Love in the BAU

  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Aaron looked at her, "If they knew each other. Then what makes them targets? What could connect them to this unsub?" Aaron looked at her opening the case files and looking over everything trying to get a feel of what could be going on with this.
    "Maybe they knew each other?" Jessica walked over to Derek. "Maybe they went to school together, or something? Or maybe were childhood friends. I don't know but I feel like they knew each other." Jessica looked at him.
    January 15th, 2018 at 02:34am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ McDreamy;

    "Maybe they remember the unsub of someone that he was close to." JJ suggested as she got up, making her way over to the coffee pot. Quickly pouring two cups, making the coffee how Hotch liked it. Finishing, she walked over to the table. She set the coffee in front of him. She then sat down, before taking a sip of her coffee. She was trying to figure things out, but didn't know how to fully wrap head on why someone would want to do this, especially to young girls.
    Derek nodded, "That's an idea." He spoke softly as he looked over to her. He wrote down, some things in his notepad, then kept on things. He pulled out his phone, texting Rossi to see what he and Reid had come up with. He then called Hotch and JJ, wanting to see how things were going at the Police Station.
    January 15th, 2018 at 05:13am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Aaron smiled taking a sip of his coffee listing to her talk. "Possibly. We need to dig deep and fast." Aaron said to her. He didn't want a body to show up while he was here. He was hoping one didn't, and they could catch the killer before that happened.
    Jessica finished up as she took and walked with Derek once they were done. Going to the SUV she took and stopped in her tracks noticing a man staring at them. She took and looked at him carefully, seeing him eye her. "Derek." Jessica softly spoke to her partner as she glanced towards the man who was quickly getting in his car now, and speeding off. Jessica got into the SUV quickly staring at Derek.
    January 16th, 2018 at 12:47pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    JJ looked to Aaron, nodding in agreement with him. "I know, I agree." She spoke softly. She knew that they needed and wanted to find these girls before someone came up missing or dead. She took a soft sigh on her lips, before taking a sip of her coffee. Looking at him, JJ put a hand on top of Aaron's hand. "It's going to be okay honey." She spoke with a sweet smile. "We'll figure this out."
    Derek looked up when Jessica called his name. His eyes met with hers before moving to the man that she was looking at. Watching the man as he rushed into his car and sped off, Derek jumped into the SUV with Jessica and then drove behind the man. The SUV sirens were playing and the lights were on as Derek went off the man.
    January 16th, 2018 at 10:48pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ McDreamy;

    Couldn't remember hit I hit the reply button or not.
    January 16th, 2018 at 10:53pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Aaron glanced at JJ as she spoke to him. “We may baby, but what if it’s not in time? What if he takes another victim before we’re able to figure this out.” Aaron sighed leaning into his seat. “We need to get the other four in here and see if they’ve found out anything yet. I think Jessica was a good match for Derek. You were right on that.” Aaron smiled at JJ. “Let’s get to figuring this out before anything else happens.” Aaron told his girlfriend and smiled at her.

    Seeing the man pull over, Jessica looked at Derek a moment. “He wasn’t doing anything wrong.” She told him staring. “Just stalkers staring, and at the scene.” She sighed seeing him grin before slipping out of the SUV. Following his lead, she walked up with him to the car.

    “Sir, why were you at that crime scene?” Jessica asked.

    “I have no idea what you are talking about? I had come to the park to go for a walk. I happened to see you two and glanced before getting in and leaving.” The man spoke formally and nervous.

    “Is that so?” Jessica asked. “I didn’t see you walking. You were standing at your car, staring.” Jessica snapped out.

    “Am I under arrest or just being harassed?” The man asked casually.

    Seeing Derek nod his head, “You’re free.” Jessica spoke watching the man drive off. “Did you get the car make and all?” Jessica asked hoping he’d gotten something they could use to see who this man was and to track him.
    January 18th, 2018 at 01:49pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ McDreamy;

    JJ nodded at the idea of getting the others here to discuss this. "I agree." She said as she pulled out her phone. She figured she would text Rossi and Reid, then Derek and Jessica, to see where they were and if they were ready to start heading back to the Police Station. When Rossi replied back, JJ looked to Hotch. "Dave said that they were heading on their way back." She said, "However, Derek or Jessica haven't replied back yet." She said, getting a little worried that something might have happened. But she didn't want to start worrying or freaking out yet, considering she knew how these agents worked.
    Derek followed the man, and was a little relieved when the man pulled over. Putting the SUV in park, he quickly jumped out with Jessica, a hand on his gun just in case. Letting Jessica take control on this one, Derek just watched these things unfold. However, he was no idiot when it came to things like this. While Jessica spoke to the man, Derek was jotting down the make, model, color of the car, and even the license's plate number. When the man drove off and he heard Jessica about getting the car's make and all, Derek gave her another grin. "Baby girl, what kind of agent do you think I am?' He chuckled, showing her that he got all that information.
    January 24th, 2018 at 01:07am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Aaron looked at her, “I am sure their alright. Might be out of cell phone range or service.” Aaron suggested and hoped they were ok. He would take and wait a little longer before he took and did anything before going to search for the two.

    Jessica slapped his chest playfully, “You’re an amazing agent so far, Derek.” Jessica smiled at her partner walking back towards the SUV. “That guy just gave me the creeps.” She admitted getting inside and seeing her phone. She saw the message from JJ. “Hey JJ is wanting us back at the station.” Jessica told Derek showing him the text.
    February 15th, 2018 at 02:41am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    JJ nodded, "You might be right." She said as she looked to her phone once more, waiting for Derek or Jessica to text her back. "I'm not going to panic...not yet anyway." She mumbled as she reviewed the notes that they had so far for the case. When Rossi and Reid walked into the Police Station, she nodded towards them, watching as they moved to the room. She looked to Aaron for a moment, smiling sweetly at him. She nodded to Rossi, giving him the information that her and Aaron had started working on. "I'm just waiting to hear back from either Morgan or Jessica, and hopefully they will be here soon."
    Derek nodded, "I know I am." He wiggled his eyebrows and laughed a little, making their way back towards the SUV. When he heard her mention about JJ wanting them back to the station, He nodded. "Well looks like it's time to go meet up with the rest of the team." He smiled, climbing into the SUV. Once they were both in, Derek started the vehicle before driving to the Station. When they got there, Derek parked before getting out, then walked over to Jessica's side, opening the door for her.
    February 16th, 2018 at 03:59am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Aaron took and bit on his lip as he sighed waiting to see if they came through the doors. He was beginning to grow worry. He couldn't believe those two. He sighed hearing Rossi say his name. He turned and looked at him, "Huh?" He questioned.

    "Are you alright?" Rossi asked.

    "Derek nor Jessica has checked in. Since they left. It has me kind of worried." Aaron told them admitting it as he took and sighed to himself.

    "I'm sure their alright." Rossi commented.

    Aaron nodded his head hoping his close friend was right. Shoving his hands into his pocket he took and sighed a little bit.
    Jessica grinned when he opened her door, "A gentleman." She teased getting out as he shut the door. She smiled as she walked with him. She was enjoying having him as a partner. He was truly a great guy and very caring.
    February 16th, 2018 at 04:17am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    JJ got up from her chair, walking behind Aaron. "Hey, it's going to be okay." She reassured him as her hands made their ways to his shoulders. She put her hands on his shoulders, gently massaging his shoulders. "Rossi is right. They're alright, they just haven't got to check in yet." She spoke softly and kissed his cheek. She kept rubbing his shoulders, feeling his slowly relax.
    Derek grinned, nodding to her. "Of course." He winked to her before heading into the Station with her. When they entered into the station, Derek made eye contact with JJ. He could tell that Hotch must had been worried due to the way JJ was with him. "We should get in there." He smirked before opening the conference room door for her. "Ladies first." He spoke softly. When Jessica walked in, Derek followed behind her. "Everyone lighten up...we're here." He grinned, bringing light to the room.

    When JJ saw Derek, she just smiled a little, knowing that Aaron would better relax now. "We're so glad to see you guys." She said as she let go of Aaron's shoulders. "Did you have any luck out there?"
    February 16th, 2018 at 04:41am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    "Glad you two are alright." Aaron turned around and smiled. He saw Jessica nod her head. "What did you get?" Aaron asked.

    "There was a guy at the crime scene. He actually followed us, watched us. He left quickly. But we managed to get him, and Derek got all the information." Jessica smiled.

    "We need to run the information see what we got and who we got." Aaron said.

    "I agree." Jessica smiled as she stood with Derek seeing him grinning at her as she blushed and turned her attention to her new team.
    February 17th, 2018 at 03:34am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    Derek let Jessica do all the talking as he showed Hotch some of the pictures that they took at the crime scene. He then handed him the information that he got on the guy. "I figured we should probably track him down and bring him in for questioning." He just said as he heard Hotch say the same thing.

    JJ walked over to get the information from Hotch that Derek gave him, then started looking up the information on the guy. "Here you go." She said to the team as she printed copies for everyone.
    February 17th, 2018 at 06:49pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Aaron looked over the information. "Well, he has a bad background on him." Aaron said. "Let's get him in and get him questioned. Jessica and Derek you two go get him." Aaron smiled at them.

    Jessica nodded her head, "You ready?" She asked Derek walking out of the conference room with him. "Let's go bag a creep." She giggled walking with Derek.
    February 17th, 2018 at 07:03pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    @ McDreamy;

    "You two be careful." JJ said to Jessica and Derek. "If you guys need anything, please let me know." She stayed sitting next to Aaron as she looked at some things.

    Derek nodded, "I'm always ready." He grinned, walking with her out of the conference room. He went to the car, hoping the door for Jessica, helping her inside. He then got into the SUV as well.

    Once Jessica and Derek were gone, JJ looked to Aaron, smiling a little.
    February 17th, 2018 at 07:15pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    "Those two are going to end up together." Aaron said to JJ as he smiled at his girlfriend before writing on the case file he had in front of him jotting his notes down for his own supervisor.

    Jessica smiled at Derek once they were on the road. Pulling up to the house she saw the car there. She got out slowly and began walking up to the door with Derek. Stopping she stared at it, "Hope this goes good." She whispered to him knocking on the door.
    February 17th, 2018 at 07:43pm
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    JJ nodded agreeing with Aaron. "You're probably right." She smirked as she got up to walk over towards Aaron. "What are you jotting down?" She asked curiously as she peeked over his shoulder. As she stood behind him, she placed a hand on his shoulders, gently rubbing them

    Derek nodded in agreement, "I hope this goes good and easy." He said with a sweet smile before making his way to the door. HE stood there with Jessica as he knocked on the door.
    February 17th, 2018 at 10:45pm
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    "Just some of the information that we've gathered so far on this case." Aaron smiled up at her. "Why?" He smiled putting his hands on her hips and pulling her down towards him.

    Jessica heard something as she heard another door slam. "He's running." Jessica told Derek. She took off one way as he went another. She ran seeing the man going into the woods out back from his home. She ran as fast as she could trying to get him.
    February 18th, 2018 at 04:05am
  • Lil Miss Writer

    Lil Miss Writer (100)

    United States
    A small smile escaped her lips as she felt Aaron's hands on her hips. "Curiosity just struck me." She said as she moved herself a little closer towards him. Looking down at him, JJ couldn't help but run her fingers through his thick black hair, looking into his piercing blue eyes.

    Derek couldn't help but sigh. Of course the man was running...they always did. Derek nodded to her as he watched Jessica take off one way before assisting their current location, taking off in another direction to trap the man from getting away. As they ran in the woods, Derek kept a sharp eye around him, making sure that he was aware of his surroundings.
    February 18th, 2018 at 04:35am
  • amandarenee08

    amandarenee08 (100)

    United States
    Aaron chuckled lightly looking up at her. He loved the feel of her hand going through his hair. Smiling to himself he leaned up kissing her lips lightly. "I want this case to end. So we can return home, and I can spend some time with you." He smiled at her.

    Jessica rushed after the man seeing him disappear behind a shed. She ran right for him knocking both of them down. She wrestled with him a little till she got the upper hand. Slapping the cuffs onto his hands she yanked him up and sighed heavily seeing Derek coming to them. "I got him." Jessica smiled softly.
    February 19th, 2018 at 02:25am