemed to timid. Though he loved the fact he had that affect on her. Offering her his hand, he smiled softly. "Mr. Pruitt." He stated expecting her to introduce herself, though the file that was burning a hole on his desk, told him more than she might have liked. Though by the looks on her face he could tell she recolonized him just couldn't place his face. Which was something he was grateful for.
    Harlyn froze hearing the unfamiliar voice. She turned peering up at the man before her. "Um, yes for the moment that is." She told him, playing like she didn't know about her firing. Seeing as it wasn't really her business to know about the hiring and firing of people. "I was temporarily appointed to her, though my boss is Mr. Taylor." She said before smiling at his chivalry. She stepped into the elevator wondering just who this man was. She'd never seen him before. But the company was rather large and she'd yet to even meet the CEO. So she wasn't surprised when she didn't know other people. She however liked meeting the different types of people who worked hear.
    December 26th, 2017 at 03:51am
  • Another.Chance

    Another.Chance (100)

    United States
    @ Bongs Before Bibles
    Richard frowned a bit as he saw Mr. Pruitt's glare, awkwardly rubbing the back of his neck as he stepped back, realizing his mistake. Esther offered Elias a small, nervous smile as she shook his hand. "Esther Harrison. I'm so sorry to be interrupting you, but Richard insisted I meet you.. But I suppose I should thank you for hiring me, even if it wasn't you that directly hired me..." She spoke softly, smoothing out her skirt nervously. She knew she recognized him from somewhere, but couldn't quite figure out where she'd seen him before. She thought it might be that she'd seen his picture on the company website when she went to apply and submit her application, but she wasn't sure.


    Johan nodded, stepping into the elevator behind her, taking a sip of his drink. "Hm. She was just fired, though, and I believe you're in charge now?" He asked as he looked over at her. He knew she must have already heard about her promotion, and he wanted to make sure she knew that he was expecting a lot from her.
    December 26th, 2017 at 05:00am
  • BBBibles

    BBBibles (100)

    United States
    @ Another.Chance
    Elias smiled at her though it was forced, not many people saw his real smile. He kept things professional and usually used his cold behavior to enforce his wants. He however felt that this woman before him was easier won over by kindness. He could tell just by how she reacted to him in comparison to Richard. "My pleasure, though I won't keep you from your work." He spoke softly to her, his voice almost lulling. He was a man that knew how to get what he wanted from women. "Richard after seeing Miss Harrison is settled, come find me." He told the man next to her rather harshly. He didn't like him and if the man wasn't useful he would have terminated him long ago. But he'd use him until he felt the need to quit. Offer Esther a slight bow he turned from the two of them and headed straight for his desk. He had a few things he had to sort out.
    Harlyn blinked at the man beside her, her thought jumbled. How could he have know that she'd just been promoted. Seeing as her and Ryan had just discussed it. Freezing when she locked eyes with him, she hadn't expected to catch his gaze. "It was discussed with me." She informed him, not knowing who this man was that he was just spouting out about other's business. She'd never meet someone so cold and off putting. His good looks saved him from being a complete loss to man kind. But then again she was only basing this off their first meeting. But she meet a lot of men like that, they were better if their mouths were closed kind of men. But she'd never say that to anyone she had more self control than that to spout off.
    January 2nd, 2018 at 06:12am