The Past Came Running

  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Jamie Lannister | 43.

    I miss the words we used to say
    I miss the sounds of yesterday
    I miss the games we used to play
    I was trapped inside a dream
    I couldn't see her next to me
    I didn't know she'd set me free

    Adianna Oakthorne | 26
    January 10th, 2018 at 11:28pm
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Adianna considered herself far luckier than most others, if only because she had escaped Cersei Lannister's wrath. Just barely but she had managed to with Jaime's help. He had known how angry his sister was and understanding that there was no real way for him to save Adianna, he had sent her about as far away as he could. To a city that Cersei wouldn't bother to send someone to. Astapor, far enough away that she would never have to worry about the royal handmaiden again. What were the chances that Adianna ever step foot on her native soil again? Climbing aboard that ship had been the scariest thing that the young girl had needed to do. She was only sixteen at the time, afraid of what a foreign country would mean for her. She was a handmaiden to a highborn lady but the moment she step foot off of the boat Jamie had sent her on, she was no one.

    She became little more than a whore that day, sold to the master that was willing to bid the highest. From what little she understood of the language of Astapor, she had been sold for a high price. She was a foreigner, exotic. And so she began her new life on her back, on her knees, whatever her owner wished of her. Sometimes she was brutalized by his friends, by his guests, and even by other slaves as a sort of reward. Adianna didn't enjoy her life but she had certainly come to terms with it long ago.

    The whispers had begun days ago, that Daenarys Stormborn of House Targaryen was in the city. She had heard and understood that it was a big deal but at the same time, known that she was unlikely to have any contact with the young girl. It wasn't until days later that her world was upturned, once again. Daenarys had control of the Unsullied, had ordered them to kill the masters and now, she had taken control of the city Adianna had called home.

    Adianna had only met Daenarys because she had known Missandrei, had considered the interpreter a friend. She had gone off to find Missandrei in hopes of finding the woman alive and well, only to be shell shocked when she discovered her circumstances. And just like that, Daenarys had trusted Adianna because Missandrei had trusted Adianna.

    - - - - -

    Adianna had arrived to the Dragonpit with the others pledged to House Targaryen and yet, she was afraid for an entirely different reason. She wasn't afraid because of the white walkers or the idea of Cersei Lannister laughing in their faces, no. That didn't scare her because there was quite the possibility that she never make it out of the Dragonpit alive. She couldn't be certain that Jaime be at the meeting but she was almost sure he would be. If he was well, if he was in Kings Landing, there was really no other option out there.

    Her breathe hitched as she spotted the first of the Lannister soldiers coming around the bend, her entire body going rigid as she first laid eyes on Cersei. Would the woman recognize her? She certainly hoped not, especially if Jaime wasn't to attend. But just as the thought passed through her mind, Jamie rounded the corner and Adianna swayed in the breeze. Her heart skipped a beat and on instinct alone, she took a small step forward before Missandrei caught her arm. Adianna swallowed around the lump that had formed in her throat. She stilled, unable to tear her gaze from Jaime as he walked beside his sister. Would any of the Lannisters recognize her?
    January 10th, 2018 at 11:29pm
  • False_Alarm

    False_Alarm (100)

    United States
    Jaime Lannister | "Hear Me Roar"


    The days leading up to the meeting between the Lannisters and the Targaryen girl had been tense. Cersei had been in a foul mood, though truthfully she had since Jaime returned from the slaughter his men received at the hands of the Dothraki. However as Jaime glances towards her, she looks... Apathetic. Aloof, though he can spot the curl of disdain on the edges of her lips. Around them in the old dragon pit are their soldiers and advisers of theirs. Across from them are Daenerys' allies, the Dragon Queen herself had yet to show up though. There's a coldness on the wind though Jaime hardly notices it. The eldest Lannister son is too far in his own head to notice much of anything. They wanted a truce, or to talk about one. And while Jaime wanted there to be some peaceful resolve to this, some truce- he couldn't think of a single circumstance that his sister would accept. Jaime didn't think she feared losing this war that much. While she had felt their situation growing more desperate by the day, Jaime knew she was too stubborn to accept a truce. Even if it was just a temporary one.

    Still the terseness of the past few days was nothing compared to the stagnant, stifling apprehension and irritation that could be felt as he and Cersei walked into Dragon's Pit. The two Lannisters were flanked by the allies they had, and an impressive group of soldiers. Already Jaime could see that Daenerys' allies were already there, milling about and waiting. The eldest Lannister son holds himself with a sense of pride as he sweeps up the stairs though he does cast his gaze around to analyze the group. There was of course Ned's bastard, though he looked far more mature and grizzled than when Jaime had seen him last. Frowning his gaze moves on to Brienne of Tarth, and his lips press thinly together. Brienne was... He cared for her. Jaime knew that, and it hurt him to see him with his enemies, though he had known it would be like that. Wars cared not for friendships. He's stirred from his thoughts though as the sound of heavy footsteps fill the air, and the Hounds all but stomps over to whatever monster the Mountain had become.

    The conversation is one sided before the scarred Clegane stalks from the pit. There's a chill in the air as silence falls once more on the groups; uneasily regarding one another. From the corner of his eye, Jaime finally sees his younger brother. Behind him are two women. The one that Jaime can see has dark skin and curly hair. There's a woman beside her but the sun blocks him from seeing her face. With a small frown he looks back at his brother. Tyrion however does not notice him; his gaze is on Cersei. The eldest Lannister's gaze is slightly narrowed, and the corners of her lips turned down in a scowl. Jaime's sure she'd like to hang Tyrion's head on a spike but she instead begins to question Tyrion. Asking where Daenerys' was, and didn't seem much pleased with the answer she'd be with them soon. The silence once again thickens between the assembled groups; only to be broken minutes later by the sound of heavy wings beating the air. At once Jaime goes rigid; he heard that sound when he was on the battlefield of the Lannisters and Dothraki. The sound of dragon wings becomes louder, and a terrifying screech splits the air. "It would seem the Dragon Queen has arrived."

    The dragon is as awe inspiring and utterly terrifying as Jaime recalled from the battle, though he did not let that fear show on his face. Instead he watches as the Dragon Queen approaches, and takes her seat and the meeting begins. At first it doesn't run smoothly and Jaime does not believe for one moment their tales of the Night King and his army of dead. Jaime would of gone to his grave not believing in such rubbish had it not been for what Daenerys and her people had brought along. A wight, one of the soldiers for the Night King. Jaime was not a religious man, he wasn't one who believed in fantasy- but even he could not deny the abomination that they'd brought. Should the two sides fight one another, they would all die. The Lannisters, his unborn child, everything, would be gone. He had nearly sighed aloud with relief when Cersei agreed to the truce. Or at least she did for a few minutes, until Jon Snow the honorable bastard decided to refuse to swear to stay out of the coming war between Cersei and Daenerys. When he had refused that, the meeting devolved rather quickly with Cersei refusing to the truce and Jaime feeling as if the naive White Wolf had damned them all.

    He's left in his seat with shock and disappointment as Cersei storms out of Dragon's Pit with their allies; leaving Jaime alone. Throwing a dark look at Jon he too begins to storm from the pit; when he notes one last familiar face. Adianna, his former lover. As if walking into a brick wall the golden haired Lannister stops suddenly, his breath hitching in his throat as he tried to comprehend his latest surprise. How...? How was she here? He had sent her far, far away from Cersei's rage and yet here she was standing by the Dragon Queen's side. She looked a little older than he remembered, though beautiful all the same. He's still staring at her with a dumbfounded expression when her gaze when she looks away from the woman with curly hair and dark skin, and to him. Without thinking Jaime changes directions, walking briskly towards Adianna and reaches her in no time. At first he cannot say anything, just merely stand in front of her like a mute. Eventually though he does find his voice; soft and gravely. "Adianna. It's been many years." He wants to ask her so many things, wants to take her into his arms as if nothing's changed. But it has, which is why instead he simply clears his throat. "Would you care to walk with me? I wish to ask you a few questions." Everything he wants to ask, Jaime wants to do so in private away from prying ears and eyes.
    January 11th, 2018 at 03:48am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Adianna Oakthorne

    Terrified did not even begin to describe the way that Adianna felt when she heard the dragons approaching. She knew that what was about to go down wouldn't be pleasant for anyone. Even if Daenarys somehow managed to convince Cersei that they should join arms to defeat the Night King... Adianna felt like she was going to be sick. She stood behind Tyrion, hoping that the youngest Lannister would act as a shield. She hoped against hope that the sight of her youngest sibling would be enough to divert Cersei's attention away from the traitorous whore standing right behind him. Adianna knew Cersei Lannister perhaps a bit more intimately than she should have. She knew that if Cersei saw her and recognized the loyalty that Adianna now pledged to the usurper, the Queen's rage would be unwavering.

    It seemed that the ironic shield that was Tyrion Lannister seemed to be working well. Cersei hadn't seen her and now she was storming out of the Dragonpit all because Jon Snow couldn't lie. Adianna knew that it was stupid to almost be thankful but she was. Adianna knew the sort of woman that Cersei was, knew that she would back stab Daenarys and Jon the moment that she saw the opportunity. Cersei was the furthest from trustworthy. She would do whatever she could to remain on the Iron Throne, she didn't give a shit who died in the way. Now that she didn't have her children any longer... there was no one in the world that she really wanted to keep safe.

    Her thoughts were interrupted when Missandrei fell silent. The girl stared affixed to something in front of them and Adianna had a feeling she knew what it was. She swallowed, watching the various emotions flit across her friend's features. A touch of fear, surprise, confusion. Adianna drew in a deep breathe as if she prepared herself because in her heart of hearts, she knew what she was about to face. She wasn't sure she was brave enough to face Jaime again. Even after all of these years, Adianna still hurt because of what had transpired between them. She couldn't say she blamed him for sending her away but still, that didn't make the pain any less.

    Adianna's eyes locked with Jaime's and for a moment, all she could do was watch and stare at him. She could feel Daenarys and Jon's eyes on them. Could feel the Unsullied and the Dothraki watching and waiting for the order to be given. It was no secret who Jaime was, the Kingslayer was a famous man. Daenarys would surely kill him and just the thought was enough to make Adianna weak at the knees. To watch Jaime burn would break her. There had been nights when Adianna simply laid in Jaime's bed while playing with his hair and promising him that everything was alright. Jaime hadn't been immune to nightmares, fueled by the war he had fought in when he was younger.

    She was silent even as Jaime addressed her, not having a single thing she could think of to say. Adianna was fearful for a moment when Jaime spoke to her because she had never told Daenarys of her connection to the Lannisters in fear it would cause Dany to have her killed. And here Jaime was, shouting it for all of the world to hear. Adianna was silent as she turned toward Daenarys. Just as hse had suspected, the Queen was watching them intensely. A slight nod of the blonde haired girl's head was all it took for Adianna to nod in Jaime's direction. It took a moment longer before Adianna found the courage to walk, stepping around Tyrion's chair to stand directly in front of Jaime.

    Wanting nothing more than to throw herself into his arms, Adianna had to resist. She fell into step beside him, the silence stretching between them until they had stepped out of the Dragonpit. She wasn't sure what to say, if there was anything at all to even say between them, so she decided to leave the words up to Jaime. She knew how she felt but she doubted it was a reciprocated feeling and she didn't want to make a fool of herself.
    January 11th, 2018 at 05:39am