Never Found Anyone Like You

  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    December 31st, 2017 at 06:56pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “Sirius, have you seen my cloak?” She asked, rummaging through the closet and sighing. She lived in 12 Grimmald Place to escape her family, but also because she wanted to. Occasionally her clothes went missing and it wasn’t a surprise to her, but she still expected some of her stuff to be in place. She headed up the stairs and to the bedroom, opening it up. “Sirius? My cloak, last place I saw it was on the floor, your doing. But I need it now,” She told him, putting the scarf around her neck.
    December 31st, 2017 at 07:09pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Rosalie sighed a little as she walked into Remus's drafty flat, "Good gods, man - are you really not cold?" she asked him as she tended to the fire that was dying then looked over to him, "I suppose it's no matter - we're about to leave as it were," she murmured lightly as she walked over to him touching his cheek. "Come on now then, we're expected to be there soon - don't want to be late.. again," a small smile curved her features. She always felt more at ease with Remus - ever since she'd met him in fourth year she'd always sheltered a bit of a crush on him. Though he was determined to reject her - she was determined to show him she wasn't going anywhere.
    "I don't know what you're talking about , I haven' touched your cloak," he scoffed as he walked into the room, "I swear things just go missing in this house there is no use trying to understand it.." he said to her as he reached into his own closet, "Here wear one of mine," he said to her smiling a little.
    December 31st, 2017 at 07:14pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She chewed on her lip and sighed, taking it and pulling it on. “Fine, are you ready then?” She asked him, pulling up her hood and sighing. “And you did touch it, how else did it end up on the floor?” She snorted, pulling on her boots.

    He smiled weakly. While he had just almost entirely recouperated from the full moon, he wasn’t still at full strength yet. “Just about,” He said to her, standing and walking to get his cloak. “You know you don’t have to keep coming to get me,” He said softly.
    December 31st, 2017 at 07:25pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "Of course I do," she said to him as she pulled her gloves on more snug then sighed, "Suppose we should go then, I've got to be back at the potions shop by midnight, I've got to fill more orders," working i n the potion shop kept her busy when she wasn't working with the order.

    He nodded a little," I suppose it fell there all on its own," he said to her smiling a bit as he grabbed his gloves and pulled them on, "Suppose they'll have that muggle chili Rosalie made that one time t was very good,"
    December 31st, 2017 at 08:36pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “Suppose we’ll find out when we get there, won’t we?” She said, pulling on a scarf and sighing. “I expect everyone will be meeting at the burrow, so I’ll be ready quickly. Then we can go, by floo or apparation?”

    He nodded a little. “Well I’m ready,” He said quietly, walking up behind her and smiling. “I expect the potion shop is going well?” He asked curiously, closing and shutting the door behind them.
    December 31st, 2017 at 10:23pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "We should do appartion - I'd rather not get all dirty," he said pshing a hand through his dark hair before offering her his arm, 'm'lady," he smiled a little as he looked at her.

    She nodded a little, "Yes, things are going great actually. I've decided i'll start a side business here soon, making stuff for muggles as well. subtle magic to keep them coming back but not enough to be illegal, tinctures and salves for their ailments," she said to him smiling, "Then selling potions on the otherside - I'll be able to support myself fully,"
    December 31st, 2017 at 10:33pm
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She smiled a little. “Yes, of course,” She murmured, taking his arm and sighing as she leaned into him. She heard a crack and felt her body squeeze into nearly nothing before they appeared in front of the burrow. “Come on,” She murmured, going inside and stepping over so they could be checked.

    Remus smiled. “Looks Like you’ll have your life set, which is what I had hoped for you,” He said hopefully, walking along with her. “Any idea when you will begin?”
    December 31st, 2017 at 11:16pm
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    ''As soon as possible," she said to him smiling a little as she looped her arm with his then looked up at him, "I'd be happy to have you come work with me, I always need a second pair of hands," she told him honestly - the shop was busy more often than not; but she also knew because of the anti-werewolf legislation he had issues finding work.

    He nodded a little as he walked inside the cozy house greeting everyone then snatching the small baby out of Lily's arms,"look at this strapping man, he gets bigger every time I see him," he crooned kissing his head.
    January 1st, 2018 at 12:18am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Lucy walked in behind him, pulling her gloves off and smiling a little. “Well babies do in fact grow,” She teased gently, smiling at the infant and leaning close until he giggled. “How are you little one?” She asked softly, moving to sit in an open space.

    “He’s taking after his father is what he’s doing,” James grinned, poking Harry gently.
    He shook his head. “And jeopardize any chances of getting business? I won’t, not in the slightest.” He said simply. “I am happy to support you however, in any way possible.”
    January 1st, 2018 at 01:12am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    "You know if you need anything, you just have to ask," she said as she looked at him as they walked, "I don't mind," she shrugged then wet her lips, "But in all honesty I do need more help around the shop," she admitted.

    He smiled as he looked at Lucy then at Harry, "He looks just like you, despite the eyes of course," he murmured as he tapped the baby's nose.
    January 1st, 2018 at 01:17am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “Why don’t you ask Lily? She was the best potioneer in our year. Or James? His fathers a healer,” He added. “Sirius is also skilled in potions, or Lucy, she’s just as good as I would be,” He said as he listed other people. “And I know, I’m fine how I’ve been I just want you to be successful the way you need to be.”

    She smiled a little. “A happy baby, doesn’t seem like he ever cries,” She said, smiling a little as Remus and Rosalie walked in. “Late again, you two.” She teased.

    “If you want one so much, Sirius, you should have one,” Lily teased coyly.
    January 1st, 2018 at 01:52am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She smiled a little as she looked at him, "I had your pantry stocked the other day it was looking bare," she told Remus as she sighed a little then squealed upon seeing Harry, "Pumpkin oh you're so fat," she smiled as she stole him Sirius making the baby laugh. "Such a good baby, I think he loves me more than you Sirius," she grinned as she snuggled him.

    He smiled a little,"Doubt it, Rosie - we all know I'm his favorite," he said shaking his head then smiling as the baby snuggled into her. Rosalie always had a way with babies, none of them could really understand it.

    "How come you two haven't made it official yet?" James asked looking at Remus expectantly, they'd been sort of on and off dating since their sixth year but he would always push her away.

    Rosalie shrugged a little then sighed, "Good question,"
    January 1st, 2018 at 01:57am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Remus looked up and shook his head. “Don’t look at me like that, there’s nothing to make official,” He said softly, sitting down and grabbing a glass of water.

    Lucy sighed, crossing her arms. “I’d expect it’s only a matter of time,” She mumbled.

    “And when are you going to make it official?” Remus asked in a tone which meant he didn’t want to talk about it anymore.

    “I don’t have anything I need to make official,” She said, sighing a little and shaking her head.
    January 1st, 2018 at 02:05am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Rosalie looked at Harry then sat down in a chair, she couldn't lie his obstinate position about a relationship with her did hurt. After everything she'd done for him, she thought she'd mean more to him. "At least they have symbolence of something, either way whats for dinner? Is Dumbledore coming tonight/" she asked them as she let Harry lay on her chest.

    Sirius shook his head a little, "We're comfortable where we are thank you, why does it all have to be labeled," he mumbled as he shook his head a little.

    Jame looked up, "A cabbage roll with rice," he said, "And I think so,"

    "It's cabbage rolls, not just a cabbage roll,"Lily laughed a little.
    January 1st, 2018 at 02:09am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    She chewed on her lip, and sighed, crossing her arms and leaning against Sirius’s shoulder. “Well one cabbage roll or several I’m starving,” She murmured.

    Remus looked up. “I’ll go get some for everyone,” He said, standing and leaving the room. He gathered plates and sighed, levetating then out to everyone.

    Moments later, Kingsley Shacklebolt and a few others walked in, gathering around the table.
    “I expect it’s timeto start?” Lucy asked, setting her plate down.
    January 1st, 2018 at 02:20am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    She nodded a little,"Yeah, we should get settled. I've got news of my own, there is a lot of talk around my shop," she said as she looked at them then gave Harry to James so he could put him in bed. She sat down at the table and crossed her legs as she poured herself some win.

    "Yes it seems we've got a lot of new information floating around," he said as he looked up when Dumbledore walked in and took a seat amongst everyone else.
    January 1st, 2018 at 02:30am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    Lucy nodded a little as she watched, crossing her arms. There was so much going on, and Dumbledore was informing the others about new tactics Voldemort had begun to use.

    Remus sighed. “They’ve started using the unforgivable curses, we can’t tell who can be trusted anymore.”
    January 1st, 2018 at 03:13am
  • iron underneath;

    iron underneath; (550)

    United States
    Rosalie nodded a little, "I was over hearing someone say that they have meetings at the malfoy manor," she said as she looked at them, "I heard Rosaire talking to someone about it," she muttered lightly, "Not very bright that one,"

    Sirius nodded, "He's always been a bit daft," he muttered as he sighed, "We'll have to do everything we can to protect the most vulnerable in our group, the longbottoms have a baby too about the same age as harry - we'll have you lot go into hiding to keep you safe,"
    January 1st, 2018 at 03:16am
  • musicalpanda

    musicalpanda (100)

    United States
    “It has been decided, a secret keeper will be chosen and Lily and James will go into hiding.” Dumbledore said.

    “But not the Longbottoms? I went through a lot to help steal that prophecy, what if they need protection too?” Lucy asked, slightly angrily.

    “It will be handled, Lucy,” Dumbledore said in a calm tone that made her want to scream.

    Remus looked around and sighed. His best friends in hiding, it terrified him. “Alright, well we’ll need to move fast. A new home and everything in the next few days,” Remus said as he looked at James and Lily.
    January 1st, 2018 at 04:29am