Can't Get You Off My Mind

  • tommygun baby

    tommygun baby (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Kelsey Lawson - played by black.dahlia

    Matthew Sanders - played by tommygun baby

    Veronica Anderson - played by tommygun baby

    Zachary Baker - played by black.dahlia

    this is a closed roleplay between me and black.dahlia!!!
    January 21st, 2018 at 09:30pm
  • tommygun baby

    tommygun baby (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    To say Veronica was anxious was a complete understatement. Wearing a black hoodie and ripped jeans alongside her black converses, she debated throughout the walk if she was dressed alright for school. Her and her best friend, Kelsey, hadn't been in a school environment in years for their own reasons; and now they're being forced by their parents to attend a local high school. Looking on the bright side, Veronica knew that Kelsey would be joining her in the school - so at least she knew someone.

    Veronica went through hell with bullying throughout her school life and outside - and eventually snapped at a bully and got into a physical fight. With no-one to back up her side of the story, she was kicked out of her last high school; and nowhere would take her apart from this one.

    Currently walking with Kelsey, the red haired girl saw her friend visibly tense up when they got to the school gates. Simply, she placed a hand on Kelsey's shoulder, and squeezed lightly.

    "As long as I'm in the same school as you, nobody will lay a hand on you Kel." Veronica was the one in the friendship who wasn't afraid of confrontation - but anxiety did get the best of her, so she was kinda hoping she wouldn't get into a fight on the first day.
    Another day at the same old boring high school... To say Matt hated school was an understatement; but at least his little gang of friends made it worth while. They all weren't the best students - in the way they didn't do their own homework, and didn't have the best relationships with the other students.

    Matt crossed his arms leaning at the gate, waiting with Zacky for the others. With a cigarette in his hand, he took a few puffs from it and exhaled the translucent smoke. "I have a feelin' this year will be better than last." Matt commented, as he simply cast his view over the students walking past them - some of them stared, and to which Matt just glared and they continued on their way... Two particular people, however, caught his eye.

    "Hey, Zee - look at those girls." He nodded towards the red and the blonde's direction, seeing as Zacky didn't notice them yet. They looked nervous, and since he hadn't seen them before came to the conclusion they were knew. As they approached, Matt noticed the blonde one much more - her eyes were beautiful, and she looked cute; not his normal type, but he smirked slightly at the thought.
    January 21st, 2018 at 09:54pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ tommygun baby

    Kelsey was nervous for today. It had been a little over a year since she had been in a public school and she had all these fears running through her mind. She walked with her best friend Veronica and as they neared the gates, she stopped.

    “I don’t think I can do this, Ronnie.” She said, using a nickname only she was allowed to call Veronica. “I’m going to be sick.” She said, starting to panic.

    It only increased whenever she saw two guys approaching them. They looked like the guys from their old school that used to bully her so she immediately hid behind Veronica when they approached.
    Zacky was texting on his phone and taking a hit off his cigarette every now and then when he heard Matt. He looked up, seeing the two girls that were clearly new. “Hmm, we should go say hello.” He said, stomping his cigarette out and putting his phone in his pocket.

    He walked over with Matt, seeing the smaller blonde girl hiding behind the red head. He looked the red head over, she wasn’t his type but she was beautiful. “You two must be new.” He said, looking at them. “I’m Zacky and this is Matt.”
    January 21st, 2018 at 10:20pm
  • tommygun baby

    tommygun baby (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Veronica looked over the two guys, and her gaze lingered on the one called Zacky for a bit longer than she liked. When Kelsey hid behind her, Veronica just placed her hand on Kelsey's that was squeezing her arm. "Yeah, we're new - I'm Veronica, and this one is Kelsey."

    Her gaze went back to Kelsey, making sure she wasn't having a major panic attack. "Nice to meet you two." Veronica said with a half dimpled smile, before pulling out two pieces of paper from her pocket. "You two must know your way around - can you tell us where our classes are?"
    Matt simply looked at the one called Kelsey, and smiled sympathetically. When Veronica spoke about the timetable, Matt took it and raised a quizzical brow. "Why do you two only have one lesson a day?"

    "Ur... Reasons."

    "Fair enough; well I can take your friend to her lesson as she's in my class - and I think you're in Zacky's." Matt said, passing Veronica's timetable to Zacky.

    "Hey, Kelsey right? I know this school is rather intimidating, and so are the people in it - but you just gotta find the right friends and they'll help you through it; and I can tell Veronica is a good friend of yours already." He said with his dimpled smile towards Kelsey.
    January 21st, 2018 at 10:32pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ tommygun baby

    Kelsey looked at the one named Matt before looking at Veronica. She urged her that it was okay and safe, so Kelsey sighed. “I know..” she said quietly whenever Matt mentioned that Veronica was a good friend.

    She watched her walk off with Zacky and she felt alone and afraid again. Sure, Matt was being nice to her now but what if he changed or started acting mean with his friend and Veronica gone now.
    “So what’d yall do? Burn your school down?” Zacky messed with her. He looked at her, seeing no reaction. “I’m just playing, but I am interested, you don’t have to tell me right now though.” He said.

    He showed her some of the buildings along the way, the main office, the bathrooms, the cafeteria, the gymnasium and the library. “I don’t know how much time you’ll be spending here but those are the important buildings you should know.” He said, leading her upstairs to their class.
    January 21st, 2018 at 10:50pm
  • tommygun baby

    tommygun baby (100)

    Great Britain (UK)
    Veronica simply walked beside Zacky, taking in all the information about the surrounding buildings and classrooms. Going up the stairs, Veronica sighed under her breath.

    "I'm only really here for one lesson a day; same with Kelsey. When we're more confident, we will eventually become full time students; but I think Kelsey will take more time because she's... Very weary of people."

    With a dimpled smile when Zacky looked at her, Veronica thought it best to change the subject. "I guess you don't like school that much either... There's so many other things I'd love to do instead of be in a restricted shit-hole."
    Matt saw Kelsey's shoulders tense, and frowned slightly in a saddened way. From her posture and the way she was nervous and anxious when her friend left, she was either scared of men or scared of new people all together. "I'll show you the main parts of the school you need to know, and then I'll take you to our first lesson."

    While he pointed out all the key parts of the school like the cafeteria and bathrooms, he pointed to room 12 ."This is our class; Biology isn't fun but hopefully you'll understand it more than me." He said, rubbing the back of his neck and laughing slightly.
    January 22nd, 2018 at 07:22pm
  • black.dahlia

    black.dahlia (100)

    United States
    @ tommygun baby

    Zacky nodded. “I’ve missed so many days, I’m surprised I’m even enrolled still.” He laughed slightly. He showed her the classroom. “Room 18. English Lit. It sucks but I guess it could be worse.” He said, opening the door.

    They were early, the teacher turned in her chair as she looked at them. “Mr. Baker, you’re abnormally early today.” She said and looked past him to the girl. “And you must be a new student. I’m Mrs. Defoe, and you are?” She asked the girl.
    Kelsey relaxed a little when she realized Matt wasn’t going to hurt her. “At my old school Biology was my favorite subject, well, one of them.” She said.

    She followed Matt into the classroom, noticing they were a little early because no one else was there except the teacher. Of course it had to be a male teacher, Kelsey immediately tensed up again. She was afraid of men, because of everything she had been through. It didn’t matter if they were her age or older, she had been bullied by the male peers and even her male teachers; so no one could really blame her for being scared of them now.
    January 22nd, 2018 at 08:29pm