I Like That Your Broken, Broken Like Me. [closed]

  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 01:07am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    (ooh. Alright)

    Gwen nodded before smiling and looked around. She pulled out a deck of cards before asking, "I'm not sure. I think there's uno in here somewhere." She told her giving her a warm smile.

    Danny nodded in agreement. He saw Xander and watched to make sure he was alone. He then got up and grabbed him by the back of his head and slammed it into the side of the building hearing a disgusting scraping sound when his teeth made contact. "You son a bitch." He growled throwing him to the ground. The next thing he knew he had managed to shoot Xander but had gotten shot in his stomach. He groaned holding himself up by the wall. The guy who had shot him looked horrified. "What? You think it's my first time getting shot?" He hissed blood spitting out as he spoke. He raised his gun before shooting the other guy in the head.

    @ Gunslinger;
    March 5th, 2018 at 04:17am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    [yes! I was thinking Gwen's dad shows up when he finds out he is there and we can have Drama!]

    Nova looked at Gwen, "Oh I'm good a Uno. I hope you are ready to lose." she said, laughing softly. She hadn't played games like that in so long. Her and Danny use to play card games like that all the time.
    Dimitri frowned when he came around the corner after shooting a few guys. He found Danny leaning against the wall, "Oh fuck." He said. He moved his friend's hand seeing it was a bad gun shot wound. "You are going to hate me, but we have to take you to the hospital or you are going to bleed out." He said. He helped him to the car, "Just keep pressure on it." He said as he took off towards the hospital. Once they were there he helped him out, walking into the ER. He let the nurses take Danny, hearing them talk about surgery. He pulled his phone out calling Gwen. When she answered he sighed, "I need you to act as calm as possible." He said as he stood outside the building. "Danny got shot. I have him at the hospital. I need you to get Nova here. They took him back for emergency surgery." He explained. "If you have to tell her it was me okay? " He said. "I will be in the waiting room of the ER." He said before hanging up. He went to the bathroom and began to wash the blood of his hands. He looked at himself in the mirror then walked out and sat in the corner of the waiting room.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 04:26am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    (Oooh especially if he sees Gwen there xD)

    Gwen laughed and said, "I don't think I'm good at any card game. I don't even have a poker face." She told her. "Well, here goes nothing." She said after she had gotten the uno deck out and started playing with her. After a couple hours of losing Gwen shook her head gently. "I told you i was bad." She teased blinking hearing her phone ringing. She answered keeping her face as neutral as possible. "Okay." She hung up before saying, "Come on." She smiled at Nova gently. She made up some excuse before driving to the hospital. Once there, she sighed knowing Nova was going to get upset. "Danny is in emergency surgery right now, Nova.. I was told not to tell you and just to get you here." She murmured. She got out and saw Dimitri looking him over glad that he wasn't hurt. She hugged him and murmured, "Are you okay? How's Danny?" She asked seeing Nova beside her.

    Danny laughed shaking his head. "It's not going to be that easy to kill me." He heard his words and groaned as he leaned in the backseat and muttered. "Nova's going to be pissed." He sighed before he was taken back for surgery. Andrew Vanderbilt was alerted by one of his many many "spies" that Daniel Jackson had been taken into a hospital. He grabbed his keys and collected his things figuring if Daniel was there, so were his victims. He looked around to see if he needed anything else.

    @ Gunslinger;
    March 5th, 2018 at 04:34am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States

    Nova frowned as they got to the hospital. "What? Why the hell wouldn't you tell me!" She snapped. She walked inside, ignoring the people til she got to Dimitri. She listened to him as he talked about how they were still waiting. She sat down next to him, thinking about Danny. She looked at Dimitri, "What the fuck even happen?" She asked him quietly.

    Dimitri sighed, "We walked into an ambush. Danny shot Xander and I guess they just kind of exchanged bullets." He told her. He sat there with his arm around Gwen's shoulder.

    Nova looked up as the doctor came out and got to her feet. The surgeon looked at her, "He made it out of surgery just fine and he is in the room resting now. You can go see him if you want, but he it just waking up." He said. Nova nodded and looked at Dimitri and Gwen, "I'll be back." She said before she followed the surgeon. She walked to Danny's room, seeing him in the hospital bed. Nova walked in, shutting the door slightly. She stood next to his bed, "Danny." She said softly as she sat on the side of his bed, taking his hand. She watched as he looked at her, "Are you feeling okay?" She asked him, seeing that they had him on pain meds. She ran her fingers over his cheek. When he said he was she glared at him, "Good because you are a dumbass." She said, wanting to be so pissed off at him. "But i'm glad you are okay." She said as she kissed him. Sure he had been shot before, but he never had to be taken to the hospital. She held his hand as she sat there.

    Dimitri sighed, "She is going to give him so much shit." He said, chuckling. He looked over when the doors opened up and frowned when he seen Andrew Vanderbilt, "Oh fuck." He muttered.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 04:41am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Gwen sighed hearing her and said, "Because then you wouldn't think rationally and you'd behave like this and I was told not to." She replied watching her not exactly feeling like being snapped at at the moment. She ran a hand over her face gently before she walked in with her before sitting down beside Dimitri glad for the feeling of his arm around her. She listened and sighed biting her lip gently. "Well, I'm sure he'll be okay." She said trying to encourage Nova. Hearing Dimitri, she laughed. "Probably." She smiled and heard his words before glancing over seeing her father. "Dad?" She mumbled before realizing who she was with and muttered, "My life is over. But, I can keep him from messing with Danny since he'll be preoccupied with me." She said knowing that she was going to go through hell, but she figured she'd do what she could. Andrew's eyes caught sight of Gwendolyn and he immediately noticed that Dimitri's arm was around her. His thoughts of Danny were gone as he stormed into the waiting room grabbing her by her arm. "Don't." She hissed wrenching her arm out of his grasp. "Don't touch me like that." She told him. "Why? If you're going to act like a child and GO BEHIND MY BACK AND DO THIS, THEN I'M GOING TO TREAT YOU LIKE IT." He almost yelled.

    Getting up, Gwen said, "I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but I'm not by any means you. I will not do exactly what I'm told to do like some slave!" Andrew was shocked and glared at Dimitri. "Don't look at him! Look at me!" She told him before shaking her head. "Oh, no, I'm just the disappointment!" She told him. He began to yell and Gwen shook her head flashing Dimitri a look that almost said to get out of there and get Danny away. She could only keep his attention for so long.

    Danny slowly woke up and looked around the room. "Fucking great." He mumbled before he looked over seeing Nova. He sighed and kissed her hand gently. "I'm okay. I can feel it, but it's not as bad as the last time, even though I'm in a hospital." He murmured his throat dry and was unable to speak very well. he saw her glare and winced. He kissed her back and murmured, "Well, it was me or you." He looked at her knowing he was a little loopy from the morphine. "I will always choose you. And don't gripe and bitch at me about that. You won't change my mind. Never have and never will. Not when it comes to you." He reminded her feeling her fingers on his cheek. Hearing yelling, he raised an eyebrow. "Who's that?" He asked. Everything was hazy at the moment and all he wanted to do was sleep next to Nova but he knew for a fact that the person in him was making him stay awake because the yelling made him feel like he was being threatened.
    March 5th, 2018 at 04:54am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nova frowned, "I know baby. I just can't stand you being hurt like this." She whispered. She looked over as Dimitri came through the door, "what's wrong?" She asked.

    Dimitri looked at her, "We gotta get him up and out of here." He said, moving over to the bed. He looked at Danny, frowning when Nova went to stop him from removing the wires.

    Nova glared at him, "Don't he needs to be here." She said.

    Dimitri sighed, "Look Vanderbilt is out there right now and Gwen has him distracted. You wanna take this risk or do you want to look at Danny through a glass window the rest of your life?" He asked.

    Nova sighed, "Fine." She said, getting up. She turned the volume on the machine down and helped him unhook Danny. "Alright time to go baby." She said, helping Dimitri get him up. She helped him get to the elevator, frowning when one of the nurses when to stop them. She glared at the girl, knowing the girl saw the gun on her. She watched as she stopped then got in the elevator with him.

    Dimitri looked at her once the door closed, "So what you are just carrying a weapon now?" He asked.

    Nova rolled her eyes, "Someone threatened my life you think I'm just going to run around without a gun?" She asked.

    Dimitri chuckled, "Danny you alright?" He asked, seeing his friend was falling asleep on them.

    Nova smiled as she touched his cheek, "Stay awake baby." She said. she got him to the car, then climbed in the backseat with him. She watched as Dimitri texted Gwen. Nova sat in the back with Danny and ran her fingers through his hair. She hated that they couldn't let him rest in the hospital. "Go back to your place Dimitri." She told him. She knew that Vanderbilt probably had people outside watching for them.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:04am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Andrew rolled his eyes, "You're acting like a child!" Gwen glared stepping forward, "Oh really? And how is that?" She hissed knowing she was only supposed to be doing this to get Danny out but she was getting increasingly annoyed. "You're just hanging out with the people I'm trying to sent away to get back at me! And you moved out, or was that your boy toy's idea?" He shot back. "Don't call him that!" She almost yelled. She then shook her head, "Why would I try to get back at you? For being an ass? Well, I can't fix that. I love you, but if you want me to be here in your life with you, you need to do something other than run me into the ground!" She said feeling tears starting to build up. "That man is just using you to get to me, Gwendolyn!" He yelled. "Well, then I guess it's my decision, NOT YOURS!" She yelled back before saying, "Leave me alone." She mumbled grabbing her jacket and heading for the door. "STOP!" He yelled grabbing her hand. "Don't you dare look away from me when I'm talking to you!" He said. She wrenched her arm away from him once more before saying, "Bye, dad." She got into her car having seen the text from Dimitri and headed towards his apartment knowing her dad wouldn't tail her. Once there, she sighed seeing his car was there and was glad she had been able to help. She knocked on the door knowing it was locked.

    Danny laughed and said, "I know. I"ll get better." He assured her having to blink several times to keep from falling asleep. He heard Dimitri and said, "Vanderbilt is out there? Did you say Gwen is distracting him? Why?" He mumbled shaking his head again and sighed as they got him up and winced as he was moved around groaning slightly. He held onto her and Dimitri knowing he was a heavy guy. He heard Dimitri but was almost asleep. He nodded slightly. He felt Nova and muttered, "Fuckin' drugs." He tried to snap out of it. He felt them moving in the car and just let his head fall on her lap. He was comfortable and was once again jostled once they were there and taken into the room with the bed. He groaned feeling himself fall onto the bed. He sighed once he had stopped moving and just laid in the bed. "I hate fucking hospitals and their drugs." He almost slurred but had enough control not to.
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:14am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nova sat on the bed next to Danny, "Just get some sleep okay?" She said as she covered him up. She laid down beside of him, watching him. "I'm sorry we had to leave the hospital." she said. She knew he hated hospital, but she also thought he needed it. She held his hand as she laid with him, falling asleep next to him. She slept quietly next o him, not wanting to leave him alone. She didn't like that they had to keep hiding.
    Dimitri opened the door, letting Gwen in. He locked it back up, "Are you okay?" He asked her. He frowned when he noticed the bruise on her arm, "Don't tell me that asshole grabbed you?" He said, looking at her arm. He sighed as he let her go, "Thanks for helping with that. Danny is pretty fucked up from the morphine so I'm sure he is passed out by now." He said, chuckling. He sat next to her on the couch, "How pissed was your dad?" He asked.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:19am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Danny nodded before just laying his body closer to his. "It's fine. Better than having that ass bother me. Then he really would've died, just not from me." He teased her knowing she would've killed him. He smiled feeling her hand in his. He fell asleep soon enough and slept for a good long while. He had created a better lifestyle for them, but he knew along with it came certain risks and sometimes things like this happened. He knew it would blow over, but he hated to see Nova upset. He woke up sometime in the night with pain coming from his stomach.

    Gwen sighed once she was in the door. She smiled at him hugging him back. "Just still fighting with him. He called you a boy toy, then said you're using me to get to him and just kept on calling me a child. He got increasingly mad, so as much as he upset me, I'll take it seeing that look on his face." She told him smiling. She felt him touch her arm and said, "He did, but I don't think he meant to hurt me. Besides, I bruise easily." She teased him as she sat down with him on the couch. "You're welcome. While, I don't know Danny that well, Nova invited me over today after we ran ito each other at the mall and was nice to me and stuff, so I figured I'd help." She smiled. "I'm sure he is. I hate morphine." She told him. "He was so upset. But, he completely forgot about Danny and imagining the look on his face knowing he didn't even get to get him makes having to deal with him so worth it. I'm awful for saying that." She said laughing. She laid her head on his chest gently as she just leaned into him.
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:27am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nova woke up to the sound of Danny, "What's wrong?" She said in the darkness. She turned the lamp on and looked at him. She frowned when she seen he was in pain. "I will see if Dimitri has anything." She said, getting up. She walked out, seeing Dimitri and Gwen. "Do you have any pain killers?" She asked him. She hated that Danny was now going to have to suffer. She was glad when Dimitri pulled some from the back of his cabinet. She took them and a glass of water back to Danny. "Here baby." She said as she sat next to him.
    Dimitri nodded, "No offense, but your dad is an asshole." He said. He knew the man had a right to want to arrest Danny, but still the guy seemed like an asshole. "Also for the record I am not using you." He said. He got up when Nova came out and got some pain pills down for Danny. He walked to the bedroom, "You going to make it?" He teased his friend.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:34am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Danny sighed and murmured, "I didn't mean to wake you. It's just hurting." He explained and nodded gently and knew he had to lay down and not sit up even though he wanted to. He couldn't move around very well either. He pulled his phone out seeing he had a million messages from his guys and looked up seeing Nova. He smiled at her taking the medicine. "Thanks." He told her kissing her head gently. He looked up again seeing Dimitri and laughed. "I don't see you in the bed." He replied. "So, explain to me what happened at the hospital?" He asked wanting to know why they had to leave. He was still fucked up from the medicine, but it was wearing off from the fact that he could make comprehensible thoughts now.

    Gwen laughed. "None taken. I know he is." She sighed. "I called him out on it, too." She replied. She laughed once more hearing his words. "I know. I would be able to tell." She teased before saying, "I don't think you'd use me to get to him, because you figured out the first we met, that it wouldn't have worked." She teased him looking uo when Nova came out and asked how he was doing. She nodded her head, but knew it was none of her business and told Nova that she hoped he got better soon. She gave her a kind smile beore watching them go into the room where Danny was. She wound up laying down curling up and letting her head hit one of the pillows and falling asleep from the days occurences.

    @ Gunslinger;
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:41am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nova sat next to Danny as Dimitri explained what happened. She didn't like seeing Danny like this. She laid next to him and held his hand as she watched him. She was just glad that he was still around to be with her. She watched as Dimitri left then kissed Danny softly. "This Vanderbilt guy is slowly becoming an issue." she said.
    Dimitri sighed, "Well we were going to let your rest but then Vanderbilt showed up and decided to be a dick. Gwen distracted him and Nova and I got you the hell out of there." He said. "Just try to get some rest." He said. He walked out of the room, finding Gwen. He covered her up the made himself a bed on the floor and laid down, falling asleep.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:45am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Danny frowned hearing his words. Not only was he upset about Vanderbilt, he was confused as to why Gwen had helped him. He wondered if it was because of Nova or if she was just a good person and didn't actually want him dead. It confused him to hell and back. "Well, tell her thank you." He said knowing his pride was trying to stop him from saying those words. He nodded and waved to him before he laid down again kissing Nova back. "Yeah, well, he's been a pain in my ass from day one. Don't worry about it." He told her. "He'll eventually find someone else that fucks up." He smiled at her. "I'm sorry for worrying you." He told her as he let the back of his hand trace her cheek bones.

    Gwen woke up in the middle of the night to see Dimitri on the floor and frowned before taking her shoes off and shaking him awake and got him onto the couch and then just laid down beside him and cuddled into him. There was no sense for him to sleep on the floor. There was more than enough room on the couch. She woke in the morning and smiled seeing Dimitri was still asleep. She got up gently makign sure not to jostle the couch and ran a hand through her hair stretching a little yawning softly.

    @ Gunslinger;
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:50am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nova nodded, "It's okay." She whispered. "I just want you to get better." She said. She laced her fingers with his, "I also want to go back home because Dimitri's apartment sucks." She said, laughing softly. She closed her eyes and fell asleep him. She woke up the next morning to the sun in her eyes. She got up and got ready. She fixed her hair then walked out of the room, figuring she would let Danny rest. She noticed Gwen in the living room, "I'm starving." she said, opening the fridge. She decided to make some breakfast.
    Dimitri slept silently next to Gwen. He woke up to the sound of the girls talking and the smell of bacon. He sat up, rubbing the back of his neck. He looked at them in the kitchen, "Good morning." He said. He walked over to the kitchen, "Looks good." He said, looking at all the food.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 05:56am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    @ Gunslinger;
    Danny smiled at her and said, "I will." He promised er and laughed. "I'm sure just one more day here, and then we can leave. I don't think I'll be able to leave tomorrow." He told her apologetically. "The less I move with this wound the better." He explained. He fell asleep and slept throughout the night. He only woke in the morning to the smell of food as well as his wound hurting. He took another pill before getting up out of the bed. He made his way into the kitching living room area. He sat down once more. He knew he wasn't supposed to be moving, but he never listened.

    Gwen looked up seeing Nova and gave her a smile before going and getting dressed for the day. Once she was done, she laughed hearing her words and nodded. "I am too. I don't think any of us ate dinner last night." She told her before getting some pancake batter going while Nova did the eggs and bacon. She hummed softly just chatting with her. She heard Dimitri and smiled. "Hey." She looked over seeing Danny and frowned shaking her head knowing he shouldn't be moving. Especially when he was supposed to be in the hospital at the moment. She had completely forgotten about the bruises on her arm but they showed very starkly against her skin and the fact that she was wearing a tank top.
    March 5th, 2018 at 06:02am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nova frowned when she seen Danny, "What are you doing?" She asked him, going over to him. "You aren't suppose to be moving around." She said. "Do you want to be back in the hospital?" She scolded him. She sighed, knowing he was stubborn and always would be. "Are you hungry?" She asked him. She walked over to the counter and got him a plate of food. She took the food to Danny, then got herself a plate. She sat at the table, watching Danny.

    Dimitri grabbed himself some food, "See this is a nice breakfast." He said, smirking. He walked over and sat next to Danny. "You got in trouble." He teased his friend. He knew that for the most part they acted like hard asses, but they were just normal guys some of the time. He began to eat, enjoying his food. He glanced over, seeing the marks on Gwen's arm. He hated that he couldn't help her.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 06:07am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Danny winced hearing her words and said, "I came out to get food." He teased her before sighing and said, "Not really, but I figured it'd be easier if I just came in here. And before you say anything else, I moved like a sloth to get here." He nodded hearing her question. "Thank you." He told her smiling before rolling his eyes at Dimitri. "Shut the fuck up." He told him grinning. His eyes moved to watch Gwen looking down to see the bruise against her arm. "What happened there?" He asked figuring he'd be civil to her considering she wasn't going to problem to him. She had proved that last night when she had helped him get out of the hospital. He frowned hearing her words not knowing how he felt about that. She seemed sweet and the fact that her dad did that just kind of made him hate the man more.

    Gwen laughed and said, "Well, none of us had dinner so." She sat down at the table and watched the interaction between Danny and Dimitri and just chuckled laughing when Nova started to tear into him. She smiled and started to eat her food sipping on water between bites of food. Hearing Danny's question, she looked up surprised to see that he was speaking to her. "My dad grabbed my arm last night twice. He got upset with me." She shrugged. "I bruise easily, so It looks worse than it should be." She said that mainly for Dimitri figuring Danny didn't give a shit. She then stretched a little after eating her breakfast wondering what they would be doing today. She plopped her head down on her hand as she looked out the window, her thoughts someone else.

    @ Gunslinger;
    March 5th, 2018 at 06:13am
  • Gunslinger;

    Gunslinger; (100)

    United States
    Nova frowned when she heard Gwen talk about her dad grabbing her. "He sounds like a dick." She said. She finished her food and washed a few of the dishes. She walked over to Danny, "Are you done or do you want more?" She asked him. She knew sometimes he ate more depending on what kind of more he was in. She wasn't sure thought because he wasn't feeling well.
    Dimitri looked at Gwen, seeing she was in deep thought. He wondered if she regretted helping them. "So how long am I having all my guests?" He teased Danny. He knew his friend wouldn't stick around long if he could help it.

    @ FlyAway;
    March 5th, 2018 at 06:17am
  • Joker;

    Joker; (100)

    United States
    Danny nodded hearing Nova. "Well, he is one." He teased. He smiled before shaking his head. "I'm done. Thanks, love." He told her kissing her cheek before he looked back at Dimitri. "I'm thinking just for today and tonight and leave tomorrow. I don't think it would be a good idea to move around too much with this injury. I'm pretty sure if I tried to leave today, i'd bust a stitch or several." He explained. "Sorry." He told him hating that he was intruding.

    Gwen laughed hearing Nova. "Yeah, but he's my dad." She shrugged gently. She looked back hearing them beginning to speak blinking away her thoughts. She saw Dimitri looking at her, and gave him a smile before watching Danny say that he was going to stay another day so that when he moved back to his house his stitches wouldn't be jostled so bad since they were fresh. She thought that that made sense. She stood up getting Dimitri's plate and her own heading to the sink. She liked the keep herself busy and started to wash them before putting them in the drying rack. She walked back leaning against the counter as she watched them, feeling out of place since it wasn't her business.

    @ Gunslinger;
    March 5th, 2018 at 06:23am