I know your type, boy you're dangerous

  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Kaitlyn Harvey

    I know your type
    Yeah daddy's little girl
    Just take a bite, one bite
    Let me shake up your world
    Cause just one night couldn't be so wrong
    I'm gonna make you lose control

    Zacky Baker

    Kaitlyn played by zacky vee;
    Zacky played by castle.
    January 29th, 2018 at 08:20am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Kaitlyn slung her bag over her shoulders as she stepped out of the building where her history class was held. It was a beautiful day in southern California, so she thought she might see if Bree and Michael wanted to study for pre-calculus outside today instead of in the library. It was such a nice day, she hated to see it go to waste because they had to study. She pulled out her phone to message her roommate Bree, but before she could do the same to Michael, she heard a familiar voice calling her name from across the quad. Smiling when she spotted Michael, Kaitlyn hurried forward to meet him, letting him take her hand as they made their way to the on-campus coffee shop.

    "So I figured we could see if Bree wanted to study outside today," Kaitlyn said, looking up at Michael. He was a sophomore and a year ahead of her and was well-known around campus because of his position on the football team. Kaitlyn was well-known by association and if asked, many people around campus would say they were dating. Kaitly couldn't exactly say what they were. They hadn't bothered to put a label on anything, but they acted like a couple. Once they had their coffees in hand, Kaitlyn led Michael to a table outside. Across the quad she could hear people shouting and when she looked up, she spotted a couple of somewhat familiar faces wrestling in the grass.

    "Isn't that one of your suitmates?" Kaitlyn asked, pointing out the taller boy. Michael's dorm was arranged in a way in that two rooms shared a common area with a single bathroom and shower, and she was quite sure the taller boy was one of the two who occupied the other room in Michael's suite.

    "Jimmy?" Michael asked. "Yeah, that's him. Actually, I think that's Johnny he's got pinned to the ground. They're nice guys, but they're loud as shit."

    As she watched, three other boys approached Jimmy and Johnny, but Kaitlyn turned her attention to her phone when it buzzed on the table. "Bree said she would meet us to study in fifteen minutes."
    January 30th, 2018 at 08:10am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Being a part of a band that was locally famous, Zacky wanted nothing more than to drop out of school and pursue the band with all that he had. He was sure that one day his band was going to make it big and he wasn't going to need some fancy degree to be successful in his life. Instead, he was going to impact peoples' lives through music and he was going to be able to travel the world as he did that. Of course, women came hand in hand with the whole rockstar package and even now, Zacky was seeing those benefits. It wasn't very hard for him to find a girl that would say yes to him, usually if he flaunted the fact that he was a musician and he tossed in his Italian accent that only ever normally came out when he was angry or excited over something. Even prudes ended up spreading their legs for him if Zacky tried hard enough.

    Zacky tended to keep his attention focused on girls that were easy because it meant less work for him and typically, they didn't get attached to him. He hated clingy girls who thought they had any sort of semblance of a chance with Zacky. He was more of a one night stand sort of guy. A young musician, if anyone expected anything else with him they were naive.

    It was one night nearly a week and a half ago that Brian had walked up to him with a shit eating grin and a dare that Zacky couldn't turn down. Get into the pants of the Harvey girl that was in one of Brian's classes. Apparently she was known as a prude and was dating a guy that Brian didn't really care for for no real reason in particular. Zacky would only win the bet if he was able to fuck Miss Prude within two months of first speaking to her.

    Zacky had planted the seed, smiled at Kaitlyn a time or two in the hallway but did nothing more. He was sure Kaitlyn had heard of his reputation by now so Zacky knew that he had his work cut out for him. He was just biding his time until he was able to actually form some sort of plan. Rolling his eyes as they approached the quad, Zacky tried to ignore Matt starting to nag him about the little beg that had been pledged between Brian and himself.

    "Fuck off, Matt. Jesus. You know if anyone is capable of getting in Miss Prude's pants, it's the Italian stallion," Zacky commented, waving his hand down his body as he smirked. He was confident and when he spotted Kaitlyn across the yard, Zacky didn't even care enough to slow in his approach despite the fact that Michael was standing with her. If he was going to get the guys to shut up, he needed to press his luck just a bit more. He cleared his throat as he came to a stop in front of the couple, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Hey, uh. So my friends are kind of being jerks and saying that I don't get enough people out to our shows so I was hoping you guys could help me spread the word a little. Tell all your friends about the show we're doing next Friday," Zacky paused long enough to pull a card out of his pocket which he made sure to hand to Kaitlyn instead of Michael. "That has all the details on it. Make sure you tell your friends!" Zacky exclaimed again, grinning before he spun and started to walk awa from from.

    {I have no idea. lmfao I'm just winging this i'm sorry}
    February 10th, 2018 at 03:54am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    [Italian stallion, I can't lmfao]

    By the time Bree finally arrived, speaking a mile a minute about how her English professor was a lunatic, Kaitlyn and Michael had nearly finished their coffees. Getting to her feet, the blonde went over to throw her empty cup into the trash. "Why don't we go to the south lawn to study?" she asked. The south lawn was on the far side of the English and history building and was far quieter than the quad. There was no way they would be able to get anything done out here. Michael and Bree agreed, but first Bree insisted on getting a coffee and quick snack. As she and Michael stood by waiting for the other girl, Kaitlyn noticed a familiar face approaching the two of them. She didn't know Zacky Baker personally, but she knew him. Everyone did. He was a well-known womanizer on campus but despite that, he had no shortage of girls throwing themselves at him.

    Zacky stopped in front of the two of them, yammering on about his band and how his friends said he didn't get enough people out to watch them perform. Kaitlyn wondered why he was telling them, but before she could get a word in edgewise, Zacky was shoving a card in her direction and hurrying away. "What the hell were you guys doing talking to Zacky Baker?" Bree asked, approaching the couple with her coffee and sandwich in hand. In lieu of an answer, Kaitlyn handed her friend the card Zacky had given her. "Ooh! Did he invite you to his show? We should go! We need something better to do than sitting in our room on a Friday night."

    "You guys can go," Michael said as they started to make their way to the south lawn. "There's a game Saturday so I have a curfew Friday night and coach will know if I break it."

    "And we would hate for you to be benched when you're finally able to start!" Kaitlyn exclaimed, smiling at him. She knew Michael was excited that he was starting this game. Kaitley could feel Bree staring at her and she rolled her eyes. "I'll think about it, okay? You know I'm not really into crowds." But Kaitlyn knew Bree would drag her to the show if that's what it came down to. Bree always complained that they didn't do anything and Kaitlyn was sure Bree thought that likely every member of Zacky's band was attractive. It seemed like every girl on campus did.
    February 10th, 2018 at 08:55am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky rolled his eyes as he made his way back over to the boys, noting that Matt and Brian had joined Johnny and Jimmy since he had walked away. He wondered briefly if Jimmy would start asking questions and he wasn't the least bit surprised when his friend started in on asking when his first date with Kaitlyn would be. On when they were going to get married and how many kids they were going to have. Of course none of that was likely to happen; except the date. Zacky fixed Jimmy with a bored look, huffing when the drummer whined and started bouncing on his feet, wanting to get more information out of Zacky.

    "For fuck's sake. Fuck off, alright? We all know that it's going to take a lot of work for it to happen, inviting her out to our show is the the very fuckin' beginning," Zacky snapped, not even bothering to try and hide just how annoyed by his friend that he was. Letting out a sigh, Zacky reached up to run a hand through his hair before giving his head a shake.

    Brian laughed, reaching over to give Jimmy's shoulder a shove. "Shut up, man. He's right. Otherwise you'll throw his game off and end up messing up his mojo for the show tonight," Brian pointed out causing Jimmy to settle down almost immediately. Though he gave a finger wave, his eyes bulging as his mouth dropped. "Mojo? Oh, we shouldn't be messing around with that..." he trailed off before letting out a cackle of his own.

    Zacky simply gave another roll of his eyes, heading toward the campus cafeteria. The food wasn't necessarily the best but fuck, Zacky was hungry and he was annoyed by the boys. He knew that food would shut them all up. Young men always had healthy appetites.
    February 26th, 2018 at 02:14am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    At some point during the afternoon, Michael splintered off from Kaitlyn and Bree, headed to the stadium for football practice. And as soon as he was gone, Bree immediately began pestering Kaitlyn about going to watch Zacky's band play. "Please Kaitlyn, it'll be fun!" Bree said as they made their way back to their dorm room. "And I think you owe it to me since you wouldn't go with me to the Kappa Sig party last weekend."

    "I told you I would think about it," Kaitlyn hissed. "I don't even know why you want to go, do you even like rock music?" Bree.made some sort of comment about the band's other guitarist being cute and Kaitlyn rolled her eyes. If Bree wanted to go so she could try and hook up with this other guy, then she could go on her own. Kaitlyn wasn't about to be left alone in a place she didn't know so Bree could get laid. Back at their dorm room, Kaitlyn shrugged her backpack onto her desk before dropping onto her bed. She reached for her remote, turning on their shared television as Bree went to her closet to grab a change of clothes.
    When Friday night finally rolled around, Kaitlyn was slightly irritated to find herself crammed into the small venue where Zacky's band was supposed to be taking the stage any minute now. Somehow, Bree had managed to convince her to go, so here she was. But she planned on leaving as soon as the show was over, even if it meant dragging Bree out by the collar of her shirt. Suddenly the lights went down and the crowd around Kaitlyn started to shout as Zacky's band made their way out onto the stage. The music that filled the small venue made Kaitlyn's head hurt and she could understand why Zacky said not a lot of people came to their shows.
    February 27th, 2018 at 09:34am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky was still hopeful that his band would one day break through and make it big. That way he could leave his boring ass college life behind and become the rockstar that he had always wanted to be. That didn't necessarily entail drugs and sleeping with every woman who happened across his path, just the money and not having to worry about paying back his tuition or whether he'd make enough money to pay rent or feed himself. There had been a few very small tours that they had gone on and when he had returned, his mother threw a fit because as she had put it, he was green and half the size that he had been before he left.

    They were half way through their five song set before Zacky even noticed Kaitlyn and Bree in the crowd. It was a small one but Zacky was used to losing himself in the music more often than not. When he finally made eye contact with Kaitlyn, he grinned giving her an appreciative nod before his attention was pulled elsewhere by Matt.

    The show ended and Zacky was quick to step off the stage, shoving his shitty guitar into its case before he helped the band take everything out to the trailer that was hitched to Matt's way-past-its-prime suv. Zacky sighed as they headed back inside, turning this way and that almost immediately in search of Kaitlyn. When he caught sight of her, he shoved a hand into his pocket before he slowly started to approach her. Zacky tried to act nonchalant, knowing that the game of bedding a good girl who was already dating someone else wasn't going to be an easy one.

    "Hey," Zacky greeted her, offering a bright smile. "You came," he commented, tilting his head to the side. "Thanks for coming out and showing support. It's really appreciated," He said, straightening up a bit. He nodded toward the bar in the center of the room. "Can I buy you a drink as a thanks?"
    March 20th, 2018 at 03:19am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Kaitlyn was thanking the heavens that Zacky's band's show was a short one. She took Bree's hand as the crowd started to filter out, not wanting to lose her friend in the sea of people. Somehow they hadn't managed to make it back inside by the time the band returned and before they could make it out the door, Kaitlyn spotted Zacky heading in their direction. "Yeah, Bree insisted," she told him, shrugging her shoulders. It was a little odd to her that Zacky hadn't even acknowledged the other girl, but she didn't waste too much time thinking about it. "How exactly are you going to buy me a drink?" Kaitlyn asked. "I know you're not twenty one. Besides, it's getting late, I--" She stopped short when Bree gave her a sharp nudge in the ribs, glaring at the other girl.

    "She would love for you to buy her a drink," Bree answered for her, and Kaitlyn's glare deepened. "Go!" Bree hissed in her ear. "Stop being such a goodie two shoes. It's not like you're going to fuck him, he's just buying you a drink. Loosen up."

    "Alright, fine," Kaitlyn huffed. She yanked her arm from Bree's grip. She turned to Zacky. "I guess you're buying me a drink." She could feel Bree's eyes on the two of them as she followed Zacky to the small bar. Honestly, she didn't understand why Bree was so insistent about this. Kaitlyn barely knew Zacky and he had a reputation around campus as a womanizer. Which was one of the main reasons she didn't understand why he'd taken an interest in her. Quite the opposite of Zacky, Kaitlyn had a reputation as being innocent, almost frigid. She barely let Michael kiss her, just chaste little pecks on the cheek or lips. She was a far cry from the sexually promiscuous girls Zacky normally chased after.
    March 20th, 2018 at 07:40am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky's face fell a bit when Kaitlyn started to deny his request to buy her a drink. He knew that it had been a far fetch. Kaitlyn's reputation wasn't exactly one that led him to think she would break the rules but still he had been a bit hopeful that it would work. After all, a drink or two would help loosen up Kaitlyn and allow them to grow closer like he was wanting them to. He was even more so surprised when Bree somehow convinced Kaitlyn to agree to a drink, offering the other girl a thankful smile as he gave a nod of his head. Turning around, Zacky led Kaitlyn over toward the bar.

    While he and the rest of the band were underaged, the owner of the bar knew that their band was pulling in bigger and bigger crowds as time wore on so he tended to overlook the fact that they were a bit younger than they were supposed to be. Zacky glanced over to Kaitlyn after he had ordered his jack and coke, raising an eyebrow. "And whatever this girl wants to drink," he said, keeping his tone light and teasing as he nudged Kaitlyn gently with his elbow.

    Once they each had their drinks, Zacky turned and led them over to a slightly less crowded area of the building. "So how'd you like the show? I know it's probably not your type of music but I still hope you enjoyed yourself either way," he said, hoping that he could play her emotions and get her to say she had enjoyed herself in any sort of way. If she did, she at least either really liked his music or she cared enough about him that she didn't want to hurt his feelings. It was a win-win, Zacky hoped.
    April 1st, 2018 at 10:18pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Kaitlyn had expected Zacky to have to do a bit of convincing to get the bartender to serve them drinks, but the bartender didn't ask a single question. Kaitlyn huffed underneath her breath when Zacky nudged her with his elbow. She'd spent the better part of their show constantly being elbowed and her side was still a little sore from where Bree had jammed her elbow into it. "I'll just have a...Long Island ice tea, I guess?" Kaitlyn said, although it came out sounding like a question. She wasn't much of a drinker, so she wasn't sure what was good and what wasn't. She didn't know what was in a Long Island ice tea, but it couldn't be that bad, could it? It was called Long Island iced tea for God's sake.

    Kaitlyn held the drink awkwardly against her chest as she followed Zacky away from the bar. She took a sip of the drink, deciding it wasn't too bad despite the fact that she could definitely taste the alcohol. What alcohol it was she was tasting she wasn't exactly sure. "Uh, it was alright, I guess," Kaitlyn said, swirling her little straw around her glass. "Kind of loud. I couldn't really understand a lot of the lyrics. But you guys are good. Technically, I mean. Like you can play well, if that makes any sense."

    Kaitlyn probably would've lied to Zacky and told him she thought the show was good even if she really didn't. She was too nice for her own good, everyone always told her that. He obviously cared a lot about his band and their music and she didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him she thought they were awful. "But you're right, it's not really my cup of tea," Kaitlyn admitted. She sipped at her drink again. "I like rock music, but like, classic rock, you know? Like Skid Row. I love Skid Row. But thanks for inviting me, anyway. You probably saved me from a night of babysitting Bree at a frat party."
    April 3rd, 2018 at 01:06am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Kaitlyn had expected Zacky to have to do a bit of convincing to get the bartender to serve them drinks, but the bartender didn't ask a single question. Kaitlyn huffed underneath her breath when Zacky nudged her with his elbow. She'd spent the better part of their show constantly being elbowed and her side was still a little sore from where Bree had jammed her elbow into it. "I'll just have a...Long Island ice tea, I guess?" Kaitlyn said, although it came out sounding like a question. She wasn't much of a drinker, so she wasn't sure what was good and what wasn't. She didn't know what was in a Long Island ice tea, but it couldn't be that bad, could it? It was called Long Island iced tea for God's sake.

    Kaitlyn held the drink awkwardly against her chest as she followed Zacky away from the bar. She took a sip of the drink, deciding it wasn't too bad despite the fact that she could definitely taste the alcohol. What alcohol it was she was tasting she wasn't exactly sure. "Uh, it was alright, I guess," Kaitlyn said, swirling her little straw around her glass. "Kind of loud. I couldn't really understand a lot of the lyrics. But you guys are good. Technically, I mean. Like you can play well, if that makes any sense."

    Kaitlyn probably would've lied to Zacky and told him she thought the show was good even if she really didn't. She was too nice for her own good, everyone always told her that. He obviously cared a lot about his band and their music and she didn't want to hurt his feelings by telling him she thought they were awful. "But you're right, it's not really my cup of tea," Kaitlyn admitted. She sipped at her drink again. "I like rock music, but like, classic rock, you know? Like Skid Row. I love Skid Row. But thanks for inviting me, anyway. You probably saved me from a night of babysitting Bree at a frat party."
    April 3rd, 2018 at 01:06am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky took a long sip of his drink, biting back a laugh when Kaitlyn all but admitted that she didn't like his music. But when she said that they played good, he appreciated it. It was better than Kaitlyn just saying that they sucked completely and walking away. That would have not only been a blow to his ego but it would have been a blow to his progress with her. He knew that he only had a certain amount of time to accomplish this little task if he wanted to win the bet and any step backwards, well that was the complete opposite of what he wanted. He wanted to continue to move forward. He didn't like to lose in anything in life, including such an awful, selfish bet.

    "I would have never pegged you as a girl that likes classic rock," Zacky admitted with a soft laugh. He took a sip of his drink, giving an appreciative nod of his head at the mention of Skid Row. "I'm going to see Metallica in a few weeks. I have an extra ticket because my friend isn't able to make it," he paused long enough to wonder briefly if this was a horrible idea.

    "Ticket is there. I mean, if you want to come along," Zacky explained a bit further with a shrug of his shoulders. He didn't want to pressure Kaitlyn into going but he thought it would be the perfect opportunity to get closer to her. Who knew, maybe he would even end up sleeping with her that night. Concerts always were a special night. Glancing over to her, he raised an eyebrow. "What do you think? You able to make it?"
    April 4th, 2018 at 08:53pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Kaitlyn shrugged when Zacky said he hadn't really pegged her as someone to like classic rock. That was one of the more common reactions she got when she told people. Most people assumed, that because she was a skinny, blonde, white girl, she was into pop music or something like that. And while she did enjoy a few pop songs and found even the ones she didn't like catchy, she much preferred classic rock. "My dad raised me on it," Kaitlyn told him. "Some of my earliest memories are sitting in the backseat of his car with Skid Row on the radio."

    It had only been a few minutes, but Kaitlyn was already tired of nursing her drink. In most cases, like at a party with Bree, she would find some way to discreetly dispose of the drink, but doing that now would be rude. So she took a deep breath and slurped down the rest of it, feeling the alcohol burn a little bit as it went down her throat. She was barely paying attention to Zacky as he spoke to her about seeing Metallica, but her attention was drawn once again when he mentioned having a spare ticket. "I-I don't know," Kaitlyn stammered. "I'd have to think about it. You didn't even say what day it was."

    Kaitlyn wondered how Michael would feel about her going to a concert with Zacky, alone. Granted, they weren't official but they were exclusive, weren't they? She knew Bree would be thrilled at the idea and would likely do her level-best to convince Kaitlyn to go. Which was exactly why Kaitlyn wouldn't mention it to her friend at all. She was a push-over and if Bree pressed hard enough, Kaitlyn would give in just to get Bree to leave her alone. "Um, thanks for the drink but I should probably be getting back to Bree," Kaitlyn said. "Just let me know which day and I can probably tell you if I can make it to that concert. Okay, bye!" Kaitlyn hurried away before Zacky could stop her, hurrying back over to Bree. "Alright, let's get the hell out of here."
    April 5th, 2018 at 09:10am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    { wasn't sure where to take this so 'm winging it}

    When Kaitlyn left the bar, Zacky was torn with how he felt. He felt somewhat triumphant because Kaitlyn had come to the show and ultimately, he had gotten to know her a bit. Sure, Bree had pushed the other girl into it but it was still more progress than he thought he would make tonight. Matt and Brian had both descended upon him the moment that they had realized he was alone, demanding to know about what they had missed. It wasn't anything particularly exciting but it was still a first step, right?
    Monday rolled around and all Zacky wanted to do was go the hell back to sleep. Just like every other weekend, Zacky had partied hard and he was currently nursing a hangover. Trudging to class among noisy ass students wasn't helping his case either. Grumbling under his breathe, Zacky wasn't paying much attention so when he smacked into someone, he turned to snap at them. His lips parted as he readied to berate them, only to realize it was Kaitlyn. Shit. His arm flung out to slide around her waist, stopping her from falling. Or so he hoped she would take it as that.

    He flashed a light smile, clearing his throat as he dropped his arm suddenly. "Sorry, I, uh, didn't see you there. Have a major headache right now so I'm just trying to get to class before I die from all this light," he said with a soft laugh, trying to ease the tension that had sparked between them. "Hope I didn't startle you too much."
    April 16th, 2018 at 02:51am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    Kaitlyn really wasn't paying attention as she walked to class, daydreaming a little as music played through her earbuds. But she still wasn't prepared to run into anyone, so when she was a little irritated when she felt someone run into her in the hallway, especially since it wasn't even that crowded. She felt an arm slip around her waist even though she was in no danger of falling and when she looked over to see who she'd ran into, Kaitlyn saw Zacky standing in front of her. "A major headache?" Kaitlyn repeated, pausing her music. As she thought about it and took in Zacky's rather disheveled appearance, she knew what he meant. "You're hungover," she said. She pulled her bag forward, digging around inside. "Here." She held out her hand until Zacky did the same, dropping a couple of Tylenol into his open palm. "Take these, you'll feel better."

    Kaitlyn has always been the 'mom type' of her friend groups, so she didn't really think much of giving Zacky the medicine. She didn't mind taking care of people when they didn't feel good, even if they brought it on themselves. If she did mind, she wouldn't be a nursing major. "You know you wouldn't be so hungover if you didn't drink so much," Kaitlyn said, smiling lightly. She knew saying that to Zacky was like talking to a brick wall. She might not knew Zacky all that well personally, but he and his friends had a reputation that preceded them around campus. They were always at almost every party, usually drinking way too much. Kaitlyn only went to parties when she was dragged along by Bree and she had a drink or two at most. She usually needed to keep a level head so she could make sure Bree got back to their room safely.

    "Well, uh, I've got to get to my zoology class," Kaitlyn said. "So...take those Tylenol. I'm practically a nurse, I know what I'm talking about." Shooting Zacky another smile, she ducked around him, hurrying off down the hall towards her classroom. She saw no reason not to be nice to Zacky, but she had to be careful not to be too nice. She didn't want him to think she was flirting with him or anything. She knew what Zacky's main focus tended to be when it came to girls and she wasn't like that.
    April 17th, 2018 at 06:11am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky looked a bit sheepish as Kaitlyn called him out on his bluff. He gave a shrug of his shoulders, chewing on the inside of his lip. "Well... yeah, okay. Maybe," he voiced, letting out a soft laugh as he studied her. He shoved his hands into his pockets, his brows pulling together as he watched her dig around her purse. Realization dawned on his features when Kaitlyn produced some tylenol. He hesitated for a moment, studying her before finally holding out his hand to her. "Thanks, Kaitlyn. I really do appreciate it..." he trailed off, giving her a grateful smile.

    Zacky couldn't help but laugh at her comment, nodding his head slowly. "Yeah, I guess not, huh? But then," he paused, smirking a bit as he cocked his head to the side. "But then I wouldn't have nearly as much fun and what's the, well, fun in that?" He asked, making sure to keep his tone light and teasing.

    Holding up his hand that held the tylenol in a silent 'thanks' Zacky watched Kaitlyn retreat down the hallway. He wanted to follow after her but he knew that it was going to take a bit of time with Kaitlyn. Whether he wanted to accept that or not, Zacky knew that he was going to have work with that.
    April 20th, 2018 at 06:10pm
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    As she headed down the hall to her classroom, Kaitlyn couldn't help but turn back to glance at Zacky. She'd never run into him in this building before, so she was a little curious as to why she suddenly was now. She didn't think highly enough of herself to say he was doing it on purpose so she was giving him the benefit of the doubt. Who knew, maybe he had a class here? She knew the introductory biology and chemistry classes were held here. And judging by the attitude he seemed to have for school in general, Kaitlyn doubted Zacky had done well enough in high school to skip either one of them.
    With all of her classes done for the day, Kaitlyn was looking forward to lunch with Bree. She didn't much care for what they were serving in the hot line, so she grabbed a couple slices of pizza before she joined her friend at a table. "Where's Michael?" Bree asked, looking up as Kaitlyn took a seat.

    "At the stadium, I think," Kaitlyn answered. "I texted him and he said he had stuff to do for football, so that's what I'm assuming, anyway."

    "Aww, no lunch date with your football stud today," Bree teased. Kaitlyn reached out to shove her, using her free hand to shove her pizza slice into her mouth. "But that's okay, because your other boyfriend is here."

    Kaitlyn turned her head in the direction Bree was pointing, rolling her eyes when she saw Zacky. "He's not my boyfriend," she huffed. "I mean, he's nice and everything, but we're just friends. If even that. And besides, I'm with Michael, remember? And you know all Zack Baker wants from girls is sex."
    April 23rd, 2018 at 07:45am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    It wasn't very often that Zacky found himself sitting at the campus cafeteria to eat but he was fuckin' hungry and now that his headache had cleared up, he knew that he was getting dangerously close to being hangry. And that wouldn't be good for anyone on campus. He stalked forward, to where the premade salads were. He wasn't normally much of a salad person but he thought it might be better to have something healthier than the cheeseburger that he was actually craving at the moment.

    Zacky paid for his lunch, already having taken a sip from the powerade that he'd bought as a drink. He looked up, searching for an empty seat where he could enjoy his shittily made salad. There were a few empty seats that he could have snagged but then his eyes were landing on Bree and Kaitlyn. Bree's attention was already on him so he figured it was safe to approach them, especially when Bree smirked in his direction.

    Clearing his throat as he approached, Zacky motioned to the seat beside Kaitlyn. "Hey, mind if I sit?" Of course, Zacky would have preferred Kaitlyn say yes but before she was given the chance, Bree was nodding and urging him to sit down so he did. He took a bite out of his salad before looking up, toward the girls. "How're you girls?" He paused for a moment, eyeing Kaitlyn. "I'm feeling better than I was this morning, thank you. By the way."
    April 29th, 2018 at 06:20am
  • pat semetary;

    pat semetary; (200)

    United States
    "Ooh look, he's coming over," Bree whispered.

    Kaitlyn rolled her eyes, taking another bite of her pizza. Her mouth was full when Zacky finally approached the table and asked if he could join them, so it was up to Bree to give him his answer. It wasn't like Kaitlyn would've told him no anyway, she was too nice. That's what everyone always told her. She was the nice girl, the goody two shoes. Kaitlyn scooted over when Zacky sat down next to her, just enough so that their elbows wouldn't bump as they ate. She couldn't help but notice that he was eating a salad, but she decided not to say anything. Good on him for at least trying to eat healthy, especially if he'd drank as much last night as he said he did.

    "I'm good," Kaitlyn answered. "More than good, actually. I'm done with classes for the day." She couldn't help but smile slightly when Zacky said he felt better than he did this morning, actually feeling a little proud of herself. She didn't know why, it wasn't exactly like Tylenol was some breakthrough treatment for a hangover that she'd thought up on the spot. "I can tell you feel better, you looked awful when I saw you this morning," Kaitlyn said, poking fun at Zacky. "I'm surprised you even went to class this morning if you drank as much as you said you did. But uh, if you don't mind my asking, what class do you have over there? I've never run into you before."

    "If it's biology, Kaitlyn can tutor you," Bree put in. Kaitlyn glared at her friend, something the brunette seemed to be purposefully ignoring. "She's really good at it. She even skipped the freshman biology course and went straight to Zoology. So she's really good. I wish she would've been here last year when I was taking it, maybe then I would've gotten better than a D."
    April 29th, 2018 at 09:57am
  • castle.

    castle. (2000)

    Zacky found himself being far more interested in how Kaitlyn was doing than he realized he would be, he had no real need to care other than pretending to to get her in his bed but for once, Zacky genuinely gave a shit about what she had to say. He cleared his throat as he listened to her speak. He gave a lazy smile at her comment, nodding his head. "Yeah, I felt like fuckin' garbage. Not going to lie about it," he said, letting out a small laugh as he shook his head.

    He raised an eyebrow at her question, surprised that she cared enough to even ask. That had to be a good thing though. Zacky opened his mouth to reply, only for Bree to pipe up with a comment. He didn't actually have a single class in this wing... but he knew someone who did and he was sure than Brian wouldn't mind his course load being lessened. Especially if it meant helping Zacky out with his little bet.

    Zacky cleared his throat, nodding as he glanced down to his half eaten salad. "Uh, yeah. Actually, it is biology," Zacky said with a small sigh. He reached up, running a hand through his hair as his shoulders sagged. "I'm basically good at every other subject but fuckin' biology," he said, groaning at the thought. Zacky gave a roll of his eyes to emphasize his point as he glanced toward Kaitlyn. "Would you really be able to help me?" Bree had only offered Kaitlyn's help, it was only fair to actually ask Kaitlyn for her assistance. If Kaitlyn was too busy or just plain didn't want to, there was nothing stopping her from saying no.
    April 29th, 2018 at 10:54pm